I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 702 699 Bordeaux or Porto

Chapter 702 699. Bordeaux or Porto

When Xu Xin woke up, the sky outside was still dark.

But the time on the watch was almost 9 o'clock in the morning.

This is because of the time difference. If converted directly to French time, it is about 3 o'clock in the morning there.

In about 4 hours, they will arrive in Nice.

When he came out, he found that everyone, including Wang Sicong, was almost awake and sitting on the sofa, eating breakfast and chatting.


After saying hello, he waved to the flight attendant, indicating that he would not have breakfast yet.

He just took his thermos cup over and asked the other party to make himself a cup of tea.

When Xue Yong saw him getting up, he sped up his breakfast process.

After Xu Xin washed his face and brushed his teeth, he also finished eating.

I took out two large stacks of photos directly from my handbag.


Seeing that he couldn't hide, Xu Xin sighed helplessly and came to the separate reception table with him.

After lighting a cigarette, he picked up a stack of these photos.

Just like dealing poker cards, start counting swiss swish.

Wang Sicong also finished eating at this time and came over curiously:

"What are you doing?"

"Choose photos of actors. Other roles in "Heart of the Sun", see who is suitable."

As a "rookie actor" among these people, when Wang Sicong heard this, he looked at Xu Xin who was dealing cards as fast as he was dealing cards, swiss swish, finished reading in one stack, and subconsciously asked:

"You can just look at the photos? There's no need for an audition?"

"These people don't need to. The instrumental attributes of these actors are greater than their acting skills. As long as their appearance and temperament are acceptable, they can enter the re-examination. Then we will judge whether they can play the role."

While talking, Di Wei and Tang Yan also walked over.

Wen Zhang hadn't finished eating yet, and he didn't know who to send a message to while eating, so he didn't move.

Wang Sicong also took a bunch of them and looked at them decently.

"Why are they all men?...You don't have a female partner in this film?"

"Basically, no."

Xu Xin continued to throw photos away.

But Wang Sicong's side suddenly got stuck after a few "swish, swish, swish" sounds.

It seemed that one of the photos was quite sticky. He swiped at it but it didn't come out.

Finally, I used my fingernails to dig out the photo.

Seeing this, he complained:

"Good guy, what did this person put on his photo? It's sticky."

After the words fell, Di Wei smiled and said:

"Brother Cong, this person did it on purpose."

"Huh? On purpose?"

Wang Sicong looked down at the artistic photo in his hand and asked in confusion:

"What do you mean?"

"These are all small tricks. You see, Director Xu selects photos very quickly. Actors sometimes put their thoughts on their artistic photos. The most common ones are various fruits, rub them on the back of the photos, etc. When the juice dries, it will stick to your hands. After your own photo and the photo below are glued together, a more serious director will want to uncover both photos. This way, more of his photos can be seen in your eyes. Stay a while.”


Listening to Di Wei's explanation, it was obviously the first time Wang Sicong had heard of such a thing.

His eyes were full of surprise.

"Can you still come like this?"

Si Wei and Tang Yan both nodded in agreement, indicating that this was indeed the case:

"Not only that, there are still many unspoken rules for sending photos. This use of pectin is an old method in the past. Now the new trend is to directly develop photos of special materials. I heard that there is now a kind of matte paper..."


Before she finished speaking, Xu Xin's hand paused.

After pushing the photo twice without pushing it, he picked it up alone and handed it to Wang Sicong:

"This is that matte paper."

After that, continue shua shua shua.

Wang Sicong touched the texture of this photo and compared it with a normal photo, then nodded:

"Indeed, the feel is different."

"Yes, this material was chosen to increase friction. It's not easy for the director... to choose like Director Xu."

"Good guy..."

Wang Sicong is really knowledgeable.

They say details determine success or failure, and it seems to be true now.

Do you use every means within your power just to keep your face with the director for a little longer?

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Is this the ecology of low-level actors?"


Si Wei sat with one leg on the leg of the sofa in the direction of Xue Yong and responded:

"To put it bluntly, everyone is trying their best just to be famous..."

When she said this, there was a hint of emotion in her eyes.

"Seventh brother has done this too?"

"I've done it before. A photo made of this material is three yuan more expensive than a normal photo."

Taking the photo in his hand, Di Wei rubbed the texture of the photo paper:

"It's usually five yuan more expensive, but the more you process, the cheaper it is. The lowest is three yuan... Of course, I'm talking about the price a few years ago. I usually print five hundred pictures..."

"so many?"

"Isn't that much? There is no such thing as returning the photos and personal information to the crew. During the job search period, five hundred photos are enough for two months at most. This kind of artistic photos usually cost fifteen yuan a piece, and five hundred Zhang’s price is more than 7,000 yuan, which is very expensive.”

