I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 678 675 Discovery

Chapter 678 675. Discovery

Neither of them expected that Lao Xu would get inspiration for another work just by chatting.

On the one hand, it is emotional...

She lamented that Lao Xu was really born to eat this bowl of rice.

On the other hand...

It's envy.

Although Lin Xingxin himself is not a director, but an actor. But apart from his carefree temperament, he is actually a very delicate person in terms of acting skills.

Regardless of his handling of the characters or his grasp of his mentality, he is not a mediocre person without any talent.

But precisely because of his talent, he was able to feel what kind of sensitivity Lao Xu's simple action represented.

Directors must have a forward-thinking vision.

Because only by looking ahead can the work stand out.

Only then can you stand now and become a master of a certain genre in the future, or even in the minds of an entire generation.

Among his friends, he only saw this extreme talent in two people.

One, is the wheel.

One is Lao Xu.

Lao Lang cannot be said to be bad, after all, he is engaged in different fields.

But he himself is not so much a leader of the future as he is the best pianist living in the contemporary era.

Of course.

That being said, none of them are as good as Lao Wang.

Lao Wang's talent is also top-notch.

His money... will never be spent in the next life or even the next life.

In this respect, Lao Wang leads an era better than all of us.


Sure enough, except for me.

A little panicked.

The first day in South Korea ended in panic.

Except that Xu Xin’s head was labeled as “stealing socialist poker cards”...

The world is at peace.

The next few days were uneventful.

On March 3, "Guanyin Mountain" premiered in China.

However, after the box office results came out on the 3rd, the cold and ruthless market poured a lot of cold water on everyone who had confidence in the film.

With a cold box office of 5 million, I told everyone:

"You are not Xu Xin."

Not all literary and artistic films can be like "The Hawthorn Tree", worthy of our flocking to the cinema and contributing to our box office.

The budget is also controlled at around 20 million.

The 5 million "Guanyin Mountain" is like a weak and helpless child compared with the more than 400 million box office of "Hawthorn Tree".

Proved one thing.

Compared with commercial films, literary films are still a niche market.

Although the box office of 5 million on the first day means that "Guanyin Mountain" is destined to break 20 million in the first week, and may even hit 30 million.



"Guanyin Mountain" is not "Hawthorn Tree", and Li Yu is not Xu Xin.

What can't be compared, just can't be compared.

However, Liang Binning's acting skills in it have indeed been recognized by everyone.

And the overall tone of this film once again proves... that there may really be a problem with Li Yu's sexual orientation.

This female director is so good at making lesbian films.

But no matter how you put it, it is no longer a problem for this film to make back the money and make a small profit. But compared with the momentum before the release... not to mention laying the groundwork, but treating Liang Bingning as a model worker.

It's quite a bit like loud thunder and small raindrops.

It also draws a line for all film practitioners who feel that the audience's acceptance of artistic films has increased and a brand new market has been discovered to be captured.

Forced to stop their frenzied pace.

Don't worry.

How about... think about it carefully?

Think about it if your movie is "Hawthorn".

Or...can you find the second Xu Xin?

"It's okay, sister. Although the box office is not satisfactory, your performance is remarkable. You deserve the title of Tokyo Best Actress. With this honor, no matter what movies you appear in in the future, no one will be picky about your acting skills. . Even literary films can make money, which shows that your market is infinitely good."

"...I didn't say anything. Why is it your turn to comfort me?"

"I'm not comforting you, I'm just telling the truth. Come on, you are the best."

"Haha, you have such a sweet mouth~ You also take good care of yourself in Korea. I heard from Mimi that you have been picky about the food there these days. If you don't endure it, the movie will be released tomorrow and you will return to China the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, I understand. Then I'll eat."

"Okay, go ahead."

March 7th.

on Monday.

Xu Xin sat in a local Chinese restaurant and put away his mobile phone.

Then he continued to stir the sticky noodles in his bowl.

He really can't get used to those dishes made with spicy and sweet chili sauce, so the places he chooses these days are Chinese restaurants.

Only Chinese food can make him make do.

But Lin Xinxin was not very satisfied.

At every meal, he would complain:

"What the hell is sweet and sour pork...the meat is wrapped in sections, not the pork sections, the meat is wrapped in a pot, but the meat is wrapped in a pot..."

Xu Xin is also used to it.

Just be patient.

At this moment, four people were sitting at the table on the second floor of the restaurant.

There was no one on the entire second floor of the restaurant.

Today's trip ended early, it was only 5 o'clock.

It’s not time to eat yet.

In order to make these four people less bored, the boss also turned on the TV on the second floor.

Xu Xin was busy stirring up the noodles when suddenly there was a loud noise from the TV.

