I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 671 6.68 Ten Thousand Nations Come to Korea

Chapter 671 668. All Nations Come to Korea

Xu Xin turned his head, looked at Su Meng and asked:

"what did you send?"

"It flashed just now. I didn't see it clearly. It seemed to be asking if you were busy."

As she said this, she walked over and handed the phone to Xu Xin.

On WeChat, a message showed:

"Are you there? Are you awake? I have something to ask you."

Seeing this, he replied with a question mark.

Then Liang Binning replied with a voice message:

"Have you decided to schedule "The Piano of Steel" in March?"

Xu Xin's heart moved.

"Yes, several Yindu movies are scheduled to be released in April, and "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Fast and Furious" will be released in May, so they are scheduled for March. What's wrong?"

"There is something I need to tell you. Just now, an editor-in-chief with whom I have a very good relationship in Sohu's entertainment section called me. What he told me was that Sohu was focusing on movie promotion and marketing in March. "Guanyin Mountain". The focus is to exaggerate "Guanyin Mountain" winning an award at the Tokyo Film Festival. After the promotion starts in March, there will be two consecutive editions of promotion recommendations, as well as online promotion programs."

"Then someone reminded me that "Gang's Piano" was also released this month. Should I send out an invitation? I declined at the meeting, which meant that "Guanyin Mountain" was strongly promoted this month, and "Gang's Piano" was given a very average weight. This is the content of their internal meeting. The editor-in-chief has been with me for many years and we get along very well, so he specifically told me about it."

"Right now, I'm asking for a promotion plan for "Guanyin Mountain". But I feel like... something's not quite right about this matter. But I can't tell what's wrong, so I'm here to tell you."

"What I think is wrong is that yesterday, Laurel's people also confirmed my schedule and asked me if I have any movies to shoot in the new year. I must be participating in promotions, but they specifically asked me about this matter. I I think it’s quite weird.”

Four voices were sent in a row.

Xu Xin's brows were already frowning.

The good mood has dissipated.

After thinking for a while, he replied:

"You need to publicize the plan first and see how strong the publicity is this time."

"Is there something I need to guard against? When you say that, I feel more and more something is wrong."

Seeing this message, Xu Xin was not in a hurry to reply.

Instead, he quickly ran through all the possibilities in his mind and said:

"Try to be careful with your words and actions when promoting. Especially when you are asked why you don't make a movie in the studio...be more careful."

After Xu Xin sent this message, Liang Binning sent another text:

"You mean someone will instigate you?"

“Nip problems before they happen.”

Liang Binning didn't reply.

Xu Xin continued to hand the phone to Su Meng.

Let her continue to respond to those messages.

At this time, Su Meng asked:

"Brother Xu, do you want to eat something?"

"Need not."

He shook his head.

An empty stomach helps you think better.

He simply poured himself a glass of water, sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the not-so-bright sky in the morning, squinting his eyes and lost in thought.

After drinking a glass of water, Liang Binning also sent a message.

Su Meng handed over the phone again.

"Just in time, I've finished all my replies."


Xu Xin nodded and nuzzled at Su Meng:

"Go and have a rest. Let's have lunch at noon."

"Oh, alright."

The assistant exited the suite.

Xu Xin also turned on Liang Binning's voice:

"I've finished planning to let Yingying meet."

Then there are several pictures of the electronic version of the plan.

The font is very small, and it is quite difficult to operate it after enlarging it.

But it can be vaguely seen that event number 1 starts on February 15th.

1. Sichuan Channel "Entertainment Focus" - 14:00 pm on February 15.

2. iQiyi's "Entertainment Headlines" - 10 a.m. on February 16.

3. Exclusive interview with Sohu Entertainment - 15:00 on February 16th.


Xu Xin read through one itinerary after another, and then at the bottom he also saw VCR recordings of unfamiliar entertainment news, including but not limited to Hunan, Southeast, Phoenix, and various large and small ones that he had heard or never heard before, or Promotional slogan.

The content has been edited, and it is all like "Hello friends from the audience of XX Entertainment, I am Liang Binning, and on March 3, the movie "Guanyin Mountain" starring me will be released."

At the same time, the timing of the movie's promotion is also weird.

Starting from February 15th, the promotional plan before the movie was released took up 2/3 of the space, but after the movie was released, there was even more.

