I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 638 636 Exposed!

Chapter 638 636. Exposed!

"Interviews with Yang Lang" is the only interview program in China in every aspect.

Just look at the celebrities who have appeared on her show.

There are countless celebrities at home and abroad.

She is not someone who has never seen the market before.

But at this moment, she was looking at the scratches under the Grand Master's chair on the big-leaf red sandalwood floor, and her heart couldn't help but twitch.

At first glance, this place was temporarily arranged.

Moreover, Xu Xin directly gave advice on the installation of the aircraft.

As a director, he is naturally professional. But precisely because of this, when she realized that these scratches were caused by him arranging the interview location for the program team, her heart was so disturbed.

Not only Xu Xin's ability, but also her financial resources, she didn't have a very intuitive concept before.

She has seen a lot of coal bosses and so on.

Wearing gold and silver, getting into a Rolls-Royce, getting out of the presidential suite, having a starlet by your side, the list goes on and on.

But sitting in this "bookish" living room at this moment, thinking about the achievements of the young man in front of him in his early twenties, this is complicated for Yang Lang.

The feeling of "someone else's child" was overwhelming in her heart, and she became even more speechless.

At the same time, she also had a premonition.

This interview...will be interesting.

It took less than half an hour to set up, and all lights and camera positions were set up.

Xu Xin also put on his own microphone.

During this period, he and Yang Lan did not have much communication because the other party was preparing an interview script.

Yang Lang conducted the interview off-script, so when the interview was about to begin, she took a final look at the contents of her notebook and, as the "host", invited Xu Xin to take a seat.

After the two people sat down one on the left and the other on the right, the lights and the camera were adjusted again. Finally, with the sound of the director's "Program Start", Yang Lang turned around and looked at the camera.

"Hello everyone."

She smiled and looked at the camera:

"When it comes to young directors in the new era, there is a name that no one can avoid. He is a young man with a young spirit who started with a few pages of drawings and participated in the national event.

During his tenure, he started as a prop designer and gradually reached the position of being jokingly called the "general manager", demonstrating his extraordinary ability to coordinate work.

As the designer of the torch, he allowed 1.3 billion people to shine with the glory of the country.

At the same time, he also took the time to direct his debut film. When the debut film came out, it broke many records for domestic directors with a global box office of 462 million. He also won the Cannes "Camera d'Or" award for his debut film.

Then there was another themed movie that paid tribute to the soldiers on the great hidden front - "The Wind", which presented the audience with a wonderful suspense drama. While ranking second among domestic films at the box office that year, it also won the title of the youngest double-gold actress in the country.

With his third film, he broke the record of being the youngest director in the world to win Best Director at Venice.

Since his debut, Lien Chan and Lianjie's breaking records seem to have become synonymous with him. Now, his third film, "Hawthorn Love", which has received multiple nominations at the Venice Film Festival and finally won the Best Newcomer and Best Director awards, will be released on the screen on the 22nd of this month. What surprises will he bring us this time... Let us welcome the young director, Xu Xin. "

After a smooth introduction, Yang Lan held up his hand, and Xu Xin's image appeared in front of the camera.


Xu Xin politely thanked him.


The ratings of "Interview with Yang Lang" are not low, and it has always been one of the most professional talk shows in China. And her last words were the slogan used by the program team to promote "Hawthorn Tree".

He was quite grateful.

After thanking him, Yang Lan smiled and said:

"What I'm actually more curious about is that the film "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" is a film... about things that happened in an era when you were not yet born and have not personally experienced or felt it. What kind of fate is it? What allowed you to form such a fate with this movie?"

"It's director Zhang Yimou."

Xu Xin said with a smile.

"Did he recommend it to you?"


"Then can you tell us about the situation at that time?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"At that time... we were in Yangling, Yangling, Shaanxi Province. My wife, Yang Mi, was pregnant at the time, and she said she wanted to eat dipping noodles. So we went to Yangling to eat at a particularly famous noodle restaurant. My impression is As soon as I sat down and ordered the food, I received a call from Director Zhang.”

As he spoke, he made a "6" gesture and put it to his ears and mouth:

"Hey, where are you? I said: I am eating noodles with Yang Mi. Director Zhang probably meant: Oh, you are eating noodles, I have something to do with you... If something happens, you have to let me finish the noodles. I'm talking about it, otherwise it would be a waste..."

"Haha... So, your communication with Director Zhang is actually... not very formal?"

Looking at his vivid Shaanxi dialect, Yang Lan laughed out loud.

Xu Xin also smiled and nodded:

"Yes, we communicate... In my heart, he is my teacher, master, the person who led me in. But aside from this gap in identity and youth, our identities are more like... family. So let's talk It's not that polite, it seems very aloof. It's like the elders and juniors in the family talk to each other."

