I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 664 661 The Wedding

Chapter 664 661. Wedding·Part 2

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Amidst the salute, Xu Xin walked out of the hotel holding his wife, who weighed more than 100 pounds.

As soon as he left the hotel, he suddenly heard screams and cheers.


"Yang Mi!! Yang Mi!!!"

"Yang Mi, you are so beautiful!!!"

He and his good sister who was holding him by the neck turned to look...

My goodness, both sides of the hotel were already filled with people watching melon-eating.

There were already dense crowds of people standing on the sidewalks on both sides.

Holding their mobile phones high... Obviously, they all came to join in the excitement of the wedding.

Seeing this, Yang Mi hooked her husband's neck with one hand and gestured in all directions with the other:


After saying hello with a smile, she urged:

"Hurry, it's cold!"


He pursed his lips at the chief best man, Jay Chou.

The Asian King, who was still enjoying the cheers of the crowd, quickly opened the passenger door as if he had woken up from a dream.

Xu Xin quickly stuffed the person in.

Then he waved to everyone and expressed his gratitude, then came to the main driver.

Get in the car and close the door.

Following his movements, the people who came to pick him up also got into the car.

The convoy started to set off.

We have to take a detour, we can't go back the same way, otherwise we will be backtracking.

Ferrari followed the Land Cruiser that was used as a camera car in front of him. As he walked, he turned the heater to the maximum:

"Isn't it cold?"

"It's not cold, but I'm thinking... if it doesn't work in a while, can I buy a down jacket and hold a ceremony with you? With today's temperature, I estimate that I will be as cold as a grandson in five minutes at most."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

I couldn't help but say:

"Sister, we are getting married, can you please be more civilized?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned and nodded:

"Oh, then change it to... I'm going to freeze my butt. Okay?"

"...It's freezing, isn't it?"

"Not very elegant."


Seeing her husband's confused look, she couldn't help laughing:

"Hehe, funny... where is the child?"

"Didn't you see it just now?"


"You're okay. Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry, but I have to endure it. I definitely can't let my belly come out... The thong I'm wearing, if people see that the belt is pinching my flesh, they might think I'm fat."


Xu Xin was stunned.

The second reaction was to reach out his hand.



Yang Mi couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Are you crazy?"

After saying that, he took off the driving recorder in front of the rearview mirror, and after a short operation, the video was washed.

That's called a profession.

Maybe Xin is still determined.

This is what he likes.

So he asked tentatively:

"What's in it... As for this dress..."

"...Brother, this is a wedding dress! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Yang Mi was also shocked.

Is there a limit to your hobby?

Why do you want to mix some weird things into such a beautiful memory?

Xu Xin, who heard what his wife meant, was filled with regret:

"Isn't this... okay? No, let's be reasonable. You're only going to wear this clothes once anyway. You might as well give me an advantage..."


Yang Mi opened her mouth...

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

Really... really him...


When you get married, you have to be more elegant.

It makes so much sense!

The Ferrari in the lead and the row of Rolls-Royces behind formed a beautiful landscape.

The convoy made a long circle around Shenmu... This route was decided by Xu Daqiang, as if to announce to the whole county that his child was getting married.

As for Xu Xin, who was sitting in the Ferrari racing seat, his waist was numb, and he had finally reached the main road of Xujiaji.

Seeing the guns and cannons set up on both sides, Yang Mi subconsciously asked her husband:

"There's nothing wrong with my makeup, right?"

"No, don't worry."

Xu Xin smiled and comforted, then pointed at the procession of sending off relatives on the roadside, which had begun to beat loudly, and said with a smile:

"You can sit still for a while and don't hit your head when they bump."


Yang Mi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

In fact, to be honest, it was originally a "Western-style wedding", but suddenly these eight-carriage sedans and a wedding team straddling waist drums and holding suonas appeared, and the style of the painting was a bit fragmented.

Seems nondescript.

But she couldn't help but like it.

From now on, I will be an aunt from northern Shaanxi, so I will definitely have to follow the local customs.

