I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 647 645 Aiming for First Place

Chapter 647 645. Aim for first place

Zhang Qian will not return to the sacred tree until she has finished her confinement in Hehu.

The whole family was busy talking about the birth of this new life until past 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Xin is actually okay, he basically doesn't need to do anything.

Mainly, Yang Mi, a person with experience, acted as the lubricant between the nurse and the parents on both sides.

There are actually many points of conflict between the older generation's opinions on raising children and postpartum care and those of young people. Even if they are in a high position or are rich and powerful, there is actually no difference.

In order to take the best care of her sister-in-law, who is now in a vulnerable period, she helps take care of her, popularize science, and provide solutions, eliminating all the minor conflicts that may arise in a family because of her care for the mother.

After coming out of the hospital at around 3 o'clock, the couple had time to go home together.

After getting in the car, Yang Mi finally mentioned what happened today:

“My phone is almost off the hook.”


Xu Xin responded while driving:

"How do you want to solve it?"

Neither of them was too confused about why this happened.

No need to worry.

It's not like he did something wrong or made some despicable move.

It's fair and aboveboard, nothing is hidden.

After hearing this, Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"The people who watched "If You Are the One" haven't made any move yet. They are probably waiting for our attitude, right?"

"That's for sure. If the conflict escalates, the movies on both sides will definitely be affected. But if the conflict does not escalate, this kind of thing is something that offends people after all, and people must want an explanation. But this explanation depends on how you look at it. From a personal point of view, People definitely want you to apologize, and whether you will come back with revenge is one thing. But from an economic point of view, I guess they are eager for this kind of hype."


Yang Mi was stunned.

Xu Xin responded:

"That's right, isn't this a perfect topic for hype?... In fact, this matter is nothing more than a multiple-choice question. What the girl did wrong was that she said... the words she heard. I believe she did it unintentionally. Yes, but since the Weibo was dug out by someone and she replied, we are now faced with two results. First, pretend that this is not the case. Let this girl understand that even if you say something hearsay, you can't Moved here without permission..."

"But that's not really wrong, right?"

Feeling his wife's attitude, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Of course, I took the time to read her reply during lunch... There were quite a lot of people scolding her. It's just like a large-scale Internet violence scene... Although some people think what she said is reasonable, most of them still don't make any distinction. Scolding her indiscriminately... is indeed a bit much."

"But from another perspective, if we respond, it will be a direct conflict, right?"


Xu Xin continued to nod:

"It is really unpleasant to respond at this juncture. The quality of the movie itself is based on our personal sense. But if the response is not good, it will become... We will take everyone with you and "If You Are the One" At the same time, everyone is pushing us to be the opposite of "If You Are the One". No matter what we choose, we will suffer."

"Then what do you think is the optimal solution?"

"You must be indifferent."

Xu Xin gave his answer without thinking.


"But it can't be done that way. This girl was right about something she said. She just told the facts as she saw them. Everyone has the right to speak, but her mistake was... she made her voice heard by someone It was a very sensitive juncture, and then accidentally... it caused a storm on the Internet. So... for reasons and reasons, this kind of thing involving public figures is too malicious for ordinary people. She has not yet It seems that I have the awareness to face the public opinion and maliciousness on the Internet. So... this matter must be taken over. This is my opinion, what is yours?"

He stated his decision.

Faced with the rhetorical question, Yang Mi just sighed:


From her point of view, it was quite inexplicable to accept this pot.

However, my husband is right.

Although she was the one who lit the fire, if this incident did not shift the focus, this little girl would definitely endure something that she should not have to endure.

Call it hypocrisy or mercy.

Neither person is allowed to do this.

So, she looked at the winter city and said:

"At this time, it's time for this little confused god like me to come on stage."


Xu Xin raised his eyebrows:

"Have you ever seen this cartoon?"

"Nonsense! Gold muddle-headed~~~ Yeah, silver, silver muddle-headed~ can't compare to our old muddle-headed~ old muddle-headed~~~~"

She started humming a song from the cartoon "Little Muddleheaded God" that she loved to watch when she was a child.

The weak little voice paired with this singing voice made Xu Xin laugh unconsciously.

But immediately he shook his head again:

"Let me do it. One is the head of the Beijing Circle, and the other is the prince of the Northwest Circle. I think it is more suitable."


Yang Mi rejected him without even thinking:

"At this time, the geographical advantage comes into play. Do you understand? Wang Shuo's book describes the story of Sijiu City. When people from other places speak, it is easy to be judged. But if I say it, it will be fine. They I grew up in Yanjing, and I also grew up in Yanjing.

