I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 639 The man behind 637

Chapter 639 637. The hand behind the scenes

Outside the training school, reporters who heard the news made no secret of it.

They were right in front of the school, holding long guns and short cannons, trying to get more news about "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling".

There is no way, Lao Mouzi is really covering this movie too tightly.

Don't reveal any information.

This time, if it weren't for... whoever was a paparazzi digging up this news, it would be a long time before they wanted to dig up this news.


very nice.

Lao Mouzi is indeed Lao Mouzi, and he is really good at using dark tricks under the light.

Many reporters tried their best to squeeze towards Nanjing, hoping to get into the filming base surrounded by two kilometers of barbed wire and patrolled by 24-hour security guards, to see the set and meet the actors and directors.

But who knew that Lao Mouzi was not in Nanjing at all, but in Yanjing!

You played so well...

In the cold weather, these reporters blocked the door and thought at the same time.

But what they didn't know was that at this moment, a light yellow Beetle had quietly walked around to the back door of the training school from under their noses.

"Huh... so exciting!"

Su Meng grabbed the steering wheel, sat in the Beetle and looked around, feeling the tense and exciting atmosphere of "spy house" while waiting for the "beep" sound from the Bluetooth speaker to connect.

As for this car...

It was Brother Xu's birthday gift to her.

Mengmeng is very happy Ψ( ̄ ̄)Ψ.

"Dudu... hello?"

Fu Lulu on the other side of the phone also sounded like a thief, with a terrifyingly low voice.

Su Meng quickly calmed down and said quickly:

"Sister Fu, I have arrived at the back door, a light yellow Beetle. Come out quickly, there are no reporters here for the moment."


After hanging up the phone, Su Meng saw the old nested door being opened, and a woman wearing sunglasses, a peaked cap, and a large down jacket came out.

After looking around, he saw the Beetle and ran over quickly.

It’s getting more and more exciting! ─=≡Σ(((つω)つ


Fu Lulu quickly got into the car.


"Hello, Sister Fu, I am Su Meng, Brother Xu's assistant!"

After Su Meng introduced herself, she quickly started the car.

Then, she pointed to the passenger storage compartment:

"There are things in there that Brother Xu gave to Sister Fu."


Fu Lulu, who was confused, nodded subconsciously, opened the storage compartment, took out a heavy-looking kraft paper envelope, and asked:

"Where are we going now?"

"Go around in a circle. Brother Xu will send you back after you finish reading."

"……All right."

Fu Lulu was also curious. It was just an envelope, but it felt really heavy.

What are you pretending to be?

She opened the seal and froze.

A touch of intoxicating yellow rhyme came into view.

A... large yellow croaker, and a folded document.


She was momentarily speechless.

After taking out both things, she saw the numbers on the big yellow croaker:


There is also a small card attached, which is a receipt issued by the place where the gold was purchased.

With this layer of procedures, the gold can be bought and sold legally.

Director Xu, is this...reward for me?

For no reason, Fu Lulu felt her blood begin to speed up.

It's not like she hasn't seen money before.

It's just... this kind of "a pound of gold" approach made her instinctive heartbeat begin to accelerate.

There isn't much money.

But this feeling... is very enjoyable.

Putting the envelope and gold bars temporarily on her knees, she opened the folded document again.

After unfolding it, the first thing that catches the eye is a line of words on the manuscript paper:

"Western Film and Television Group Human Resources Office"

Fu Lulu was stunned and instinctively looked at the content below.

"Through our company's recruitment and selection process, you have been determined to meet the (Western Film and Television Group Art Creative Talent Exchange Center Director Club - First-level Director) job requirements and have been hired..."

"This is……"

"The employment contract for the director of the Art Creation Center of Xiying Film Studio. Sister Fu, please fill in your information and it will be officially effective. There is already an official seal on it. But later, you have to take eight one-inch photos with red background for the past year and mail them to the factory. Once you are here, you can officially join the company. Brother Xu is busy with publicity today and can't come in person, so he specifically told me to come to Sister Fu to handle the induction process."

Su Meng's words made Fu Lulu subconsciously ask:

"What Director Xu means is..."

"Brother Xu said that this matter is not over yet, but because Sister Fu you have sacrificed a lot, this is compensation. Your current position is first-level director and fifth-level assistant director. The level of assistant director is already the highest in the factory. Don’t worry, everything is planned.”


