Chapter 674 671.IG

"Are you... sick?"

In the elevator, Wang Sicong, who was too embarrassed to ask his friend if he was weak, found a plausible excuse.

Xu Xin, who looked like he had a weak kidney, leaned against the wall of the elevator car weakly and yawned loudly:

"Ha~~~Ahhhhh~~~Hmm. No, I'm tired."

Wang Sicong is serious about not talking nonsense?

Can I still see that you are tired?

The thing is... there has to be a reason why you are tired, right?

What I'm asking is this.

Seeing Xu Xin's dull look, he could only continue:

"I asked Apple to take Mengmeng to buy Cordyceps for you."

"It's useless. I eat it as a snack at home."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"I didn't lie down until around 3 or 4 o'clock last night, and I guess I fell asleep at around 4 o'clock. I got on the plane at 7 o'clock... and so far I have slept for five hours. The day before yesterday, I stayed up until almost 5 o'clock in the morning. , I got up at 9 o'clock and went to the company for a meeting. In the past two days combined, I slept for less than 8 hours. Do you think I won't be sleepy?"

"What are you going to do?... liver game?"

"No, the material for "Bite of the Tongue" is back, and I'm working on it. A year's worth of work..."

While talking, the two walked out of the elevator.

After entering the house, Xu Xin lay down unsteadily on the sofa and asked:

"Who did you say you were going to have lunch with?"

"8 dogs and ZHOU."

Hearing these two names, Xu Xin nodded and was not surprised. After all, he had said this yesterday, but he was so confused that he forgot about it.

As soon as he took off his shoes and lay down on the sofa, he closed his eyes and continued to ask:

“The team’s goal is still CCM?”

"Yes. This time I plan to find top players in all five positions to fight. Do you know the one who was pregnant with Wu Yeyun last year?"

"Probably, it is said that... who came, holding 50,000 yuan in his arms, went straight to Yunnan overnight. Isn't that talking about the DK team that has been gaining momentum recently? Who is their boss?"

"It seems like a second-generation miner appeared out of nowhere."

When he said this, his tone was full of disdain.


Xu Xin, who was confused at first, subconsciously opened his eyes.

I always feel like the other person is scolding me.

But he really didn't have the energy to argue with him now.

He nodded, changed to a comfortable position and said:

"Have you reached an agreement with CCM?"

"Well, after the WCG2010 last year, the boss couldn't hold on any longer. However, the boss was quite kind, and the 30,000 US dollars in prize money from the competition was divided among ZHOU and the others. is true that the team has been losing money. The players' venues, wages, various expenses, etc., can't make ends meet just by playing games.

When I asked him about the price, he quoted me 10 million, so didn’t I ignore him? Relent now. The final negotiated price was 4.5 million, a wholly-owned acquisition. I agreed to the offer. When I went to Xi'an this time, I planned to buy one or two villas in Qujiang Garden to use as a training base. IG settled in Xi'an.

It is expected that the renovation will be completed in April or May, and the acquisition will start at that time. The plan is to find 10 people and form two teams, IG·A and IG·B, and then select the best people to form a complete IG..."

"Snoring... snoring..."

While Wang Sicong was talking, Xu Xin's snoring started to sound.


The eldest young master was stunned and suddenly speechless.

Good guy, when did you develop the skill of falling asleep instantly?

He was filled with helplessness.

But he also shut his mouth and took out his mobile phone.

Anyway, there are still 2 hours left before the agreed meal time.

The two brothers are both night owls and usually don't get up until noon, so their meal time is at 1 o'clock.

Let him sleep.


After washing his face, Xu Xin got into Wang Sicong's Maybach.

But this time he did not continue to fall asleep. Instead, he was enjoying the massage while chatting with Wang Sicong.

"Have you decided on the investment company?"

"Yes. People from the factory and Yindu will also come here in the afternoon, and the signing ceremony will be held tomorrow morning."

"Are you attending as the headwinder?"

"No, go to Xu Zhi. I am here to witness it as... everyone's glue."

"Then the establishment of this company this time, does it mean that... from now on, the three companies, Xiying Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studio, and Yindu Film Studio, will work together..."

"Your little mouth is really full of honey."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

However, although my friend's words are not human, the truth is not rough.

"After this company is established, from now on... it will really be able to walk on two legs."

After hearing this, Wang Sicong nodded:

"Have you thought about the name of the company? What will it be called?"

"Think about it. Cloud Atlas."

"...Good guy, this name is quite impressive."

"Otherwise, how can we support the joint ambition of the three Yu families?"


