I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 701 698 Fire Boil

Chapter 701 698. Fire Boil

It was another busy day. When Xu Xin returned home rubbing his temples, Yang Mi saw him entering the house and immediately walked to the kitchen.

After a while, a pitch-black drink was brought to him.

Xu Xin didn't ask what it was, just raised his head and took a sip.

Then his eyes lit up:

"Sour plum soup?"


Yang Mi nodded, pointed to the kitchen and said:

"I'll freeze a bucket for you. If you want to drink something sour or cold in the future, don't be that sad Xu Xin. We have plenty of sour plum soup at home."


The care from his wife made him completely melt into the tenderness.

He drank half the glass in one go, burped, and then asked:

"How was the chat?"

"I agree to appear."

Yang Mi shrugged:

"I declined the endorsement, but I agreed to appear in one of their commercials for a fee of three million. This is my condition..."

"What about mine?"

"What you said...is a little complicated."


Xu Xin looked at her with confusion:

"What do you mean?"

"Your endorsement is one price, and being a director is another price."


"Well. The full series endorsement means that you can't drive other cars in the future, so I refuse it for you. Just the SUV endorsement is 11 million for two years. For a single type, it's actually not low. I compared it. From other quotes, Zhang Hanyu’s Mercedes-Benz GLK cost only 4.5 million in two years. Although Mercedes-Benz is notoriously stingy in choosing Tianchao District as its spokesperson, your price is also the top of the range for vehicle endorsements.

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I like their service, global Volvo adaptation. This means that no matter where you go in the future, there will be a professional Volvo team at your service, providing you with vehicle use, transportation, rides, etc. There is no charge, including the driver, it is provided completely free of charge.

It’s not just you, it’s the entourage, whether it’s cast, crew, etc., they provide vehicle services. As for whether these people have vehicle endorsements on them, it doesn't matter. Whether they sit or not is their business. But Volvo will provide it. I think this service is pretty good, and it will definitely be much more convenient to go abroad in the future. "


Listening to this condition, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"This global service sounds good, will you agree to it for me?"

"No, this isn't over yet."

Yang Mi scratched her head:

"This is where I hesitate...their second option is really cool. That is to ask you to shoot a commercial."

"...Do you direct and act yourself?"

"We haven't discussed this in detail yet, but what they mean is... first, the global vehicle service I just mentioned, if you don't sign a director's contract, then it only lasts for two years. But if you sign a director's contract, it's five years. .”

Xu Xin looked down at his sour plum soup.

"So...what's the price? Gul'dan."

"Bah! You are Gul'dan!"

Yang Mi spat and then continued:

"The price is five advertisements. Five advertisements are paid separately, and the salary of one is three million."

After hearing Volvo's request, Xu Xin was a little puzzled:

"Why did they ask me to shoot a commercial?"

"I was confused at first. There are so many directors shooting commercials all over the world, not to mention that their commercials are always shot in Sweden and then sent here for dubbing and broadcasting. How could I suddenly find you... ...And I also have concerns. You are a big director, so it would be unreasonable to go out and shoot commercials. Isn’t that just self-promoting?"

"I'm not."

Xu Xin quickly shook his head.

Although...he also understands what his wife means.

But in normal life, he is actually quite taboo about others praising him.

In other words, he really doesn't like to hear other people flatter him.

Firstly, it feels hypocritical, and secondly, I am afraid that if I blow it, I will drift away.

You always need something to remind you.

Yang Mi did not refute, but turned on her phone:

"Then...their Mr. Liu told me the truth. Look, these are three Volvo advertisements from 2007 to 2010."

Xu Xin took the phone and clicked on the 3-minute video.

Amidst the sound of music, a Volvo car parked on the beach.

A passage appeared on the car:

"The greatest satisfaction is not enjoyment."

Immediately afterwards, the scene switched, and a foreign man brought out a plate of dishes in the kitchen. The camera turned to show a foreign family of three eating.

