I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 659 656 Appalling Banquet

Chapter 659 656. Appalling Banquet

The news that Jay Chou and Lang Lang were going to hold a free concert in Shenmu to celebrate the wedding of Xu Xin and Yang Mi swept the entire entertainment industry's front pages like thunder on the morning of the 11th.

The remarks that Yang Mi and Xu Xin's rural wedding were of low quality were directly washed away by this torrent.

Jay Chou!


These two are going to have a free concert!

The money came from Wang Sicong!

What kind of magical friendship do these people have?

Are you still playing like this?

Tickets for Jay Chou's concerts are already difficult to buy. Tickets that usually cost five to six hundred dollars have been sold by scalpers for several thousand dollars. The demand for that is still in short supply... But now, it's free! ?

Although the 13th was not a weekend, young people from several counties and cities near Shenmu became eager to take action after hearing the news.


Come and take a look?


Xu Xin's eyelids jumped wildly when he looked at these bastards.

His right eyelid had been twitching inexplicably early in the morning. He was originally wondering where this feeling came from... but now, he finally understood it.

What is the so-called "gift"?

I also understand why even though Xu Zhi and the others are back, they are still acting mysteriously these days...

After a long time, there is a traitor among us!

I promised to keep a low profile!

You're welcome...

"Lao Xu, are you so moved by the gifts from my brothers that you want to cry? It doesn't matter. If you want to cry, you can cry. It's okay."

"That's right, who doesn't know that Director Xu's teardrops are worth a lot of money! Come on, drop a few golden peas and let us see."

"Quickly, get a tissue here, our Xu Sanjin is going to cry!"

Several people began to tease Xu Xin.

Until Yang Mi's figure appeared at the door.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at these people with an innocent look.


A group of people subconsciously took a step back.

But Xu Yang and the others seem to think...this is our village, there is no reason to be afraid of you, an outsider who has not yet entered the door!

He tried hard to straighten his body and push forward.

But...the two harpies in our house started to tuck their tails when they saw her, and they didn't know what kind of torture they suffered...

He was a little scared...

Suddenly, he was half a step ahead of the others, like Schrödinger's cat.

Neither advancing nor retreating.

Neither life nor death...

After thinking about it, Xu Yang felt that it would be better for him to be more cowardly.






When he called him this name, let alone others, even Xu Xin was speechless.

My heart says that your spine is really soft.

Usually the younger siblings are tough talkers.

Now the old sister-in-law begins.

But Xu Yang thought it was nothing.

A real man can bend and bend!

Love so much!

As for Yang Mi...she just sighed speechlessly.

"Oh...the concert's sound effects and everything have been arranged properly? There won't be any accidents, right?"

"Don't worry, aren't you still worried about my brother's work?"

The eldest young master subconsciously wanted to put a few layers of gold on his face.

But as soon as Yang Mi saw his virtue, she knew that he must have come up with this bad idea, and subconsciously threw it away with a cold look.


The young master who was hit by an arrow in the knee immediately became honest.

But Xu Xin was very moved at the moment.

How courageous do you have to risk "offending" your wife to celebrate yourself...

"Let's go, please have dinner at noon! Let's eat mutton! Especially the three of you, don't you want to taste the taste of Shenmu's sheep? Xu Zhi, call the old sheep farmer! Order three sheep! Let's go now! "

"Okay, let's go, let's go!"

The brothers walked directly out with their arms around each other.

Yang Mi shook her head helplessly, not stopping her at all.

He just waved to Sun Ting and Su Meng who had just returned next to him:

"You guys go together to prevent them from driving drunk."

Although there are still a lot of things at home, but... no one has any reason to stop the man from going to sea, right?

What? What sea you ask?

A sea of ​​wine.

Just look at it, these people... From what she knew, at least half of them would have to vomit.

After several cars left, she returned to the house.

There are actually a lot of trivial matters involved in getting married. Now she can more or less understand the meaning of what others say, "Marriage is for outsiders to see."

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

Back in the house, she continued sorting the souvenirs for the guests.

These souvenirs are not given to outsiders, but are from the village and relatives at home.

Everything from shopping cards to travel vouchers should be divided into exquisite little bags and given to guests attending your wedding.

While they were packing up, Xu Daqiang came back with Li Hao.

Seeing that he was the only one at home, Xu Daqiang asked in confusion:

"Where's the three golds?"

"Jielun and the others are here, and he went to eat sheep with him at noon."


Xu Daqiang's eyes lit up.

He no longer pursued the child's laziness, but asked Yang Mi:

"Mimi, what should we do with those reporters?"


Yang Mi was stunned.