Originally, everyone was just eating with the sound of the TV, so it seemed that the second floor was not that empty. But at this moment, the sound of the TV suddenly became noisy, and Xu Xin and Liu Yifei, who were eating side by side, raised their heads at the same time.

Including Jin Meizhu, the four people were sitting at a very ordinary long table.

As the two of them raised their heads, Lin Xingxin continued to grab the fried rice in the bowl, but Jin Meizhu turned her head away.

Then I saw a noisy scene on the TV.

Xu Xin can barely recognize the new generation of Korean variety artists...that is, those Korean groups in the past two years, such as SJ and TVXQ. But the memories of the older generation only stay with Yoo Jae Suk and the fat Kang Ho Dong.

But Liu Yifei seems to understand.

After seeing several faces on the TV screen, he raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"Yeah, Kim Ji-dong, Park Myung-soo..."


Xu Xin, who originally had no appetite, asked doubtfully.

"Jin Jidong, he was also the host during XMAN. Park Mingxiu, don't you remember it? Ha Mingguo..."


Xu Xin looked puzzled.

Although he did feel that these people looked familiar, but if he really wanted to be specific... he would probably only be able to remember them after looking back at XMAN.

Only then did Liu Yifei ask:

"Translator Jin, what program is this? "Infinite Challenge"?"


Jin Meizhu glanced at the words in the upper left corner of the TV and said:

"The name of the variety show is "I am a Singer"." (Note 1)

After finishing speaking, she read the content for a while and then said with a bit of novelty:

"It's a brand new variety show, with Yoon Do-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun, Lee So-ra..."

"Ah? Lee So-ra? That Korean singer Lee So-ra?"

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Jin Meizhu's eyes lit up:

"Ms. Liu knows about Teacher Li Suluo?"

Liu Yifei nodded:

"Yeah, I know. I've heard her songs, and they're pretty good."

The characteristics of Kim Mi-joo...or the Koreans I have met in recent days seem to have this characteristic.

Once I find out from foreigners that they know something about Korea, I feel particularly happy.

Then he started boasting.

Xu Xin was not interested in this topic at first.

Not to mention Lin Xinxin.

But as Jin Meizhu translated, the two of them gradually became fascinated.

As for the reason, it is mainly due to the flow of this show.

In Kim Meizhu’s words, that is:

"This program looks for singers who have been in various periods of the Korean music scene, or who have reached their peak. They are invited to compete on the same stage, and then a very cruel elimination system is used to select the "King of Singers".

The competition mechanism is very cruel.

Because each of these singers has their own fans, each song plays an important role in the hearts of Koreans. They are all seniors in music. When participating in shows, other singers should also be very respectful. But now seven people are put together to compete, this is too cruel..."

Good guy.

Raise Gu?

So, during the conversation between Jin Meizhu and Liu Yifei, Xu Xin asked some information about the singer.


What to say.

It seems that these people's status in the Korean music industry is not low.

Although it is difficult to compare the status with some singers in China, these people are indeed quite famous.

Xu Xin became interested now.

After reluctantly finishing a portion of noodles, the performances of those people on the TV show were about to begin.

The first person to take the stage was Li Suluo, who Liu Yifei said sang beautifully.

Although I don’t know what they are singing...

But in terms of melody, Xu Xin thinks it’s pretty good.

After Lee So-ra, he is the guy who plays rock music.

There are also some interviews interspersed in the middle.

The most familiar one here, or the only one Xu Xin has ever heard, is Bai Zhiying's song.

He couldn't remember the name, but he could hum it.

Because this song often played in Yang Mi’s computer.

After being reminded by Kim Mi-joo, he remembered that the song was called "Like Being Shot."

By the time all seven songs were finished, everyone had been sitting in the Chinese restaurant for an hour.

As "BOSS", no one can mention Xu Xin unless he leaves.

Xu Xin wanted to see who would be eliminated.

Then after the audience voted, the final results came out.

The female singer named Park Jung Hyun had the lowest number of votes, only 10%.

Xu Xin thought she was going to be eliminated, but in the end there was a song selection session or something like that.

To ask these singers to sing other people's songs seems like another round of competition.

Is it a double-end elimination system?

Finally, after an hour and 30 minutes, the program ended.

"Let's go?"

Xu Xin finally spoke.

On the way back, he asked Jin Meizhu:

"Translator Jin, what TV station is this program on?"

Jin Meizhu was stunned and then said:

"It's MBC."


Xu Xin nodded thoughtfully.

When he returned to the Lotte Hotel, he wrote down this information.

But I didn’t think much about it for the time being, and continued to work with my laptop.

At noon on March 8, the premiere of "Hawthorn Tree" begins.

Audio-Technica was invited to attend the premiere.

I visited several cinemas and interacted with the audience.

Then on the morning of the 9th, he received news from NEW.