Another line of words appeared on the screen:

“But share.”

Immediately after the scene switched, another foreign man stood on the stage and explained something to the audience, and then another line of words appeared on the screen:

"The greatest achievement is not on stage."

The scene switched again. The foreign man on the stage was sitting in the audience, and on the stage was a child in a spacesuit saying something.

Another line:

"But offstage."

Immediately afterwards, there was an Asian face receiving applause from the crowd at a commendation ceremony.

"The greatest honor is not mine."

The scene switches to a young man wearing a bachelor's uniform delivering a graduation speech.

The middle-aged Asian man sat in the audience and applauded:

"But him."

Finally, three groups of people kept switching scenes in a car.

The narrator sounded:

"Give him the greatest protection with safety, comfort and health. Volvo's new S60L protects his dreams and moves forward."

Xu Xin finished reading and clicked the time.

Exactly one minute.

Then the second commercial started playing.

If he could still understand the meaning of the first paragraph of the advertisement, he had no idea what it was talking about in the second paragraph.

Anyway, the woman's car broke down, and a tow truck came to take it away. A man with an Asian face smiled evilly at the camera, wearing a suit like a domineering president...Then the scene switched to a Volvo S80L.

"The pinnacle of wisdom leadership, the all-new Volvo S80L makes its proud debut..."

Then the third one also means the same thing.

Anyway, the three-minute advertisement has one theme: safety.

This is indeed Volvo's selling point.

But Xu Xin thought about it after reading it and said:

"They want to expand the market, right?"

"That's right."

Yang Mi responded:

"After Geely acquired Volvo last year, although the operating rights are still in Sweden, they already have autonomy in the Chinese market. Volvo's marketing manager Liu told me that now everyone knows that Volvo is safe, but their market is approaching saturation , need to start transformation.

They wanted to create their own style of Volvo advertising to let more people know that Volvo is not just about safety. As for this year's advertisement, after the Swedish side sent it, they have already rejected it. I am currently looking for my own advertising creative ideas, targeting the Volvo XC60 that will be remodeled in August this year.

This time, they wanted a great idea, and then found a good director to convey the spirit of Volvo... or so it was. Last year, they actually started to consider asking you to be their spokesperson. After all, everyone in the circle knows that you drive a Volvo.

And the invitation sent this time is not to gain popularity, but they are planning to send you an invitation, but they just released a few photos of you a day in advance. "

"In other words, if they want to break through their comfort zone this time, they don't need this..."

Pointing to his wife's mobile phone, he thought for a while and gave his own summary:

"Mediocre. No more mediocre advertising schemes, right?"


Yang Mi nodded, looked at her husband and asked:

"So I can't make the final decision on this matter, but it's your idea... What do you think?"


After hearing this, Xu Xin drank the cup of sour plum soup in small sips, turned around and said with a smile:

"Do you think I should take it?"

"to be honest?"


"I think I can take it. Although we don't expect to make money from these endorsements, but...the influence is here. If you hadn't said those words to me this morning, maybe I would have agreed to Volvo directly. The important thing is not that they gave it How much does it cost, but the brand Volvo.

Although it sounds a bit foreign-oriented, this is how this circle is... at least at this stage. As long as it is a domestic brand, no matter how much money you pay, it will not be as good as imported products. Although I admire Wheel's endorsement belief, you have to think clearly... The Chinese music industry and the Chinese film industry are different.

Wheels don’t need international influence, but you do. The higher your reputation internationally, the more you will become the face of Chinese-language films in the future. Moreover, your enemy is not just Hollywood...you also need to increase your influence domestically. "


After hearing this, Xu Xin thought about it and felt that what she said made sense.

Advertising can sometimes help artists to achieve a large increase in commercial value and popularity.

Is a director considered an artist?

On some levels, it definitely counts.

She was right, she could take it.

As for directing commercials... To be honest, he didn't feel that his status was being reduced.

