I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 657 654 Xu Jiawan, your emperor

Chapter 657 654. Xu Jiawan, your emperor...

"Xu Jiawan! I, Yang Hansan, am back again! Gurgling, gurgling, croaking, croaking, croaking, woofing, woofing! Heh, heh, heh, heh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!!!"


Xu Xin unconsciously covered his face next to him.

This is Xujiawan.

The place where I was born and raised.

Logically speaking, he should say "Welcome to northern Shaanxi, my noble little princess."


Just look at the lunatic next to him, his color loss (SAI), he really can’t say anything.

Not only could he not express it, but at this moment, he had a rare feeling of social fear in the place where he was born and raised.

Watching the woman solemnly declaring victory in front of the chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and pigs of Xujiawan...

The tips of his ears were red.

This woman...

It's really top quality.

Part fool and part fool.


And when he was covering his face until he couldn't bear to look at him, the director of the association, who had already announced to all the poultry in the village that he was coming back after running away for half his life, showed a satisfied look.

"Well, that's it, let's go. Go home and settle down first, and then go knock them."


Xu Xin didn't say a word and took the lead in pushing the two children's stroller home.

Today is January 6th.

The two returned to Shenmu directly from Yanjing and began to prepare for the wedding.

Although the elderly at home are all here and they don’t have to deal with the rules and procedures, they still have to be here. Because everything from the rehearsal of the process ceremony to the arrangement of a pot of flowers on the spot had to be seen by the two of them to be satisfied.

After all, this is their wedding, and it is also Xu Miao and Zhang Qian's full moon party. It is a double happiness, so you must be cautious.

Every household in Xujiawan is basically a self-built villa in the countryside. The door is grand, spacious, and looks rich... but in fact these villas are very empty inside.

The children are all working hard outside, and most of the people who stay here are the elderly.

But if the villa is empty and no one is there, then you have to raise some small animals, otherwise it will look unpopular, and that won't work.

This is also the main reason why Yang Mi can quickly establish a foothold here.

In the past few years, she has followed Xu Xin back and started to deal with the stray dogs in the village. Once the stray dogs were convinced, she would basically be able to control the affairs of the village.

As the director, she naturally knows the situation on her territory well.

This was also the reason why Sun Ting was asked to unload her at the entrance of the village.

This is not...

After going crazy at the entrance of the village, she walked a few steps and came to a large iron gate. She picked up the wrought iron fence next to the iron gate and shouted inside:

"Huzi! Huzi! Do you still recognize me?"

"Woof woof woof woof..."

There was a dog barking immediately inside.

It reminds the owner that someone is coming to the house.

Then... Yang Mi was unhappy:

"Ahaha? I've betrayed you? Who are you shouting at!?... Wait, I'll be the first to come looking for you soon!"


Xu Xin no longer knew what to say.

At this time, Yang Mi's voice sounded again:

"Hey, Aunt Qing. It's okay, it's okay, I'm just teasing Hu Zi."

Hearing this, Xu Xin stood still.

After a moment, there was a surprised sound in the yard:

"Ah? Mimi?...Ah, you're back..."

Soon, a middle-aged woman with dark skin who looked like she often worked with the land opened the iron door and came forward with a smile on her face.

Xu Xin also smiled and shouted:


This is one of my cousins.

"Oh, Sanjin, you're back..."

So the family began to chat.

At this time, the little black dog in the yard also came out wagging its tail.

Seeing this, Yang Mi squatted down without saying a word.

"Huzi, come here, tut tut tut..."

The little black dog seemed to recognize her. While wagging its tail, it walked up to her and lay down in front of her.

It seems like she wants to act coquettishly.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Yang Mi grabbed the skin of its chin and pulled the dog's face up.

"Pah!" I gave him a slap...

Of course, no effort.

But the corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched when he saw it...

Then, she grabbed the tiger's paw and pointed her finger at the dog that was trying to please the wagging tail:

"I fed you so many chicken legs for nothing, right? Tell you, if you dare to yell at me again, I will arrest you for sterilization and make you a eunuch! Do you understand?"



Aunt Qing and Xu Xin were speechless when they heard this.

But let alone Xu Xin, even Aunt Qing was not surprised.

Mimi's character is so rare.

So, while Yang Mi was training the dog, Aunt Qing said to Xu Xin:

"Sanjin, your dad is back?...Oh, look at how strong Liangbao is, like a calf..."

The elder looked at the two children sitting in the stroller with eyes full of joy.


"Are you coming back? Then come to our house for lunch. Auntie will roll some dough for you!"

"No, Auntie, I still have a lot of things to do when I get back. I'll wait for another day to settle down... Oh, you little girl, come on, come home quickly! Auntie Qing, you're back here. "

Xu Xin, who was thinking to let the dog go, forcibly pulled his wife up:

"Let's go, let's go home!"

"Hehehe~ Auntie, let's go..."

Yang Mi, who was stumbling along while being led by her husband, smiled and waved.

But this time Xu Xin didn't let go.

He was really afraid that this thing would disappear if he let it go.

When passing by an alley, Yang Mi took a look...


"Chickens! Hey, wait a minute, let me see whose chickens belong to them! These chickens are so strange to look at! They are not like the local ones! They have strange faces and may not know the rules. They have to be worshiped at the top of a mountain..."