"Yes, several cars came to the village today, and a bunch of new faces were wandering around here. Ah...it's very annoying."


Yang Mi was actually a little undecided.

If we chase people away, if this group of people has a little more rhythm, it may be a storm in the city.

But if you don't chase...

After Xu Daqiang saw that his daughter-in-law was in trouble, he thought about it and said:

"How about we use the old method of dripping from the mine?"

Yang Mi's first reaction was to "hit someone" and she quickly shook her head:

"No, no, no, it's better not to have any conflicts..."

"It's not a conflict."

Xu Daqiang waved his hand:

"We arranged for a few people to stop the car at the entrance of the village. If they saw unfamiliar faces, they would throw 10,000 yuan in and ask them to turn around and go back. How about that?"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched...

I understand what my husband is doing.

Very typical coal mine method.

According to Xu Xin, if there is any news in the mine, there will be someone specially guarding the intersection leading to the mine to stop cars.

As long as you are a reporter, then there is no nonsense, just pay and leave.

Everything is tacit.

But the problem is that there is no point in doing so.

A wedding is not a mine...

After thinking about it, she shook her head:

"Why don't we set up some tables at the basketball court in our village? If they want to take pictures... let's do it. Mainly, I'm afraid that the guests you invited, Uncle Xu, won't think it's appropriate..."

"Ah, that's it. Weddings and funerals are a courtesy. I mean, all my friends have been arranged in the room. I'm not afraid. Then let them in? Anyway, it's just a matter of having a few more tables."


Following Yang Mi's agreement, Xu Daqiang turned to Li Hao and said:

"Remember, we are setting up a few tables at the basketball court, and then we are arranging a few people to watch these reporters. They will be guests when they come, and they will be entertained with good wine and good food. But you can't mess around."


Li Hao nodded to express his understanding, and then Xu Daqiang's phone rang. He glanced at it and walked out quickly.

Before the wedding, many things are very complicated.

But don’t dare to be careless.

On the whole day of the 11th, if there was one place that was most congested in Shenmu County, it would be the county stadium.

Even because there was too much traffic, the traffic police rushed over to maintain order.

There is no way, there are too many people queuing up to get tickets.

You know, there are no scalpers in this concert.

Scalpers are usually concentrated in big cities. Although there are occasionally some singers who come to hold concerts for performance fees in Shenmu County, these singers are either outdated and get together in twos and threes to form a so-called "joint performance", or Just to celebrate some festival activities.

There is no room for scalpers on this land.

And, after all, the traffic in Shenmu is still somewhat congested.

It takes nearly an hour and a half to drive from here to Yulin. If I want to go to Xi'an from Yulin, it takes five or six people to drive. If I fly, there are only two flights a day.

There is one flight at 8:00 and one flight at 10:30.

By the time the scalpers react, it will be too late.

Facts have proved that Jay Chou's appeal is huge. In this aspect, Lang Lang can't compare with him.

Shaanxi K has the most license plates in the morning.

At noon, Meng K began to join the battle.

In the afternoon, some Jin A car license plates even appeared.

They all drove long distances.

All 16,000 tickets had been distributed by around 4 p.m.

But there were still many people who came late and didn't get their tickets.

Even if the staff shouts at the top of their lungs through loudspeakers, there are no tickets left and it’s cold, so don’t wait any longer. But there are still many people who are unwilling to disperse.

Some people have even started to use Tieba in Shenmu County and want to spend money to buy tickets through various channels.

So you see, there is a certain reason why the ancient profession of scalping cannot be eradicated.

On the night of the 11th, hotels and inns of all sizes in Shenmu County were fully booked.

The entire Shenmu County seemed to have become the center of the turmoil because of Xu Xin and Yang Mi's wedding.

Noon on the 12th.

All the guests for Jay Chou's concert were present.

The whole Xujiawan became more lively.

But the most eye-catching thing is the road outside Xujiawan.

For this big gathering, Xu Daqiang had already had forklifts plow over the land in the village that was now empty of people.

Starting from the main road and heading towards Xujiawan, the asphalt road built by my own village is smooth on both sides.

Early in the morning on the 12th, reporters discovered that many people came here riding tricycles.

When they arrive, they will first go to a temporary table to get their number.

And along the road, countless numbers were written in chalk early.

Pick numbers by drawing lots.

Whichever piece is selected is that piece.

The vendors who received the numbers parked their tricycles on the side of the road, took off the red carpets, ceilings, etc. and began to build their stalls.

The big market will start tomorrow, but today some hard-working vendors have already started business after completing the set-up.

The people in Xujiawan don’t care either.

As long as you follow the rules, you'll be fine.

