I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 675 672 Great Wealth

Chapter 675 672. Great Wealth

Xu Xin was actually very tired.

It wasn't just two days in a row, but many days of "fighting" that made him almost exhausted.

At this moment, he just wanted to take a deep sleep without anyone making any noise.

Instead of sleeping now and then, sleeping like this made him feel very tired.

It felt like being woken up after a short nap.

The spirit has an unparalleled sense of irritability.

But he couldn't rest yet.

Back at the hotel, Qi Lei had already arrived.

This time, Huang Renjie, the second in command of Yindu, was also brought.

Xu Xin and Huang Renjie were not particularly familiar with each other, but they had met each other before, so they were not familiar with each other.

But this time everyone is here for Yuntu, and his "lubricant" must have some effect.

For example, the welcome banquet hosted by Xue Haifeng in the evening.

This time I didn’t choose Roosevelt.

The place was private and inappropriate.

Instead, they chose the World Expo Intercontinental Hotel, where heads of state were staying at the time of the World Expo, to express their sincerity.

However, it was not time for the banquet yet, so everyone drank tea and chatted in Ruihua's cafe.

Xu Xin yawned profusely after he sat down. Qi Lei, who was familiar with him, said:

"How about you go back and get some sleep?"

"Need not."

He shook his head, smiled apologetically at Huang Renjie, and then said:

"Hold on. Come back after dinner tonight and go to bed early."

"Director Xu has worked really hard."

Huang Renjie praised him.

Xu Xin quickly said politely, and then the three of them chatted here.

It's just a small talk.

After the pleasantries, it’s time to get down to business.

"Director Xu, I heard... that after the establishment of Yuntu, Yang Ying was the first investor?"

It is true that Yindu and Xiying Studio have a cooperative relationship.

The two sides can also be said to be brotherly units.

But even brothers can't be honest with each other. The main reason why they agreed to this investment company is that Xiangjiang Film is currently shrinking. It can even be said that... they have internally divided into two factions in the past two years.

One group believes that the Hong Kong Film Market can be given up.

There is not much competitiveness left, and there are only a few veteran Hong Kong stars active on the screen.

These people have also fallen from the box office guarantee back then to the current stage... where they can't even maintain the most basic first-line status.

It can really be said that the sun is setting.

Therefore, this group feels that they can give up the Xiangjiang market.

Otherwise, we would still have to compete with companies like Golden Harvest and Emperor.

It can't compete with the mainland itself, but its own people still have to fight, and even if they fight, they can't win the box office. Simply gather all resources and start taking root in the mainland market.

This group is relatively radical.

The other group is seeking to play it steady and does not intend to give up the Xiangjiang market. Unlike the other party's all-or-nothing idea, it plans to take advantage of it slowly.

The Xiangjiang market can serve as a base to strengthen the integration of artists from the mainland and Xiangjiang.

The films released can gradually change from the "Hong Kong plays the male lead and the Mainland plays the female lead" style to the "Mainland fights against Ding, Hong Kong plays the supporting role" style.

Then rely on time to complete the integration of resources from the two places bit by bit.

This faction has many supporters, and it is also the main policy of Yindu now.

Huang Renjie belongs to this group.

When Xiying Studio presented this investment plan, it suited Yindu's wishes.

Mainlanders are now unwilling to act in Hong Kong movies.

Even in the first few years, tiers have been divided, with those who are first in the Beijing circle and second in the Shanghai circle... Only artists who cannot make it in the mainland will come to the Hong Kong circle.

But now with this investment company it's different.

As an artist invested by an investment company, he is one of his own, and if he is asked to act in a movie or something like that, it would definitely not be too much.

What's more... the rise of the northwest circle is inevitable.

The big Buddha in front of me is here to save the common people.

Therefore, in fact, sometimes people in Yindu speak more tactfully and have more respect for him than when they see Xu Xin in the West Film Studio and when they see the younger generation in their own family taking charge.

Because he has a well-established family background, maybe in twenty years he will be a talker in the northwest circle.

Jiangshan iteration, the relationship must be prepared in advance.

Therefore, Huang Renjie's words were very kind.

Even though he was confused, the question was still relatively tactful.


Xu Xin nodded:

"The first artist is Yang Ying."

Seeing him confirm, Huang Renjie showed a "puzzled" look:

"Why her?"

From the previous question to this, in fact, for Huang Renjie, they are all half-truths and half-truths.

Yang Ying is quite popular now.

For people in Yindu, this young model from Xiangjiang became the first artist of Yuntu. From the "regional" division, they were very accepting.

But we have to figure out why Xu Xin...or Shuangwei did what he did.

After Yuntu was established, it was extremely easy to recommend people.

