I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 698 695SAD Xu Xin

Chapter 698 695.SAD Xu Xin

Seeing Zhou Wei's action, Xu Xin nodded slightly.


The details are handled very well.

From the natural demeanor of smoking to the kind of squeezing out cigarette butts, although it may seem dangerous at first glance, for people who have to rely on this method to wipe off fingerprints all year round, the habitual gestures are all done well.

Then, a word flashed through his mind.

Although I don’t know how it came out, it is summed up well.

This guy's performance is... very polished.

Next, he began to speak.

In fact, this scene is the scene where Xin Xiaofeng and Yi Guchun go on a mission for the first time.

No one gave him the lyrics, so he just said it himself.

The entire performance lasted for more than a minute. After he bowed to indicate that his performance was completed, Xu Xin gave his own opinion.


Worth advancing to the second round.

As for whether he is as good as Zhang Yi's performance, there is no point in discussing it for the time being.

In fact, according to common sense, he had already promised the role of Xin Xiaofeng to Zhang Yi. During the audition process, it was most appropriate to directly hide the role.

But he won't do that.

Because every audition is actually a process of selecting actors.

Although saying this is not very fair to these actors who have worked hard for Xin Xiaofeng.

However, as long as these actors' acting skills are strong enough, Xiying Film Studio will negotiate with them and ask them if they want to join their team of actors.

Absorb in and grow the team.

Gold will always shine.

So, he turned to Qi Lei and said:

"The acting is very solid."


Qi Lei also nodded and said:

"The acting in "Cinema for the Blind" is also pretty solid."

"You can let him get in touch. If the other party is willing, you can give it a try. He is not suitable for Xin Xiaofeng, but he is quite suitable for Yi Guchun."

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Qi Lei understood the meaning.

Use your own pen to draw a circle on the name "Zhou Zhouwei" on the document and put it into the promotion basket.

Soon, the second actor walked in.

"Hello directors, my name is Zhang Songwen, I am 35 years old this year, and the person I am auditioning for today is Yi Guchun..."

Xu Xin lowered his head and glanced at his information.


Seeing this place of birth, and listening to his self-introduction that was almost eloquent, he thought for a while. After the other party introduced himself, he was not in a hurry to ask him to perform, but asked:

"I see on your resume... you have been a printing factory worker, an air conditioner installer, a waiter... and have you won the best tour guide in Guangdong?"

"Uh... yes. I was the best tour guide in GD Province in 1997."

"Is that so...you are an acting teacher in the acting department now? I would like to ask, have you ever taught Yang Mi?"

Zhang Songwen was actually quite surprised when she heard Xu Xin use the title "you".

But the response was not slow, but he nodded and said:

"Taught. When I was a freshman, I was responsible for...Ms. Yang Mi's acting teacher for the first half of the semester."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Looking at his surprised expression, Zhang Songwen suddenly showed a smile:

"Also, I actually took over Director Cui's film and television theory class for freshmen."


Xu Xin was stunned again and asked subconsciously:

"Then am I there?"

"In that class... Director Xu slept very soundly."

"Pfft...cough cough cough cough..."

Xu Xin didn't even finish the order in one breath, so he almost choked.

Is he really his teacher?

Good guy...

Xu Xin subconsciously said with embarrassment:

"This...Teacher Zhang, I'm really sorry. I really had a problem with my thinking in the first half of my freshman year."

As he spoke, he turned his head left and right to look at the strange expressions of the people behind him, then laughed and said to Zhang Songwen:

"Teacher Zhang, please demonstrate your understanding of the role to my student today. You have three minutes, please."

Hearing this, Zhang Songwen quickly shook his head and responded:

"Okay, director."

Xu Xin called him teacher.

He called Director Xu Xin.

Both men have a bright future.

Frankly speaking, Xu Xin did not expect that he could find half of his teacher in the audition.

In previous years, he really didn't have this problem.

It can be considered the first one.

However, through the chat just now, he quite recognized the other party.

Not to mention anything else, it is really not easy for a Cantonese to be able to practice Mandarin to this level without listening carefully and not being able to hear a little bit of the accent.

No matter when I was in school, or later when I went out to make movies on my own.

He understood one thing more and more.

There are indeed talented actors in this world.

But on the road to acting, genius only has a relatively high starting point.

In the end, no matter whether an actor is a genius or a fool, in the end, they all end up with the same destination.

As long as you can persevere in giving, studying, and polishing yourself.

And find the type that suits you.

When the right actor meets the right role, it's really like golden wind and jade dew. Once they meet, they will win countless things in the world.