It lasted until March 10, which is the end of the most golden week for movies, and it stopped.

Xu Xin is not a layman who has never promoted a movie.

When he saw this intensive publicity schedule, the first reaction in his mind was, did he mistake my Aunt Liang for a donkey?

This is almost the same as when I promoted "Hawthorn Tree".

Dense schedules, announcements, broadcasts, etc. come one after another.

So much that it explodes.

Basically, there are two announcements a day.

This kind of work intensity...Xu Xin experienced it when he was working on "Hawthorn Tree".

Not ordinary tired.

He frowned and clicked on the voice message from Liang Binning:

"This amount of work...is the most I have ever done for promoting a movie in the past two years."

"Xu Xin, should I ask Laurel's people what's going on? Why are there so many?"

"I have a feeling... it's not good. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Three consecutive voice messages were sent.

But Xu Xin was not in a hurry to reply.

Instead, he fell into thinking again.

But Liang Binning was unwilling to wait any longer. Seeing that he didn't reply, she called directly.


After Xu Xin answered the phone, the first words he heard from Liang Binning were:

"There is no one around me, and Yingying is also out."

"Um...Okay, where are you?"

"Modu, there are a few commercials to be shot."

"Starting work so early?"

"Oh, I'm not calling you just to chat. What the hell is going on? Even if you get a best actress in "Guanyin Mountain", you won't treat me like a donkey, right? I haven't called Li Yu yet , if you hadn’t asked me first, I would have had to ask clearly what they wanted to do!”

Liang Binning's voice was filled with anxiety:

"Also, what you just said... told me to be careful in my words and actions. I thought about it... I'm not afraid of being instigated by others, but I'm afraid that people in the factory will think that I'm cheating..."

"I know. That's why I told you."

Xu Xin responded.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

Only nicotine could help him clear his mind at the moment.

"I'm going to tell you something, but don't tell anyone else."


"That's right, during the promotion of "Hawthorn Tree"..."

After stating his guess, he continued:

"The reason why "Wulin Gaiden" was changed is because of this. After guessing this possibility, I wanted to see if people in the Beijing circle really want to go against us. So I changed "Wulin Gaiden" from January to In February, give it a try with "Will Love"."


After hearing this, Liang Bingning on the other end of the phone felt a chill in her heart and whispered:

"Your guess has come true. The maximum production of "Love" will not exceed RMB 40 million, but its current promotion costs a lot of money. At first, I thought it was going to take advantage of the Valentine's Day bonus. did not expect……"

"So far, yes."

"Then what should I do now?...How about I push it?"


Xu Xin quickly stopped this sister...aunt.

It's not that he's afraid of being exposed.

But think about the other person.

When an actor makes a movie, he must cooperate with the promotion. This is written in the contract.

Don’t worry about whether the promotional itinerary is reasonable or not. Even if it is unreasonable, for example, you are late for the show you are supposed to arrive at, or you missed it... then as long as it is not a personal reason, but something like the weather, or the fact that the last show ended late, etc. Unexpected factor, then no one would really say anything about her.

On the contrary, if something like this really happened, it would be the movie that would suffer.

After all, some movie fans went to an event to see their favorite stars, but the stars didn't show up... As long as this happens, it will be a box office loss for the movie.

In the early stage of movie promotion, the most taboo thing is that there will be some disturbances.

Because that will affect the audience's desire to buy tickets.

But if the actor is late due to personal reasons... then it's really a taboo.

This is artistic virtue.

After filming, do you think everything will be fine?

These promotional activities went awry due to your own reasons, so how will others approach you to film in the future?

The impact on the career may be large or small, but it shakes the foundation.

So this definitely won't work.

However, at this time, Liang Binning no longer felt "confused", but maintained a very focused single-mindedness:

"Don't worry. It's easy to talk about this matter. There are a lot of advertisers behind me asking for my endorsement. Just pick a few to support me during the promotion period. At worst, the price will be lower. When the time comes, it will be said that it has been booked in advance, and then I will send you the information. Conflicting schedules will naturally be fine..."


Although her reason was barely justified, Xu Xin rejected her again.

"Oh, I told you not to worry..."

"No, let me think about it first."

Xu Xin interrupted her words and fell into deep thought again.

But this time, he was silent for a long time.

It lasts until the cigarette is finished.

And when he finished smoking one cigarette, he lit another one.

