I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 658 655 Our Gift

Chapter 658 655. Our gift

"Honey! We have food for lunch! Look, look! Is this some kind of... Cole duck? Oh, it's so cute. It will definitely taste delicious when stewed!"

Xu Xin saw his wife walking this way carrying a white flowery thing from afar.

Just when I was wondering what this stupid dad was up to, I heard this sentence.

And maybe the thing in her hand could understand people's words. When she heard it, it made her stew, and it fluttered even more fiercely in Yang Mi's hand.

Feathers flying.

But Yang Mi pinched her neck and couldn't move.

When she walked in, Xu Xin finally saw the thing in her hand and covered her face helplessly.

I'm guilty.


My ancestors, you must forgive me.

I wish I had known earlier... She was so virtuous that no matter what I said, she would not let her perform a pole dance for me, which made my child lose my heart!

He covered his face, looked at his expectant wife through the gaps between his fingers, and suppressed the words from his mouth:

"Did it bark when you caught it just now?"


Yang Mi was stunned and nodded subconsciously:

"You screamed, you screamed so miserably. Not to mention, the little thing is very energetic and has a loud voice!"

"...Do you know why it screams so miserably?"


"It's telling you: I'm a goose! A goose that hasn't grown up yet!"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched...

He lowered his head and looked at the stuff in his hand that was almost out of control, and asked:

"Are you sure it's a goose and not a duck? I've already thought about the lunch menu, beer duck with noodles..."

"That's a goose!!! Ancestor!! Goose!!! Also, didn't you go to Uncle Haifeng's fish pond to get fish? Where did your goose come from?"

"I haven't caught any fish, it's cold. I see there is a group of these ducks at Uncle Haifeng's house..."


"Goose, goose, goose, goose! Goose, goose! And if this goose dares to rub against me, I will get up."

"...I beg you, please just let it go, okay? We have everything in the refrigerator. You are so merciful, let it go."

After hearing this and looking at her husband's helpless look, Yang Mi smacked her mouth:


I threw the duck or goose thing in my hand out. After landing, the goose ran faster than Bolt, and disappeared with a swishing squeaking sound.

And then Yang Mi remembered:

"Where's Nuannuan and Yangyang?"

Xu Xin, who was already hopeless, no longer had any desire to live anymore, so he pointed towards the coal shed where the boiler was kept in the winter.

Yang Mi didn't think much about it at first, but she walked into the coal shed and took a look...

My daughter and son are no longer human.

The foreign-looking coat I bought in the city has layers of coal dust on the left and right sides... His face is the same as Nico's, except for his eyes, there is no "white" color anywhere else.


Xu Xin, who was sitting in the yard roasting potatoes, heard:

"Xu! How did you become the father!!!!"

Xu Xinquan pretended not to hear.

He huddled on the pony next to the coal stove and took a sip of his remaining cigarette with a sad look on his face.

He has the behavior of a weak-footed man who is frustrated by his mother-in-law.

How his father got into it, he didn't know.

He only knew that if he continued like this, he would really be shameless and turn around to see his ancestors.

look up.

Gray sky.

"What a sin..."

January 8th is one week away from the wedding.

Xu Daqiang is back.

And when he comes back, it means that the backbone of the family is back, and the family has officially begun the wedding process.

The first thing is to buy gifts.

On the one hand, there are gifts for Yang Mi’s family, such as cattle, sheep, lotus roots, peanuts and other symbolic gifts.

Xu Xin didn't need to worry about these, they were all ready.

Then there is the follow-up method. (Note 1)

To be honest, Yang Mi didn't know what the following method meant, but according to Xu Xin, it was a very important part.

The bride and groom need to prepare gifts from their elders. When Xu Xin picks up the bride and puts on her own shoes, relatives at home will also come in. The elders will bring red envelopes and give them to Yang Mi, and Yang Mi will also give the gifts she bought to her relatives to express her filial piety.

At first, Yang Mi was quite worried, wondering how to prepare such a gift to express her feelings.

But it's actually very simple.