And Zhang Songwen did not disappoint him.

His basic acting skills are as solid as Zhou Wei's. Whether it's his lines, tone, performance, or body, he has a calmness and hardness that has been honed over time.

But it's a pity...

He is not suitable for the role of Igichun.

He acted too smoothly.

On the contrary, it has no characteristics.

After he finished his performance, Xu Xin thought about it and said:

"Teacher Zhang, I am definitely not as good as you in terms of acting theory. But I will tell you how I feel. This is my personal opinion, and it may not be completely correct, but as a director, based on my understanding of the characters in my script, What I need is a role that shines.”

Zhang Songwen nodded subconsciously and continued to listen.

He knew that Xu Xin must not have finished speaking yet.

"The Iguchun you performed gave me the impression that he is a very balanced policeman. From his mentality as a policeman, to his words and deeds, to his awe-inspiring righteousness, every aspect is balanced. But it is precisely because of the balance , but it doesn’t reflect the characteristics I want to see.

If you are asked to interpret this role, the audience will take it for granted when they see that you discovered that Xin Xiaofeng may be related to the half of the fingerprint from back then. And when Xin Xiaofeng is finally brought to justice, the audience will accept it calmly. But this is not what I want. "

"Do personal feelings have to be mixed into this matter?"

Zhang Songwen instantly understood the meaning of Xu Xin's words.

Xu Xin also nodded:

"Yes, your performance is not too facial, but... the police should be like this. But such a policeman is not Igichun. Therefore, you are not suitable for this role. It has nothing to do with understanding, but comprehensive I have come to the conclusion after your acting skills. However, I will still let you advance, because your acting skills are so balanced that you can’t find any faults in all aspects. If you don’t mind, you can try out other police roles in the play."

"...Thank you, director."

Hearing this, Xu Xin waved his hand and said:

"You're welcome. Your acting skills are very solid. I believe you can give a qualified performance in the play. Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you, director, for your hard work."

Zhang Songwen bowed politely and left the audition hall.

After he left, Xu Xin put his information into the promotion basket.


"What do you plan to let him play? There is no second police supporting role in the script."

"He is from Guangdong."

Hearing Qi Lei's words, Xu Xin said with a smile.

Qi Lei was stunned...

Suddenly I realized something, and a scene appeared in my subconscious mind.

About Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen.


He shuddered hard.


As people get older, even thinking about this kind of thing really gives rise to goosebumps.

The audition team for the leading role of three to four hundred people was enough for Xu Xin to drink a pot.

Starting at 9 o'clock, after auditioning nearly 40 people throughout the morning, the time came to noon.

He doesn't have to worry about how the actors eat.

He sat in the cafeteria, holding a bottle of Coke and started pouring it into his stomach.


After burping hard, he wiped his mouth:

"I'm going to lie down in the rest room for a while. See you in the afternoon."

Waving to the others, he took his mobile phone and left the office cafeteria.

Lying in the lounge, he took his mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Mi:

"Zhang Songwen, do you know him?"

"Teacher Zhang? You know, our freshman performance class teacher, what's wrong?"

"He came to audition today."

"Huh? Such a coincidence? Who is he playing? It can't be that GAY, right?"

Seeing this news, Xu Xin thought to herself that maybe we are a couple.

The taste is really similar.

After sending the whole story by voice, Yang Mi replied:

"/Snickering, he is enough to give you face. When you were chasing 033, you climbed into our class window a lot."


After saying this, Xu Xin suddenly had no intention of continuing the conversation with her.

I wonder why this person is so rude to others.

After a few perfunctory words, he checked the time, set the alarm on his phone for half an hour, and closed his eyes.

I can't do it without a little sleep.

Can't bear it.


After waking up, feeling much better, he returned to the audition hall and started again.

In the afternoon, it was mainly people auditioning in the factory.

There were also many people from the cast troupe in the factory this time. Because they were our own people, the atmosphere was much more harmonious than the formal atmosphere in the morning.

The first one to come in was Zhang Yi.

What he performed was Yi Guchun's complete mental process after he asked Xin Xiaofeng to surrender.

Until the end, he called Yang Zidao and said, "The shoes can fall to the ground." The performance ended.

He had one year more preparation time than others, and there was no fault in his performance.

Xu Xin asked him to perform a few more things in a row.

When Zhang Yi conquered everyone with his various performances, he said without hesitation:

"The role of Xin Xiaofeng is yours."

He deserves it.

The first day of auditions was uneventful.

People from the West Film Studio spent the entire afternoon auditioning.

