I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 682 679 Actress School Beauty

Chapter 682 679. The school beauty who goes to theater

The person in charge of the bidding for "The King of Masked Singer" is still deputy director Ma Tao.

We are all old friends and we are no strangers to each other.

Especially under the premise that the second season of "The Voice" is still achieving great success.

And this time the content of the bidding advertisement for "The King of Masked Singer" is relatively complete. With "The Voice" at the forefront, whether it is the title, the golden 15 seconds, or the on-screen advertisement... Anyway, as long as you want to make money , you can come up with some tricks no matter what.

But this time, both Wang Sicong and Xu Xin felt that the upper limit of the bidding price would not be too high.

This is a limitation brought about by the positioning of the program.

For "The King of Masked Singer", Wang Sicong's positioning is "long-term and fixed".

It doesn't have a particularly high level of competition. The so-called "guessing the person" seems to be the core selling point of the show, but in essence this show is still a family carnival of singing and dancing.

Therefore, Wang Sicong positioned it as a long-lasting and evergreen music variety show.

Shaanxi TV now indeed lacks such a program to support prime time slots other than "The Voice."

Therefore, the attitude towards it is to succeed "The Voice", retain its popularity, and increase the average viewing market share throughout the year.

Because it is not highly competitive, perhaps it will become more popular after it is launched, but in the long run, its positioning will be similar to "Happy Camp". Give the audience a reason to tune in every week. If you can do this, it will be a complete merit.

Therefore, it is definitely incomparable to the advertisements of "The Voice" that easily exceed 100 million yuan.

And the facts prove that it is indeed the case.

In order to get off to a good start and increase advertising prices, the first bidding meeting was for the title sponsor.

Competitors include Wanglaoji, Yili, Mengniu, Shede Liquor and more than a dozen well-known domestic brands.

This time Xifeng Wine didn’t come to fight.

After all, the competition for the title of the third season of "The Voice" is about to begin, and their opponents this time are all fierce.

There is no time for him to take care of him at the moment.

In the second season of "The Voice", they won the title with a price of 241 million.

After the 2010 financial report came out, it turned out that their decision was correct.

Annual sales increased by 140% year-on-year, sales revenue reached 2.18 billion, and net profit exceeded 400 million.

You know, this is the pure profit that falls into your hands, leaving aside advertising, celebrity endorsements, etc.

The profit of the first season of "The Voice" was only 170 to 180 million.

It had doubled in the second year.

After the financial report was released, all brands took notice.

This year's "The Voice" advertising investment is destined to be a bloody storm. Compared with it, "The Masked Singer" they really look down on.

The bidding of the title sponsor also came to an end after more than ten minutes.

The naming fee for "The King of Masked Singer" doesn't start high.


The price is relatively friendly to all businesses. But it also exposed from the side the positioning of Tianlai and Shaanxi TV for this program.

And these companies understand it.

Therefore, before 45 million, all brands are very competitive.

But after 45 million, some people slowly quit.

By the 60 million stage, only the so-called Yusanjia remained.

Jiaduobao, Mengniu, Yili.

At 70 million, Jiaduobao's people regretted pressing the card.

Mengniu Deluxe and Yili Jindian began to enter a white-hot stage.

The bidding for One Million One Plus continued to 80 million.

At the 80 million juncture, people in Yili started to bid for 500,000 yuan.

After four rounds of bidding, in the end, based on 8450, they finally put down the sign after much hesitation.

Naming fee: 84.5 million.

The first season of "The King of Masked Singer" will be officially renamed to "Mengniu Deluxe Organic Milk "The King of Masked Singer"".

Xu Xin and Wang Sicong applauded together to express their welcome to the new colleagues for their cooperation.

Then when entering the golden 15 seconds of bidding, Xu Xin's cell phone rang as usual.

"You can't cut enough leeks every year."

Seeing this message from a friend, Xu Xin remained silent.

The entire bidding site lasted all morning.

