I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 663 660 Wedding

Chapter 663 660. Wedding Part 1

On the night of the 14th, Xu Xin arranged for a meal for the people who came to help at the wedding.

In fact, the food is no different from the usual specifications, but the rules are set here. Whether it is the husband's family or the mother's family, they must sit at this table and eat such a meal in a down-to-earth manner.

Explain everything that needs to be explained clearly, such as which groomsman will be responsible for being spanked tomorrow, which groomsman will be responsible for carrying the bag, etc.

Some very detailed things will be explained clearly today.

Meals are eaten in the county.

Because not only Xu Xin's friends, Xu Daqiang also had to entertain many people for this wedding.

But let’s face it…it’s actually nothing.

They are all following the process and are not worth writing about.

But there is something worth pondering.

Sister Bingbing has work over there, so she just came over this afternoon when it was time to eat. After arriving, I didn't sit at Xu Xin's table, nor did I sit at Yang Mi's table.

She was placed at the same table as Zhang Yimou.

As for Zhang Yimou, he is not sitting on the Olympic side.

Not all members of the directing team came to this Olympics.

Such as Zhang Wu.

He was too noisy to come.

But people like Wei Lanfang and others came over.

There were quite a lot of people at that table, but Zhang Yimou was the witness of the wedding.

So he sat at the "distinguished guests" table.

Since you are an honored guest, let me be the host's companion.

Xu Daqiang accompanied him personally.

Xu Xin and Yang Mi also discovered belatedly that because the host of their wedding was Sa Beining, the wedding company took the three of them to a rehearsal. For example, where to walk tomorrow, what route, what kind of ceremony should there be when we go on stage, etc.

After walking all over, when the two of them arrived at the hotel in the county town, the banquet had already started.

In other words, Sister Bingbing's position was arranged by her biological father.

Xu Xin said nothing.

Yang Mi greeted me cordially.

Except for Xu Miao, who also came back from Yanjing with his wife, who looked a little weird, everyone else at this table was fine.

As for Xu Miao...

The brothers glanced at each other.

This matter was completely revealed.

Didn't even ask.

After finishing the meal, Xu Xin retreated with his groomsmen.

Yang Mi stayed in her hotel.

She will definitely not leave tonight. She will wait for the groom to take her home tomorrow.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, inspected the couple's wedding room for the last time.

After playing with the two little nephews of my family for a while with a smile, and giving the red envelopes, I came to the living room, sat on the sofa and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Weddings are for outsiders to see.

This is true.

After a while, he took the cigarette case and walked out.

Smoking is definitely not allowed at home, because Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang are here, sleeping with their grandparents, and will not go to their mother until early tomorrow morning.

Smoking is not good for children.

As soon as he came out, he was stunned and saw Xu Miao standing on the steps of his house, smoking a cigarette and puffing away the smoke.

After seeing his younger brother, he directly threw the EEDS in his hand over.

Xu Xin took it with his hand, took out one, and came to the small fence used to mark the boundary between the two families.

This small fence was the same as before. It was just that a long fence was piled up where the two families entered the house from the yard. It was not too much of a decoration.

The yard is still shared.

But it must be there.

That means the eldest son will start a family and start a career.

This is the so-called separation of families.

After Xu Xin gets married tomorrow, the courtyard where he is now will be his in name.

This is the family's ancestral home. Xu Daqiang divided it between his two brothers, while he himself lost his place to live.

No accommodation is required either.

Since both sons are married, they should fulfill their filial responsibilities and have to compete to support the elderly.

A cigarette lit.

Xu Xin asked:

"Sister-in-law slept with Dabao?"


Xu Miao nodded, bent down and handed over a stool.

Xu Xin took it, and as soon as they sat down, the fence seemed taller.

The smell of "separation of families" is there.

"Our mother must be happy."

Suddenly, Xu Miao said this.

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Well, I told her when I went to visit the grave two days ago."


Xu Miao fell silent again.

And he had finished smoking one cigarette.

He stuck the cigarette butt into the soil under the fence and let out a sigh of relief.

Look up at the sky.

In the winter on the northern Shaanxi Plateau, the stars twinkle, and the beauty seems to be isolated from the world.



"You said... can mom see it?"


Xu Xin closed his eyes and looked at the sky, and responded softly:

"You can see it."


Xu Miao faced the sky and hesitated to speak.

He turned around and looked at his brother again...

He opened his mouth vaguely, his eyes full of hesitation.

But not a single word was uttered.

As a result, the air became quiet.

Only Xu Xin's puffs became longer and thicker, and the smoke puffed out into the night sky.

blown away by the wind.

