I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 686 683 Going to the Magic City

Chapter 686 683. Go to the Magic City

Cai Yinong's movements spread slightly to the first floor.

But no one knew what happened.

Secretary Lin, who reacted the fastest, only saw Liu Zhishi's back.

Walking in style.


Didn't even look back.

Walked out of Tangren, walked into the elevator, and walked out of the office building.

Facing the morning sunshine, she subconsciously raised her head. After squinting her eyes and looking at the sun for a second, she felt her nose was itching and quickly averted her eyes.

Then there is a very cute look of doubt on the outside.

She was thinking about something.

That's what happens in movies and TV shows, when prisoners walk out of prison.

Wouldn't it be awesome if I just sneezed out, rubbed my nose and smiled in front of me?

Can that express the joy and yearning for regaining freedom?


Write it down. Write it down.

If I ever have to play a character like this who is released from prison in the future, it will come in handy then.

So, she stayed in a daze for a few seconds, felt this feeling carefully, and after keeping it in mind, she took extremely relaxed steps.

Like a bird leaving its cage.

He spread his wings impatiently.


Fly into the car.

"Shishi, how's it going?"

After waiting for almost an hour, the anxious Li Minnian asked quickly.

A smile appeared on Liu Zhishi's face, and she continued:

"You still have to file a lawsuit. But...Brother Li, you can submit your resignation report."


Li Minnian felt a little ridiculous for a moment.

This is not good news either.

Why are you smiling so happily?

But after Liu Zhishi finished speaking, he did not continue, but dialed a phone number.

Li Minnian thought she was beating Yang Mi, but she was not.

"Hello, Lawyer Qu, hello, I'm Liu Zhishi..."

"Well, I've already said it. But Mr. Cai was very emotional, so I didn't say anything. I informed him and left."

"I proposed a peaceful termination fee of 750,000 yuan, but she didn't agree."

"I don't plan to have an in-depth discussion. If she agrees, that would be the best. If not, I still want to entrust us to handle it."

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. After Mr. Cai calms down tomorrow and the day after, it's up to you to communicate with her and see if there is still a possibility of peaceful termination of the contract."

"I don't want to cause too much embarrassment. But there is a deadline, and that is before the release of "Bu Bu Jing Xin"."

"Okay, then let's prepare with both hands..."

"Yeah, okay, that's up to you."

"Well, goodbye, Lawyer Qu."

After making this call, Li Minnian quickly asked:

"Where are we going now?"

"I'll call Mimi. Ask her what she's doing~"

After Liu Zhishi finished speaking, he dialed Yang Mi's phone number again.

"Dudu...hey, are you done?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Zhishi said directly:

"She didn't agree."

"It's impossible for a normal person to agree to you directly. I told you a long time ago, just let the lawyer handle it. I don't understand why you have to go there. No one will give you small shoes, right?"


As if the matter of waiting for thirty or forty minutes did not exist at all, Liu Zhishi did not mention this matter, but said:

"I just finished calling Lawyer Qu. I'll see if I can fight for it later. It would be best if we can terminate the contract peacefully. If not..."

Speaking of this, Liu Zhishi paused.

"I don't intend to cause any embarrassment either."

Of course Yang Mi understood what she meant.


The Tang Dynasty's style of doing things is there.

It’s impossible not to be embarrassed.

This kind of company suffers losses even if it cannot take advantage of itself. Even if there is a seemingly "better" person now, it is unrealistic for Liu Zhishi to escape unscathed.

Apart from anything else, if I make up some dark history for you, saying that you left for money, or that you abandoned the company when you saw that you were famous, that is really just spreading rumors and running away with clarification. Broken leg.

But she didn't say anything either.

On the one hand, Shishi is her friend.

On the other hand, Shuangwei has no plans to let his artists suffer.

If things really get to that level, it's nothing more than a matter of taking advantage of the situation.

