I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 694 691 List Announced

Chapter 694 691. List announced

"You're back~ How much did you drink?"

"It's less than a pound...it's not bad, in good condition."

After pointing out that she didn't drink too much, Yang Mi immediately looked satisfied.

That'll do.

If you drink too much, you will become a dead pig.

Dry and uninteresting.

This feeling of being tipsy is just right.

It seems like I am ten years younger and I don’t know how tired I am.

Auntie, I seem to be blessed tonight.

"The child is asleep?"

I haven't seen my daughter and son for a few days. It's okay that I didn't go home, but I felt a little panicked when I got home.

"What time is it? I went to bed long ago."

Yang Mi said, pushing his suitcase into the laundry room:

"You go take a shower."


He went directly to the second floor. After washing his body with warm water, he only felt that the confused feeling became heavier.

When I came out of the bathroom, I saw my wife in baggy pajamas applying perfume to her face.

Subconsciously, he asked:

"How much do you weigh now?"

"I weighed myself this morning. It's 98, and I still have three pounds. Look at my face."

She faced Xu Xin and used a little trick of sucking the cheek muscles on both sides into her mouth.

All of a sudden, those two plump apple muscles turned into tall bulges with a somewhat mean look.

Frankly, it's pretty ugly.

She can't lose weight...

Not right either.

It should be said that you cannot be particularly thin.

Otherwise, after losing weight and losing face, your face will look particularly slim.

Xu Xin didn't know if this was considered a nuisance, but he didn't like it anyway.

So here comes the sentence:

"Can you gain weight as soon as possible after filming?"

"Well...it depends."

Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"As soon as my role in "The Grandmaster" is confirmed to be completed, I plan to take my children back to Shenmu to live there for a year and a half. I will practice my accent and tan my skin, especially my hands. I want them to be... very rough. The texture is created. People can tell at a glance that I am a plateau girl, or the type who often does farm work."

"But there also needs to be a sense of contradiction. Zhaodi worked in a big city and got pregnant after having an affair with a wild man. The man ran away and came back. She not only needs to have a sense of country, but also a sense of rural life. The feeling of being out of place after people go to the city to be "gilded" is related to..."

“Trendy fashion with a touch of earthiness.”

Xu Xin didn't need to continue to fill in the blanks, so she told her husband how he wanted to feel.

Xu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up.


"I have been researching recently. If everything goes well, I will stay for a year and a half this year and finish filming the movie next year. I will get rid of it quickly... Your story is too terrible."


Seeing that she had done her ideological work, Xu Xin nodded:

"Then after I finish filming "Heart of the Burning Sun", I will also seize the time to prepare."


While she was talking, Yang Mi had already applied skin care products on her face.

She was wearing a strange combination of long sleeves on the upper body and loose pajamas underneath.

After standing up, when my belly is closed, my waist can no longer hold my pants.

It fell to the ground "bald".

Then she will untie her hair.


Xu Xin quickly stopped her:

"I don't want to hear what you said."


Yang Mi rolled her eyes, came to the bed, and pushed her husband back.

Xu Xin's whole body "smashed" onto the bed.

I'm really dizzy now.

Drowsily, the world is spinning.

Looking at his wife who was looking down at him and her, he suddenly remembered something and said:

"Oh, by the way. Do you know Qin Hailu's partner, right?"


Yang Mi was a little confused.

I thought to myself, big brother, it’s already this time, and you’re still talking about this.

Therefore, she did not plan to answer the question, but planned to tell her husband with practical actions: You need to stay focused.

But Xu Xin’s next sentence has already been spoken:

"She broke up with her partner."

Yang Mi's hand that was already reaching out suddenly stopped.

Eyes shine.

Who would want to do this after hearing all the gossip?

"What's going on? I remember... isn't she the boss of her company? It is said that the two of them have been talking for a long time."

"Well, Brother Qi told me about 8 years. As for why we broke up, I don't know. Anyway, tonight..."

He told the whole story.

Yang Mi sighed after hearing this:

"Tsk... I remember what she said when she was interviewed by a talk show in Yanjing. She went to college just to get a diploma, and then go back to work as a white-collar worker and find a husband with better conditions to marry. The result is enough. Unfortunately, my first boyfriend was snatched away by Li Xiang. The man seemed to be a diamond king. The second boyfriend gave up 8 years of his youth... So, what kind of rich family should you marry well? You should learn Luo Peiying, shouted: I am a wealthy person myself!"

"Isn't this what Sister Bingbing said?"

Xu Xin said subconsciously.

Yang Mi was stunned:

"When did Sister Bingbing say that?"


The alcohol started to mess up his thoughts.

"I forgot too."

"If you forget, just forget it. Maybe it was said by a great writer."

Yang Mi didn't care either.


