I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 672 669 Shenmu Xiaoma Ge

Chapter 672 669. Brother Shenmu Xiaoma

February 14th, Valentine’s Day.

"I don't care, you just cheated!"

When I woke up in the early morning, the man named Yang began to behave like a demon.

Today is the last day to promote the movie in Tokyo. Xu Xin just came back from Osaka yesterday for today's trip to Tokyo.

Very busy.

He had to visit several movie theaters, taking Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin with him as crew members to send blessings to people who came to watch the movie.

Although "The Hawthorn Tree" is a tragedy,...it also tells us to cherish the people in front of us.

The wisdom of the great dynasty must be understood by the people of the small world.

Therefore, his schedule is from morning to night. Today he will visit all the major cinemas that have cooperated with Toho Pictures to send blessings to those who have watched the movie.

Xu Xin has no objection to this.

But Yang Mi had a big opinion.

You didn't come back to spend Valentine's Day with me! ?

You cheated!


No love! !

I want to retaliate against you!

With her left hand holding Liu Zhishi, she used her right hand to send Xu Xin harassing messages indiscriminately.

After posting this message, he also posted an intimate selfie of the two of them.

The powder on both of your faces is mixed together!

Seeing this news, Xu Xin also sneered and raised his phone high in the car:

"Hey, you two come closer."

Hearing this, Lin Xingxin, who was sitting next to him, and Liu Yifei, who was behind him, looked over at the same time. Seeing Xu Xin holding his phone high, he immediately understood what he meant.

Then there was a "click", and the photo of the three of them in the same frame appeared on the phone.

Lin Xingxin couldn't help but ask:

"Dami is acting like a monster again?"


Xu Xin responded:

"It must be said that I cheated. Then I will retaliate..."


Lin Xingxin was stunned and asked in confusion:

"How to take revenge?"


He showed the photo to the two of them:

"Didn't you see that he was playing a gangster in front of Shishi?"

Before Lin Xingxin could speak, Liu Yifei quickly said:

"Just wait and wait."

"What's wrong?...I've already sent it."


Liu Yifei swayed...

It's over.

My weight has skyrocketed recently, reaching 120.

It's over.

Completely finished.

as expected……

After waiting for about half a minute, Xu Xin burst out laughing:


"What happened again? You were so surprised?"

Lin Xingxin took the phone in confusion.

After taking a look...


He laughed wildly and handed the phone to Liu Yifei.

The fairy sister took one look and fell directly into the devil's way.

"How come Liu has such a round face!? Did you take her to eat chemical fertilizers!?"

As soon as I finished reading these heart-wrenching words, my cell phone started buzzing with ringtones.

"Here you go!... Why are you so annoying!"

Angrily, she handed the phone to Xu Xin. She took out the phone and opened it as if she was waiting for the doomsday judgment.

Then she didn't raise her head all the way.

I don’t know what Yang Mi talked about with her.

Anyway, about a few minutes later, Wu Qiqi's call came to Xu Xin's mobile phone.

"Brother Xu, Sister Mi said... if... I can't control sister's weight anymore. Just... just..."

"What's the matter?"

"Let me swim back from Tokyo Bay with you..."


Xu Xin was stunned and asked subconsciously:

"Are you sure it's the two of us together? Not you?"

"No... we are together. Brother Xu... I... I am not good at water. The water in Tokyo Bay is too deep, I am afraid..."



"You have grown up too."


With emotion, Xu Xin hung up the phone.

He turned to Lin Xinxin and asked:

"What should we eat for lunch?"

"We two?"

Lin Xingxin turned to look at the fairy sister who was still picking up her phone, and said:

"What about her?"

"Yang Mi said that if she doesn't control her weight, we will let you, me, Qiqi and the three of us swim back from Tokyo Bay together."


Lin Xingxin's eyes instantly widened to the boss:

"What's the matter with me?"

Xu Xin shrugged:

"I don't know, that's what she said anyway."