Perhaps her vision at the strategic level is not as far as her husband's.

But when it comes to this kind of intrigue and intrigue...

She really has never suffered a loss.

Just reciprocate.

If you touch my poems, I will touch your Nazha.

Not afraid.

But she wouldn't say that.

To put it bluntly...if my daughter-in-law doesn't want to worry about things, then why shouldn't her husband pay attention to them?

Just take your time and see.

So, she responded:

"Yeah, I understand... do you want to come to me? I'm going to have dinner with a little girl at noon, will you come with me?"

"Little girl?"

Liu Zhishi was stunned:

"You cheated!?"

"Geez, baby, you know me."

Yang Mi's voice was full of sincerity:

"I am just more philanthropic, but my heart towards you is sincere. You... are all my wings!"

That scumbag smell is as real as it gets.


Liu Zhishi was speechless for a while.


It is said that each of its chickens has five or six chicken wings growing on its body, and they are all genetically modified junk food...

You're such a playboy.


Beijing Film Dance Studio.

Yang Zi wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat in the corner, and looked at his friend who was dancing to the music in the middle of the practice room, with envy in his eyes.

Northern Xinjiang people...

What a foul!

Why are these dances in their hands different from their own?

In the middle of the practice room, Nazha, who was dancing there wearing black jazz shoes, yoga pants, a long-sleeved sweatshirt, and a peaked cap, pursed her lips.

A little thirsty.

I don’t know if I was attracted by this enchanting dance, or if I was tired from following two sets of moves just now.

At this time, she heard the vibrating sound of her cell phone.

Picked it up and took a look.

"Nazha is not in the library?"


"What are you asking about? Where are you two?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I bought you two milk tea, do you want to drink it?"

Seeing Zhang Yishan's words, Yang Zi pursed her lips again.

If it were normal, she wouldn't let Zhang Yishan come.

Something that obviously doesn't make sense.

Everyone in the 10th class knows that he likes Nazha... But the problem is that it is not just him who likes her, any boy in the same class, the 2009 class, and even the 2008 class has not come over to ask her for her phone number?

And Nazha's attitude is also particularly "tough".

The whole school knew she had no intention of falling in love.

She has signed a contract with a brokerage company. Although the company does not have any relationship terms, as the recipient of the school scholarship, although she did not say it clearly, everyone knows... As long as Nazha is in school, then just go to three places to find her.

Classrooms, libraries, dance studios.

She lived like an ascetic.

In the face of these suitors, I will neither take the initiative, nor refuse.

This rejection does not mean that no one will be rejected, but a kind of tenderness.

A kind of person who doesn't want to make anyone sad, and will give polite feedback to everyone, but continues to remain distant...a greed that obviously makes people feel itchy, but they don't dare to blaspheme.

And this kind of politeness that coincides with the trait of "what you don't get is the best" makes her have countless suitors seeking to meet her every day, hoping to "influence" Nazha through their gentleness.

Zhang Yishan is one of those persevering people.

But the more he behaves like this, the more speechless Yang Zi becomes.

She told the other party more than once that you have no chance. Nazha's response to you was just politeness. She told me many times that she would never fall in love... at least not until she became famous.

You are destined to have no results.

But... I really can't stand people's willingness.

Therefore, in order to prevent the other party from getting deeper into trouble, she no longer helps Zhang Yishan in everything like before, but hopes that he can "get out of the sea of ​​misery" as soon as possible.

The result was just the opposite.

The sea of ​​suffering was boundless, and he was sinking deeper and deeper into it.


With a sigh, she said:

"Want to come over?"


"Then you come to the dance studio. We probably need to practice for a while."

"You are lucky, I will give you a kowtow!"

Yang Zi did not continue to reply, but waited for the end of the jazz song and looked at Nazha who was stretching her body on the spot and planning to continue dancing and said:

"Zhang Yishan will be here soon."


Nazha nodded to show that she understood.