Looking at the document in front of him, Fu Lulu naturally understood the significance of this document.

Level 5 assistant director...

After thinking of the resources of Xiying Studio, Fu Lulu immediately calmed down.

So, without any hesitation, she directly picked up the pen on the center console and started filling in the information.

After finishing writing, he picked up the ink pad and pressed his fingerprints:

"Okay...Thank you, Director Xu."

"No, Brother Xu said thank you."

Su Meng smiled and shook her head, and after going around in a circle, she started walking in the direction of the training school.

"The next step is to mail 8 one-inch photos and a copy of your ID card to the factory. There will be a dedicated person in charge of this..."


Not to mention smiling, Fu Lulu controlled her emotions relatively well.

But there was no anxiety in his tone:

"Then what else do I need to do next?"

"I'm not sure about this. Brother Xu hasn't told me yet. I just told you to wait for things to develop."

"...Okay, I understand!"

Fu Lulu nodded vigorously.

Holding the 500G gold bar in his hand, his back was completely pressed against the passenger seat.

In the past, she thought the Beetle was ugly.

But today I discovered...

This seat...is really comfortable.

Zhao Xiaoding, Pang Liwei, Chen Qigang, Tao Jing, Zhang Weiping, Jiang Zhiqiang, etc., all the crew members who participated in the training of Thirteen Hairpins and were in Yanjing, are sitting in the office of the training school at this moment.

There was a commotion outside.

There were constant crew members walking by in the corridor carrying large and small bags.

At the entrance of the training school, the two vans were almost full.

But inside the conference room, it was quiet.

It's just that the smoke is so thick that even those who don't smoke will find it irritating to their eyes.

In this silence, Zhang Mo noticed the two stage managers at the door.

Seeing that they were just standing at the door and not coming in, Zhang Mo stood up and walked out.

After a while, she entered the room and seemed to be talking to Zhang Yimou, but in fact her voice could be heard in the entire conference room:

"Director, the luggage and equipment for training have been packed. The other actors have also got into the commercial vehicle, and only the four of them are left...who don't know how to arrange it. You see..."


Zhang Yimou, who always had a cold face and frowned, glanced at Zhang Weiping, who also had a not-so-good-looking face.


"The girls of Thirteen Hairpins must be highly confidential, and the shooting scene must be highly confidential, in order to prevent the shady media from knowing in advance what we are filming and ruining the sense of anticipation. Therefore, the original rule was that everyone must be aware of I keep secret about the role I play and the content of the script. Anyone who violates it will be expelled from the crew. This is a rule that has been set long ago. Without rules, there is no rule."




The others said nothing, but Zhang Weiping looked at Zhang Yimou.

Be prepared to interrupt him at any time.

And Zhang Yimou also knew it.

There is no other way. We have been partners and friends for more than ten years. We are so familiar with each other that we can know what the other person is thinking with just one look.

However, there are some things that should be said, but he still has to say:

"I know that some of you feel that these girls have also put in their efforts, and if it hadn't been for the reporter, this matter might not have become such a big deal. But the matter has emerged now. If the crew had no rules, everyone would be acting randomly. How can we carry out our work in the future? Therefore, my opinion is to deal with it seriously and never tolerate it."

As a director, Zhang Yimou's words are unequivocal.

As expected, Zhang Weiping's face became a little ugly.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Is it necessary to be so awesome? These kids have been following you for a year or two, so it's not a big problem. Our movie is about to start shooting, and they haven't been exposed. It was the bastard paparazzi who found them. … I don’t agree with what you’re doing because it doesn’t make sense.”




Still no one said a word.

Everyone just watched the two people arguing.

They couldn't get a word in.

One of Yu Gong is a director and the other is an investor. In private, the two of them are close partners. No one will get good results if they rush into this kind of thing.

After hearing Zhang Weiping's words, Zhang Yimou didn't seem surprised.

And he didn't mean to get angry with him, he just looked at the others:

"What's your opinion?"




The people in this room are part of the "Jinling" crew, part of the new picture, and the rest are the "neutral faction" headed by Chen Qigang.

Chen Qigang was invited to take on the task of scoring the film, while the others were teachers for training in various aspects such as posture, dialect, etc.

