I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 683 680 Dilraba Dilraba

Chapter 683 680.Dilraba Dilraba

Nuannuan and Yangyang didn't know what their parents did after they fell asleep.

Although Xu Xin felt a little uncomfortable with the bed on the first night and was not used to sleeping.

But you have to adapt to a new house, and you will probably get used to it after a few days of adaptation.

9 am.

At the entrance of Parkson, a long-established shopping mall located on Huaihai Road in HP District, Xu Xin and Yang Mi covered themselves tightly with masks and walked into the mall.

This shopping mall is quite close to Songjiang University Town, and it mainly sells affordable goods, so there is a lot of traffic.

Today is not Saturday or Sunday.

After Xu Xin looked at the people coming in and out of the mall for a while, he said:

"Not to mention... the place Sanshui found is really good."

"Well, our brother has found a few places, and I think this location is the best. Now that I look at it...my baby's vision is indeed superb!"

With a sense of self-promotion, she took her husband's hand and walked directly into the mall.

Then we went directly to the underground floor.

The underground floor is mostly filled with small brands of cosmetics and snack shops.

As soon as the two of them got off the elevator, they saw an advertising logo on the wall at the entrance of the elevator.

"Happy Twist" Theater →

The two of them walked into the mall in the direction indicated by the arrow, and soon saw a fenced-off area.

At this time, Yang Mi explained to her husband:

"It can seat 300 people at full capacity. I didn't plan to spread it that big at the beginning. Let's stabilize the situation first and see the audience. If it's good... I set my sights on the 800 Show Creative Park on Changde Road. It used to be a steel building. Factory, a large piece of land was left behind after the relocation. Some warehouses inside can be rented as theaters. As long as they can gain a foothold, I plan to help them get that land."

"Does that mean this place is mainly for students?"

"No. In the initial stage, let's take it one step at a time. It doesn't matter to us whether we lose money or not, as long as it allows me to catch a few good seedlings, it will make a huge profit!"

The two of them were talking and had already seen the entrance of Happy Twist.

At the same time, there were some young people waiting in twos and threes on the chairs specially placed at the entrance.

Xu Xin knew that those should be the people who came for the interview.

At first glance, they are not ugly at all.

Especially girls.

I really agreed with what my wife said in the group.

The quality of the girls on the show is really high.

It made me, Lao Xu, almost shout the slogan "Change a new batch".

At this moment, Yang Mi suddenly said to him quietly:

"Hey, what do you think if I spit some chewing gum here?"

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, looked at the trash can she pointed at, and then looked at her weird eyes, and immediately understood what she meant.

So, after rolling his eyes in return, he said:

"Is it childish? We are looking for actors, not cleaners. Have you seen too much Chicken Soup for the Soul? Or do you really believe this?"

"Hehe~ Anyway, isn't that what the book says? What... A group of people ignored the piece of chewing gum, and only one person picked it up. Or helped the so-called cleaning lady, but it turned out that the cleaning lady was The boss of the company specially sets questions to test the interviewers..."


Suppressing his wife's unrealistic fantasies, he took the lead to the entrance of the Happy Mahua Theater.

The surrounding fences are full of paintings full of graffiti art, which is quite interesting to look at. And the outfits he and Yang Mi wore really attracted a lot of people's attention.

But no one came up to say hello.

The two of them walked to the small door with a sign saying "Under Renovation" and opened it directly and walked in.

Strictly speaking, it has been decorated here, but it still lacks some actors and some decorations at the door.

After entering the venue, rows of chairs appeared intuitively in front of the two of them.

In a daze, Xu Xin felt as if he had returned to the small theater of Deyun Club.

"I remember when we first met."

After hearing his words, Yang Mi responded with a smile:


Then he took off his mask.

Shen Teng, who was helping to adjust the lighting on the stage, saw the two of them and quickly walked over with Zhang Chen.

"Director Xu, Sister Mi."

Although Shen Teng is older than Yang Mi, "Sister Mi" in this context is more similar to the "Jianghu title".

"Brother Teng, Mr. Zhang."

Yang Mi responded with a smile.

Then he glanced at the end of the stage, where another staff member was handing out information one by one, and asked directly:

"Did it become public during the audition today?"


Shen Teng pointed in the direction of the stage:

"Small theater is different from movies and TV series. There are open auditions. These auditioners are the audience, and their mental endurance can be tested. This is what drama sketches test. People who are just in front of the camera may not be able to perform well."


Xu Xin nodded:

"This form of performance actually tests the actor's solid basic skills in some aspects. It's pretty good."


Zhang Chen also responded.

Then take the initiative to lead:

"Director Xu, Sister Mi, the first batch of actors who will be rotating in the Magic City after the opening have also arrived. Can I call them all out?"


With Xu Xin's nod, Zhang Chen left quickly.

After a while, seven or eight actors, both male and female, came out together.

When these people saw Xu Xin and Yang Mi, their faces showed a... somewhat curious look.

Xu Xin, this is really the first time they meet.

I have met Yang Mi a few times.

But it's hard to say whether others will remember me.

Unexpectedly, when everyone came out, no one needed introduction from Zhang Chen or Shen Teng. Yang Mi said to Xu Xin:

"Brother, this is Ma Li, he is Ailun...Wang Ning, Chang Yuan..."

She introduced everyone's names to Xu Xin almost without any stuttering.

"Hello everyone, I am Xu Xin. Please take care of me today."

