I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 633 631 E-sports is booming

Chapter 633 631. E-sports is booming

"Hey, Sister Mo."

"There's no one around me."

Zhang Moyan said concisely and comprehensively:

"I was in a meeting just now. After seeing your message, there was someone next to me who didn't dare to look at Weibo... I have already seen her Weibo. What should I do next?"

"When do you plan to start it?"

"The filming...has to be postponed until after January. Because Bell wants to spend Christmas with his family. If he comes to China, it will be at least after the 5th."

Hearing this, Xu Xin counted the days for a while and said:

"Then let's just start, how about that?"

"Okay, what do you need me to do next? Report it?"

"No need for you, you just stare at people when they post on Weibo... That's too artificial. I've finished talking to Yang Mi about this matter, she knows how to handle it. What you have to do here is very simple, that is, do it for the old man Good job. This time, no mercy will be spared. If you should be fired, you should be fired. You can tell Sister Pang directly about this matter. We have been in contact during this period. There are many people in the crew who don’t like Zhang Weiping. Let’s forget it then. If everyone votes, He Jun will definitely be eliminated. Do you understand?"

"In other words, I don't need to take care of other things?"

"Yes, just wait for things to develop. Then just kill them and fire these people."

"...What are you going to do?"

"I won't tell you."

I deeply understand that this sister is also a "pig teammate" Xu Xinle:

"Don't worry about what I do. I'll take care of things for you anyway. All you need to do is persuade the old man to fire them and punish them severely."


"Well, I'll let Yang Mi communicate with you when the time comes. I'll hang up."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin half-squinted his eyes and his mind began to spin rapidly.

And just then...

Mengmeng has something to say!

Ever since Xu Xin got the information of all the girls in "Jinling", he asked Su Meng to pay attention to these people.

And in order to prevent the secret from being exposed, the account name used by Su Meng is called: Beauty Lover.

The avatar is a rogue rabbit.

As many hooligans as there are...

Originally, she was quite embarrassed to have chosen this ID... but considering her professional sensitivity, this Weibo ID followed a group of beauties, so it seemed natural.

Since November, she has seen several girls from "Jinling" start posting on Weibo.

She doesn't care who sends it, Brother Xu wants He Jun.

But now that He Jun finally showed his fox tail, she told Xu Xin immediately.

Then he sent an application to Brother Xu:

"Brother Xu...can I change my Weibo back?"


Xu Xin rejected her without saying a word.

Su Meng’s expression instantly changed!!! ∑(Дノ)ノ

Then he quickly said:

"Why? I am a girl, and my Weibo ID is Beauty Lover... I have a headache. And many of my classmates know that I am your assistant, and everyone wants to know about my daily life through Weibo. Life... But I don’t dare to say my Weibo ID, for fear that they will think I am a pervert..."

"Can't you just change your mobile phone number?"

"No, I've been using this phone number since high school and I can't bear to change it."

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"I told you back then, I told you to buy a new mobile phone number to register for Weibo, but you were lazy and insisted on using your own mobile phone number. You deserve it!"

“(▼ヘ▼ # )”

Through the rearview mirror, he glanced at the sad expression of his assistant and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Okay, okay, you can change it after this is over. Just bear with it a little longer, okay?"

"('ω') crab crab!"

Seeing the dancing virtue of the little assistant, Xu Xin silently pulled the seat belt and fastened it in front of him.

See how excited the children are.

All the way back home, when I walked in, I saw two big boxes at the door.

Yang Mi, who was sweating on her forehead, was sitting on the sofa with a look of despair.

Sitting on either side of her were two children who had eaten and wiped everything clean.

"I'm back~ Everything is packed, both boxes are... Mengmeng, no matter where you go, remember to check the weather forecast first. This time I folded the clothes according to the temperature. You can go back and do a good calculation, don't let you Brother has a cold."

"Okay, sister."

Su Meng, who was finally able to get rid of that perverted Weibo ID, was in a good mood, and her eyes were full of intelligence.

Yang Mi looked strange.

What happened to this stupid kid?

Going out without taking medicine?

Xu Xin looked around and asked:

"What did Lao Wang do?"

"Take seventh brother to attend class."

Yang Mi’s words are concise and to the point.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"What the hell?"

"Take a lesson, isn't Lao Lang's private lesson today at Studio No. 1? Di Wei is also a singer after all, so she's quite curious. They didn't know how they made the appointment, so they just made a phone call."

Yang Mi said and looked at the time:

"When are you leaving?"

