Chapter 712 709. Cover

"Ding dong."


On the soft big bed of the hotel, Di Wei opened her eyes drowsily.

But it quickly closed again.

She was sleepy.

Who would send a message at this evil hour?

I wonder if it's delaying my brother's sleep?

She wrapped herself in a quilt and turned over, seemingly planning to continue sleeping.

The room became quiet again.

But less than ten seconds passed.

She suddenly opened her eyes again.

She didn't know what her psychology was, but she still stretched out her hand from the quilt and picked up the charging mobile phone on the bedside table.

Pressed the HOME button.

The screen lights up.

In the dark room, the light from the screen that suddenly came on stung her eyes slightly.

She unconsciously closed one eye and glanced with the other.

[WeChat], you have a new message.


Because of the discomfort of the screen brightness, she put the phone down again.

The room fell into darkness again.

But soon, a small sound came from the darkness.


The lamp comes on.

Di Wei half-closed her eyes and unlocked the screen.

Only then did she remember to look at the time.

It's okay if I don't look at it... When I look at it, I realize that it's almost 1 o'clock.

In fact, she usually sleeps late.

My habit before going to bed is to check my phone for a while and check Weibo.

Then I go to bed around 12 o'clock.

But she didn't sleep so late today because she was playing with her mobile phone.

Instead, I used my iPad to watch "The Old Man and the Sea".

At around 11 o'clock, she returned to the hotel and washed up. According to her habit, she would check her phone and Weibo for a while before going to bed.

But lying on the bed, she couldn't calm down.

The reason is unknown.'s because this hotel is very famous.

After all, Brother Cong gave her some popular science in the car. This is the oldest hotel in France, and many historical celebrities have stayed there...

Moreover, this hotel can indeed give people a sense of the European and American aristocratic atmosphere from various details... that she has only seen in movies.

In such an environment, when she thought about the room where she slept, she might have slept with a certain celebrity or an artist in history... She felt like... traveling through time and space.

It seemed that the next second, after the sound of toilet flushing sounded in the bathroom, Marie Curie would come to me with a bottle of radium to talk about radiation.

It feels really weird.

It should be the fault of "Midnight in Paris".

But... through Brother Cong's explanation, she really liked this movie.

And with this feeling, she was looking at the modern electronic equipment in front of her, looking at the strange news or funny pictures on Weibo... and suddenly she felt like she was wasting her time.

In "Midnight in Paris", Hemingway was thinking about the novel late at night.

The male protagonist appreciates the beauty of Paris in the immortal era of 1920 late at night.

But at this moment, in this hotel rich in history and culture, I was actually scrolling through Weibo...

Suddenly, she felt a little disgusted with herself.

So, she used her iPad to find Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" on the Internet.

This is the behavior she can think of that is most in line with the artistic heritage of this hotel and this room.

Unfortunately, IPAD is not a paper book. least I didn't waste my time.

So, she used her IPAD to keep seeing that she was sleepy, so she turned off the light and went to sleep.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I lay down, someone sent me a message.

While thinking about it, she opened WeChat.

And after seeing that the sender was "Brother Cong", she seemed to feel at ease for no reason.

It seemed that his act of getting up from the bed and turning on the desk lamp to get rid of the difficulties was not in vain.

Just like the big marlin that made the old man wait for 84 days.

Clicking on the chat box, she saw the message:

"Brother Qi, have you slept?"


She responded quickly.

Then he added:

"Brother Cong, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

But Wang Sicong didn't reply to her.

Soon, one photo after another appeared on her phone.

9 photos.

All of them appeared on the mobile phone.

Si Wei subconsciously clicked on the first one.

It was taken inside the Pleyel Concert Hall.

She actually forgot about it.

It seems...I asked him for it at the time, but he didn't send it to me.


Brother Cong, did you just remember this?

Hey, it turns out that Brother Cong is also confused... huh?

Suddenly, Di Wei was stunned.


This photo is wrong.

After identifying it, she immediately discovered...this photo had been photoshopped.

In other words, it has been repaired.

In the photo, she is tall and has long legs...and she can objectively comment on "very beautiful" in a non-narcissistic and affirmative manner.

However, as a female artist, she knows the difference between raw photos and beautified photos.

This photo has definitely been photoshopped.

Moreover, the person who took the P photo was very good at handling all aspects of it very delicately.

Could it be Brother Cong did it?

He specifically chose the best-looking one and gave it to me after it was ready?

As soon as the idea came to her mind, she subconsciously swiped the screen.

The second photo was blurred and read, and then displayed in the same way.

It was still the same position, but she changed her posture slightly.

But still beautiful.

She instinctively turned to the third one.

Third, fourth, fifth... ninth...

Nine photos, each one is beautiful.

