I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 684 681 Showdown

Chapter 684 681. Showdown

This scene tells the story of middle-aged Charlotte, who was ridiculed by everyone including her classmates and teachers when she attended the wedding of Qiu Ya, a girl she once liked.

There’s not much to tell about the fragments of the story.

At least in Xu Xin's eyes, rather than the overall direction of the story, the audition should start from the actors themselves to see if they can express the key characteristics of the scene.

A few of the students who were performing looked a little nervous, not sure if it was because they were facing themselves.

In fact, it’s normal if you think about it.

This may be just like Yang Mi's first audition in front of the old man.

The old man just sat there and said nothing.

But the pressure on her was like a mountain.

Soon, the auditions began.

"My name is Charlotte, and I'm really annoyed right now..."

The male student who drew the role of Charlotte began a monologue on the stage.

Xu Xin narrowed his eyes.

Compared with his comprehensive observation, Yang Mi was very targeted.

For the most part, her husband is in control, so she just needs to keep an eye on the people she's interested in.

This time, she was eyeing the girl named Dilraba.


She felt that God was actually quite unfair.

Although she knows that Northern Xinjiang is beautiful.

But after being "enlightened" by watching "Journey to the West" when she was a child, her impression of Northern Xinjiang has always been... raisins, TLF, and the flaming mountain kicked out by Sun Wukong.

Otherwise, it looks like those northern Xinjiang chefs who shouted "mutton skewers, mutton skewers" that I met in some restaurants in Yanjing.


But it can also be considered a kind of stereotype.

Strictly speaking, before meeting Nazha, she had never thought that there would be beauties in Northern Xinjiang.

It's not a matter of regional prejudice, but... it's completely unimaginable.

After all, her perception of the place was more of "desert, dry, TLF" than the beauty of the mountains and rivers.

But after meeting that girl Nazha, this impression was overturned.

For the first time, she became interested in Northern Xinjiang.

The beauties in this place...are really extraordinary.

The little girl Nazana is as beautiful as heaven and earth.

After a series of actions after getting to know each other, although she was the one who asked her to go to Tangren, she still feels a little distressed when she thinks about it occasionally.

Otherwise, he would not have sent his right-hand man to be her master.

That little girl is a jewel.

Someone needs to wipe it from time to time to avoid dust.

But I still feel a little pity every time I think about it.

Until she saw Dilraba in her eyes from the application list.

This little girl's beauty is no less beautiful than Nazha's.

The most important thing is that the two girls are beautiful in different styles.

The beauty of Nazha is that she is small and delicate.

Although she is 172 centimeters tall, she does not look oppressive at all, but exudes exquisiteness everywhere.

But Dilraba is different.

According to the information, her height is only 168cm.

But he looks extremely majestic.

Especially the exotic look on her face makes her look more like a model than an actress.

The most important thing is that her neck is longer than Nazha's.

This makes her appear taller.

Especially right now.

It's an audition now. When observing the actors' expressions, there is no need to adjust the lighting like in a formal performance.

The whole stage is characterized by its brightness.

Everyone in the photo had no shadows on their facial features.

In this way, everyone's strengths and weaknesses can be magnified so that the auditioners can see them.

At this moment, she looked at Dilraba who was waiting to come on stage, and nodded slightly unconsciously.

Whether it's static or dynamic, it all looks great.

This is an innate condition.

Almost flawless.


It is precisely because she has no flaws that her path may be more difficult than others.

She could easily become a star in a movie.

But if you want to be recognized for your acting skills... From Yang Mi's current perspective, you need a long "self-destructive" performance to make the audience escape from the surprise and love at first sight when they first met her.

no way.

That’s the pros and cons of being an actor.

Be beautiful and stand out earlier than others.

Start high enough.

But similarly, after reaching a certain stage, beauty will become a shackles.

No one can escape this fate.

Of course, unless she can meet a director who will use her...and she has a high enough talent.

It's just like……

Same as myself.