"Then you have to ask Liu Yifei and Lin Gou when they will come over. Anyway, the planes are ready... What's wrong?"

"Tang Yan invited me to dinner tonight. I feel like she has something to do with me... I don't want to cook at noon!"

As the young woman spoke, she took out a hundred-dollar bill from her wallet:

"I'm going to take a shower and put on makeup. You can take them somewhere to have something to eat at noon. Here."


Xu Xin's eyes were full of doubts.


What do these bitches think of themselves?

The way she gave money... How could she fool my father into having the same virtue as me when I was in school?

Subconsciously taking the money, he fumbled for the texture and said:

"One hundred yuan... isn't enough."

"Why isn't it enough?"

The bitch’s eyebrows raised:

"That person surnamed Liu is already as fat as a ball! What are you going to take her to eat! Ah!? How dare you take her to eat steamed buns and noodles... I'll kill you three!"

Hearing this, Xu Xin's first reaction was to look at Su Meng.

Su Meng was stunned.

He quickly shook his head:

"Don't look at me, don't look at me. I'm talking about you, Sister Yifei, Brother Lin, not the three of us, Brother Xu!!!"

"Then I'll include you and kill the four of us."


Under Su Meng's "Save*17" expression, Yang Mi patted her butt to get out of the way.

"Just wait a moment."

Xu Xin stopped her.

"What's wrong?"

"He Jun posted on Weibo."


Yang Mi’s eyes lit up:

"Sent it? Show it to me."

After taking Su Meng's cell phone, Yang Mi took a look and said:

"Now what?"

"I just finished calling Sister Mo... Let's do what we discussed. Arrange the whole thing as an accidental event."

"Okay, I understand."

Yang Mi nodded:

"Then leave it to me. Is there anything else?"


"Then I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to have a date with someone this afternoon."

Since the filming of "The Grandmaster" in the Northeast was completed, the young woman has been given the prefix of "salted fish" and is completely in disgrace.

This year will be ruined, and then starting from January next year... I will work hard to lose weight, reduce myself to about 95 pounds, and quickly finish filming the final scenes of the torturous Gong Er, and then...

What a love.

"Go ahead. I'll contact Liu Yifei and the others."

Xu Xin said as he sat on the sofa and put the two babies on his lap.

I am about to go on a business trip, and I must not have seen my children for a long time. I will be very special when I leave.

Girls take a slow bath.

Female stars are slower.

Because they rely on their faces and "bodies" to eat, their care steps start from pouring water on their heads and end with care for one layer on the left and one on the right. An hour is considered a short time.

When Yang Mi came downstairs after taking a shower, there was no one in the living room.

Seeing this, she came to the elderly room on the first floor of the villa and tentatively opened the door.

Sure enough, the two children had fallen asleep with their parents.

Yang Dalin felt relieved that even though he had retired, the vigilance of the old policeman was still there.

Subconsciously turning his head, he saw a pale face covered with a facial mask. He rolled his eyes:

"Scared me."

"Hey...has the child eaten?"

"Well, I ate two packs of Pigeon's porridge. Xiao Xu fed it. Your rice is on the table."

"Oh, okay. Is he gone?"

"Well, let's go."

Seeing this, Yang Mi quietly closed the door.

She is a star in front of outsiders, and even a work meal has so-called "standards."

But as far as her parents are concerned, she is just a child.

The old couple went out to eat and brought her two meat buns and a bowl of clear soup.

She didn't choose, she happily finished her meal, wiped her mouth, and returned upstairs with her mobile phone.

"Tingting, please contact those people."

"Okay, sister... did He Jun post on Weibo?"

"Well, I just posted it today. But the breakthrough is not with her, but with that... the actor who played "The Invincible". Let the navy find her, and they are looking for her. He Jun suddenly attracted so much attention, and anyone with a discerning eye will see the problem. .”

"Okay, then I will let the navy attack Li Xinru and praise her beautiful Weibo photos to arouse the popularity. Then contact reporters to "accidentally" discover Li Xinru and these girls, and then directly expose the base of "Thirteen Hairpins" on the Internet ,Right?"


"Ok, I see."

“Things are done more discreetly.”

"Don't worry, the relationship has lasted for several years, and they know it well."


After finishing one thing again, seeing that time was almost up, the young woman took off her facial mask and came to the computer.

First, he picked up a pair of rimless glasses and put them on his face.

But he immediately showed an expression of disgust.

The lenses of my glasses were dirty... all the residue of cosmetics.

This was the "pot" the two of them had last night.

