I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 643 641 A good movie

Chapter 643 641. A good movie

People in Yanjing are no stranger to Yang Mi bringing her husband to eat noodles with soybean paste.

After all, Fangzhuangchang’s noodles are quite famous. Many celebrities come here because of its reputation. Plus, they are an authentic Yanjing kid. Coming here to eat noodles with soybean paste is not only down-to-earth, but also shows that this girl has good taste.


Good guy.

Xu Xin is really good at eating garlic.

Even if Laba garlic doesn't have the smell of raw garlic, it still won't hold up to one bite, right?

Besides...it's okay for male compatriots to eat a big bowl, but it's too much for a lesbian like Yang Mi to hold a big bowl and just refill it with two noodles, right?

Ordinary gay men are full after eating this bowl. How can this girl eat three bowls?

So, to the surprise of the surrounding diners, two clean noodle bowls were left on the table where the couple was eating.

Half a bottle of laba garlic was placed on the table for free...

When we were eating, a long line started to form at the door.

After the couple stood up, Yang Mi nodded to the older men next to her who were eating slowly:

"You are eating."

"Yes, yes."

Then, under the watch of many diners, Xu Xin was heard saying:

"No, this Laba garlic is not as strong as raw garlic. Next time I eat it when I am not watching a movie, I will bring two heads of garlic with me..."


Gotta admit it.

These two people know how to eat.

All the way out of Fangzhuangchang Alley and back to her car, Yang Mi asked:

"Where should we go to see it?"

"Let's go to Hengdian."


"Well, then go to the mall to buy a massage chair for our dad. Last night I smelled the smell of plaster on his body again."


As soon as they left, the two of them drove all the way and arrived at Wangfujing at early 1 p.m.

Wearing a hat and a mask, the two of them went straight to Hengdian Film and Television City. What they didn't expect was... It was noon, and it was still noon on a weekday, and the film and television city was actually full.

Xu Xin was stunned when he saw it.

"Why...why are there so many people?"

Yang Mixin said this is not nonsense.

If there weren't too many people, wouldn't the movie have no box office?

Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"What should we do now?"

"You go buy a ticket."

"...Want to watch it here?"

"Look, and I also want to observe and see whether more people watch "If You Are the One" or more of us."


Xu Xin nodded.

"Remember to buy me a Haagen-Dazs."


He responded and went to line up.

Today's cinema ticket prices are no longer what they were in the 40s and 45s.

This time, the ticket price for "Hawthorn Tree" is 60.

Because I didn’t shoot the 3D version.

The ticket prices for the 3D version are generally around 80 to 85.

But... shooting a literary film in 3D is indeed a bit nonsense.

Xu Xin was queuing up at the ticket office while looking up at the show.

When it comes to the number of films scheduled, "Hawthorn Tree" and "If You Are the One 2" are in the same league.

This didn't even work with West Film Studio.

Whether it is the director's reputation, the quality of the film, or the lineup, both parties are enough to dominate around Christmas.

But... the weird thing this time is that although the two movies are about the same size, the movie schedule in the entire theater... at least in Hengdian, is one-third of the world.

He looked at the shows on the electronic screen. Each show lasted an average of 20 minutes. The entire Hengdian Film and Television City was a close match between "If You Are the One 2", "Hawthorn Tree Love" and "Let the Bullets Fly".

Obviously, compared to "The Orphan of Zhao" which has fallen out of the top ranks, "Let the Bullets Fly" has a lot of staying power.

This also made him more curious.

Looking at the trailer, it seems that this film is about the Republic of China.

What kind of magic is there that is worthy of being so sought after by movie fans?

No, you must take a look.

Soon the team reached him.

Wearing a mask, he said directly:

"Two copies of "If You Are the One 2", what time is the latest one?"

"4 p.m., is this time okay?"

Hearing the conductor's words, Xu Xin was stunned:

"Isn't there any time earlier?"

"No more. All seats are full."

"Uh... what about "Hawthorn Tree"?"

""Hawthorn Love", 4:30 pm."

"……"Let the bullets fly"?"

"How many seats are left for "Let the Bullets Fly" at 2:30?"

"That's it. Two tickets, a big bucket of popcorn...forget it, I don't want the popcorn yet, let's get two tickets first."

"The total is one hundred and twenty yuan. Do you have a membership card?"


He handed over the cash.

Soon, after receiving two tickets, he faced the young woman who was trying hard to reduce her presence in the corner:

"If You Are the One is available at 4:00, and "The Hawthorn Tree" is available at 4:30. I bought "Let the Bullets Fly" at 2:30."

"You have to wait so long?"

Yang Mi glanced at the Rolex on her wrist speechlessly.

I don’t know who she learned it from... She especially loves the Rolex brand.