Obviously, this cigarette is not "strong" enough.

There was no way, he had already finished the cigarettes he came this time because he often went out to eat and drink with Xin Haicheng.

Shinkai Makoto doesn't smoke...but he drinks.

When a man drinks, whether he is bragging or smashing his mouth, he always has one in his mouth.

Or say they are delicate.

The restaurants I chose were all high-end restaurants that did not allow smoking, except when I was not familiar with them at first. But as they became more familiar with each other, he also saw that Xu Xin liked to be down-to-earth, so he only took him to some civilian canteens or izakayas.

The cigarette smokes very quickly.

And without the domestic ones, he could only buy the Seven Stars from Japan.

Qixing also needs to distinguish the nicotine content.

Varies from 0.1 to 1.0MG. Different contents have different tastes.

He can't accept the 1.0 one, but the 0.8 one is just right...the only drawback is that it's not as easy to draw as the Chinese one.

So my craving for cigarettes grew unconsciously.

After lighting one again, he said:

"You should take over all these tasks. You can cooperate as you please."


It could be heard that Liang Bingning's voice was full of surprise:

"All accepted? Then when the time comes..."

"I will ask the factory to cooperate with you. Not only to cooperate with you, but also... to help you promote it."


Liang Binning's first reaction when she heard this was:

"Xu Sanjin, are you crazy?"

In desperation, a bad Shenmu-like accent came out.

Xu Xin was immediately entertained:


Is he crazy?

Do you actually do this kind of thing that "relatives hate and enemies are happy"?

not at all.


With an increasingly uncomfortable look at this title, he smiled and said:

"In the movie "Guanyin Mountain", wouldn't it be an exaggeration to say that you alone play the leading role?"


"Isn't that the end? Everyone is looking at you, and you are from the factory. How can your family not support your own family?"

The more he felt that the idea in his mind was feasible, his tone became lighter:

"I understand what you mean, but you made an essential mistake in this matter. That is... the schedules of "Guanyin Mountain" and "Gang Zhiqin" are staggered. "Guanyin Mountain" comes first, "The Piano of Steel" comes next. There is a gap of more than half a month between the two of you."

"……you mean?"

"My point is very simple. If it really goes according to my idea, then "Guanyin Mountain" should have real money poured into it. After all, throwing money at publicity is better than these "stupid methods" you sent me. It's much simpler and more effective. So...unconsciously, I was thinking, knowing that the two movies are at different times, why do they still do this..."


"Because of you."

Xu Xin held a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes narrowed by the smoke:

"A person who is in Xiying Film Studio, but he is running crazy for a movie in the Beijing circle. Although Laurel is not the core of the Beijing circle, his identity is here. This kind of publicity plan is not decided by you or Li Yuneng.

The person's identity is clear, and your identity is also clear.

We all know that "Hawthorn Tree" and "If You Are the One" were so crazy that "If You Are the One" "won" in the end.

After the beginning of the new year, "Wulin Gaiden" and "Jiang Ai" were paired up again... At this juncture, a Beijing-based film began to enter an intensive promotion period 18 days in advance, and the one who received the most attention was you, Liang Binning.

You are willing to work hard for this movie... Tell me, as a spectator or an audience, what would you think? "


There was silence on Liang Bingning's side.

Extraordinarily quiet.

After about two or three seconds, she asked:

"These...are you just thinking of this?"


Xu Xin responded.

But he didn’t mean to boast, he just said:

"If you find some clues about something, you have to plan ahead. Otherwise, you won't feel at ease. So... don't worry about this matter, leave it to me. Just follow their propaganda plan. You The situation is special. Sister, I need you to go in front of everyone and serve as a beacon for those who are still trapped in circles and factions. So, feel free to move forward and be optimistic about the road ahead. Behind you body……"

Speaking of this, Xu Xin paused and said:

"We are here."


Liang Binning was silent again.

After a few more seconds, she asked:

"Then...what do you need me to do?"

"You don't need anything. Just take care of... yourself. I promise to do this beautifully for you. As for the details... let's talk about it when we meet later. International phone calls are quite expensive."

"...Is the phone charge free? Can I pay you some?"

"Hahaha, no need. Okay, let's just say that. I'll think about it myself and hang up first."


The phone hangs up.

There was a smell of smoke.

