I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 644 642 Wang Shuo

Chapter 644 642. Wang Shuo is “dead”

"If You Are the One" This time, because I bought a ticket that was refunded by someone else, I didn't have the right to choose a seat. The seats for the two of them were actually quite bad, being on the edge of the second row.

Luckily they were still next to each other, but there were people on both sides.

Fortunately, Sister Mi was quite full after eating this meal in the afternoon and evening, so she temporarily put aside her obsession with popcorn.

The two of them deliberately entered the scene after the movie started and the lights were dimmed, so there was no disturbance.

While apologizing and saying "I'm sorry, please give me an excuse", he came to his seat.

At this time, the movie scene had just shown Yao Chen and Shu Qi, one in black and one in white, sitting on a carriage, walking along the road amidst a burst of elegant music.

Although Xu Xin boasted about his impression of "If You Are the One 1" in interviews, he actually didn't like the movie.

As for why he didn't like it... it was so long ago that he had forgotten the general plot.

In my impression, the story line of the first part of this movie is actually quite simple.

Qin Fen, played by Uncle Ge... is like a middle-aged old liar. He got something at the beginning... The Dispute Terminal Resolution Machine is a cylinder with two hollow ends. To resolve disputes, the two of them reach into it and use rock scissors. cloth……

Just like this, he sold 2 million pounds of royalties from the rich man played by Fan Wei and achieved financial freedom...


It's definitely nonsense.

But things that ordinary people find ridiculous and funny, in Xu Xin's view, are insinuating themselves.

In other words... alluding to one's own family "composition".

He is a second-generation coal worker.

Dad is a coal boss.

And this joke about different terminals is actually not a fiction, but a real thing.

It can't be said that it really happened. The thing is definitely not that nonsense, but the "thing" is not without its prototype.

His prototype is the story of a Shanxi coal boss who got rich from coal mines in the 1990s and "broke into" Yanjing with banknotes.

The coal bosses at that time had money but no knowledge.

Investing in the film and television industry with cash is not ambiguous at all, but the requirements are also very clear, and that is female stars.

Suddenly rich, they mishandled the money.

Although Yanjing was an entertainment center, at that time everyone was relatively primitive in terms of creation, remuneration, and business model.

A movie with one or two million dollars is already a big production.

Although Jingquan had begun to take shape at that time, most companies were still in a... nascent stage. Maybe the background of these company bosses is very deep, but when it comes to the money in their pockets, it's not that they can't compare with the coal bosses, but they can't invest millions like the coal bosses, just to sleep with a female star. ".

And this is just the upper ecology.

Those at the bottom or middle level take a different approach.

That is what is called cheating.

The coal boss is stupid and has too much money, so I will start cheating.

To deceive the coal boss into investing in him, as for female stars and so on... To put it bluntly, at the most brutal time, maybe the heroine of this drama was an escort girl in a nightclub yesterday, and today she has become the so-called "in-law" A well-known female drama star in Yanjing.


Why a drama, you ask?

Nonsense, the coal boss doesn’t watch dramas, but he does watch TV.

I haven't seen it on TV, and the drama is elegant. You still need a threshold to understand it, so it's perfect for cheating.

As for deceptive investment, no matter how the money is spent, the investor's purpose is achieved.

Therefore, the heroine becomes a mistress, the director can film, and the coal boss feels happy physically and mentally.

In the early 1990s, it became an unspoken agreement.

At that time, it was said that "a phone call is 30,000, a drink is 80, 38,240, the grandson becomes an uncle", which means to deceive the coal boss into investing money and being deceived.

The early coal bosses were really easy to fool.

However, as time passes, more and more coal bosses begin to "awaken."

On the one hand, scammers find that money is not so easy to cheat.

On the other hand, the coal bosses also discovered that... when they were unhappy with giving money, people in the entertainment industry also revealed their xenophobia and disdain for these nouveau riche from the bottom of their hearts.

After being unable to integrate into this circle, the coal boss sadly left.

I don’t know how many false complaints and bad debts were left behind.

This is what happened when the first wave of coal bosses entered the market.

At the beginning of the first part of "If You Are the One", Qin Fen deceives Fan Wei's prototype. Regardless of whether he is talking about himself or not, Xu Xin can find his shadow as a "coal boss" in it.

