I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 673 670 Little Oolong

Chapter 673 670.Little Oolong

"I'm home."

Yang Mi, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Xu Xin pushing the box into the house. She got up and walked over and said hello.

"Well...go, go, don't pull on me."

Maybe they hadn't seen him for a long time, but the two dogs were begging for hugs and pats.

Xu Xin fooled the two dogs and handed the box to his wife, then asked:

"Are you so free?"

As he spoke, he looked around and asked:

"Where's the child?"

"My dad took us to see the new house. Today the formaldehyde remover is going there to test the formaldehyde concentration. He took Nuan Nuan and Yangyang to check the concentration, and then went to the flower, bird and fish market to order some flowers and plants."

"Oh... you're not going?"

"Aren't you coming back?"

As she spoke, she pushed her luggage down in front of the room where the washing machine was installed:

"After lunch, we have to pack our things in the afternoon."


Although the weather hasn't warmed up yet, some things can already be taken to Shijia Hutong.

Move it little by little, and it will be easy to place it when the time comes.

Outside, he has to do everything by himself.

But when he returns home, he can be an uncle.

Leaning against the door frame, he looked at the back of his wife who was squatting to open the suitcase, his eyes burning slightly.

"Will they come back for lunch at noon?"

"If I don't come back, I'll probably finish my work in the afternoon. Let's eat soybean noodles for lunch? The Qinjiao noodles I bought have arrived."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was happy.

"Then...don't take care of it for now."


Yang Mi was stunned.

She turned to look at him and saw her husband pouting towards her upstairs.

The couple's tacit understanding made her understand instantly.

"Serve you?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded quickly:

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"Be stinky~"

Giving her husband a charming look, she threw away the clothes in her hands and stood up:


"Oops, you pressed my hair!"

It was clear that she had been loving you and me just now, but as soon as she became gentle, she left her husband's arms in disgust.

"Let's go? Let's go eat. I'm hungry."

"Okay, then you do it."

"No! We're tired, let's go out to eat."

It was obvious that I had just said that I would make soy noodles, but then I regretted it.

Xu Xin couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"You promised me!"

"I promised you a lot! Get up quickly. I still have to exercise after dinner."

"What sport?"

"I need to lose weight. Director Wang wants me to lose less than 100 pounds and make my cheekbones slimmer and puffier."

Pointing to her beady cheeks, she got out of bed and started to get dressed.

Xu Xin didn't want to go.

He has eaten out for more than ten days, and now he wants to taste the taste of home. Unexpectedly, after a while of teasing each other, the smell of the house was gone.

That's pretty bad.

He reluctantly put on his clothes and while waiting for the elevator, he suddenly remembered:

"Oh, by the way, Wu Yuan from Youku called me just now..."

After explaining the matter, Yang Mi nodded casually:

"Then I'll just send a representative there. You and Lao Wang should talk to Lao Wang about Tianlai. I haven't worried about things there for a long time."


Xu Xin responded, and when the elevator arrived, he walked in.

Then he was stunned for a moment and pointed to the advertisement in the elevator:


There are four elevators in Dahu Mansion, and the one he took just now was not this one. In the elevator in front of me, there were advertisements on three sides of the wall.

What faced me were posters of Li Yapeng and Xu Jinglei, with a line of words below:

""Carry Love to the End" is now in theaters."

"You're talking about this, it's No. 7 or No. 8, it's affixed."

Yang Mi looked not surprised.

Xu Xin was speechless.

I thought that this enemy had finally reached my hometown.


“How was it doing at the box office?”

"On the 12th, it was more than 18 million. But the growth is quite strong. In the three days of 12th, 13th and 14th, the box office has exceeded 70 million."

"What about "Wulin Gaiden"?"

"As of yesterday, it was 85 million. It is certain that it will exceed 100 million in the first week... but the momentum is indeed not as strong as theirs. Have you read the reviews online?"

"No. I've been quite busy these days."

"Everyone says that Shang Jing is making a fuss...Hey, I don't really care about this."

Her tone was very casual:

"That's the limitation of the script. It's not so much a piece of cake, but more of a sentiment... Anyway, I just gave Wushuang a perfect ending. Besides, the film isn't bad either."

Upon hearing this, he said:

"I also said we should go and see it together."

