I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 634 632 Pirate Couple

Chapter 634 632. Pirate Couple

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

After talking to 820, Yang Mi answered the call:


Wang Sicong's voice sounded:

"Open the door, is there no one at home?"

"Yes...what are you here for?"

"Nonsense, there's nowhere to go. I haven't eaten yet. Why don't you come home for a meal?"


Yang Mi was a little speechless, thinking to herself, are you treating my house as a canteen?

The problem is that I don’t cook either.

"8Gou, wait a minute, I'll go downstairs and open the door."


Soon, she put on a loose sportswear and walked downstairs and opened the door.

Wang Sicong’s first sentence is:

"Is there anything to eat?"

"...Didn't you and Di Wei go to class? You didn't even want to eat lunch?"

"Don't mention it."

The eldest young master was speechless:

"The parents of those children were also here, and they insisted on dragging Lao Lang to the Commerce Bureau. I thought about it and decided not to force it. Originally, I said that I would eat something casually with Brother Qi and finish the remaining dubbing work in the afternoon, but she She got a call halfway...I don’t know who was the unlucky one, but I saw her eyes were red."

As he spoke, he entered the house:

"As soon as I see this kind of virtue, I won't join in the fun... Is there anything to eat?"

"I really don't have this. I didn't cook for lunch today."


Wang Sicong shook his head helplessly:

"Then I'm going to go find something to eat."

"Don't leave yet."

Yang Mi stopped him:

"Do you still plan to do it with your DOTA team?"

She suddenly said this.

The eldest young master nodded:

"I'm working on it, but haven't I been busy lately? I was working on it in the first half of the year, but I started preparing for "The Voice". In the second half of the year, "The Voice" was released, and I came across this movie again... and then I started working on "The Masked Singer" 》, I haven’t had much thought about it. I plan to do a good job next year.”

"Then come up with me. I'm going to play games in the afternoon. I'm going to play black with 8Gou. He said there is a team poaching him."

Upon hearing this, Wang Sicong was stunned and asked in surprise:

"He relented?"

"Listening to that... I feel a little relieved."

"Yo? I thought he was EHOME's Tie Zhongchen. He just won ten championships this year, with such good results... How much does this team have to spend to recruit him?"

"Thirty thousand yuan, plus a monthly salary of five thousand yuan."


Wang Sicong was stupid.

Looking at friends:

"How many?"

His eyes were filled with wonder.

And Yang Mi naturally knew what he was thinking, shrugged and said:

"A signing fee of 30,000 yuan, and a salary of 5,000 yuan... His current monthly salary at EHOME is 3,000 yuan. Obviously, this temptation is not small."


Wang Sicong was completely dumbfounded.

Thirty thousand yuan?


so cheap?

Not to mention a salary of five thousand.

It doesn’t even pay for a meal.

That was 820, the number one person recognized by CNDOTA.

Legendary captain.

Just for the signing fee of 30,000 yuan and the salary of 5,000 yuan a month, are you swayed?

Although he usually knows that most of these professional players rely on competition to make a living. In the past two years, as the popularity of DOTA has increased, the prices of some regular competitions have also changed from a few thousand yuan to 50,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan...

As long as the players perform well, they can earn a lot just by splitting the prize money.

But this "a lot" refers to the working class.

In the eyes of most people in society, they are still a group of "hopeless" Internet-addicted youths.

Even if some of them have already begun to bring glory to the country.


When he heard that just such a small amount of money could shake the reputation of CNDOTA, Wang Sicong was inevitably shocked.

But his response was not slow:

"you mean……"

Yang Mi smiled proudly:

"My little IG is an unknown person. At least we can get to know each other because of them... Plus you want to form a team, and 8 Gou and the others also want to make more money... Let's go up and have a chat."


"Hey, 8dog, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you."

"Which team did you just say offered you the conditions?"

"DK, but that team is still looking for players. I don't know exactly who they contacted yet... but the condition they gave me was 30,000 yuan plus a salary of 5,000 yuan."

After confirming the conditions again, Yang Mi glanced at Wang Sicong, who was sitting next to her.