Those second- and third-tier actors will definitely come to join us in large numbers.

There are countless people in this circle who lack resources.

But why at this juncture should Yang Ying be pushed out as the chicken that lays golden eggs?

This is unusual.

When Yang Ying comes out, his career will definitely be improved to a higher level.

But for Shuangwei or headwinds, the benefits are reduced.

To use the most straightforward explanation, if Yang Ying earns one million now, he can give Shuangwei at least 500,000 to 600,000. It depends on how the contract was originally signed.

Now that the three companies have established Yuntu, if Yuntu injects capital and Yang Ying earns one million, he may be the one to get 600,000. The 400,000 Yuntu earns will be divided in the ratio of 3, 3, 3, 1.

Shuangwei only has less than 50% of the shares in Headwind, which is 400,000, and Headwind may share up to 40,000.

When I arrived at Shuangwei, I only had 20,000 yuan left.

What's the point of doing this?

Shuangwei cannot inject capital alone, because that would be bypassing Yuntu and defeating the original intention of establishing the company. Although non-Shuangwei artists can do it, we can't talk about that stage yet.

A chicken that obviously lays golden eggs, if you don’t earn 400,000, how can you earn 40,000?

This is so counterintuitive.

So, what he wanted to figure out was this.

But he wanted to find out, but Xu Xin couldn't tell him the truth.

What can I say?

Yang Ying itself is used to digest sewer resources?

She is a girl with impure motives.

It’s a brick from Shuangwei. Where does it need to be moved?

It's impossible to say that.

Therefore, the only answer he can give is:

"Haha, because we always have to express our sincerity, right? We have to operate and manage Yuntu against the wind. We don't want this company to have big thunder and little rain. Although I can't bear to leave my sister, but... this first shot must be fired. Well. Otherwise, how can we express our sincerity?"

This was said very openly.

Because he and the factory also said so.

Yang Ying's "history of fame" is destined to remain a secret forever.

Yang Mi has established a loyal and kind persona in the circle and has already made a lot of money.

At this moment, Yang Ying is the final gain.

The better Yang Ying goes, the more valuable his wife will be to people in the industry.

Because no one doubts the authenticity of the "friendship" between the two.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yang Mi indeed spared no effort to praise her.

This is true for people in the company, and it is true for outsiders.

Once this persona is established, it is enough. Naturally, the fewer people who know the "truth" between the two, the better.

When Huang Renjie heard this explanation, although he thought it was outrageous...

But there was no way to doubt it.

In the end, I can only leave a sigh in my heart:

"In order to disintegrate the Beijing circle, Xiying Studio really spared no effort..."

I just don’t know... what kind of uproar will be caused in this circle after the news of Yuntu’s establishment is released tomorrow.

Is it because the eighteenth vassal kings were dissatisfied with Dong?

Or...in the hands of Nifeng, this company can truly achieve Lao Qin's move of combining vertical and horizontal forces.

It’s hard to tell.

Only time will tell.

Xu Xin was drunk.

After less than two ounces of wine, he was already drunk and unconscious.

When he woke up again, the sky was already bright.

I looked at the time subconsciously and found that it was not yet 8 o'clock.

He dialed Su Meng’s phone number immediately:

"Mengmeng, did you have nothing to do last night?"

"No, Brother Xu. You were drunk before the hot food was served. I have been taking care of you and listening to Mr. Qi's chat. Everyone had a pleasant chat and drank a lot of wine. Then in the evening, Brother Cong Brother Hezhi helped you back."

"Oh, that's fine."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Xu, shall I go find you now?"

"Don't worry, I'll be in a daze for a while. See you at the restaurant at 8:30."

After hanging up the phone, he went to the bathroom.

After taking a bath, I got back into bed feeling relaxed.

This sleep...

He slept really comfortably.

There are a few more messages from Yang Mi on the phone.

First it was "Have you finished drinking?", and then "Mengmeng told me to have a good rest and love you."

They were all posted last night.

He sent back a message:

"Wake up. I was either drunk or too tired yesterday. I don't know anything after two ounces of wine. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll go back in the afternoon after finishing my errands in the morning."

Yang Mi replied after two or three minutes:

"Okay, I know. I just went for a jog. I made an appointment with Yang Ying for lunch at noon."

"Are you going to tell her about this?"

"Well, I'll just wait for your news."


At almost 9 o'clock, he met up with Qi Lei and Huang Renjie and rushed to the group company of Shanghai Film Studio.

Today's signing is actually like a ceremony to tell reporters about this.

What is signed on the spot is a shareholder agreement, and after the agreement is signed, it is reported to the industry and commerce, and the next procedures are followed until the official seal procedures, business license, etc. are issued to the wind, which is considered to be completely over.