I'm not here to start a fight, I just saw this movie from a reader's perspective. I don’t believe that people like me who have read Wang Shuo’s book will not be disappointed when they see the first half of the movie. Therefore, discuss things as they happen and don’t be afraid. No conflict, but no cowardice either. Anyway, I don’t rely on Beijing to keep me in the loop~Humph~I am a Yang Beard..."


Xu Xin was speechless for a while.

I think it's been a long time, you old man is still playing with the two dimensions...

But he was speechless. He still shook his head and refused:

"Just rest. If you respond, you will also be scolded."

"You don't get scolded?"

"I'm not afraid of it. But I can't let them scold you, so...just leave it to me. That's it."

He did not give his wife any intention of rejecting her, and settled the matter directly.

As a public figure, he does not want netizens to continue pointing their guns at an ordinary person.

As a husband, he cannot let his wife "take the lead" for him in this kind of matter.

My own daughter-in-law, it was too late for me to protect her, why should I let others scold her?

After hearing her brother's decision, Yang Mi... felt moved, but more confused:

"Then what do you want to do? Do you want to call the factory to discuss it?"

"It's not necessary. I only respond, but I don't raise conflicts. If they can find a way to hack "Hawthorn Tree", then let them hack it. I'm not afraid."

When he said this, he was extremely confident.

The movie "Hawthorn" is admittedly not perfect.

But there is one thing he is confident about.

If you want to criticize him, you can criticize his shooting techniques, you can criticize the actors he chooses for their artificial acting skills, you can even criticize the fragility of the story.

But the only thing that can't defeat him is the issue of three views.

Because he shot the movie cleanly.

"After a busy day, I saw on the Internet the conversation between Yang Mi and I when we went to the movies, so I would like to respond.

First of all, I would like to apologize to Director Feng and all the colleagues of "If You Are the One 2" for causing unreasonable disaster to everyone due to his personal remarks.

Also criticize the classmate who heard our conversation.

When the two of us went to see a movie, we were just two ordinary viewers. Let's talk about our feelings about the movie from the perspective of the audience.

But I didn’t expect that this classmate, you, would be so honest after hearing what we said, and directly copy it on the Internet, turning this matter from a... discussion among the audience to two public figures, especially when " unnecessary disputes caused by "fighting on the same stage".

Please do not do this.

The second is the issue of perception. I still stick to my point of view. I respect Director Feng very much, but as a backward person, my sense of movies is fragmented. Although I understand Director Feng’s intention, it should be that Li Xiangshan’s life and death can awaken Liang Xiaoxiao’s heart and give her a new view of the world, thereby changing her attitude towards life.

But... in my opinion, the selectivity of the subject of life and death is questionable. Love is indeed great, but life and death are equally awesome. The explosiveness generated by the collision of two big propositions will make the transformation of the small inner world of an individual seem insignificant.

This is my opinion. This is also the source of my feeling of disconnection.

However, the film does not get out of control. Even Director Feng's last 40 minutes, starting from Li Xiangshan's story, whether it is the line structure or the rhythm of the film... In the words of my wife, it is an answer worthy of full marks.

This is my point of view as a director.

Without spoiling anything, I would like to say that I recommend everyone to listen carefully to Li Xiangshan’s last lines. According to my wife, it was a monologue written by the most powerful writer in her mind when she was young, and had the most personal style and flavor of his.

I believe that every reader who likes Teacher Wang Shuo will be familiar with my words. I also hope that through this line, everyone can understand Teacher Wang Shuo’s attitude towards life while laughing, cursing, singing, chanting, and beating.

Very wonderful.

As for the most discussed topic, why my wife said that this movie has incorrect views, I will also give my reply.

My wife and I have been in a relationship for two years and been married for one.

To put it bluntly, the "seven-year itch" hasn't even arrived yet. Therefore, divorce is unthinkable for both of us.

We have never thought about divorce. We are loyal to each other, and if we want to, we will grow old together.

That’s why my wife said this when she saw the “divorce” scene at the beginning of the movie.

And I emphasize again that the conversation between us was not to conclude or guide our opinions to the audience in public, but to discuss it among ourselves while watching the movie.

At the same time, we also followed the order of the cinema and did not make any loud noises.

The classmate could hear it because he was very close.

In our opinion, although the "divorce" was very authentic Feng's humor, Director Feng handled all aspects of the ceremony very well, making it rational and humorous. But... As a couple who have just been married for just over a year, we saw the emotional state of a broken-up couple when they were divorcing, including the teasing and teasing of people around them. It was like watching a satirical movie. Ukiyo-e.