The eldest young master understands:

"Hey, 8 dogs, I'm Wang Sicong."


The voice over at 820 was obviously surprised.

Then I heard Yang Mi say:

"King of Killers."


Regardless of what was going on at 820, Wang Sicong was speechless.

I thought this ID was so cool at the time, but now that I think about it...it's so low.

So, he didn't continue and said directly:

"I also plan to form a team. I originally said I would form it this year. But I am busy this year until the end of the year. I just talked with Dami. Next year I plan to acquire a team and find a group of top professional players to play with. Are you interested?"

"Uh...Wang...Mr. Wang..."

"How old are you 8dog?"


"...Then just call me Brother Cong. How about it? Are you interested?"


There was silence on the YY side.

After a while, 820 asked:

"Brother Cong, when are you planning to form your team?"

"I started putting it on my schedule after the Chinese New Year. To be honest, I, Dami, Xu Xin and we have already had ideas about the team, but we are all very busy this year and haven't thought about it. And you You can rest assured that if we are going to do it, it will definitely not be done for fun. It was probably...last year, in 2009."

Wang Sicong's face showed a look of reminiscence:

"Xu Xin and I have talked about this matter. We like to play, so we plan to form a team. And...I won't hide it from you, haven't you noticed that we don't have a top league in China yet? That's not what I said. Those Tianyi Jue competitions, which are held in high esteem and sold as dog meat, are not the kind of G League where games are popular... but a domestic peak league where a hundred flowers bloom in a true sense and can be recognized internationally. As DOTA Global In the top theater, we still lack such an event.”


"So after acquiring the team, we also plan to create a league similar to the NBA. The prize money will be higher, there will be more teams, and everyone will be just like playing in the NBA. Finally, we will create a recognized championship. Try to make e-sports events as much as possible It should be more standardized. But these are follow-up plans. My early plan is to build a galaxy battleship. If you are interested, don’t agree to this DK. How about you wait for my news?"


There was silence at 820.

Yang Mi seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and added:

"What are your plans for remuneration?"

She asked about Wang Sicong.

And with years of tacit understanding, the eldest young master understood what his friend meant in a blink of an eye, and said with a smile:

"Five thousand yuan is a bit too low for the legendary captain's salary. At least 10,000 yuan, right? As for the signing fee... Well, to be honest, it's hard to say. After all, I want to form five people who are the best in their positions. For top players, the money given will be as balanced as possible.

And...it's not just the top players in the game, but also your personalities...I'm also afraid of finding someone as thorny as LONGDD...Of course, I'm not saying he's bad, it's just that he has a too big temper, which is not conducive to team harmony. So, what I mean is that I try to be as level as possible with a bowl of water. And the promise I can give you now is that your signing fee will never be less than the so-called thirty thousand yuan, how about it? "

Wang Sicong's words caused 820 to fall into a long silence.

Finally, according to the words of 8 Dogs, that is:

"Can I think about it?"

Wang Sicong readily accepted this result:

"Of course, we have been friends for so many years, and I can't fool you. In other words, whether you are in EHOME or the so-called new team DK, shouldn't we also play black? I don't I have to lie to you. You also know my temper. Playing games is my hobby. If I want to do it, I will do it well... To put it bluntly, even if it loses money, how many millions can it lose? How many brothers can you do it? Wouldn't it be comfortable to have a place to play games and blackmail together? So you think about it carefully, I'm going to eat."

With his words, this matter seemed to have come to an end.

But actually...

Following Yang Mi's words, "8Gou, grab a few people and let's get started", 820 went to recruit people to start blackmail.

While waiting for others to come to YY, Yang Mi asked:

"Are you planning to start a league?"


Sitting next to Yang Mi, Wang Sicong responded:

"I haven't thought about it before. It can be said that it was an impromptu idea. But... I think this matter has something to do with it."


"Because I suddenly thought of something. Think about it, EHOME won 10 championships this year... When did there start to be so many competitions in China? What does this mean? It means that more and more people are interested in DOTA... …Or the popularity of the e-sports industry.”

"Well, what then?"