On the contrary, it feels quite fresh.

Because he hasn't tried it...

Thinking of this, he nodded:

"Then just agree, there's no need to delay anything."

"Is it just the endorsement? Or does it include the director?"

"They all count. But five feels a bit too much, three is the most..."

"Okay! Then I'll ask Tingting to reply to the people at Volvo later. Will you do the rest of the negotiation or me?"

"Come here, I'll go to Cannes after the audition. Just get it done before I come back."


After everything settled, Xu Xin shook the cup:

"Pour me another glass, hehe."

"Come on, don't drink it until you finish your meal. What are you doing with so much cold drink before your meal?"

Yang Mi seemed to be turning her back on her.

This made Xu Xin roll his eyes.

My heart says that you, old man, really look forward when you use people, and when you don’t need people, you look behind you.

Xu Xin spent the next few days in a rush of auditions.

He didn't worry about anything else.

Time flies and April is coming to an end.

On the 28th, the first round of auditions for the main roles in "Heart of the Sun" finally ended.

Xu Xin gave the time for the retest.

May 14th.

As for the other characters...he doesn't worry about them.

Anyway, they are all facial makeup characters, so you don’t need to worry about them.

Full power was given to Li Haiping, Lu Yang and the others. He, Xue Yong, Wen Zhang, Di Wei, Lao Wang, and Tang Yan were about to leave for Cannes.

And just after the last person in the audition ended, Li Pingdong specifically apologized to him.

the reason is simple.

Deng Chao did not come.

The reason is simple, Sun Li is pregnant.

He went straight to rest and took care of the pregnant woman.

After all, he had promised to attend the audition before, but Xu Xin was let go. Li Pingdong felt quite sorry.

At the same time, Xu Xin also received an apologetic text message from Deng Chao.

God knows where he got his contact information.

However... Xu Xin's impression of this person has become better.

the reason is simple.

When the news came out that his wife was pregnant, he immediately chose to take a break and return to his family.

For this reason, this man is really good.

So, he not only replied to the text message to Deng Chao, but also promised that if he didn't understand anything, he and Yang Mi could provide some experience.

It didn't matter to him whether Deng Chao thought these were polite words.

At least Xu Xin's attitude is very sincere when it comes to taking care of pregnant women.

11:30 pm on the 28th.

The small terminal building of Yanjing Airport has a crowded VIP waiting room.

Xu Xin, who was sleepy and tired, walked in alone with his luggage.

I quickly passed the security check and came to the sofa at the boarding gate.

"Hey, here we come."

Wang Sicong, who seemed to be in high spirits, smiled and greeted him.


Xu Xin reluctantly said hello, then sat on the sofa, breathing a long sigh of relief like a paralyzed man.

"What's wrong with this? Why are you so exhausted?"

"I just finished the audition in the afternoon. After a nap, I'm still very sleepy and have a severe headache. I'll go to sleep right after I get on the plane and I won't care about you."


Wang Sicong shrugged indifferently.

This time we went to Nice on his Falcon 7X.

Compared with Xu Xin's Gulfstream, the Falcon 7X with a range of more than 11,000 kilometers is obviously more suitable.

Their flight time can be shortened in a straight line.

It only takes 13 hours at most to arrive in Nice.

The flight took off at 12:30 in the morning on the 29th, and it was around 7 or 8 in the morning when we arrived in Nice.

However, Wang Sicong's aircraft pays more attention to enjoyment than Xu Xin's Gulfstream.

Passengers can't hold too many people.

So one day in advance, Su Meng and the others had rushed to Cannes to arrange some matters.

He waved his hand and refused the water brought by the beautiful ground crew member on duty. He turned his head and glanced at Wang Sicong, and was suddenly startled:

"Are you angry?"

"Uh, that's what you said."

Wang Sicong pressed his chin.

He looked away from the ground crew sister's black stockings.

What a big fire boil.

