I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 699 696 Gentle Light

Chapter 699 696. Gentle light

The picture of Xu Xin eating a sandwich in front of Wanda caused a lot of discussion on the Internet. Xu Xin himself didn't even think about it, let alone other people.

When he woke up in the morning and read all the Weibo posts about himself yesterday, he burst into laughter.

But that's all.

As a public figure, you must be aware of being photographed.

As for the sandwich and lemon tea...do I need to explain?

He didn't think it was necessary.

Because it is very troublesome to explain.

There will be people who say they are trying to cover up something, or cause unnecessary trouble.

It's better to pretend that you can't see it.

What's more, it's not like there's no work at hand.

Busy business is important.

However, during his audition in the morning, photos of Yang Mi, her two children, and her mother choosing ingredients in the supermarket were posted.

The netizen who photographed her said that he met Yang Mi in a supermarket in Yanjing.

From photographing Yang Mi to watching Yang Mi and Sun Ting leave in the car each carrying a bag of ingredients.

As soon as a few photos came out, another reporter discovered the news that just last night, all of Yang Mi's plots for "The Grandmaster" were completed.

This is just great.

Yesterday, all the people who were questioning Yang Mi's indolence at home were gone.

The filming was completed yesterday, and today at around 10 o'clock, a photo of Yang Mi appearing in a supermarket in Yanjing to buy ingredients appeared.

Unless the couple is deliberately hyping things up, there seems to be no other answer other than Yang Mi rushing back to take care of her husband.

That is to say...

We unknowingly ate another wave of dog food spread by these two people?

Hey, Xu Gou is such a dog!

This dog must be hyping up!

Deceive our feelings!

Xu Gou is so despicable!

However, compared to netizens' reaction, the market's response is quite realistic.

On the morning of the 24th, Shuangwei received a spokesperson quote.

2 years, 15 million, invited Xu Xin to become the spokesperson of Subway China.

When Yang Mi heard the news, she was completely speechless.

My heart is saying that you are also enjoying this heat?

But it's not over yet.

When I first got to work in the afternoon, the company received another invitation.

Volvo...or Geely Volvo.

I would like to make an appointment with Yang Mi and Xu Xin to discuss cooperation.

Because in the photo of grocery shopping in the morning, when Yang Mi left, she still chose to ride in the Volvo XC90 she had bought for two or three years.

And this Volvo is also the car that appears most often in their daily lives.

At that time, Yang Mi mentioned this new car as soon as the news came out that she was pregnant. After the media learned about Volvo, they understood that what these two people were pursuing was safety.

For many people, the brand culture of Volvo = safety, the two of them have promoted "free" in this regard.

This is not an exaggeration, but the truth.

After all, Volvo's popularity in China is not as high as that of BBA Yusanjia.

Not to mention the luxurious vehicles of the artists.

Sometimes even a second-tier star can drive a car that costs over a million dollars. Compared to this, the XC90 of the couple is a bit unqualified.

Following this strange "inadequacy", many people know that although BBA is famous, in terms of safety in the automotive industry, Volvo is the well-deserved leader.

It was also around 2009 that this culture slowly became popular.

The contribution of these two people is indispensable.

Some people who don’t have a deep understanding of the car culture may have thought that this person could not afford a BBA when they saw a Volvo on the street. But as time goes by, the current Volvo seems to have become a synonym for "low-key" like the Volkswagen Phaeton.

In terms of their contribution to brand culture, even Volvo people admit that the two of them actually contributed.

When the child was just born, they invited Yang Mi once.

But at that time, they only endorsed a single car, the XC90, and the fee for the two of them was 6 million.

Although it is a single model, it is a bit low.

What's more, Volvo had not yet been acquired by Geely at the time. As a foreign company, the commercial value to artists was still greatly improved.

The moon in foreign countries is round.

Therefore, Yang Mi responded with a quotation.

Two people, ten million. Or 15 million, two years of endorsement for all models.

Volvo did not reply.

At that time, Yang Mi thought her conditions had been rejected, but in fact Volvo had begun acquisition negotiations with Geely.