Lin Xingxin turned around and glanced at the fairy sister who raised her head pitifully after hearing the two chatting...ah!

What kind of fairy sister?

This evil...

February 14th.

The fairy sister was hungry all day long in the place where eight million gods walked.


As the three bowed in thanks and amidst the applause of the audience, they left the cinema in Roppongi.

The last trip of the day is over.

Tomoyuki Miura, who had been with him for ten days, solemnly sent a thank you gift on behalf of Toho Pictures.

Thanks to these three for their contribution to the film.

He also sent his blessing "I hope the movie will be a hit".

A banquet was held for three people.

I didn’t actually drink much wine.

The three of them were indeed tired.

I have no fighting spirit to continue the business bureau.

After eating until early 10 o'clock, we returned to the hotel.

After arriving at the door of the hotel, the companionship life of Miura Tomoyuki and Kamimoto Ai came to an end.

Everyone said goodbye to each other, and with their bows, Xu Xin and the others entered the elevator.

Three people on one floor.

In the elevator, Liu Yifei suddenly said:

"Valentine's Day...that's how we spend it?"


Lin Xingxin glanced at her, thought for a while, and yawned:

"Ha...well. It's not Valentine's Day. I'm so sleepy. Go to sleep now and make up for it back home tomorrow."

But Xu Xin didn't hear the connotation of his words.

He turned to look at the fairy sister who had been hungry all day and asked:



Liu Yifei nodded vigorously:

"It feels like there's a fire burning in my stomach right now. I feel uncomfortable."


Liu Yifei really didn't eat much tonight.

When others bring wine, she will accompany them.

But for the kaiseki meal in front of her...even if it was very light, she didn't move much.

I just ate some cold vegetable salad with vinaigrette.

Xu Xin also knew this.

Indeed... people who lose weight are quite pitiful.

In addition, the light kaiseki cuisine is indeed not to his taste.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Let's go? Let's have a steak?"

Liu Yifei's eyes lit up.

Lin Xinxin's mouth twitched...

Just as Wu Qiqi was about to speak, she was stopped by Xu Xin's glaring eyes:

"Qiqi, do you want to listen to your sister Mi and swim back together, or do you swim back alone? You have to think about it!"

Wu Qiqi said in her heart that Brother Xu would not take you like this...

You...you bullied Silver.

Then what……

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Okay, all three of you, go back. Let's go out and have another drink. The boss of the restaurant downstairs who speaks English. How about it? I'm quite happy to drink his IPA. And you're allowed to smoke~"


Lin Xingxin was the first to give feedback.

Not even an assistant.

If I don't go there...

Is he afraid that he will be drowned if he goes back?


The elevator for three people went down the road again.

We walked into the street where the evening breeze was cool.

The owner of the steakhouse I want to go to is a Japanese-American and has opened an American-style steakhouse next to the Hyatt.

The store is not big, but the taste is very good.

It was Xin Haicheng who brought him here to eat.

As Xu Xin walked away, he was still asking Xin Haicheng if he wanted to come.

After all, I’m leaving tomorrow, so it wouldn’t be nice if I didn’t come to see you off...

As a result, Shinkai used the emoji "o(╥﹏╥)o" to show that he was socializing with the investors of his new animated film.

Xu Xin could only give up with regret.

And agreed to meet in heaven.

This movie called "Children Chasing Stars" was originally only scheduled to be released in Hong Kong, but after Xu Xin heard the outline of the story, he felt that this kind of "love and death" themed animation was quite good, so he invited him to lead the production. After the movie is finished, I will come to China to see if there is any interest in the factory.

Since my brother can't come, forget it.

The three people walked for about ten minutes and arrived at the steakhouse called "Bob's House".

The boss speaks English, and Japanese is not required to order.

In addition, after eating here once, Liu Yifei took the menu and started ordering.

"Lin Gou, what are you eating?"

"I'm not hungry, just a beer."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei nodded. After looking at the menu for a while, she turned to Xu Xin and said:

"I saw that you were busy looking for dental floss after eating their tomahawk last time. How about you try the filet this time? Can I order a medium rare filet for you?"