After she finished speaking, Xue Yong, who was helping Xu Xin organize the photos, also said:

"This is just a formal process. If some actors go to extremes, they will also bring full-body photos when submitting their resumes to the crew. Both actors and actresses take full-body photos to show off their figures..."

Wang Sicong said subconsciously:

"Do you want to get dressed?"


Xu Xin paused and turned to look at him.

He shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, when he woke up today, his head was bigger again.

Xue Yong smiled and said:

"There are some who wear clothes, and there are also those who wear very little. But speaking of it... they are all in the stage of showing off their figures. However, there will also be some people with bad brains or very extreme people who send nude photos. But most of these people are There are some brain problems, they are rare and don’t need to be ignored.”


Wang Sicong was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly:

"Good guy, you've learned a lot. Lao Xu, have you ever encountered such a thing?"

"Never encountered it."

Xu Xin shrugged and continued to scroll through photos, picking out one or two from time to time and putting them aside while saying:

"The audition information will be filtered through Brother Yong and the others. I won't be able to see anything with a long eye."

"I understand, Brother Yong is a humanoid filter element, right?"


Xue Yong laughed out loud and nodded:

"Yes, the one with activated charcoal."


In the following time, Xu Xin was busy working on "Lie", while Wang Sicong and others were chatting.

This is the first time for Si Wei to go to Cannes, or the first time to Europe.

As a singer, she has no experience abroad.

Although Tang Yan has been abroad, as a member of the "Athens Eight Minutes", she actually doesn't have a good impression of Europe.

But the two of them still yearn for France, a romantic country.

But it's a pity... In Shi Wei's concept, everyone may have to stay in Cannes to participate in the film festival from the time they arrive in Cannes until the end of the film festival.

Even Wang Sicong thought so.

However, just to be sure, he turned to Xu Xin and asked:

"Old Xu."


Xu Xin, who was studying the crew's work plan with Xue Yong, raised his head:


"After we get to Cannes, we'll stay until the closing, right?"

"That's right. I don't care if I have to attend the award ceremony. But for actors, the Cannes red carpet can still be a good place to be... If you don't want to go, that's fine."

"After we go to Cannes, will we have the chance to go somewhere else? We haven't chosen the wine for Lang Lang this year yet. I want to visit the wineries in Burgundy."

"Burgundy...Porto, right?"

Hearing this name, Xu Xin confused Wang Sicong with one sentence.

First reaction: Mourinho comes to Ligue 1?

Second reaction...

"What the hell?"

"Porto, Porto, France... Oh no, Porto seems to be the name of a football team. Bordeaux, yes, yes, Bordeaux red wine."

His memory was a little confused and he quickly corrected it.

Wang Sicong, on the other hand, felt a little regretful.


He also planned to recommend a few classic numbers to Lao Xu when he said the word "Bodo".

However, he failed to expose Lao Xu’s mistake of confusing Burgundy and Bordeaux.

They had known each other for such a long time, and they knew that Lao Xu was a country bumpkin in some respects.

So he nodded:

"Yes, Bordeaux, but I want to go to Burgundy. One of my college classmates has a winery here in Burgundy. We chatted at Christmas and he told me that his 2005 Pinot Noir was going to be on the market. When I was in school, he often entertained us with wine from home, and it tasted really good. I plan to buy a batch."

"Okay, let's go."

Xu Xin said casually:

"Anyway, just come back before closing time."

"Are you coming with me?"

"I can't go, the factory has arranged the trip."

After hearing what the two said, Di Wei's eyes lit up:

"Director Xu, you mean we can travel freely?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"We are just a midnight screening unit, and all the attention in Cannes is on the main competition and one category. This time Cannes is actually the promotion of "33 Days". There is no pressure from awards, so there is no need to go to public relations. Everyone participates in interviews and so on. We are facing the media from China, so we may only be busy for three to five days. In the rest of the time, we can go wherever we want to go, after all, it is a trip abroad."


Both Si Wei and Tang Yan's eyes lit up.

Tang Yan asked Di Wei:

"Then...can't we go shopping in Paris?"

"You can indeed go shopping! Buy more clothes and so on... Brother Cong, is Paris far from Burgundy?"

"If you drive, it takes two and a half hours on the highway, but I don't plan to take the highway. The best way to go from Paris to Beaune in the Burgundy region is to take the Soleil Sunshine Highway. The scenery along the way is very beautiful. It takes four hours to drive Five hours, but any place I pass by can be used as wallpaper.”

Obviously, Wang Sicong seems to be quite familiar with France.

After he finished speaking, Tang Yan and Di Wei looked at him with bright eyes, and he began to talk endlessly about his experience of visiting his winery with his classmates when he was studying abroad.