Please don’t take the displeasure of the two newlyweds to the level of the entire movie.

The above is my response.

But here, I still want to apologize to Director Feng and all the staff in front and behind the scenes of "If You Are the One 2". I have no intention of starting any conflicts or disputes, nor do I want to act like a villain. It is more important to respond early to avoid rumors. However, today there is a new baby in the family. Apart from the great joy, the worries of trivial matters have just ended. I still hope for the blessing.


Two viewers of "If You Are the One 2" are here to greet you. "

At almost 6 p.m., Xu Xin’s reply also appeared on Weibo in the form of a photo.

He had no choice but to post 255 posts on Weibo. This was the only way he could write a thousand-word essay.

After replying, he ignored it.

Because there is no need to continue to pay attention.

He made it very clear that I am an audience after buying a ticket, and the audience naturally has the right to evaluate the movie.

Besides, it's not like he brought it up.

After expressing his apology, his mission was over.

Whether the other party accepts it or not... doesn't matter.

Moreover, he is actually a bit evasive.

There’s basically not much discussion about the shortcomings of the first two-thirds of the movie.

If we really talk about it, it will be troublemaking.

Just express things clearly and rationally. As for the follow-up...or how good this movie is, just let the audience who watched the movie evaluate it.

But anyone who understands things should be able to understand after his reply that he also suffered an unreasonable disaster in this matter.

Who would have thought that a couple's whispers in a movie theater would be heard by others and cause such a big stir?

As soon as he left the study with his mobile phone, he suddenly heard a scream:

"Ah!! Yangyang!!! Bad guy!!!"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked downstairs, and then saw Yang Mi with an apron hanging on her chest looking at her son who was confused and unaware...

The two of them were sitting next to the wall. There were many blue oil handprints on the wall, as well as on Yangyang's face and clothes.


Now, he knew what was going on.

He walked up to his wife, dumbfounded, and first turned to look at the drawing board that he had just painted. After making sure that his son was not fooling around, he looked at the traces of paint dripping from the floor tiles...


He held his wife's shoulders, pushed her away, and then protected his son behind him.

"What a big deal... I'm going back there to live after the Chinese New Year. Can't we just repaint the walls here?"

"You are the only one who can protect me! You are the only one who can get used to it, right?"

Yang Mi was unhappy:

"Isn't that a waste of things! There are so many fingerprints on the wall...so are you! I told you to put your paints away! You have donkey hair stuffed in your ears, don't you! Ah!!"


Xu Xin's face turned bitter.

But he will be punished honestly.

My wife is very angry right now and cannot talk back.

Otherwise, it might be ruined.

At this moment, he suddenly felt someone touching his leg.


The son grabbed his pants with one hand and looked at his mother timidly.

He finished speaking...


Your mother is going to explode.

as expected……

"Ah!!! Xu Weizhen!!! Your dad's Hermès!!!"

She subconsciously took a step forward.

Xu Xin instinctively bent down and took the child into his arms, and quickly protected him, fearing that her slap would fall on his butt.

However, he forgot...

My son's hands are full of paint.

have to.

Burberry's cardigans are also dyed blue.

"...Ah!!!! You two!!! Both of you!!...chichi."

Yang Mi went crazy instantly.

But just as he was about to get angry, his nose suddenly moved...

Why does it smell so mushy?

She was stunned for a moment, but her expression immediately changed, and she turned around and ran quickly to the kitchen.

Xu Xin also wondered what she was doing when her nose kept making pig noises.

And when he also smelled the paste...

"Ah!!!! My cock!!!"

This house was filled with screaming chickens, and the chickens and dogs were jumping around in chaos.

At the same time, he heard the cry from his daughter sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor from the baby pager:

"Mommy mommy!"

Yang Mi also heard it, and then screamed again:

"Don't call me!!! I'm dead!! Let me die!!! Ah!!!"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched, and he quickly hugged his son and ran to the second floor.

He was afraid that if Yangyang was left on the first floor, if there were a few more fingerprints on the wall later... his wife might really explode by then.


In front of the dinner table.

The corner of Yang Dalin's mouth twitched as he glanced at this... old and miserable chicken, and then looked at the hand-made noodles in his bowl...

One last look at the handprints on the wall.

He sighed helplessly:

"Oh... your mother and I went out to buy things for Qianqian..."

"……Let's eat."

The slightly hoarse voice sounded with a hint of collapse.

But Xu Xin, without conscience, took a piece of the top layer of burnt black chicken nuggets.