An idea flashed in her mind:

"Eh? Then she broke up with her boss, do you think she can still stay in the company? I remember when "The Piano of Steel" was released, didn't you and Brother Qi talk about it, saying that there was a shortage of such a Qingyi in the factory? Yes. Do you want to recruit her, send her a message or something? Just don’t wait for me, let me stay pretty and be a pretty girl for a few more years..."


Xu Xin was dumbfounded.

Not to mention the narcissistic words at the end...

"I am a married man who stayed up in the middle of the night and sent a message to a lovelorn older sister? What did I say?"

"...Comfort her."

"are you crazy?"

"Do you have medicine?"


Xu Xinxin said it’s been so long and you’re still making fun of me.

This joke is almost dead.

Also play!


My wife’s suggestion is okay...

"I'm afraid I can't remember it. Please write it down and remind me tomorrow."

"Well, okay. Have you finished talking about the business? If there is any gossip, please tell me immediately."

"Uh... no more."



"Okay, let's get down to business."

This sister directly condescended to her husband and made a crab pose.

With a wild look on his face:

"Muhahahaha...Beauty, I'm here~"

A pervasive shadow enveloped Xu Xin's expression that was 97% frightened and 97% "Don't come over".

"No, why are you becoming more and more perverted..."

"Muhahahaha, brother, little Kuikui of the Sa family is here to take care of my brother! Muhahahaha~"

As an old couple, sometimes private conversations can actually ruin your outlook.

What a pure person he was back then.

But I don’t know when...

The girl died.

Kong left behind a body that was occupied by a man with a black beard who was not sure whether it was Li Kui or Li Gui.

That is to say, I drank alcohol last night, which made me daring.

Otherwise, he might not be able to keep his mouth shut.

And when he woke up in the morning, what woke him up was not some gentle love words, but Yang Mi's loud shout:

"Oh ho!"

He was startled and quickly raised his head to see his rosy-faced wife dancing with her mobile phone in hand.

"I'm going to die! Don't you know how to keep your voice down?"

"Oh, did it scare you?"

Yang Mi’s eyes were full of excitement:

"I have brought you good news. You should read it first and then decide whether to scold me or not!"

As she spoke, she handed over the phone.

Xu Xin discovered that it was her chatting with Qian Pengcheng.

Qian Pengcheng sent a message at 9:24:

"Mimi, the national ratings for the first broadcast were 1.99 and the market share was 8.24. You really brought us a lucky star!"

Yang Mi hasn’t replied yet.

The most recent chat between the two was at 10 o'clock last night, before Xu Xin came back.

Yang Mi sent him a message:

"Mr. Qian, I've finished watching two episodes. This drama is very well done. The ratings will definitely explode!"

"Haha, I'd like to lend you some good advice. I'll tell you as soon as I get the news tomorrow. I hope I get good results!"

Looking at these two messages, Xu Xin asked in confusion:


""Jade Palace Lock Heart"!"

Yang Mi's face looked excited:

"It premiered last night, and the premiere ratings were 1.99! Haha!"


Because he had just woken up, his brain was still a little unresponsive.

He just nodded subconsciously, got up and walked to the bathroom.

After squatting in the toilet, my mind became clear.

After getting dressed and going downstairs, surrounded by two children and two dogs, he picked up his daughter and said to his wife:

"Has anyone in the outside world said that you let go of a golden phoenix?"


Yang Mi's eyes were full of excitement.

If there were outsiders present, they would definitely find it strange.

Yang Ying's drama premiered with a ratings of 1.99. Looking at the popularity of this drama, Yang Ying's fame may become popular in the entertainment industry.

But Yang Ying has left Shuang Wei, so Yang Mi should be sad and regretful.

After all, this is the rhythm of letting go of a golden phoenix.

Is the friendship between the two really so unnatural?

As long as Yang Ying is hot, Yang Mi will be happy, and it doesn't matter whether she makes money for herself or not?

And if outsiders really think so, it means that Yang Mi's goal has been achieved.

That was the main reason why she was so excited.

Indeed, after Yang Ying left, the first broadcast of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" was close to breaking 2. It was a blockbuster hit, and his future career will definitely begin to officially enter a period of growth.

At first glance, Shuangwei's decision to let her go was the biggest loss.

Even if she signed a contract with Yuntu... after all, she could no longer directly bring benefits to Shuangwei. As a company, Shuangwei suffered a loss from her grandma's family.

But...Yang Mi doesn't care about money either.

She has money.

Not right either.

She actually doesn’t have “much money” either.

But the problem is that my father is rich.

Not only was my father rich, he also hired a son-in-law for me.


"Tingting, ask people from the company to use my Weibo to send congratulations to Yang Ying to celebrate the premiere of "Gong Lock Heart Jade". Remember not to be so formulaic in your tone, but to appear sincere and intimate."