"Then he recommended this novel to you... It's a novel, right? The script probably hadn't come out yet."

"Yes, he told me to go back and take a look."

"After reading it...how do you feel?"

"It feels like...the first reaction is quite ridiculous."

Xu Xin was speechless:

"When I looked at the year, it was the 1970s... I wasn't born yet at that time. I thought to myself, why did you ask me to take this photo? I asked him, if you think I did something wrong, just say it. You can’t punish me in this way, can you?”

"What did he say?"

"He didn't have time to film it, but he liked the story very much. So he wanted me to film it."


Yang Lan was stunned and said funny:

"And you picked it up?"

"Yes, of course, there are some other reasons. But really...the main reason why I accepted this script was actually him. He liked the story and thought I could film it well, so I would film it. "

After hearing his words, Yang Lang didn't delve into the script...or the story told in "The Hawthorn Tree".

Instead, he asked curiously:

"It sounds like you have a... deep trust in Director Zhang Yimou, right?"


"Then you said before that he was like your master. So where do you think his most profound influence was on you? The Olympics? Or teaching you some filmmaking techniques, ideas, etc... Why did he have such an impact on you? Are you so important?"


After Xu Xin thought for a moment, he subconsciously sat up straight.

"I am good friends with Mr. Yu Xuan from Deyun Society. So here is a quote from him... Of course, many friends may have heard of this. It is said that in a person's life, three points are ability, six points are luck, and the rest A bit of support from noble people.”

"It's a saying."

"Yes, but Teacher Yu Xuan's version has a slightly different point of view. According to his words, the role of support from noble people is actually greater than luck. In other words, according to his standards, it is three points His ability, seven points of noble support..."

"Ability is your foundation. After you have the foundation, it is more important to meet someone who is willing to support and help you, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

Xu Xin responded and said with a smile:

"For me, Director Zhang is, first of all, this noble man. Without him, I would not have participated in the Olympics, I would not have participated in the Olympics, and I would not have studied on the crew of "Golden Armor", let alone met Many friends... So, from this aspect, he is the noble man who changed my destiny.

On the other hand, he is also my teacher. We won’t mention the director’s level, technique, style, etc. I have just started in this area. I think the most important thing about Director Zhang as a teacher is that through his many years of hard work in this circle, he has imparted a little bit of his life experience to I.

For example, the most important thing, and what he demands the most from me... is not to be separated from the masses. "

"Is this very important to you?"

"That's right."

Under Yang Lang's curious eyes, Xu Xin answered decisively:

“He told me that art comes from life, but is higher than life. Many people know this sentence, but what many people don’t know is that this high level cannot be divorced from reality.

He said to me:

Xiao Xu, you must root yourself deeply in the soil of the people and must not bloat. Only when you are rooted in life can you carefully feel the changes in life. Only in this change can you create your own understanding. Once you break away from this soil, you are like a kite with its string broken.

You may fly very high, but you will no longer be able to see clearly every plant and tree in this world. What you can't see can only rely on imagination, and what you imagine must be illusions that are divorced from life. This is a very scary thing for the director.

This view of his is like a motto to me. It makes me dare not relax even a little bit at any time. "

Yang Lang seemed to agree with his words. After Xu Xin finished speaking, he helped summarize:

"So he's afraid you'll become the kind of person who: why not eat minced meat."

"Yes, I am also afraid of becoming such a person."

Xu Xin gave his own response.

But at this moment, Yang Lang suddenly changed the topic again:

"But... as far as I know, your family background is actually very good."

Her transitions were extremely natural, unlike other hosts who divided the interview content into paragraphs. I would ask a question first, and then start another question again after I finished the question.

It feels like a normal chat.

Obviously from the beginning of the recording to now, she asked every question and Xu Xin answered it. But that feeling is very, very natural.

It's as if her question at this moment has naturally switched from what Zhang Yimou taught the young director to Xu Xin's personal life.

Xu Xin was a little caught off guard by her question.

But after reacting, he nodded:

"That's right. My family is indeed quite wealthy."

After speaking, he also laughed at himself:

"After all, when I was a freshman in college, according to my wife, I was driving a Ferrari all over the streets."

"But... ever since your name became known to the public, in the minds of many people, you have always been a particularly low-key person. I don't mean whether you have money or not, but the feeling. In fact, ever since It can be seen from the fact that you bought a sports car during your freshman year, and you have also shown off your wealth. But now, you feel particularly low-key. I want to know what kind of growth experience made you become what you are now. how about this?"

"Well, this is..."

Seeing his hesitation, Yang Lan asked with a smile:

"Isn't it difficult to answer?"

"It's not that it's hard to answer, it's just that I'm thinking about how to let everyone understand how I feel. Instead of giving a bowl of chicken soup that is of no use to everyone."

