Chapter 700 697. Actor

At almost 7 o'clock in the evening, Xu Xin arrived home.



He picked up his daughter and kissed her several times on her face.

"Do you miss Dad?"


"Dad misses you too..."

While he was having a good time with his little lover, he came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of Yang Mi with flowers and hair:

"Okay, go wash your hands quickly."


Xu Xin responded, put on his slippers, nodded to Liu Zhishi who was sitting on the sofa, picking garlic, and then walked upstairs.

After quickly changing into a loose sports sweater, he walked downstairs. He looked at the garlic picker and said:

"The performance in the afternoon was quite wonderful, and I understood the role very well. Director Li said it just after you left, saying that you performed very well and mastered the role very accurately."

Liu Zhishi's eyes lit up.

"However, the performance is still a bit rough and needs to be refined. You still haven't left the stage where you like to express with your eyes... live a little more. Eyes alone are not enough. Next time, you have to see your body and emotions. There are still some Just above the surface.”


Before she was excited for two seconds, Xu Xin poured cold water on her again.

"Okay. I'll... try harder."

"Yeah. Anyway, the general direction is definitely there, and there is currently no competitor for you. Just... among the few actors who have been promoted, everyone is actually about the same. You are the most outstanding one."

"Okay, when does the second round start?"

"It's hard to say. I've just auditioned half of the people in the past two days. I think I'll try my best to see them all before going to Cannes, and then give everyone some time to prepare, and decide on the final candidates when they get back from Cannes. You still have time."

"Okay. I understand."

Liu Zhishi pursed her lips subconsciously.

He kept in mind all the shortcomings Xu Xin mentioned just now.

She would not be so naive as to think that if Mimi told her to help her with hair drying, she would be sure to get this role.

Maybe, Mimi can do it.

But...just think of her as being pretentious.

She even wants to rely on her own strength to truly win her debut as a screen heroine.

After watching Mimi and Liu Yifei's drama, as someone who was about to join Shuang Wei, she was unwilling to lag behind others.

But she also knows that her abilities are currently limited.


Mimi helped her find the right direction and stood in front to navigate for herself. With a navigator, she herself has to work harder!

After finishing the meal, Xu Xin went back to the house to rest.

He is very tired.

Not to mention anything else, just sitting on that hard chair for a day was enough to give him backache.

On the morning of the 25th, Xu Xin, who drank all the health rice cereal in one breath, wiped his mouth and said to Yang Mi:

"I'm leaving?"

"Hmm... By the way, if the price of Volvo is right, I will pick it up for you?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"You just have to figure it out. But...I'm thinking about a question."


"Except for SUVs, its other car series don't seem to be very competitive."

Yang Mi was a little puzzled:

"What do you mean?"

"It my impression, none of its other models are very outstanding. Especially sedans, which are all about materials and safety. They are suitable for you and me, but they may not be suitable for mass consumers." . Think about it, other cars in the same class cost more than 100,000 yuan, and both the appearance and interior are very beautiful..."

"But it's not safe."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, Xu Xin responded:

"That's right, knew that the safety factor of Japanese cars was low, but you still rushed to buy a 350Z. Isn't it just for the styling?"

After hearing this metaphor, she understood what her husband meant.


"So what do you mean?"

"You have to participate in events and show your face more times than me. If you want to become a brand can decide for yourself whether it is appropriate. I don't care, I really like Volvo. But...if you want to endorse the same car, Except for safety, they have no advantage in anything else. If the market feedback is very average...people who know understand that it is not your fault, but their car's fault. But what about those who don't understand, will they let you The commercial value is compromised?”


Yang Mi was stunned.

She suddenly realized that what her husband said seemed to make sense.

Originally, her perspective was focused on the improvement of her commercial value if she could get an endorsement from an "international brand" car company.

But she didn't think about it later.

But her husband has thought carefully about it for her.

What if the car doesn't sell well...

"...You go to the audition first and I'll figure out how to do it."


Xu Xin responded and quickly returned upstairs.

After changing clothes, he first kissed the two big babies, and finally kissed his wife on the cheek, and said with a smile:

"I am leaving."


About ten minutes after Xu Xin left, Yang Mi also finished eating.

"Mom, I went up to put on makeup."

After saying hello to my mother, she also went upstairs.

About an hour later, with a delicate lady's makeup on her face and a black long-sleeved slim dress, she walked down with her bag.

Sun Ting is already waiting in the lobby.

"Where's Nuannuan and Yangyang?"

"Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang took me out to play."

"Okay, let's go."

The two of them walked out of the house together.

Got in that Volvo.

After leaving the basement, Yang Mi sent Xu Xin a WeChat message:

"I just thought about it, so I won't go. As for you, I'll see what conditions Volvo offers, and I'll talk to you then."