As a result, booths for ring roping, shooting, and netball were set up on both sides of the road.

Moreover, these vendors are also well-behaved and know that they are setting up a wedding ceremony. The carpets and ceilings are all red, extending along both sides of the road... From a distance, it really looks like a red dress.

It looks great.

Suddenly, there was an atmosphere that the big day was approaching.

That afternoon, the term "Xujiaji" appeared on the Internet.

These dedicated reporters took photos of the couple's pre-wedding preparations and posted them online as if they were broadcasting live.

Don't tell me yet...

Netizens took a look.


This seems to work OK.

Immediately afterwards, under Xu Daqiang's instructions, a reporter finally asked what happened to the tables, chairs and benches that had been piled up for several days outside the village.

[Xu Xin and Yang Mi are preparing to host a banquet for guests at the wedding! Outsiders can also participate! 】

【Be particular! Guests don’t need gifts, just eat and drink as they please! 】

【Tourists can do it too! for free! Eat whatever you want for seven days - the generosity of Xu Xin’s wedding! 】

[The wedding scene of Xu Xin and Yang Mi was full of human touch! 】

[On the same happy day, there will be a feast for seven days! Many pictures will tell you how grand this wedding is! 】

News one after another appeared on the Internet as the details of the wedding were gradually revealed, becoming news that countless people talked about.

Free food and drink?

Just say a word of blessing?

Does the running water mat last all day?

Shaanxi noodles in the morning? Isn’t Noodles from Henan?

Enough meat and wine for the rural banquet at noon...

Lasts seven days?

How much does this wedding... cost?

Isn't that too arrogant?

Countless people who have become accustomed to the fame of Xu Xin and Yang Mi, or who didn't know much about the couple before, gradually remembered after getting to know them carefully...

Ah yes.

Xu Xin's family... seems to have a mine.


Now, no one thought their wedding was shabby.

After discarding the filter of "rural banquet", I have to admit that today, when Western-style weddings are the rule, more and more people are recalling these memories under the bombardment of the news these days. the taste of.

Who says that rural banquets must be low?

This is another seven-day banquet, and another rural gathering...

How interesting.

I want to go, what should I do?

Number 13.

"Xujiaji" is open!

It's around five o'clock in the morning, on a cold day, and the road in Xujiawan is brightly lit!

The reporters who got up early looked at the buckets of stoves on the roadside and the machines used to press noodles on the stoves. They quickly clicked the shutter and took pictures of people kneading dough in this cold weather. The figures of the masters working hard.

Along with them, there is also the "Tip of the Tongue" crew led by Ren Changzhen.

On the one hand, they were invited to attend Director Xu's wedding, and on the other hand, they came to shoot some material.

Ren Changzhen knew that the wedding dishes were very hard, so he discussed with Xu Xin to focus mainly on the large market outside the village.

After all, in addition to the extremely luxurious lobsters and crabs at the market, there are also more "local dishes" for wedding banquets in rural areas in northern Shaanxi.

When reporters take pictures, they take pictures too.

The entire market started at around five o'clock and lasted until dawn.

The smell of mutton stew has begun to fill the air.

Big breakfast, mutton noodles.

Wait until 7 o'clock for the official meal.

Just when the reporters wanted to verify that the people in Xujiawan were not lying and whether they were eating for free, the smell of mutton after the pot was boiled came to their nostrils. The loud and clear voices of Qinchuan masters, like Xintianyou, awakened a new generation. day.

"Hey! Mutton glutinous rice! Come and eat it!"

No one needs to direct it.

Accompanied by these high-pitched voices, pieces of dough were put into the dough press.

Boil water, blanch the noodles, and put them into a stainless steel bowl.

The apprentice next to him immediately added a big spoonful of mutton jelly, soup and meat.

Then, the apprentice looked at the reporters taking pictures and waved directly:

"Hey, come on, come on, let's eat the noodles! It's still hot, and then take pictures when it's warm! Come on, come and get it, add the spiciness yourself!"


Some of the reporters who had been freezing all morning couldn't stand it any longer, put down their cameras and stepped forward.

I took the bowl of glutinous rice noodles steaming hot in the cold wind, looked at the large pieces of mutton in the bowl, and swallowed unconsciously.

This... smells so good.

And where there is the first, there is the second.

After a while, this bowl of mutton noodles, which represents the simple and rough yet delicate flavor of the people in northern Shaanxi, warmed the hearts and minds of countless people.

Under the fumigation of the hot air and the whispering voice, the morning sun slowly spread across the earth.

The clear sky on the plateau dyed the sunshine into a thriving golden color.