It blew a long way.

And when Xu Xin finished smoking a cigarette and threw the cigarette butt casually into the yard, he stood up:

"Go back to sleep."


Xu Miao also stood up.

But just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly called Xu Xin again:



Xu Xin glanced at his brother.


Xu Miao seemed to want to say something else.

But the two brothers had the same mind, and Xu Xin suddenly understood what he meant.

So, he smiled and nodded:

"Well, Mom will be very happy."

After saying that, he waved to Xu Miao and walked into the house first.

There was no looking back.

"Are you asleep?"

"No. I just took a shower, how about you?"

"I just finished taking a shower...with Shishi."

"...? Isn't it wrong for you to cheat on me behind my back on the eve of your wedding?"

"There are photos, let's take a look at them tomorrow."

"send now."

"Bah, what a bad idea. I asked her to rub my back. It's been a little dry here these days, so I removed the dead skin. I don't have a shawl on my clothes tomorrow, in case someone sees the chapped... "

"Ugh~ That's disgusting."

"Hehe, by the way, Brother Hao told me just now that Xiaobing has arrived at the hotel."

"You're staying, right? You didn't go see him?"

"Brother, I'm taking a shower."

"Okay. Then go to bed quickly. It's already 10 o'clock. When will you get up to put on makeup?"


"Go to sleep now."

"I can not sleep."


"Because... I will marry you tomorrow."

"Your good days are over."

"Haha, brother, let's wait and see and see which of us's good days is over."

"Are you talking about brothers with me now?"

"Yes, I will give you two children. The mission is over. From now on, we will treat each other as brothers."

"Okay, brother, I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning."

"No problem, brother. When the time comes, just look at my eyes and I will tell you where the shoes are."

"What a brother!"

"Good brothers, forever!"


After finishing the chat with his good brother, Xu Xin turned off his phone and lay down on the bed.

But not long after he lay down, he got up again and came to his desk.

Opened the locked drawer.

He carefully took out the tiger hat, cotton shoes, and gloves.

Put it next to his pillow.

Then, he held the only photo of himself and his mother in his arms, held the envelope and sat back on the bed.

Turning on the desk lamp, he leaned on the bed and carefully took out the two pages from the envelope.

He had read the letter a thousand times.

I looked at that painting again and again.

Xu Miao also has a letter like this.

It's just that Xu Miao never told him the content of the letter.

Just like Xu Miao still doesn't know what was written in the letter her mother left for her brother.

I finished reading the letter.

Xu Xin's breathing was already filled with moisture.

He unfolded the painting again.

He looked at the woman with a smiling face on the clouds, and tears finally broke out.

So, I can’t watch it anymore.

I was afraid that my tears would accidentally stain the paper and fade the oil paint on the painting.

Carefully reinstalling the two pages, with tears streaming down his face, he hugged the photo frame and turned off the light.

In the darkness, he put his tiger hat, gloves, and shoes on his pillow.

He put his face close to the hat and took a deep breath.

It all smells like camphor.

But he stopped crying and fell asleep in the smell.

Sleeping peacefully.

Just like before.

early morning.

Xujiawan became completely lively.

At Xu Xin's house, Xu Daqiang was wearing a suit and a corsage on his chest, sitting on the sofa in the living room with his relatives.

There was no nervousness in his expression, but curiosity.

Looking curiously at his son in a straight suit but lowering his head to play with his mobile phone, he asked curiously:

"Who are you messaging?"

"Give it to Yang Mi. Tell her that I will pick her up right away."

"oh oh."

Xu Daqiang nodded with a smile and urged:

"Okay, don't waste time."


Xu Xin responded and finally replied to Yang Mi:

"Wait, I'm ready to go!"

Yang Mi replied instantly:

"I'm waiting for you!"

So, he put down his phone and took a deep breath...

It’s begun.

he said in his heart.

"Come, Xu Xin, face the camera, do you have anything to say to the bride you are about to welcome?"

Hearing what Sa Beining said, Xu Xin, who was holding flowers in his hand, looked a little nervous.

After trying hard to calm his breathing, he said:

"Daughter-in-law, wait for me to pick you up!"

After saying that, he looked at Sa Beining.




Not to mention Sa Beining, even everyone around him was speechless.

Wang Sicong couldn't help but ask:



Xu Xin was stunned and asked:

"What else can you say?"

"Nonsense! Say more!"

"People have to say what's in their hearts, and I've already said what's in my heart. I'm going to pick her up now!"




A group of people were speechless for a moment.