She is not short-sighted and bought these glasses to prevent blue light.

Just arrived in Xi'an yesterday.

As a result, as soon as he put it on, the dead man looked like a calf in heat and insisted on including it in the "dress suit".

Shouting the slogan "Twin pony tails increase attack speed, glasses increase critical hit" and want to use Wushuang...

She didn't feel anything when she was playing yesterday, but today the glasses were very blurry, and she immediately felt disgusted.

I don’t know if I am disgusted with myself for missing a move yesterday, or I am disgusted with my husband’s arrogant and indulgent behavior.

I got up and went to the bathroom to clean my glasses and put them on my face again.

With her whole body beginning to smell intellectual, she turned on the computer and logged into a private YY channel skillfully.

"Crooked? Crooked?"

After arriving at a locked sub-channel, she put on her headphones and turned on the free mic.

There is only one person in this channel, and his ID is "820".

After shouting a few times, Yang Mi saw 820 typing on the public screen:

"Can't talk, talking about things, etc."

"Okay. Then I'll get the others first?"

"==, I have something to ask you."




Although she didn't know what was going on, Yang Mi didn't ask any questions and started customizing the game directly. She chose an ice girl and started practicing last-hitting to warm up.

In recent years, on the one hand, it may be because I am getting older, but on the other hand, more and more people are playing DOTA.

Back then, she was in the high-end game of the battle platform... Not to mention the most powerful, but her skills would not become a burden at all. In the past few years, she began to fall to the bottom among the endless stream of masters.

Although she is still very capable with her three eldest sons, as someone who often pulls these professional players into cheating, Yang Mi knows in her heart that her skills have gradually become an "accessory" for them.

She also knew that her ceiling in the game might only reach this point, but in order not to be embarrassed, she still had to practice basic skills such as last-hitting.

Heroes such as Shadow Fiend and Puck Fairy Dragon, who used to like to show off their skills, are basically no longer selected. Under normal circumstances, they choose the Beastmaster and Necromancer who are not easy to die when standing still to resist the pressure, and then wait for the thighs to carry them in the later stage. fly.

But no matter what the game is, the laning strength cannot be too far behind, at least there must be a dozen.

Headwinds and crashes are two different things.

8 If something happens to the dog, she will practice her last hit here.

In fact, she rarely contacts other people now.

Mainly because as the game DOTA becomes more and more popular and various professional teams emerge, it is inevitable that everyone will start to distance themselves.

But there's nothing wrong with these guys like 8 Gou.

We have known each other for many years, and we are very familiar with each other. There is no such problem.

After practicing for about 20 minutes, I finally heard the sound of 820 coming from the speakers:

"Hey, Sister Mi, hello, hello, can you hear me?...You guys go, I won't go, I'm playing black."

It seems that there is something going on over there.

"You hear me, are you done?"


"Then what do you want from me?"

"...I'll tell you later."

"Oh, okay. How about a solo round?"

"Come, let me build a house."

Soon, the two rebuilt a room and performed SF SOLO.

820's skills have actually declined significantly since he switched to playing support from the C position.

That's how DOTA is. People who like to pick out the details of the lane have no time to pay attention to the situation. For those who have an overall view, in order to find that fleeting fighter opportunity, their operations will inevitably be a little clumsy.

So the two of them can be considered equally matched.

But everyone is very insignificant, and for a while no one can do anything to anyone.

Until Yang Mi heard:

"Oh, bye-bye."

Then, the opponent's SF stopped moving.

He was taken away by Yang Mi's CXZ triple gun.

"Haha...are you stuck?"

"No...Sister Mi, I have something to ask you."

Hearing this, Yang Mi asked:

"What's wrong? There's no one at the base right now?"


"Then you say it."

"...A team is looking for me."

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned:

"Oh? Who is it? It can't be LGD, right?"

"...Haha, how is that possible?"

As the "mortal enemy" of the battle between parents, the legendary captain of EHOME was recruited by LGD?

Regardless of whether he is going or not, as long as he shows some interest, he will be blasted.

"Recently... a rich man came into the circle. It is said that he is a coal boss from Yunnan. He wants to form a team. I have already thought of a team name, called DK... Then someone contacted me and was willing to give me 30,000 yuan for my signature. The fee and salary were also mentioned at 5,000 a month...and you want me to go there. I...want to ask Sister Mi what you think, should I go?"

Before she finished speaking, Yang Mi's cell phone rang.

Yang Mi glanced at the caller.


What a great boy number two.

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