I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 711 708 Three swear words

Chapter 711 708. Three swear words

This meal was very satisfying for Xu Xin.

The two of them talked a lot more over the last glass of red wine.


But it didn't leave the concept he mentioned.

"What we want is a lot of good movies."

How to make a good movie?

A healthy circle, healthy capital, and a healthy atmosphere.

Although these three requests sounded like a joke to Jiang Kui.

As a director, after seeing the actor's inner emotions, he just quoted Lao She's original text.

"Second brother, I love the Qing Dynasty, but I'm afraid it will end."

In one sentence, Jiang Kui was speechless.


It can't go on like this forever.

Someone has to step up and actually do something, right?

For no reason, Jiang Kui felt that this sentence was the happiest sentence he had ever heard today.

I couldn't help but pick up a glass and serve the wine, and the two of them took a long sip.

And then we talked a lot.

For example, why does Xi Film Studio organize this film festival?

Another example is the original intention of the Art Creation Center.

There is also Xi Film Studio’s attitude towards investing in films.

The two even talked about the treatment of domestic screenwriters.

Talked a lot.

Really a lot.

Even after finishing the wine, start eating risotto.

The two of them each had a bowl and used a spoon to pick up the rice, and the conversation never left the subject.

The meal lasted until nearly 3 p.m. before it was over.

Wine, I didn’t drink much.

But it was extremely enjoyable.

Finally, Xu Xin made an appointment to treat him after returning to China and brought out a few bottles of good Maotai to entertain him.

Returned exhausted.

After returning to the hotel, he chatted for a while with his wife, who was already going to bed at about 10 o'clock, Chinese time.

Then he fell into a deep sleep.

He wasn't worried that he would sleep through it, because Su Meng would come over and call him.


A Rolls-Royce with elegant lines was parked at the entrance of the Pleyel Concert Hall.

The doorman came over immediately.

But he was blocked by Wang Sicong who pushed open the passenger door first.

He fastened the second button of his evening gown, and after stroking the lines with his palms, he quickly came to the rear door, opened the door, and stretched out his hand inward.

A hand was placed on top of his.

Tang Yan, who was wearing a plain white evening dress, took Wang Sicong's hand and walked out first.

Then he gave up his position.

Soon, another hand was placed on Wang Sicong's hand.

Di Wei, who was wearing a slim-fitting and loose-fitting black dress, her waist only cinched with a golden string, also got out of the car.

After they got off the car, they both looked at the building in front of them.

As a singer, Ji Wei has naturally heard the name of Pleyel Concert Hall.

The building in front of you is a famous French building that has become one of the "four major historic concert halls in the world" along with New York's Carnegie Hall, Vienna Philharmonic Hall, and Amsterdam's Royal Concert Hall.

In the past, I just heard about it.

But now... they are standing at the main entrance of the concert hall.

And I will go in to listen to a concert soon.

Tang Yan's attention was distracted relatively quickly.

After observing the facade of the Pleyel Concert Hall, her eyes quickly fell on the reporters beside the entrance of the concert hall.

Many French reporters were holding up long guns and short cannons at this moment...but they didn't take pictures.

They really wanted to shoot it in the beginning.

After all, a Rolls-Royce drove over.

But when I saw the person getting off the bus and realized I didn't recognize him at all, I lost interest.

But Tang Yan didn't understand. After seeing these reporters, he turned to Wang Sicong and whispered:

"Brother Cong, do we also want to take pictures?"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

The first reaction is what can you take pictures of...

So he whispered:

"We don't need to film. Lao Lang's performance today is May Day, and the guests present today are all French dignitaries. These reporters should be filming them, and it has nothing to do with us."


Tang Yan was stunned:

"Do the French also celebrate May Day?"

"Of course, Labor Day is their official holiday... Come on, it's too weird for the three of us to be here."

"...Should we hold your arm?"

Tang Yan asked again.

Wang Sicong opened his mouth to say no, but when the words came out of his mouth, it became:


So, the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right...ah, that's not right. On the left is Tangyan and on the right is Weiwei.

When Di Wei took his arm, a hint of excitement flashed across his brows.

Three Asian faces arrived at the entrance of the concert hall, ignored by the group of French reporters.

Wang Sicong handed over three invitations, and after going through two very strict security checks, the three of them walked in.

"Brother Cong, can you take a photo?"


Hearing Tang Yan's words, Wang Sicong nodded:

"Do you want to take a picture? I'll take a picture for you? I'm very good at taking pictures."


Tang Yan handed over her mobile phone and came to a white pillar:

"Is it okay here?"

"Okay, you can go a little to the right...stretch out your legs a little bit. Yes, it will make your legs look longer...ok...don't move, stay still...ok..."

Click, click, click.

Wang Sicong squatted down and took many photos in an instant.

And Ga Wei, who was standing behind him, was astonished.

"Brother Cong, your photography skills are... quite good."

"I learned from Lao Xu. Do you know why Da Mi's legs are so long? Without Lao Xu, she would be three inches shorter!"


Di Wei's mouth twitched.

Xin said that you are really not afraid that Sister Mi will slap you to death.