Every picture has been edited and released...

She actually doesn’t know much about PS, and the most she usually does when taking photos and retouching them is to use beautiful pictures. So I don’t know how long it will take to repair these 9 pictures.


She exited the photo option and scrolled to the bottom of the chat box.

"Just fixed it. These 9 pictures are the best ones I selected. Remember to save the original pictures and go to bed early. Good night."

Seeing Wang Sicong's words, Di Wei quickly replied:

"Did you just finish repairing it?"

"It doesn't matter, I also chatted with Lao Lang for a while."


Looking at this news, Di Wei subconsciously thought of something.

So, she asked:

"Brother Cong, if I didn't reply to you, would you still send these photos?"

"No, I'll give it to you tomorrow morning."

A smile began to spread at the corners of Di Wei's mouth.

"Thank you, Brother Cong. The photo is beautiful! I like it very much!"

"Well, as long as you like it. Then go to bed early."

"I was going to sleep, but I woke up again when I heard the sound of my mobile phone."

"Is it my fault?"

"Hey, I don't blame you."

"That's good, otherwise my efforts to stay up late to edit pictures for you will be in vain? Okay, go to sleep, good night, don't stay up late."


After Si Wei sent this message, Wang Sicong did not reply.


The lamp turns off again.

Di Wei lay down again.

But he didn't sleep. Instead, he saved these photos on his phone and looked at them in the dark.

After watching it for about a minute, suddenly, another WeChat message was sent.

"Brother Qi, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

Posted by Wang Sicong.


Si Wei thought for a while and replied:

"What's the matter?"

"I plan to go to Burgundy tomorrow."

"I know. When you came here, you told Director Xu that you were going to pick up red wine at your classmate's house."

"Yes, the scenery over there is quite nice. I plan to drive there, to Dijon."

This is the first one.

Soon, Wang Sicong sent a second message:

“It’s a quick drive and you can see the scenery of France along the way.”

Article 3:

"Then I plan to stay one night and come back tomorrow morning or afternoon."

Article 4:

"My friend's home is also an old winery, and the scenery is very beautiful..."

The fifth:

"Brother Qi, are you interested?"

Article 6:

"Of course, bring Apple and Fafa too."

Article 7:

"Actually, it's best to come back at noon. After arriving in Paris in the afternoon... we can still walk around in Paris."


"How's it going?"

Wang Sicong, who sent the message, did not see the smile on Di Wei's face.

Even because of the darkness, the light from the screen revealed a bit of paleness on her face. That smile seems a little oozing...

However, after Article 8.

Si Wei didn't let him continue.


"Okay. But you have to promise me one thing."

On the other side, after Wang Sicong saw this message, he subconsciously thought he understood what she was going to say.

Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I typed:

"No problem. Don't worry, my classmate's family is quite big..."

Before he finished typing, a message came from Di Wei:

"You can't drink and drive."


Wang Sicong's fingers paused.

Suddenly he laughed out loud.


He smiled, deleted all the content in the chat box, and replied:

"It's a deal."

"Then go to bed early."

"Well, good night, seventh brother."

"Good night, Brother Cong."

During the trip to Paris, everyone was originally separated.

Lang Lang left Paris early in the morning on the 7th and headed to his next stop, Vienna, while Tang Yan also took photos with Ji Rujing in the morning.

She takes photos very quickly.

The shooting location was on the Champs-Élysées. After two sets of photos were taken, today's workload was over.

After taking the photos, she and Ji Rujing had already booked their flights back to Nice during lunch.

Although she came by Falcon this time, Brother Cong said when he arrived that he was going to visit a classmate's house in Burgundy. Naturally, Tang Yan couldn't let Brother Cong send her off one more time.

Not suitable.

Therefore, she did not contact Wang Sicong, but dialed Di Wei's number.

"Dudu... hello, seventh brother."

"Hey, Old Tang, what's wrong?"

Listening to Di Wei's emotions, for no reason, Tang Yan could tell that Brother Seven seemed to be in a good mood.

So he smiled and asked:

"Where are you?"

"Um...what's wrong?"

"Shall we go shopping in the afternoon? Have you booked your tickets back to Cannes?"

"……not yet."

"Then you're still not sure? I plan to go back today."


Di Wei glanced at the French people who were already standing at the door to greet her, and then at Wang Sicong who was driving.

Suddenly he said:

"Brother Cong and I are in Burgundy. We won't be going back today."


For a moment, Tang Yan was stunned.

Wang Sicong was also stunned.

He turned around and glanced at Brother Qi, who was holding the phone with a calm face.

But Si Wei said:

"Let's have a taste of wine and be a guest at his classmate's place. Can you wait for us? If we can wait, we will..."

"...I may not be able to go back to Cannes tomorrow. Aren't we still going to visit Paris?"