And she looked at the bearer who had been waiting in front of Ferrari for a long time, tilting the sedan chair and squatting on the ground to wait for her, and asked curiously:

"Didn't I say that there is still someone singing Xintianyou? Who is it?"

"You'll find out soon."

Xu Xin smiled mysteriously.

Jay Chou and Lang Lang, who were following the car, finally came over.

Jay Chou opened the door for him, and Lang Lang opened the door for Yang Mi.

After Xu Xin got off the bus, Xu Zhi and the others fired a bunch of salutes.

The sky was filled with sequins and colorful flowers.

Xu Xin smiled and walked quickly to the passenger seat, hugged Yang Mi across the waist, and rushed straight into the sedan without taking up any space.

After finally carrying my wife in, I realized...she didn't bring a coat.

He didn't show any pretense and just took off his suit.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Yang Mi, who had already sat in the sedan, quickly stopped her.

But Xu Xin didn't let her continue. After taking off his suit, he put it on her directly.

"Don't freeze."

The couple's words reached the ears of people nearby very clearly.


Cheers filled the sky.

Xu Xin's face turned slightly red, but he still firmly stepped out of the sedan.

Then, Xu Yang held a silk ribbon sewn with big red flowers and stepped on him.

All of a sudden, the smell of a Chinese groom's official came out.

Carrying red flowers, riding a tall horse.

After riding on it, the horse herder handed over the reins to Wang Sicong, who was specifically responsible for this work.

Then the person from the wedding company next to him gave instructions, and suddenly, the gong sounded.


The old man holding a gong in front of the sedan chair, wearing a sheepskin coat and a red rope wrapped around his waist, sounded a loud and powerful voice after beating the gong:

"I shaved my head to be shiny and bald~~~"

"Hey~~Hey! Yo!"

Amidst this loud sound, the eight bearers squatted on the ground and chanted.

"Touch the oily gourd (LOU)~~"

"Hey~~~ Yo! Yo!"

The old man's movements were very loud, and it was impossible to tell that he was an old man with a white beard. His voice sounded like a child's.

He sang and the bearers joined together.

The gongs and drums band in front and behind the sedan also began to prepare.

Even Yang Mi poked her head out curiously.

Under the curious eyes of countless people, the old man continued to sing:

"Huhu~ Lala~ After crossing the mouth of the Yellow River~"

"Brother, let's go quickly~Be careful of that one who falls~"


Beat the gongs and drums again.

"Get up the sedan!!!"

A loud voice gave orders, and when the bearer lifted up the sedan upon hearing the order, the loud sound of gongs and drums rang out.

"Dong dong, thump thump thump."

"Dong dong, thump thump thump."

After two beats, the sound stops again.


There was another gong and drum sound, and the veins on the old man's neck burst, and his voice became louder and louder:

"Send~ kiss~!!!"

"Dong dong dong dong...dong dong, thump thump thump..."

This sentence is the signal for the team to move forward.

When the music sounded, all the bearers took the cross step forward, backward, left and right in unison.

They walked neatly and danced happily.

The sedan that was originally stable suddenly began to bump up and down.

Xu Xin obviously heard a scream coming from inside the sedan:


But after the scream, there was laughter.

Obviously, Yang Mi was happy.

The horse under his crotch also moved forward under the guidance of Wang Sicong.

The entire Xujiaji main road suddenly became lively.

The yangko team is dancing.

The sedan is bumping.

The gongs and drums are noisy but extremely rhythmic.

After 20 beats and 10 cross steps, the gongs and drums team stopped.

The old man struck the gong again:

"Marry a good aunt! Let's have a wedding banquet~"

Then, the clanging sound started again.

There were 20 beats to go before the band paused again.

After the gong sounded, the old man shouted:

"Brothers! It's getting late, so work harder!"

"Hey~~~Hi! Hi!"

The music changes instantly.

The "displacement" that was originally a matter of return suddenly accelerated.

But this time, the music didn't stop.