People in Xujiawan are rich, but in order to avoid comparison, every household in the village has formed a tacit understanding early on.

The maximum red envelopes given by others are only 10,000 yuan, and the bride's return gift is very simple, just two boxes.

Whether it's milk, biscuits, instant noodles, small cakes, etc., that's all.

But the box must be a red box. Two boxes of gifts also means good things come in pairs.

However, there are also some special requirements, that is, to buy coats for the existing elderly people of the Xu Xin family, such as the second grandfather, the third grandfather, and the fifth grandfather.

Represents the filial piety and care of the granddaughter-in-law.

After remembering these requirements, Yang Mi quickly sent Sun Ting back to Yanjing and would not let her come back for the time being.

She used the remote control to see what was missing at home and brought it back.

Then there's the car.

The car thing is more difficult.

The opinions of the family are not very unified.

According to Xu Daqiang, there were 20 Rolls-Royces, and the main wedding car was a red Ferrari, which looked festive.

Xu Xin was dissatisfied and felt that the wedding car could be tolerated with a Rolls-Royce, and the other cars... could be replaced with a Mercedes-Benz. Just a Rolls-Royce doesn't look good.

It looks more coordinated according to his idea.

Where is Yang Mi...

She wants to ride in a sedan chair...

The original plan was to book the reception room at a hotel owned by Xu Daqiang in the county.

But the problem is that the county is about ten kilometers away from Xujiawan, and sitting in a sedan chair is exhausting.

If you want to ride in a sedan chair, you have to find a house in the village.

But then there would be no need for a fleet...

The couple also had a few words about this matter.

After all, Xu Xin promised his wife to ride in a sedan chair and asked the bearer to bump her up like in "Red Sorghum".

In the end, Xu Daqiang asked the elders in the village and determined that as long as the bride's feet did not touch the ground, it was not considered a return, so he decided to pick her up from the city by car. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Xu Xin carried her into the sedan, and then he rode on horseback. process.

Xu Daqiang and Yang Mi were both satisfied, but Xu Xin's proposal of "Rolls-Royce with Mercedes-Benz" was simply ignored.

The last step is to try the dishes.

Not to mention the eight steamed bowls, nor the mutton noodles I had in the morning.

For the lunch meal alone, Xu Daqiang invited four groups of people.

Shandong cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Shaanxi cuisine.

They were all people recruited from restaurants and hotels of friends he knew.

These teams of chefs will be busy here until the end of the show.

The order was for a table of 36 dishes, both at the market and in the village.

There are 36 tables in the village, and a banquet with 16 dishes is served at the big market, with flowing water.

However, the specifications are not far apart. If nothing else, even the dishes invited to everyone at the market include lobster. Just think about the level of this banquet.

Lobsters are shipped directly from Baotou.

Last year, the seafood transportation train from Baotou to Qingdao was opened, and seafood can be said to be inexhaustible.

There are 36 dishes decided, but the question is how to choose.

From the meaning, to the taste, to whether it looks good or not...

When Xu Xin saw the array, he originally planned to call Ren Changzhen and ask them to take pictures of the food for the rural banquet in northern Shaanxi. But as soon as the array was displayed, he knew... don't even think about it.

Just ask people to come over for a wedding banquet.

If these clips were actually captured in a documentary, he would be scolded to death.

This is no longer a luxury, but a pure waste.

There are ten people at a table and 36 dishes.

Just packing plastic bags costs a lot of money.

He also told Xu Daqiang not to be so extravagant... but Xu Daqiang said that he had to do this on this day.

Because when Xu Miao got married, she seemed a bit "shabby".

It wasn't that he had no money, but that at the juncture of his marriage to Zhang Qian, the father-in-law's family was going through a small "conflict" over personnel appointments. Everyone had to keep their integrity and not let others take advantage of them.

Therefore, the eldest son's regret must be made up for at the wedding banquet of the second son.

Not to mention...it's a double blessing.

Now that the general outline of the wedding is in place, the next step is some details.

Everyone brainstorms ideas.