They all accept employment and will end their jobs this month one after another.

After all, the movie will start shooting between January 5th and 10th, and their mission is over.

The person who paid them wages was Zhang Weiping, and the person they got along with day and night was Zhang Yimou.

Since today's meeting, he has not expressed much opinions, so he is considered a neutral party.

At this moment, after hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Zhao Xiaoding, who despised Zhang Weiping the most, spoke first:

"As a director of photography, what I hate most is that there are loudmouthed people on the crew who talk about everything. Those paparazzi are no different from grandsons. In their mouths, there is no distinction between right and wrong.

And we have already established rules at the beginning of the training, and everyone is working hard to adhere to them. Why can they break them? What's more, it's not like the crew is empty. So, my opinion is, I agree with the dismissal. Even though they have reached the final stage, the rules are the rules. No rules no standards. "

After Zhang Weiping finished speaking, Jiang Zhiqiang, one of the producers and deputy directors, spoke:

"Old Zhao, you can't say that. In essence, what we are filming is a movie, not cheating on the college entrance examination. Rules are dead, but people are alive. If nothing else is mentioned, Li Xinru's temperament has almost been determined. She He is the person who is most suitable for "Xianglan"... We have to consider it for the movie and the audience. I don't agree with the dismissal. I believe everyone can see Li Xinru's performance. She is excellent. I I think we should start from the overall situation.”

As Zhang Weiping's right-hand man, Jiang Zhiqiang stood from the perspective of a producer and said something that others could not refute.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Mo, who was not qualified to speak here according to reason, said directly:

"But in a crew, the director's prestige is more important than anything else. Once this is opened, everyone will think that Director Zhang is a bully. How will he manage the actors in the future? Everyone has seen that he can't even retain an actor. He has no decision-making power, so who will care about him in the future?

What's more, Pandan is not without a replacement. Li Xinru and Bai Xue are both brothers.

Compared with actors, the authority of the director is the guarantee for the smooth progress of the crew. I am not speaking from the perspective of a relative of the director, but from the perspective of the assistant director of this drama. The authority of any crew or director cannot be questioned. This is the director’s most basic right and protection! "

After finishing his words, Shi Leiyong, the "right-hand man", glanced at Zhang Weiping and spoke again:

"That's what I said. But the most fundamental reason for this incident is the paparazzi who sneaked in. If we want to hold them accountable, these girls will just suffer a disaster. If someone hadn't put the two things together Deliberately connected together, they would not be discovered at all.

The director's authority must indeed be guaranteed, but I also ask you to think about it. We spent so much investment and effort on this drama just to find the most suitable actors, not to complete any combat mission. .

The law cannot tolerate mercy, but people have mercy.

From a producer's perspective, if there is such a turmoil before the movie starts shooting, as long as we operate it reasonably, it can be turned into a good publicity.

Even if we don't want to publicize it, the first thing we do is to calm down this storm quickly, so there is no need to cause more trouble, which is not good for everyone. So, I don’t agree with your point of view, Momo. I think...that's the end of the matter. "

The words of the four people seemed to have opened up a conversation between pros and cons.

Those who support Zhang Weiping, those who support Zhang Yimou, whether long or short, everyone is expressing their own opinions.

Among these people, only the neutral faction headed by Chen Qigang remained silent.

Because the matter itself has nothing to do with them.

Although Chen Qigang and Zhang Yimou are friends, he and Zhang Weiping are also old acquaintances.

As early as 2001, he was able to obtain the stage play copyright of "Raise the Red Lantern" because of Zhang Weiping. At that time, he didn't know Zhang Yimou. A group of people were competing for the stage play copyright of "Red Lantern", and Zhang Weiping finally gave it to him.

The two also have a relationship.

Therefore, it is really difficult for him to speak.


Zhang Weiping took the initiative to find him:

"Old Chen, what do you mean?"


The two sides are now in a stalemate, so... we need a person to break the situation.

And Chen Qigang, who has connections with both parties, is obviously the best choice.

Even if he doesn't want to do it.

As for Chen Qigang, after hearing Zhang Weiping's words, he turned to look at the people around him.

He was not surprised to see everyone looking at him, as if "you make up your mind and you take over".

They are all paid dead wages, so there is no reason to offend others.

It's not easy to offend either side.