"I won't eat either. Their sausages are pretty good, and then I'll order some dishes that can go with the wine. As for the meat... you eat your own."

"Um...Okay. Then cut two Texas-style sausages and French fries..."

Xu Xin seemed to have remembered something and said:

"The fried chicken is also good."

"Okay. What about the others? What else do you want to eat?"

On the side, Lin Xingxin rolled her eyes vaguely while listening to the two of them ordering.

My heart says you could be more attentive?

Then I heard Liu Yifei saying when Xu Xin asked for a glass of frozen wine:

"Didn't you say that it's best not to drink liquor cold, as it's harmful to your health? Let's just drink some beer."

Lin Xingxin's eyes rolled even wider.

Then, seeing Xu Xin insisting, Liu Yifei said to the waiter helplessly:

"Then I'd like a frozen bar, but...not so cold and less icy, thank you."

After speaking, he turned to Xu Xin and said:

"I didn't let her make you particularly cold..."

"Come on, come on, cheers, happy Valentine's Day."



The glasses of red wine, frozen wine, and beer touched together.

After each took a sip, Xu Xin let out a big breath:

"Phew...it's finally done."

He threw a cigarette to Lin Xingxin.

Then he ordered it for himself and said with a smile:

"How do you say this in Japanese? Dog... dog skeleton!"

"Ha ha."

Lin Xingxin, whose upper lip was full of foam after drinking, wiped her mouth:

"Lao Xu, you've almost mastered two foreign languages ​​since you came out."

"Isn't it necessary then... Phew."

Leaning on the seat, he listened to the country music playing in the room and smiled:

"Anyway, I'm finally done with my work. All that's left is the promotion of South Korea in March..."

As he said that, he suddenly turned to look at Liu Yifei:

"We have agreed that you should not be so salty this year. Indulge for the last time and lose weight quickly when you go back. There are still many dramas waiting for you in the company. But they are all big productions."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei, who was competing with a charcoal-grilled chicken wing, subconsciously said:

"I don't want to make commercial films..."

"Hey~ don't say that."

Xu Xin stopped her uncharacteristically:

"I met with Director Zhang once a year ago, and I think some of the things he said to me make sense."


After being hungry all day, the fairy sister finally caught a meal and her lips were oily.

So cute.

"The old man said to me: You have a responsibility to the audience who loves you, understand their tastes, understand their needs, and make their favorite works. The essence of movies is a form of entertainment. Whether it is a commercial film or an art film No matter what, as long as the audience likes it, it is a good movie. There is no distinction between the two."


Liu Yifei was startled.

He subconsciously said:

"But haven't you never read commercial film scripts?"

"I'll watch it next."

Xu Xin nodded seriously:

"The old man said that I was a bit reclusive. After communicating with me that day, I thought about it and thought it made sense. Think about it, you and your boyfriend have worked hard all week, and finally got to see each other in the cinema on Friday night. , do you want to watch a hilarious commercial film and spend three happy hours? Or do you want to watch a film that reflects the dark side of society and all kinds of cold ecology?"


"We can't be submissive. As a director, I am like this, and as an actor, you should be like this. So...girl, you can't be too resistant to commercial films. This is not for ourselves, but for the audiences who have always supported us."



After Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin were silent for a moment, they both nodded in unison.

"I... want to tell you two something."

After three rounds of drinking and five pieces of steak, Liu Yifei spoke softly with red cheeks after finishing a glass of red wine.

"Just tell me."

After finishing a glass of frozen wine, Xu Xin, who was fighting with Lin Xinxin with a glass of draft beer, casually said something.

"I want to change my nationality back."



These words instantly stunned both of them.

Seeing that both of them were looking at her, Liu Yifei wiped her mouth and said:

"When I left with my mother when I was a child, I didn't understand. But now...I want to change it back. I don't want to be a foreigner anymore."

"...It's quite difficult."