On March 8, it took half a day to complete the show, and the number of viewers for the premiere was: 50,000.

What do you say about this data...

Well enough.

The premiere of "The Secret That Cannot Be Told" was attended by 70,000 people.

"The Hawthorn Tree" is 20,000 less.

But compared to other movies, it can be said to be the best.

But this data cannot be converted into box office.

Otherwise, there really isn’t much money.

But if this trend continues, the people at NEW are still confident that they can tie the record of 240,000 viewers when "The Untold Secret" was released.

Don't look at the small number of people.

Because of the market base, their conversion units are different from those in China.

The first is to distinguish between "art cinema" and "commercial cinema".

Although they are all the same cinema, the focus seems to be different.

But there is a ratio. It is said that an art theater with 10,000 visitors is equivalent to 1 million commercial movies.

When "The Untold Secret" was released in South Korea in 2007, it was the first Korean movie after the millennium to attract more than 100,000 viewers.

Finally, it reached the "mythical" record of 240,000 visitors.

To this day, no one has broken the record even after a millennium.

As for before the millennium, it was a terrifying era when the whole of Asia was shrouded in Hong Kong movies. Cheng Long and Fa Ge’s movies that easily attracted 300,000 and 400,000 viewers were too far out of reach for today’s Chinese movies. .

Brackets: In Korea itself.

So, putting aside the fact that it was a box office slump.

With the box office records of Koreans secretly changing the concept, "Hawthorn Tree" still gave a qualified answer.

With this perfect answer sheet in the hearts of NEW Company, everyone embarked on the road back home.

Before the plane took off, Xu Xin finally found the Chinese translation resources of "I Am a Singer" on Lin Xing's new Korean variety show website.

I have to admit, the speed is really fast.

Hallyu has taken Asia by storm, and there are many Korean subtitle groups in the country.

In order to compete for traffic and advertising influence, their translation speed is quite fast.

In addition, South Korea's Internet speed is notoriously fast. It is not clear at the moment how to download Korean entertainment resources from China locally in South Korea.

Anyway, the speed for files over 1 G in size is really impressive.

And when the video ends, the plane takes off.

Xu Xin put on his headphones and started watching the variety show called "I Am a Singer" from beginning to end.

He had heard the song and the results.

So this time I’m mainly looking at the program format.

More than an hour passed, and after watching the program, he paused the playback.

Lost in thought.

After pondering for about five minutes, he started writing the email.

First upload the seed as an attachment, and then write in the email:

"The format of the program is very novel, with the following specific points. First, this seemingly cruel competition can easily arouse the curiosity of the audience. Second, the agent system makes the program more interesting. Third... "

After he had completely finished writing his opinion, he started a new line at the end.

After thinking about it, I wrote:

"I think it can be moved to China. But private copycats are prohibited. After studying the feasibility, you can go to South Korea's MBC TV station to buy the copyright."


Then I found a few people in the QQ group with the comment "Tiana" and sent them to them at the same time.

He is very optimistic about this program.

It shouldn't be bad if you move it to China.


This can be considered the second gain from the Korean market.

As for the first harvest...

He glanced at his inbox.

Sure enough, the girl also changed her mind.

It was clear that when she had some ideas and wrote them down via email and sent them to her, she would still reply seriously.

For example, "This is good", "This is interesting", "Brother, you are awesome" and so on.

The praise we, Lao Xu, feel makes me feel comfortable.

But now...

If she could reply to one out of ten emails, she would be considered a high achiever.

At this moment, several emails he sent received replies:

[Okay, Director Xu, I will download it and watch it now. I will communicate with you after reading it. 】

[Received, thank you for your hard work, Director Xu. I will write a report for you after reading it]

[Understood, go and see now, thank you for your hard work. 】

Look at people!

The surname is Yang.

Look at you again!



Landed in Shanghai at noon.

Into the customs.

He left in no hurry.

Although he, Lin Gou, Liu Yifei and others disbanded after leaving the airport, he had to go to Headwind.

Today's headwind has added many more employees than the two or three cats and dogs it once had.

And the office building has also become two floors.

The upper layer is the headwind, and the lower layer is the cloud map.

He saw Xu Zhi in Yuntu's office.

There was nothing nonsense when the two brothers met.

Xu Zhi handed over a document directly.

Those are two share certificates.

One is from Xu Zheng and the other is from Ning Hao.

Obviously, these two brothers moved very quickly.

Or in other words, very "aware of current affairs".

Xu Zheng's studio, Yuntu holds 45% of the shares.

Ning Hao's studio holds 40% of the shares.

After looking at the two plans, he asked:

"Why did Ning Hao move so fast this time?"