Xin said that although your sincerity was straightforward, it was too perfunctory.

But after all, Sa Beining's hosting experience is at stake here. After seeing that Xu Xin really couldn't hold it in, he said to the camera:

"Actually, this is the power of words. Although our groom's words are few, they are precious. His heart to marry the bride is absolutely unswerving! ... What about our groomsmen? What do you have to say to us? What did the bride say in front of the camera?"




The camera suddenly turned and focused on these ten dog-like men in suits.

Jay Chou rolled his eyes and pushed his hand instantly...

Wang Sicong was pushed away directly before he could react.


Lao Wang was stunned.

But Sa Beining seized this opportunity:

"Representative of our best man group, what do you want to say at this moment?"


Wang Sicong, who knew in his heart that he had been cheated, opened his mouth...

The last sentence came:

"Da Mi, just wait, Lao Xu will pick you up right now."

Xu Xin simply rolled his eyes.

You are not worthy of me yet.

But no matter what, in the end, finally, with Sa Beining's words "Xu Xin, get in the car and set off towards your happiness!", Xu Xin got into the driver's seat of the Ferrari. .

Then, after the chief best man Jay Chou got in the car, he said:

"Send her a message and let's go!"

"Hurry! Xu Xin is leaving!"

Yang Mi put down her phone, stood up from the sofa, and shouted to the people at the door in the crowded hotel suite:

"Let me warn you first! When people arrive in a while, please come in quickly! Don't block the door! I will kill anyone who blocks the door! I finally married myself, so don't cause trouble! The door is open, let's Xu Xin comes here, you can do whatever you want with the people behind you! But don’t make a killing move!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, sister, we guarantee we won't kill him!"

Zhao Liying grinned widely and started to laugh.

Yang Mi’s eyebrows immediately stood up:

"What did you say!?"

Zhang Jiao helplessly covered her head.

You idiot... Even if you do fight, you do it secretly. Are you waiting for the boss to put on your shoes?

Haven't you ever heard the saying that a dog that bites never barks?


Amidst the loud sound of firecrackers, Xu Xin stood at the door of the room where Yang Mi was holding flowers.

"Dad, please take Nuannuan and Yangyang to the next room first. If there is too much noise later, don't scare the children."


Yang Dalin was stunned...


Quite suddenly.

But... for no reason, I felt a little excited.

However, he restrained this emotion, nodded, and brought Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang back into the house with curious faces on their faces.

As soon as the child left, Xu Xin made a standard "offensive" tactical gesture.

After receiving the instruction, Wang Sicong came to the door:

Boom, boom, boom!

"People inside, listen! You are surrounded! Open the door quickly and let us pick up the bride! I count to three, if you don't open the door after three calls, we will break in!"

"Who are you trying to scare?"

There was a movement inside.

It sounds like Liu Zhishi.

"Red envelope, slide it in through the crack in the door!"

"There are red envelopes, and they are big tickets worth 11,000 to 10,000 yuan! You can't fit them through the cracks in the door! You open the door first, and I'll give it to you when it opens!"

Wang Sicong, who was responsible for calling the door, stopped Xu Zhi, who was responsible for delivering red envelopes and collecting money, and continued to call at the door.

“If there is no red envelope, we won’t open it!”

“The red envelopes are big tickets!”

“You can also swipe your card, there is a POS machine!”

"Then you have to open the door too!"

"No need to open it! Cookie! Quick, give them the POS machine and let them swipe their cards!"

In the crowd, Shaobing stupidly took out a POS machine.

Wang Sicong stared.

Is this kid stupid?

After persuading the sesame cakes away with his eyes, Wang Sicong stretched out his hand, and Xu Zhi quickly handed over a few small red envelopes.

"Come on, come on, I'll give you the red envelope. Hurry up and open the door."

"Not enough! Come again!"

"No, the rest are just big bags. You open the door first...don't you have a safety lock? Open the door a crack, and I'll give you a big bag!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhishi opened the door obediently.

Everyone is very civilized, so naturally they can't do anything like opening the door and forcing their way in.

Not interesting.

After opening the door, she still stood at the door. After looking at the scene outside, she turned to Yang Mi and said:

"Mimi, Xu Xin is so handsome!!!"


A group of people started cheering.

When Xu Xin heard this, he took a step forward, covered Wang Sicong's mouth and pushed him aside.

"Am I handsome?"

"Yeah, yeah! So handsome!"

Liu Zhishi nodded vigorously.