The thoughts in the mind of the Double Golden Film Queen are not from pride, but based on the recognition of her own achievements.

After all, not everyone’s husband is Xu Xin’s.

But now, there are two roads in front of her.


Still not signing.

Although she hadn't seen the acting yet, she had already started thinking about it.

And how are Dilraba's acting skills?

Since the debut of "Dongmei", Xu Xin has only one evaluation.


The cooking is just like the master.

Although he also understands that this girl is only a freshman and cannot be particularly demanding.

But the problem is...my own wife captured her during a pole dance during her freshman year.

The lines can’t be spoken, it’s very shushing.

The body shape is quite natural, but the expression is a misunderstanding that many new actors make.

Speak first, and then use the expression on your face to drive the emotion of the line.

This is inherently wrong.

A good actor can achieve a high degree of combination of lines and expressions with ease. The two complement each other and become one.

In the initial stage, the most important thing to focus on is actually how to combine the two.

We should follow this path instead of first "making expressions" and then "reading lines".

Although he was prepared to be lenient...but to be honest, this girl's professional standards really couldn't meet his requirements.

He is not as talented as the old man in training actresses.

It's impossible to know how to shape an actress in a direction that suits her from the first time you see her.

The old man's talent of being one step ahead... was terrifying.

He really can't do it.

What he is good at is how to help an actor who is satisfied with the passing level to develop from 60 points to 80 points or above.

The premise of all this is that this person must have 60 points.

But this girl... is definitely not available at the moment.

Although he didn't know what his wife was thinking, he found that... he was actually not suitable for auditioning for an actor of this level.

At least we have to let them pass the novice mission first.

This group of first-class figures gave him a feeling of powerlessness as if a clever woman could not make a living without straw.

So, after patiently watching their five-minute performance, and looking at the people on his list, he undoubtedly gave the "X" option to all of them.

Then he glanced at the list on his wife's side.

No one else mentions it...

Sure enough, she gave "√" to Dilraba's name.

And when he turned his head, Yang Mi also looked at him. The two of them were just like the answer. After seeing each other's evaluation...

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then stretched out the pen.

Very aggressively, she blackened the "X" written by Xu Xin behind Dilraba. Obviously, she wanted to turn it into a "√".

Xu Xin simply rolled his eyes and slapped her hand away.

He first looked back at the auditioners who were waiting for their number to be called, then he leaned into his wife’s ear and said, covering his mouth:

"Unless you let me dive for a while, don't even think about me changing my answer!"


Yang Mi was speechless.

Mainly because I don’t understand…

You know exactly where the mole on my butt is.

I'll let you watch it anytime you want... What's the point of being obsessed with this kind of role-playing?

However, she still nodded cooperatively and whispered:

“You can choose any set menu, match it as you like.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin quickly put a "√" behind Dilraba's name without saying anything.

The set meals are available as you like, and the treatment is very high-end.


Blessed tonight!

Knowing that he was not suitable, Xu Xin did not force himself in the subsequent auditions.

He even took a pen to black out the "X" on everyone in the first group of auditions.

Only one "√" was left for Dilireba.

For all subsequent auditions, he did not fill in any answers.

Because he cannot lower his requirements, but he also knows that his requirements are unfair to these students who have just entered the industry or have not yet entered the industry.

Rather than doing this, it would be better not to express an opinion.

Let others choose.

So, throughout the morning, he was equivalent to handing in a blank paper.

Zhang Chen, who had been paying attention to his movements, saw this and asked in a low voice after the audition in the morning:

"Is Director Xu dissatisfied with these actors?"

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied, but I have too high demands on them. On the contrary, I can't see their future possibilities."

After clearly expressing the difference between himself and the old man to Zhang Chen, he said:

"So I will just be a spectator for the next audition. You don't need to refer to my opinion. You can just think it's suitable."

Seeing this, the people from "Happy Twist" stopped forcing it.

Everyone goes to eat.

When Director Xu and Sister Mi came, they definitely couldn't just find a hotel to deal with, but in accordance with the principle of proximity, they found a Sichuan restaurant and asked for a private room.