From the road, to Burgundy’s cuisine, to a variety of wines.

In this regard, Xu Xin is actually a country bumpkin in a sense.

That kind of stupid thing...

In the end, even Wen Zhang couldn't help but join in the conversation.

After chatting all the way, Mr. Wang, an excellent speaker, successfully persuaded Tang Yan and Di Wei.

The two of them thought... they could go to Burgundy together.

But the prerequisite is that everyone has finished visiting Paris.

As a fashion capital, Paris' clothes are still very attractive to the two of them.

Lao Wang was also kind and turned around to confirm with Xu Xin whether he was coming.


Xu Xin really can't go.

His mission is to re-enter the European spotlight as the best director in Venice and under the name of Western Film Studio.

To put it bluntly, if the old man directly burst into the attention of Europeans with his works, which was an "unexpected surprise", then at Xu Xin's stage, the factory has already taken the initiative to help him gain international fame.

Even though "33 Days" is only showing at midnight, except for "The Wind", his other two films have entered the top three in Europe. Coupled with his age, it is enough to give him a "hype" selling point. .

He wants to start managing his connections in the three majors.

Therefore, even though I did not enter the main unit this time, I was still pressed for time and had heavy tasks.

Others can play whatever they want. As actors, as long as they appear on the red carpet, have their photos taken, take them back to China, and have them written on their resumes, they are considered successful.

Xu Xin is different.

As a director and an upper class member of the film and television industry, he has a broader future than the red carpet.

It’s 9:30 am Nice time.

Everyone arrives.

After entering customs, I saw several Volvo XC90s at the airport.


Looking at Guo Ping getting off the Volvo, Wang Sicong raised his eyebrows.

What is going on?

After Xu Xin saw these Volvos, he understood... This should be a sign that the negotiation between his wife and Volvos was successful.

Sure enough, after seeing Xu Xin, a foreigner in a suit came up to him, stretched out his hand to Xu Xin, and murmured.

The translator next to him said:

"Hello, Director Xu, this is Manu Pierre, general manager of Volvo Alpine brand distribution. After receiving instructions from Volvo headquarters, he came to provide you with Volvo trip guarantee..."

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries, Xu Xin learned that Volvo had provided a total of 9 XC90s for this trip to provide driving services for Xu Xin's trip to Cannes.

They are all 6-seater executive versions.

Equipped with a driver, on-board translator, road support and other services.

All of a sudden, the background of the multinational car company was revealed.

And this Camille's translator is also one of them.

After chatting at the airport for a while, the general manager took his leave and wished Xu Xin a great success in his film in Cannes.

Everyone gets on the bus.

Xu Xin sat in the back row, listening to Wang Sicong communicating with Camille in French, his eyes full of surprise:

"Do you speak French?"

"An PIU~"


Seeing his friend gesticulating at him with angry Korean gestures and making strange noises, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What do you mean?"

"It means a little bit. Ann~PIU~ I haven't spoken for a long time, and I have forgotten many words. But when I was in school, I often communicated with a few of our classmates. According to them, my French is equivalent to that of a kindergarten child. I can express my meaning correctly.”


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but say:

"Old Wang."


"You're such a fucking little genius."


It’s actually just over 30 kilometers from Nice to Cannes.

But this stretch of road took more than an hour.

The reason is simply that no one has been here before. After Camille, who is full of romantic attributes, heard that Xu Xin was coming to France for the first time, she recommended another slow but beautiful coastal country road.

Xu Xin was really surprised...

After all, the translators he had come into contact with were all strict people.

It turns out that this sister really doesn’t regard herself as an outsider.


Pretty good too.

Indeed, Nice is a coastal city in France, and the scenery along the road from Nice to Cannes is really beautiful.

According to Camille, car manufacturers often shoot advertisements on this road.

Volvo was also photographed here.

Xu Xin found that this sister had a good personality.

I guess as long as I don't breastfeed, everyone should get along very happily during these ten days or so.

After arriving in Cannes, they checked into the most famous aristocratic hotel in Cannes, the Hotel Martinses. Right next to the famous Corosette in Cannes, Xu Xin can overlook the Mediterranean Sea just by opening the window.

Not to mention, it’s really beautiful.

But Xu Xin didn't appreciate it for long. Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Su Meng and Luo Shunjun, the team leader of the factory this time, walked in.

"Director Xu."

"Brother Luo."

We met each other at the Xiying Film Studio. We are not particularly close to each other, but we are certainly not unfamiliar with each other.

After handing Luo Shunjun a cigarette, he asked:

"Brother Luo, how are you planning your trip?"

"Our movie is in the Movie Palace, and the date has been arranged."

Luo Shunjun handed Xu Xin a movie screening schedule.