But none of these processes matter.

The most important thing is that when the shareholders' agreement is signed, reporters must be present to reveal the news.

Before signing, everyone tacitly suppressed the news.

Even the reporters invited to participate today don’t know what’s going on.

All I know is that people from Shanghai Film Group suddenly invited reporters to attend a press conference.

Considering that the new year has just begun, everyone estimates that it will be the same as in previous years, with Shanghai Film Studio announcing some film production and other things.

Very formulaic process.

There are no red envelopes, no entertainment, and you don’t even need to write a press release. Just take the movie title and go.

At around 9 o'clock, the reporters who came to the press conference room of Shanghai Film Studio thought so before entering.

But after coming in, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

On the back of the press release, the Shanghai Film Group’s logo, which was usually in the center, was gone, replaced by a line of text:

"Yuntu Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd." signing ceremony.


All the reporters looked at each other in shock after seeing the news.

Yuntu Film and Television...

What is it?

They were all a little confused.

You look at me and I look at you. After realizing that no one seemed to know, some colleagues began to whisper what Yuntu Company was.

At the same time, we began to seize some of the better seats among the fixed seats.

Their intuition told them... today's press conference seems to be different from previous year's opening conferences.

At 9:50.

One after another, four hostesses with outstanding temperament and appearance came into the scene holding trays in their hands.

They all wore festive red and gold dresses and stood beside them neatly.

At the same time, there were several staff members holding gold scissors and red satin behind them.

The last staff member, holding the signs of the five guests, walked onto the stage and placed them in front of the table.

When they saw these five names, the reporters were stunned.

Xue Haifeng.

Huang Renjie.

Qi Lei.

Xu Zhi.

Xu Xin.

Xue Haifeng...they are familiar.

Huang Renjie... sounds a bit familiar.

Let’s not mention Qi Lei and Xu Zhi first…

This Xu Xin...

Couldn't it be that Xu Xin?

? ? ? ?

All of a sudden, all the reporters present were excited.

Although I don’t know what’s going on, but...

If this Xu Xin is really that Xu Xin...

Then this press conference is really extraordinary.

And it seemed as if it complied with their expectations.

At 10 o'clock, as the host with a microphone took the stage first, he turned around and saluted to greet him. Several people walked out of the side door of the press conference.

The leader was an extremely familiar face.

Xu Xin!

As the "middle man" and the only "outsider" today, he was the first to walk out the door.

And the moment he appeared, there was a huge excitement that caused all the reporters to point their cameras at him and light up the shutter:

"Crack, click, click..."

Like a flash bomb, it completely overwhelmed him.

Then came the second Xu Zhi, the third Huang Renjie, Qi Lei, and finally Xue Haifeng.

The five people sat together at the table in order of seating order.

And the reporters had taken enough photos.

They all took out recording pens, notebooks and other things, held them in their hands, looked at the host on the stage, and waited for him to start hosting.

And the host also knows his task.

The first words he said when he came up with a microphone set off the whole audience:

"First of all, welcome to the signing ceremony of [Cloud Atlas] Film and Television Investment Company, a joint venture invested by four companies, Shanghai Film Group, Xiying Group, Yindu Organization, and Headwind Entertainment."


What did he say! ?

Which four?

The reporters were stunned for a moment.

looked at each other...

What! ?

"Dong dong dong."


Hearing the noise coming from inside, Yang Ying politely opened the door.

Then he saw Yang Mi sitting at the desk holding a... cup that seemed to contain fruit and vegetable juice.


She said hello quickly.

Although I don’t know why Sister Mi specially called me here today.

There is a director who wants to treat her to dinner today.

But Sister Mi called her, but she didn't dare not come.

"Come on, sit down."

Yang Mi smiled and pointed to the sofa for her to sit.

At the same time, he picked up the remote control on the table and pressed it.

With a "buzzing" sound, the projector screen hanging on the wall slowly fell.

Yang Ying was a little puzzled when he saw this.

What is the purpose of this?

But Yang Mi didn't do anything else. She just raised her head and drank all the vegetable juice today, then complained:

"It tastes terrible."


Yang Ying quickly asked:

"Sister, how much do you weigh now?"

"My weight this morning was 104. I'm a muscle, it's too hard to lose weight."

Yang Mi shook her head helplessly, then stood up and turned on the desktop computer connected to the projector.

Soon, the WINDOWS loading system interface appeared on the screen.

Yang Ying was even more confused.

At this moment, Yang Mi said:

"The recording time for "The Voice" this year is still in June. Do you know?"

"You know, on the first day of work, Sister Zeng confirmed some important itineraries for this year with me."