Xu Xin led the horse forward, and the old man sang in the music behind:

"The magpie chirps~"

"The sun welcomes home~"

"When the sun rises, the red flowers bloom~"

"The bride walks down the street (GAI)~"

Dong dong dong dong...

The old man's voice was not suppressed by the band, and the loud and high-pitched voice blended perfectly with the music.

And looking at the sedan chair...

Up and down, the big red sedan was shining golden in the sun, it was a joy.

Xu Xin didn't feel cold either.

On the contrary, I just feel that my blood is hot right now.

Astride his horse, he looked around...

A few meters away is a pair of red lanterns, and both sides of the road are full of people holding up their mobile phones to take pictures...

They are all here to celebrate their wedding.

Walking on this road, the lively gongs and drums, the big red flower on his chest, and the bride in the sedan made all the cells in his body tremble.

Even the smile on his face was a bit dull and could not be noticed.

I just feel like walking on this road is like walking on the clouds.

In the clouds, the high-pitched and loud voice sang:

"Here comes the Honghongdi team~ Honghongdi sedan~"

"Hong Hong Di Hijab~Hong Hong Di Hijab~"

"Red dripping waist drum~knock, bang, bang, knock~"

"Red dripping wine glass~~~~"

"I'm overjoyed~"

People's joys, sorrows and joys are not the same.

Even as a couple.

It was as if Xu Xin was sitting on a cloud, but Yang Mi was about to vomit...

The kind that really makes you want to vomit.

At first, she particularly liked the scene about Red Sorghum welcoming the bride, so she insisted on adding a section here... but at first it was quite fresh and she thought it was very fun.

But after being pushed around like this for a while, she couldn't stand it anymore.

She had not eaten in the morning, so she felt like she was following a pirate ship due to the bumps and bumps.

My stomach is churning...

She subconsciously covered her mouth.

My friend, this is not a good idea.

If you throw up, you're done!

Fortunately, this bumpy road is only for a while.

It's like giving a blow to the bride.

After the bumps, it became stable.

She gasped a few times, and some color appeared on her face.

Then he curiously lifted the curtains of the sedan again.

As soon as she showed her head, she immediately heard a scream amid the noisy music:

"Ah!!! Yang Mi!!!"

It came from the spectators watching the ceremony on both sides of the road.

She wasn't surprised.

Continue to smile and say hello.

Then he stretched his head and looked ahead.

When she saw her husband, who was wearing a vest and riding a horse with a big red flower on his back, walking in front of him, she instantly felt heartbroken.

Oh, why don't you wear clothes?

How cold it is!

She felt very guilty and couldn't bear it.


Stop watching.

Just stay in the sedan chair.

Because she didn't take her cell phone, she didn't know how long she had been gone.

Until it felt like the line had stopped moving.


Her first reaction was to open the curtain on her right hand.

as expected……

The door of your house with the word "Happy" on it comes into view.



It's time to pass.

She even saw a brazier burning charcoal at the door.

That means...

As long as she steps over and steps through this door, she will be the wife of the Xu family from now on.

The moment I realized this problem, a strange feeling that I had never experienced before suddenly came to my heart.

Although the two of them had already received their certificates, they were legally married.


When the moment came when the matchmaker was getting married, all kinds of feelings filled her heart.

She remembered her first encounter with him.

That winter morning.

And the warmth of that camel hair coat.

Then she remembered her surprise when she got off the bus in Hengdian, extremely tired, and saw him appearing at the door with a piece of Nanma meat pie and a bowl of porridge...

He also recalled the... numbing feeling when he tasted the smoke in his mouth for the first time.

Lots and lots.

So many good memories were awakened at this moment.

But these are not the most important.

Because she missed her father and mother.

Even knowing that they are by your side at this moment.

In the crowd.

Take your daughter and son to look at yourself.

But she still missed her father.


She really realized something.

When she stepped through this door, she was completely someone else's daughter...

Although it is just a ceremony.

But the moment she realized this, her eyes turned red.

