I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 685 682 Things are different and people are different.

Chapter 685 682. Things are different and people are not the same.

Since Liu Zhishi took a ride in the Rolls-Royce sent by Xu Xin last time, he has added a car to the Magic City.

It’s the Alfa I’ve sat in and found it very comfortable.

Since there is no assistant, Li Minnian has to be the one driving the car.

Along the way, Li Minnian, who was driving, would occasionally use the rearview mirror to glance at her sitting in the back seat.

Take a look, take it back, drive and look at the road, then take another look...

Liu Zhishi, on the other hand, kept looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

As Li Minnian watched the Tang Dynasty getting closer and closer, the feeling of "rushing to the execution ground" began to roll over in his heart.

When he was just two blocks away from Tangren, he finally couldn't help but speak:

"Shishi...what are you thinking about?"


Liu Zhishi came back to her senses, glanced at the rearview mirror, and said:

"I'm thinking about the past."

"...When you were a child?"

"No, just... the time when I first met Mr. Cai."

She retracted her gaze outside, pushed up her glasses, and said calmly:

"At that time, whether it was Mr. Cai, Lao Hu, Yuan Hong, etc... everyone was always laughing. There were not so many things. As a newcomer, I was always trembling when facing Lao Hu, especially when I was filming "Sword of Immortality" When I watched him and Mimi acting opposite each other, I was thinking about these two people, how did they manage to act so naturally?"


Li Minnian didn't know what to say for a while.

Liu Zhishi was unwilling to continue talking and just shook his head:

"Brother Li, you don't have to accompany me for a while, just wait for me downstairs. I'll go up by myself."

"Don't, if you and Mr. Cai get into a fight..."

"I won't argue with her."

Her tone was very determined:

"There's no need to argue. Just tell the matter and ask Mr. Cai what he wants to do. What's there to argue about?"

"But she will definitely get angry when she hears the news..."

"Then I'll leave directly. Don't worry, Brother Li. I know what's going on, and I don't want to make it difficult for you. I will handle this matter neatly and neatly."


Li Minnian thought for a while and shook her head:

"No, I'm still worried. I'll go there with you..."

"No need."

Liu Zhishi's tone became firmer:

"I can do it myself."


In the end, Li Minnian could only agree.

But I still didn’t forget to ask:

"In the worst case, let's go through the legal process. There is no need for us to be wronged."


Liu Zhishi responded.

Then, the car also arrived at the downstairs of Tangren.

She opened the door and got out of the car.

"Shishi, should I wait for you in the basement? Or here?"

"Just here."

Liu Zhishi waved goodbye to him and walked into the office building.

When she entered the office building, she didn't do anything to cover up.

It's not just Tangren alone in the office building, there are other companies as well.

There are several people waiting for the elevator at the moment.

When they saw Liu Zhishi, several men looked surprised.

After the elevator door opened, everyone entered the elevator together. Liu Zhishi lowered her head and looked at the photos on her phone, while those people scanned her covertly, over and over again.

From head to toe, from clothes to mobile phone screen...

Only then did a few people discover that the pictures on the other person's phone were of short-haired models one after another.

Liu Zhishi wants to cut her hair short?

Soon, the floor reached the Tang Dynasty floor, and Liu Zhishi raised his head and walked out.

After walking out, several men looked at each other...

"Really beautiful."

"Well, it's even more beautiful than what you see on TV."

Several people showed signs of approval.

"Hello, welcome...ah, Shi...Sister Shishi."

When the front desk saw the person walking in, he didn't recognize him at first.

But after seeing his face clearly, he quickly said hello.

"Well, is Mr. Cai here?"

"Yes... yes."

As soon as the front desk nodded in agreement, Liu Zhishi nodded politely:

"OK, thanks."

She didn't have much impression of this front desk person. She thought he would be a new person recruited by the company after the year. But she knew the other receptionist who was sitting and busy on the computer, but she couldn't name him.

After thanking you, you will go inside.

But the front desk subconsciously shouted:

"Wait a moment!"


Liu Zhishi turned to look at her doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"


The front desk also glanced at the old employee who continued to look at the computer and did nothing but used the right mouse button and the E key to refresh the screen, and said bravely:

"The company...the company stipulates that if you want to see Mr. Cai, you need to make an appointment. Sister Shishi, you...don't have an appointment."


Liu Zhishi was stunned for a moment and had no intention of getting angry.