Yang Mi responded and then said:

"In two days, the people from Red Dragonfly will come to you to sign a contract. The two-year endorsement fee is 9.5 million. Including the Dove chocolate you just signed two days ago, you can be considered a good start this year."

Upon hearing this, Yang Ying quickly said with gratitude:

"Thank you, Sister Mi. If it weren't for you, Dove wouldn't consider me."

Dove Chocolate was originally approached to be endorsed by Sister Mi, and it is said that the endorsement fee was quite high.

But after Sister Mi refused, Dove originally planned to find Shu Qi, but in the end Sister Mi forcibly pulled her back, and it fell on her.

It also lasts two years and costs 7 million.

Yang Ying didn't know what the price quoted from Sister Mi was... and didn't dare to ask.

But with 7 million in the past two years, she is already very satisfied!

After all, Dove is the number one seller of Valentine's Day chocolates in China. Every year on romantic-related festivals such as Valentine's Day, Christmas, and Chinese Valentine's Day, supermarket shelves are filled with "photos" of itself.

This is a big improvement for artists.

The most important thing is...the money is also given very happily.

Although I didn't catch Valentine's Day this year, I just started working and I had more than three million in my pocket...

She looks at the balance on her card every day, her increasingly luxurious life, and the respectful demeanor of the people around her, and she feels that her life is like a fairy.


After being excited, she began to feel uneasy.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Sister, is this what you came to see me about today?"

"Well, of course not."

Yang Mi shook her head, and then...

A thunder suddenly exploded in Yang Ying's ears:

"BABY, I think it's time for you to move to the next stage of your career. I plan to let you go out and start your own business."


Yang Ying's head felt as if it had been hit by a truck, and he was blinded all of a sudden.



I have only had a few good days...

How come...

No, I definitely don’t want to go back to when I was living in a rental house in Xiangjiang and working as a young model...

Absolutely not! ! !

With fear in her heart, she quickly shook her head at Yang Mi:

"Sister! I...I didn't mean that!!! Absolutely not!!! I always listen to you! I will do whatever you ask me to do...I have no intention of running away! I...I am very interested in you Loyal and loyal…”

It was like that beautiful bubble was suddenly popped.

Yang Ying, who was intoxicated in his luxurious life just a second ago, at this moment, the panic on his face is not even 1% compared to his heart.

Seeing this, Yang Mi waved her hand:

"I know, look at you, why are you so anxious?"

As she spoke, she turned to operate the computer connected to the projector.

Open the web page, open Baidu, and search for the official website of Shanghai Film Group.

Then I found the news area.

Seeing that there was no news she was waiting for, she turned back to Yang Ying who didn't even dare to say anything:

"I didn't say I didn't want you. If I really didn't want you, would I go as far as getting you Dove and Red Dragonfly's endorsements?"

But after hearing this, Yang Ying not only felt uneasy, but also said as if he had remembered something:

"Sister...Brother Xiao Ming definitely has no intention of poaching me! I made an agreement with him. I said we will be together well, but I want to follow you and Brother Xu. You two are kind to me, and I will definitely I won’t leave! I told Director Xu last time that I have absolutely no intention of leaving with Brother Xiao Ming..."

"Okay, okay, good girl, good girl..."

Yang Mi's eyes flashed with amusement.

But it's very hidden.

My heart says how afraid are you that you will collapse if you leave me?


Slightly emotional.

But more of them were sighs.

If we had known today, why did we do it in the first place?

After all...I gave you a chance, didn't I?

While comforting her, Yang Mi refreshed the news website of Shanghai Film Studio.

After refreshing this time, she smiled.

"Baby, do you know why I'm talking to you about this today?"

"Why... why?"


She clicked on the news on her computer.

The projector responded synchronously and opened a new web page.

Yang Mi pointed at the screen:

"Because your path is here."

Yang Ying, who was already panicked and had no time to pay attention to the curtain, looked in the direction of Sister Mi's finger.

The bold font of a piece of news came into view:

"Warmly celebrate, [Yuntu Film and Television Investment Company] is officially established!"


what is this?

There was a hint of doubt in Yang Ying's panic-filled eyes.

And it seemed that he had guessed what she was thinking.

Yang Mi's voice sounded in the office:

"This is an investment company established by the four joint ventures of Xiying Studio, Shanghai Film Studio, Yindu, and Nifeng to specifically invest in artists and support them in setting up personal studios. It's not that I don't want you anymore, but I want to give you a big show." Wealth.”


Yang Ying's originally panicked mood began to retreat after hearing the key words in this sentence.

Instead there was confusion.

Keywords: great wealth?

How...how to be rich?

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