"Then I thought about it... Now Xi'an is our base camp, and the province is going to vigorously develop the cultural tourism industry. The e-sports competition I watched this year... the venue was also packed with people. Instead of this, Why don’t I create an entire e-sports league and divide it into online and offline competitions? Then put the location of the offline competition in Xi’an. Isn’t that considered part of the cultural tourism industry?

When the time comes to provide some ZC support, doesn’t it mean that we have another piece of resources? There are TV stations, variety shows, e-sports... From the old, middle and young generations, we all have attractions... Then won't Xi'an's cultural tourism become bigger and stronger in the future? Once the cultural tourism industry starts to develop...then...a lot of things will be easy to talk about, right? "


Yang Mi subconsciously opened her eyes.

Look at your friend whose eyes are shining with the "light of wisdom".

It was like the first day I met him.


Of course she is not stupid, and she followed her friend's thoughts...

The big cake of the e-sports industry was directly exposed in front of her eyes.

Thinking of this, she said:

"Then it won't just be DOTA..."

"Yes, it's not just DOTA, but also CS, CF, DNF, World of Warcraft...as long as it covers competitive games, they can all be put on the agenda. Losing money doesn't really matter, the main thing is influence. Pull a few Stable sponsors..."

"Like Wanda?"


The eldest young master smiled shyly:

"Yes, Wanda, for example, will be like the NBA. It will be divided into home and away games, and the games will be played in Wanda. It will increase the company's visibility, stimulate the industrial chain, and then the finals will be gathered in Xi'an... Our country currently lacks the awareness of e-sports. Accepted. Many people are still demonizing it...

But it doesn’t matter, he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. As long as we can grasp the preferences of young people and get their support... whether it's popularity or other aspects, I think we can get rich returns. Even if you can't see anything now...but what about five years from now, ten years from now? When the two generations of 90 and 00 grow up...right? "


Yang Mi's fox-like eyes were already spinning.

"What do you mean? Are you betting your future on the new generation?"

Wang Sicong smiled after hearing her words.

I said in my heart that you really are a couple.

We are not a family, we really don’t want to be part of the same family.

Pirate Terrier is really good at playing.

So he cooperated and nodded, covering his arms:

"Yes, a brand new generation!"

"Count me in."


He agreed happily.

"Then we will set up an investment company when the time comes."

"You should seize the time to build a team. The personnel in the DOTA team are not very fixed at the moment, or even very irregular. Don't wait for everyone to react, it will be too late by then."

"Don't worry, I know what I know. But... the biggest issue now is copyright. After all, DOTA is based on a map game on WAR3. I'm worried that the benefits will be too great and Blizzard will be alert..."

"I heard that the author of DOTA is working on a new game...but I forgot where I saw the news. Ask someone."


The two chatted for a while, and when the five people on Yang Mi's side were all together, Wang Sicong touched his belly:

"I'm leaving."

"Well, pay close attention to the team's affairs. Money doesn't matter, don't worry about it..."


When Wang Sicong heard this, he said to himself that you are the one who doesn't take me seriously.

It's like I'm poor.

Shaking his head helplessly, he stood up and said hello:


"Let's go."

After saying goodbye to his friends, Wang Sicong went downstairs and walked out of the villa.

I checked the time...it's past one o'clock.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to run far.

Just take a bite nearby.

He walked directly to the entrance of the community.

Although I was hungry, my heart felt at ease.

If Lao Xu’s conversation with himself in the first half of this year about “online entertainment is the next trend” was a reminder to him, then when he came out of Dami’s house today, he had a real idea of ​​how to grasp the trend of online entertainment. .

Even if it is just a temporary idea, it suddenly comes to mind.

But this flash of inspiration was enough.

The entertainment industry is updating and iterating, and the Internet is also changing with each passing day.

His intuition told him...the time when the two are indistinguishable from each other and merge with each other will not be too far away.

But before that, he had to be fully prepared.

Because only by being fully prepared can you eat the biggest piece of meat and drink the most delicious soup.

On a warm winter day, look at the brilliant light.

he knows……

I'm waiting for you ahead of me, and I'm invincible.

A smooth road.

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