For example, Yang Mi, after seeing a truckload of Maotai brought to her family for the banquet on the 15th, she thought about it and gave her a suggestion.

Do we need to say hello to the driving company?

There are four in the front and three in the back. If someone comes by car and drinks too much, something goes wrong...it will be hard to say.

Xu Daqiang thought it made sense, so he made a few calls.

First, let Shenmu's drivers go on a business trip for seven days starting from the day the market opens. Those who drive over to join in the fun will be sent home free of charge.

Open your mouth and ask for 100 people.

Shenmu's driving business is actually average, most of them are part-timers, and there are not that many full-timers.


Not so many people?

Then go and call.

Shenmu, Fugu... If that doesn't work, I'll be transferred from Yulin. Anyway, I have a hotel at home, so what are I afraid of?

Free accommodation, free food and drink, and wages.

The second phone call was to a friend.

Just at the intersection on both sides of Xujiawan Market, check for drunk driving.

Stay for 7 days.

Don't give anyone the chance to go beyond the law.

As long as you drink and want to leave the market in Xujiawan, you have to ask a free driver to deliver you.

Safety first.

Of course, everyone works so hard, and the work is definitely not in vain. Whether it is red envelopes or food and drinks, it is not a bribe, but a kind favor for a happy event.

While the family was brainstorming ideas, the commotion in the village did not stop.

In fact, logically speaking, the scale of Xu Daqiang's wedding can be said to be unique in Xujiawan.

Anyone who has lived in rural areas actually knows one truth, that is, if you want to be in the limelight, you must convince everyone.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how rich you are, the most you can do for your child's wedding is to put effort into the food and drinks. Too much extravagance and waste will not be allowed. Because this can easily cause discord among relatives.

Your child is so successful in doing things that he outshines all of us... He is easily hated by others.

Therefore, the wedding banquet and its specifications are actually decided by the people in the village.

But Xu Xin is the exception.

Because he... is so glorious.

Olympic torch, Ouchi manager, various records in the director circle, etc...

This child is not only a child of Xu Jiawan, but also a nationally famous figure.

It can be said that Xu Xin's existence is something Xu Jiawan is proud of.

And having such a promising child in his own family, his standards must be different from ordinary times.

So, when Xu Daqiang wanted to hang lanterns from the ancestral hall to the entrance of the village, no one in the village objected.

On that day, a cart of bamboo poles used to hang red lanterns was pulled into the village.

Workers began digging holes on both sides of the village road to insert poles and hang lanterns.

That momentum...

Even Yang Mi herself felt ashamed of "how virtuous and capable am I?"

The high-profile news naturally attracted media reporters.

Everyone knew that Yang Mi and Xu Xin were getting married. In order to get first-hand information, countless reporters came to this remote county in northern Shaanxi.

Trying to report some pre-wedding preparation news.

So, starting on the 9th, various photos of Xu Xin and Yang Mi’s wedding scene began to circulate on the Internet.

[Direct view of Xu Xin and Yang Mi’s wedding preparation pictures]

This kind of news comes out endlessly.

Through reporters' descriptions, netizens also learned about the couple's wedding process.

It's not like a five-star luxury hotel, or getting married abroad...the couple chose the most down-to-earth way.

Rural banquet...

When they saw that the wedding of the two people was actually a grand banquet in the countryside, many people's first reaction was a sense of déjà vu, "It's too perfunctory."

There is no way, the times make it happen.

People who have lived in rural areas want to move to cities.

The perception that rural banquets are “not of high quality” has almost become a fixed impression.

Even for banquets in some rural areas, there is no such thing as running water banquets and big pot dishes. Instead, they all choose to go to restaurants in the city.

This is not an isolated case.

And you two actually did the opposite?

Xu Xin, you are so kind to Yang Mi, why do you have the nerve to do this?

For a time, there was some turmoil on the Internet.

But the couple just laughed it off.

Are rural banquets of low quality?

You haven't even gotten married yet, but you've already spent more than five million on cigarettes, wine and food... low-grade?