Then, everyone saw Xu Xin, who was as happy as a fool, turned around and stretched out his hand to ask Xu Zhi for a red envelope:

"Quick, quick, get all the red envelopes! Get them! Get them for this handsome guy!"

Xu Zhi rolled his eyes and took a bunch of red envelopes from the basket.

Xu Xin stuffed them all into the door without saying anything:

"Here, give it, this is a red envelope from a handsome guy."


The laughter of a group of girls came from inside the house.

The satisfied girls finally opened the door happily, and a group of people rushed in.

Xu Xin rushed the fastest, and within these few steps, he felt like someone hit him twice on the back of the head...

I wonder which grandson would do something evil?

But at this moment, he didn't care so much and rushed directly to the big bed. At a glance, he saw Yang Mi sitting on the brocade quilt looking at him with a smile.

He swore that this was definitely the most beautiful day for his wife.

Simply stunning.

It's just... indescribable.

At this moment, he only felt a strong emotion in his heart, which replaced his thinking, but supported his ability to act.

Under normal circumstances, he would have knelt down on one knee in front of Yang Mi, holding flowers, and took her home.

But at this moment...he only wants to do one thing...

That is……



"Lao Xu?...Hahahaha, awesome, Lao Xu! awesome!!"


Looking at Xu Xin who hugged Yang Mi and kissed her directly, everyone was stunned. The next moment, cheers completely drowned everything.

Yang Mi was a little stunned at first.

Even my first reaction was to push my husband away.

Brother, I spent several hours putting on makeup, so don’t kiss me anymore.

But the second reaction...I stopped struggling.

What was originally a push away turned into a hug.

Kissed each other affectionately.

No matter the ceremony or the process, it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is...

If only it was him.

Facing this situation, everyone could feel nothing else except the surging love emanating from the two of them.

But fortunately there are sober people.

Sa Beining stood in front of the camera, with his back to the two kissing people, and said to the camera:

"I don't know since when, she has become accustomed to bathing in his caress and resting deeply in his arms. Breathing her warm breath, her ears are filled with his loving murmurs.

As soon as I opened my mouth, it was your name. Close your eyes, it's all about you.

Perhaps once, neither she nor he understood what love was. until……

meet each other.

At this moment, a thousand words are not worth his kiss.

At this time, there is no one like you in the world. "

The affectionate words combined with his passionate recitation and hosting made everyone feel the weight of the... called "love" conveyed in these words.

Smell it into your heart.

The listener sighed.

But this sigh did not last long.


"...Both of you, are you done kissing? It's almost done, but we still have to go through this process... If you really want to kiss us, it's not too late to kiss us when we go back to the bridal chamber. I've been procrastinating for so long..."

Obviously the previous words were extremely affectionate, but after Sa Beining finished speaking, seeing that the two of them were still not stopping, he finally couldn't help but forcibly interrupted the pair of mandarin ducks.

And everyone around him also had the same expression.

That's almost it.

You two are an old married couple, so what are you doing...

Yang Mi, who had just woken up from a dream, quickly pushed her husband away:

"Oh my makeup!...Quick, quick, Jiaojiao, go call the makeup artist!"

She urged anxiously.

Then he turned to look at the group of groomsmen watching the excitement:

"Stop watching the excitement! Hurry up, one shoe is in the box of the bottle of Maotai in the wine cabinet, and the other shoe is behind the toilet in the bathroom. Go quickly!"

"Ah!! Mi Mi!!!"

Liu Zhishi immediately wanted to cover her mouth.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Xu Yang and Lang Lang had already rushed out desperately.

Lang Lang raised his hand in disgust.

Subtext: Give in! Eighty million! You can't afford to pay for the collision! It's easier to say anything if you hand over the shoes, otherwise I'll start to get into trouble!

But at this time, it was Xu Xin who spoke:

"It's not good for you to be like this..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled proudly. After waiting for Lang Lang and Xu Yang to deliver the two high heels to Xu Xin, she directly stretched out her smooth feet under the fishtail skirt without Sa Beining presiding. , said to Xu Xin affectionately:

"Husband, take me home?"


Xu Xin chuckled, knelt down on one knee again, and put the high heels on her feet with his own hands.

Holding her feet, Xu Xin raised his head and looked at her affectionately:

"Well, let's go home."

Sorry this chapter is a bit late. I thought it would end today, but I found... one chapter really never ends.

Then leave it to tomorrow.

Somewhat embarrassing.

Now correct the typo.

Finally, I wish the reader "Xiaolu QAQ" a happy wedding.

Lovers will eventually get married, which is determined by the previous life. Don't miss the marriage.

Promise me to cherish her for me. (laugh)

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