With the last "intermediate advertisement, first and last screen advertisement" being won by Lao Fengxiang Gold Brand at a price of 17 million, all advertising bidding sessions for "The King of Masked Singer" ended.

Total advertising bidding price: 206 million.

Did you make money?

So much money.

The production costs of "The King of Masked Singer" are shared by Shaanxi Film Studio and Xiying Film Studio.

Including stage layout, props, labor, guest appearance fees, etc., the total is less than 12 million.

But with the reputation of Tianlai and the super high quality of "The Voice", under the cost of 12 million, it still sold a gross profit of 200 million!

In the overall profit, they only account for 50%.

In other words, Tianlai's people just came up with a plan and got half of the profit.

Not a penny was paid out, and tens of millions after tax were earned in vain.


Why doesn't it count as making money?

At noon, the celebration banquet.

Wang Sicong, who was in a good mood, said he would treat him to the meal.

Let’s not mention the celebration banquet for the moment, but the WeChat group was really excited.

VIP King: "Brothers, "The King of Masked Singer" has sold 210 million advertisements. I have given you a good start this year, and the rest is up to you to perform. Come on, comrades~"

This seems to be an encouragement.

But the problem is that if you really want to encourage yourself, why don't you just send it to a few relevant people?

Why should I be sent to a large group that was originally formed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen, but has now been renamed the "Scumbags and Pretty Girls Club"?

During the meal break, Xu Xin rolled his eyes at Wang Sicong after seeing this message in the group.

Just be a show off.

Isn't it just 200 million? It's not enough.

What's more, it's 2.06, not 2.1. You also added four million yourself...

Bah, vanity.

Baozi: "210 million? Oh my God... none of the ten of me is worth that much money."

Zhang Jiao: "..."

VIP King: "Haha, be good, Baozi, be bold. One hundred!"

steamed stuffed bun:"……"

Liu Yifei: "210 million? That's great. It's almost half the box office of "The Hawthorn Tree"!"

VIP King: "..."

This really doesn’t work: “Indeed, it’s just a little bit close to catching up to half of the box office.”

VIP King: "? Who are you helping? Also, this box office is not pure profit, this is my pure profit..."

This is really not good: "Trivia: "The Hawthorn Tree" has a European box office of more than 15 million U.S. dollars. As of yesterday, the Japanese box office has exceeded 2.1 billion yen, which is equivalent to 170 million. We don't know about it in South Korea. I don't know what you are talking about. What."

VIP King: "What does it have to do with you?"

This really doesn't work: "I'm the lead actor. It's you. What does "The Masked Singer" have to do with you?"

VIP King: "Why does it have nothing to do with me? It has nothing to do with me, then who does it have to do with?"

Don’t ask me for my autograph: “?”

Hand of God: "?"

Nevin Moore: "?"

Xu Xin: "...?"

7GV587: "Pfft... Hahahahaha. Brother Cong, Brother Cong, there are many of them, let's withdraw first."

VIP King: "Okay Brother 7, good luck to you. Gentlemen, the green hills will not change, but our green waters will always flow!"

Niven Moore: "Don't leave in a hurry, you and Xu Xin can't come to the devil?"

VIP King: "I can't go. I have a lot of follow-up matters here. The advertisement needs to be cut and proofed, and some singers who will come later have to be contacted."

Niven Moore: "That's it, forget it. I also said I would introduce you to beauties. There are so many beauties on stage."

VIP King: "Is the price clearly marked?"

Niven Moore: "? Why are you so silent when the words come to your mouth?"

VIP King: "Otherwise? Are you looking for someone like Wang Ying? I talk about love with her, and she talks about money with me? Forget it. During the burnout period, don't touch relationships. If you are widowed, thank you."

Xu Yang: "This year's school beauty is called Dilraba, she is very beautiful."

Niven Moore: "Yeah! Do you know her too? I just got her resume today. I thought she was pretty when I saw the photo. I didn't expect to be so famous? How is it? Is it clean?"