Some people have determined the protagonist, some have determined the supporting role, and some have been thrown into the promotion basket.

But more of a knockout.

At the end of the day, Xu Xin, whose temples ached, refused Qi Lei's invitation to have dinner with him.

Including Zhang Yi and Wang Qianyuan, he rejected them all.

Zhang Yi's Xin Xiaofeng and Wang Qianyuan's Yang Zidao have been confirmed. If we don't have time to have dinner together, why not hurry back and prepare for the roles.

He said goodbye to everyone and took Su Meng's car to go home.

But... maybe it was because he had interviewed too many people. What he wanted to do most at the moment was not to go home and rest, but to drink something sour and eat something cold.

"Mengmeng, where are we going now?"

"West, Brother Xu."

"...Is there any shopping mall or something nearby?"

"Yes, there is Jianguo Road Wanda ahead."

"Stop there for a moment. Go down and buy me some lemon tea, the kind without sugar, the sourer the better."

"Okay, let's have dinner at Wanda?"

"No, I don't have much appetite. Just park on the side of the road and go home quickly after buying it. I'm tired."


Su Meng nodded and quickly turned from Jianguo Road to Knitting Street.

After parking the car to the side of the road with double flashes, she got out of the car and jogged all the way into the mall.

Xu Xin felt a little bored sitting in the car. After looking around, he determined that there seemed to be no old police here, so he simply got out of the car.

It gets dark quite late in late April, but it's not as dark as in summer. It's half dark but not dark at the moment.

In addition to the cloudy weather at the moment, it is quite dark.

Besides, he wasn't afraid of being recognized.

While standing on the side of the road lighting a cigarette, he saw an iron bench near the sidewalk of Wanda Plaza, so he simply walked over and sat down.

The more people audition, the more people will be judged.

My temples hurt when I think too much.


Very uncomfortable.

He put out the cigarette and began to rub his temples with his hands.

He kneaded until Su Meng came to her side with a cup of lemon tea and a paper bag:

"Brother Xu, here, I bought you a sandwich to cushion your stomach. Otherwise, if I know that you don't eat well, you will blame me again."


Xu Xin took a big sip of lemon tea.

But found that it was of no use.

It's sour enough, but... not cool.

I couldn't suppress the sour feeling that bulged in my temples.

After thinking for a while, he nuzzled at Su Meng:

"Want to eat Haagen-Dazs? I'll treat you to it."


Su Meng glanced at the Haagen-Dazs store on the first floor of Wanda, which is adjacent to Jin Street, and advised:

"Brother Xu, how about... I go buy it, and you don't go there. There are quite a lot of people."

"That's okay. I want...something cooler, whatever you want."


Su Meng left again.

Xu Xin put the lemon tea aside, opened the paper bag, took a look, and took out a sandwich from inside.

Take a bite...not to mention, it tastes pretty good.

It should be tuna.

This bite aroused his appetite. When his body's exhaustion met the food, his appetite engine was quickly ignited. Unconsciously, he began to eat in big mouthfuls.

Soon, half of the sandwich was eaten, and he raised the lemon tea and drank half the cup in one breath.

With the help of water, the bread in your mouth becomes less difficult to chew.


He let out a long breath, stretched his long legs forward, and leaned on the bench.

He raised his head and sighed.

But his forehead felt cold.

It's raining?

He opened his eyes subconsciously, and a drop of rain fell into his eyes.

Instinctively, he didn't dare to look at the sky.

But I have no intention of leaving either.

The rain on his head was cool, just enough to relieve the tingling sensation in his temples.


When raindrops with a bit of earthy and fishy smell fell from the sky, the pedestrians around him began to rush into Wanda.

Only him.

Sitting motionless on the bench.

He doesn't care about heavy rain or light rain.

Continue eating the half sandwich.

A bite of sandwich, a sip of tea.

After finishing the sandwich, I also drank the cup of tea.

Smash it, hit it, and he lit another cigarette.

A puff of smoke stood out among the drizzle.

His head drooped unconsciously, and a drowsy feeling of exhaustion arose.

When she was halfway through her cigarette, Su Meng braved the wind and rain and finally bought Haagen-Dazs.

"Ah? Brother Xu, why are you still wet in the rain! Come on, let's go..."

"What are you afraid of with this little rain? It's quite cool."

Xu Xin wiped his face and stood up.

He threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray groove above the trash can and followed Su Meng to the car.

After getting in the car, he happily ate Haagen-Dazs.

Although dinner was simple, I felt much more comfortable.