Relationships are things that happen once and become familiar again.

It may be the first time for others to meet Xu Xin, but Shen Teng and Zhang Chen are not related to Xu Xin.

Everyone was chatting while eating. When they talked about the current works of "Happy Twist", Zhang Chen asked Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, do you think it would be possible if these works of ours were turned into movies?"

"Yes, I have."

Xu Xin almost gave the answer without much thought.

After all, it is a subsidiary of Shuangwei Holdings. Regardless of whether it is a painting or a sincere one, it is impossible to block the road.

What's more... the movie itself is one of the extensions of the drama.

"For example, the book "Charlotte Troubles" is quite easy to adapt into a movie. And..."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while and said:

"Don't tell me, it's really resonant. The story is what happened to us when we were kids, and the storyline and main line are also very good. If you have this idea, you can try it. But I don't recommend it at this stage..."

Zhang Chen, who originally looked happy after hearing this, was quickly poured cold water on him.

He asked unconsciously:


"Careers need to be developed."

Xu Xin recognized some of his voiceovers and explained with a smile:

"Just like when I give advice to other directors, I always tell them not to try to use complicated narrative methods in the early stages of directing. "Happy Twist" is essentially a drama club, and your work can be completed through the audience. It is in the trial and error stage. As for the choice of movie scripts, these audiences will provide you with strong support and guarantee. This is your advantage.

But the shortcoming is also obvious, that is, under the huge industrial system of the film, judging from the current resources of "Happy Twist", you cannot do both filming and drama club. And now your drama club career has just started. If all the old people go to make movies and there is no one to guide the newcomers, your reputation and appeal will quickly decline.

That would be a bit of a waste of time. "

Speaking of this, Yang Mi also added:

"Yes, you have to eat your food one bite at a time, don't be in a hurry. Just take every step in a down-to-earth manner, otherwise you will be hit with hammers and sticks here and there, whether from inside or outside the company... In fact, there are many hidden dangers. You If you don’t want the excellent work of "Happy Twist" to be a flash in the pan, and your years of hard work to be ruined in one day, I suggest you to play it safe and steady. After all, the entertainment industry is still quite complicated, and there are iron-clad camps and flowing soldiers..."

She didn't say it clearly.

But everyone present understood what she meant.

Especially Zhang Chen.

The impulse that was originally surrounded by joy and thoughts was suddenly poured with a basin of cold water and calmed down.

He thought for a moment and nodded vigorously:

"Ok, I see."


"Happy Twist" is the foundation.

If you abandon the fundamentals and pursue the inferior...

That would really be killing the goose that lays the egg.

After one day of auditions, all the auditions were completed.

As for the results...

Xu Xin didn't ask.

After politely declining the banquet that Zhang Chen wanted to invite him to, he waved his hand and got into the car with Yang Mi directly.

In the car, while he was closing his eyes to rest, he heard Yang Mi say:

"I want to sign Dilraba. What do you think?"

"not so good."

Xu Xin said this without thinking.

"Can you find some men?"




Except for Sun Ting, who was not surprised, Su Meng and Yang Mi were both a little confused.

Fortunately, it is in this emotional context, otherwise God knows what you will say, Brother Xu.

Yang Mi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said:

"How do I find a male actor, brother? I don't have the kind of vision... this person will definitely become popular in the future. I can see girls, but male stars have different ways of acting. I prefer to catch those who are ready-made, and I can't help but feel depressed. Ambition.”

"I don't care, I think anyway... Rather than saying that Di Wei is a lesbian, you are the real lesbian. Do you think there are any other men in the company besides Lin Gou?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked like she was thinking seriously.


"I understand, I will terminate my contract with Lin Gou tomorrow."


Xu Xin was completely speechless.


You old man are really good at it.

It's called a career, but it's actually a harem in the name of a career, right?

Now that things have come to this, he has no choice but to remonstrate with his loyal ministers:

"Your Majesty! I have a request!"