Xu Xin did not reply.

Because he is busy.

He was busy waiting for the next audition performance of someone who surprised him.

Duan Yihong.

Accident is a real accident.

Huayi's people actually came to his own crew?

This is not the filming of "The Wind", that movie is his second movie. Before the movie was released, everyone's impression of him was not so much a person from the West Film Studio, but more like an old man's disciple.

Although the factory was already sending signals to the outside world at that time, because none of the old man's directors were as "rigid" as himself, everyone felt that even if they cooperated with Xiying Studio, they would not be so determined to "sell their lives".

Therefore, during "The Wind", Hua Yi's attitude towards him was actually quite kind.

The real change came after the release of "The Wind".

With the series of actions of Xiying Studio, everyone has become a whole, and Huayi's talents have completely closed the door on him.

To be honest, Xu Xin was really surprised that Duan Yihong came.

But they did come.


Come and audition for the role of Haru Igani.

When she saw him walking in, Xu Xin turned to look at Qi Lei.

He found that Qi Lei's eyes widened as well.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the other party's information would appear in the information book.

Especially the column of the company to which the data belongs.

The four words "Huayi Brothers" are really eye-catching.

But...well, let's make peace with it.

After hearing him introduce himself and say that he was auditioning for the role of Yi Guchun, Xu Xin followed the process and asked him to select shots and prepare for the performance.

While Duan Yihong was preparing, he was still thinking...

Think about the other person’s purpose.

His deepest impression of Duan Yihong was actually not the soldier's assault.

It was Teacher Yu Feihong's "Love Has an Afterlife" which he had not seen for a long time.

He always felt that he owed Yu Feihong a favor.

After all, it was the other party who inspired me when I had the biggest headache with "Broken Silence".

He was quite grateful.

However, since "Love Has an Afterlife", he has not heard from Yu Feihong for a long time.

In addition, he no longer goes to the gym, and coach Yu Fei also quits the gym. It’s not easy for me as a married man to find someone directly... What’s more, what can I do after I find one?

He doesn't have any movies to act in.

I should have left a phone number if I had known earlier.

As for "Love Has an Afterlife", he and Yang Mi went to see it.

From a director's point of view, the film was not amazing.

I can only say that the style is not bad, and the whole drama exudes a sense of delicacy unique to female directors.

Others are just so-so.

The monk played by Duan Yihong in that drama was quite good.

That was his total impression.

Just as he was thinking about it, Duan Yihong was also ready and started to perform.

The part he performed was when the two of them went to catch a gambler after becoming suspicious of Xin Xiaofeng. Xin Xiaofeng stole part of the gambling money he caught to collect medical expenses for Wei Wei.

After returning, the two had a conversation.

This scene was actually the most difficult scene for Yi Guchun in the initial audition.

Xu Xin does not require actors to recite.

You can read it directly.

But after thinking about it, the acting skills during this period must be expressed intermittently.

The reason why it is difficult is because this scene has two purposes.

On the surface, it seemed that the gambling money was wrong, and Yi Guchun was communicating with Xin Xiaofeng.

But in fact, Yi Guchun had already linked Xin Xiaofeng to the villa massacre case, and he became suspicious and was testing Xin Xiaofeng.

Just then, Xin Xiaofeng, perhaps too excited, pressed his hand on Yi Guchun's glass tabletop.

And this is also the turning point where the plot begins.

It was at this time that Yi Guchun obtained Xin Xiaofeng's fingerprints and began to compare them with the half of the fingerprints left in the villa.

Therefore, Yi Guchun has a line that, at first glance, is about Xin Xiaofeng stealing part of the money after being caught gambling. But in fact it has other intentions.

Duan Yihong's preparation time is very long.

After Xu Xin saw him coming, he got the most difficult scene with Yi Guchun. Yu Qing said that this scene was more difficult and he gave him plenty of time.

Yu Li, the dispute in the circle does not fall on the actors for the time being.

In order to show his generosity, he did not rush Duan Yihong at all.

Therefore, he prepared for this scene for about ten minutes.

After the preparations were completed, Xu Xin turned around:

"Lu Yang, come on!"


Lu Yang's mouth twitched.

There was a roar of laughter all around.

Looking at Director Xu's "hateful" face, he stood up helplessly and walked over with his script book.

After nodding towards Duan Yihong, he sat down at the table he had arranged.

"Then I'll start."

After Duan Yihong finished speaking, he put down the script book in his hand and started pacing back and forth.

At first, he did not walk directly in front of Lu Yang.

But as he paced back and forth, he slowly approached the seated Lu Yang.