The matter just fell into place.

When she received the invitation, Yang Mi's thoughts were raised again.

Invitation of intention, proving the need for an interview.

This time... Volvo's attitude has been much lowered.

It's not that "high" anymore.

She was thinking while rolling out noodles for her husband.

Finally, he agreed to meet.

The other party's reply was also very fast, asking her if she would be free tomorrow morning.

She agreed.

Now she doesn't lack endorsements, she just lacks luxury endorsements.

Although Volvo is not BBA, she has to admit that the tone of this brand is quite in line with her taste.

So, she sent the news to Xu Xin and told him that people from Volvo had just come to find her. I would like to discuss endorsement cooperation.

Xu Xin will definitely not go tomorrow, after all, he is busy with a movie.

She can just go by herself.

Who in the entire circle doesn't know that sometimes it is better to look for Xu Xin than to look for yourself. It may not be easy to look for Xu Xin, but as long as you agree, then Xu Xin will definitely work.

Xu Xin’s reply was also very simple:

"Okay, I got it. I'll be auditioning for Shishi right now, no more chatting."

"Igu Xia is a beam of light. The light that lights up Yang Zidao's heart."

Standing at the door of the audition hall, Liu Zhishi recalled the key points of the role that Mimi told her.

In fact, she felt the same way.

This light is not the sun of universal love, but a lamp.

She can't light up the whole world, but she only needs to light up Yang Zidao.

Starting from this core idea, during this period of time, she was slowly interpreting Iguka's heart.

The girl saw Yang Zidao fighting with the gangster during a heroic act of robbery against a speeding car thief. When the gangster came towards her with a knife, Yang Zidao saved her.

In the eyes of girls, Yang Zidao is the best brother. But in my heart, he was the hero who saved her.

As for Yang Zidao, Yi Guxia is also a beam of light in his heart.

But this beam of light will light up the most fearful side of his heart.

If one goes by what Mimi said, perhaps Yang Zidao is the moth.

It was Iguka's desperate efforts that allowed him to dare to look directly into the darkest corner of his heart after many years.

He didn't dare to look before.

Fear, escape.

But after being illuminated by Ikatsuya's light and seeing the darkness again, in fact, all the dark emotions in his heart had surfaced from the moment Ikatsuya took his hand and revealed his feelings. .

Therefore, Liu Zhishi's positioning of Iguka is not as simple as "sunny and lively on the outside, persistent and brave on the inside" in the script, but more complicated.

She fell in love with Yang Zidao, so she would have an unparalleled tolerant mentality, tolerant of her tail, and tolerant of everyone around Yang Zidao.

She was obviously the "youngest" girl, but after falling in love with Yang Zidao, her tenderness was like a mother's.

She felt that Yang Zidao could treat her as a warm harbor like his mother. In this harbor, his unbearable soul could finally find a moment of peace. Rather than simply treating her as an object of affection, it is... more suitable.

Because there will be conflicts.

Her love for Yang Zidao is like that of men and women.

And Yang Zidao treated her like a no-returner who was greedy for the warmth of the harbor.

At first glance, the two look alike.

But the actual situation is that it was on the wrong track from the beginning.

Nothing will come of it after all.

From the beginning to the end, Iguka was never in contact with the massacre of the villa family or the murderer.

She just likes Yang Zidao.

Because I like it, I am pure.

What she has to do is to interpret this purity.

In the script, Xin Xiaofeng couldn't give her the harbor she wanted.

But like a mother, she could give Yang Zidao the deepest tenderness in his unbearable heart.

This is the core idea of ​​​​her entire character understanding.

Next we have to see how to perform...

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath.

Soon, the door opened and an actor walked out.

After looking at her, he left from the side.

About a minute later, the door reopened:

"Sister Shishi, please come in. Director Xu is waiting for you."

Upon hearing this, Liu Zhishi politely thanked him, opened the door and walked in.

Igashi-——Audition 4

Content: Yang Zidao and Yi Guxia were eating on the roadside.


Yi: The Spring Festival is coming in a few days. How do you plan to celebrate it?

