I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 677 674 The origin is revealed!

Chapter 677 674. The origin is cleared up!

On the 23rd, in the two days after the establishment of Cloud Atlas, the entertainment industry was calm.

It's as if this company doesn't exist.

There was not even a sound of discussion.

At least not on the internet.

But according to Xu Zhi's feedback, he has been busy these days.

Including Wen Zhang, many people who were able to reach Xu Zhi's level of relationship had a hard time blowing up his phone number.

According to Xu Zhi, "all the cats and dogs are here."

But at this time, he started to "take it seriously".

Cloud Atlas wants truly valuable artists.

To put it bluntly, the demand for outsiders is greater than the demand for Shanghai, northwest and Hong Kong.

Because it has its own mission.

Instead of blindly expanding in order to build momentum in the early stage.

Therefore, we should be cautious in selecting talents.

According to everyone's research together, at least after Yang Ying joins and before a few moves, most capable people will choose to wait and see.

And what Yuntu really needs is that group of people.


Not urgent.

Take it easy.

It doesn’t matter whether it is hollowing out the foundation of the Beijing circle or changing the entertainment circle.

Everyone must be friends with time.

Haste leads to waste.

During the day on the 26th, a piece of news appeared in the relatively calm entertainment sector.

"Shaanxi strongly supports Liang Binning and purchased 500 billboards to promote "Guanyin Mountain"!"

The general content of this news is a few billboards erected on the top of the mountain. The content on the boards is a horizontal poster picture of "Guanyin Mountain".

Liang Bingning's appearance can be clearly seen above.

Under the picture, there is something like "Promotion of "Guanyin Mountain", 500 billboards were purchased to promote this Tokyo Film Festival film".

The content seems formulaic.

But at the end of the news, the reporter added a special paragraph:

"The author contacted the relevant personnel responsible for the advertising and distribution. The relevant personnel said in an interview that Bingbing (Liang Binning) is now the deputy head of Xiying Studio and is also one of the spokespersons of Datang Evernight City. She is Xi'an Cultural Tourism A business card. Of course we have to support this excellent award-winning film she has brought."

No one knows whether the reporter actually interviewed the relevant staff.

But the content of this manuscript is real.

After the article was published, no one from "Shaanxi" came out to refute the rumors.

No one has come out to clarify whether the 500 billboards were paid for by the film promoters themselves, or whether they did not spend a penny and were purely supported by the "parental family".

No one said.

Even the popularity of this news is average.

"Guanyin Mountain" has been receiving overwhelming publicity since this month, and Liang Bingning's shadow seems to be everywhere.

Nowadays, this news is rightly regarded as a means of propaganda... and this is indeed the case.

But many people still felt the support of Xiying Studio for Liang Binning from this news.

Very sincere, very practical.

Obviously, apart from Liang Binning, no one else in this movie, including the investors, has anything to do with them.

But they still gave their support generously.

It can be seen from this that her status in Xiying Studio is really high.

I just don’t know if it’s higher than Xu Xin.

This news was posted on the morning of the 26th.

In the afternoon, Liang Binning liked the news on her Weibo under a news Weibo post carried by the media.

At the same time, he replied:

"Thank you to my family for their support. In return, click on this link [link], and I have prepared 1,000 movie tickets for the audience in Shaanxi. Bingbing invites everyone to watch the movie!~"

That look, as harmonious as you want it to be.

It's a joyful time.

"Laurey's people asked me if I paid for it myself. I said no, I didn't know about it at all. They said a few words and hung up the phone."

"Okay, I understand. Sister, please pay attention to your health when running your schedule, don't be too tired."

"/spread flowers"

Looking at this expression, Xu Xin did not reply.

Put the phone away and continue to focus on the unfinished work.

Everything is under control.

It’s up to Sister Bingbing.

Xu Xin stayed at home for a few more days.

February is already short, and he has been busy since the third grade of junior high school, so he has not been idle since he came back.

Especially when I’m still working on “The Tip of the Tongue” recently.

The biggest feeling that Xu Xin had this month was that it passed so quickly...


One second I was having New Year's Eve dinner at home and enjoying the wedding ceremony.

But the next second, March is here.

March 2nd.

Xu Xin took two mobile hard drives, a laptop and his luggage and once again embarked on the road to a foreign country.

South Korea.

Women's Day is the premiere day of South Korea's "Hawthorn Tree".

He didn't know that South Korea couldn't celebrate Women's Day.

Anyway, when he was about to leave, he was carrying the name of "a scumbag and a cheater".

It’s okay if I don’t spend Valentine’s Day with my wife.

This March 8th Festival, you, old man, are just doing this, right?


My aunt has lost weight and has no energy recently.

