Chapter 697 694. Run

"How was the shooting?"

"It's not bad. The scene of listening to the opera in the theater is over. It's just the last scene between us. I walked with him back to the theater after the show and told him, "I once had him in my heart." Bala, bala, and then it was completed. However, the filming was not completed today. Director Wang felt that the light above our heads was not yellow enough and needed to be replaced. We will see tomorrow. I am in good condition and should be able to complete the filming."

Yang Mi recounted her day's experiences over the phone, and then asked:

"What are you doing?"

"Eat noodle."

Xu Xin, who was holding a bowl of noodles in his hand, responded while making a slurping sound.

Hearing this, Yang Mi asked:

"How much is left?"

"This is the last meal..."

"Ah! Why did you eat so fast! I cooked two big pots of braised pork for you before I left. I was afraid that you wouldn't have enough to eat, so I divided it between thirty people. Have you finished all of it?"

Before she left, she made her husband a pot of tomato, carrot, and celery plain noodles stew, and a pot of mutton stock stew.

They were all put into ziplock bags and frozen.

And in order to prevent him from being indifferent to the four limbs and the five grains, she divided them according to portions.

One portion is a meal, enough for thirty portions.

She expected that she would be away for ten or eight days at most, and her husband could still go out to eat, so she could say that she was well prepared.

Not to mention that she prepared a large bag of hand-rolled noodles according to her husband's appetite.

Also divided into small bags.

I have only been away for ten days, why have I finished eating?

Thinking of this, she subconsciously asked:

"How many days have you not been out?"

"Uh... I go out... every day. Just... go out and take a look at Zaizai and Niuniu every day."

"Why are you stammering?"

Yang Mi felt something was wrong.

Then he started shouting:

"Zai Zai, Zai Zai? Niuniu! Come on, come on, mom is here... Come on, let them scream, and I will listen."


Xu Xin held a noodle bowl, looked at the empty home, and laughed dryly:

"Zai Zai and Niu Niu went to bed."

"You fart! If your surname is Xu, if you don't tell the truth, I will have people go to your home for a surprise inspection! Tell me! Where did you take Zaizai and Niuniu to me!"

"...Brother Qian'er."

As a last resort, Xu Xin told the truth:

"It's not what I want to give as a gift. Brother Qian'er, you also know that you like these two dogs very much. After you left, you had to kneel down and beg me. I really couldn't stand his pleading, so I asked Xiaobing to come and pick him up. of."

Yang Mixin said just fart.

Asked further:

" haven't walked your dog these past few days?!"


"You didn't go out to eat either!?"


"Then what have you been doing these ten days? Have you even taken a step out!?"


"Where are you going?"

"Just... take a walk downstairs at Jingzang Lake."

"You can pull me down! If I hadn't pulled you for a walk every time, you would have welded yourself to your house!... You haven't been out for ten days, have you?"


This time, Xu Xin stopped talking.

And when he didn't say anything, Yang Mi knew that she had guessed correctly.

I was immediately completely speechless.

"Where's Mengmeng?! Hasn't she been here these past few days?!"

"What's she doing here? It's not enough to disturb me... I've been working on movies during this time. I haven't gone out much... Okay, are you okay? I'll hang up if it's okay."


Seeing that her grandson was about to run away, Yang Mi stepped on the brakes without thinking and asked:

"How many days have you not changed your clothes!?"

"What are you talking about! I change it every day!"

"What about the clothes you changed into?"


Xu Xin remained silent again.

"Ah!!! The surname is Xu! Don't our pants have to fly all over the place!!!!"

"Nonsense! I washed it myself!"

"That's know how to use the washing machine? Where's the dryer? Can you use it?"


Hearing his wife's inquiry, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed:

“Can you help me buy some pairs of underwear from Taobao?”

"...Why? You have a lot of panties. I bought them all new for you."

"Dye... dyed."

He looked embarrassed.

After saying this, everyone seemed to have guessed his wife's expression of cerebral congestion.