In fact, the soup was boiled dry and a bit mushy.

It's not unpalatable.

After Yang Mi tasted another piece, she found that the taste was not bad. After she was able to make do with it, her face was finally no longer tense.

Then, she took out her cell phone.

Yang Dalin knocked the table with the tip of his chopsticks in dissatisfaction:

"What do you use your phone to do while eating?"

"There's something, let me take a look."

Yang Mi shook her head and opened Weibo skillfully.

Xu Xin heard the bubble sound of "ding dong" and knew what she was doing. So he didn't say a word and just kept his head down while eating.

Soon, one bowl of noodles was finished, and after finishing the second bowl, Yang Mi handed over the phone.

She had probably finished reading it and wanted Xu Xin to take a look.

What are you looking at?


Xu Xin took the phone and looked at it.

I found that there was not much opposition in the comments.

There is a lot of support and understanding.

Although some people may have doubts such as "I'm sure you didn't direct or act to promote yourself", most people can maintain a neutral and objective attitude.

That'll do.

So, he handed the phone to his wife.

And Yang Mi didn't let it go. Instead, she continued to browse Weibo. During the meal, she could often hear the sound of "ding dong" bubbles.

After the meal was finished, Xu Xin helped his wife clear away the dishes and then gave the kitchen to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

They still have to make soup for their sister-in-law.

And Yang Mi, who had eaten and drank enough, did not have the same virtues as the fried hedgehog just now. She sat in front of the sofa and cut the apples into long strips for her son and daughter, and said to Xu Xin:

"I checked Weibo, and many media outlets have reprinted your reply. And the title is not meant to sensationalize."

"Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, but the people at If You Are the One didn't reply."

"It doesn't matter."

Xu Xin waved his hand, took the cigarette case and planned to run to the balcony to smoke.

Before opening the door, he said:

"As long as the audience understands the whole story, it's fine. As for them, it doesn't really matter whether they reply or not."

"Then what's important?"

Yang Mi was speechless:

"They don't look like people who are getting the short end of the stick."

"Remember what I said when we were in the car? What matters is the box office of the movie and the company's stock price. If it doesn't have an impact, then it doesn't matter. If it does... then that's troublesome. If it doesn't have an impact, then just watch it. , they will definitely be generous, after all, the hype is there and the popularity is there. But if the box office is low..."

Xu Xin shrugged and did not continue. Wearing a military coat specially designed for smoking, he walked into the cold wind on the balcony.

After Yang Mi thought about it for a while, she also felt that it made sense.

So I followed him, opened the sliding door a crack and said:

"Then I'll contact my servant and keep an eye on their box office today?"


Xu Xin responded with a cigarette in his mouth.

It turns out that the crew of "If You Are the One 2" was indeed very quiet that night.

On the contrary, it was the media that made Xu Xin's response known to everyone.

And time passed by minute by second in the fermentation of this news.

December 24, Christmas Eve, early morning.


Yang Mi, who had a facial mask on her face, finally got the news she wanted.

"Hawthorn Love", second-day box office: 42.75 million.

"If You Are the One 2", second-day box office: 47.93 million.

The box office growth of both movies was around 40%.

Keep pace.

December 24, 10 am.

Feng Xiaogang posted:

"First of all, congratulations to the little Xu family for adding a new child. This is a big and good thing. Don't be picky about it if you say congratulations too late.

As for this turmoil, I actually think it’s a good thing. Every movie is not perfect and has various shortcomings to a greater or lesser extent.

Similarly, there are ten thousand Hamlets in the eyes of ten thousand people.

Chinese-language films require opinions and suggestions from many aspects. As directors, we must not only listen carefully but also make improvements. Work together to contribute to the prosperity of the film market.

It's just... I told you to come directly to me if you want to watch a movie. You've already come to my house to eat, so why did you bring your own chopsticks?

This seems like I was not very considerate. Please don't be so polite next time.

Finally, "If You Are the One 2" wishes everyone a happy Christmas Eve. "

Yang Mi and Xu Xin immediately liked his Weibo.

The turmoil subsided and the past feud was settled.

Then, time passes.

December 25th, Christmas.

0:05 am.

"If You Are the One 2" Douban rating 72-hour cooling period has ended and is unlocked.

Opening rating: 6.5.

"Hawthorn Tree Love", Douban score: 9.3

Number of reviewers: 86,325.


Qi Lei:

"The third day box office of "Hawthorn Love": 55.14 million."

"The third day box office of "If You Are the One 2": 54.31 million."

Go ahead.

Aiming for the first place in the box office of the day.

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