Lin Xingxin said:

"We've always been lenient and strict in our approach. Unless you're someone who has made a major contribution, otherwise... it's really difficult."

"I know."

Liu Yifei nodded:

"But I still want to come back. America is not home, this is."

Naturally, she was not referring to Japan.

Xu Xin's brows frowned slightly.

He is thinking...

Think about the feasibility of this matter.

And the answer I got was...no operation.

Liu Yifei can only rely on herself.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"how do you want to do it?"

"I don't know... maybe go back to school? First take a master's degree, a doctorate or something... get a degree. Then charity? Or something else... I don't know. I don't know what a major contribution is, but No matter what, I’m going to try.”

As she said that, she turned to look at Xu Xin:

"What you said... is absolutely right. I want to be the one pushing the stone up with everyone, and finally fall down on the green grass. Not as an outsider... So, although I haven't discussed it with my mother yet, But I still want to come back. No matter what!"

"But it's still hard."

Liu Yifei glanced at Lin Xingxin speechlessly and said:

"But I have an advantage, that is... I lost my nationality when I was a minor. It is not naturalization for foreigners. The information I checked is that my situation is called restoration of nationality, not joining. If I want to restore it, it is like It all depends on... what you do. In my case, my parents took the initiative to secede before I was 10 years old. But after I turned 18, I became an adult and I could choose to restore it based on my own wishes. The review should be easier than joining. . This is my only chance, otherwise I wouldn’t have thought of how I, as a foreigner, could have “joined”.”


Hearing this, Lin Xinxin thought for a while and looked at Xu Xin subconsciously:

"Is there anything the factory can do?"

"The factory is not omnipotent."

Xu Xin smiled bitterly.

"But you can still ask. When you return to China, I will ask Mr. Tian. Let him also help ask. If according to what she said, this is restoration rather than joining, I think... there should be a chance."

After hearing this, Liu Yifei said to the two of them with a hopeful look:

"Nowhere is as good as home, really..."

"That's for sure."

Xu Xin nodded and raised his wine glass:

"Come on, Valentine's Day... Cheers to our family."


February 15th.

Just as Xu Xin embarked on his journey back to China, he received news from inside the factory.

Japan's "Hawthorn Tree Love" first-day box office: 203 million yen.

The exchange rate between Japanese yen and China is that 10,000 yen is equivalent to approximately 800 yuan. (2010 exchange rate)

In other words, on Valentine's Day, the box office on the first day was 16 million.

This trend... gave everyone an unexpected surprise.

Among Chinese films released in Japan, the current leader is Wu Yusen's "Red Cliff".

There is no way, they really love the theme of the Three Kingdoms too much.

It would be an understatement to say he was poisoned.

The total box office of "Red Cliff" is 5.05 billion in the upper part and 5.55 billion in the lower part.

Ranked first and third respectively among Chinese films released in Japan.

The second place is "Hero".

Compared with these movies, "The Secret" with a figure of less than 1.7 billion simply cannot even make it into the top ten.

And looking at the tone of "Hawthorn Tree"... it seems that it is expected to surpass?

After all, it made 200 million yen in revenue on the first day. According to the golden growth trend line, it is definitely certain to exceed 1 billion yen in the first week.

After seeing the news, Xu Xin just said it to the other two people.

After hearing this, Lin Xingxin asked:

"How was the overseas box office of "If You Are the One"?"

"I don't know, I don't care."

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head.

From the very beginning, he had a hunch that overseas actors in "If You Are the One" would not be able to compete with him.

On the one hand, there seems to be confidence, and on the other hand, there is feedback from Europe.

Not to mention anything else, the European version was released after Christmas, and it also contributed close to 15 million US dollars at the box office.

"Hawthorn Tree" is destined to be a golden chicken laying eggs.

Just like "The Secret That Cannot Be Told" which is re-released every year in Japan and South Korea, it continuously generates money for itself.

So, don’t rush to fight for this moment.

Just wait and see.


After more than ten days of absence, Xu Xin finally returned to his hometown again.