She quickly sent a voice message to Sun Ting.

Obviously, this is about to start reaping the dividends of friendship between the two of them.

When Yang Ying was still young, he extended a hand of hope to him and pulled his friend up.

For the sake of her friend's career plan, she reluctantly parted ways with her, giving her more room for development.

When the other party makes achievements, he does not care about how much he has lost after the other party leaves, but sends blessings as soon as possible...

Isn’t this iron-clad “righteous” character just here?

Sister Mi is kind and righteous.


light and spacious.

Don't feel sorry for anyone.

This kind persona and lovable style, let alone public figures, even if you occasionally hear what a stranger does, you have to give him a thumbs up.

And with a character like Yang Mi, when some kind of trouble really happens, I’ll ask you: Who do you believe?

What's more, a likable personality is also the most attractive type of public figure.

While it can be linked to Shuangwei's corporate image, it is also a guarantee for Yang Mi herself.

Among actors of the same level, one has charisma and acting skills, while the other has acting skills but no charisma.

Who will the director use?

To put it bluntly, the more outsiders use money to measure Yang Mi's losses, the greater the benefits Yang Mi will gain.

That young model who used a trick to hype herself up...

In her hands, it is now exerting a value that could never have existed and was not worthy of being possessed by her.

Moreover, this value has passed the stage of primitive accumulation.

As long as Yang Ying's career gets better and better.

Not to mention anything else, the snowball that has rolled up in three to five years is enough to benefit Yang Mi for a lifetime.

Can she be unhappy?

After spending time on the toilet and figuring out the pros and cons of the matter, Xu Xin left her alone.

Anyway, Yang Ying's quality has nothing to do with him... Oh no.

"You ask her to work hard for Huang Xiaoming, try her best to get works from the Beijing circle, and set an example for everyone."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Yang Mi responded:

"I'll ask her where she is. If not, I can have dinner with her tonight."


Seeing that she knew exactly what to do at this stage, Xu Xin completely fell silent.

Stay with the baby.

Both babies smell great and are very attractive to people.

Xu Xin finally left the matter of recruiting Qin Hailu to Qi Lei.

Otherwise, he really doesn’t think it’s appropriate.

Mainly because of his status... Although everyone knows that he is the prince of the Northwest Circle, his rank in the Xiying Studio is not high after all.

The name is not justified.

But it was natural for Qi Lei to extend an olive branch to her.

It’s April 1st.

He's not in a festive mood.

Not many people dared to joke blatantly with him.

Except Lang Lang sent him a text message "Why didn't you come to my wedding?"...

But Xu Xin thought he was farting.

But everyone in the groomsmen group was bragging for quite a while.

We had a lot of fun chatting.

As for the "Palace" matter, it is indeed fermenting on the Internet as Xu Xin expected.

Everyone is saying that Yang Mi should not let Yang Ying go.

She suffered a huge loss.

Some people even directly analyzed that the two people's play styles are highly overlapping, and they may be the most direct competitors in the future...

More and more people feel sorry for Yang Mi.

However, looking at the blessing she sent as soon as possible this morning, I couldn’t say anything...


Sister, you are loyal.

We will no longer judge a gentleman’s heart with a villain’s heart.

The brewing of this news drove the ratings of the third and fourth episodes of "Palace" that night, April 1, to soar.

On the morning of April 2, the ratings of "Palace" came out.

The ratings directly came to 2.21, and the market share was 9.82.

In terms of ratings for the first four episodes, "Palace" has already surpassed last year's Hunan TV hit "Watch the Meteor Shower Together Again".

Note that it is "again".

This drama completely made Zhang Han and Zheng Yan popular. Just when people lamented that this girl Zheng Yan was really lucky, and she had firmly established herself as a "pillar" at such a young age.

Now Yang Ying's appearance has given reporters a new gimmick.

Zheng Yan?

Or Yang Ying?

Who can really sit in the position of the first sister of Hunan TV series?

Isn’t this topic just here?

This gimmick is like a gold mine with timeliness.

Whether it is Yang Mi or reporters, they are all wielding hoes to quickly grab their own wealth.

After all, time is limited on this topic.

But for Xu Xin, it doesn't matter.

What’s the use of having one sister in a TV series?

It's of no use to him anyway.

But he didn’t leave on the 2nd either.

Instead, he was waiting for news from Qi Lei.

Today is the day when the shortlist of the 64th Cannes Film Festival is announced.

The time difference between France and China is 6 hours.

The list was announced at 10 o'clock over there, and it was estimated that it would reach China around 5 o'clock.

4:50 p.m.

While he and Yang Mi were packing some luggage to move to Shijia Hutong, Xu Xin's phone rang.

The two of them put down what they were doing at the same time.

