I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 687 684 Immortal Banquet

Chapter 687 684. Immortal Banquet

Nazha went to Magic City, and Liu Zhishi left Magic City.

Yang Mi, who was sitting at the dining table, also saw the girl who came into the room with a bit of timidity.

"Hello, teacher... I am Dilraba."

The little girl timidly said hello to Yang Mi.

At the same time, Yang Ying also came to Yuntu with his share of the shareholder agreement of angelbaby's personal studio.

This Friday seems to be extra special.

Just like the branches of countless rivers will eventually converge at a certain point.

Let everyone's fate converge here.

I just don’t know what direction everyone will go after they embark on their own journeys.

Xu Xin didn't care.

He couldn't care less.

After returning to Yanjing, he started a meeting with the people from "The Tip of the Tongue".

Everyone talked about shooting plans, creative ideas, and upcoming work... It was another busy day.

It was after 7 o'clock in the evening, and he didn't even have the heart to eat. He just felt that his mouth was dry and he said goodbye to everyone and got into Su Meng's car.

"Brother Xu, do you want to eat?"

"Don't eat, go home, I'm a little tired."

Leaning on the seat, he shook his head as if all his energy had been sucked out of his body, lowered the window and lit a cigarette.

Today, all follow-up plans for "The Tip of the Tongue" are one-third completed.

He has made his philosophy clear.

The next step is for everyone to continue shooting.

The team still has half a year to go.

In the past six months, he has to complete all the shots that he requires to reflect various beautiful meanings, including production clips of some famous foods, such as Lanzhou Ramen, Huaiyang Cuisine State Banquet, etc.

After completing these, a summary will be made.

Finally, the team started working on the copywriting and completing the missing content in the copywriting preparation.

In the afternoon, Xu Xin made an estimate.

I feel that it will be completed before May Day in 2012.

The burden is removed, and you feel relaxed after being tired.

Holding a cigarette and looking at the neon lights flashing outside, he said in a somewhat beautiful mood:

"You don't have to go to work tomorrow and have a good rest at home. Let's see you on Monday."

He thought that nothing happened recently.

I plan to start putting "Heart of the Burning Sun" on the schedule.

But who would have thought that Su Meng was stunned when she heard this:


"……What's wrong?"

Seeing that her tone was different, Xu Xin asked in confusion.

"Brother Xu...have you forgotten? You have something to do and have to go to the Magic City on Sunday."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"Didn't I just come back? What happened?"

"That Xinxin Entrepreneurship Expert event. Sunday is the day of the event, and both you and Brother Cong will be present at the event."


Xu Xin was stunned.

There was no reaction at first.

What is a Xinxin Entrepreneurship Expert?

But then he remembered.

Oh yes, I also have a nickname called Shenmu Xiaoma Ge.

Recalling the phone call he had when he returned from South Korea, he was speechless:

"This Sunday?"

"Yes, this Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, if you are... tired, you can catch the flight on Sunday morning, but I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. So it's best to go back to Shanghai tomorrow."


For a moment, he was speechless.

I originally planned to have a good rest for two days.

"Okay, then the event is just for one day?"

"Yes, aren't you representing Shuangwei? Brother Cong is representing Tianlai. You need to show up on the first day, and the next time you go is the finals. However, the date of the finals has not been decided yet, and they will notify us one week in advance. .”


Xu Xin said nothing.

He just leaned on the chair and sighed helplessly:


Even the smoke blowing out of his mouth smells of melancholy.

Why are you so busy...

I am really tired today.

He didn't touch the script of "Heart of the Burning Sun". After returning home, he took a shower, lay on the sofa and randomly found a movie by Stephen Chow and started to change his mind.

I don’t want to think about anything anymore.

There is no one at home. Although it is a bit lonely, let alone... it is quite comfortable to be so clean sometimes.

The time came to early 9 o'clock, and Yang Mi called on time.

"Have you slept?"


"What's for dinner?"

"I didn't eat...I was tired. I just drank a bottle of beer and didn't want to eat anything."

"Yeah, every time you guys have a meeting, it's like a war. A bunch of people are chattering and it's very chaotic..."

Yang Mi complained, and then informed him of good news:

"I signed the little girl... I can't say I signed it. She was very excited, but I have to go back and discuss the matter with her family. But basically there is no problem."


Looking at Tang Bohu who was having sex with his opponent on the TV, his words were obviously careless.

"Dilraba! Didn't I tell you, I want to invite her to dinner today."

"oh oh."

He responded somewhat perfunctorily.

Apart from being pretty, that little girl is... well, almost useless to him in other aspects.