Although...from the time she came to Tangren to now, as long as Mr. Cai is here, even during the "snow hiding" period, she can always communicate with him directly if she has anything to do. There is no such thing as "appointment".

But since someone mentioned it, she said calmly:

"Then please give me a call. Just call...Secretary Lin and tell me that I want to see Mr. Cai."

"...Okay. Then...then you sit down for a moment."

The front desk pointed to the chairs in the visitor waiting area.


Liu Zhishi responded again and then sat on the row of chairs.

Like a misfit outsider.

But she didn't care, she just continued to look down at the photos of short-haired models one after another, thinking about what kind of short-haired style Iguka should have.

The front desk also quickly called Secretary Lin's landline.

"Hello, Secretary Lin, this is the front desk. Here's the thing. Sister Shishi wants to see Mr. Cai. Do you think it's convenient for Mr. Cai now?"


Secretary Lin's voice was a little surprised.

Then he asked:

"Where is she now?"



There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and then he said:

"Okay, I'll go ask Mr. Cai. Just wait for my call."

"Okay, Secretary Lin."

The receptionist hung up the phone politely, thought for a moment, walked out of the reception, and walked to Liu Zhishi:

"Sister Shishi, I called Secretary Lin to ask. Secretary Lin is going to see Mr. Cai now. Please wait a moment."

"Okay, please."

Liu Zhishi smiled at her.

The receptionist thought for a while, walked to the water dispenser, took a disposable cup and poured her a glass of water.

"Sister Shishi, please drink some water."


After this glass of water, there was no communication between the two parties.

Time is passing minute by minute.

About ten minutes later, Liu Zhishi, who had already started reading the e-book version of "Sunspot" from the model pictures, suddenly heard a voice:

"Sister Shishi?"

She raised her head subconsciously.

Then he showed a look of surprise.

Guo Xiaoting.

She showed a very polite smile:

"Xiaoting, long time no see."

"Yes, Sister Shishi, long time no see."

Guo Xiaoting smiled and nodded.

Then he asked with some surprise:

"What are you doing sitting here?"

"Waiting for Mr. Cai, I have something to do with Mr. Cai."


Guo Xiaoting was stunned.

Asked subconsciously:

"Mr. Cai isn't here?"

"Here I am."


She was a little confused again.

Mr. Cai is here, and Sister Shishi is still waiting at the door of the company?

This... is Mr. Cai still angry?

She was surprised, then turned to look at the two people standing up at the front desk.

The moment she came in, the receptionist who had just greeted Liu Zhishi and the receptionist who was sitting and operating the computer to refresh the screen all stood up.

Although Guo Xiaoting is young, she is an old employee of the company and one of the child stars that the company has picked up.

This polite greeting is the minimum.

Guo Xiaoting didn't know what happened just now, but Liu Zhishi wanted to laugh for some reason after seeing the receptionist who was playing on the computer standing up.

But she didn't say anything.

After Guo Xiaoting rolled her eyes, she withdrew her gaze and sat directly next to Liu Zhishi:

"Then I'll wait for a while with Sister Shishi."

Liu Zhishi looked at her sitting next to him, ignoring the Hermès vegetable basket she was wearing that really didn't match her age, and asked:

"What are you working on recently?"

"I'm busy with the college entrance examination."

"Oh? Where are you going to apply? Beiying Film? Chinese drama?"

"No, just go to the theater. It will be closer to the company."

Hearing this, Liu Zhishi nodded:

"That's good. How about it? Are you stressed?"

"It's okay. There's definitely no problem with the professional courses. I'm just afraid that I won't get enough marks in the cultural courses..."

After the two chatted for a few words about their studies, Guo Xiaoting suddenly changed the subject:

"Sister Shishi, is the production of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" finished?"

"Not yet, now is the dubbing stage."

"oh oh……"

Guo Xiaoting nodded and suddenly lowered her voice:

"Sister Shishi, let me ask you something."

"Well, you say."

"Last year, the company's new employee named Nazha... didn't she play a role in "Bu Bu Jing Xin"?"

"Well, what?"

"How was her... play?"


Hearing this, Liu Zhishi's face showed a look of reminiscence.

The character played by the little girl named Nazha seems to be Suwanguarjia Minmin, a Mongolian princess.

The two have had several rivalry scenes.

Recalling those performance clips, she nodded:

"It's pretty good. My basic skills are very solid. I feel like I'm definitely not as good as her at her age."


Hearing her comments, Guo Xiaoting showed a trace of disdain on her face.

