I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 646 Chapter 644 A baby

Chapter 646 644.Additional Child

"Length response below."

[Picture text]

"When I woke up, I was completely confused. I didn't understand why so many people came to scold me. There were more than 99 messages in the private message. Some people said that I had taken money, and some said that I was unconscionable. I didn't know what to say at all. thing.

Then I learned the whole story from my friend.

I'm just an ordinary person who posted something on Weibo that I witnessed with my own eyes. I didn't expect it to cause so many people's dissatisfaction.

I saw many people asking me to apologize and stop spreading rumors. What I want to say here is that I will not apologize and I did not spread rumors. My Weibo post yesterday was based on what I saw and heard.

I was still very panicked at first, but when I told my dad what happened, he asked me "Do you think you did something wrong?" and I replied: I didn't.

So, my father told me: Since I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I say sorry?

So, I took a lunch break and wanted to tell everyone what I saw and heard. As for whether you believe it or not, I won't consider it. I also ask journalist friends not to harass my family. I am just an ordinary person. What I say next are all what I saw and heard. I am willing to take legal responsibility for this.

But I will only explain this once and will not respond to this question again.

First of all, my boyfriend and I watched "If You Are the One 2" at Wangfujing Department Store Hengdian Studios. I will post photos later.

When we entered the venue, the two seats next to us were empty. About the time the movie started, two people walked in. A place given to me and my boyfriend. The two men were wearing black down jackets and jeans. The woman wore a mask, a bun, a fluffy down jacket, and a pair of snow boots.

Because of the lighting problem and our interest in "If You Are the One", we didn't care.

The reason why I discovered that the person sitting next to me was Yang Mi was because at the beginning of the movie, when the characters played by Yao Chen and Sun Honglei were getting divorced, Ge You asked them to put their hands on a stack of banknotes and swear to divorce (although I don’t want to spoil the story) , but I still want to say that after watching the movie, I thought about the plot here. Director Feng copied the Western-style wedding scene where he pressed his hands on the Bible to express his verbal loyalty rather than lies. After changing it into banknotes, I don’t like it too)

During this episode, I heard the woman next to me saying that she felt uncomfortable watching the movie.

When I turned around, she had already taken off her mask. With the reflection of the film, I recognized her as Yang Mi.

Then Xu Xin asked her if she had eaten something bad. If she didn't want to watch, let's go. She said that she should finish watching it, saying that it was not because of the food, but because the movie had a wrong outlook.

I was very curious about why she said that, and I told my boyfriend about it.

Then, the two of them stopped talking.

And after the plot of the movie progresses, I can only say that in my sense, what Yang Mi said is right. What I see in the character played by Shu Qi is a man who is obviously engaged, but still has different thoughts, and does not take care of his fiancé's emotions, which is artificial and willful.

I don’t know if so many people are scolding me because I haven’t watched the movie, so I would like to ask you in turn:

If your fiancée, after getting engaged to you, during the so-called "trial marriage" period, proposes that after fifteen or twenty years, you will not be interested in me, and I will not be interested in you either. So neither of us should touch the other.

If you go to dinner with your boyfriend and friends, and your fiancée meets a table of friends you don’t know, and then she takes the initiative to go and sit with those people.

You tried to get her to sit back, but she felt like you were restricting her freedom.

If your fiancée’s friend sends her an invitation to a swimsuit beauty pageant, and you don’t want her to go, but she insists on going.

If, after the beauty pageant, your fiancée was drunk in a nightclub, and when you went to look for her, you saw her vomiting in front of the sink, with a strange man standing next to her taking care of her.

What if, after seeing you coming, she doesn't have any explanation for the man next to her, she just refuses your care with a cold face and leaves by herself. In order to get rid of you, she even threw her high heels into the pool. While you were helping her get the shoes, she got rid of you and let you search blindly.

If, after you find her, she tells you that she just likes you, she loves her ex-boyfriend more. Then I want to break up with you.

For such a fiancée, if you don’t mind scolding me, then I have nothing to say.

But as a girl, I mind. Whether she goes to a nightclub after being engaged and a stranger almost "picks up the body", or whether she accepts your proposal but always pretends to be someone else in her heart.

To me, this is a reflection of a girl's lack of education, tutoring, and problems with her humanity and character.

I think the purity of love and fidelity in marriage are one of the most important and precious qualities for men and women.

But in this movie, I didn't see that.

Even though I'm very shallow, I still don't know what this movie is about. But at least, I agree and admire Yang Mi.

Her understanding of the movie was revealed from the first few minutes and she made a conclusion.

And I slowly felt it after watching what Shu Qi's character did.