Then she really wants to know... what is high-end.

So, never mind.

Say it however you like.

In fact, the more people think the grade is low, the better.

The last thing she wants right now is for someone to dig up the exact cost of this wedding.

Don't mention anything else, let's talk about the ring she was going to exchange with Xu Xin that day.

The pink diamond that was photographed in Hong Kong.

Eighty-three million.

She wore it for a few days and then threw it away after she felt it was too ostentatious.

Then let’s talk about the bride price.

On the day they received their marriage certificate and returned to China, Xu Daqiang said that the bride price had exceeded 100 million.

Yang Dalin was so frightened that he couldn't stop his father-in-law's mouth with a steamed bun.

Life and death disagree.

Finally, after much discussion, the betrothal gift was finally settled on the number 4747.

April 7th was the day after Qingming Festival in 2007.

It is also the couple’s love anniversary.

It was that night that Xu Xin did something that made him regret, regret, and feel ashamed. It became a piece of pain (black history) that can never be erased.

He turned off the wrong light.

Yang Mi came up before him.

Therefore, the bride price is 47 million.

It was reasonable, and Yang Dalin was speechless.

And this is just the gift money.

What about other betrothal gifts?

The more than 6,000 square meters in Xi'an were used by the brothers as a KTV building.

The three-story office building at Shuangwei's headquarters is a nearly 2,500-square-meter theater decorated by Magic City for "Happy Twist".

The property rights of one of the courtyard houses in Shijia Hutong.

Yang Mi didn't dare to calculate it herself.

I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack after calculating the value of these betrothal gifts.

I wonder how much my husband owed me in my previous life, and how I want to "repay" myself in this life...

Do evil.

Therefore, she, who deeply understands what it means to have stuffing in a bun but not in its pleats, chose to ignore and ignore all these rumors on the Internet.

It's not that I'm too lazy to refute, it's because... I'm afraid that if I tell the truth, I will scare you to death...

But it turns out that she still underestimated the wedding.

Because, a little accident happened.

On the 11th.

Without Xu Xin and Yang Mi's knowledge, all streetlight advertisements in Shenmu County were changed overnight.

Replaced with posters.

On the poster, Jay Chou is wearing the H-Huntsman best man dress, standing next to Lang Lang who plays the piano, holding a microphone and appearing to be singing.

He sang and played the piano loudly.

Under the busts of the two people, there are also portraits of Nanquan’s mother, Guo Caijie, Deng Ziqi, Yang Ruidai and others.

Then, the second half of the poster contains three lines of text:

"Jay Chou, Lang Lang - "White Windmill" Ensemble Concert

January 13, 2011, best wishes!

Axin, Mimi, please be happy. "

At the bottom of the three lines of characters are the last two lines of small characters:

Ticket collection: Shenmu County Stadium ticket window (free)

My treat! ——by Wang Sicong

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

"I will accompany you until the end, can you not look back?"

"Hold me tight!"

"Say you don't need a commitment~"

Overnight, this advertisement was spread all over the streets and alleys of Shenmu.

At this moment, in the Shenmu County Stadium, Jay Chou stood opposite the stage that had been set up, listening to his own song.

After listening for a while, he raised the walkie-talkie:

"OK OK, not bad, not bad. The speaker effect is very good!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Lang Lang, who was wearing lambskin gloves and a down jacket and said:

"what do you think?"

"It's really good... Do you think this is unintentional? Who would have thought that Lao Xu upgraded the speaker kit for the LED screen effect of the Olympic Games and now uses it for concerts."

Lang Lang looked at the land under his feet that had been restored into a football field with a half-smile, his tone full of emotion.

“What I was most worried about was the speaker effect, but I was dumbfounded when I saw professional-grade JBL VTX in those corners.”

Hearing this, Jay Chou smiled and said:

"These are the equipments he bought himself, and I introduced him to them. That's why I refused to sing in the stadium."

As he spoke, he pointed to the largest indoor stadium at the county level in SX Province, which was just completed in October this year and was just behind the stands of the stadium.