No rejection, no joy.

Just like a very common thing.

Soon, the melody of a song came from the speaker again:

"Girl, girl, listen to what I have to say..."

She followed the rhythm of the music and began to dance with a strong northern Xinjiang style.

Yang Zi took out his mobile phone.

The library is a few minutes away, and Zhang Yishan will definitely not be able to make it.

She recorded it and showed it to Zhang Yishan.

Just think of it as...a cup of milk tea as thanks.


The What can save you?

my brother.

You are destined...to fall in love with someone who won't go home.

After dancing the song "Balang Zai", Nazha, who danced extremely softly and enchantingly, stopped with a bit of breath.

But she still wasn't in a hurry to rest.

For her, dance is like fitness and shaping. On the one hand, she likes it, and on the other hand, she relies on these dances to maintain her figure and shape.

After all, she was qualified enough to be admitted to the Beijiang Dance Troupe. She started learning dance at a young age, and with the influence of the environment, she has developed an inherent set of habits.

If she doesn't have enough dances, she won't rest.

But God is not good at it.

A phone rang, mixed with the melody of music.

She was stunned, first walked to the stereo and paused the music, then came to Yang Zi's side and picked up the phone that was held upside down.

After seeing the caller, she frowned slightly.

Cai Yinong.

After thinking for a while, she sat next to Yang Zi, made a "quiet" gesture to her, and answered the phone:

"Hello, Mr. Cai, I'm Nazha."

Although the speakerphone was not on, after hearing this, Yang Zi also glanced here.

Then I heard Nazha say:

"Well, yes, I'm at school."

"Uh... then... when are you going?"

"Huh? But I have classes in the afternoon."

"Then... okay. Is it important? Tomorrow is Saturday. Can I come back on Monday? I have classes on Monday."

Hearing this, Yang Zi's lips twitched.

She understood.

It should be Cai Yinong who asked her to go to Shanghai, right?

The company must be looking for you for something...can you still bargain?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Nazha continue:

"It's Director Cui's class, Introduction to Drama, which is a required course. And Director Cui gave me a separate assignment, which I have already handed in. I may have to see her on Monday."

"That's it... Okay, I understand. Then I'm going to leave now. Should I go by myself? Do I have to wait for Sister Zhang?"

"Well, okay. Then I'll communicate with Sister Zhang. Do you think that's okay?"

"Yeah, okay, then I'll call Sister Zhang. Goodbye, Mr. Cai."

After hanging up the phone, she dialed the phone number and said to Yang Zi:

"The company asked me to leave for Magic City now. I don't know what happened."

"There must be a drama looking for you."

As someone who has been through this before, there is no envy on Yang Zi's face.

She has no shortage of scripts either.

"Well... hello, Sister Zhang..."

While she was talking, there was a knock on the door of the dance studio.

Yang Zi turned around and saw Zhang Yishan holding two pockets of milk tea.

She first raised her finger to indicate that Nazha was on the phone.

Zhang Yishan nodded quickly and walked in quietly.

First, he handed Yang Zi a plastic bag, and then took another paper bag in his hand.

"Mr. Cai told me that I will finish my work around Saturday night, so I don't need to bring a lot of clothes with me this time, right?"

"But I was dancing and I was sweating a little. Have you booked a flight? If not, I want to take a shower first."

"No, no, it will be soon. Then...I'll leave now. You can just wait for me at the school gate at 12 o'clock."

"Okay, goodbye, Sister Zhang."

After hanging up the phone, she turned to Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan and said:

"I am leaving."

Then he added to Zhang Yishan:

"The company asked me to go to Shanghai, so I'll leave first."


Zhang Yishan nodded first, and then quickly handed over the paper bag in his hand:

"Take this, I want you double espresso iced coffee, but with the ice removed. Didn't you stay up late last night? Take this to refresh yourself..."

"Uh...ok, thank you."