Xu Xin thought for a moment and said:

"I think the process is like this... Let me use myself as an analogy. I was poor when I was a child. Before coal mines were discovered under my house, my family was actually quite poor. Compare it with current wages. My family was poor. At that time, our family might only earn 5,000 yuan a year.

At that time, in my dad's words, his biggest expectation was to earn 5,000 yuan a month. That way you can eat meat every meal and don't have to worry about raising children.

Later, coal was discovered underground at home, and the land for the coal mine was acquired. All of a sudden, we were allocated several million. This is a get-rich-quick deal, right? There is no need to worry about raising children, they will have meat for every meal. Then suddenly my mentality changed.

In the past, the most I dared to go out was the county town, but now that I have money in my pocket, I want to go to the big city. But when you come to Yanjing, to the magical city... you will find that millions are nothing at all. You will also feel like you are poor.

So, you want to make more money and enjoy a better life.

But after you make enough money and enjoy all the things you couldn't get before... this is my current mentality. I have everything I should have, and I have enjoyed everything I should enjoy. Naturally, I don’t care about these things. "

Having said this, he paused, looked at Yang Lang and said seriously:

"Actually, life is a circle. After going around in a circle, you will eventually find that you will still return to the circle. Life and death, rich and poor, in the end, what you pursue is the openness of your own spiritual world. Don't be happy with things. Sorry, this is what I'm thinking now.

So... in the eyes of many people, how much money have I made, or what achievements have I achieved... to me, they just appear naturally around me as I move forward on this road. inevitable. "

"Like what you said in an interview at the film festival? Then can I understand that your pursuit of life and art can be summed up in one sentence: If you bloom, flowers will come. The so-called fame and fortune, In your opinion, everything is inevitable.”

"After you find the right path, you continue to move forward, and the inevitable will follow you. No matter it is in the film industry, it is true everywhere in life. Whatever you do, if it is a little harder at the beginning, you will enjoy the pain. When you achieve something, it's all a blessing in disguise.

For me, this is my path. I don't care about the so-called fame, awards, money, etc. I like this industry and I want to continue doing it. And every achievement I have achieved is a flower blooming in the footprints left on the road I have walked.

It'll drive beautifully and make the road I'm walking look springy. But, this is not the reason for me to stop. The mountain is there. I am a climber. I will be refreshed by the beautiful scenery, but I will never stand still. "

Xu Xin's words made Yang Lan's eyes shine.

She interviewed many people and met many people.

Some people just ride on the trend of the times and become famous by relying on the trend.

But often they regard these as natural successes.

A frog sitting in a well doesn't know how high the sky is or how high it is.

And those people who she truly admired or recognized actually had the same qualities as the young man in front of her.

Know what you are doing and allow others to sing your praises.

But more often than not, they will continue to move towards their goals unswervingly.

This kind of firm persistence, in Yang Lang's opinion, is what a truly successful person should possess.

Sure enough, it is definitely not an accident that this young man can achieve such an achievement.

But it is inevitable.

The interview between Yang Lang and Xu Xin took about an hour in total.

These interviews will be cut into 30 minutes in these two days and broadcast on Yanjing TV Station on Saturday afternoon.

This is the promise she made.

After all, Xu Xin will participate in this program just to promote the movie.

Xu Xin also expressed his thanks.

He had seen that Yang Lang seemed to like these woods very much, so he casually took a wood-carved pine ornament from the ancient shelf in the study room and gave it to him.

Yang Lang still resisted, thinking it was too expensive.

But Xu Xin didn't even know what this thing was.

Moreover, it is placed at the very edge of the book shelf, which shows that it is not a valuable thing.

Just give it away.

Make good friends.

Finally, after he personally said goodbye to the people from the program team and left, he took Su Meng straight to Time.com, a subsidiary of the movie channel.

There will be a preview screening and a media meeting in the afternoon.

Very busy.

However, after everyone left, Su Meng came over with her mobile phone:

"Brother Xu, it's time."

Time, December 14, 2010, noon, 12:03.

At noon, a message suddenly appeared on Weibo, and then caused quite a stir with lightning speed.

"Exclusive news! Zhang Yimou's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" training base and some actors exposed!"

As soon as this news appeared, the popularity quickly began to move in the direction of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

As soon as the news broke, about a dozen photos of the girls appearing in the hallway were released.

Photos of all the girls including Ni Ni, He Jun, and Li Xinru were exposed.

And also accompanied by pictures:

"Girls Mou are full of confidence," "Girl Mou fixes her hair," "Girl Mou has quite the charm of Jinling," etc. There are captions under the photos.

But looking at the pixels and colors, it's obvious that these pictures were taken secretly.

