I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 717 714 is hard to come back from

Chapter 717 714. It’s hard to get back

As the saying goes, listen to the words and the sound of the gongs and drums.

What Xu Xin said was actually quite straightforward.

At least Qi Lei heard it.

He thought the script was good and could be cast.


He felt that the script was also good.

Except for some erotic scenes that are boldly described in the script, everything else feels good.

There is a story and a sense of humanity.

As long as the director's level is online, then...it should be an excellent work if carefully crafted.

Especially after hearing Xu Xin's words, this feeling became more obvious.

Unconsciously, he imagined in his mind the story of a man who looked very wretched, greasy, and dissatisfied with desires, and how he captured the murderer.

The smell is really quite authentic.

But this is one side of the story.

On the other hand...if you were a screenwriter, you would definitely feel comfortable listening to Director Xu's words.

This script has caught my eye and I can vote for it.

Then let’s talk about other things.

Such as directors, actors, budgets, etc...

Let’s finalize the matter first, sign the contract first, and then talk about other things.

But this one is different.

"But wouldn't this be too complicated? With so many complex expressions, it's easy for the context to become unclear..."

"Why is there such a unclear context? First of all, we need to find a story line for the male protagonist that starts from the beginning. Once the story line is established, all other things about human nature can be derived from this line.

And these features can be perfectly blended together. Love is emotional. I believe Zhang Zili has been attracted to Wu Zhizhen and really likes this woman. Sensibility is desire. Justice is reason and is an axiom that everyone must abide by.

There is no mercy, the struggle at this point only needs to be able to make the audience empathize. There is no need to deliberately depict it, because that would be bloated. We need to use subtraction to match certain specific clips with clips that can arouse the audience's emotions, be close to their lives, and resonate..."

"Can I...write it down? Director Xu."


Qi Lei listened to the two people starting to talk about the script, and his eyes fell on Diao Yinan, who lowered his head and started writing in a notebook.

have to.

He could sort of see it.

This person...

Quite simple.

There's a... nerdy sense of déjà vu.

He is deaf to what is happening outside the window.

Focus on movies.

It's really pure.

Thinking of this, he had no intention of joining the conversation between the two, but instead took out his mobile phone.

Opening Baidu, he searched for a keyword:

"'Night Train' box office."

Soon, detailed information was given on a Baidu website.

"Length: 91 minutes Box office: ¥34,324"

Qi Lei's mouth twitched instantly.

He rubbed his eyes subconsciously, thinking he had seen it wrong.


There are only five numbers in total.

Thirty-four thousand?


He searched Douban ratings again.

The score is okay, 7.5

But... no wonder he had such a hard time finding investment.

Just because he wants to be a director, he can basically kill 90% of the investors.

A director whose last movie only had a box office of over RMB 30,000 wants to become the director of a "masterpiece" worth RMB 20,000?

Whose money is blown by the strong wind?

Dare you let me play like this?

If you want to make a movie, you must at least show the ability to match it.

Not to mention too much, even a million box office is fine.

With thirty-four thousand yuan, just wanting to be a director is indeed a bit too fantasy.

He shook his head slightly helplessly.

Turned off the phone.

He could tell that Director Xu was probably understanding his thoughts on the movie.

He probably was measuring whether he could sustain the movie.

Then there will be nothing wrong with you next.

This kind of directing job requires professional people to do professional things.

"Actually, at the end of the finale, I planned to have Zhang Zili go to the ballroom to dance... To be honest, director Xu said that this inspiration came from "Blessed Ears". Teacher Fan's dance at the end made me see a lot of things , I felt that all the past and various emotions in his heart were vented in this dance scene..."

"It feels quite enjoyable. However, the prototype of this scene should be Claire Denney's "Forbidden Love in the Army"... But if this scene is used, the picture will be great, and it will have a hearty feeling. .”

"Yes, yes, that's it! We want a dance hall with a sense of the times. Zhang Zili wears bloated clothes and is incompatible with everyone here... just like Teacher Wei, he keeps dancing, keeps dancing, and finally here There is a dance, the screen gradually fades, darkens, and the movie ends..."

"...Hmm. It tastes good, really good."

Xu Xin picked up the teacup and realized that the tea inside had lost its temperature.

He waved his hand to Qi Lei and rejected the idea of ​​adding another drink. Instead, he tapped the script and fell silent.


"Director Diao, this script still needs to be changed. Of course, the changes I'm talking about are not changing the plot, but some unfamiliar parts in it."

He pushed the script towards Diao Yinan:

"Let's talk about investing."

After saying that, he turned to look at Qi Lei.

After seeing that Qi Lei had no intention of speaking, he understood and went straight to the point:

"This script feels very good. We can vote for it."


In Qi Lei's eyes, Diao Yinan showed a look of surprise belatedly.


"Really? You didn't lie to me? You can really vote?!"

This person...


Qi Lei couldn't laugh or cry.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Yes, you can invest. But as for the budget, to be honest... let's do it."


Diao Yinan suddenly froze, showing a trace of hesitation...

At this time:

"Director Diao, our budget and every aspect of the crew must be much better than yours."