"Maybe it's because the weather is dry and things are dry, I'm really a little angry."

Hearing this, Xu Xin sneered:

"Tsk~ Why do I feel like you can't find a woman to hold it in?"


The eldest young master was speechless for a moment.

Xu Xin also had a look of shame (SAI) on his face and said with a bad smile:

"Quickly, let me measure the circumference of your head to see if there is any sperm on your head, which has been enlarged by holding it back."

"You die for me!"

With a "pop", the eldest young master punched his arm.

Xu Xin bared his teeth and felt the strength, and nodded mischievously again:

"Yeah! It's exciting! It's very exciting!"


Wang Sicong was really speechless.

What do you mean... is it my fault that I am temporarily phobic about women?

Ever since the woman whose name he didn't want to mention left, he really hasn't been close to women at all in the past few months.

In fact, it is not a time when there is no headache or fever.

But...as soon as those women pressed against him, he unconsciously wanted to hide.

Because he knows... these women may not really like him.

Every time I think of this, my fevered brain feels like a bucket of cold water has been poured down on me, completely withered.

So it became the virtue it is now.

However, my friend is right.

Now he can more or less understand the words of those barbers who quit the L bar.

Once you get past that stage, you will really feel energetic every day.

Sajia can kill a cow with one punch!

But I definitely couldn't say this to Xu Xin.

never mind……

Anyway, if you punch me, you will make money anyway.

So, he temporarily let go of the idea of ​​killing the bastard in front of him and took out his mobile phone:

"Let me show you the progress of IG's decoration..."

"dont see."

Xu Xin rejected him directly:

"Don't tell me anything about work or anything that requires me to use my brain right now. I can't think of anything anymore."

"……Go get some rest."

Wang Sicong, who was asking for trouble, rolled his eyes.

Are you ignoring me?

Okay, I won't pay attention to you yet.

Just then, two captains and three stewardesses came over.

Walked directly to Wang Sicong and Xu Xin:

"Hello, Mr. Wang, hello, Director Xu..."

Obviously, the plane is about to enter preparation time.

Xu Xin nodded politely and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Everything was left to Wang Sicong.

After Wang Sicong finished explaining everything, the crew members left.

His eyes inevitably went to the legs of the three stewardesses.

"Okay, big brother, let's calm down."

At this time, Xu Xin's voice sounded:

"Did you know that these stewardess leather shoes are not breathable. Wearing them for a day...PANG smells bad!"

"...It sounds like you've smelled it...huh?...I'm stupid?"

The young master who suddenly reacted was surprised.


"You really deserve to die!"


Under Xu Xin's confused expression, Wang Sicong got up and went to the bar to get ice water.

No, I can't control my heart at the moment.

You have to exercise restraint.

As he was getting an iced drink, he heard someone calling him from behind.

Turning around and looking...

With a hairband on her head, no makeup, wearing a pair of slippers, a pair of black slim-fitting leggings, and a loose sports sweater, Dai Wei was saying hello to him:

"Brother Cong, Brother Cong~"

"Uh... do you want something to drink?"

"No more drinking. Where is Director Xu? Director Xu is not here yet?"

"That it."

Wang Sicong pointed at the injured friend who was "buried" by the big sofa.

After taking another look at Di Wei, he turned to the floor attendant at the bar and said:

"Get another bottle of Perrier."

Soon, Wang Sicong walked to the sofa with a can of iced Coke and a bottle of Perrier water in his hands.

"Brother Seven, here it is."

"Ah? Thank you Brother Cong."

Di Wei smiled and took it.

Wang Sicong looked at her plain face again and asked:

"Just finished taking a shower?"

"Yes, I came out of the shower. After a while, I got on the plane, put on a facial mask and went to bed...Brother Cong, your plane has more space than Director Xu's, right? How many bedrooms are there?"

"One, Brother Qi, please do me a favor and leave the bedroom to me. I have been auditioning for a week, and now I have a headache."