Xu Xin smiled and greeted everyone.

In exchange, everyone responded with a respectful "Hello, Director Xu".

But after responding, these people looked more or less surprised.

Including Shen Teng.

Yang Mi... everyone really remembers her.

It's... really amazing.

After greetings, everyone took their seats.

As the "boss", the two of them naturally sat in the middle of the first row.

Xu Xin is next to Shen Teng, and Yang Mi is next to Zhang Chen.

The lighting has also been adjusted.

"Director Xu, let's start?"

Hearing Zhang Chen's words, Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay, let's get started."

As he nodded in approval, a staff member immediately ran to the door with a stack of paper in his hand.

After about five or six minutes, the door opened again.

A group of people came in one after another holding the script characters and stories they were going to perform today.

At first, Xu Xin had some misunderstandings about the people who came to the audition today, thinking that there would be no more than thirty or fifty people.

Unexpectedly, before long, the seats behind him were already filled with young people who were focused on him and his wife.

At a glance, there are hundreds of people at least.

He couldn't help but asked Yang Mi:

"Why are there so many people?"

"Normally, there are 47 freshmen acting freshmen in the 10th class alone. If you include those international students, there are a total of 52 people. This is just the freshman... By the way, have you not paid attention to how many freshmen were admitted to the 10th Beijing Film Academy Performance Department? student?"

"How many?"


Speaking of this, Yang Mi felt a little emotional:

"There are more and more people. How many are there in our class? There are 27 people in our class. In just a few years, it has doubled."


Xu Xin was silent.

I thought of something unconsciously.

Even Beijing Film Academy, the most prestigious acting institution in the country, has doubled its student enrollment.

Does that mean that there are more young people going to Hengdian to be extras in some other colleges, or those... acting training classes, vocational schools, or even Hengdian?

Can the market digest it?

Does this huge base of practitioners also indicate that the film and television drama industry is about to enter a rhythm of production explosion?

If this is really the case... What will the rise in the industry's economic index mean to the entire Chinese-speaking market?

Maybe no one will believe it, but...

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had his graduate thesis.

Although Teacher Yu has never urged him, he will naturally not forget his identity as a "student".

And when I thought of this...

He turned to his wife and whispered:

"Hey, let me tell you something."


"My graduate thesis suddenly has a direction."


Yang Mi was stunned.

She glanced at her husband with a look that said, "Are you crazy?"

He muttered:

"Sometimes I really don't understand how you directors can have such big ideas."

Is this a direction?

What did you see? You have the direction...


A great scholar?

After graduating from university, the double-gold film queen who always said she wanted to stop being an actor and who may have gone to Tsinghua University curled her lips in disdain.

Graduate thesis?

What is a graduate student?

Can it be eaten?

The agreed audition time is 9:30 am.

Regardless of food.

The audition consisted of excerpts from several dramas in "Happy Twist" that received particularly strong responses from the audience, such as "Charlotte's Trouble", "The Count of Wulong Mountain", "Sweet and Salty", etc.

According to the different male and female roles, the plot paragraphs are distributed randomly.

When the time comes, whichever clips Shen Teng and the others request to be performed will be selected in order.

For example, Charlotte 1, Mente 2, Qiu Ya 3.

The person whose name was called went straight to the stage.

Now these auditioners are preparing, while the Happy Twist people are counting how many people have come for each role.

After counting the distribution of each role, different people will come on stage to introduce themselves. After the judges find the corresponding actor information, they will start performing. Finally, an internal vote of examiners takes place, with the minority obeying the majority.

Waited for about half an hour.

As soon as 10 o'clock arrived, the staff took a look at Zhang Chen and saw that he said there was no problem, so they shouted:

"Charlotte No. 1, Qiu Ya No. 1, Dongmei No. 1..."

When the staff shouted, Xu Xin was watching the audition footage in front of him.

He has watched the play "Charlotte" many times.

It is indeed an excellent comedy work.

This section tells the story of Charlotte and a group of old classmates coming to attend the wedding of Zhu Wen and Qiu Ya. Charlotte was ridiculed in various ways at the class reunion.

While he was watching, Yang Mi suddenly nudged Xu Xin, leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Hey, look at that girl."

Xu Xin subconsciously looked up and saw a tall girl wearing jeans and a slim sports top, who looked fair and beautiful, walking onto the stage with her lines.


Quite beautiful.

He was slightly surprised.

At this time, Yang Mi’s voice sounded:

"You should pay close attention to her."


As soon as he finished speaking, the actors lined up one after another and began to introduce themselves.

"Hello teachers, I am Yuan Bingyan, a freshman in grade 10 drama. The character I play today is Qiu Ya."

A girl who was equally beautiful, but was a notch below that girl spoke first.

And after her, she is the girl Yang Mi said she should "focus on".

The girl waited for the girl named Yuan Bingyan to introduce herself, then bowed to everyone:

"Hello, teacher, my name is Dilraba. I come from northern Xinjiang and am a freshman in grade 10. I...the role I play today is Dongmei."

Is she Dilraba?

The legendary theater school beauty?

Xu Xin rubbed it subconsciously.


Not bad indeed.

Among the girls she knew, except for Nazha, no one was said to be able to hold her own.


You ask Yang Mi?

My wife is the best in the world!

Um! !

Number one in the world!

That's all for today. I ran around all day and did various tests, and then I have to get the results on Thursday. Why is it so difficult to pull out a tooth...

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