But there are many beautiful girls.

Not to mention anything else, he has auditioned for over a hundred female stars in the past two years.

Pure beauty is no longer attractive to him.

He is face blind.

Except for my own wife, others can't tell whether she is beautiful or not.

"Then what?"

"What then...what are you doing? Why are you so absent-minded?"

"Watch "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"."

"Okay! If you don't work hard, why don't you just watch movies and make money?! Where's the new movie you promised!?"

Yang Mi's words were full of anger.

In exchange, even though she was not here, Xu Xin still rolled his eyes:

"Sister, it's just a cow, you have to feed it, right? I've been busy all day, why don't I just watch a movie and take a break? If you fart, I'll die. If you don't, I'll die. I drove for more than six hours this afternoon I haven’t stopped talking for a while, I’m really tired.”

"We agreed to work hard to make movies to make money to support our three mothers!"

"... Just tell me how much you want. As long as I can buy you to shut up, I'll transfer it to you now."

"Buy me with money, right!? Am I that kind of person?"

Xu Xinxin said, stop farting there.

If two people are in love, they will definitely reveal their hearts to each other and show tender feelings at this time.

But the problem is that they are all married...

Based on his understanding of nuns, since she can say such inconsiderate words, it means that she must be bored and belong to... Lin Gou. How did you say that?


No shit and a weak throat?

It just means looking for trouble.

So, he said directly:

"Okay, it's okay, I'll hang up."

"Oh no! You are chatting with me for a while..."

"Hello?... There's no signal... Oops, there's a tunnel ahead, so I hung up. Oh, yes, I have to attend an event the day after tomorrow and will return to the Magic City tomorrow afternoon."

Using a specious excuse, he hung up the phone without any reason.

The person on TV who had an intestinal piercing had already begun to vomit blood.

He changed his position, lay down on the pillow of the sofa, and yawned lazily.

I don’t know how long it took, but the movie ended and the screen turned gray.

He lay motionless on the sofa and fell asleep directly.

When I opened my eyes again it was daylight.

After looking at it drowsily, I realized that I slept on the sofa yesterday.

I woke up with back pain.

Fortunately it wasn't the 15th yet, otherwise he would have caught a cold when the heating stopped.

Subconsciously he picked up his phone and planned to go to the bathroom. Just when he was about to check what time it was, he realized that he had a few unread WeChat messages.

When I opened it, I saw that it was from Liu Yifei.


"?Are you there?"

"You've slept?"

"Okay, good night. Give me a call when you wake up. I'll see you if I need anything."


"Are you awake?"

The first few were sent around 10pm, and the last two were sent around 7am or around 8am this morning.

He was a little puzzled, and while standing in front of the toilet, he wanted to help Liu Yifei go back.

But when the phone went through, he remembered that this was not the right time.

I quickly hung up again.

A bottle of beer added overnight is not only powerful but also tastes great.

He held his breath.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei called back directly.

He quickly speeded up and waited until the toilet flushed before answering the phone:


"What's going on with you? Why did you hang up after calling me?"


He didn't answer, but asked:

"What's wrong? I see you sent me a message, asking for something from me?"

"What were you doing last night?"

"It's time to sleep."

"So early? Less than ten o'clock?"

"Well, I was busy with the documentary yesterday and had a meeting for six or seven hours. When I came back, I fell asleep on the sofa. I slept all night, and now my back hurts."


Liu Yifei's voice seemed a little surprised:

"Where's Mimi? Didn't he care about you? Did he let you sleep on the sofa all night?"

"No, she is in Shanghai."

"Where are you in Yanjing?"


Xu Xin said as he poured himself a glass of warm water.

"By the way, why are you looking for me?"

"have you eaten?"

"No, I just woke up and haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"...How about we meet and chat? How about that?"

She was stunned for a moment before speaking.

Does Xu Xin want to go out?

Actually I don't want to.

It was quite uncomfortable for him to sleep on the sofa that night.

He didn't want to go anywhere in the morning, he just wanted to have a good rest.

So he asked:

"Tell me first what you want to do with me, whether it's good or bad. If it's bad, I'll definitely stay away."

"Ha~ you are so poor~"

The fairy sister joked:

"I must have something serious to do with you. Your old man recommended me to take on a commercial film. I happen to have a script here. You have to help me read it."

"...Can I send an electronic version?"

"There's no electronic version. I'm telling you, haven't you eaten yet? How about finding a teahouse?"

"did you eat?"

"...didn't eat."

"That's it... ok."

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Where to eat?"