And when the sedan tilted and the door curtain opened, she looked at her husband who was welcoming her out...

Although her hand was placed on her husband's hand, he was pulled out.

But her first reaction was not to say something to Xu Xin, but to look around.

Where are dad and mom?

I don’t care about the ceremony or anything else.

The moment she saw her father, she walked towards him without saying a word.

Xu Xin was stunned.

The thought "Oh no, the girls are running away!" just flashed through my mind, but when I saw the direction she was running, I vaguely understood what she meant and hurriedly followed her.

Yang Dalin didn't think much about it at first, thinking that she was worried about her grandson and granddaughter.

Unexpectedly, the girl, dragging her long skirt, ignored the two little guys who wanted to hug their mother, and rushed directly into her arms.



Yang Dalin was stunned for a moment...

But after hearing his daughter's cry, his eyes turned red unconsciously.

This is his little cotton-padded jacket.

It is his most precious treasure.

At this moment, there is only one door between "one's own" and "others'".

Although he told himself countless times that today was a happy day and he should be happy...but the moment his daughter rushed into his arms, his tears burst.

He cried, Yang Mi cried.

Yang Chunling also cried.

And seeing the three people crying, although everyone understood the reluctance, they couldn't empathize.

I can understand...but unless I'm married, the only women who can understand this emotion are those who are married.

But the scene became quiet.

Until... Yang Dalin adjusted his mood first.

Holding her daughter's face, she carefully wiped away her tears with a tissue:

"Okay, okay, stop crying, your makeup is all gone!"

Yang Mi just sobbed until she heard the cry of "Mom, Mom".

Turned his head.

It turned out that Nuannuan and Yangyang had been hugged by their father at some point, and they were not allowed to disturb their mother, grandpa and grandma.

And just at this moment...

When she saw this "family of three", Yang Mi realized...

I also have my own little home.

This mentality changed very suddenly.

But she listened to her father.

Do not cry.

He walked to Xu Xin and his children.

"Okay, you two come down first. Mom wants to marry dad first, and then I can hug you."

After handing over the two children to her parents again without any explanation, she handed the suit back to her husband.

Revealing that smooth and flawless back.

With her perfect fishtail lines and temperament, she transformed from a crying little girl into a bride who was about to get married.

Holding Xu Xin's hand, she took the initiative to lead her husband, step by step, to the red carpet where the groomsmen and bridesmaids lined up on both sides, holding fireworks high.

"Sorry, I was a little excited just now."

Hearing her nasal words, Xu Xin smiled and shook his head, comforting:



Yang Mi nodded vigorously and looked at Sa Beining.

Meaning: Keep hosting.

So, under the auspices of Sa Beining, salutes and ribbons, mixed with the cheers and blessings of the crowd, fell on the heads of the two people.

The two held hands and walked step by step to the front door of Xu's mansion.

Facing these two doors with the word "happy" on them and the small charcoal basin at the door...

This time, Yang Mi didn't hesitate.

With one direct step, he crossed over.


The sound of firecrackers, smoke and noise rose into the sky.

Stepping through the door, you will be the daughter-in-law of the Xu family.

Do you regret it?

No regrets.


The entrance of Xujiawan Ancestral Hall.

The red carpet was laid out on both sides of the welcoming road, and it was already filled with guests.

As the rhythm of "Garden Party" slowly came to an end, Sa Beining came to the middle of the wedding stage with a microphone.

The wedding has begun.

The wedding process this time is actually the same as a normal marriage process.

Coming up, Sa Beining first spoke about the opening remarks of the wedding in an emotional voice.

"Today is January 15, 2011. Perhaps for others, today is an ordinary day. But for Xu Xin and Yang Mi, it is the most important day in their lives... "

There is nothing wrong with the CCTV host, whether it is his tone, speaking speed, or his calm hosting skills.

After finishing his opening remarks, Xu Xin took the stage.

At this moment, there was no longer any social fear. When he came on stage, he first looked around and saw the guests present.