Liang Binning turned her head, and what she saw was the middle-aged man's smile as cheerful as drinking ice in summer.

The color of his face had turned purple due to excitement.

Just like a stubborn stone standing by the Yellow River in northern Shaanxi.

And that excited smile only represents one emotion.

That was the unparalleled joy the old father felt after seeing his son excel.

Liang Binning was stunned...

The doubts and annoyance on his face gradually disappeared for some unknown reason.

She laughed too.

"Hey, I'm a busy man. International phone calls are very expensive. If you have any instructions, please hurry up."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was happy.

"What? Brother Qi wants to pay my phone bill?"

"Hahaha, pay it, pay it now. Wait for me to apply, and the accountant will approve the money soon, and I will pay it to you... Don't say that I am stingy, brother. My wife is very strict at home, and private money is not worth spending during the New Year. Everything has hit the bottom. The landlord’s family has no food left..."


Listening to his joke, I really couldn't imagine that the man who was designated as the future successor of Xiying Film Studio would actually spend "private money". Xu Xin was successfully laughed at.

He laughed, and so did Qi Lei.

He smiled and asked:

"What's wrong? Is there anything we can't talk about on WeChat?"

"It's not good to talk about this on WeChat. It's like this..."

After repeating what had just happened, Qi Lei suddenly became silent.

After about ten seconds, the voice over there said strangely:

"How are you sure they are here for Liang Binning?"

"It's not a certainty, it's a guess. It's better to be prepared..."


"Why don't you speak again?"

"No...I'm just feeling emotional."

"What are you feeling?"

"Your brain..."

Qi Lei's tone was filled with envy.

"It's a shame to be a director."

In his opinion, Xu Xin's talent is self-evident.

But what is even more valuable...or "rare" is this top-notch sense of smell.

If he had this sense of smell... Although it was a bit unkind to say this, he must have been running in... another direction back then.

He didn't even bring his head back.

But Xu Xin didn't answer his words.

It would be inappropriate to say more at this time.

He just smiled and said:

"So, I have a plan...a very vague plan."

"How vague?"

“I know the direction, but I don’t know how to implement it.”

"What's the direction?"


Xu Xin was silent again.

Silently, he went over his plan completely in his mind, and after making sure that there seemed to be no problems in all aspects, he said directly:

"The direction is to strongly support Sister Bingbing in our hometown."


Qi Lei's voice was full of confusion:

"Strong support?...meaning...helping people in the Beijing circle to promote it?"

"That's right. But it's not to help them promote, but to support Sister Bingbing."

If anyone else said this, Qi Lei would definitely think that the other person was crazy.

Isn't it...brainless?

Relatives hate and enemies are happy?

But the person who said this was Xu Xin...

He had to think.

Thinking about the difference between the two.

And Qi Lei himself is not stupid either.

A fool cannot be in this position today.

After calming down and thinking about it carefully, he immediately understood what Xu Xin meant:

"There is no conflict between "Gang's Piano" and "Guanyin Mountain" because of how the other party is promoting it. Unless "Guanyin Mountain" is rescheduled, otherwise... when "Gang's Piano" starts promoting it, it has already been released! What impact will it have on us? Not big. And they want others... or we ourselves to think that Liang Binning is cheating, but as long as we show support for her, no one in the factory or outsiders can find anything wrong. At the same time... we can also tell the difference. Can you tell me about the credit for "Guanyin Mountain"?"


Xu Xin let out a satisfied sigh.


Compared with Brother Qi, Sister Bingbing is still too immature.

"That's why I said, I don't know how to support it specifically. But the best thing is... to be more affordable. For example, advertising in our local area... Sister Bing Bing is Wu Meiniang. She doesn't need to go outside to promote, she just needs to Our province just needs to show its attitude.

If we support it, others must support it. And when we internally treat her, we won't feel that she is cheating.

And, I also said this to her. I want her to be a light that attracts others, so that everyone can see that she relies on the resources of the entertainment industry that we can all take advantage of! If she can, so can everyone else!

At the same time, this is also the biggest difference between us and the Beijing circle..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin chuckled:

"Ha, it's time to show it to everyone. Only the spirit of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in the fertile soil of San Qin can we recruit talents and attract all the nations to come to court!"

Sow discord?

No need to pick.

We do it ourselves!

Happy Children's Day, my friends.

May you remain virginal and smile to the world (hehe)

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