After reaching a very subtle distance, he looked down at Lu Yang:

"Do you know how much the gambling capital of Lao He's gambling case was?"

"I know, more than 310,000, the briefing has been released."

"It's three hundred and twelve thousand six hundred."

He continued to wander and said unhurriedly:

"Actually it's more than that..."

After he finished speaking, he walked back to that delicate distance and waved his arms casually:

"Drink water."

Xu Xin quietly changed his posture, stared at the TV screen next to him, and pursed his lips.

I sighed for no reason in my heart.

There are so many talented people in Beijing...

Although he was just pacing back and forth, the feeling of a policeman interrogating a prisoner was accompanied by every pause, which was perfectly reflected.

This person...has a strong flavor of experience.

He's not acting.

But acting.

In other words, at this moment, he is already Iguchun.

As a director, looking at the fixed shot in front of me, it has no reference significance.

The photographer who took the shot was also one of the trainee directors on his own crew.


The experience is too shallow.

Duan Yihong has already entered the drama.

At this time, the pressure of the whole scene actually came to the director's side.

From a controller to a follower.

Now that Yi Guchun is alive, he is no longer a puppet in the hands of the director.

It’s time to follow Iguchun’s rhythm.

But fixed lenses and focus couldn't give him this feeling...

In this constant scene, he could only hear Duan Yihong's lines.

But acting skills were restricted because of the camera.

Good guy...

This guy is a bit interesting.


Xu Xin interrupted their performance without warning.

Duan Yihong, who was about to say his lines, was stunned and immediately raised his eyes and looked over.

He frowned, eyes focused.

The sense of oppression that originally belonged to "Xin Xiaofeng" instantly hit Xu Xin.

But Xu Xin didn't care.

No need to care.

Judging from the current situation, the other party's performance is indeed very good.

But it's not so good that it's out of your control.


He felt that the other party's performance was more suitable for a larger stage.

"Director Lin."

Ignoring the other party's dissatisfied look, Xu Xin turned to look at Li Pingdong's apprentice Lin Li.

"Director Xu, what's wrong?"

"Camera No. 2, handheld, chasing him."

After hearing Xu Xin's instructions pointing at Duan Yihong, Lin Li stood up quickly after being stunned for a moment.

"...who is inside..."

He really couldn't remember the name of the fixed-camera photographer.

"Stand at 10 o'clock and fix the picture on Lu Yang who is sitting."

The trainee photographer nodded quickly, picked up the machine and started looking for a location.

"A few people will come and set it up."

Soon, five or six people came down from behind and began to help Lin set up the machine.

After Duan Yihong understood what Xu Xin was going to do, he remained silent and continued to pace back and forth to maintain his emotions.

After about three or four minutes, the two machines appeared on the split screen of the TV signal at the same time, Xu Xin said:

"let's start."

Soon, Duan Yihong's performance resumed.

On the screen on the left, Lin Li's hand-held camera began to slowly follow the pacing Duan Yihong in a small horizontal movement.

Li Pingdong's apprentice is naturally not a idiot.

The picture quality is already up to standard.

And fixed positions do not require technical content.

Just shoot facing each other.

So, while Duan Yihong was pacing, everyone looked at screen number two.

Then, when the lines were spoken, just in time, his figure appeared on the edge of screen No. 1:

"Do you know how much the gambling capital of Lao He's gambling case was..."

He stopped, and so did Lin Li.

For a moment, there was an abrupt pause in the picture.

At the same time, because of the two cameras, both Duan Yihong's face and Lu Yang's face could be captured.

The tension of the picture with a bit of tension began to slowly emerge.

That's the tension driven by the lines.

Tone, speed, emotion, and tone are all integral to the tension.

As for Lu Yang...


It stretches my crotch quite a bit.

But it doesn't matter.

Everyone can figure it out.

So, from Xin Xiaofeng's gambling capital of 4,500, to the utterance of a very long line about legal knowledge, and finally to Duan Yihong sitting on another chair to indicate to Xin Xiaofeng that he could leave.

The scene ends.

After it was over, Lin Li saw that Director Xu had no other instructions and was about to turn off the camera. Just listen to Xu Xin ask:

"Teacher Duan, do you want to take a look?"

Everyone was stunned.

But Duan Yihong nodded and walked quickly to the TV.

Xu Xin didn't need to say anything. The photographer whose name he couldn't pronounce quickly made a quick move and played the set of pictures just now.

This scene lasts about three minutes.

Xu Xin didn't speak the whole time, only occasionally looking at Duan Yihong who was staring at the screen intently.

Waiting until the play was over, he asked directly:

"What does it feel like?"


Duan Yihong's face suddenly showed a hint of hesitation.

And Xu Xin was like a roundworm in his stomach, saying:

"It's okay. If you have any ideas, just put them forward."