"Originally, people here wanted me to sing there. But there are too few places. I hope to gather more people to bless Axin's wedding. Although the weather is a bit colder... I am confident that this place will explode. !”


Hearing this, Lang Lang couldn't help laughing:

"I really want to see Lao Xu's expression now. When I called him last night, I lied to him and said that I had a performance here and wouldn't go back until the 14th!"

"Hahahaha, eh, me too, he asked me when I could come, and I said I might not arrive until the 14th. He also said that I would be dead if I dared to delay his wedding, hahahahaha!"

The two were laughing when Wang Sicong, also wearing a black down jacket, walked over quickly:

"Okay, stop having fun. Do you know how much trouble I went through to set up a stage for you?"


Jay Chou smiled and gave Wang Sicong a thumbs up:

"Hey, the stage is great. It's just a little small..."

"There is no way. On the one hand, it is so that more people can sit here. After all, I have a hunch that there will be many people coming. On the other hand, aren't they all given to those two screens? We have to reserve space..."

Wang Sicong pointed to the two double-sided screens behind him.

The old stadium where Xu Xin used to rehearse the Olympic LED screen is not laid out like a football field in the traditional sense, but like a school stadium. In the oval area, there is only one viewing platform on the northeast side. .

The other directions are surrounded by iron fences.

You can see inside from the outside.

In Wang Sicong's expectation, tickets are free and there must be many people coming.

But there must be someone who can't get in.

The reason why he got the approval a little later was because he wanted everyone to see the concert. Therefore, while reporting to various departments, he was also temporarily applying for a place to place electronic screens.

The stage was placed in the southwest corner of the stadium and the screen was a double screen.

One layer is inward and the other is outward.

The purpose is to allow outsiders to see the concert, so that there will be no danger of climbing over, trampling on, or the like.

At the same time, in the welcome square next door, he also erected four temporary LED screens, all of which were of maximum size without breaking ground.

It can be dismantled directly after the concert, which is very convenient.

Like he said, he did his best.

The three people wanted to give their friends the perfect wedding gift.

As for the cost…

The eldest young master didn’t say anything.

It was his treat anyway.

And his words also earned a nod from the two of them.

Then, Wang Sicong said:

"Let's go. Xu Yang called me just now and said that there is a traffic jam here... They are all here to collect tickets. Let's go quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble if we are blocked... I leave the other things to you Someone from the company."

For this concert, Jay Chou invited all the people from Jwell who were responsible for the concert.

We have collaborated for so many concerts, so we are all familiar with each other and have a tacit understanding, so we naturally know what to do.

So, the three of them set off together and retreated quickly.

When retreating, we happened to pass by several mobile houses in the square.

That's a temporary ticket window.

Moreover, an iron fence is used to enclose the queuing channel near the color board room.

The ticket purchase rules for this time are on both sides of the queuing channel.

Use your ID card to buy tickets. The seats are completely random. If you are lucky, you will be a VIP. If you are not lucky, you will have to stand aside.

The stadium is expected to accommodate a total of about 13,000 people.

As for the welcome square outside and how many people can be on the road... it's hard to say.

When the three of them left in the car, they saw Xu Zhi and Xu Yang holding loudspeakers to maintain order, and at least a hundred people had gathered around the color board houses.

The groomsmen had been preparing for this surprise for a long time without telling the couple.

Everything is to give friends, people in the world, relatives and friends, and even those who know or do not know the names of friends, an unforgettable big day!

For this reason, Jay Chou even gave up the copyright of this concert.

After recording, editing, and sound editing are completed, it will be authorized to major online broadcast platforms.

Want to see?

Casual look!

This is our gift to our best friend!

Please witness it together!

(Note 1: During the years I stayed in Shenmu, my biggest regret was that I never attended rural weddings. I went to a lot of weddings in hotels. And it was basically the same as other places... So, here is the information I checked , I can only try to be as close as possible, but there are some reasons or omissions in specific customs that are beyond my ability. Please forgive me, and if there are mistakes, please laugh them off.)

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