If you are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly.

Therefore, he didn't like the movie from the beginning.

I completely watched it with Yang Mi.

He still doesn't understand... What are an old liar and a pretentious stewardess doing in a movie like this?

It can only be said that he cannot appreciate this movie style that belongs to the Beijing circle and is full of humor and cleverness.

Although it's not like "I lie to people and I'm justified", he just doesn't like it.

This is his understanding of "If You Are the One".

In comparison, Yang Mi was actually doing better.

Because of the atmosphere she has lived in since she was a child, she has no objection to the cynicism of some so-called "big courtyard children", "bastards", "grandsons" and "poor people". This is the experience of a generation growing up in an area. edify.

There is no right or wrong.

It's not that Yanjing is bad, but this thing... is like Yanjing people looking at outsiders. Many people also have the feeling that "Yenjing people's money has been made by outsiders".

This is the friction and adaptation of regional and cultural atmosphere.

There are good people and bad people everywhere, this is the most fundamental truth.

Outsiders cannot understand it, but local people can relate to it.

Therefore, she thought the movie was quite funny.

The camera of the movie traveled from a carriage. When Yang Mi saw Yao Chen on the carriage, there was still a smile under the mask.

Although Yao Chen is known as the so-called "Queen of Weibo", he has a grudge against her...

But she actually doesn't care.

Because everyone has suffered together, she is full of tolerance and kindness to everyone on the "Wulin Gaiden" crew.

Just like several brothers and sisters who have separated from each other.

There are quarrels, but the feelings are still there.

And she also wondered...what did Yao Chen do here?

Are Shu Qi and Uncle Ge married?

Why does it look like the clothes are not very "appropriate"...

Just as he was thinking about it, the carriage stopped, and a shot of Sun Honglei holding Yao Chen's hand appeared.

Are these two getting married?

But why wear black?

It looks the same as the Widow series...

Before I had time to express my feelings, suddenly, the scene changed, and under a long shot, Uncle Ge’s lines rang out:

"I announce! The divorce ceremony of Ms. Mango and Mr. Li Xiangshan has officially begun. Please, two old friends... come in!"


Yang Mi frowned.

In the camera, this outdoor buffet-style Western ceremony looks a lot like a wedding.

Dresses, flowers, bridesmaids, pure white and green...

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are getting married.

But it turned out to be a divorce ceremony.

Is there still a ceremony for divorce?

Although in the next second, this may be "Feng's humor".

But... she somehow didn't find it funny.

But a little disgusted.

Especially when the two of them were walking into the marriage hall, when Uncle Ge took out a wad of money and asked them to swear to the money that what they said was sincere and not false...

Her brows furrowed completely.

Because she smelled a disgusting smell.

As a happy woman with a happy family, she can feel her husband's love for her all the time.

She had never thought about how she would feel if she and Xu Xin were to divorce.

Marriage is not a child's play.

The love between two people is the blending and integration of each other's souls.

If you are poor, I will work hard with you; if you are rich, I will share the prosperity with you.

Never leave, never abandon, depend on each other for life and death.

She didn't know if her view of love was correct, but this was her truest thought.

However, Director Feng made her see a very disgusting realization through Feng's humor at the beginning of the movie.

The Bible, which was supposed to be used to witness the fidelity of love, became a wad of bright red banknotes in the divorce ceremony.

Although she does not believe in the Lord, she also understands that the power of faith is more of a moral barrier to restrain herself.

But this moral barrier was replaced by the wad of bright red banknotes at this moment.

Humor, irony.




And when she saw the two of them returning each other's rings after taking their vows, and then engaging in some divorce drama like "cutting the wedding sign", her brows became more and more frowned.

But at this moment, Xu Xin suddenly approached her ear:

"Hey, Wang Ying."


Yang Mi followed her husband's words to distract herself.

Then I saw the "bridesmaid" behind Sun Honglei.

It is indeed Wang Ying.

Before meeting Wang Sicong, she had just finished filming the movie Bridesmaids.

Seeing the "old person" again, I should have no worries in my heart, but...the original disgusting smell, coupled with such a bitch who plays with people's hearts and hurts the feelings of her friends...