When the car arrived downstairs, he didn't let Su Meng get in. He waved his hand and returned home.

After throwing the pink socks and damp clothes on the floor of the laundry room, he walked into the bathroom.

When he came out, he didn't leave the house either.

She lay naked on the bed and sent Yang Mi a message that she was finished.

She must be filming, so I won't call and harass her.

After checking his phone and Weibo for a while, he yawned a few times and then fell asleep.

But the problem was that while he was asleep, Yang Mi was in trouble.

The reason is simple.

"Click!... Passed! Mimi, congratulations on finishing!"


"Hua la la la la..."

After finally completing the last scene between Gong Er and Ip Man, Yang Mi bowed to everyone amidst cheers and applause:

"thank you all."

"Thank you everyone for your hard work."

"Thank you all for taking care of me for so long, thank you..."

While thanking and bowing, the crew began to call it a day amidst applause.

From today on, her drama is completely over.

As for how long Wang Jiawei will continue filming...that has nothing to do with him.

After struggling for more than ten days for the two shots, she had enough.

Since this drama, Wang Jiawei has been put on her "blacklist".

If you act like him again in this life, you will be a dog!

Finish filming, start acting, take off makeup.

After putting a mask on her face, she finally got into Cheng Hu's car.

"Let's go home and rest."

Hearing this, Cheng Hu nodded and started the car.

But Sun Ting said:

"Sister, please check Weibo first."


Yang Mi, who was leaning on the seat with her eyes closed and applying a facial mask, subconsciously opened her eyes:

"Who? What happened?"

"Brother Xu was secretly photographed while eating..."

Sun Ting first settled the matter briefly and concisely. With Yang Mi's "???" look in her eyes, she handed the phone over and said:

"Brother Xu was eating bread in the rain on a bench in front of Wanda. He was photographed and posted online. He looked very embarrassed... In the words of netizens, he was like a homeless man who no one wants."


Yang Mi was even more confused.

What do you mean...eating bread in the rain?

Sun Ting continued:

"I've already asked Mengmeng. After the audition, Brother Xu felt tired and wanted to drink something sour. The two happened to pass by Wanda, and she went to buy lemon tea for her. And because Brother Xu said he didn't want to have dinner, she bought another one. Sandwich, I meant to let Brother Xu eat a little bit. It was fine at first, but Brother Xu felt that the lemon tea was not cold, so he asked Mengmeng to buy Haagen-Dazs... That's what happened at this moment."


While listening to her words, Yang Mi opened several Weibo posts saved by Sun Ting.

In the photos on Weibo, my husband’s stubble is particularly obvious. The whole person was wearing a baggy sweatshirt, without shaving, and his long legs were stretched out in the rain... That was really decadent.

There are also pictures of him munching on sandwiches, as if he was reincarnated as a starving ghost.

And after he finished eating, he looked embarrassed as he sat in the rain and smoked under the shadow of the blurred pedestrians around him who were holding their hands to shield themselves from the rain and trotting towards Wandali...

Even if Yang Mi knew that this matter was a misunderstanding, she still had to admit that this opportunity to take the photo...

It’s really amazing.

It's as if my husband really has no one to care about.

Looking at the content on Weibo:

"When I met Xu Xin by chance, why did he look like a homeless man? It's so distressing."

Comments below:

"Where's Yang Mi? Where are you? Don't you want to cook? Are you asking your husband to buy bread and eat it in the rain on the street?"

"Is there a possibility that Yang Mi can't cook and is waiting for food at home/in a daze?"

Thank you, this netizen whose avatar is a close-up of Wang Yuyan played by Liu Yifei.

"Actually, it's quite normal. Married people always want to find a place to stay for a while when they get off work."

"You mean you don't want to go home even if it rains?"

"Yes, I would rather get caught in the rain than go home and see my wife."

"Brother Xisuo."

"Isn't it because my love has changed? Where is Yang Mi?"

"Looking at the news from the past two days, Yang Mi seems to be filming in Guangdong."

"If we get together less and stay apart more, there will be problems in the relationship between the two of us."

Thank you, this netizen whose avatar is the Huang Bo emoticon from "Crazy Stone"!

Yang Mi turned over the pages and was completely speechless.

I closed Weibo and dialed Xu Xin directly.

After ringing for a long time, a vague sound came from the other side:


"It's okay, go to sleep, good night."

Yang Mi hung up the phone and leaned back on her seat helplessly.

"Tell the plane that we will go back early tomorrow morning."


Sun Ting nodded quickly.

Then I heard Yang Mi’s speechless sigh:

"What does this mean?"

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