And it has been translated.

Xu Xin quickly found the time for "33 Days of Love".

On May 1, that is, 10:15 pm on the second day of the Cannes Film Festival.

This is the first show.

The second session is at 9 a.m. on the 3rd.

The next three and four games will almost maintain the rhythm of one game every two days.

Compared with Venice, the gap is quite big.

Seeing this, he asked:

"They only have a movie theater here?"

"No, but the midnight screening is only in one location, the Cinema Palace. The other locations are for the main competition unit and one type of unit. The Cinema Palace has a total of 25 theaters, and everyone works in shifts."

Hearing Luo Shunjun's words, Xu Xin thought about it... Indeed, it is not a big hit, and the screening can be maintained for two days, which is not bad.

Seeing Xu Xin deep in thought, Luo Shunjun seemed to think that he was a little dissatisfied, and comforted him:

"Director Xu, "Martial Arts" has one less round than us. What's more... the script restrictions of "33 Days" are here. For us, Cannes as a whole has more promotional significance than reality. If we can get it here A good reputation is an unexpected surprise.”

"Uh... um."

Seeing that he actually comforted her, Xu Xin changed his attitude and said with a smile:

"I think so too. What about the activities you are going to participate in this time? What are they?"

"First of all, there was a meeting with each film after the first screening, and then there were exclusive interviews with some domestic media. However... even if "33 Days" was shortlisted in Cannes this time, domestic reporters actually came not much.

After all, we have nothing to argue about. The only gimmick in the media is to compare the two movies with each other after seeing them.

So, there weren’t many interviews. Our main task this time is to meet with those film producers. Selling the movie is one thing, but you also have to show your face to them. These connections are useful. Just stay busy here~"

"Okay. I understand. Brother Luo, please look at the arrangements for these interviews. Is there anything that the actors need to cooperate with?"

"That's not true. It depends on how Wen Zhang and his agency arrange it. Everyone's group activity is just one..."

After the two of them chatted in the room for a while about the arrangement of the entire film festival, the time came to noon.

Everyone went to eat together.

Try the delicious food in Cannes.

The first meal was eaten at the beach restaurant in Martinez without going anywhere else. According to Wang Sicong, this chef Xu Xin, who cannot spell, is a two-time Michelin star winner, and his best specialty is Provence cuisine...

As for the price, it doesn't matter.

After finishing the meal, Tang Yan suggested going shopping.

Although Cannes is not a big city, there are many luxury brand stores on its streets. Dior, LV, etc. obviously all moved in because of the Cannes Film Festival.

Since we can’t go to Paris right now, let’s go shopping in the luxury stores here together.

Unfortunately, Xu Xin has no interest.

He has long been accustomed to his wife providing him with food, clothing, housing and transportation. If he really wants to go to these luxury stores, the most he can say is "I want them all".

It’s better not to tarnish the image of China’s wealthy people.

If he didn't go, no one would force him.

And Wen Zhang didn't go either.

Ever since Yuntu wasn't very enthusiastic about his attitude, the estrangement between everyone was inevitable.

It's normal for him to be unsociable.

So, after all the calculations, Wang Sicong was the one who protected the flowers.

However, the eldest young master has had enough kidney water recently, and he just feels like he has endless energy.

There is nothing wrong with carrying a bag and being a slave.

Everyone left together.

Then, as expected, at around 11 p.m. Chinese time, photos of the "33 Days" starring group visiting Cannes appeared on the Internet.

It can be regarded as giving this Cannes, which is destined to have nothing to do with Chinese films, a little bit of publicity and visibility.

But looking at the unit price, there seem to be two people missing in the photo.

Where are Xu Xin and Wen Zhang?

Where have these two people gone?

Xu Xin didn't know where Wen Zhang had gone.

He was currently enjoying the Mediterranean weather that was gradually cooling down under the setting sun, sitting in an outdoor cafe drinking coffee.

Although the time difference was only 6 hours, he was already staying up late at this moment.

"Ha... um."

He yawned and smashed his mouth.

France is not good at this.

Comprehensive smoking cessation in restaurants, cafes, hospitals, bars, gardens and other public places.

This makes him, a smoker, very uncomfortable.

If I had known, I would have smashed it in my mouth if I bought a box of chewing gum.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Kexin, who was sitting opposite him, put down the script in his hand, looked at Xu Xin and said:

"Is this script the true experience of New Oriental's boss, Yu Minhong?"

"Adapted from real experiences. What do you think, Director Chen?"

Hearing this, Chen Kexin lowered his head and glanced at the script titled "Partner" and nodded slightly:

"It's very good. Whether it's the logic, the three characters, or the shackles of that era...it's very good."

The director of "Martial Arts" gave his own evaluation.

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