Director Feng's "masterpiece" has been finalized in her eyes at this moment.

This movie is full of impetuousness, noise, "one-upmanship" and mercenary vomit that is constantly exuding its own stench.

This... shouldn't be something from Beijing circles.

The satire in the Beijing circle, teasing the poor, is supposed to be a kind of joke that uses absurd reality to cry out for the people at the bottom and shout out the voice that they cannot make.

The culture of the capital city should serve as the cultural and spiritual pioneer of the country, not only leading the way in every era... but at least providing a source of reference for self-examination.

The poverty-stricken people in Yanjing are more like the helplessness and self-resolution of enjoying themselves in hardship.

It should be like the weeds under the roots of the imperial city, growing vigorously under the blue bricks and red walls, showing its endless vitality with its tenacious vitality.


Director Feng Da's work made her, a native of Yanjing, feel...uncomfortable.

Although the movie has just begun, as an actor, she already has a premonition...

In other words, I noticed the "high and mighty" theme and tone of this script.

That faint sense of superiority...

It made her very uncomfortable.

It shouldn't be like this.

If they are outsiders, maybe they are not qualified to evaluate the appearance and physical appearance of our locals.

But as a local, she is qualified to say this.

You shouldn't be like this...

Teacher Wang Shuo... your favorite writer is Lao She. When I was a child, I actually saw in the newspaper that you said in an interview, "I just can't stand the elitism of intellectuals riding on my neck." .

What you represent is a rebellious spirit, a stubborn attitude that helps us clear away the clouds and distinguish authenticity.

You...why have you become like this now?

She didn't understand.

Even a little sad.

Because how many children born in the 1980s in Yanjing did not admire Wang Shuo in their adolescence in the 1990s?

It is a series of wild and rebellious fringe people in Wang Shuo's works such as ruffians and jobless youths. Children like Yang Mi show what it is like for a social class that has lost its traditional beliefs under the changing trend of the times. Living condition.

They even used their confused values ​​and complicated but disconnected spirit to provide false evidence to help these children learn how to "disprove" and how to "learn well".

We adore you so much...

Even when you were banned, we expressed injustice and resistance on your behalf.

But now you...

She silently pulled down her mask.

Start breathing.


Less than five minutes into the movie, she could no longer bear the spiritual core of the movie under the camera.

She wanted to leave.

Because if she keeps reading, she will vomit.

She would really vomit when she saw an old liar and pervert acting like a bitch in front of others.

But she can't leave.

Because...this is my husband's opponent.

If she doesn't finish it, neither she nor her husband will feel confident.

Therefore, she could only endure it.

At this moment, Xu Xin, who noticed something was wrong with her breathing, turned his head.

"……What’s wrong with you?"

After hearing this, Yang Mi, who was full of chaotic emotions and needed an outlet, said this without even thinking:

"This movie makes me want to vomit."




Her voice was not high pitched.

To put it bluntly, Xu Xin and the girl sitting on his left can hear it at most.

She didn't think much about it at the moment.

What filled my mind was the complete mess of the "collapse" of the writer I loved when I was a child.

After Xu Xin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and said:

"Then let's stop watching and let's go?"

"...No, just finish reading."

Yang Mi shook her head first, then added:

"Leave me alone and watch the movie."

"...Is there something wrong with what I'm eating?"

Xu Xin thought she was having a physiological reaction and was still concerned.

But Yang Mi continued to shake her head:

"No, it's this story... I don't have a correct outlook on things. Just look at it, I'll endure it."


This time, Xu Xin understood.

But he had no intention of criticizing, but noticed that the girl on his wife's left was also looking this way.

Seeing this, he quickly reminded:

"Pull up the mask..."

"I can't hold it anymore. I want to vomit. I need to take it slow."

Just as Yang Mi finished speaking while leaning on the chair, in the movie scene, the drunken Yao Chen said to Sun Honglei, who was supported by Wang Ying and another bridesmaid:

"Tell Xiangshan not to spend too much money on new people when he gets excited..."

It’s money again…

You can't fucking live without talking about money, right?

Her breathing became heavy again.

Marriage is money, divorce is money, swearing is money, drunken care is still inseparable from money...

Money, money!

Are you so fucking poor?