He quickly explained:

"Just... I helped Lun'er color the painting. I had to adjust the flesh color, and I accidentally stepped on the red paint. I thought it was okay... but... it turned out... it was stained... and my pants turned pink. Yes. Oh yes, there are socks... But don't be angry! The pink socks are quite nice... Oh yes, and those white T-shirts you bought for me... But it's okay, then The white T-shirt doesn’t have any pattern on it, just dye it and you can wear it later..."

"Ah!!!!Xu Sanjin!!!!"

Yang Mi's temple was blown up in an instant.

She used to be quite proud, feeling that she had successfully raised her husband into a useless person who couldn't do anything.

Come and take a look at our trash!

Awesome, right?

I raised it! 【Pinch waist】

But now...she only has one thought in her mind.

Why did I raise such an unfilial son like you! ! !

You want to piss me off to death, right?

"I'm telling you! Xu Sanjin! You're dead! You're really dead! Even if the King of Heaven comes, I can't keep you! I said it! Ah!!! I'm going to kill you!!"

"Oops, someone called me, I hung up first."


The call was immediately hung up. Yang Mi looked at the blacked out screen and felt steam starting to come out of her nostrils, ears and eyes.

Direct red temperature.

I called him back without saying anything.


"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call..."


Thief Sun, are you playing the busy line routine?

"You're dead! Xu Sanjin!!!"


"@#¥% # %"


He directly ignored his wife's text message that was completely blocked, frowned and said to the other side of the phone:

"You think it's not suitable?"


Wang Qianyuan's voice was a little more apologetic:

"Although you think I am suitable for Yi Guchun, but... I have been reading novels in the past few months. I feel that Yang Zidao is more interested in me than Yi Guchun..."

"Well, that's it..."

Xu Xin didn’t care too much:

"That's okay. If you have an audition the day after tomorrow, you can audition for Yang Zidao. It doesn't matter."

"Ah?...Thank you so much, Director Xu. I was just afraid that you would be angry..."

"Haha, it's okay. Although you came into contact with the script relatively early, it doesn't force you to play the role. The key is to see the interpretation of the character. It's okay."

"Okay, then I'll be relieved. Director Xu, please be busy. I'm sorry to call you so late..."

"Don't. Chat a little longer."


"Tell me about your understanding of the role, and let me see how you understand Yang Zidao..."

Xu Xin took the last bite of noodles from the bowl, while looking at the "beep beep beep" and the 60-second voice messages on WeChat, and said to Wang Qianyuan in a calm voice.

Then, Wang Qianyuan and he chatted on the phone for nearly an hour.

Finally, after 60 seconds of silence from Yang Mi, he hung up the phone.

Don’t listen to a voice message, don’t read a text message.

He replied directly:


Another ten-second voice message from Yang Mi came over.

He still didn't look at it and typed directly:

"Wang Qianyuan called me just now. We were talking about roles. It took a while. I'm going to wash the dishes."

Another voice message came.

Still not looking, he replied:

"Promise the leader that you will not throw the bowl! Don't worry!"

After this message was sent, a 3-second voice message was sent.

He still didn't listen, but responded with an angry Korean gesture.


Or they are a couple.

Minds think alike.

What is this wave called?

This wave is called tacit understanding.

Early morning on the 23rd.

Before 8 o'clock, Xu Xin had already arrived at the Children's Film Factory on West Dawang Road.

Or Xiying Studio.

In fact, now that I think about it, Xiying Studio is still at a loss.

After renting such a large piece of land, Yanjing'er Film Studio received basically nothing except building a building.

The rent is equivalent to cabbage price.

When he got there, he parked his car in the parking lot of the Children's Film Factory.

Because we arrived relatively early, the residents in this area had not yet finished their early morning exercises.

Xu Xin saw a group of old ladies dancing at the entrance of the small garden next to the Tonghui River.

I don’t know if he is a resident of Nanli or somewhere else.