When Liu Zhishi saw this, he asked in confusion:

"What's wrong? Why this expression?"


Guo Xiaoting thought for a while and said again in a low voice:

"Sister, didn't you and her come to last year's annual meeting because of filming? I also listened to what Mr. Ren and others said... You have to be careful about her, the company seems to be trying to promote her. Director Lin said to her at this year's spring meeting She is full of praise, and Mr. Cai also likes her very much. It is said that he will arrange a lot of resources to spend on her this year..."


Hearing this, Liu Zhishi was stunned.

A sense of déjà vu suddenly arose in my heart that made me laugh.

In fact, she has never particularly liked Guo Xiaoting.

It's because this child started competing for celebrity status and resources from the time she was filming Fairy Sword, which was the year before last year, when she was only fifteen or sixteen years old... She liked to compare, and sometimes she even liked to use words to bully others.

But at that time, everyone thought that she was just a child, young and ignorant, so she would not be like her.

But now... Liu Zhishi really felt awkward after hearing this.

Whether the company praises Nazha or not has little to do with her.

Although she probably understood why the other party was so unbalanced.

The little girl named Nazha is about the same age as her. She just joined the company last year and has been reused.

Guo Xiaoting has been with the company for several years, but the resources she has received have always been tepid.

No one would feel comfortable comparing the two.

But the problem is that she is leaving soon.

What Guo Xiaoting said was nothing more than to encourage her to secure her position as the first sister and suppress the little girl named Nazha?

What's the point?

I have to leave, and it doesn’t matter who becomes my first sister in the future.

not to mention……

Looking at the child in front of him whom he had been getting along with for several years and whom he had "watched" grow up, Liu Zhishi thought for a while and whispered:

"Xiaoting, sister, can I tell you something that comes from the bottom of my heart?"

"Yeah, you tell me."

Guo Xiaoting nodded.

"Compared with resources and celebrity status, I think actors should pay more attention to the performance itself. Especially at the university level, you will learn a lot of things that can't be learned from acting teachers or art schools. These are what an actor... The foundation for survival in the film and television industry in the future.

You have to know...the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. How you perform can only be truly reflected by the audience.

As long as your acting skills are up to par and you are on the right path, even if your artistic career is not so prosperous, you will bloom with distinctive flowers and be remembered in the hearts of the audience. An actor's merit is not how much money she earns or how high her status is, but whether she can be remembered by the audience..."


Guo Xiaoting was stunned, but her first reaction was confusion.

I don’t know if she didn’t understand Liu Zhishi’s words, or if it was something else...

But the second reaction was that... very perfunctory:

"Yeah, I know. Sister Shishi, I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you that you should be more careful. After all, we are the closest..."

Listening to her sudden words of "dividing camps" that she was eager to reveal, Liu Zhishi sighed in her heart.

she knows.

What he said was in vain.

Since it's all in vain...then I won't say it anymore.

So, she nodded:

"Okay, I know."

"Yeah! I'll go first, there's a physical fitness class over there."

"Well, you go ahead."


Guo Xiaoting stood up and seemed to want to say something.

But she glanced at the front desk again, and finally just waved to Liu Zhishi:

"Goodbye, Sister Shishi."


Liu Zhishi smiled and nodded:


Guo Xiaoting left, and Liu Zhishi looked at her leaving back and suddenly sighed.


Then she waited a while longer.

Although some people went out in the middle, some people came in, and it was busy.

Everyone's reaction to seeing her sitting in the visitor waiting area was different.

Some were surprised, some were speechless, and some were just sighs of not being surprised... Xin Shuo's confrontation with Mr. Cai really didn't end well.

And she sat at the door of the company for nearly half an hour, and finally heard someone calling her:


She turned her head and stood up calmly:

"Secretary Lin."

"Well, Mr. Cai asked you to come over."

After Secretary Lin finished speaking, he didn't wait, and he didn't show any courtesy.

Just like treating employees, he left after giving notice.

Liu Zhishi then walked towards the stairs leading to the upper level of the company.

As she walked, she glanced at the watch on her wrist.

He went upstairs, passed through room after room, and finally arrived at the double doors.

"Dong dong dong."


Liu Zhishi opened the door.

Cai Yinong was still sitting at his desk, his head lowered, as if he was working on some document.

He didn't say "sit down" or "about poetry".

It seemed like I was just working.

Logically speaking, the people in the company would either stand aside or sit on the sofa and wait for her to find him after she is done.

But Liu Zhishi didn't.