Yang: There are many people taking taxis during the Chinese New Year, so I plan to make more money.

Yi: Huh? You won’t go home during the Chinese New Year? Not having New Year’s Eve dinner?

Yang: Eat, but you’ll have to go back later.

Yi: (laughing)

Yang: What are you laughing at?

Yi: You are such a good man. Enthusiastic and know how to make money...


Yi: What's wrong?

Yang: ...It's okay. Are you full? Come on, I'll take you back, you still have to work.

Yi: Huh? Leave now?


After dinner, leave together.

This is the audition footage Liu Zhishi got.

"Shishi, there are props over there... Lu Yang, sit across from her."

Xu Xin showed off his special treatment to Liu Zhishi unscrupulously.

Although Igika is the lead actress, her role is not really important, but she is like a person who advances the plot at certain key stages.

There are not many scenes in the whole story.

In addition, this is her first audition, so it is naturally impossible to give her a perfect audition story to interpret.

That wastes too much time.

Each person has a two- to three-minute performance. After the performance, the director feels that they have that feeling, and puts the list into the box to advance to the next round.

Screen it over and over again, and finally select the right one.

So her clips are not long and even very general.

There is no explanation of the expressions or mental processes in it, and it is up to the actors' own interpretations to interpret it.

As for other people, when they needed to interact with each other, Lu Yang would sit at the table and follow them.

Only Liu knows poetry.

Even Zhang Yi and the others were not treated like this.

Therefore, the moment they heard this, everyone understood Xu Xin's attitude.

Lu Yang nodded and walked quickly to Liu Zhishi's side.

Many actresses have acted in this play, and the first props are a table and two chairs.

He pointed, and when Liu Zhishi nodded, he moved directly over.

But what is needed next depends on Shishi herself.

After Liu Zhishi selected the props, he found two bowls, two pairs of chopsticks, a cup and a wine bottle.

In fact, if you have to choose, you must choose drinks.

After all, Yang Zidao wanted to drive.

But auditions are not so particular.

The props were brought up, and Lu Yang sat aside.

Liu Zhishi did not sit down, but put the page of the script on the table, stood aside and took off his glasses.


After about... a minute or two, she sat down opposite Lu Yang.

After watching Xu Xin nod slightly, he became quiet again.

Xu Xin didn’t bother either.

She was allowed to sit on the chair for about ten seconds.

Then she picked up the chopsticks.

Take the chopsticks, pick up the vegetables in the air, and put them in your mouth.

In the standard steps of putting an elephant in the refrigerator, she added three small actions.

He stretched out his chopsticks to pick up vegetables and glanced at Lu Yang opposite him.

Lower your head, put it in your mouth, and take another look.

Then his eyes turned twice, and the chopsticks touched his lips.

You can't tell these three little moves just by looking at them.

But Xu Xin saw it.

So, he moved his eyes to the LCD TV next to him.

Under the camera, the girl took the chopsticks away from her lips and asked:

"The Spring Festival will be in a few days, how do you plan to celebrate it?"

The question was asked in a casual manner, just like a casual chat.

And Lu Yang didn't need acting skills, so he just waited for her to finish asking and then said in cooperation:

"There are many people taking taxis during the Chinese New Year, so I plan to make more money."

Liu Zhishi's eyes were a little straight, and surprise began to surface:

"Huh? You're not going to rest during the New Year? You're not going to have New Year's Eve dinner?"

"Eat, but you'll have to go back later."


Liu Zhishi nodded slightly, then took the chopsticks again and started picking up vegetables.

This time, she wasn't looking at Lu Yang across from her.

Instead, just like eating normally, pick up vegetables in the air and grill rice with an empty bowl.

After about three or four seconds, she seemed to have discovered something. She quickly put down her chopsticks, picked up the green beer bottle, and poured water for Lu Yang.

After putting down the wine bottle, she picked up the chopsticks again, and after taking a bite of food, she appeared to have the head of the chopsticks pressed against her lips again.

And this push was like turning on some kind of switch, and the corners of her mouth began to rise.