After returning the phone to Tang Yan, Wang Sicong took out his phone:

"Shall I take some pictures for you?"


As an artist, she certainly couldn't shoot from the same angle as Tang Yan.

After finally finding a suitable location, she held her handbag and posed for a few photos as requested by Wang Sicong.

After Wang Sicong handed over the phone, Si Wei looked at it...

I found that it was indeed quite beautiful and said happily:

"You can send it to me via WeChat."


Wang Sicong responded, but suddenly glanced at the time on his watch.

"Let's go backstage and see him."

After making a call, Lang Lang's assistant came to answer the door.

Then along the side door, I quickly found Lang Lang chewing fruit in the waiting room.


Seeing Lao Wang coming, the smile on Lang Lang's face immediately spread.

He stood up to greet him and gave Wang Sicong a big hug.

Then he said hello to Tang Yan and Di Wei and asked:

"Lao Xu said you have something to bring to me?"


Wang Sicong responded with a smile. Under the curious eyes of the two ladies behind him, he cleared his throat:

"Ahem. Lao Wang, tell Lao Lang: I won't go to this concert. Thank you for his kind invitation..."

Lang Lang's eyes twitched.

There was an ominous premonition in my heart.

Xu Xin, the grandson, must not be holding anything back.

Especially when I saw that my friend was stuck for a moment on purpose and was observing his expression with a bad smile...

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, Di Wei, who was next to her, said to herself that although Director Xu and Lang Lang were good friends, his words were really full of respect.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Wang Sicong say:

"But I didn't come anyway. He owed me a concert."


Si Wei was stunned.

"Wait until he comes back to China and tell him to bring the symphony orchestra to my house. I'm moving. Just in time he comes to light a pot for me. Remember to rehearse more lively songs to make them more festive."




Except for Wang Sicong who smiled evilly, the expressions of the other three were really wonderful.

Lang Langxin said, "It's not enough for me to give you a gift, but why the hell do you have to pay for a symphony orchestra?"

Tang Yanxin said that Director Xu’s joke was really funny.

Where is Siwei...

"This man is such a dog."

For no reason, a label was silently attached to Director Xu, whom she respected.

But at the same time, the smile on his face spread.

It's so good, the relationship between these people...

"Teacher Lang Lang, where should we sit today?"

Tang Yan asked curiously.

After cursing for two minutes, Lang Lang, who continued to eat fruit to gain strength, finally remembered:

"Oh yes, you are in the first row. I will have someone take you there in a moment."

While talking, he took out a list from the table and handed it to Wang Sicong:

"Here, here is the guest list for both of you."

The people who came to this concert today are all French celebrities, especially the first row, which is the top priority.

After hearing this, Wang Sicong was also a little surprised:

"Shall we sit in the first row?"

"That's for sure. I have reserved a seat for you in advance, next to the first row. And the more important people will sit in the box, so there will be no problem."

Wang Sicong nodded and looked at the list.

The list is very detailed, from name to gender to position.

And Wang Sicong also saw his name.


"This person named Macron has no position? Is he just an investment partner who can sit in the front row?"

"He is quite special. He is an investment partner of the Rothschild family bank. He was the one who facilitated the $11.9 billion acquisition of Nestlé. Don't underestimate him, he is very powerful."

"Why did I underestimate him? I came to your concert, not to have a relationship."

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes, handed the list to Tang Yan, and then picked out the few small tomatoes that Lang Lang deliberately left for last.

My heart says you have a bad habit.

Don’t save what you like for last.

As for Lang Lang... apart from rolling his eyes, he couldn't fart.

no way.

Too ripe.

Everyone's skin is as thick as a city wall.

After reading the list, Tang Yan and Di Wei, who were next to them, actually felt the same way.

Both of them knew that Lang Lang was powerful.

It's just... when I usually see him laughing and joking with Director Xu, I unconsciously... feel that he doesn't seem "so powerful" anymore.

But now that they have this list in their hands, these two people have an intuitive judgment on what kind of reputation Lang Lang has in the world.

It's... really awesome.

so amazing.


Wang Sicong patted Lang Lang's shoulder, who started to move his fingers to warm up:

"Let's go, come on! If you forget the music score, just play the wheel song, and they won't be able to hear it anyway."

Lang Lang rolled his eyes and before he could say anything, Tang Yan asked stupidly:


"Because... Brother Leng can't even hear himself singing clearly?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing that Brother Qi understood his joke, Wang Sicong couldn't help laughing.

Lang Lang didn't smile.

Because this joke was born from a few people.

It's not funny anymore.

He just looked at me with a look that said, "Thank you to your whole family."

"Then what if I forget even his score?"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong shrugged:

"Not even the gods can save you, I said so."


Si Wei burst out laughing instantly.

Obviously, she got the punchline of Brother Cong's joke again.

"Rolling, rolling, rolling~"

Lang Lang waved his hands angrily.

He gestured to his assistant to take the three of them out.

Stop ruining your mood.

If this bastard stays for another five minutes, he will go crazy.

at last……

"Come on."

Wang Sicong left his blessing and left the waiting room.