After checking the time, she turned to look at the trailer of "If You Are the One" on the screen in the lobby, and subconsciously complained:

"I'm afraid he is the only actor in the country who can arouse such a popularity, right?"


Xu Xin also turned his head subconsciously.

Who is she talking about?

As a result, I saw Ge You's face.


He nodded.


Among the four heavyweight movies in December, I acted in three of them.

This ability... can be regarded as no one else but me.

There was still some free time before half past two, so the two of them started shopping in the mall hand in hand.

The main business is to buy massage chairs, but this thing cannot be just seen, it must be felt.

By chance, Xu Sanjin, who was feeling sore all over, took advantage of it. When he saw a man selling massage chairs, he went up to him.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, there was a full sense of richness:

"Which is your most expensive massage chair?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes after hearing this sentence.

Needless to say, this man's common shopping problems are exactly the same.

If you have money, it's best to go directly. If you don't have money, you won't even see it.

Never consume things beyond your ability.

Tsk tsk, man is indeed a simple animal.

In the end, I went back and forth and chose a massage chair that cost more than 20,000 yuan. I filled in the form and swiped my card, and just waited for it to be delivered to my door.

It was almost time, and the two walked back hand in hand again.

The waiting hall of the cinema was still full. Knowing that his wife could not stop chattering while watching the movie, he held a large bucket of popcorn in his left hand, two glasses of Coke hanging on his fingers, and two Haagen-Dazs in his right hand.

Yang Mi doesn't dare to eat now, for fear of being recognized after taking off her mask.

Even if I swallow my saliva while looking at the ice cream, I have to hold it back.

But you have to know...she just stuffed three bowls of fried noodles...

Finally, the queue for "Let the Bullets Fly" started at 2:30.

The couple was caught in the crowd, and just for a moment while queuing to check in, the young woman was like a hamster, holding a few popcorns, pulling the mask from her chin, and bulging her cheeks as she stuffed them into her mouth.

She was so proud of the buttery flavor of the popcorn.

Check your ticket, enter, and take a seat in the corner.

With her husband blocking the people next to her, she could finally eat and drink happily.

At this moment, both of them heard a voice coming from behind:

"You said... you are so annoying. I asked you to buy the ticket earlier but you didn't buy it, now it's better... I have no interest in the movie at all. I want to watch "If You Are the One"!"

It's a girl's voice.

"What's so good about "If You Are the One"? After watching this, why don't we go out for dinner and then come back to watch "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree"?"

Another girl's voice.

"I don't like Liu Yifei!"

"Then you don't like Xu Xin?"

"I like it... 17, this is it."

Yang Mi quickly turned her head and took a look, temporarily pulled on her mask, and said quickly to Xu Xin:

"Hey, beauty."

Xu Xin quickly turned his head.

It was twisted too fast and I didn’t see it clearly.

Then he turned his head again.

Now I can see it clearly.

Then he handed in his homework to his wife honestly and summed it up:

"Not bad, but not as pretty as you."


Yang Mi smiled sweetly, and then heard the two girls continue to say:

"I used to have feelings for Xu Xinchao. But I don't know why. Now when I look at him, I think of Yang Mi's face, and then I feel more and more greasy about him."

This is what the other girl said.

And her words succeeded in making Yang Mi and Xu Xin's expressions stiffen.

Yang Mi didn't show off her power.

After all, she might show off her power one second and end up at the police station the next.

And as a public figure, she naturally has the consciousness of being judged by others.

What she and Xu Xin really cared about was what the girl said next.


Xu Xin lowered his head and looked at the popcorn in his arms...

Subconsciously I touched my belly.

Although he doesn't exercise anymore...but his weight has been under good control.


I'm only 24.



He couldn't help but turn to look at his wife.

Yang Mi stared at him.

Look around...

He took the initiative and leaned into his ear:

"It's okay, I'm happy to eat three-layered pork belly."

Xu Xin's mentality collapsed instantly.

Then he couldn't stand listening to what the two sisters were discussing.

He took the initiative to block the conversation between the two of them by listening to the sound in his ears while biting the popcorn.

Soon, the screen lights up and the movie is about to start.

The BGM of "Farewell" rings in my ears...

Then, as the camera shook, a person's head was lying on the railway...

4:38 p.m.

Accompanied by the sentence "The magic city is Pudong", and Hisaishi Joe's classic BGM that would have made Jiang Wen pass on to three generations sounded again, the movie screen turned black.

The lights come on.

There was no applause or exclamation.

After watching a two-hour movie, some viewers always seem to like to take the lead and walk out of the theater first.

There were also people who took their time, packed up, checked, and repeatedly confirmed that they had not left anything behind, and then followed the crowd out of the cinema.

As for Xu Xin, he didn't move.

Don't leave in a hurry.

As for Yang Mi, she picked up the drink cup on her armrest and drank the last sip of the tasteless "coke water".