"Shishi and I have finished watching it. You can go on your own. I'm even afraid of going to the cinema with you now. If someone sees it again and it causes some trouble, I can't bear it."

Seeing her resistance, Xu Xin didn't force it.

Anyway, the movie has just been released, let’s wait until the popularity subsides to talk about it some other time.

After chatting all the way in the car, Qi Lei suddenly called:

"Hey, are you in the country yet?"

"We're here, Yang Mi and I are planning to go out to eat."

"Well, let me tell you, the factory has studied a plan. See if it works... We plan to put up 500 billboards to promote "Guanyin Mountain" starting on the 25th of this month."

Yang Mi, who was driving, was stunned.

I wonder where this wind is blowing?

Xu Xin was stunned after hearing this and asked:


"Yes. For one week, the big billboards promoting tourism have been replaced by "Guanyin Mountain". A total of five hundred yuan, all of which are used for publicity to express our support. How about it?"


Xu Xin suddenly recalled the billboard in the elevator just now and asked:

"Isn't five hundred dollars a bit small?"

"Isn't that enough? How much are the total commercial billboards in Xi'an including the train stations, bus stations, and airports?"

"...How big of a billboard are you talking about?"

"Big billboards, the ones on both sides of the road when you come out of the airport and walk into the city."

"The kind that stands on the top of a mountain?"

This time, Xu Xin was really surprised.

Because this momentum is really not small.

"I think it will work. But...how do we implement this?"

"Haha, isn't that simple? It's just a matter of one sentence. Submit a plan to the publicity office and say hello. It's just a week anyway. These billboards do not occupy private rentals, they are all for cultural and tourism promotion. You only need to pay for the materials. Just pay the labor fee. No problem.”

"That's fine. As long as it can be implemented, a week is reasonable."

"Okay, then it's settled. You don't have to worry, I'll take care of it."


After chatting for a while and confirming the time for his next return to the factory, the call was hung up.

Yang Mi then asked with confusion:

"What are you doing? Isn't "Guanyin Mountain" from Beijing? What are we promoting?"

Xu Xin explained the whole story.

At this time, Yang Mi also frowned.


She suddenly said:

"How deep-minded are these people? It's a bit scary."

Hearing the fear in her tone, Xu Xin chuckled:

"Ha~ What about me?"

"You what?"

"How about your husband and my ability to show off my skills at first sight?"


He turned around and glanced at this proud man...

Her tone suddenly softened:

"I'm afraid you're too tired. Seeing you running around like this every day, I used to feel like I could still catch up with you... but now I feel like I'm getting further and further behind you, and I can't even help you share the burden."

"No need to share."

He leaned on the seat and took his wife's hand on the gear handle.

"You just have to watch me perform."

"...I don't want you to be Zhuge Liang."

"Don't worry, I'm not Zhuge Liang, that's a saint."

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head, putting the back of her hand on his stubble and rubbing it carefully.

Under the stimulation of Yang Mi's numbness and tingling, he looked at the road ahead and said word by word:

"I don't like this kind of intrigue either...but I won't and can't get tired. Since I'm in this circle, I have to work hard to make this environment better. Because only in this way will I be more comfortable. More What's more..."

Speaking of this, there was a strange flavor in his tone.

It was a kind of eagerness to try that was still unknown as to who would win:

"I also want to see what they will do when it's my turn to play my cards after they have finished wielding the three axes."


Yang Mi said nothing.

In fact, just now, she had a moment of regret.

Because... she really couldn't figure out how her husband could judge such a thing through these clues.

Sister Bingbing is like this.

The same is true for the so-called "arms race" before.

She couldn't figure it out.

Can't figure it out.

But after my husband told me, I was really scared.

These people...

So shady.

This is not a very clear conflict at all.

Everyone maintains a sense of dignity on the surface, but secretly they use every move to kill their opponents.


She is ignorant.

Ignorance means fearlessness.

But now... after gradually feeling the tricks of Beijing Circle, she really regretted it at that moment.

Maybe... it's better to be plain?

Be a fence-sitter who won't offend anyone without taking a stand.

Wouldn't it be nice to just make your own movies and run your own entertainment company?

But after hearing her husband's words, she knew that... she could no longer feel such regret.