"Lei Garden? Over there on Jinbao Street. It's close to your home~"

"I'm here at the Dahu Mansion... That's fine. Let's go to Liyuan. I'll leave right now."


After the two agreed on a place, Xu Xin hung up the phone.

After washing my face, I drove directly to Shijia Hutong.

Lei Garden is just south of Shijia Hutong, inside the Regent Hotel.

The Cantonese-style morning tea is quite authentic. When they lived in Shijia Hutong, he and Yang Mi often went there.

I've been there several times with Liu Yifei.

The prices there are not affordable, so the environment is relatively quiet, which is suitable for brunch.

The road on Saturday was not particularly congested. After driving for 40 minutes, he parked the car at the foot of Lei Garden.

After going upstairs, the foreman guarding the door immediately recognized him:

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Well, morning."

Xu Xin nodded.

Although the foreman had never deliberately socialized with each other, he and Yang Mi had been here before, so they were no strangers.

After casually handing the two bags of tea he brought to the other party, he asked:

"Where's Liu Yifei? Are you here?"

"Miss Liu Yifei is over there."

When the foreman pointed, Xu Xin saw the back of a woman wearing a baseball cap in the corner by the window.

"I originally offered to arrange a private room, but Miss Liu said that sitting in the lobby would be fine. Director Xu, do you think... do you want to change it?"

"No, the hall is fine."

Soon, he appeared at the table.

"You two sit down for a moment, and I'll make tea for you two."

The foreman took the pot and left.

Liu Yifei, who had been playing with her mobile phone, raised her head.

After taking a look at him, he said:

"Is it time for you to cut your hair?"


Xu Xin wiped his head, felt the length, and nodded:

"It's definitely time to cut it. Have you ordered?"

"No, just order it."


He picked up the menu and checked a few good items in it.

He hadn't eaten since last night and he was a little hungry.

After placing the order, he pushed it to Liu Yifei:

"See if there's anything else you want to add."

"I've eaten them all."

Xu Xin was not surprised by this answer.

This sister's work and rest schedule is quite regular.

She used "didn't eat" as an excuse today because she was definitely afraid that she would outwit her.

So I raised my hand to the waiter, handed the menu to him, and asked directly:

"What script?"


Liu Yifei pushed a document from her hand.

"This was offered to me by Yindu. It was offered to me years ago. At that time, I was not interested and basically didn't watch it... But, didn't you say that you didn't want me to refuse commercial films? It just so happened that they have been recruiting me for the past two days. Call me to see if I'm interested, and I thought I'd ask you to check it out for me."


Xu Xin nodded slightly and opened the first page of the script.

Four words came into view: "Four Famous Catchers".


After seeing the name, he was stunned.

Asked subconsciously:

"Who are you playing?"



Xu Xin was stunned:

"Sex change?"

"Hey! What kind of tiger-wolf talk is this!"

Liu Yifei was speechless.

My heart says you should be louder?

And Xu Xin was speechless.

First reaction: You’ve seen a lot!

The two looked at each other dumbfounded until the foreman brought the teapot.

What we drank today was white tea, so Xu Xin took over and started brewing it.

After pushing a glass to Liu Yifei, he began to lower his head and read the script...

While watching, I asked:

"Do you have any detailed information? Who is the director? Who is the cold-blooded, iron-handed, and life-seeking person?"

"The director seems to be the director of "Painted Skin". I don't know anything else, and I didn't ask. I just want you to see if this script will work. If it works... I will take it. If it doesn't work, we will talk about it."

Xu Xin said nothing.

He is looking for something...

He had read the book on the Four Famous Catchers many years ago.

Watched it whole.

But in my impression, Qingqing is a character in a wheelchair and extremely resourceful.

Not to mention the role positioning, in his perception, the "wheelchair" of the character Qingqing is the essence.

So if even this was changed in the story, it would definitely dissuade him from quitting.

Fortunately, he saw a line of content:

"Ring Wu was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Leng Xue with a calm expression."

If the wheelchair is there, that's okay.

So, he nodded slightly and continued watching.

Behind Liu Yifei, there were two young people walking this way.

Liu Yifei chose a seat in the corner today. Whether she wanted to use the toilet or leave after eating, other guests did not have to move in this direction.

After bringing tea to the two of them, the foreman did not leave.

I saw someone approaching here, so I stopped him politely:

"Ma'am, please don't disturb our guests, thank you."

The two girls were stunned.

There was a look of resentment on his face.

He sat back in his seat obediently.

Then he picked up the phone.

"You should eat first and watch while you eat."

"Well, that's okay too."

Although Xu Xin responded, his action was just to pick up a shrimp dumpling and throw it into his mouth.