When Xu Xin saw that the girl next to him kept staring here, he couldn't say anything, so he could only stay quiet.

And to avoid being recognized...

But little does he know...

After he and Yang Mi calmed down, the girl took a closer look at the face sitting on the chair, trying her best to hide it under the turtleneck sweater.

Then he turned to his boyfriend and whispered in his ear:

"Let me tell you something, don't get excited."


The boy looked like he was listening while watching the movie.

"On my right...are actually Yang Mi and Xu Xin!"


The boy subconsciously wanted to poke his head, but the girl quickly held his face:

"I told you not to get excited! Wait and see, what will you do if someone finds out?"

"But... they two..."

The boy stammered something to say, but he heard the girl say:

"Besides, do you know what Yang Mi said to Xu Xin just now? She said she wanted to vomit."



The girl was stunned.

I wonder why you have such a big brain.

She said quickly:

"No, Yang Mi just told Xu Xin that the movie made her want to vomit... She seemed to dislike the movie and said the story had incorrect views."

"...Why do you say that?"

Obviously, the boy didn't quite understand his girlfriend's words.

Isn't it just a... somewhat novel divorce ceremony?

It's quite fun.

What's wrong with your outlook?

The girl also shook her head:

"I don't know either……"

Seeing this, the boy didn't think much and just nodded.

And the girl is not talking.

Because she wanted to see why Yang Mi said this movie had "incorrect views".

But the boy waited for about 30 seconds, but couldn't help but look over there.

Yang Mi endured the discomfort and continued watching the movie, so she didn't see it.

And this boy also couldn't see clearly because the plot timeline "went into the night" after the ceremony sequence between Li Xiangshan and Mango ended, so the light was a little dim.

After thinking for a while, he withdrew his gaze and began to wait for the light to get brighter.

Coincidentally, the camera switched.

On a private plane, Shu Qi was seen walking in the plane wearing a stewardess uniform, and the light in the screening room lit up.

He quickly turned his head and glanced again.

Now I can see it clearly.

It turned out to be Yang Mi!

It’s really Yang Mi! ! !

I actually watched a movie next to Yang Mi!

Although there is a girlfriend in the middle...

Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

Just because you don't dare to say it doesn't mean you don't dare to think about it.

He subconsciously took out his cell phone.

Adjust the screen brightness to the minimum, turn on the photo mode, and turn off the automatic flash.

Turning the screen upside down with his right hand, he slowly moved the phone to his knees in the bright reflection.

There is no "click" shutter sound in the video.

But it was enough to take a clear picture of Yang Mi's face.


Yang Mi didn't see it at all.

Xu Xin could actually understand the "three incorrect views" mentioned by his wife, but he was not surprised.

Because this is his understanding of the movie itself.

This is the tone set from the first film.

It’s natural to have no hope.

The pretentious Shu Qi, the somewhat... old gangster-like Uncle Ge...

He didn't mean that this was the true character of these two people.

But what is the name of the characters played by Qin Fen and... Shu Qi in the play?

That's the case with these two script characters.

Being able to act out the hypocrisy and the virtues of an old gangster shows that there is nothing wrong with their acting skills.

So he won't look at actors through colored glasses.

As for the story...it's really not that good.

After ignoring the scenes of Mercedes-Benz, Taobao, and sea-view villas that are hard to see at first glance... I have to admit that as a director, the script of this movie is actually quite solid in terms of character creation.

The flight attendant played by Shu Qi and Qin Fen as Uncle Ge, the two of them acted with full of conflict from their trial marriage to all kinds of quarrels.

But this cannot cover up the kind of values ​​​​exported by Director Feng.

Not to mention anything else, it’s just a plot about an engaged fiancée going to a nightclub and getting drunk, and her fiancé comes looking for her, and keeps saying that she wants to be free...

He really doesn't like it.

But these stories have made Yang Mi close her eyes.

She really felt sick.

Perhaps... from this aspect, the script and director should be given recognition.

Being able to convey this kind of distorted values ​​and views on love is considered a profound skill.

Not to mention the "Western food", "private jet", "Angus veal", "jewelry", "plastic surgery", "sissy" and other operations that are everywhere in the show.

She was trying to endure it.

And she swore in her heart that she would never play such an impetuous and vain show in her life.