After hearing this, Duan Yihong looked down at him and made a swallowing gesture.

Then he said:

"I think the pressure I put was too much. Xin Xiaofeng is a colleague who has been through life and death, but I was like interrogating a prisoner, and I didn't do it right."

Regarding this answer, Xu Xin did not answer "yes" or "no".

Instead, he nodded to the “photographer”:

"Okay, that's enough. Let's turn it off first."

"Okay, Director Xu."

Instantly, the TV screen went black.

Everyone sitting in the back didn't know why Director Xu was doing so much at first.

After all, after the next audition person comes, it still needs to be opened.

But after hearing this, Duan Yihong began to retreat, and after retreating to a position close to the cross mark, he suddenly understood what Director Xu meant.

This was originally said to Duan Yihong...

This man reacted very quickly, and he could actually hear the underlying meaning of Director Xu.

After the other party returned to his position, Xu Xin asked:

"I'm actually curious...why Teacher Duan is here. Of course, the main reason I ask this is to hear your motivations, and nothing else."

Duan Yihong was not surprised.

After all, now that he is here, he is "in Cao Ying".

He said very naturally:

"I read this story last year. I liked this book very much. I heard that this book was going to be filmed, so I came here. This is the main reason. The secondary reason... There is no secondary reason. The main thing is that I like this story. "

"That's it, I understand."

Xu Xin seemed to have no intention of continuing to ask, and nodded directly:

"Your performance is very accurate. The reason why you said you used too much force just now is actually mainly caused by the unfamiliarity of acting and photography without getting used to it. If nothing goes wrong, the next round of auditions should be after Cannes. If Teacher Duan If there’s nothing wrong here, let’s meet next time?”

Hearing this, Duan Yihong nodded:


After speaking, he bowed politely:

"Thank you everyone for your hard work."

Then he walked out.

The staff standing at the door looked at Xu Xin immediately after waiting for him to leave.

See if you want to find another actor to come over.

But Xu Xin didn't look at him.

Because Li Pingdong said:

"I'm afraid this person is a bit difficult to deal with."


Why is it so difficult?

His words puzzled some people.

But Xu Xin smiled confidently:

"It's not that difficult. He's still here."

As he spoke, he spread his five fingers.

Li Pingdong smiled and nodded:

"That's fine."

"Besides, with you, Director Lin, and Director Wang here, what should I be afraid of?"

"Director Xu has given us such a high hat."

Wang Lei laughed.

Qi Lei turned around and said:

"Everything about Duan Yihong's audition will be kept confidential."

Obviously, although the people in the first row spoke in confusion, both Li Pingdong and Qi Lei understood the meaning.

it's actually really easy.

The reason why Li Pingdong said that Duan Yihong was difficult to deal with was because he could see from some details that this person was a drama tyrant.

He saw it, and so did Xu Xin.

But earlier than him.

He only realized Xu Xin's intention when he heard Duan Yihong being called by Xu Xin to come over and watch the performance.

Duan Yihong's performance also confirmed his thoughts.

Ordinary actors don't have the courage to wield swords and guns in front of the director.

But he has... said that being a drama bully is not really suitable.

It should be said that this person's character is more "self-centered".

As long as the director is satisfied with other people's acting.

When he acts, he has to be satisfied with himself.

If I am not satisfied, it will be useless even if I, the King of Heaven, come.

This person has such a personality, that's why he says it's difficult to deal with.

Xu Xin’s response was:

"He still can't jump out of my five-finger mountain."

Obviously, he has full confidence in controlling Duan Yihong.

As for Qi Lei's abrupt "confidential" words, he had indeed heard the conversation between the two of them just now.

The main reason is that Duan Yihong likes this story...

The reason doesn't matter.

It was that secondary reason that he valued.

He didn't care about the other party's specific information before, he just knew that he was from Huayi.

But now after hearing the other party's "no secondary reasons" reason, he realized...whether the other party wanted to leave Huayi, or there were other "unspeakable secrets" that he could not reveal due to the lack of relationship...

It doesn't matter.

The point is, this guy has acting skills and is a good actor.

That has investment value for the factory.

And maybe even disgust Huayi...

Why not?

Therefore, he asked everyone to keep it a secret in order to ensure that Huayi could not react to the matter and to reveal the truth when all the dust settled.

And he only understood this truth after hearing the conversation between Xu Xin and him.

After all, the other audition actors either left directly or were dragged home by Director Xu to eat noodles.

This is the first time I've asked about the motive, there's no other meaning.

Therefore, Xu Xin was also the one who realized the essence of this matter before himself.

But this is not the time to talk about this.


Xu Xin nodded to the staff at the door.

The audition continues.

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