After Nazha took it politely, she nodded to Yang Zi:

"I am leaving."

"Go on, go on. I'll rest for a while before leaving."

"Well, do you want to bring you something delicious?"

"No, the food over there is too sweet, I can't stand it."


With that said, Nazha had already walked out under Zhang Yishan's gaze.

As soon as she left, Yang Zi said with a milk tea straw in his mouth:

"Okay, stop looking. The soul is almost flying away~"


Zhang Yishan squatted next to Yang Zi with eyes full of regret:

"Sigh... I originally said... I would watch her dance here for a while, and then let her go watch me play ball at noon."


Yang Zi sneered:

"After we dance, she will go back to the dormitory to pick up those books and return them to the library. She will definitely stay in the library until class at noon. How do you get the confidence that she will watch you go there in the bright sun? Play ball?"

"...Today is the basketball game between our class and the director department. This is a collective honor, and she will definitely agree to it."

"That's impossible now."

Hearing this, Zhang Yishan scratched his head, his eyes filled with regret.

Then he glanced at Yang Zi and said:

"Your cup is 12, please transfer the money to me later."


Yang Zi didn't seem surprised, just picked up the phone and turned on the screen.

Soon, a burst of music attracted Zhang Yishan's attention.

And after seeing Nazana dancing on Yang Zi's mobile phone, his eyes lit up...

"Did you record a video? Show it to me."

"100 yuan. I will send you 100 yuan now."

"Why don't you go and grab it?"

"Then I'll delete it."


Zhang Yishan quickly shook his head, and then said with a flattering face:

"Sister, sister, sister, ten cups of milk tea, ten cups of milk tea, okay?"


Yang Zipi glanced at him with a smile and handed over the phone.

Soon, singing sounded again in the practice room:

"Girl, girl, listen to what I have to say~"

"Dudu... hello?"

"Sister Tingting."

"Well, Nazha, what's wrong?"

"Are you and Sister Mi also in the Magic City?"


"Mr. Cai suddenly called me just now to ask me to go to the Magic City. I asked what was going on, and she said she wanted to choose a few scripts for me."


Sun Ting thought about it and asked:

"When did I call you?"

"Just now, 7 minutes ago."

"That's it...Okay, I'll get back to you in a moment."

"Yeah, okay. Sister Tingting, say hello to Sister Mi for me. I'll go back and take a shower first."


After hanging up the phone, Nazha walked directly into the dormitory building.

As she walked, she sent a message to the instructor, telling him that she would not be able to participate in Saturday's social practice of acting for children at a school for people with disabilities.

The company has something to ask her about.

The instructor responded quickly:

"Okay, I understand, please pay attention to safety outside."

After returning to the dormitory, she simply arranged her clothes, opened her closet door, and began to select the cosmetics she wanted to bring this time among the cosmetics that were almost piled in a grid.

The cosmetics are all big brands.

They are all at LAMER level.

The total value of this set including makeup, skin care products, etc. may exceed 200,000.

Externally, she lied to her company and agents that she was paid for her role in "Step by Step".

After all, what the company said was, "Through the company's unremitting efforts, we have won a total salary of 300,000 yuan for you this time."

As for the truth or falsehood...she had already learned the specific situation from Sister Tingting.

Sister Mi’s investments have always been generous.

The price of this role itself is 300,000, and there is no question whether the company will fight for it or not.

After the split, she also received her own salary of 150,000 yuan.

Lie about buying these cosmetics.

But in fact, these were all given to her by Sister Tingting.

An artist's face is his face, and he cannot bear any loss.

It must be carefully maintained.

Especially female artists.

After packing a cosmetic bag and putting it all into her suitcase, she walked out of the dormitory.

I also met several classmates along the way. Seeing her like this, they all said hello:

"Nazha, are you going out for an audition?"


Nazha remained calm and nodded.

Then he quickly walked out of the campus.

But there is still an hour left before the agreed time of 12 o'clock.