It was small at first and then got bigger and bigger in the end.

Finally, the smile bursts:


Seeing that she finally smiled, Lu Yang, who had been waiting for a long time, said:

"What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you. You are such a good man. He is warm-hearted and knows how to make money. He is also down-to-earth and feels safe... He is so handsome!"


Lu Yang said nothing.

He had no lines in this part.

After Liu Zhishi finished laughing, he waited for another second or two.

Then he put down his chopsticks again, picked up the wine bottle and continued to pour wine.

Xu Xin had a smile on his lips at this time.

He didn't know when, but in his eyes, Lu Yang across from him had turned into Wang Qianyuan.

Wang Qianyuan just drank a large glass of water in one breath, and when he saw that the glass was empty, Yi Guxia quickly refilled it for him...

And then... Shishi... how do you express it?

Just thinking about it...

After Liu Zhishi finished pouring the wine, she was staring at Lu Yang.

There was a timid expression on his face.

Even speaking became a little cautious:

"What happened to you?"


It tastes right.

"It's okay. Are you full? Come on, I'll take you back. You still have to do some work."

After Lu Yang finished speaking, Liu Zhishi suddenly made a gesture of reaching out.

"Huh? Now?"

Lu Yang was stunned.

Don't understand what this means.

Then he saw Liu Zhishi nodding at the corner of his mouth.

That action was like reminding Yang Zidao that his mouth was not wiped clean.

It turned out that what was handed over was a tissue.

After passing the tissue, she kept looking at Lu Yang, her eyes curved into crescent moons, and the smile on her face exuded a sense of sunshine.

He quickly stood up and took two steps in the direction of Xu Xin:

"Eh? Wait for me~Why are you leaving so fast?"

Obviously there is no such thing in the audition clip, but after adding this sentence, it reflects Yang Zidao's feeling of running away.

Imprinted on everyone's heart.

All of a sudden, the feeling of sunshine was reflected through Yang Zidao's quickening "escape", which had a "story" in itself.

"Okay, that's it."

Following Xu Xin's words, Liu Zhishi, who had finished her performance, quickly bowed:

"Thank you directors, my performance is completed."

Is Xu Xin satisfied?

Extremely satisfied.

He liked Liu Zhishi's understanding very much.

Unlike other actresses who came to audition for this role, she knew very well that Igika was not the absolute protagonist.

Other actors liked to set Igonia up to be the kind of character who "boldly pursues love".

Although this is also written in the script.

But...he really didn't want people to make fun of this couple in the script.

It can be said that so far, everyone except Shishi has gone in the wrong direction.

What he wants is not for everyone to see the emotional process of Yang Zidao and Igu Xia in the movie, to see how they met, fell in love, and finally achieved a "sad love" between a murderer and a college student who parted ways.

Instead, through Igu Xia, Yang Zidao's inner world that has been suppressed for many years is revealed to the audience.

A person can't miss the Spring Festival, he has no place to belong, and he spends every day in panic.

How does such a person feel every day while on the run?

And during the escape stage, when a beam of light suddenly shines in his heart that outsiders can't see clearly, what will be his reaction?

This is what he wants.

Yang Zidao's embarrassment, his fear, and that kind of struggle... knowing that warmth is within reach, but not daring to reach out at all...

This is the touching part.

Otherwise...if the scenes between Doi Guxia and Yang Zidao were added to the script, it would really become a nondescript emotional sadomasochism.

The script will appear particularly bloated.

However, everyone else showed the wrong direction.

Only she...

Only Shishi found the right one.

So, he asked his first question:

"Are you free tonight?"




Everyone, including Liu Zhishi, twitched their mouths.

Liu Zhishi looked at him dumbfounded and said:

"What are you going to do?"

"Let's go home for dinner. Yang Mi made delicious food. Do you want to go?"

"Uh... ok."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Okay, then do you go to her directly or wait for me to come with you?"

"I'll go directly."


Without any comments about his acting skills, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Tell Yang Mi to give me two cans of cold beer."