The left-hand script has never been put down.

He didn't officially put down the script until his favorite quicksand buns were served.

"You don't want to eat?"

"You're not hungry, you can eat...I found that your taste is quite like that of a child."

After hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at the quicksand bag in his hand and said with a smile:

"You don't like this?"

"If you don't like it, tell me whether it's sweet or not, and whether it's salty or not."

"I didn't like it before... That's not right. I should say I've never eaten it. Later, Yang Mi bought it and gave it to Nuannuan Yangyang to take a bite. Nuan Nuan and Yangyang didn't like it either, but I thought it was a waste. After taking a bite, I felt not bad."

A mouthful of quicksand buns and a sip of tea.

Xu Xin thought for a while and then said:

"So far, the story is so-so. The traces of adaptation are still quite heavy. Being cold-blooded and being raised by wolves is part of the original work, but turning into a werewolf is too nonsense..."

Speaking of this, he paused and said:

"But I can probably guess why you asked me about this script alone and not the other movies you were invited to star in."


Liu Yifei's eyes lit up:

"Can you guess it?"


Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

In fact, if Yang Mi was opposite him, he would definitely say:

"If I guess correctly, what reward will you give me tonight?"

Unfortunately, it's Liu Yifei.

He said bluntly:

"Want to see if I can perform in a wheelchair?"

His words were actually very vague.

But Liu Yifei's face showed a smile unconsciously.

Sure enough, the one who understands me best...

It's you.

So, she nodded:

"Yes, I want to give it a try... In fact, if you hadn't told me not to refuse commercial films, I might have stopped acting. Before going to Korea, I had always chosen literary and artistic films... I wanted to go in the direction of the three major Work hard.”

"Good guy, you didn't even look at the three gold medals and went directly to the three majors?"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

And Liu Yifei also smiled happily:

"So, you forgot my nickname?"

"The number one blood cow in the entertainment industry?"

"Bah! I am the only one who respects Liu Yifei!"

"Tsk, that's really good."

These were all jokes, and neither of them took them seriously.

"But as you said, movies... must not only be responsible for themselves, but also for the audience. I think that so many people who like me definitely don't like to watch me act in artistic films. But I don't want to lower my respect for them. Based on my own requirements, I picked and chose this one. Sitting in a wheelchair the whole time was very restrictive for me. I couldn't do intense movements, and I didn't have too much body language. I could only rely on expressions to express the needs of the character... …It’s quite challenging.”

"Yeah, indeed."

Xu Xin narrowed his eyes and thought for a while while scooping the porridge.

I found that the role of Qing Qing was indeed very restrictive.

It's a very challenging role.

If you don't act well, you're just a hemiplegic.

To have a good eye is equivalent to giving a character a soul in a small space.

Show a ruthless strategist...

"Gotta put in some work."

"But I think the quality of this script is quite average."

"Yeah. Indeed."

Xu Xin nodded again:

"But it's not particularly bad. As long as the director is reliable...who is the director of "Painted Skin"?"

"Chen Jiashang."


He began to recall the "Painted Skin" he watched back then.

The overall feeling is okay.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Then let's give it a try. What about investment? How much?"

"I don't know. But I was paid this amount."

She held out a finger.

"one million?"


Although I knew he was joking, but...

"Am I that worthless in your eyes?"

The fairy sister said coquettishly.

That's really a thousand kinds of style.

Xu Xin laughed:


Seeing him smile, Liu Yifei laughed unconsciously.

Then he asked:

"So... let me try? Any suggestions?"


"...Not at all?"

"Well, no. Because I have confidence in you."

When he said this, his attitude was not serious.

But the sincerity in his tone was beyond words:

"Because you are the only one in the world, Liu Yifei."


Liu Yifei was stunned...

He seemed shocked by these words.

After a full five or six seconds, she nodded:

"Well, I won't let you down, I promise!"

Xu Xin smiled slightly and raised the cup.


Again: single female protagonist, single female protagonist, single female protagonist.

Whether it's the fairy sister or Shishi, their role is not to have an affair with Xu Xin, and there won't be such a plot.

Their importance lies in the changes Xu Xin brought to this circle.

Other psychological activities are actually more like evidence of Xu Xin's excellence.

It doesn't mean that you will have a harem in the later stage, or have some ambiguity or confidante. does not exist.

For some people, he is the light and he is the moth.

A moth flies into the flame desperately, but it is destined to miss the light.

I think this is also a kind of romance with a bit of regret.

It doesn't matter if you don't get love, or if you miss it.

This regret is also a kind of beauty.

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