She carried the box and walked directly to the Beiying Community opposite.

Although the facilities in the school dormitories are complete, some things...such as the bathhouse are not for private use.

It is a collective bathhouse with opening hours.

So she basically doesn't take a shower at school.

As for Beiying Community, Sister Mi rented a house for her.

The place is not big, with two bedrooms and one living room.

It is very good for taking a bath and resting on Saturdays and Sundays.

The company doesn't know about this either.

In fact, sometimes she unconsciously wonders, what is the significance of Mr. Cai’s existence as the nominal first manager of all artists?

She doesn't care at all how artists operate... It can't be said that.

It should be said that except for the stubble, she doesn't care about anyone else.

As for Zhang Ye, the second manager assigned to him, his thoughts cannot be said to be very delicate.

More like a sounding board.

She would do whatever Mr. Cai asked her to do.

If the company assigns him a job, he will do it. If he is not assigned, the record between the two of them is that they have not seen each other for half a month.

Without meeting and having no personal relationship, there is no way to maintain the relationship.

Although according to Sister Tingting, although Tang Ren wanted to replace Sister Shishi with herself...but before she showed her economic value, all her treatment was the normal treatment for a low-level artist in the company.

Unless the company starts pouring resources into her, not much will change.


Why does Sister Mi think of these things, but Mr. Cai doesn’t?

Mr. Cai is only responsible for Hu stubble.

But Sister Mi has to be responsible for so many people.

What's more, Sister Mi also has her own acting career.

She could even think of "renting a house for Nazha in front of the school. It will be convenient for her to rest, especially when taking a bath in the summer. The women's bathhouse in Beijing Film Academy is simply a nightmare." Why couldn't Mr. Cai think of it?

Is this kind of person... worthy of being Sister Mi's opponent?

She didn't understand.

Therefore, I mentioned to Sister Tingting:

"Should I be more proactive and absorb more of the company's resources?"

But she was rejected by Sister Tingting.

"What you have to show is that you are ready to obey, rather than having your own ideas. No one likes employees who have too many thoughts. Even if you do, don't show it. Remember, you have to give everyone a kind of as long as It’s the impression that you will do whatever Cai Yinong tells you to do.”

In fact, she still didn't quite understand these words.

But after taking a shower in the rented room, when she saw the content on her phone, she suddenly understood what Sister Tingting meant.

"This morning, your sister Shishi went to see Cai Yinong once and asked her to terminate the contract. She and her agent Li Minnian are leaving Tangren together. Sister Mi asked me to tell you that if nothing else happens, she will start to have sex with you. Resources have been poured in. This time, no matter what Cai Yinong says, you just need to show your obedience. If she gives you a script, then act it with all your heart. If you have any difficulties or questions, just take the script and show it to you. You can call Sister Mi or Brother Xu. Remember to clear the chat history after reading this."


The girl's brows were already frowning.

Sister Shishi...terminate the contract?

This news was like the most crucial thread, suddenly connecting everything together in her mind.

Why did Sister Tingting let her play the role of "obedient" from the beginning?

Why should she not keep too close contact with her second agent...

Sister Shishi is leaving, and the company is in need of a new backbone.

And with Sister Yifei and Sister Shishi in front of them, this time, the company must find a sheep who is not rebellious, docile and obedient...

Such as yourself!

And the reason why we are not allowed to have close contact with the second agent...

Is this the news that "Sister Shishi and her manager are leaving together" in Sister Tingting's words?

If I maintain a very close relationship with Zhang Ye, will it inevitably increase Mr. Cai's concerns?


Thinking of this, the girl subconsciously showed a surprised look.

But his face immediately returned to Gujing Wubo's calm.

Sister Tingting said, don’t let anyone read what you are thinking from your face...

She... still has to keep working hard.


"Did you start planning this early?"

The girl in the towel murmured.

There were drops of sweat or water sliding down my neck.

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