The two chatted and laughed all the way, and finally arrived at the agreed upon hotel at 5 minutes to 1 o'clock.

A Hunan restaurant.

ZHOU is from Hunan and likes spicy food.

So I booked a hotel here.

The two of them walked into the appointed box in a low-key manner. When they entered the door, they saw two very thin young people sitting there.

To be honest, Xu Xin had a very intuitive impression when he first saw 8 Gou and ZHOU.

These two are pure Internet addicted teenagers.

At once……

Their images can match all your fantasies about internet-addicted teenagers.

Wearing black-rimmed glasses, there are many pimples on his face.

Although it can be seen that the hair has been washed before coming here, the feeling of fireworks ion perm is too unconventional.

Especially 820.

There's something wrong with his sitting posture.

It's the kind of person who sits hunched over in a chair for a long time.

And he is not short, so that feeling is even more obvious.

ZHOU, on the other hand, felt like a... minor.

His face was so tender that it was embarrassing.

There is really no trace of him being one of the top three players in the national server or even the world.

Instead, they looked like two young people who often skipped classes and climbed over the wall to surf the Internet.


Upon entering, Wang Sicong smiled and said hello.

Xu Xin also took off his mask and hat.

"8 dogs, Zhou Shen. Hello~"

Strictly speaking, everyone is actually quite familiar with each other.

Xu Xin is slightly lacking, after all, he doesn’t play DOTA much anymore.


But since we met Yang Mi, we have been playing together in the past few years.

After several years of friendship, even if they have never met, the relationship is still inseparable.

As for the titles of "Eight Dogs and Zhou Gods", they are what everyone calls them in the game.

ZHOU feels very cold in the game.

People don't talk much.

If he says he can fight in a group, then just follow him and charge.

To say "can fight", regardless of whether the five people can fight or not, they all have to put their lives into it.

If he wants to say "can't fight" or "can't fight", it means that the five people here must be at a huge disadvantage.

Hurry up and develop separately.

So over time, I got used to calling "Zhou Shen".

8 Dog is called this because others called him when we first played together.

At that time Xu Xin still called him Boss 8.

As a result, the barking of 8 dogs and 8 dogs became accustomed to it, and it became a recognized name for 820 in the DOTA circle.

The prerequisite is that they are old friends.

When newbies playing DOTA see him, they have to respectfully call him "8boss".

After all, the legendary captain of EHOME and the number one CNDOTA with outstanding achievements is not kidding you.

As for their original names, one is Zou Yitian and the other is Chen Yao.

But calling someone by name in this situation seems awkward.

When Xu Xin and Wang Sicong walked in, the two Internet-addicted teenagers quickly stood up.

From the first glance, they don't have a lot of experience in making friends, so they are a little reserved in their greetings and greetings.

After getting up, he shouted:

"Brother Cong, Director Xu."


Xu Xin sat down with a smile and took out a cigarette.

He knows about 820 smoking.

But he didn't know whether ZHOU smoked or not.

Finally, with ZHOU waving his hand, the three of them lit their cigarettes, and the waiter came in.

There is no need to mention things like ordering and promotion.

After the menu was taken away by the waiter, Wang Sicong went straight to the topic:

"8Gou, how are you thinking?"


820 Maybe he didn’t expect Wang Sicong to be so straightforward when he came up, and he didn’t react for a while.

Seeing this, Wang Sicong simply said directly:

"The tentative salary is a basic salary of 15,000 yuan, and then 10% of the competition bonus. Note that I am not talking about dividends, but extra. For example, if you win a competition championship with a bonus of 10,000 yuan, this bonus is the club's Five thousand, five thousand for you. And then add in the 10 percent the club provides you. That means, actually, each of you can get 20 percent."


When this condition was raised, the two of them were immediately confused.

820’s first reaction is, is this brother doing charity?

The five of us share the prize equally...?

While he was thinking about it, ZHOU asked doubtfully:

"Then how do you make money?"



As soon as he said this, Xu Xin saw the "I'm wondering" expression on 820's face and knew that these two people were quite innocent.

It can't be said that they are innocent, I can only say that... they don't know much about these things.

How much is the prize money in DOTA?

Even if they win all the championships, they may not be able to support the club's expenses.

But looking at some things from another angle, such as brand influence, is another business opportunity.

It's like why the sponsor's name is on the jersey.

But Wang Sicong obviously didn't want to talk about this kind of thing.

It is quite difficult to explain the power of brand to laypeople.

In his eyes, the current e-sports industry is a virgin land to be developed.

It’s true that he likes to play games.

But also a businessman.