Yanjing is definitely busy in the early morning, especially at Tiantongyuan. To say it is crowded is an understatement.

But these elders and aunties who have either retired or become tenants are enjoying their own retirement life in this international city.

Even Xu Xin couldn't help but feel envious.

But...after hearing the songs they played, I couldn't feel envious anymore.

"I! Use! Use up! One! Life! One life~Come! Will! You! Support~time after time...time after time..."

have to.

DJ version of "Love Offering".

He really vomited...

With the popularity of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", it is said that the ratings of this drama have stabilized at above 2.6.

These two days seem to be the finale.

I don’t know if I can break three.

It can be said that this drama is really popular. You can see all kinds of screenshots and CPs all over the Internet.

The name Yang Ying has directly become the most popular symbol this month.

Suddenly it jumped into everyone's field of vision.

The drama became a hit, and even the theme song became a hit.

Although Xu Xin has not gone out at home these days, he finally went out and found that this song had been made into a DJ version.

This shows how popular it is.

He shook his head helplessly and asked Su Meng:

"Isn't this song almost bad now?"

Su Meng, who praised the song a while ago, nodded vigorously:

"Well, this song is all over the streets. I went to get a haircut two days ago, and the owner of that shop didn't know if he was a fan of Sister Baby or someone else... I also vomited after hearing this song on an infinite loop."


He smacked his mouth, listening to the sound of slapping again and again, and quickened his pace.

No, it’s too noisy to listen to the DJ when I wake up early in the morning.

I don’t know how these uncles and aunts can bear it.

All the way to the Beijing office of Xiying Film Studio.

When he arrived, there was no one there.

There were a few people in Hall 3 laying out teacups, notebooks and other things he would use later.

At this time, you can actually see the difference between inside the system and outside the system.

Things within the system, no matter how big or small, must be done in an all-round way. Even when it comes to placing teacups, notebooks, and pens, the staff has to use something similar to a triangle. They come to the seat and put the triangle on the table to align it with a certain sign.

Then, stick the tea cups to be used on the round and square outlines on the triangular plate.

The whole look stands out as neat and tidy.

The arrival of Xu Xin slightly disrupted their actions.

These people quickly stopped what they were doing:

"Director Xu."

"Well. You are busy with your business."

Xu Xin waved his hand to indicate that he should be ignored, then sat in a corner, took the script from Su Meng and lowered his head to read it.

The reason why we chose Audition Hall No. 3 today is because there are so many people.

There are really many people.

Qilena's reminder was not groundless.

In the Art and Creation Center of Xiying Film Studio, aside from the directors who can shoot works, there are also a group of fresh graduates or graduate students who have graduated from the directing majors of major colleges.

After recruitment, you will be interned in the factory.

But this time, they were all pushed over by Qi Lei.

I wanted them to come over to gain some knowledge and see how Director Xu prepares for the film.

From auditions to stage management, this is their "internship place".

To put it bluntly, it’s like a football youth training team.

Following the star of the first team, you will gain knowledge and gain some experience.

Therefore, in the crew list Qi Lei sent him two days ago, there were as many as 95 theater staff members.

These people are classified as drama managers, and they are like bricks in the crew that can be moved wherever they are needed.

Including other crew members, the number of accompanying filming crew alone this time was close to 270.

In terms of the current Chinese film is also an incredibly large crew.

Although the two hundred or so people did not expect Xu Xin to eat, it was the first time he managed such a large crew, and Xu Xin had little experience.

Fortunately, in addition to Xue Yong, the factory also sent Li Haiping from "The Wind".

At the same time, after Xu Xin called his name, Lu Yang also followed.

This time, there are four assistant directors alone.

That is to say, Zhang Mo went to "Jinling". Otherwise, if we add her, we will probably get five. In addition to Li Pingdong as the director of photography, there are also four other storyboard directors, including Wang Lei, who are all involved in this crew.

Hall 1 cannot accommodate these people alone, so Hall 3 with a stage can only be opened.