Many people came.

But he didn't have time to say hello.

Because the bride is waiting at the end of the red carpet.

It's very cold.

He didn't want his wife to suffer from the cold.

So, as the man of the wedding, he bluntly said to everyone:

"First of all, thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend my wedding. Thank you."

After bowing to everyone, applause quickly broke out.

But he pressed his hand.

"To be honest, because the weather is quite cold, I'm afraid that my wife will catch a cold...and the people here today are all my family members. I hope everyone can eat well, drink well, drink well, and eat well at today's banquet. , witness the happiness of the two of us together. Thank you everyone."

After saying that, he bowed again.

Amidst the applause of "La la la la la...", Sa Beining walked onto the stage again.


It's very cold.

Yang Mi was also wearing very thin clothes.

Therefore, he did not prepare too complicated and gorgeous rhetoric.

To be honest, it's not necessary.

I believe that the affection between the two people can be seen by those who followed the wedding procession today, from the time they set off to pick up and welcome the bride.

The sweetness of this young couple is not just an act.

It is true happiness.

This kind of wedding does not require too much embellishment.

Because that would overwhelm the focus.

And the love between the two does not need to be modified and highlighted with too many words.

So, he just smiled and asked:

"It seems that our groom wants to marry the bride, but he is very anxious... In this case, Xu Xin, on behalf of all the guests, I ask you three questions. You must answer me truthfully."

"no problem."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

So, Sa Beining pointed at Yang Mi at the end of the red carpet:

"First question, do you see the bride standing there?"

Xu Xin was stunned...

What is the problem?

But he still smiled and nodded:

"I see it."

"Okay, second question. Is she beautiful?"


"Louder, you can't hear me!"

Wang Sicong, who was standing nearby, shouted.

Xu Xin glanced at him speechlessly, held up the microphone, and replied forcefully:


"Well, okay, then the third question: Do you want to marry her?"


"Louder! Tell everyone, do you want to marry her?"

Xu Xin looked at his wife who was smiling and yelled:


Hearing this, Sa Beining laughed:

"Then what are you waiting for? Come, let us invite the bride... to appear!"

The BGM of "Garden Party" sounded again.

Yang Mi took Yang Dalin's arm, walked onto the red carpet step by step, and walked towards him.

Xu Xin didn't move.

Wait quietly.

And Yang Mi, who was holding Yang Dalin's arm, also stared at her lover without blinking.

Only Jay Chou's singing accompanied her as she marched:

"The garden party video is playing~"

"Let's make an appointment to visit this world together~"

Bit by bit, her eyes were filled with the reflection of her lover.

Step by step, the love in the reflection surged.

Walking until they were three steps away from Xu Xin, Yang Dalin and Yang Mi stood still.

The middle-aged man looked at his son-in-law who was almost difficult to find even with a lantern in front of him, and suddenly took a deep breath.


I can't cry anymore.

He took a step to the side.

Yang Mi went from holding her father's arm to being held by her father.

Then, Xu Xin stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

No need to say more.

Yang Dalin gently put his daughter's hand on his son-in-law's hand.

Then he patted him on the shoulder, leaving behind his last responsibility as a father before his daughter got married.

He said seriously to Xu Xin:

"Live a good life! Mimi... I'll leave it to you."


Xu Xin nodded heavily.

Holding his wife's hand, he took over this continuing responsibility and moved step by step towards a future that belonged to him and her.

When he came to the stage and stood apart, Xu Xin subconsciously wanted to continue taking off his coat for her.

But Yang Mi quickly refused:

"No, you're wearing it."

"I'm afraid you'll be cold."

"Let me be beautiful for a while."

The two people's words once again greeted bursts of good-natured laughter.

Next, under the auspices of Sa Beining, Zhang Yimou appeared as a witness.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good afternoon.

Today is the wedding day of Mr. Xu Xin and Miss Yang Mi. Let us give warm applause to the newlyweds to wish them a happy marriage, a happy marriage, and all their dreams come true. "

"Hua la la la la..."