Liu Zhishi nodded and bowed to everyone:

"Directors, thank you for your hard work. Goodbye. Director Lu, thank you for your hard work."

After hearing this and seeing that she was still bowing to him, Lu Yang quickly made a big bow.

My heart says, I can’t afford to be the eldest sister...

After she left, there was no need for Xu Xin to speak. Li Pingdong next to her said:

"Finally I met someone who was looking in the right direction."

Xu Xin nodded:


Then, he threw Liu Zhishi's information into the promotion basket without hesitation.

"Ding dong ding dong."

"Hey, here we come."

Yang Mi, who heard the commotion, walked out of the kitchen and opened the door.

After seeing Liu Zhishi, he was not surprised at all and just asked:

"Did Xu Xin ask you to come?"

"Well, he asked you to give him two cans of cold beer."

"I've iced it for him a long time ago... Well, the sauced meat can't be cut tonight. Can you go down with me and buy two more cold dishes?"


So, Liu Zhishi didn't even change her shoes, and the two of them walked downstairs arm in arm.

After walking out of the community, Yang Mi took out the keys to her electric car.

Liu Zhishi sat in the back and heard Yang Mi say:


"Oh, please leave quickly."

"I don't, hand!"


The blind sister rolled her eyes, then put her arms around Dami's waist.

"I'll wait for you until it's hot! Don't you dare let me hug you!"


The little e-mule beeped straight to the supermarket next door.

Yang Mi then asked:

"How did the audition go?"

"Xu Xin didn't say anything."

"I think there must be no problem. I know him best. When he looks for actors, appearance is actually secondary. As long as you can read the script and understand the character, then there will definitely be no problem. What he wants is the actor's own understanding. Reach synergy with his spiritual world. If you can't achieve it, no matter how similar the appearance is, it's not what he wants. If you follow the path of Yigu Xia who lights up Yang Zidao's light and go to darkness, there will be absolutely no problem. Even if you act It doesn’t give you the feeling of love, but as long as you can grasp the essence, that’s fine!”

Hearing this, Liu Zhishi, who was originally playing with the soft flesh on her friend's belly, rolled her eyes:

"You are really the roundworm in Xu Xin's belly!"

"Then look, if I can't feel his pulse, I can still be a veterinarian? These are all the experiences I gained by selling my body!"


This sounds problematic at first glance.

But thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But it sounds strange.

Liu Zhishi didn't know how to complain... In the end, she could only sigh:

"Sigh...you are really like a dog and can't spit out ivory."

"Hehe~ Don't worry, baby. I'll give him a blowjob when I get back. I'm sure to help you get this role!"

"You have to be able to blow it."

"What's the point? Xu Xin's ears are sensitive, I'll blow it accurately! Now that I've said... I can't blow it, then I'll get a hair dryer! If the hair dryer still can't blow it... I'll get an electric fan! If the fan still doesn’t work..."

Liu Zhishi subconsciously praised:

"What's wrong?"

Facing the sunset, the woman's eyes under her sunglasses are full of confidence:

"You know that big windmill for wind power generation? I'll hang it up for him with both people and actors!"


The girl who comes from a family of folk performers is just right to praise her.

Can't fault it at all.

The wind brought by the electric car blew on her face. She squinted her eyes and faced the sunset. She felt unparalleled freedom at this moment.

Just one update today, I took my child to have his eyes checked. The astigmatism is very high, 400 degrees.

It was already afternoon when I came back.

I was in a bad mood, so I reluctantly wrote 6,000. Please forgive me.

The child’s eyes inherited my astigmatism, and I blame myself very much.

Now I can only hope that there will be a good children's ophthalmologist on Monday or Tuesday to make an appointment.

I may have to take a day off at that time. Please let me know in advance and forgive me.

Then about the first half of this chapter, it is the introduction to a small branch plot that will follow. After this stage, Xu Xin needs another branch that is related to money but has nothing to do with it, but needs to prove the ability to attract money from the side. It is not water. The answer will be given tomorrow. If readers who think it is water, please give me some patience. It will be out tomorrow.

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