While he was looking down at the script, the second person to arrive walked in.

After seeing Xu Xin, he quickly came over:

"Director Xu."

Xu Xin looked up, smiled and nodded:


The person coming is Lu Yang.

"Where's Chen Shu?"

"I'm writing a script at home."

Lu Yang finished speaking with a smile and sat next to him.

"There are so many people coming from outside."

"How many have come?"

Xu Xin glanced at the time and found that it was just 8:30.

There is still an hour until the audition starts.

"There are many, there are no less than thirty actors who can call out their names. They are all in the waiting hall."

Xu Xin nodded, and while reading the script, he asked casually:

"How are you preparing for the Jinyiwei story?"

"I have an idea, but..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yang paused and asked:

"Do you think it's appropriate to shoot it from the front? Or backwards?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Just listen to Lu Yang explain:

"If you shoot forward, the plot connection will be much smoother. But if you shoot backwards, the cost will be smaller. There is a possibility of trial and error..."

"That is to say..."

Xu Xin recalled the two stories:

"The filming started in Saarhu, right? The male protagonist survived that battle and became a royal guard... Wei Zhongxian was still alive at that time, and it was the time when power was overwhelming. Right?"


"There's no big scene in this story, right? Jin Yiwei is not a regular army, and what they are doing is not a head-on confrontation with the enemy on the battlefield. Where can they create a big scene?"

Xu Xin looked at him with a strange expression.

I wonder if you have any misunderstanding about the big scene?

Lu Yang was actually quite speechless.

The big scene you mentioned is really different from the big scene I mentioned.

But he finally understood what Xu Xin meant:

"Shoot in normal order?"

"Yes, this way the audience's acceptance will definitely be higher. Unless you don't plan to make a sequel...or merge the two stories together. But that would be too bloated, and the story will definitely not be told well. Again, the same sentence , when a new director starts, the story line should be simpler and more direct. First learn how to tell the story clearly, and then consider complicated things."

"Hey, I understand."

Lu Yang felt confident, nodded and said:

"Then when the story is finished, you will help me check it."

"Well. Where is Teacher Lu? Are you coming today?"

"Come on, I made the call just now and I'm on my way. I think I'll be there soon."

As the literary consultant who recommended "Sunspot" to him, Lu Haibo would definitely come over today.

After speaking, Lu Yang asked tentatively:

"Director Xu, Sister Mi...if the script is ready and the filming starts..."


Xu Xin was stunned.

He asked in confusion:

"Who do you want her to play?...Ding Baiying?"


Lu Yang nodded vigorously:

"I came up with this character when I saw her practicing!"


Xu Xin subconsciously began to apply Ding Baiying's settings to his wife.

He actually doesn't care much about coffee status or anything like that.

My wife won't care much either.

When she reads scripts now, she mainly looks at whether the characters are interesting.

As for the character Ding Baiying...

The only possibility he could think of that would interest his wife was...

"Then you'd better come up with some plot points that will make her happy. Otherwise, it may not be easy to invite her."

Although he didn't agree directly, he didn't refuse either.

This alone was enough to make Lu Yang's eyes light up:

"No problem! I will discuss it with Sister Mi then."


While the two were talking, the door of Hall 3 was pushed open again.

Qi Lei took the lead and walked in with a group of people in the corridor.

After seeing Xu Xin and Lu Yang, he smiled and said:

"Are you here so early?"

Seeing this, Xu Xin stood up and nodded while greeting:

"It can't be later than the leader arrives, right?"


Qi Lei rolled his eyes.

After glancing at him, he asked:

"How many days has Mimi been gone?"

"More than ten days."

" wonder."

Seeing Xu Xin's hair growing longer and his beard unshaven, he sighed with emotion.

After knowing him for several years, it's rare that he has such a "sloppy" image.

But if you don’t have a mother-in-law around to take care of you... this image is normal.

Then, the group of people began to find places to sit down.

There are really many people.