My parents taught me that girls should love themselves and be responsible for themselves and their significant other. If this kind of value is wrong in the eyes of those who scold me, then I have nothing to say.

But that's not the worst thing about this movie for me.

The worst part is a line that Yu Geyou said in the movie. He and another woman were pinching their feet. There was a line when they were pinching their feet... I can't remember the specifics, but it roughly means:

"People who were poor before become richer and will exploit other poor people even more."

When I asked my father about this sentence this morning, he told me that this sentence may seem reasonable at first glance, but in fact it is a disguise of social logic and morality for the cruel selfish desires arising from the bloody accumulation of capitalism. .

Capital does not create value, labor creates value. The growth of capital is to turn labor into commodities. The circulation of commodities in the market also respects resources.

But the disguise of this sentence is that it distorts the market-destructive consequences of greed for profit under the cycle of capital destroying "capital-labor commodity-market circulation". Trying to extend the conflict of interests to personal desires, thereby beautifying the bloodshed and cruelty of capital accumulation.

In order to prove the rationality of this point of view, after explaining this sentence to me, my father gave me 7 books and asked me to read them. He said that after I read it, I would understand the pretense and deception of this sentence.

Moreover, when he asked me where he saw this sentence and I recounted my experiences since the Weibo post I posted yesterday, his first reaction was:

"This sentence is contrary to the ideals of our society today, and if it is not quoted correctly, it will have a bad impact on many people."

And when I said that after Ge You said this, many people in the movie laughed, he looked very angry.

It is said that this is "full of fooling and satire of the people at the bottom by the superiors in the old era. It is immoral."

I haven't read the book my father gave me yet, so I can't interpret this sentence too much yet, but from my point of view, there are problems with the three views of this movie.

But here I am referring to the first half. In the second half, after Li Xiangshan got melanoma, I felt a little baffled, but... I have to admit that I felt much more comfortable without the pretentiousness of Shu Qi and Ge You.

But I still don’t quite understand it. But after the film ended, I heard Yang Mi and Xu Xin discussing the quality of the film.

Yang Mi gave it 70 points. Percentage system.

What she probably meant was that in the first half of the film, on the test paper about marriage and love, she only gave 30 points for a 60-point question. is completely unqualified.

But in the second half of the film, she gave it full marks.

She thought Wang Shuo in her heart was dead, but in fact he was not. In the second half, it was Wang Shuo who turned the tide. Saved the movie. So she gave it 70 points.

Director Xu Xin gave the film a score of 65. He agreed with Yang Mi, but deducted 5 points because the film had a sense of fragmentation. The first half is the collision of values ​​​​in marriage and love, while the second half is the embodiment of "a happy life and a happy death". But as a director, he may have felt that Director Feng didn't handle it well, so he used the excuse of "untidy roll" to deduct 5 points.

But he also spoke highly of the second half of the film, feeling that Li Xiangshan's monologue sublimated the film.

The above is everything I saw and heard.

Although I am just an ordinary person and cannot understand many things clearly, my sense is that the beginning of this movie is really average and it is uncomfortable to watch. The latter part is really nice, but it has nothing to do with the previous one. Sun Honglei's acting skills are really good, and his monologue is really touching.

But I can't decipher more.

And I had no intention of eavesdropping on the conversation between Yang Mi and Xu Xin, but I happened to hear them when they were talking. Absolutely no distortion or processing whatsoever. As far as the matter is concerned, I am willing to take legal responsibility for my remarks.

Finally, I want to say, you don’t need to scold me. If you think the movie is good, then it is good. I don’t think it looks good, that’s my business and has nothing to do with you.

The following is what I asked my boyfriend for, a screenshot of the video we secretly took (I apologize to Yang Mi here, my boyfriend didn’t mean to secretly take the video, it was just the first time for both of us to see a celebrity in real life, and I was very curious. If I give it to you I apologize for causing trouble, I'm sorry.)




In the early morning of the 23rd, a reporter had already received the news.

"Hawthorn Tree Love" lost to "If You Are the One" with more than 3 million box office.

This news is not really a gimmick to everyone, because so much money was invested in promoting "If You Are the One" in the early stage, while "Hawthorn Tree" only had a pitiful 15 million.

In such a comparison, the three million box office gap can be said to be a drop in the bucket.

What's more, it is unfair to compare a literary film with a commercial film.

Therefore, no one thinks that Xu Xin lost.

But the excitement that news pursues means that even if you don’t feel defeated in your heart, when you actually write your thoughts into the manuscript, most of them are the kind of gimmicks like "If You Are the One Win" or "Hawthorn Love Lost" .