It is a warm firework unique to winter mornings.

Be it reporters or passers-by who came early to join in the fun.

He is still the head of the family in Xujiawan Village.

One person and a bowl of noodles are an extremely beautiful picture of the world.

These reporters from other places, after putting their noodle bowls in the recycling buckets and responding to the master chefs' words of "I'm full" with satisfaction, touched their bellies and felt warm in their hearts. They all expressed emotion:

"It's such a humane wedding...so awesome!"

8 o'clock.

Xu Jiaji became completely busy.

The old men and wives who came to join in the fun also came to have a steaming bowl of mutton noodles, and then started to visit the market.

Those selling needlework, those selling Spring Festival couplets, those selling rat poison, athlete's foot... there are all kinds of stalls, with everything.

Some people bought freshly fried steamed buns for their children, while others found yellow steamed buns that they had not eaten in more than ten years.

Some people reunited with their old friends at this market, and some even relied on the luck of a blind cat to catch a mouse and snagged the special prize prepared by the stall owner...

Laughter, fun.

In this day and age where the pace of life is accelerating and there are fewer and fewer fixed markets, Xujiaji makes this small county that has developed rapidly due to coal mines seem to have returned to ten years ago.

The market became more and more lively, even to the point of blocking traffic.

The crowds were huge.

In the morning, the master chefs who made mutton noodles also dismantled the noodle press and replaced it with each other's unique skills.

In the steamer, which is taller than a person, the same bowls are stacked one after another, and a steady stream of fresh seafood is delivered one by one.

Blast furnace fire, cauldron shovel.

For this feast that lasted until night, the master chefs began to be busy.

The reporters watching on the side looked at the lobsters fished out of the water one after another... and each of them felt their eyebrows twitching.


Playing for real?

Are the lobsters here?

Eat for free?

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, several vans drove out from Xujiawan.

After arriving at the pot stove, some men in their forties or fifties immediately led some young people out of the car.

The leading middle-aged people held cups and wine bottles in their hands and went straight to the cooking masters.

Looking at the format of the bottle, the reporters were speechless again.

That’s Moutai!

State guest? Flying? It is still unknown what series it is.

But I saw these middle-aged people walking up to the master chef with a smile, pouring the wine into the cup, and serving it to the master chefs with respect.

The master chef also took it with both hands respectfully, drank it all in one gulp, returned the cup, and continued cooking conscientiously.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but everyone always feels that these chefs work harder at cooking.

It's not over yet.

While these middle-aged people were toasting, the reporters had already seen...the young people carrying...the kind of stainless steel buckets used for soup in the canteen, and placed them on a table that had been reserved in advance.

On the second trip, everyone had boxes and boxes of drinks on their shoulders.

And when they saw the symbol on the drink that was familiar to almost everyone in the Celestial Dynasty, many of them were confused.

Mao... Maotai! ?

It’s still Maotai! ?

No, what are you going to do?

Stop...stop! ! ! !

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw these young people unsealing Moutai, holding the bottle and pouring it into the stainless steel bucket.

Full of horror!

Brother, are you serious?

Free banquet...you guys drink Moutai! ?

? ? ? ?

This is not over yet.

When all the stainless steel barrels were filled and the lids were fastened, young people who came from behind came to the side again carrying a large box.

Unboxing, unboxing.

A flash of red caught the reporter's eyes.


The soft-packed Zhonghua, tore off the packaging, opened the cover, and piled them all into a large tray.

Immediately afterwards, a young man took out a blackboard with writing on it and placed it next to the tray.

"No requests from ladies or children."




Seeing that there were more and more cigarettes in the tray, and after it gradually filled up, they were carried by the young people and placed slightly behind them. The reporters understood that... someone would be watching by then, and anyone who wanted cigarettes could do it. Pass it out to prevent people with poor quality from snatching it.

What a thoughtful thought.


"It's so scary."

I don’t know who is whispering.

It has been recognized by countless people.


This "rural banquet"...

It’s really fucking scary!

In fact, I am really trying to speed up the pace, but in order to make this wedding "shocky", I have to write out every aspect of my vision.

So it might take another two to three chapters.

Please don't mind.

If you feel confused, you can skip it. I will point out the chapter names in the wedding chapter.

It’s okay to watch it then, sorry.

The next rhythm is the overseas promotion of "33 Days" and "The Hawthorn Tree", some advancement of the plot, the conclusion of some extended foreshadowing, and the laying out of clues for the subsequent plot.

In terms of career advancement, "Scorching Sun" is expected to have to wait for a while.

But I haven’t made any specific arrangements yet…

If I don’t like the routine, I will adjust it.

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