A businessman... would not just say the commercial value he values ​​​​in vain.

So, he smiled and said:

"Even if we follow the 50/50 ratio of normal clubs, those who should lose money will still lose money. This is the main reason why so many teams are now unsustainable. To put it bluntly, everyone's love is limited, and relying on love to generate electricity depends on what you have in your pocket. of banknotes.

I want to increase players’ income and make this circle a little more benign. Otherwise, players will have no money to take, clubs will have no money to take, and this industry will have to die slowly. This is one aspect.

The other side is the business field, but I guess you are also confused when I say this... To put it simply, you can understand that I am building an... NBA. Well, you could say that. Just understand it that way.

I have a few more specific actions to follow, but the main core is still the game. Play games and get results, it's that simple. Compared with commercial operations, I can afford the loss of a club for even a hundred years, let alone a few years. "



To 820 and ZHOU, these words sounded like one word: confused.

Can't understand.

Can't figure it out.

After all, they are all young people who are just starting out.

If they really have researched in this area, or studied well... then it would be a waste of time to come into contact with this game that requires a lot of time and talent to provide support and support them to go higher.

And then, it became Wang Sicong's home court.

Let’s talk about the history of why the team is called IG... When they heard about the members of the first generation IG, their expressions became very strange.

The mid laner is a double golden movie queen, and the third position is a famous director.

Position one is the heir to Wanda, positions four and five are a famous pianist, and the other is the king of pop music...

If you guys get together to play games, aren't you much more famous than us?

After finishing the history of the team, we talked about our plans.

During this period, restaurants began to serve food one after another.

No one was drinking, everyone was holding a glass of drink in their hands while eating and chatting.

Xu Xin's appetite today is average.

The spiciness of Hunan food... Even though they had made adjustments to adapt to the taste of the Magic City, he still felt a little bit harsh when eating it.

After only a few bites of the meal, I drank three cans of Coke.

In three cans of Coke, Wang Sicong had already talked about everything he needed to talk about.

ZHOU is from CCM. He is here today because he is recruiting teammates for the future boss.

In CCM, he is the captain.

Fight, brush and direct.

He is born to be strong, and he will fight no one in the world.

But if 820 could join him, he would be willing to step down and give way to others in terms of command.

EHOME's command is actually unique in the entire DOTA circle.

The man who built the EHOME dynasty is the man next to him.

As the first level Dota circle in China and even the world, 820 is recognized for its strength.

The early stage is strong in operation, and you will always be one big piece ahead of you.

But now his strength lies in his brain.

Under his command, EHOME was like a cold and ruthless machine, building a 10-champion dynasty in 2010.

How strong would it be to be able to be teammates with him, and with the heavy financial support of the future boss, form two teams with 10 absolutely unique players to compete?

His blood was already hot with excitement.

As for 820…

"8Gou, tell me where you hesitate."

Xu Xin, who had been silent, saw that he was hesitating and asked directly.

When he saw that after he finished speaking, 820 hesitated to speak, he smiled and said:

"What's wrong? We've been together for several years, and you still can't speak directly when you have something to say? How about I bring my wife here and let her talk to you?"

"No, no, no...that's not necessary."

820 put down his chopsticks, thought for a while, and said:

"If I leave EHOME, many people will scold me..."

"Don't be afraid of this."

Wang Sicong shook his head:

"I'm not only dismantling EHOME, I'm also in contact with LGD. To put it bluntly, after you join, if you tell me your favorite player, I will buy it. Of course, you may not be able to buy it, but the most basic thing is The requirement is that I will form 10 first-line players for you, and everyone will compete together. But the guarantee I can give is that whether it is IGA or IGB, when IG is finally formed, you will both be one of them. As long as We are looking at positions two, three and four. As for the people competing with you, if you really think they are good, you can stay as a substitute."

"What Lao Wang means is very simple. When we finish renovating the base there, we will start... Well, do you want to play football?"

After Xu Xin asked, seeing both of them shaking their heads, he asked again:

" know Chelsea, right?"

"football team?"

"That's right, the Chelsea football team. When their boss Abramovich entered the game, he actually poured money everywhere... We won't discuss Chelsea's results for now, but our concept of entering the game is the same. The e-sports circle currently lacks big capital to enter. In our opinion, all the team bosses can only be said to be making small fuss.

Do you still remember what Lao Wang said just now?

Let the circle have money. Competition becomes healthy, otherwise the circle will slowly die. Therefore, formalization is inevitable. Only healthy club operations, reliable competitions, and a formalized business model can maintain the vitality of e-sports for a long time.

