I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 695 692 Grasping with both hands, both hands must be hard

Chapter 695 692. Grasping with both hands, both hands must be hard

Early morning on the 3rd.



After giving her husband a hard smack, Yang Mi waved her hand:

"Go ahead, go back early and come back early."


Xu Xin nodded, kissed the two babies in his arms, put them down, and pushed the box out of the door.

This time he went directly from Xi'an to Shantou, which conservatively estimated would take a week.

Got in the commercial car and went straight to the airport.

"I will spend my whole life to support you~"

"...What a crappy song, who sang it? It's so ugly. Replace it with Jay Chou's."

He was checking his cell phone in the car when he heard the mosquito-like sound and said speechlessly.

"Uh...Brother Xu, this is "The Offering of Love", the theme song of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" sung by Sister Baby."

"Then change it. It's not as good as your sister's singing."

Xu Xin complained and urged her to change songs quickly.

Otherwise, she will be deducted two hundred!

Seeing this, Su Meng quickly unplugged the AUX cable connected to her mobile phone and switched it to CD playback.

While waiting for the tape to be read, she asked curiously:

"Brother Xu, can Sister Mi sing? I've never heard of it. Does it sound good?"

"It's as ugly as what Yang Ying sang."


Su Meng was speechless.

But Xu Xin was telling the truth.

According to Jay Chou's words, you two must not engage in cross-border amphibious activities.

People will die.

Xu Xin himself sings with a clear focus on his heart but not on his heart. No matter what song he sings, he always roars with his voice. And the same goes for Yang Mi... the sound of her singing is particularly special.

Like a vise.

That little milky sound makes people get goosebumps.

It's better to sing with a microphone, but I'm afraid she'll sing it in the shower.

Listening to the movement through the door...people who don't know think her husband is bad.

As for Xu Xin...even Wang Sicong is better than him.

For this reason, the eldest young master even laughed at him several times.

Words like "You have a voice like yours and you have the nerve to go to KTV every day?" and "You can sing so poorly that you have the nerve to pick up a microphone? Go home and raise pigs." and other words kept coming.

Xu Xin didn't bother to talk to him at first.

It could be seen that he had developed a sense of superiority, so he asked in front of several people:

"You go to nightclubs just to sing?"

After asking this question and giving the other party a look of disdain that said, "You are so low-end," the topic ended with the brothers.

Or maybe Lao Xu knows how to play.

that is.

Who goes to a nightclub to sing seriously?

If you really want to sing...it can only mean that you are still too young.

The per capita consumption starts at 3 to 500 yuan, but I still have to pick out a good-looking place before my friends, and do things like singing all afternoon for 60 yuan, and eating melon seeds for free...

What is that if it's not being taken advantage of?

We left relatively early today, and it was just ten o'clock when we arrived in Xi'an.

Walking all the way to Xiying Studio, he used his mobile phone to browse news in the entertainment sector.

Sure enough, after the Cannes list was announced, "Thirty-day Love" entered the media's attention.

After all, it is the only Chinese-language film in Cannes this year, and it is still very popular.

Especially neither Xu Xin nor Chen Kexin are unknown people. Being in Cannes is not something to write home about, but words of praise and praise are still indispensable.

It's just that...most people praise Chen Kexin.

There are many people who say that they have exhausted their talents.

It's quite baffling.

Xu Xin didn't know how this group of people dared to act like this.

My "Hawthorn Tree" is still hanging on the crooked neck tree in the back mountain, and the bones are still cold. It has only been two months, and it has been forgotten?

[Xu Xin missed the main competition section of Cannes with "Thirty-day Love", is he exhausted? 】

Take a look, the language structure of this news is so crooked.

After probably finishing reading this piece of news, he paid attention to the writer.

"Beijing Film and Entertainment Weekly"


Even the name has a tabloid flavor.

The content is also very simple, just two key points.

The first point is that I seem to only make romance films, from "The Secret" to "The Hawthorn Tree"... Note, this is the original sentence. This reporter directly ignored "The Wind" and played with a clever language structure, and now he has "Thirty-three Days of Love".

I have become a director of a single genre film. Originally, when other directors were taking advantage of their youth to forge ahead and challenge different themes, they rested on their laurels and were stubborn and conservative. I was afraid that my future achievements would be limited.

The second focus is to promote Chen Kexin's "Martial Arts" after using his name to attract attention.

Why does that sentence look familiar?

"Although I haven't seen the movie "Martial Arts" yet, I believe that the collaboration between Director Chen Kexin and Donnie Yen will definitely bring our oriental film aesthetics to the Cannes audience."



Leave aside the facts and talk about the body.