Not long after, the entire Hall 3 was full.

Finally, Li Pingdong, who was late, walked in quickly with his apprentice Lin Li.

Everyone was here, Xu Xin didn't need to say anything, Qi Lei nodded to the staff:

"Let everyone get ready. The audition starts in ten minutes."

After saying that, he turned to Xu Xin who was eating grapes next to him and said:

"I arranged for the people from our factory to work in the afternoon."


Xu Xin nodded indifferently.

Soon, three staff members walked in holding a stack of actor information.

Looking at the thickness and quantity of the information, Xu Xin's eyes twitched...

Asked directly:

"Collected them all? How many people are there?"

"Director Xu, here is the information of all the auditionees, a total of 2,422."


Xu Xin felt like his mind was going dark...

Take less?

Although his job only requires auditioning for the main characters in the play, such as the final killer in the script, or the drug dealers Xin Xiaofeng and Yi Guchun captured when they first went on a mission together, he is not needed. Tube.

Just leave it to a few assistant directors.

But after hearing the number of people, he still felt a tingling sensation in his temples.

"Where are the number of the six main characters? Have they been counted?"

"It's all here."

The staff member who answered his question put his hand on the pile of audition actor information that he had just placed on the table.

"A total of 466 actors."


In fact, let alone him, when they heard the total number of auditions, the people from Xiying Studio who came to study today were also speechless.

My family knows their own affairs.

Xiying Studio is not a Beijing-based company and does not have such a large actor group resources.

Although they have now opened their doors and will not reject actors from Beijing circles... But people who understand know that there are not many actors who really dare to come.

More people are waiting and watching, and those who really have some business channels can basically not see it.

After all, actors have agencies.

Even if an actor is willing to act bravely, the agency must consider whether it can withstand the "wrath" of Beijing.

But this number is exaggerated enough.

At this time, Qi Lei leaned into Xu Xin's ear and said:

"I actually saw some "new faces" today, and a lot of people did come."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded first, and then sighed helplessly.

have to.

Another test of willpower.

After looking at the time on his watch, he nodded:

"Okay, I understand. Get ready to call the first actor to enter. Also, tell the actors outside that today's auditions for the main male roles will be concentrated. Igika's role will be postponed to tomorrow, so we won't come here randomly."

"Okay, Director Xu."

After bringing all the information to Xu Xin, the staff walked out quickly.

Xu Xin picked up the information of auditionee No. 1.

It was okay not to look at it. After taking a look, he suddenly froze, turned around and handed the information to Lu Yang, who was sitting behind him:

"Is this guy from "Cinema for the Blind"?"

Lu Yang stretched his head and nodded:

"Yes, it's him."

"How is his acting skills?"

"not bad."

Lu Yang thought for a moment before giving the answer.

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded.

Soon, the door was pushed open.

A man with a crew cut came in and bowed to everyone:

"Hello, director, my name is Zhou Yiwei. I am 186cm tall and weigh 65kg. I graduated from Beijing Film Academy and am currently working as an assistant teacher in the acting department at school. The role I am auditioning for today is Xin Xiaofeng..."

A teaching assistant at your own school?

Xu Xin was stunned.

I wonder why I haven't seen him before?

But I felt relieved immediately...

Don't tell me that this is an assistant teacher in the acting department.

He didn't even know who the assistant teacher in the directing department was.

But because of the relationship between Lu Yang and his school, Xu Xin still nodded with a smile and said:

"The extracted performance clips are over there. You have 3 minutes to prepare. Come on."

Hearing this, Zhou Yiwei was stunned for a moment, and then nodded calmly:

"Okay, thank you, Director Xu."

He extracted a clip of the performance, looked at it, and then became quiet.

About a minute later, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and started smoking.

He whipped hard and fast.

Within a few puffs, the cigarette was halfway down.

Then, he pinched the cigarette butt with the thumb of his left hand and took a sip.

Black soot falls.

He raised his head, frowning and looking into the air next to him...

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