The young couple next to her gradually came back to their feelings.

Why did Yang Mi say that this movie has incorrect views...

The boy is not mentioned.

Girls products are out.

Putting aside the hint of lust, she didn't like Liang Xiaoxiao's argument that in fifteen or twenty years, you will have no interest in me and I will have no interest in you.

She is twenty-three this year, and occasionally she hears... that kind of noise in her parents' room.

That is an expression of love.

If it were normal, she would at most feel that this was wrong.

But with Yang Mi's preconception that "three views are incorrect", based on the sense of trust in "authority", she put on this layer of colored glasses and looked at it from the perspective of the two of them "separating beds" , when Liang Xiaoxiao took Mango and Qin Fen to dinner, the sissy called her over to invite him to the beauty contest. Qin Fen was jealous, but Liang Xiaoxiao felt that Qin Fen had restricted his "freedom" and was angry...

She also gradually frowned during these plots.

Shu Qi... No, why is Liang Xiaoxiao so mean?

Qin Fen tolerates you enough...

Especially when I saw Shu Qi drinking too much in a nightclub, her phone was turned off, and Qin Fen came looking for her, only to find Shu Qi vomiting under the slap of a strange man...

The boy heard his girlfriend complain:

"If I want to be like this, my dad will beat me to death. It doesn't matter if a girl doesn't know how to love herself. She really doesn't have any tutoring."

"...Aren't you moved?"

The boy was a little confused.

The girl was stunned:

"What moved you?"

"If you drink too much, I will come to pick you up and take care of you..."

As he was talking, the scene had already reached the scene where Shu Qi kicked off her high heels by the swimming pool and Qin Fen went to fish them out.

After the girl saw this, she said to the boy without thinking:

"Don't worry, I will never do anything to feel sorry for you! Even if I go to a nightclub, I will take you there, and... I can't do something like her. Why are you kicking your high heels into the water? You are so incompetent... …nausea!"


The boy was stunned...

"If you don't like it, I won't watch it. I don't think it looks good either. Shu Qi is too twisted..."

"No, I can't bear to see a girl. If I were this man, if this girl treated me like this... I would kill her!"


"why are you laughing?"

"I really like hearing you speak your hometown dialect, especially the curse words."


The girl smiled while looking at the embarrassed Shu Qi on the beach... She quietly said to the boy again:

"Yang Mi is so amazing. She can tell that this movie is not correct even after the movie has just started. I didn't realize it until now. What they said is right."


Xu Xin didn't know what the young couple next to his wife was whispering.

Yang Mi couldn't hear clearly either.

Now in the movie plot, after the two returned to the sea view villa, Shu Qi finally broke up with Qin Fen.

Yang Mi glanced at her watch subconsciously.


When she saw this time, she thought to herself...

It's over.

In the next 40 minutes of the movie, maybe the two of them started to get entangled and flirted again?

She was really going to throw up.

But at this moment, the scene suddenly changed. Uncle Ge and the crooked female host were doing pedicures and said:

"Do you know what kind of person is domineering in half a room, looking for the feeling of holding himself in the palm of his hand?"

The girl asked:

"Rich man?"

On the small TV, Uncle Ge was lying on the massage sofa, looking at the camera and saying:

"Poor people."


Xu Xin frowned.

"Poor people hate those who have been poor. What they want to do most after they turn over is to boss people around even harder. Going back thirty years, our country is full of poor people..."

The camera switched and the stewardesses on the bus, headed by Shu Qi, all laughed.

But Xu Xin's brows furrowed completely.

His eyes gradually became colder.

At this moment, Yang Mi couldn't help but sneered:


Without any hiding, she turned to her husband and said:

"The Wang Shuo in my heart is dead. Completely dead."


Xu Xin was speechless.

But after hearing her words, the girl next to her was stunned for a moment...

Immediately, she realized the meaning of Ge You's words belatedly.

But... I don’t think clearly about it.

I just felt that when Uncle Ge said this, he seemed...not the amiable Uncle Ge I knew.

On the contrary, he is superior.

In a condescending tone, he looked down at himself.

Only from this angle can I say this with such contempt and contempt.

It was at this moment...

She completely disliked this movie.

Even though...she hasn't quite figured it out yet.

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