Instead of living a precarious life like you do now. This is the significance of IG entering the DOTA circle as capital, or the e-sports circle.

In the short term, maybe you are the captain who betrayed EHOME and became pregnant with Wu Yeyun for the second time. But Huai Wuyeyun is doing it for profit, but we are doing it to make e-sports a healthy and progressive industry.

Let the children who love this industry lose the secular perspective of Internet-addicted teenagers, so that the lives of everyone involved can be protected, and the entire entertainment industry can become rich and colorful.

Maybe no one will understand you in a few months, a year, or two years, but believe me, when the day you retire, what you have contributed to DOTA and the e-sports circle will definitely be remembered in the history of e-sports. , becomes the most glorious page. "

Xu Xin's words made 820's nose start to turn red.

I don’t know if it’s exciting or spicy.

But I have to admit...

Compared with Wang Sicong, his way of talking is easier for people to understand, understand, and accept.

And at the end, Xu Xin added:

"Besides, you're not the first to run away... Don't you have a precedent before? EHOME hasn't even signed a guarantee contract with you, and when you were at your lowest point, you went abroad to play games, wasn't it Yang Mi? Sponsored? Now we have signed a guaranteed contract with you for at least three years. It is reasonable and reasonable, and no one else can find anything wrong with it."

The last paragraph struck a chord in 820's heart.

He stopped talking.

Instead, start thinking.

At this time, ZHOU asked:

"Where do you plan to place the training base?"


"Not in the Magic City?"

ZHOU was stunned.

Wang Sicong shook his head:

"No, aren't you from Hunan? Doesn't it matter whether you are in Shanghai or not?"

"Well... that's not a big deal. It's just... I've never been to that place."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm sure you will fall in love with that city."

Wang Sicong laughed heartily:

"That city will be one of the most fertile soils for the entertainment industry in the future. It has good mountains, good water, everything is good. The food is delicious and the climate is pleasant, not to mention... Zhou Shen, have you ever thought that one day, you Can you sit in the e-sports stadium built by your own team, play games with a home-field advantage, and accept the cheers from the home audience?”

ZHOU was stunned and blinked:

"E-sports venue?"

"That's right. E-sports venue!"

Wang Sicong nodded vigorously:

"It's not just the stadium, but also the league. It's like a league like the NBA! ... I have a lot of plans for the follow-up, but I have to eat one bite at a time, and I can't rush it."

He said it easily.

But ZHOU, who has been playing professionally for several years, has already seen from this relaxed tone that there is a kind of... What did Director Xu say?

Forged by the gold dollar... a hundred scenes of flowers blooming in a formalized business alliance!


not bad!

At this moment, an unprecedented feeling swept through my heart.

His future is bright!

And 820, who had been thinking since just now while listening to the conversation between the two, finally made up his mind:

"Okay. I am willing to join IG."

What responded to him was the extremely cheerful smiles of Wang Sicong and Xu Xin.

"Okay, you two just wait for my news. I have already negotiated the acquisition of CCM, and we will start to implement it after the training base in Xi'an is implemented. That's it for today, 8 Gou, we have made an agreement. When the time comes, Xi'an See you there or not!”

After leaving a few words, everyone waved goodbye.

After getting on the bus, Wang Sicong's first words were:

"Who else do you think I should look for?"

"have no idea."

Xu Xin shook his head, leaned on the seat and yawned.

Feeling sleepy when full.

"But no matter what, the cornerstone of the founding dynasty is there. Do you have a target for the villa in Qujiang Garden?"

"Not yet, I'm asking the agent to ask questions these days."

"Don't ask, I'll ask my dad. There should be people from our village over there. If you can't live there, just ask him to rent it to you."

"...Haha, it's really easy to get things done when there are people in the DPRK. Okay, hurry up and implement it. I'll let people start studying network matters. Let's target Miami and get international bandwidth. In the future, we will contact more Chinese and foreign teams for training. In the competition, know yourself and the enemy and be victorious in every battle! Save yourself from having to fight against your own people every day because of delays..."

The matter of doing IG really touched the eldest young master’s excitement point.

He kept talking non-stop along the way, working hard to perfect his plans and vision for the "e-sports" industry.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, kept talking.

Slowly, the eldest young master's mumbling voice became the best sleep aid.

Drowsily, he fell asleep again.

"Lao Xu, you said... Lao Xu?"

Seeing that Xu Xin was silent, he turned his head and glanced in confusion.

After seeing the other party close his eyes again, a speechless expression immediately appeared on his face.

Did you fall asleep again?


He shook his head speechlessly.

But the speed was much lower.

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