The war has begun.

He was working hard in front, and there was no reason for him to cower in the back.

Brothers fight, father and son go into battle.

He charged forward, with no one around him.

If he doesn't accompany him anymore...then who can he rely on when he is tired and exhausted?

So, she slowly held her lover's hand tightly.

Even if he is silent, it is enough to express his feelings.

Just like a promise made on a wedding day.

I will always be by your side until the end of the world...



"Your grip hurts me."

"Uh...oh oh oh, okay."

Yang Mi responded quickly and let go of his hand.

My heart is so hung up.

I almost ended the world with my own hands.

Be it "Hawthorn Tree" or "Wulin Gaiden".

Xiying Film Studio has finally finished its two major moves in the new year.

As for the production of the three movies they announced at the beginning of the new year...

Frankly speaking, to outsiders, without Xu Xin, it is nothing.

So the popularity is not that high.

Perhaps this is a big move for a state-owned factory. But for the entire entertainment industry, three movies...may not even be considered a splash.

So, everyone is guessing that the next big move of Xiying Film Studio may be "The Piano of Steel"?

I guess so.

Or maybe it’s Director Xu’s low-budget production that he hasn’t spent yet?

Speaking of which...

It’s time to submit it to Cannes for review.

this movie……

"Send it away."

17th, Lantern Festival.

Xu Xin held up the phone and said:

"But... to be honest, my definition of this film is quite general. There are not many things that can be discussed in it. It is more suitable to regard it as a youth-themed genre film than an emotional film. The upper limit of its script determines This story is just a genre film, so don’t expect anything from it.”

"Then you have to try it."

Qi Lei said:

"There are many genre films in Cannes every year. Maybe they are in line with the judges' preferences? I have already won the Silver Lion, and I will always look towards the Palme d'Or and the Golden Bear. You will be busy with "Heart of the Sun" in the second half of the year , if it can be shortlisted for Cannes, then the schedule can be adjusted. If it is adjusted to summer vacation, I think the box office will definitely explode."

"I hope...Is there anything else?"

"No, happy Lantern Festival. See you in the factory~"

"No, I'm not happy at all."

Xu Xin took a look at the shots in his brand-new computer and sighed helplessly.

"I still have a lot of films and footage to watch, and I'm not happy at all."

"Haha, let's take it as joy in suffering. I'm going to celebrate the festival."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin took the anti-blue light glasses Yang Mi had prepared for him and clicked on a shot again.

On the 16th, everyone held a meeting at Shuangwei.

Xu Xin got back a bunch of memory cards that day.

They are all the results of one year of filming by the "Bite of Tongue" team.

What he has to do is to filter the captured things and filter out the ones that don't fit the theme, or that don't feel right.

Then summarize the remaining films and sort out a documentary narrative line.

After all, as the chief director, he has the final say on what kind of story this documentary will present.

As the author of the creative plan, only he can understand what he wants.

Moreover, in these preserved clips, he had to sort out the areas where there was a lack of thought and let the episode director reshoot them.

After a year of idleness, this is the end.

A whole year's worth of work has been put in here.

He has to burst his liver.

Otherwise, the team will stall and lose direction.


On the last day of the Spring Festival, except for his appearance during dinner in the evening, for four or five days in a row, he lived a life of waking up early and working late at night, confusing right and wrong.

Then on the 22nd, he arrived in Shanghai with two dark circles under his eyes like a panda, yawning.

"Damn it, are you and Da Mi anxious to have a second child or something?"

Wang Sicong, who came to pick him up at the airport, was so scared to death when he saw his friend's state.

Xu Xin, who didn't go to bed until after 4 a.m. and came to catch the flight after 7 a.m., didn't even think about quarreling after hearing this.

After waving his hands, he got into his Maybach.

As soon as he lay down on the massage seat in the back row, he became silent.

"...Mengmeng, what's going on?"

Wang Sicong was shocked.

He even had the urge to call Yang Mi and beg him to let his friend go.


Damn honey.

Your zodiac sign is Tiger, not Succubus.

Can you please stop doing this to my friend?

No matter how anxious you are to have a second child, you can’t do this, right?