"Your Majesty, please bring me one... Your Majesty, eat some meat, Your Majesty! Take a sip of soup!"

"Go and have your spring and autumn dreams!"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

You are so beautiful and have big snot bubbles!

I'll give you a bite...

I heard your plan at Liuliqiao Long-distance Bus Station!

After returning home in the evening, Xu Xin finished all the last shots of "The Tip of the Tongue", saved them all, and compared them with the contents of his work notebook. After confirming that they were correct, he got up and left the study.

The house has seven rooms. He used the large study room, while Yang Mi occupied the small study room.

As soon as he reached the door of the small study, he heard the noise coming from inside:

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, look at me, look at me, give me a good burial, give me a good burial, give me a good burial..."

Xu Xinxin said good guy...

The battle was quite fierce.

One second you're telling people to calm down, and the next second you're making the first move?


Arriving at the door, he knocked:


Yang Mi did not look back.

When Xu Xin walked over, she saw that her mammoth was already counting down the seconds.

Seeing this, he spoke:

"Winning or losing?"

"If we win, how can I lose? They don't have money to live, so they can probably push three ways... Look at ZHOU's equipment..."

Xu Xin didn't care too much about the waterman's equipment, but said:

"I'll go back to Yanjing tomorrow."


Yang Mi was stunned:

"Leaving tomorrow? I plan to ask that little girl out for dinner tomorrow... and I said I would take you with me."

"The work on "Bite of the Tongue" is finished. I have to go back and tell everyone about the missing footage. This is business. After I finish my work, I will start preparing for "Heart of the Burning Sun"."

"Well...that's it."

Yang Mi nodded:

"Then go and get busy. I'm here to wait until the showdown between Shishi and Lao Cai is over, to see whether we will pay directly to terminate the contract or file a lawsuit. I can only leave after waiting for the result."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements for tomorrow's trip."

"By the way, remember to choose the package, so that if you forget it on purpose, you can threaten me with the compound interest in the future."


Xu Sanjin was a little angry when his little thoughts were revealed!

"What do you mean by this!? We are just a couple. We have no feelings at this stage. It's all a conspiracy, right?"


Yang Mi sneered:

"Come on, who of us is following who? It's already 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock. If you don't urge me to go to bed, I will know what you are thinking about. What's wrong? There are not enough clothes here, can't satisfy you? I will pay tribute to you. Oh! The package discount is only for today, no waiting after the expiration date!"


Xu Xin turned around and left in a depressed tone.


This pussy is getting better and better now.

This home is new...there really isn't much to do.

Nothing more than stockings and high heels...

He has really become a little tired of this in the past two years.

No... we can't just accept this loss.

Go buy the monk's uniform in the shopping cart.

Next time, next time, uncle, I want to play Tang Sanzang and Yue Rabbit Spirit!

Early in the morning on March 14th.

After Li Minnian woke up, he quickly got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and walked out of the room.

He was not in a hurry to eat, but came to the next room.

As soon as he reached the door, he clearly heard the voice coming from inside:

"He Sheng has always been yearning to return home these past few years."

"He seems to be tired of the helplessness of being a corporate executive and always describes his ideal life affectionately."

"Writing songs, composing them, and singing them all fulfilled my lifelong long-cherished wish..."

You know, Wanda Reign Hotel is not like 7 Days or Super 8.

It has its own requirements for sound insulation.

Otherwise, when guests are doing things inside, it can be clearly heard outside, just like an express hotel near a university town on Valentine's Day. As soon as you go upstairs, you can hear gunfire filling the corridor...

That would be too embarrassing.

Therefore, the sound insulation effect of Ruihua is very good.

The sound inside can still be heard clearly, which shows the penetrating power of the sound.


He knocked on the door.

The sound stopped.

Then, after Li Minnian waited for about three or four seconds, the door was opened directly.

Liu Zhishi, not wearing makeup, appeared at the door.

After seeing Li Min Nian, she nodded calmly, then turned and walked back into the house.