Otherwise, let me show you how many eyes Lord Ma has!

Of course, this is all a joke.

Yang Mi still knows what business is.

The reason why I left on the 2nd was because there was really not much to go in my itinerary in Korea.

It’s different from Japan.

In Japan, he also went to places like Osaka and Nagoya.

But all the itineraries in Korea are in Seoul.

And very little is arranged.

The film market in their country is not big.

You forget it.

They don't even announce the box office, just the attendance.

You can imagine how small this market is.

Moreover, Xu Xin actually doesn’t have a good impression of South Korea.

Speaking more broadly, there are enough disgusting things. Moving on, he knew what food poisoning felt like for the first time in his life. It was during the Olympic Games when he ate a bowl of raw beef in South Korea and made a fuss.

People from LG invited him to dinner, hoping to get a purchase order for screens for the Olympic Games.

As a result, after trying Korean beef raw meat, which was far inferior to Wagyu beef, on their recommendation, he returned to his country all the way.

This impression is too deep.

But some things are just that.

Even if I don't like him in my heart, it doesn't hinder Xu Xin's high status in the hearts of young people in Korea.

"The Secret That Cannot Be Told" is re-screened every summer vacation in South Korea, and there are many people.

Receive a nice and generous return every year.

Make money.

Not shabby.

He understands the principle of wearing a mask and being a human being.

What's more, he feels that as a literary and artistic worker, he has the responsibility and the need to export the Korean Wave in the opposite direction when it sweeps across Asia.

Even if the power is weak.

But these things have to be done.

And putting aside these external factors, he is also very interested in Korean movies.

Unlike Japanese films, which have begun to decline from their golden age, Korean films two thousand years ago and two thousand years later are completely different concepts.

At least that's how it seemed to him.

Their movies...perhaps because of their "tightness", are quite penetrating in their portrayal of certain dark aspects of society.

The Chinese film industry is re-emerging, and the Korean film market has become increasingly prosperous in Europe in recent years. This catch-up attitude of film workers, honestly speaking, has great affirmation and reference significance.

One code equals one code.

What's more, the Busan Film Festival has also been very friendly to the Chinese film market in recent years.

Lu Yang's "Cinema for the Blind" won an award at the Busan Film Festival last year.

In Xu Xin's view, the Busan International Film Festival is a good place to "upgrade" for new directors from China.

Even if he maintains the face-saving project, he cannot increase the chances of his domestic colleagues being treated unfairly because of himself.

Anyway, just a few days.

Just come.

Thus, Audio-Technica once again embarked on a journey to South Korea.

On the plane, Xu Xin was holding the computer and continuing to play "Tip of the Tongue", but the duo next to him shared a pair of headphones and would burst into laughter from time to time while facing Lin Xingxin's computer.

Xu Xin didn't care at first.

But more than half an hour later, when he saw that the two of them were still saying "伱haha, 我haha" non-stop, he couldn't help but be curious.

He stood up and walked over:

"What are you doing? You're smiling so charmingly?"

Looking at their screens, he saw a group of people wearing yellow, pink and blue clothes, sitting in a room similar to a sauna, eating together in twos and threes.

Seeing this, he quickly warned Liu Yifei:

"Don't make trouble. There is nothing delicious in Korea. The soup is watery! You should lose weight... Do you know how I spent this time when I returned to China! Yang Mi was so scared that she didn't cut me alive!"


The fairy sister, who still had a blush on her face after laughing wildly, was speechless.

After pressing the play button, he looked up at Xu Xin:

"I didn't say anything about eating! Look at how excited you are..."

"You're not watching a cooking show?"

"No, RUNNINGMAN, it's a Korean variety show. Lin Gou took me to watch it...it was so fun!"

"Run...run a man?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

My heart said what a bad name.

Subconsciously, he looked at Lin Xingxin, wanting him to give him an explanation.

Lin Xingxin also took off his headphones and said:

"A Korean variety show... Yoo Jae Suk, do you know?"

"...The XMAN one?"

Xu Xin vaguely recalled the program Yang Mi and he watched under the covers.

I especially remember that there was a link in a program called Of course.

Then the sweetest thing he has ever had in a variety show so far is a man with extremely small eyes and a girl named Cai Yan.

It seems like that girl decided to become a star because of that small-eyed man.

Following the footsteps of idols, he joined the entertainment industry and stood with his idols.

He thought it was quite romantic at the time.

Then Yang Mi also told her how powerful this man was, and then when she asked him if he was with this beautiful girl named Cai Yan, Yang Mi warned herself as if she was in a panic, saying that the man was another girl. of……

It's been so long that he has forgotten.

But after watching a few episodes, the name Yoo Jae Suk is no stranger to him.