He was speechless, thought for a moment, and sent a message to Apple, who was riding in the business car with Su Meng behind him:

"Apple, take Mengmeng to buy some supplements, such as cordyceps and the like. You can take them to the hotel later."

After he finished sending it, he heard Xu Xin's snoring...

Shall I wipe it?

Falling asleep now?

So the driver Xiao Wang drove the car to the Wanda Reign Hotel.

Then... the Maybach stopped in front of the hotel and stopped moving.

Originally, the doorman saw that although the Maybach was not blocking the door, it was still standing still but could not accommodate guests. It seemed a bit inappropriate, so he wanted to come over and remind him.

After seeing that the driver was his eldest son, he immediately saluted.

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"Keep your voice down!"

Wang Sicong was speechless.

He pointed to the back row, which meant someone was resting.

The doorman glanced in the direction Mr. Wang was pointing. Because of the angle, he couldn't see clearly who was behind him, but he could see someone lying on the seat.

Could it be the chairman! ?

He was a little confused, nodded quickly, and then made sure that nothing happened on Wang Sicong's side, and ran all the way to notify the lobby manager.

Holy shit!

Mr. Wang personally drove the chairman with him!

The hotel manager was also stunned when he heard the news.


Why didn't the chairman give orders when he came?

This... a private visit via incognito?

So, a group of people came out in a hurry.

They gathered in front of the Maybach.

Wang Sicong, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, noticed someone outside and subconsciously glanced around...

Then he froze.

What are these people...doing?

He lowered the window in confusion.

Immediately people gathered around him.

Manager Huang, who is in charge of Ruihua Hotel in Shanghai:

"Mr. Wang, is the chairman taking a rest?"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

Manager Huang was also stunned:


"……My Father?"


The two stared at each other for a while, and Wang Sicong subconsciously turned his head to look.

Xu Xin was lying on his back, sleeping soundly.

"...Who said my dad was here?"

Looking at the hotel manager who was desperately looking in, Wang Sicong was speechless.

Isn’t it true that these people are simply mentally ill?

The people in my hotel... are all so stupid?

Manager Huang also looked at the doorman who had made a big mistake.




Everyone looked at each other.

Finally, Wang Sicong got out of the car helplessly.

He didn't mean to blame the doorman.

The crime does not end there.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, took one for himself, handed the cigarette case over, and waved his hand:

"It's Xu Xin sleeping in the back. Okay, it's a misunderstanding...especially you."

After saying something to the doorman, he waved:

"Okay, let's all get back to work..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the doorman one last time, looking dumbfounded:

"I appreciate your professional attitude, but...brother, let's just be more cautious next time..."

But after he finished speaking, he seemed to realize something again and added:

"Manager Huang, give him a salary plus a bonus of 500 this month. He's very smart..."

Manager Huang, who originally wanted to blame the doorman, understood what the eldest son meant when he heard this, and quickly said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, we will definitely strengthen training next time..."

"Well, I don't blame you. Being careful with guests is a very good work quality."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

After resolving the crisis that might have cost the doorman his job in an understatement, he still had something to say.

At this time, the sound of the car door opening was heard.

Xu Xin, who still had dark circles under his eyes, got out of the car.

He looked around vaguely:

"Where have I been?"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes and said while holding a cigarette:

"The underworld!"




Under the speechless gazes of a group of people, Xu Xin was stunned.

Gave him the same big eye roll.

Tiredly, he put his hands on the roof of the car and yawned loudly:

"Ha...well. Come on, I'll go back to the room and take a shower. Who did you say you wanted to see at noon?"

Seeing his extremely tired character, Wang Sicong, who didn't answer anything, shook his head helplessly. After handing the car keys to Manager Huang, he pointed to the inside of the hotel.

Xu Xin opened the car door again and took out his laptop bag from inside.

After taking two steps, they met.

He handed the bag over smoothly:

"Hold it for me, I can't hold it anymore."

Wang Sicong took it, threw the cigarette butt into the trash can, and they walked into the hotel together.

Everyone was left looking at each other.

Good guy...

Mr. Wang brought him a bag.

In surprise, Manager Huang looked around and handed the car key to the doorman.

"Behave well in the future."

In one sentence, following Wang Sicong's wishes, the matter was revealed.

At the beginning of the month, please vote for me! ! ! !

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