The two of them were in a corner, with the passage out of the theater directly under their feet, so there was no need to give room to anyone.

Seeing that her husband was not in a hurry to leave, she sat on the chair, rubbed her eyes, and put on the mask again.


"how do you feel?"


Xu Xin was speechless.

After about two or three seconds, he said:

"This movie... contains a lot of information. It's full of metaphors... I... didn't understand it."

Yang Mi is not a person without the ability to appreciate art.

After hearing what her husband said, she obviously agreed.

However, her interpretation is from an actor's perspective.

"The style is too strong. My feeling is... what Jiang Wen's movie wants to express is to make money while standing..."

What she was talking about was not the movie itself, but the actor's attitude towards the director.

In other words, the audience's attitude towards this movie and towards Jiang Wen.

Stand, don't bend down, whether you are engaged in literature or art, or engaged in business, you will never compromise.

Just stand and make money.

And she was not surprised by this feeling.

Although it was a bit boastful, but...at least, starting from her husband, the people she came into contact with at Xiying Studio all had this taste.

The body is hard-boned.

It's a tough nut to crack.

Of course, it’s not like no one compromised...

But those who compromise cannot currently enter the core circle of the factory.

This is a culture of ups and downs.

It is true that Jiang Wen is from the Beijing circle, but the genes of Xiying people are still there in his bones.

She did not deliberately seek to interpret the good qualities of this movie.

For her, it was just a matter of following the camera and following Zhang Mazi through a two-hour "absurd" life.

As for what a certain scene or line in the movie is implying...

Too lazy to think about it.

Too tired.

But look at the virtue of my husband...

She will understand...

"Want a second brush?"

"……let's talk tomorrow."

Xu Xin smiled and then said:

"This is an excellent movie worth watching over and over again. It has a strong personal touch, but it is also in the same vein as the director's previous works... It is complex, but interesting. It has reference significance for me. Great!... In other words, it’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s like finding a treasure.”

He rarely gave a very high evaluation.

But when I asked him to comment on what was good, he couldn't answer it now.

At this moment, he felt particularly like a person... guarding outside a treasure house.

He knew that there were treasures in the treasure house, but because it was too dark, he couldn't see clearly what was inside.

This feeling of excitement and curiosity tickled him all over.

"I asked Brother Qi to ask Jiang Wen for a plate. This movie is more suitable for me to savor slowly at home. Tsk, it's comfortable."

While talking, he quickly sent a message to Qi Lei.

Qi Lei also responded quickly:

"no problem."

There is no grudge against Jiang Wen or anyone else, and they have a close relationship, so even if their circles are different, they still have personal friendships.

After receiving the reply, the two of them followed the audience and walked out.

Yang Mi asked at this time:

"What are we going to do?"

"are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry... I'll call home first and ask the kids. If there's nothing wrong, can we watch a show?"

""You Are the One"?"


"Okay, I'll buy a ticket...but if it's very late..."

"It's okay. Just ask first. If not, let's go to Wanda."

"That's okay..."

Xu Xin turned around and started queuing again.

This time, we were quite lucky. The 6 o'clock session was already full, but suddenly two people canceled their tickets.

Xu Xin quickly filled the gap.

After getting the ticket, he also got addicted to smoking. The two of them simply came out of the mall and found a seat on the bench at the entrance of Wangfujing.

The time came to 5 o'clock, and it was starting to get dark.

Xu Xin took off his mask, lit a cigarette, and smoked with squinted eyes.

In a few seconds, a large amount of smoke drifted overhead.

Yang Mi shrank her neck and sat next to him, watching the people coming and going in the square in front of the mall and the busy traffic on the road, and suddenly laughed out loud.


"What are you laughing at?"

"I think of our past. Just... when I just finished filming "Not Drunk", I queued up to listen to cross talk in Dashilan... It's been three or four years in the blink of an eye."


Xu Xin was also a little emotional, but at the moment he was still thinking about the fragments of "Let the Bullets Fly" that he vaguely remembered in his mind.

For example, the cool line "Let the bullets fly for a while"...

really interesting.

So I didn’t answer much.

Yang Mi didn't care. She put her hand into her husband's pocket again and put her head on his shoulder:

"Brother, it's great to have you~"


Xu Xin's response was a bit perfunctory.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"Are you thinking about "Let the Bullets Fly"?"

"……How do you know it?"

"Nonsense, if you stick your ass out, I'll know what your shit is."


Xu Xinxin said you are so vulgar, bitch.

"But it seems to me that you don't care about the box office of "The Hawthorn Tree" at all?"

"It sounds like you care."

"...That's right. We've used up all the personnel, and we'll just leave the rest to fate... Huh?"

Suddenly, Yang Mi seemed to see something and said:

"Someone is taking pictures of us."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Do you think this guy can recognize me even in the dark?