As soon as he mentioned this, Lin Xingxin nodded:

"Yes, yes, that's that show. This... is a new variety show composed by a small part of their original cast. It's always funny to put them together..."


After receiving this explanation, Xu Xin lost interest.

"Then you see. But... Yang Mi said this time, Liu Yifei will be left to you. If she gains a pound of fat, you will swim back to Yanbian from Seoul. It's up to you."

"What the hell!?"

Lin Xinxin's claws suddenly became numb.

The heart says it’s none of my business.

But what about Xu Xin... He was in a good mood after throwing away the blame that originally belonged to him. He waved his hands to the two of them and sat back in front of the computer.

He lighted a cigarette leisurely and continued to devote himself to his work.

Their trip to Korea originally had a variety show to promote it.

But there is a prerequisite, which is to arrive ten days in advance.

Xu Xin didn't want to come so early, so he pushed him away.

Therefore, the promotion this time is mainly some online broadcast programs, meet-and-greets and the like.

The itinerary is not intensive.

At half past twelve.

Arrive at Incheon Airport.

This time I met NEW, the Korean publishing company of "Hawthorn Tree".

The translator hired this time is Jin Meizhu, a... lady with a very average appearance.

I am quite fluent in Chinese.

The group checked into the Lotte Hotel... Instinctively, when Xu Xin heard the name of this hotel, he didn't like it.

Can't tell why.

No one offended him either.

But he just didn't like it.

But he won't show it if he doesn't like it.

The so-called self-esteem of this country is still quite fragile.

There is no need to create trouble.

Jin Meizhu was arranged by NEW Company to accompany her throughout the whole process.

After everyone arrives, there will be a meet-and-greet with the network TV station at 3 p.m.

Xu Xin was calm during this meeting.

He was really tired of promoting "The Hawthorn Tree".

But as a director, he is still the soul, and he is indispensable for promotion wherever he goes.

As time went by, all the passion was lost. It was not a perfunctory thing to say, but the content of the meeting was also very formulaic.

The answers about the movie were quite satisfactory.

When asked what I like most about Korea, the answer is that I love eating kimchi.

I often buy it at home, and my wife can make great kimchi soup and the like...

That is to say, he has been ups and downs in the entertainment industry in the past few years and has developed a thick skin.

Otherwise, his face would have turned red by now.

As for Korean food...everyone eats just so-so.

It obviously tastes very average, no matter the ingredients or the taste...but in front of NEW people, everyone still has to praise it for being delicious.

The most ridiculous person is Lin Xingxin.

After eating some Jeonju bibimbap, Kim Mi-joo kept praising how delicious these stone pot dishes were, how many trace elements they contained, how good they were for the body, and how great their ancestors were. .

Lin Gengxin was hesitant to speak at the dinner table.

Finally, when he returned to the hotel, and the three of them got together to play cards and drink, he couldn't help but complain:

"This translator is so talkative. Give them back their country... If I really want to talk about their country, will they also bring North Korea with them? Do you really think I haven't studied history? They use stones to make pots, not because we have controlled it. Their ironware, they don’t have iron to make pots, so they have to use stones? And...when did kimchi become their country’s food? Wasn’t that invented by North Korea?”

"Okay you. Three belts and one...how can you be so resentful? Just get used to it."

Liu Yifei quickly advised.

But Xu Xin was seen thoughtfully.

"……What happened to you?"

"I'm thinking about something."


"Now it's not just South Korea, but our country, including me, when it comes to spicy cabbage, the first thing that comes to mind is South Korea... and North Korea is ignored. Do you think this is a cultural distortion?"


Liu Yifei was stunned.

Lin Xingxin nodded vigorously:

"It definitely counts! This thing itself comes from North Korea!"


Xu Xin frowned slightly.

Faced with the fairy sister's three belts and one belt, I didn't say I wanted it, nor did I say I didn't want it.

He just held the cards, frowned and thought for a moment, and then said:

"I suddenly feel that I am very unprepared. If the Korean Wave continues like this...will it affect our next generation?"

At this time, Liu Yifei also frowned.

Lin Xingxin asked:

"Is there anything you can do?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and shook his head:

"There is no good way. Apart from strengthening basic education and letting these children know what is true and what is false... there seems to be no other good way. But..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly put down the cards in his hand.

I took out the notebook of "Bite of Tongue".

Instead, after reading the latest page, he quickly wrote a line:

"Shooting footage about Korean kimchi..."

After writing this line, he looked up and asked:

"Is kimchi from North Korea? Or is it spread from our country?"



Hearing him ask this, both of them were stunned.