She just walked into the house, closed the door, took a few steps forward, stood about three steps away from Cai Yinong's desk, and said hello:

"Mr. Cai."


Cai Yinong did not look up.

He just responded and nothing more happened.

Liu Zhishi, on the other hand, said in a very calm voice:

"I want to terminate the contract."


Cai Yinong paused while shaking his pen.

He raised his head subconsciously, with a trace of astonishment appearing on his face.

Looking at Liu Zhishi:


Her expression was full of confusion, as if she didn't hear clearly what Liu Zhishi said.

Liu Zhishi said again:

"I want to terminate my contract with the company."


Cai Yinong's face showed doubts, speechlessness, confusion and many other emotions.

In the end, thousands of words turned into one sentence:

"What? You...say it again?"

"I said that I want to terminate the artist contract with the company. I came to you today because I hope to break up with the company peacefully. I know that I have breached the contract. But I have consulted a lawyer and I have fulfilled my obligations to the company in addition to the number of years, including works, There are all rigid rules for advertising, performances, activities, etc. Therefore, I hope to use the price of 750,000 to buy out the remaining three years of my contract. Do you think this is okay?"

This time, Cai Yinong heard it clearly.

But after hearing it clearly, the pen in his hand was directly photographed on the document:


"Shishi... do you know what you are going to say?"

Her eyes were full of shock, absurdity and anger.

His tone was like a knife.

Cutting off human flesh and blood.

But if her tone was like a knife, Liu Zhishi's expression was like the motionless Vajra Buddha.

She nodded calmly:

"I know. I want to terminate the contract with the company. Peacefully."

She bit the last four words very hard.

Expressed his sincerity.

But the more she acted like this, the more ferocious Cai Yinong's expression became.

Gritting his teeth ferociously:

"I need a reason!"

"What's the reason..."

Liu Zhishi thought for a while and said calmly:

"From a closer perspective, I arrived at the company at 9:42. When I arrived at the front desk, the new front desk clerk greeted me, but the old employee from the original company didn't even look at me and was minding his own business. He was playing on the computer there."


Cai Yinong was stunned.

"I said I came to see you, and the newcomer told me that according to company regulations, I have to make an appointment to see you. But this is a regulation for company visitors, right?

You once said that we, your artists, can call you anytime, anywhere, or come to you no matter what.

This is something that all the old employees of the company know, and it is also a reflection of your responsibility as our first agent. The receptionist who was playing computer games was also an old employee, so there was no reason for her not to know. But she didn't say anything.

So, I was stopped in the waiting area where only company visitors would stay. It wasn't until 10:34 that Secretary Lin came to call me. "

Speaking of this, she looked at Cai Yinong and asked her doubts:

"Mr. Cai, am I still a member of the company? If so, why do everyone treat me like this?"


As soon as these words came out, Cai Yinong felt a little bit wrong.

Because it was her decision to hang out Liu Zhishi.

She told her secretary to remind her half an hour later.

But why is it ten minutes longer...

"Is this the reason why you terminated the contract?"

In the end, she did not give a positive response.

But after hearing this, Liu Zhishi shook his head:

"That's not true. This is just a point where I firmly terminate the contract. You once said that the company will be my home from now on. But now even my family treats me as an outsider, so I have no reason to stay here. My main reason is that we have different ideas. What you want me to do contradicts and conflicts too much with what I want to do. I don’t want to stay here anymore. So, if you agree, then I hope to pay a loss of 750,000. Compensation, make up for the remaining years of my contract..."

"This is impossible! Do you know how many years are left on your contract? You..."

"That's it..."

Hearing Cai Yinong's merciless rejection, Liu Zhishi nodded without even hearing the full reason:

"Oh well."

After speaking, she looked at Cai Yinong seriously and said word by word:

"Mr. Cai, although I hope to terminate the contract peacefully with the company, but you rejected my conditions, then I can only rely on the law to resolve this matter. Thank you for your cultivation and love from 2007 to now. Thank you You led me into this industry, and thank you for your support over the years. Goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she bowed deeply to Cai Yinong.

After getting up, he turned around and walked towards the door.



"Liu Zhishi!! Stop!"


"Liu Zhishi!!"

When the door opened, the entire floor seemed to hear her voice.

But Liu Zhishi still didn't look back.

Just like what she said to Li Minian, she would solve this matter quickly and neatly.

There won't be any sloppy appearance.

Absolutely not.

If you can't agree on a peaceful settlement, then let's go to court.

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