Xu Xin took out the phone, took a look at it, connected it directly, and turned on the speakerphone:

"Hey, Brother Qi. How are you? Are there any results?"


Qi Lei's voice sounded from the speaker, but his mood was not high:

"The midnight screening section...the main competition and none of them entered."


After Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Isn't that pretty good? At least it's rated well. Didn't I just say it at the time? This story is just an ordinary urban emotional script. There is no upper limit or lower limit. I didn't expect it to be rated well from the beginning. In a large unit...it can be shown at midnight screenings, which is considered famous, and it will be good to have some exposure."

"...That's what I said."

Qi Lei said with some discomfort:

"But... I'm still holding out hope. Let's not talk about one category. The script really doesn't have much depth. But I think the main competition section at least has some hope... Who would have thought that it would be screened at midnight? …”

"Hahaha, what else? Am I going to win another Best Picture or Director award based on this movie? It's unrealistic."

Xu Xin was really dumbfounded.

Even if he is a god of directing, it is still difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Just make a movie where a kid is threatened with having his pants pulled off, and then you have to gang up on the big three and beat up all the movies?

No novel would dare to be written like this.

Being shortlisted for the midnight screening was actually quite a surprise for him.

"How many films are on the shortlist this time?"

"49 in total."

"That's alright, there are so many movies in Cannes every year, it's already amazing that we can be one of the 49. It's okay, just relax. When the filming of Scorching Sun is finished, I will take you to visit Venice or the Golden Bear. Venice. In my hometown, I am a friend of those Italian grannies, and I am the one who sweeps away the golden lion and pinches it with both hands."

"……Ha ha."

Qi Lei was also quite amused by his words.

After adjusting his mentality slightly, he sighed:

"Oh... ok. I was too impatient. But it's okay this time, we're not alone."

"Oh? Which other Chinese-language movies are included?"

""Martial Arts", starring Chen Kexin. Starring Donnie Yen."

"A film from Yindu?"

"They think...it's from another company and has nothing to do with Yin."

"Oh, okay, then we don't count as fighting alone. We are brothers at home and father and son soldiers abroad."

"We are not alone, because we are rivals with them. This year, there are only two Chinese-language films, both of which were put in the midnight screening section."


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

And Yang Mi burst out laughing.

She wanted to see who was the father and who was the son after going abroad...

"Mimi is here too?"

"Hey, Brother Qi, we are packing things for moving. It's okay, you can chat."

After hearing what Yang Mi said, Qi Lei said:

"Then you two pack up... By the way, can you come back tomorrow? Let's finalize the itinerary. Who do you want to take with you on this trip?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Si Wei and Wen Zhang will definitely go..."

As he was talking, he suddenly saw his wife's mouth shape and added:

"Tang Yan, bring it with you too. As for Lao Wang... I'll ask him later. It's probably his first time traveling at public expense, so he's going to join in the fun."

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow. You guys can get busy. I'll start drafting the crew list."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi asked:

"Should I call Tang Yan and say something?"

"There's no rush, just pack it up first, don't be lazy."

Hearing this, the young woman was unhappy:

"Xu! I've been working all day! You don't even understand me~"


The self-titled "people" made him tremble unconsciously.

He complained:

"Two days ago, Li Kuikui was still in a hahaha mood... He was a man who had nothing to do with his parents, but now he is an adult again?"


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows and threw the clothes in her hand into the box:

"Take care of it yourself!"

"Why are you going! Don't be lazy!"


"Fart! You are a little fairy, how can you poop?"

"I'm happy! Just wait, let's add a dish tonight! Boiled radish and soybeans! I'm going to France soon, so you can experience what French cannon is in advance!"


Xu Xin's face turned green.


This is what a couple is.

From an outsider's perspective, Yang Mi is so beautiful, how could Xu Gou, who is so ugly, be worthy of our Mi Mi?

But what is the actual situation?

All the commotion in the house was caused by her.

Who would have imagined that a female artist with a five-year-old appearance would fart, snore, grind her teeth, and compete with dogs for food at home.


He sighed helplessly.

Back then, the soft girl would blush for a long time if she kissed her on the lips, would burst into tears when the two of them slept, and the older brother was the younger brother...

I can never go back.

Thinking of this, he felt sad for a moment.

Then he quickly walked into the bathroom of the master bedroom.

He quickly took out a small nail clipper and cut the labels on the collars of some clothes that his wife often wore in the box.

Each one is cut with just a small gap in the middle.

You can't tell if you don't look carefully.

But when she puts it on, the "sharpness" of these "little gaps" will turn into itchy little needles.

While cutting, he sneered.


I still can't cure you?

Let me tell you, when it comes to playing tricks, I'm still young!

This is the only update today. I have tenosynovitis and both hands are numb. I really can’t write anymore. Please forgive me~

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