Although the climate was colder than Tokyo, it made him feel extremely comfortable.

In the car, he went straight to his home.

Plan to take a good rest.

After a break until 15, the team of "Bite of the Tongue" has finished filming the first phase and will start selecting films.

The entire team shot in two sessions.

Last year it was the first phase and this year it is the second phase.

If released, it is expected to be in 2012.

He's been a director for so long, and it's finally his turn.

Selecting materials, following the editing, copywriting, etc. are all his job.

In the first half of this year, he was mainly busy with "Bite of the Tongue" and incidentally began to work on "Scorched Heart" including casting and location selection.

It took half a year to get everything done and then start shooting.

From now on, he will resolutely implement the practice of one film a year! Avoid two movies a year...

So damn tired.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, the phone rang.

After Su Meng took a look, she handed it to Xu Xin:

"Brother Xu, Mr. Wu from Youku."

Xu Xin was stunned, took the work phone, and glanced at the caller.

The name I remember is: Youku-Wu Yuan.

This person...

He frowned slightly in thought.

I vaguely remember that he was a person in charge of event operations at Youku, and he came to attend his wedding last time.

Five or six people came to Youku that day, including him.

Although he is a shareholder of Youku, after so many years, there has been basically no special communication with everyone.

First of all, Xu Xin's mind was not on this website.

Secondly...this is the money invested by the old man, and it has nothing to do with him. Except when he needs to use them for movie promotion, at other times, he is just a freewheeling shareholder.

Even the shareholders' meeting was attended by people sent by the old man.

He hasn't been there.

Why did the other party suddenly call me?

While thinking about it, he answered the phone and said with a polite tone:

"Hello, Mr. Wu."

"Hey, hello, Director Xu. I'm not disturbing you, right?"

"Haha, no."

"Congratulations to "The Hawthorn Tree" for being a hit at the Japanese box office, Director Xu."

"Hahaha, thank you, and also thank you for the promotion of our website..."

The two entered the greeting stage.

After chatting for a while, Xu Xin got to the point:

"Mr. Wu called me today. Is there something wrong?"

"Uh, yes, Director Xu, it's like this... This year we joined forces with the Shanghai University Student Entrepreneurship Foundation to hold a "New Entrepreneurship Talent" talent show. We specialize in supporting college students to start their own businesses. This entrepreneurial activity involves all walks of life. Companies from various industries would like to invite them to serve as judges. The winner will receive entrepreneurial funds ranging from 20,000 to 200,000 yuan, as well as office space support... We would like to invite two entertainment media companies, Shuangwei and Tianlai, as One of the judges, I wonder if you are interested?"


After Xu Xin heard this, he thought about it and asked:

"Specially supporting college students to start their own businesses?"

"Yes. The judges are also from group companies from all walks of life."

"In the entertainment industry sector, how many companies have you found?"

"The quota is only two. If you confirm it, then we will not look for anyone else."

"Shuang Wei and Tian Lai?"

"Yes, Shuang Wei and Tian Lai."

Hearing this, Xu Xin became interested.

Whether this activity can truly support a few college students to start their own businesses is hard to say.


"Who do you plan to invite from other industries?"

"In terms of the Internet, in addition to us, there are also Tencent, Kingsoft, and other major first-tier companies in other fields..."


After hearing the names of these companies, Xu Xin agreed without hesitation.

"There's only one person in that pair, and there's only one person in Tianlai, okay?"

"That's great! Then when the time comes..."

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Wu, I will definitely participate when you need me."

Xu Xin gave his promise.

There is no other reason.

It’s just the company’s influence.

This is a pretty good opportunity.

Teng Xun participated.

Shuangwei and Tianlai also participated.


Tengxun = Shuangwei = the sound of nature.

Shuangwei and Tianlai are both bosses themselves.

2 is greater than 1.

Doesn't that mean I'm better than Pony?


Nothing wrong.

Xu Xin and Xu Sanjin are known as Shenmu Xiaoma Ge!

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