Lin Xingxin said with some uncertainty:

"It should be from North Korea, right? In my family, only people from the North Korean villages can pickle spicy cabbage. Although people from the Northeast also eat it, I have never heard that other than Koreans in the three places in Heiji, Liaoning, they would go out of their way to pickle kimchi... ...I am 100% sure that sauerkraut is from the Northeast..."

"That won't work. Your answer was not rigorous."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly and quickly wrote behind that line:

"The definition of kimchi must be summarized to the audience in a serious and accurate statement. It is required to convey accurately and respect history."

When he wrote this, he paused.

After thinking for a while, I added the last four words:

"Listen with a straight face!"

He wrote the last exclamation mark very hard.

Then, he said to the two people watching him write:

"I think... I know how to solve this problem."

"How to solve it?"

Lin Xinxin looked puzzled.

But at this time Liu Yifei reacted the fastest:

"Making a documentary?"


Xu Xin nodded and glanced at her appreciatively:

"You are still smart."


The fairy sister didn't stop and laughed out loud.

Amid laughter, Xu Xin leaned on his seat and said:

"It's not limited to food documentaries, but real...accurate ones that can be...let's call them serious documentaries. Whether it's about history, or shooting some other...I haven't thought about the specific subject yet. .

But... we need to have some documentaries like this. Tell everyone what is truly correct, not what is now called "Korean Wave". They took Asia by storm, I admit. But it won’t work if too many seeds of doubt are sown during this period.

If these seeds of cognitive bias germinate, it will be a terrible thing for the children of our country. Just like what you said, Lin Gou... It is obviously a country that has been established for less than a hundred years, but it can openly take the products of North Korea... or Goguryeo civilization as its own. this is not right.

But we are not those who have experienced this kind of history, nor are we those in power, so we cannot evaluate it. But I think as literary and art workers, we need to get to the bottom of things. Tell those children who are subjectively or passively affected by this... well, let's say unhealthy trends, what is truly right.

History should neither be forgotten nor tampered with! "



What he said was very convincing.

Lin Xinxin's mouth twitched when she heard this.

He glanced at the four aces and three twos still clutched in his hand...

The landlord of this one is Xu Xin.

But now this landlord doesn't know how to throw the bomb in his hand.

This... this is such a good landlord!

What to do?

The consciousness is too high.

Whenever a farmer wins, he feels like he deserves a slap in the face...

But Liu Yifei's eyes sparkled after hearing his words.

It was a dazzling look.

Really... awesome.

Great, great, great!

But Xu Xin didn't notice the look in their eyes.

After he had an idea in his mind, he quickly brought his notebook to the table and opened his QQ mailbox.

New mail.


“Documentary Conception.”


"The theme is to clear up the source and popularize knowledge and history. The subject matter is still uncertain. But the spicy cabbage discussed with Lin Xinxin and Liu Yifei cannot be stolen by South Korea. We must let everyone know what is objectively correct."

Sender: Yang Mi

Click Send.

Save in draft box.

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

That's it.

Notebooks will always get bad one day, so his habit is to save some of his little thoughts and ideas in this form.

Send it to Yang Mi.

As long as Tencent's servers don't crash, there will always be traces of these things.

After doing all this, he closed the notebook with satisfaction, and then gathered the scattered playing cards back into his hand.

"That's enough...what did you come up with?"

"Uh...three circles..."

"Three K... bring three."

As soon as he finished the hand of cards, Lin Xingxin, who was still immersed in the emotion of "Lao Xu is so ideologically aware," suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Wait a moment...just wait a moment...where did you get the three Ks from?"

Xu Xin's face changed slightly.

But the tone is not weak:

"I caught it."

"What the hell! You just played two jacks, but Liu Yifei didn't ask for them. I beat you with two kings!... Damn it! Are you still stealing cards!?"

Damn it!

This landowner is so evil!

Brothers, fight him to death!

Come on!

Beat up the landlord!

Give him a hug!

The landlord's conscience is really bad! ! !

Liu Yifei, who was on the side, was holding the cards and looked at Xu Xin, who was being rude after being caught. She covered her mouth with her cards and laughed.


Brothers, after the recent update of Sogou input method, the order of some commonly used words will be inexplicably wrong.

However, my habit is to correct typos after I have calmed down after writing.

So for readers who read it early in the morning, rest assured, usually at one or two o'clock, when I'm reading this chapter in bed after taking a shower, I'll change it directly.

Forgive me.

Otherwise, your mind will not be able to calm down, and it will be too easy to overlook typos if you read it on a computer.

It's the kind that's black under the lamp.

Then let me tell you that next Tuesday may be the time for my wife to have her teeth extracted.

It's been two weeks, hasn't it?

The update may fluctuate at that time, and we will explain it to you in time.

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