I can only do it myself.

So, after he coughed slightly, he thought for a moment and said:

"I think... let's just discuss the matter."

Originally, as soon as he spoke these somewhat "ambiguous" words, Zhang Weiping's eyes flashed with joy.

Discussing the matter and letting things go is their decision.

But before this joy could fully emerge...

Suddenly, Chen Qigang changed the subject:

"If there was no agreement before, then it would be excusable. But now that everyone has made an agreement, and everyone else can consciously abide by it, they were caught because of their own carelessness... There is nothing we can do about that.

Regardless of the director's authority or film investment, I think these two points of view aside, since the contract has been made, it must be abided by. Violation will result in punishment. This is a credit issue... So, although I really don't want to see such a scene, now that it's over, there's nothing more to say. What was discussed at the beginning will be implemented now. "


Zhang Weiping's face instantly stiffened.

He came to Chen Qigang in the hope of breaking the situation.

As a "middleman", whether it's to give someone a step, or whatever it is... to be a peacemaker, let's just forget about it.

But... when his point of view was expressed, the matter had become an irreversible conclusion.

The person who originally chose not to get involved was pulled by him and wanted to form an alliance, but in the end he stabbed him in the back...

A sense of self-inflicted weakness instantly made his stiff expression look ugly.

As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, he remained silent.

On the contrary, Zhang Yimou finally spoke:

"Then let the minority obey the majority. Fu Lulu, Li Xinru, Jiang Jing, and He Jun should be fired from the crew, pack up their things and leave immediately. The meeting is dismissed."

Nothing to be proud of.

There is no joy either.

After he finished saying this quietly, he stood up.

Step by step out of the conference room.

Following closely behind was Zhang Mo.

Then came Zhao Xiaoding, Pang Liwei and others...

After Chen Qigang glanced at Zhang Weiping, he stood up and left without saying a word.

When he left, the group of trainers behind him also chose to leave, and after Chen Qigang walked out of the room, he walked directly downstairs.

Soon he arrived in front of his car.

The crew will claim to the outside world that they are looking for a new training base, but in fact... although the plan cannot keep up with the changes, it is true that all the assessments for Shi Sanchai are coming to an end, and in the end it is just a matter of choosing who to eliminate.

But now that these things have happened, the crew just decided to go to Nanjing overnight to start filming.

Regardless of whether others take a holiday or not, he has nothing to do now.

Just go back and find inspiration slowly.

When the time comes, I will wait for the original film to be brought over and start composing the music myself.

So he can just leave without worrying about what happens to the crew.

After starting the car and pushing up his glasses, while the car was warming up, Chen Qigang took out his cell phone and found a phone number to call.

"Dududu... Hello, Director Chen."

Xu Xin's voice rang out.

"Xiao Xu."

Chen Qigang said calmly:

"I did what you asked me to do."

"Oh?...Haha, thank you so much, Director Chen. But...I didn't expect they would actually ask you."


Hearing Xu Xin's words, Chen Qigang sighed softly:

"Just like I said to you, if no one asks me, then I won't say anything. This kind of thing is a matter between Yimou and Zhang Weiping. I won't get involved. But...since you asked me , then I will just speak out based on my truest thoughts. No one likes a whistleblower, right?"


Xu Xin responded.

Then he said:

"Then... Anyway, Director Chen, thank you, I owe you a favor."

Although we are all "brothers" who are stirring up trouble in the Olympic Games, we still have the same code, and they are willing to help you and become the last line of insurance. This is love.

No matter whether the other person cares or not.

Faced with these words, Chen Qigang just said calmly:

"It's just a matter of fact. What's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. But... I'm curious, how did you guess that they would quarrel."

"Haha, after all, I know Director Zhang very well."

Xu Xin yelled haha.

Seeing this, Chen Qigang didn't ask any more questions and responded:

"Okay, let's just say that."

"Well, okay, after I finish working on the movie, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Okay, this Christmas, my son will also come back from Switzerland. Then you young people can get close to each other."

"that's for sure."

In Xu Xin's response, the phone hung up.

He sat in the car and let out a sigh of relief.


When he heard this movement, Liu Yifei, who was in the same car with him, asked softly:

"What's wrong?"

"... What a pity the parents in the world have."

In the other party's confusion, he came up with this sentence.

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