After releasing the picture, the reporter who broke the news wrote in the news:

"The reporter learned from insiders that the 13 heroines in Zhang Yimou's new film "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" are secretly training somewhere in Yizhuang. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter made a special trip to the training place and learned from the surrounding office staff that the 13 heroines in the photo The classroom is the training place for "Jinling Thirteen Beauties". However, this statement has not been confirmed with the new pictures.

I arrived at the training place disclosed by an insider at around two o'clock this afternoon. This building was originally an art training school, and there were not many teachers and students in and out of the school. Only a few classrooms were in use, and one of them was particularly " lively".

According to the office staff in the school, this classroom is the training place for "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". When the reporter tried to enter the teaching building, he was blocked by the guard, who declared that he could not enter without a certificate. Later, the author entered a commercial building opposite the teaching building to take long-distance photography.

It can be seen from the blurred glass that there are nearly ten young girls in the classroom who are listening carefully to the class. There are more than a dozen tables and chairs arranged neatly in the classroom. In front of the window is a blackboard, and behind the blackboard is a parallel bar for dancers to practice. A woman who looks like a teacher is lecturing everyone in front of the blackboard, and is wearing a badge. This may be the ID the guard is talking about..."

After explaining how he found the filming location of "Thirteen Hairpins", the reporter gave another bombshell at the end:

"After the unremitting efforts of reporters and multiple searches, we finally found clues about these actors on the Internet. The information of four of them has been obtained!

Li Xinru, a Yanjing dance student who graduated with a bachelor's degree in classical dance, has played the role of Chang'e in the TV series "The Prequel to the Lotus Lantern", the female lead Lin Wudi in the three parts of "The Ugly Girl", and Nanzi in "The Spring and Autumn of Confucius"!

Jiang Jing graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a bachelor's degree. In 2004, she was selected as the "Olympic Baby" by Zhang Yimou and participated in the eight-minute song and dance performance at the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games. His film and television works include "Macau 1949", "Dark Dreams", "On the Riverside", etc.

He Jun graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a bachelor's degree. His film and television works include "Friends of Friends Are Friends", "The Taste of Heart Palpitations", "Close", etc.

In addition, there is also an assistant director in the crew, Fu Lulu, who is the assistant director of Zhang Yimou's film "House of Flying Daggers". He has participated in film and television works such as "The Art of War", "The Western Front", and "My EEDS" , "Pain and Joy" and so on.

The reporter has found the actors' Weibo posts from these materials. From the daily updates on these actors' Weibo posts, we can clearly see their mental processes during the preparation of the movie. The three actors posted comments such as "Yunya, Yunya, I will practice you thousands of times!", "Get up early and start training for the next movie", "If you want to play a very feminine role, what do all the gods say?" It’s feminine.” Wait on Weibo.

In addition, the reporter also found selfie photos of them trying on cheongsam!

It is 100% certain that these four people are the four actors in "Thirteen Hairpins"! …”

Yizhuang, inside the training school.

After Zhang Yimou read this report posted on the Internet with a livid face, he gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Mo next to him:

"Notify everyone, start a meeting!"

"Okay...sister Fu, do you want to inform me?"

"...No notice, just call the others!"

Zhang Yimou's anger has become real.

Zhang Mo nodded and left quickly.

But after walking out of the door, her solemn expression turned into one of impatience.

She quickly took out her mobile phone, found Fu Lulu's phone number, and sent her a message:

"Sister Fu, the news has come out."

Fu Lulu replied instantly:

"I saw it. Director Zhang...are you angry?"

"I'm very angry, but don't worry, Sister Fu. With me and Xu Xin here, nothing will happen to you. I promise! But... I may have to feel wronged to you temporarily during this period."

"……Ok, I know."

"Okay, I'm notifying everyone of the meeting now, but my dad didn't call you. Don't worry, there won't be any problems."

"Sorry to trouble you, Momo."

It was obvious that Fu Lulu was the one who "made it happen", but at this moment, Zhang Mo could clearly feel her anxiety when looking at the content of the text message she sent.

She understood...the guarantee she gave alone was not enough.

So, she sent a message to Xu Xin:

"The news has been sent out. My dad asked everyone to have a meeting. Sister Fu is a little nervous. I comforted her and she didn't believe it. Do you think you should give her a call?"

"I saw it, and I'm asking Mengmeng to go home and get something. You don't have to worry about it, Mengmeng will take care of it in a while, don't worry. I'm still promoting it here, so I won't let it go this time."

Seeing this message, Zhang Mo breathed a sigh of relief:


"Remember, the penalty for biting someone to death is severe."


On the other side, Xu Xin, who was about to enter the venue to face reporters, replied to this message and said to his Apple headphones:

"Then...if that happens this afternoon, I'll leave it to you...Well, okay, you go ahead and I'll hang up."

I don't know who he told.

After saying that, he took off the headphones and handed the phone to Su Meng.

It's time to take the stage.

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