"Isn't it okay if you don't hurry up? The Shanghai Film Studio was very dissatisfied with his guest appearance in "Love to the End". He was almost scared to death, especially after the establishment of Cloud Atlas, he finally saw the formality clearly. Joining the Beijing Circle, It means that all the resources here are cut off. But if he joins us, we will not restrict his freedom too much. He is so smart, he came with Xu Zheng. And then he also left the script of "The Golden Heist" . I guess I want to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha..."

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Where's Huang Bo?"

"Come on. Oh, no matter what, he is in a lower position in their iron triangle. Even if he can escape, the monk cannot escape from the temple. Don't worry."

"Okay. I'll go to the factory in a few days. Then I'll see Yang Ying and other things..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin paused and realized something was wrong.

"What's going on with Wen Zhang? He's been trying hard to have a relationship with you in the past few years. Why is there no movement this time?"

"There was movement, but...he gave a vague answer."



Xu Zhi paused.

He turned around and picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table, threw one to Xu Xin, and then lit it on his own.

Taking advantage of the smoke, he sighed:

"I'm afraid if I kill him, I'll ruin the soup."


Looking at Xu Xin's confused eyes, Xu Zhi said slowly:

"A few days ago, he invited me to have a meal. There was no one else, not even an assistant. Just three people..."

"Ma Yili also means this?"

Xu Xin said subconsciously.

But Xu Zhi shook his head again:

"The mistake is that the person he leads is not Ma Yili."


"Yao Di."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"The one from "The Age of Naked Wedding"...?"



He frowned slightly.

Looking at Fa Xiao's attitude, I can more or less understand what he meant.


"They have an unusual relationship? What did you see?"

"No, I see it. He wants Yuntu to sign Yao Di... Oh, actually we have known each other for a long time. We have met a few times last year alone... Maybe it is just overthinking. But, Sanjin, you Think about it...Suppose you and Yang Mi are married, but you always take Liu Yifei with you when you go out to dinner..."

"Don't talk nonsense! It's not that I don't dare to! My wife and I are fine! If she hears this, she will throw you into the Huangpu River..."

Xu Xin quickly obtained three sets of qualities in a row.

Even his henpecked nature was "exposed".

But Xu Zhi was not surprised.

Not to mention anything else...

Those geese from the second uncle's house...

That was Xu Jiawan’s top tycoon.

Don’t talk about three golds.

Who among these children has not been driven by "DEI" since childhood?

Those geese have really mastered the skills of being kings and hegemons in Xujiawan for generations.

Who is not afraid?

Xu Zhi still remembers how painful it was to be bitten by a goose.

It can be seen that meeting his sister-in-law is like a grandson meeting his grandfather.

In his entire life, Xu Zhi has never seen anyone who can scare a goose so much that he dares not lay eggs and trembles all over when he sees him.

So, don't say that Xu Xin is afraid.

He is also afraid.

That aunt...is really not a good person.

It’s normal to be afraid.

I'm not afraid of being haunted.

So he just waved his hand:

"It's a metaphor. Metaphor, you know? If you and Yang Mi are together, the person you bring out every day is Liu Yifei. You lead Liu Yifei to meet friends and relationships, and occasionally you will pick up food for Liu Yifei... What about you? , what would you think if your friend did this?"

"I'll make a case that he can't refuse."


Xu Zhi was speechless.

Good guy.

The godfather of Xu Jiawan, right?

Of course, Xu Xin was also joking.

After finishing speaking, he frowned:

"You mean, they have an affair?"

"It's not just one leg, it's probably a lot of legs. Think about it, if you two were just ordinary friends, you would always talk about Mi Mi Di when you ate together, right? But since the first time you ate with them, Up to the past two days, I have never heard anything about "Ma Yili". Do you think this is normal?"


Seeing Xu Xin's frown tightening, Xu Zhi shook his head:

"So, I don't want him to come. My old man taught me that there is no airtight wall in this world. What he does is none of his business. But if Yuntu really invests in him, your "33 "As long as the sky is on fire, it will inevitably add fuel to the fire and throw resources at him. But if something comes to light... won't all this hard work be in vain? So, instead of doing this, it is better not to do it. There is no shortage of people in Yuntu..."

"Then you plan to..."

"Put it off. Wait until he understands that you don't want to sign him. Then take the initiative to go as far away as possible~ Anyway, I won't give him anything, and I can't bear the responsibility. As for whether he will go to Beijing... "

"It's better not to go, but it's better to go."

Xu Xin frowned and said something stupid.

Xu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and after understanding the meaning of Xu Xin's words, he nodded:



He did not continue.

Xu Xin didn't answer either.


Two friends who had been playing together since childhood, after talking about this, they all understood each other's thoughts.


Neither of them expressed anything.

Are you waiting to watch the excitement?

Or take the initiative to light the fuse?

Even if outsiders were present, it would probably be difficult to understand its meaning.

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