Before Wang Sicong spoke, Xu Xin raised his hand and spoke first.

"We agreed, this time you leave the bedroom to me, and I will feed you grass in the next life as a cow or a horse."


Di Wei, who had originally agreed, was suddenly startled.

I was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Wang Sicong said:

"It's okay. The chairs are both space capsules. Sleeping while lying down is actually the same as a bed in terms of human body mechanics. In addition, the guest sofa can also be detached and used as a bed."

"That's fine... Mainly because I've never flown on your plane. It's my first time. You can teach me later. I don't want to go abroad for a film festival for the first time and have people look at my pictures like an old aunt."

Hearing Brother Qi's true words, Wang Sicong smiled and said:

"I'm still thinking about us fighting the landlord."


After hearing this, Di Wei thought for a while and said:

"That's fine. If you want to play, I can play with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from behind the sofa:

"I'm not late, am I? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Tang Yan also came.

"...Old Tang, are you still wearing makeup?"

Si Wei looked surprised.


Tang Yan twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Brother Qi, who was facing the sky.

I mean, you don't even have any makeup on?

But luckily she didn't say it.

If she really wanted to say it out loud, given Si Wei’s character, she might not be able to say:

"Just do it and that's it. What I'm playing is real!"

Xu Xin said nothing during the whole process.

He does have a headache.

Not long after, Wen Zhang also came wearing a peaked cap.

He smiled and said hello to everyone.

Finally, it was Xue Yong who had just finished sorting out the information.

After seeing Xu Xin, he said:

"Director Xu, I brought a batch of photos of actors this time. You can choose from them on the plane..."


Xu Xin looked at Xue Yong with an expression that said, "You are really a loser."

In the end, he put the hat of the hooded sweater on his head in despair and completely ignored Xue Yong.


Everyone got on the plane.

Xu Xin threw the bag on the table and said:

"Old Wang, I don't care anymore."

"Oh, okay, you go and have a rest. Someone, bring Director Xu a pair of yellow pants!"


Listening to his strange movements, Xu Xin was stunned:


But after hearing Wang Sicong's words, Di Wei seemed to get the funny point of Wang Sicong's words, and laughed out loud.

Wang Sicong turned his head and glanced at Di Wei, and became even more excited when he saw the audience was cheering for her.

He continued to Xu Xin:

"Don't you like it? Come on, give our Director Xu a pair of red pants!"


After suddenly realizing where the familiar words came from, Xu Xin shook his head speechlessly:

"Crazy, everyone, good night."

With that said, he walked directly into the bedroom and closed the door.

After Wang Sicong closed the door, he heard Di Wei calling him:

"Brother Cong, brother Cong, why do you put this chair down? I need to apply a facial mask."

"Oh, here you go, let me help you."

He walked to the chair where Di Wei was sitting, found the lie down button, and pressed it.

The electric seat slowly folds down.

During this period, an indescribable fragrance came over.

Wang Sicong's nose moved.

Hmm, it smells pretty good.

At this time...

"Brother Cong, are you angry?"

Looking down at Di Wei, who was staring straight at him, Wang Sicong nodded casually:


"Hey, do you want to have scraping?"

Suddenly, Di Wei reached into the handbag on her lap and took out a jade scraper.

Wang Sicong was speechless:

"What are you doing with this thing?"

"I'm afraid I won't adapt to the climate, so I brought it here. I also have essential oil here. Do you want to help you shave it?"

"Uh... no need."

Wang Sicong smiled and rejected her.


Di Wei looked at his chin again suspiciously:

"It seems like you can't even see the white tip. And you're not too young~"

"No need."

While talking, Wang Sicong helped her completely flatten the seat, taught her the functions of the buttons, and then returned to her seat.

Ignoring Tang Yan and Wen Zhang, he leaned on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.


The typo was changed around 1 o'clock. My eyes were dazzled and I really couldn't pick it out. Calm down your mind first.

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