After seeing that this news got a good position in the entertainment section of the portal APP launched by Sohu, he directly uninstalled the Sohu client on his phone.

Goodbye Sohu, I'm going to NetEase.

But soon he withdrew from NetEase News.

[Exclusive spoilers for the film content of "Thirty-day Love"! 】

After going in with some curiosity, I found out that it was the plot of the novel "33 Days".


He was speechless and continued to read a few more pages.

It can only be said that these news are very consistent with NetEase's style.

For example, a Korean boy band named TVXQ came to China to hold a performance. A large number of fans crowded into the Shanghai Airport, causing traffic jams. NetEase writers called it "empty crowds" and "Korean Wave conquers Shanghai". "...

Another example is the comparison of a certain actress before and after plastic surgery. It is obviously not an exaggeration, but she was given the shocking title of "Plastic Surgery Failed"...

Finally, he posted on Weibo.

It's a habit for him to scroll through Weibo. It's quite convenient for him to scroll through Weibo for a while in the car or when he's bored to catch up on the news.

Moreover, he only has a small account on his mobile phone, and he is purely a spectator. He basically just likes and never comments.

After entering the Weibo interface, I was about to search for news about Cannes when I suddenly saw a push on the popular Weibo.

# Exposed! Liu Zhishi wants to terminate the contract with the Tang Dynasty! #

This message was published an hour ago and has already received more than 3,000 comments, 15,000 likes, and hundreds of thousands of views.

The content is that this person got news from inside the Tang Dynasty. Liu Zhishi wanted to peacefully terminate the contract with the Tang Dynasty, but was rejected by the Tang Dynasty. The two parties may have to embark on judicial proceedings.

After reading the Weibo, he thought about it and directly added the Weibo to Yang Mi's trumpet account.

WeChat notified the other party:

“Shishi’s matter was posted on Weibo.”

Yang Mi replied quickly:

"Are you here?"

"Well, we've all entered the city. We'll be there in a minute."

"Okay, I've just seen the news, and it spread quite quickly. Tangren rejected Shishi's offer and refused to terminate the contract. Shishi told me that we have to go through judicial procedures. It is estimated that it will be within one million at most. It'll be done. You don't have to worry, I'm here."


The two ended their chat. Xu Xin no longer paid attention to this matter. Instead, he picked up some fair and objective news bloggers that he followed. After reading today's news, he turned off his phone.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, his thoughts were slightly distracted.

What my wife said at the end is particularly true.

The news is indeed spreading faster and faster now.

The previous generation's way of getting news was through newspapers and television. The fastest way is to know what happened yesterday today.

By his generation, the Internet began to rise. According to the textbook, "the Internet has established a diversified information highway around the world."

Everyone's habits have gradually changed from television or print media to portals.

Get the news you want from the portal.

Fast is fast, but there is still a certain reaction time.

Since the emergence of Weibo, this highway seems to have lifted the 120 speed limit.

The speed of news spreading is almost measured in minutes.

The speed is dizzying.

Just like the Shishi incident, it probably took less than an hour when it happened in Tangren Company. The next moment it had spread throughout the country.

This kind of timeliness is really terrible.

Sometimes it makes his scalp tingle.

There is an old saying that "good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles."

The world itself is full of injustice to good people.

To give the most realistic example, if a person does a hundred good things, then as long as he does one bad thing, his true colors are revealed.

But when a person does a hundred bad things and does a good thing in 101, it is called the prodigal son turning back.

He didn't know if he was magnifying the dark side of human nature.

His understanding of the entertainment industry can be seen...

Many things here are actually absurd that outsiders can hardly imagine and accept.

Then here comes the problem.

A circle that is glamorous on the outside but not really beautiful on the inside, coupled with this era of information explosion that can no longer be said to be a highway, but can be said to be the speed of quantum leap...

"Speaking with facts" seems to have become an out-of-reach word.

For example, there are nearly 1,750 feature films of more than one hour in length and nearly 1,600 short films of less than one hour in Cannes this year.

There are more than 3,000 films in total, but only 49 films were shortlisted.

And I am one of these 49 movies.

Not to mention anything else, China will submit nearly a hundred movies to Cannes every year, or even more than this number, but these movies have all disappeared, and there is no news at all.

He was clearly shortlisted, but in the media's words he became "a man with no talent".

I don’t know when it started, but it seems that if the news doesn’t have a breaking point or a gimmick, it won’t attract viewers to click and browse.

And the resulting news results are habitually exaggerated.

This can easily mislead others.

Good things are easily misinterpreted, and bad things are easily magnified.

On boarding this high-speed express train of communication...