Xu Yang: "I don't know, I don't understand. You don't know me yet? I only talk about money, not feelings. This kind of college student is very young, and I'm not interested."

Xu Zhi: "My friend's wife..."

VIP King: “Send the photo and I’ll take a look.”

Nevin Moore: "? Aren't you widowed?"

VIP King: "If she were really that beautiful, I wouldn't mind being a widow now."




In an instant, a row of question marks rose up in the group.

Obviously, those who dived to watch the chat couldn’t help but come out and express their feelings.

When it comes to chatting, it has to be Lao Wang.

Among this group, he has an enigmatic "sincerity".

It's like running around naked while everyone else is wearing clothes.

I drank less than half a catty of wine at noon.

With a bit of drunkenness, Xu Xin lazily yawned and submitted his final selection for "To Youth".

Next it’s time to get to the discussion stage.

However, Qi Lei was not there, and was busy promoting "The Piano of Steel".

Therefore, the final selection meeting was scheduled after the release of "The Piano of Steel".

After completing all his work in Xi'an, he got on the Falcon 7X that Wang's father bought for his son this year.

Not many people can prostitute Wang Sicong's private jet openly and openly.

He is obviously one of them.

Slept all the way.

At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the plane arrived in Shanghai, and others also sobered up.

After getting into Sun Ting's business car, we walked directly to Tomson Yipin.

But after arriving at the Huangpu River, Xu Xin was suddenly stunned.

It was obvious that the plate in front was a Tomson first-class product, but Sun Ting actually turned into the basement of another building.

Xu Xin took a look and asked in confusion:

"What are you doing here? Is it decorated?"

"Brother Xu, it is fully decorated. Brother Sanshui has also selected the furniture and other items, and they were all designed by others."


Xu Xin was a little stunned when he heard Sun Ting's words.

This dish is called COFCO Seaview No. 1, and it is right next to Tomson No. 1.

It's his wedding room...or wedding gift.

Xu Miao gave it to him.

My brother is getting married, so he must have a wedding apartment.

Although Xu Xin didn't know how many houses Xu Miao bought here, the one given to him was said to be a top-floor duplex with a square meter of about 700 square meters.

He didn't worry too much.

Subconsciously I thought it was a rough house and needed to be renovated.

Unexpectedly, we checked in with our bags.

With some curiosity, under the leadership of Sun Ting, he came to the top floor.

After opening the copper door and seeing the flat floor for the first time, he fell in love with it.

There is no other reason. The decoration has the feel of Jay Chou's new home.

Especially the large double-layered floor-to-ceiling windows make the entire large living room on the flat floor look very bright.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the two big babies playing with toys on the crawling mat in the living room, making the two children look like little angels.

"Daughter! Damn it!"


Nuannuan heard the sound of the door opening, and after seeing the person clearly, she rushed towards him.

Xu Xin picked up the big baby, which was exuding the fragrance of milk, and asked Yang Dalin who emerged from the kitchen:

"Dad, where is Yang Mi?"

"It's upstairs."

Yang Dalin pointed upstairs.

At this time, a very strange aunt also walked out of another room.

Still holding a pile of clothes.

After seeing Xu Xin, he quickly said hello:

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I am Zhao Lan..."


Xu Xin was a little puzzled and looked at his father-in-law subconsciously.

"Xiao Zhao is a housekeeper. Mimi hired her. In addition, there are two people upstairs, one named Xu Lihua and the other named Chen Ping. This house is too big and needs constant maintenance. The three of them come here every three days. Clean up.”

"Oh. Hello, Sister Zhao."

Xu Xin smiled and said hello kindly.

Indeed, a house of about 700 square meters is not small.

It would be exhausting to clean up after yourself.

Besides, I don’t live in this place often.

He picked up his son who was grabbing his pants and climbing up.

Daughter on the left and son on the right, he said to Yang Dalin:

"I'm going to find Yang Mi."

"Yeah. Go ahead, I bought some bad stuff. Let's have a drink tonight?"