Zhang Yimou did not take the manuscript, but held up the microphone. After the applause gradually died down, he turned to look at the two young people standing together, his eyes full of smiles:

"I feel honored to be the witness of Xiao Xu and Mimi's marriage today. I can be said to be one of the witnesses of this couple's relationship journey.

I saw with my own eyes that Xiao Xu and Mimi, step by step, went from meeting each other, falling in love, and now knowing each other, to where they are today.

There are a lot of things I want to say, but after thinking about it, what I can express to you is...

Their foundation is solid. Feelings are deep.

With the approval of both parents and relatives and friends, they formed a loving couple in a reasonable, legal and legal way.

Here, I also sincerely wish that the two newlyweds will understand each other's shortcomings, learn each other's strengths, have everlasting love, and be happy forever in the future.

Xiao Xu, Mimi, best wishes to you. "

"Hua la la la la la..."

Amidst the applause, Zhang Yimou handed the microphone to Sa Beining and opened his hands at the same time.

Xu Xin hugged him, and he patted Xu Xin's shoulder hard:

"Be nice to Mimi."

"Well, don't worry!"

Xu Xin nodded vigorously.

Then, Zhang Yimou gently hugged Yang Mi again:

"Have a good life."


Yang Mi also nodded.

After he stepped down, the two people also stood face to face under the arrangement of Sa Beining.

Stare into each other's eyes.

Xu Xin looked at his wife's beautiful face and couldn't help but start to raise the corners of his mouth.

The same is true for Yang Mi.

He even helped him remove a few sequins from his head.

It's time to say the wedding vows.

Xu Xin took the microphone and looked at his wife:

"I...actually have a lot of things I want to say to you. But in the presence of so many witnesses today, thousands of words have turned into the words I want to say to you most at this moment. I love you and will always be with you. You have a good life...until death do us part!"


After hearing this, Yang Mi suddenly laughed.

After making sure her husband had finished speaking, she took the phone from him:

"Xu Xin, I also have a lot to say to you. I don't know when... you have been in my heart. When I was in school, I liked to send you messages and chat during class.

During the holidays, I will have a lot of fun going out with you to listen to Deyun Society's cross talk.

I feel very relaxed when I am walking around the pedestrian street with you. For me, the most painful time is when I have to join the filming team and can't be with you...

I think from that time on, your shadow has been left in my heart..."

Unconsciously, her eyes turned slightly red.

"I really feel that I am very lucky. Lucky that I like you. Lucky that you like me...

We have a family, two adorable babies, and a group of extremely caring friends.

But... no one can compare to your position in my heart... Oh, don't cry, I haven't finished speaking yet. Just hold it in! "


Xu Xin's expression froze as tears fell down his face.

And after the whole place fell silent...



"Lao Xu, don't cry! Hahahahaha..."

A group of people started to boo.

"Speak quickly, I'm afraid you'll be cold."

Hearing her husband's tearful words, Yang Mi couldn't help but roll her eyes:

"How long has it been since you still cared about whether I am cold or not...Forget it, let's not talk about it. In short...Xu Xin."

There was unparalleled affection in her eyes:

"It's like you said, we have to be good to each other for the rest of our lives...I will be with you until death!"

The words fell.

Even though I know I haven’t exchanged rings yet…

But with the atmosphere heightened, Sa Beining still obeyed his own will:

"Why are you still standing there? Kiss me! If you don't kiss me now, then when will you wait?"

After he finished speaking, he saw both of them looking at him in astonishment.

Yang Mi's mouth was still saying "ring".

But Sa Beining waved his hand:

"The atmosphere is here, and the ring won't escape. You two kiss first, and then say after the kiss... Come on, come on, everyone, let us give our blessings and applause to the newlyweds!"

After finishing his words, Xu Xin lowered his head.

He held his wife's chin with his fingers and kissed her hard.

sealed with a kiss.

We agreed that we would be together for the rest of our lives.

Till death do us part.


You can’t go back on your word!

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