I turned around and saw... As expected, there were two or three people standing on the roadside, seemingly loading their cars, and there were two boxes of photographic equipment at their feet. And one of them is pointing his camera at this side.


Xu Xin wondered.

But Yang Mi faced the camera and made a "V" gesture with a generous stroke on her husband's shoulder.

Then he said:

"It's not like...the Sony box at your feet contains a camera, right?"

"...Why do you have to add one?"


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment before she realized what her husband was talking about.

So, she rolled her eyes:

"Bah, vulgar."

Xu Xin smiled, but when the two or three buddies saw that they didn't refuse, they didn't know what they were talking about, so they actually started to come over here.

"...People are coming over, do you want to refuse?"

"Let's take a look at the situation. If it's a regular TV station, there might be more opportunities for exposure. Just look at my eyes and act."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she moved her head away from his shoulder.

The two of them just watched one of them walk over.

The man looked at it briefly, seemed a little unsure, and asked tentatively:

"Excuse me...are they Director Xu Xin and Teacher Yang Mi?"

Xu Xin put the cigarette butt under his feet, squandered it, and threw it into the trash can next to him before he responded:

"Yes, hello. You are..."

The buddy immediately showed a look of surprise in his eyes:

"Hello, Director Xu! I am a reporter from Yanjing TV's "Tiantian Film and Television Circle". My name is Zhou Min... Sorry to bother you two, we were originally here to film "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" and "If You Are the One 2" in the theater With the current situation of box office sales... I didn’t expect to meet you two here!”

"..."Tiantian Film and Television Circle"?"

Yang Mi was stunned:

"The one at Yanjing Radio 2?"

"Yes, yes... you two, if you don't mind, can we ask a few questions?"

After hearing Zhou Min's words, Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"Show me your press pass first."

"Hey, okay!"

Without saying anything, the other party took out his work permit from his pocket.

After Yang Mi took a look, she said to Zhou Min:

"Then... don't come here in a big way, just take a photo casually, okay? We just want to watch a movie."

"Okay, okay!"

Obviously, Zhou Min was very excited to be able to "catch" Xu Xin and Yang Mi directly, and quickly waved to his two companions.

One of the two buddies ran over carrying a camera from the box and the other holding a SLR.

Zhou Min took the microphone with the Yanjing TV logo from his companion and was about to conduct an interview, while Xu Xin asked:

"Do you need us to stand up?"

"No need, no need, just leave it like this... The two of you look... particularly loving and harmonious."

Just now he saw from his companion's camera a picture of a man smoking and another leaning on his shoulder. Zhou Min said from the bottom of his heart.

The reason why the two of them were recognized was because Xu Xin took off his mask while smoking.

Soon, the microphone was connected to the camera.

Because of the hasty preparation, Zhou Min obviously could only improvise on the spot.

So his first question was:

"Are you two here to watch a movie?"


Xu Xin nodded.

"Did Director Xu come to see "If You Are the One" as I said before?"


Still admitting openly, Xu Xin then added:

"But I didn't buy the tickets. We watched "Let the Bullets Fly" first in the afternoon."

"So...how does it feel?"


He gave his evaluation without hesitation:

"At least in my opinion, this movie is excellent. I can't wait to see it a few more times. It's a movie worth watching again and again."

Yang Mi was speechless.

My heart says that you, old man, are really telling the truth one after another.

After Zhou Min heard this, he thought about it and asked again:

"Then what do you think...who will win the first-day box office between "Hawthorn Love" and "If You Are the One 2"?"


Yang Mi knew that the interview was coming to an end.

My husband is in a good mood, so I accepted your interview.

But his desire to share right now determines that what he wants to share is "Let the Bullets Fly", but you don't care...

That's just too much to say.

As expected, Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head:

"There is no victory or defeat. What we have to do is to use a responsible attitude to bring better movies to the audience...Okay, my answer is over. Do you have anything to ask her?"

He had no intention of continuing the interview.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, picked up the topic with ease.

After answering a few questions in a perfunctory manner, he took the initiative to pull Xu Xin to stand up:

"Okay, we should go back. Thank you for the interview. Goodbye."

Although Zhou Min was sorry, this was an unexpected surprise.

So when the two of them wanted to leave, he didn't stop them.

Wave goodbye.

Finally, the reporter next to him raised his camera again, and after recording the two people leaving hand in hand, he said with some emotion:

"These two people look so in love. The photos I took are almost like staged photos. I can't believe this is the two of them getting along in private."

Hearing this, Zhou Min smiled:

"Wake up, brother, that's Yang Mi. If she were your wife, you would hold her in your hands every day."

"...It seems to be the truth, hahaha~"

After receiving an unexpected gift, the three of them thanked the couple and left laughing.

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