Those with a conscience will use "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree to cherish defeat", while those who need popularity will simply use "If You Are the One 2" to crush them...

Anyway, it’s all for traffic, as long as the manuscript is not distorted.

After the first-day box office results came out, everyone began to pay attention to the long-term trend of the box office.

After all, if there are any contradictions, it can only be compared with the box office.

As for word-of-mouth ratings...

To quote from the news, "Although "Love at the Hawthorn Tree" failed at the box office, its reputation crushed "If You Are the One 2"

In fact, the rating system of "Hawthorn Tree Love" on Douban is not locked.

Unlike other movies, in order to protect the reputation of their movies, Douban is required to unlock the rating system two or three days after the movie is released.

The rating for "Hawthorn Tree" is still the default.

It can be opened after 200 people have rated it.

After it was turned on, it was unlocked at around 3 a.m. on the 22nd.

The opening score is 9.4.

Scary high.

Then, as of the early morning of the 23rd, the total number of reviews for "Hawthorn Tree Love" exceeded 20,000, and the current rating is 9.2.

The positive rating is close to 93%.

It can be said that after long calls, this movie allowed everyone to see in a real sense... why Xu Xin was able to win the Best Director in Venice with this movie.

And why was Liu Yifei able to win the Best Newcomer award with this movie?

The fairy sister... is in this movie.

Her beauty has completely penetrated the three generations of old, middle and young people.

Looking at the Douban comments, almost all of them praised her acting skills.

Moreover, there are many comments in the comments such as "I took my dad to watch the movie. After watching it, he said that Liu Yifei perfectly interpreted the purity and restlessness of that era" and "Mom said that Liu Yifei was so beautiful that she looked like a fairy."

Just like the slogan of "Hawthorn Tree Love":

"The purest love in history."

Xu Xin used this movie to interpret this sentence vividly.

Clean, pure, touching, sad...

And the ultimate pure lens beauty.

Achieving this movie's status among moviegoers.

It's really beautiful.

There is no generation gap. All three generations, old, middle and young, can find their best memories from this film.

The score of 9.2 is comparable to Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly".

As for "The Orphan of Zhao", it has long since disappeared.

On the other hand, "If You Are the One 2"... there is no rating at all.

It was unlocked 72 hours after it was released.

But it is different from the 5-star review under "The Hawthorn Tree".

The reviews of "If You Are the One 2" are full of 1 stars, 3 stars, etc.

There is no need to compare it carefully at all, just take a look and you will know... its score is definitely not as high as "The Hawthorn Tree".

It is not difficult to understand that Director Feng started grading after 72 hours.

But in the final analysis, without contrast, there is no gimmick.

Everyone began to pay attention to the long-term box office.

Until... a Weibo post suddenly appeared on the Internet.

"I met Yang Mi and Xu Xin by chance in the cinema! What a surprise! They actually came to see "If You Are the One"! But from her and Xu Xin's comments, the movie was average. Feng Xiaogang is not as good as Wang Shuo, well, I I think it’s right too!”

As soon as this Weibo appeared, it was like a drop of blood dripping into the shark tank.

All of a sudden, the Internet started to become agitated.

If ordinary people don’t mention it, what does this Weibo mean to journalists?

It’s absolutely huge news!

Yang Mi and Xu Xin actually rated this movie as average?

Are you going to open fire on Feng Xiaogang openly?

In an instant, the water began to become turbid.

Naturally, the original owner of this Weibo post was found, and thus, the girl posted a long Weibo response with a screenshot of the long post at noon on the 23rd.

Originally in the morning, reporters began to verify whether this incident was true.

Someone with extraordinary powers even called Shuangwei's landline directly, wanting to find out.

But Shuangwei’s response was very simple:

"Sister Mi is busy with personal matters now and has no time to respond."

The reporters were itching for a while.

This is really big news...

Yang Mi, if you really want to attack Feng Xiaogang... you should come out!

You have the ability to evaluate movies, but you don’t have the ability to respond positively!

And after this girl posted this long post on Weibo, the popularity became even more terrifying.

Some people think the girl is right.

Some people think it doesn't matter.

Some people are even more curious and want to see what this movie is about.

But more people hope that Yang Mi or Xu Xin can stand up and explain what is going on.

Especially Yang Mi...

You old man used to write short compositions on Weibo every day. They were either about sadness for Spring and Autumn, or about winning streaks in video games...

But at this juncture, you are talking!

So here comes the question...what is Yang Mi doing?

Private Harmony Hospital.

At the entrance of the VIP delivery room, Xu Miao paced back and forth anxiously.

He had the same virtue as Xu Xin.