"Nonsense, you're blind! That's a goose that hasn't grown up yet!"

Xu Xin couldn't bear it anymore, so he pinched her head into the creaking nest, pushed the two children and ran home. The speed... gave both children a feeling of being pushed on their backs.

Sun Ting, who was standing at the door of her house, watched from a distance as Brother Xu ran away with Sister Mi’s head between his legs, and said to Su Meng:

"Just pretend you didn't see anything."


Everyone in Su Meng was dumbfounded.

In the morning, they settled their luggage and everything. At noon, Xu Xin drove them to the county to have a bowl of mutton noodles that he remembered from his childhood.

I have to mention that the people in the county are relatively simple.

Although it can be seen that this woman wearing sunglasses is quite beautiful... no one recognized her as Yang Mi.

After returning home in the afternoon, the couple began to visit relatives at home.

They all came to the door with gifts, said kind words, said kind words, and asked people to help them during the wedding days.

In fact, I am not too busy if I am busy, but this has been the rule for thousands of years.

Now, everyone in Xujiawan knew that Sanjin's celebrity wife was back.

The response was joy and a warm welcome.

And accompanying the two visiting relatives on the streets, the chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs in Xujiawan were unlucky.

I thought to myself, aren’t all these ancestors gone? Why are they back again?

I didn't live as long as you humans, but now it's better...it's not over, right?

If you want us to die early, just say it.

Can't we just jump into the pot ourselves? What if you send an ancestor to torture us?

Whose fault will it be if you don’t lay eggs tomorrow?

Especially the group of geese at Uncle Wu’s house.

Those are the geese that Uncle Wu has been raising for several years. He doesn’t expect to eat meat or sell them for money. The old man’s family has an income of several million a year. He raises these geese simply because he is too old to keep the sheep. Yes, let's let these geese pass the time.

But as soon as Yang Mi arrived, the geese started quacking.

They were so scared that they shrank into their nests.

As soon as Yang Mi got close, the geese spread their wings to scare her while squawking.

Don't even dare to resist.

But Yang Mi Niu was ruined.

That expression was as proud as Wang Yousheng's.

After this circle of relatives left, the dogs in the village never stopped barking, the chickens crowing, and the geese made a fuss.

The lord, who had returned to his own territory, had eyes full of excitement when he got into bed at night.

Chatting with my husband:

"Tomorrow I will go to my second uncle's house first. Do you know why? Those ducks in his house look at me wrongly. They don't obey me. Do you know? Seeing that I am a foreigner, they are bullying me!"


Xu Xin thought about it with his mouth twitching, and found that this was really true.

Those ducks should be the little ducklings from last year, right?

This is all grown up.

At the beginning, the Bodhisattva was compassionate, thinking that they were young and ignorant, and did not punish them too much. This was obviously because the scars were healed and the pain was forgotten, and they were about to rebel against Tiangang.

He sighed helplessly:

"Oh...then what? Who is the second family?"

"When I went to Xu Yang's house, the eyes of his two Erha's were wrong..."

"You're not convinced either?"

"No, the eyes of those two dogs... well... they are clear and reveal stupidity! Obviously they have not experienced severe beatings from society. I have to teach them a lesson."

"What do you mean? You call it society?"

"Hehe, you are so smart. This is a good excuse... I will use this excuse tomorrow."

"...What about the third family?"

"Bringing a fish to Uncle Feng's house in Shanghai."

"Did the fish offend you too?"

"The fish didn't offend me, and it won't remember it if it offends me. The dish I ate here last time where the fish was wrapped in tin foil was delicious. I said I'd try it. I didn't have time last time, so I'll try it this time. .”


Xu Xin stopped talking.

Yang Mi kept talking to herself:

"Then the fourth family went to my eldest cousin's house. Isn't his cat in heat? I'll help it."

"Sister!!! Can you please stop making trouble!"

Xu Xin, who really couldn't stand listening, was completely speechless:

"That's a female cat! It's worth tens of thousands of dollars! Can you let her next litter do the surgery? I'm saying... Weiyi likes that cat very much. It's okay for you to mess with animals, but you can do this to the little girl. Cry...are you still human?"

"Oh, you misunderstood."

The number one public enemy of chickens, ducks and geese in Xujiawan quickly shook his head:

"I'm not taking him to be neutered, I really want to help him."

"...How to help? Help it find a red teddy bear?"

"No, just...you know, when a cat is in heat, if you pat it on the back, it will lift its tail to the side, and I will take a cotton swab...chirp, chirp, chirp."

She made a lunging movement:

"It's itchy, do you understand what I mean? I help it relieve the itch, and it feels so good! I did this to my cat when I was little. He is a loyal minister, and a loyal minister should be treated like a loyal minister."

Xu Xinxin said that the treatment of your loyal ministers is to make someone else a large DIY SEXTOY?

Are you still a human being?

How many bad things did our old Xu family do in our previous lives, and we were blamed for such a sin like you...

You are lacking great virtue.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin, who couldn't stand listening anymore, snatched her daughter from her arms and held her directly in her arms.


You must keep your daughter and son away from this fool from now on.

He is afraid of infection.

It’s 9K today. I could have finished it originally, but I had a few arguments with my wife at night about the surgery, so I couldn't finish the originally happy chapter. I'm sorry.

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