After following the assistant around the backcourt and arriving at the concert hall, the three of them suddenly discovered that the concert hall was already filled with people in suits and ties.

The three of them quickly found their seats.

Wang Sicong glanced at the guy next to him and nodded politely.

The other person responded with a smile.

Soon, the symphony orchestra appears.

The slightly noisy concert hall quickly fell silent.


Amidst the applause, Lang Lang, wearing a tuxedo, walked onto the stage with a smile and sat in front of the piano.

With the command of the conductor.

Amid applause, this concert, amid beautiful melody...

here we go.

"Hua la la la la..."

Two hours later.

In the final encore of "Jasmine", the entire concert came to an end with warm applause.

Di Wei was also applauding.

While applauding, he said to Wang Sicong:

"It's so wonderful, really, Brother Cong...it's so wonderful."


Although I know that in this situation, I must praise myself.

But what he wanted to tell Brother Qi was...

I'm really used to it.

I don’t know how many nights the brothers got together, bragging and chatting during the arias he played, and finally huddled together and slept until dawn...

After getting used to his playing, as a person whose artistic appreciation ability can only be said to be a beginner, he has become "numb".

However, he did not tell his true thoughts.

But he said...

"Like to listen?"

"Yeah! Really, it's completely different...it feels completely different from the piano lesson I took!"

After hearing her ecstatic praise, Wang Sicong said:

"Then I'll often take you to listen?"


There was an obvious pause in the continuous applause.

Di Wei turned to look at him.

After discovering that Brother Cong was also looking at me...

At this moment, others had no way of knowing what kind of mental journey she was having.

Just at the end...

The applause resumes.

She applauded and nodded vigorously:


So much for words.

Nothing more.

Paris, Le Grandveyour Hotel.

One of the oldest hotels in the world has hosted countless famous artists.

Even the tableware inside is antique.

It is also the hotel where Lang Lang stayed during his trip to Paris.

This hotel does not accept any so-called "online reservations" and there is basically no information available on the Internet.

Already a living fossil of the hotel, they are now more of a status symbol than a business attribute.

Those who can stay here...don't mention other categories of guests.

Among the guests in the art category, every one of them is top-notch in the world.

And these artists are happy to live here.

After all, a lot of people have lived here.

For example, Picasso, Monet, that mustache...

And today, Wang Sicong also borrowed the help of his friend and became a guest here.

At this moment, he and Lang Lang were sitting on the edge of the bed, each with a glass of wine and a cigar, looking out at the night view of Paris.

"I was stunned, you know? That was the London Symphony Orchestra. It made such a stupid mistake... I was playing the piano and glanced at the audience. At that time, I saw the face of the manager of the concert hall change. It’s really wonderful…”

Lang Lang kept talking about interesting things about his world tour.

But as he spoke, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Wang Sicong just held his cigar in his mouth and looked at the scenery outside...seemingly distracted.

For a moment, he was speechless.

Pushed my friend’s head:

"I'm talking to you."


Wang Sicong was stunned for a moment and then came back to his senses.

He asked in confusion:

"What did you say?"

"...Where did you get distracted?"

"Since you said you ate a croissant in Denmark, you started to feel upset and had to catch a flight. You couldn't hold it in until you died..."

"...That was five minutes ago!"

Lang Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After taking a puff of his cigar, he asked:

"What are you thinking about?"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong fell silent again.

After thinking for a while, he lowered his head and picked up the glass of whiskey.

Shaking slightly, the crystal wine glass and ice cubes made a crisp sound after impact in the wine.

He drank it all in one gulp.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

"...What's wrong?"

Lang Lang became more and more puzzled.

But Wang Sicong said at this time:

"What... do you think of Brother Qi?"

Lang Lang was stunned.

"Si Wei?... She's pretty good. She has a good personality. I think she's better than Tang Yan. Tang Yan... is a bit silly."

"What I'm asking about is Brother Qi. Who asked you Tang Yan?"

"I know, that's what I'm saying...huh?"

Suddenly, Lang Lang felt something was wrong.

Immediately after reacting, he looked at his friend with wide eyes:

"What a fool!?"

Faced with his foul language, Wang Sicong just nodded slightly and responded:


After he responded, Lang Lang said again:



At this time, Wang Sicong was speechless.

But after two consecutive "屮"s, Lang Lang suddenly looked thoughtful.


"I remember she seemed to... have a boyfriend, right?... No, girlfriend!"

"...Well, we broke up. It must have been...a month or two, right?"

"But...that's my girlfriend!"

Lang Lang became more and more speechless.

"Brother, let's just say...are you overestimating your own charm?"

"What words!"

Wang Sicong couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Am I so handsome?"

Hearing this, Lang Lang was even more speechless.

Looking guilty:

"I'm in good health recently, and my urine isn't very yellow. How about... you ask Lao Xu?"

"Get out of here, you!"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"Seventh brother told me personally that she can be a boy or a girl, she doesn't have to choose."


The third foul language came out.

Lang Langxin said: Is it so exciting?


After gradually accepting this fact, he patted Wang Sicong on the shoulder with his single 40 million hand:

"Come on, buddy, I support you!"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong smiled slightly:


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