Zhang Qian started having contractions the day before yesterday, and her amniotic fluid broke at around seven o'clock this morning.

When they heard the noise, the couple started rushing to the hospital.

It's been over 4 hours and it still hasn't come out.

As for Xu Xin, he was quite calm at the moment. He didn't even need his father to speak, he just said:

"Ah, don't turn around, I'm already dizzy. Just hurry up, the child and sister-in-law will be fine soon..."


Not to mention Xu Miao, the family guarding the door, including Zhang Qian's parents, were also speechless.

Zhang Hai looked at Xu Xin:

"Sanjin...you...did you forget?"


Xu Xin looked puzzled.

Then I heard my wife complain:

"I forgot that when I gave birth to my first and second children, you vomited like sea cucumbers in the corridor."


Listen, what is this metaphor?

Why did it become a sea cucumber?

But Xu Xin naturally did not admit this.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw the lights in the operating room go out.



The whole family now stood up.

Even though they knew it would take some time, everyone still couldn't help but feel a surge of huge expectations in their hearts.

The baby in Zhang Qian's belly is actually more than a week away from the due date.

But... suddenly it came... as soon as it came, it came.

The whole family is happily looking forward to the birth of this little life.

As for the ups and downs outside, they are nothing compared to this little life.

Unconsciously, Xu Xin hooked Xu Miao's neck.

Xu Miao subconsciously hugged her brother's waist.

Then Xu Xin bared his teeth.

After all, they are brothers...

Xu Sanshui, you are so cruel!

"Brother...have you thought of a name?"


Xu Miao, whose lips were nervous and dry, nodded:

"The girl's name is Xu Ruoxi, and the boy's name is Xu Muchen. Your sister-in-law got them."

Xu Xin didn't ask why he didn't just follow the words in the family tree. To put it bluntly, Nuannuan's name was "Xu Wanqing", and when it was written on the family tree, it was also "Xu Wan (Wei) Qing".

So no problem.

But Yang Mi was speechless.

These two names...

Which novel has your sister-in-law read?

In her mind, she had read at least five... no, at least eight books in which the characters had such names.

Damn it, this name won’t become too common in the future, right?

And Xu Xin said:

"I told Lao Lang that if you want to learn piano, regardless of gender, come to him!"

"Okay, okay!"

Xu Miao nodded quickly:

"The piano is good, playing the piano is great, doing art..."

The general manager of Qiangjiu Real Estate looked yearning at this moment...

I guess I've already started dreaming in my head.

After waiting for a while, finally, the door was pushed open.

A nurse was in front, holding an infant child:

"Mr. Xu Miao, congratulations on the birth of your son! Mrs. Zhang gave birth to a baby boy, weighing six pounds and four taels..."


Xu Daqiang, who originally had the air of a great master, finally couldn't help laughing after hearing that it was a boy.

Everyone's eyebrows showed a hint of joy, but Xu Xin quickly said in his brother's ear:

"Care about sister-in-law first!"

Xu Miao, who originally stretched out her hand to hug the child, was stunned... her eyes quickly became clear.

"Where is my love..."

"Please wait...Mr. Xu, please come with an elder to follow us first. We need to take our children to get vaccinated..."

As the nurse spoke, Zhang Hai, who was closest to him, had already taken the swaddling clothes.

Looking at the grandson with his eyes closed in his arms, he showed an extremely kind smile.

"elder brother……"

When Xu Xin sat back on the sofa, he heard the call from his wife next to him.

He turned his head, glanced at it, and asked:

"What's wrong?"

I saw my wife's eyes were a little confused and expectant, and she whispered:

"Should we have a second child?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and held her in his arms:

"Waiting for two years."

"……All right."

Hiding in her husband's arms, Yang Mi looked at Xu Muchen who was being held by her grandfather, the confusion and expectation in her eyes were shrouded in memories.

Back then, she was also surrounded by her family.

The first and second babies were born.

In a blink of an eye... Nuannuan and Yangyang can walk.

Time... goes so fast.

It was so fast that suddenly she didn't want her two children to grow up.

When children grow up, they leave their parents.

But she really couldn't bear it.

Not to mention anything else, she was reluctant to even wean herself.

As a public figure, some female artists take medicine to restore breast milk as soon as their children are born.

But she couldn't bear it.

I really can’t bear to...

I am reluctant to let them grow up, afraid that they will be hurt... and I don't want them to encounter anything happy...

When I think of this, I look at my sister-in-law’s frail face with a happy smile...

Her eyes turned red with empathy.

"so good……"

In this low sigh...

Gengyin year, Wuzi month, Dingwei day.

Xu Mansion is happy to have a new daughter.

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