Wang Sicong's words also reached Tang Yan's ears through the phone.


Tang Yan's CPU burned out.

"Oh yes, I haven't visited Paris much yet."

"Brother Qi, why don't you ask Sister Tang if she's coming? If she's finished and has nothing to do, come over and let's go together. If we take the train, we'll be there in an hour and a half."

"Yes, Old Tang, why don't you come over too?"

After hearing Di Wei's words, Tang Yan subconsciously stuttered and replied:

"But...but Director Xu's side..."

"She's worried that Director Xu will come looking for us."

"Don't worry, Lao Xu is fine over there. I'll just tell him later. Doesn't she want to take photos? My classmate's manor is on the hillside, with a lake below. It's beautiful."

"...Hehe, I can't wait to tell you that."


The laughter of the two people reached Tang Yan's ears.

She was thinking with what little brain she had left...

Am I going?

Still not going?

I it appropriate?

What if I don't go...?

"Uh... they went to Burgundy?"

"Yes... that's right. And... let me come with you. Xu... Director Xu, do we have anything else to do next..."


Listening to Tang Yan's words, Xu Xin's face was a little surprised, but not surprised either.

He could see some signs.


To be honest, he was quite worried about Lao Wang.

Brother Qi is not picky about food, but if he is in a good mood one day... he must act like a man and let Lao Wang stick out his pout...


He took a deep breath subconsciously.

Then a bad taste began to spread in my heart.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Tang Yan asked:

"Director Xu?"

"...Huh?...Oh, yes. I have something to do with you, so just go back to Cannes."

Xu Xinxin wondered how Tang Yan had such a brain.

Don't care whether people are sincere or fake.

Naturally, he couldn't let his buddies chase girls with such a boss standing next to him with a light bulb on him.

Now he is already considering whether to urgently mobilize Guo Ping back and ask her to kill Xu Dafa before leaving...

Oh yes.

And Zhang Meiqi!

That is, Seventh Brother’s agent.

Fortunately, she didn't go to Cannes.


"Mengmeng, come here."

After giving a whistle to Su Meng who was digging a hole on the beach, Xu Xin held up the phone and continued:

"Come back quickly. There is a dinner party tonight. You can attend it with me."


"Ah, what, just come back and it's over. We have to attend the dinner. Okay, let's just say, I'm done."

Without giving Tang Yan a chance to refuse, he hung up the phone.

And Su Meng also came over.

"Brother Xu, what's wrong?"

Xu Xin didn't say anything, but took out his wallet.

He took out a stack of 200 euros directly from his wallet.

A conservative estimate would be forty or fifty.

"Take it."


Su Meng took it with a puzzled look:

"Are you going to buy something, Brother Xu?"

"You go find Zhang Meiqi."

"...Seventh Brother's agent?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Take her shopping and drink. Oh yes."

He took out his credit card from his bag again.

"The password is your sister's birth date. You have one task today. Take her shopping, take her shopping, and when you are tired of shopping, find a place to drink. It's best to get her drunk. Go ahead."


Su Meng was confused.

Are you thinking that Brother Xu is going to be a monster again?

What is this for?

And Xu Xin saw a look on his little assistant’s face ⊙(◇)? In his appearance, he said:

"Your brother Cong is chasing your seventh brother. Maybe the two of them will cook rice and rice tonight! Do you understand!? Don't let anyone disturb them at this time!"

Su Meng:°Benefit°

"Go quickly."

Xu Xin waved his hand.

Then he saw his little assistant's unyielding determination and nodded with satisfaction.

Seventh Brother's agent is named Zhang Meiqi.

Zhang Meiqi is Qi Ge’s college classmate.

It can be said that from the time when the combination of Si Wei and Yuan Chengjie debuted, until now, Zhang Meiqi is helping her take care of business.

But when it comes to taking care of business, for a new agent, she is more like a nanny.

The activities were distributed by the company, so she took Di Wei there.

Currently in the stage of accumulating contacts.

Not to mention income.

Di Wei said it herself that when the contract expires next year, Gao Luo will have to discuss the sharing structure with the company. Increase Zhang Meiqi's share from 2% to the level of a normal agent appointment.

Therefore, Si Wei does not earn much, and Zhang Meiqi earns even less.

But it doesn't matter.

Our old man Xu is rich.

As long as you don't disturb Lao Wang and Brother Qi, you can cover all the luxury stores in Cannes, no problem.

As long as you issue an invoice.

Oh yes……

"Mengmeng, remember to issue a ticket!"

He shouted quickly.

You have to take these tickets and go back to Lao Wang for reimbursement.

The relationship between our buddies...I will give Zhang Meiqi 10,000 yuan, and you will give me 100,000 yuan.