And the increasingly high-definition cameras on mobile phones.

For no reason, he had a premonition.

From now on, I am afraid that every word and deed of a public figure will be scrutinized with a magnifying glass.

When he thought of this, his divergent thinking inevitably made him think about the future.

Su Meng drove all the way to Xiying Studio. When the cheerful Qi Lei saw him who was worried, he was stunned:

"What happened?"

His heart suddenly lifted.

Xu Xin sat on a chair and asked him:

"Brother Qi, do you have a feeling that the news is becoming more and more timely now?"

Qi Lei was stunned.

What does your heart mean when you say this?

He can understand the words and recognize the words.

But Lian Cheng didn't know what Xu Xin wanted to express.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said all the things and thoughts that he had just thought about through the news in the car:

"...I was just thinking, look..."33 Days" just wasn't shortlisted for the main competition or a category, so I was said to be useless by the media. What if one day I suddenly...fell off the street? What do you think? Want to see what the media will say?”

After understanding his thoughts, Qi Lei subconsciously consoled him:

"No, at your level you don't have to worry about these things..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Xu Xin say:

"Xu Xin made Xiying Studio collapse."


Qi Lei's mouth twitched.

But it's not over yet.

"Xiying Studio has destroyed Xu Xin's spirituality."


"Xiying Studio + Xu Xin = disaster."


"Also, our current goal is not to disintegrate the Beijing Circle, but to play our own game. If the market becomes bigger and bigger and the Northwest Circle gets better and better, then no matter what happens, it will be inevitable for people to look like others. A few mouse droppings were mixed into a pot of soup. When the time comes..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin's back seemed to be grasping something, and he waved it in front of him:

"The northwest circle harbors filth and evil and is the biggest worm in the entertainment industry!"


Under Qi Lei's frown, Xu Xin shrugged:

"Do you think it's scary?"

As the future successor of Xiying Studio, Qi Lei is naturally not stupid.

He understood that what Xu Xin said was not just to please the media in today's world where the speed of information dissemination is exploding.

This truth cannot be explained with such an exaggerated narrative technique.

He must have other intentions.

So he lit a cigarette.

After half a cigarette, he said to the pensive Xu Xin:

"We cannot slow down the pace of growth. Once we stagnate, these people who were originally just outsiders will not hesitate to re-enter the embrace of Beijing. If it cannot bring benefits to other people, the so-called loyalty is equivalent to that of a dog. shit."

"That's right."

Xu Xin nodded:

"So that's where my dilemma lies."

"And what's even more difficult is that whoever pulls off some of the gray fig leaves in this circle will die badly. Even if we are doing it, we will end up being attacked by a group of people."

Obviously, after being inspired by Xu Xin, Qi Lei also understood what he wanted to express.

And what he said was simple.

This circle cannot and does not deserve heroes.

Any saint who tries to become the "commanding heights" or "moral benchmark" will be ruthlessly excluded and suppressed.

to be honest.

Why do people say that actors are heartless and bitches without intention, and call Li Yuanxing a low-class actor?

This is why.

You can be great and outstanding in this circle.

But you want everyone to follow you to greatness?

Who are you?

This is the common understanding of Qi Lei and Xu Xin.

However, Qi Lei understood this truth through a little bit of study, practice, and experience after working in the factory.

Xu Xin realized it early through the old man's side education and some innate sensitivity during the Olympics.

"I think... we are just getting started now, and it is the time to recruit talented people. The so-called heroes do not ask where they come from, even if they occasionally attract a few mouse droppings, there is nothing we can do about it. Moreover, we cannot require everyone to be Saint, that’s not realistic.”

“But spiritual building is definitely needed.”

Facing Qi Lei's helpless words, Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"I also know it's unrealistic. It's like asking everyone to be selfless. But my point is very simple... Brother Qi, you haven't noticed that in the current industry, only state-owned enterprises seem to propose and learn from advanced figures. spirit? Moreover, even in our factory, the people who go to study every year are working people, not artists."


Qi Lei was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he fell into deep thought following Xu Xin's words.

He knew that Xu Xin's words were definitely not simple lies.

There must be your own thoughts in it.

Both he and Mr. Tian actually understood that this young man... had a sense of smell and sensitivity far beyond ordinary people in certain matters.

Even many old fritters are not as good as him.

He was not born to be a director, but should have taken another path.

And the West Film Studio is not some bloated platform that makes it difficult to move even a single step.

These people disappeared as early as the most lonely decade of Xiying Studio.

Shaanxi people control Shaanxi is not an empty talk, but the unity and cohesion of this generation of Shaanxi people to bring this film dream factory back to its peak.

What Xu Xin proposed today is a fundamental structural adjustment.