Li Minnian followed into the room without saying a word.

He just glanced at the volume of reading material in Liu Zhishi's hand.

"Reader's Digest".

He didn't say anything, he just walked to the kettle out of habit.

Liu Zhishi's thermos cup was empty, but the wall of the kettle was still warm.

Seeing this, he picked up the mineral water next to him, unscrewed it, and poured it into it again.

After pouring a bottle in, he took another look at Liu Zhishi's sportswear walking around the room and the sweat remaining on the girl's temples.

I understand that she should have finished exercising.

So I opened the second bottle and poured half of it into the kettle.

Liu Zhishi, who was already holding the "Reader's Digest" in his hand, began to recite with great emotion again:

"At the end of last year, the company was in recession. He Sheng failed to negotiate with his boss about his salary and lost his job."

While Li Minnian was boiling water, he just sat on the sofa and listened to Liu Zhishi reciting the unknown story.

He's used to it.

Since filming "Step by Step", Shishi has no assistant.

Now the whole company knows that Mr. Cai is very dissatisfied with Shishi, and the assistant has to think about his own future. When Shishi said, "You don't have to follow me anymore," the assistant returned to the company as a matter of course.

I don’t know if it has been assigned to other artists.

fair enough.

It will be clean when the time comes.

Soon, the sound in the kettle became louder.

But it didn't overwhelm Liu Zhishi's voice at all.

While waiting for the water to boil, Li Minnian listened to Liu Zhishi's reading and sighed...

Shishi has also changed quite a lot.

Not to mention anything else, just the sound of reading... most people's voices really can't compare to hers.

And listening to the cadence in this voice... you can tell that her line level has improved a lot.

Mimi taught me.

It is said that this method was learned from Wang Zhiwen.

Read and recite newspapers every day without hesitation.

She didn't feel much at first, but since she started dubbing Ruoxi, not to mention Li Minnian, even Lin Yufen was surprised by the other party's line skills.

Even while filming, she had already heard these lines once.

Perhaps this is a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes.

He saw Shishi's efforts.

I exercise unwaveringly every day, practice my lines, read books, and read scripts to study my acting skills.

This level of effort was all seen by him.

I even had a sense of deja vu that "in a few years, she will definitely not be worse than Mimi."

Of course, he just kept this in his heart.

That's the future boss, so he doesn't dare to show it.

Soon, the kettle boils.

He poured half a cup for Liu Zhishi, and then poured the remaining half of the bottle of water into the cup.

He felt the temperature of the hot air at the mouth of the cup with his hand. After he estimated that it was about the same, he put it aside.

Soon, Liu Zhishi finally finished reading a story.

After checking the time, she closed the "Reader" and came to the table.

After picking up the thermos cup and testing the temperature, he drank heavily.

After drinking, he refilled the water in the kettle into his thermos cup.

Just two cups, no more, no less, nothing was wasted.

The agent's meticulousness is just right.

"Brother Li, have you eaten?"

Hearing this, Li Minnian smiled and nodded:

"have eaten."

The truth is that he can't eat it.

Because today we are going to have a "showdown".

Inexplicably, he was also a little nervous.

No appetite at all.

After Liu Zhishi heard this, he didn't ask any more questions and nodded:

"I'm going to change some clothes, and then let's go."


Li Minnian waited for about ten minutes, and Liu Zhishi changed into fresh clothes and put on a baseball cap:

"Brother Li, let's go."


Li Minnian stood up, looked at her and suddenly asked:

"Shishi, are you nervous?"


Liu Zhishi was stunned and looked at him with some confusion:

"What are you nervous about?"

"Uh... I'm just going to see Mr. Cai later..."

"Don't be nervous. We are clear about things, why should we be nervous?"

She tilted her head and pushed up her glasses.

He glanced at Li Minian with a look like "You're so weird" and walked out first with his bag in hand.


Li Minnian stared at her back and took a deep breath subconsciously.


He followed quickly.

No matter what happens for a while...

From today on, the only thing he can rely on is Shishi.

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