Not too much?

We all have a bright future.

Xu Xin, who thought that what he did was perfect and "spending money", raised his head proudly.

It has to be me!

I have long seen that something is wrong with you.

Gradually, after several embarrassing scenes belonging to Lao Wang appeared in his mind, he covered his face shyly and laughed out loud:

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xu Xin did not send a message to Wang Sicong to ask.

No need.

He just helped Lao Wang take care of his future so that he would have nothing to worry about.

In the afternoon, he waited for Tang Yan to return.

When Tang Yan saw him, his expression was still a little confused.

Obviously...she couldn't figure it out.

How this all happened.

However, this confusion did not last long, and it was getting late.

"Let's go change clothes. We have to attend the reception for imported films in Cannes."

Why is Cannes so great?

It can be said that this introduction of the cocktail party is indispensable.

Because this cocktail party was attended by not only directors and film crews, but also investors from all over the world.

With its huge appeal, Cannes attracts countless investors every year.

It is these people who show these excellent works in their own countries, allowing the film studios to gain money and the directors and actors to gain fame.

Therefore, this introduction reception is one of the most important receptions in Cannes.

By the time Tang Yan had changed her clothes and put on makeup, it was already close to 6 o'clock.

The reception starts at 6:30.

But everyone usually leaves at 6:30 and arrives around 7:00.

After all, it is the European concept of time.

But they were theirs. Xu Xin arrived early as a habit. Seeing that Tang Yan was ready, he took her into the Volvo with him.

In the car, Tang Yan also wanted to talk about Brother Qi and Brother Cong:

"Director Xu, Brother Qi and Brother Cong..."

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin waved his hand directly:

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings."


For a moment, Tang Yan was speechless.

But Xu Xin didn't say much, and instead started chatting with Luo Shunjun.

Tang Yan could only shut up.

Soon, everyone arrived at the place. As soon as Xu Xin got out of the car, he saw an acquaintance.

He greeted him:

"Second brother."


When he heard someone calling him, Jiang Kui, who was on the phone, turned around and saw that it was Xu Xin, and raised his hand with a smile.

But he didn't stop Xu Xin from coming.

Instead, he led Xu Xin to point to the path next to the manor.

Made a smoking motion.

Xu Xin nodded, took out the cigarette case, and followed.

I vaguely heard Jiang Kui say:

"I know, I have already sent the script to Jiang Wen for you."

"...In this case, I will call you now to ask."


"...I definitely believe you, but the problem is that the market is like this now."

"Hey... don't drink. Go to bed quickly. I'll call Jiang Wen now and give you an answer tomorrow, okay?"

"...Okay, that's it."

The phone was hung up.

Xu Xin handed over a cigarette.

The place we came to today was a manor in Cannes, and the two of them were right under the wall.

It should be fine.

After Jiang Kui took the cigarette, he asked:

"Why are you here so early?"

"You don't have the habit of being late...Besides, didn't you arrive quite early? Where are Director Chen and the others?"

"Go in first."

Jiang Kui lit a cigarette.

"I'll make a call."


Xu Xin politely took two steps back.

Seeing this, Jiang Kui waved his hand:


Soon, the call over there was connected:

"Hey, are you asleep?"

"...Lao Diao just called me again."

"...Hey, what can I say? I've been fooled again."

"...There haven't been any reliable investors in the country in the past few years. They all come here to speculate."

"...I can't say. He called me and cursed me while he was drinking. What can I say? I can only say that you haven't given me any news yet. Then put him to sleep."



Xu Xin was smoking next to him, and listening to Jiang Kui sighing, he felt a little puzzled.

And Jiang Kui didn't chat for too long before hanging up the phone.

Then he asked:

"Second brother, what's going on? Is it convenient for you to tell me?"


Jiang Kui took a puff of cigarette, even the smoke he exhaled looked helpless:

"Diao Yinan, do you know who it is?"

Hearing this name, Xu Xin looked thoughtful.

After a moment, he said uncertainly:

"If I remember correctly... "Bathing"?"

He was talking about the film "Bathing" that established Jiang Kui's acting status in one fell swoop.

A very nice and great film.

Jiang Kui plays a "fool" in it.

That movie was pretty great.

Diao Yinan is the screenwriter of "Bathing".

"That's right."

Seeing that he knew, Jiang Kui nodded:

"He has a script in his hand, and he is currently working on it... I can't say he is working on it. It should be said that he has been looking for investment for several years, but he has been unable to get it. He is almost tortured into a lunatic because of this script. No, he just gave it to me. I was on the phone... I was drinking and making trouble."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused.

He looked at Xu Xin and said:

"Speaking of which...he is like this, and you have a share of "credit"."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Do I have a share of the credit?

What does this mean?

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