It's definitely not a child's play.

Even if it can't be said that everything has been thought through yet, at the very least, everyone must have a general direction in mind.

So he thought deeply and carefully.

When Xu Xin finished smoking all the cigarettes he lit, he asked a very "irrelevant" question:

"For outsiders to see, or for yourself?"

"Show it to outsiders, but also show it to yourself."

At first glance, their words sounded like nonsense.

But Qi Lei's brows wrinkled again.

"Should we show it to outsiders first, or should we show it to ourselves first?"

"I don't think there will be any delay on either side."

Xu Xin shook his head again:

"To put it simply, for outsiders to see, it is nothing more than celebrities from all walks of life gathering together to seriously study the spirit of speech. Above, at the same level, and below, give an explanation to the three parties. The requirements must be mandatory, no matter what you are doing, in the end A good way is to choose a fixed time every year to conduct a study and training session.

And see for yourself... I think the word "lawless" is actually very wrong. But sometimes it has to be said that this is the case. So, while we don’t have many people now, let’s make a good start. What works first and what works below works. Pass this kind of thing from generation to generation... If someone makes a small mistake, then repent in time. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will reach the shore.

If there is someone who makes a big mistake, there will be no reporters and no spies in this internal study. Call the artists and managers over and show our attitude. Good people have their fate, and bad people change their ways quickly before they are completely broken.

And if they can't change things, the factory won't be able to help them in any way if something goes wrong. And how to give something out, how to take it back and distribute it to others. And the door is forever closed to him... That's all I can think of for the moment.

Not to mention collective honor, collective dedication and the like. A few mice droppings let everyone know in their hearts what awe is. There are even incentives at some levels to report each other..."

"This will cause confusion..."

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei quickly reminded him.

But Xu Xin shrugged:

"That's why it's more convenient to do it when there are fewer people. With fewer people, there will be less competition pressure. When the reputation spreads, even those sick rats who want to come will have to consider whether we are suitable for them to breed the virus. The hotbed. Slowly, the environment will get better... Maybe my idea is a little naive, but I think my idea is right.

Today's Internet information spreads so fast. Who can guarantee that if something happens to each of their artists, they will be able to react in time and make strategies and responses? That's not realistic.

Besides, don't forget... Mr. Tian said that the second wave of "coal bosses" is about to enter the scene. Once anyone and anything in this circle is linked to money, more gray will breed.

In this coming wave, we have no choice but to keep ourselves awake. "


At this time, Qi Lei was speechless.

Xu Xin's words made it clear a cold fact.

Xiying Studio is not a hero and cannot save the world.

The situation in the future... may become extremely difficult to maintain the original intention.

Everyone has too much time to take care of themselves.

How can you think about benefiting the world at the same time?

"So... mandatory study?"

he asked.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, it's mandatory. No matter what you are busy with, you have to stop. But the time must be adjusted a little. You can also give some flexibility. But it must come. In this way, externally and internally, To everyone, to myself...

Especially in the eyes of outsiders, at least we are implementing education. But there are always some poor students in a class. If something went wrong, it would be a non-war crime, and it would not be my fault. If we can leave this impression on everyone, it means we have succeeded. "


Qi Lei once again fell into silence for an unknown number of times.

After a while, he said:

"We have to discuss this matter with Mr. Tian."

"But you can't notify a lot of people."

"Yes. We have to think carefully before Mr. Tian can issue it himself..."

"Is Mr. Tian here?"

"No, I'm going to Yanjing to work on the film festival. The plan is to announce the establishment of the film festival in late April, and then give a timetable and some regulations. Let domestic filmmakers prepare. The plan is to hold it in August and June We will start collecting works, and we will start to form a public review club in May. There are still a lot of things to be busy with."

"Then we can only wait until he comes back to talk about this matter. It just so happens that I have to go choose a location. Can we talk about it after he comes back from Shantou?"


After the two discussed it, Qi Lei couldn't help but say:

"Did you think of these on the way here? Or...have you already made a plan?"

"Didn't I tell you that I suddenly thought of it when I was looking at Weibo on the way here? What's wrong?"

Seeing Xu Xin's confused look, Qi Lei hesitated to speak.

After a moment, he suddenly sighed:

"Last time, you patted your head and made Cloud Atlas. This time, you patted your head and did it again. Who knows what you will photograph next time?"


In Xu Xin's dumbfounded eyes, he said with some lingering fear:

"How about you take less pictures? To calm down the taste?"


Xu Xin chuckled lightly.

I'm afraid it's difficult~

He is the director.

What is the most important thing for a director?


no way.

Who inspires him the most?

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