"no problem."

Although he had already had a drink at noon, the father-in-law would definitely not be able to shirk his son-in-law if he asked him to drink.

After Xu Xin responded, he walked around and found that this duplex did not have an elevator...

After carefully carrying the two children upstairs, he finally found his wife in the study wearing blue light glasses and facing the computer.

"Should we install an elevator? Otherwise it will be inconvenient for the children to go up and down the stairs in the future, right?"

"I plan to install a slide for them to play. Do you think an elevator is necessary?"

Yang Mi said while pushing up her glasses.

Xu Xin became excited immediately.

My sister has lost a lot of weight recently.

As she lost weight, her whole body actually exuded a kind of... aura that was mixed with aloofness and maturity. Paired with these glasses...if only I could wear an OL outfit...

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Keep it in mind.


It looks like there is a new show tonight.

Boss and secretary!

Hi! Delightful!

"Let's install one. Our parents are older, so it's convenient."

"...Okay, I won't install the slide, it will take up space."

Xu Xin also walked to the computer at this time.

He originally thought she was playing a game, but after walking around to the direction the screen was facing, he saw that his wife was reading information one after another.

"What's this?"

"Resumes submitted by those students who attended the theater."


"There are quite a few. After all, everyone knows that I am the boss of "Happy Twist". Basically, everyone from freshman to senior year has voted here. But the first batch of staff of "Happy Twist" plans to recruit 10 permanent employees. I am an actor, so it is quite troublesome to screen. It depends on the first impression and acting experience. Only after a rough screening can you enter the interview stage."

After hearing this, Xu Xin's eyes noticed the thick documents next to the table.

I picked up a random book and read it.

As expected, all resumes were submitted by students.

"That means we have to stay in the Magic City for a while?"

"Yeah, I have to stay for a few days. And I have to be there when Yang Ying signs the contract..."

She seemed a little tired. Just as she was about to take off her glasses, Xu Xin stopped her:

"Wear it first, it looks good."

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment...and then rolled her eyes.

We are an old couple, but we still don’t know what you are thinking about?

So, she leaned directly on the boss's chair, adjusted her glasses in a pretentious manner, and said:

"Shishi is also in the Magic City. She went to dub for "Bu Bu Jing Xin" today."

"She wants to use the original voice?"

"Yes. The chance to win over with Director Lin... She is going to discuss the termination of the contract with Tang Ren in the next few days. Although I won't come forward, I must support her here."

"Oh~ Have you found a lawyer?"

"The search has been completed. She originally said she could try to discuss with Cai Yinong to terminate the contract peacefully..."

Speaking of this, Yang Mi was speechless, seeming to be laughing at her friend's naivety.

"I won't stop you. Just go ahead~ My only request is that this matter must be settled before "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is finalized. Otherwise, I'm afraid that if it takes too long, Cai Yinong will be looking for something." "Liu Zhishi wants to leave when he sees that he is famous, and is ungrateful". Lao Cai is the best at doing these little tricks. So he will get rid of it once and for all and avoid future troubles."

Xu Xin nodded subconsciously and replied:

"How many pieces of clothing did you bring here? Do you have any OL clothes?"


Yang Mi was speechless for a moment.

Brother, aren’t we talking about business?

What are you talking about?

Can't you hold anything else in your mind?

She shook her head helplessly:

"I don't have OL clothes, but I do have stockings..."

While talking, she suddenly covered the ears of her son who was sitting on the table and tapping the keyboard with his fingers with a curious look on his face.

Seeing this, Xu Xin instinctively covered her daughter's ears.

"I went to the mall yesterday and bought two silk scarves. Can I tie them around my neck and become a stewardess?"

Under her son's curious gaze, the expression on Yang Mi's face was serious.

"Hey Hey……"

Xu Xin smiled happily:

"I'm not picky about food~hehehe..."

Seeing her father smiling so happily, Nuan Nuan, whose ears were covered, looked innocent.

What is dad talking about?

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