Seeing the meaning behind his expression, Xu Xin lit another cigarette.

The tone is somewhat tentative:

"Can I ask? Beijing Circle... is it okay to find an agency like this to be responsible for scene preparation?"

"Uh... quite a bit."

Diao Yinan told the truth:

"Generally, you have contact with investors. After you get the investment, someone will naturally take the initiative to contact you...some of them will even be more straightforward. After some investors decide to invest, they will take over the preparations. , leave it to the props side to do it. Whatever the director needs, they will do it..."



Xu Xinxin said...has this become an industrial chain?

It’s really a great experience.

But don’t say much, it’s not necessary.

He just repeated his point again:

"As for the budget, Director Diao can give us a few days and we'll ask the factory to come up with one. On the one hand, we have more direct ways to get permission for some of the big pieces in this drama. On the other hand, The factory also has a special props department. Some things may cost money outside, but you can just use them for free in the factory.”

"How much will it be reduced?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"When we finish it, let's talk about it, how about it? Including the actors that Director Diao wants. Huang Bo...it's hard to say, but as for the actresses, including Sister Bingbing, we can all do the work, how about it? "


Diao Yinan's eyes lit up.

Liang Binning is indeed the most suitable heroine for him.

Especially after watching the performance of "Guanyin Mountain", he was even more sure of this.

Now that the other party could actually give him such a guarantee, he felt that a lot of his worries were gone.


Xu Xin nodded.

"After all, this script is actually quite suitable for Sister Bingbing. Sister Bingbing can definitely capture Wu Zhizhen's mature and charming atmosphere. Wu Zhizhen's attractiveness can be matched with Zhang Zili's dissatisfied appearance. It's simply It’s a match made in heaven.”

"Then...when can Director Xu show her the script?"


Xu Xinxin said that you are really in a hurry.

The budget hasn't been released yet.

So he smiled and said:

"After the budget is made, we sign the contract, and I will show it to her, how about it?"

"no problem!"

Diao Yinan almost didn't think much about it and agreed directly.

But after he finished speaking, he asked belatedly:


"Of course the director is trying to trick you. After all... I can tell that the whole story must have been polished in your mind for a while. Except for some details that need to be discussed, the overall framework is still very solid. This film... As long as it is filmed according to the script, it will definitely not be too bad. I think... it is at least on the same level as "Guanyin Mountain"."

He smiled affirmatively at Diao Yinan:

"I'm very confident."


Diao Yinan's eyes instantly burst into light.

"Then...how many days will it take?"


Before Xu Xin could answer, Qi Lei said:

"Two days. Within two days, the budget should be ready."

He looked at the more important projects in the mailbox on his mobile phone, thought about it in his mind, and found that there were basically projects in the factory, and then gave a definite answer.


Diao Yinan nodded vigorously.

There was only one expression left on his face: can't wait.

"Director Diao, please go slowly, you are not entertaining me well."

The entrance of Qinchuan Yashe.

Xu Xin waved to the Bora driven by Diao Yinan and watched him drive away.

After the other party drove out of the parking lot, Xu Xin muttered to Qi Lei:

"Brother Qi, tell me... how did he become like this?"

"...To be honest, I don't understand either. He has produced several good works after all, so he won't be like this."

Qi Lei also looked puzzled.

But he didn't care about this and asked:

"Are you really planning to let Bingbing act in this script?"

"Both sides."

He handed Qi Lei a cigarette and said:

"On the one hand, this story is indeed quite solid. Many directors actually suffer from literary youth syndrome when choosing scripts. But the advantage of his script is that he worked on it for a long time. At different stages, he used different scrutiny to review and check. The missing parts are filled in, so the story is quite complete. The temperament of the entire script suits us very well."

"Well, that's true. What about the other side?"

"On the other hand... let's set an example for everyone. There are those who turn from darkness to light..."

Xu Xin smiled a little unpredictably:

"I will repay you as a soldier of the country."


Qi Lei narrowed his eyes and looked at the entrance of the parking lot where Bora's shadow was no longer visible.

After a moment, he nodded:

"That makes sense."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xin said something irrelevant:

"Beijing Circle...it's hard to come back."

"When the benefits are great, there will be more people eating, isn't it?"

"What about us...? Who are we?"

"Luckier than them."

Qi Lei said:

"Because there are people walking in front of us, we don't have to cross the river by feeling the stones. But..."

Speaking of this, his eyes became more cautious:

"You have to be careful."


Xu Xin was speechless.

The two of them just stood at the door and smoked a cigarette.

Then each left.

"I'm home."


"Would you like some sour plum soup? I'll bring it to you."


Xu Xin nodded, slumped down on the sofa, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Soon, Yang Mi brought a bunch of iced sour plum soup, poured him a cup, and said:

"I thought you would come back after eating there."

"It's not an entertainment bureau."

After Xu Xin drank more than half of the cup, he lay down directly on her lap.

Nuannuan, who was playing with building blocks at the side, saw her father lying down and started to crawl on him.

After crawling onto my father's belly, I started squatting.

Xu Xin was squatting with a grin on his face.

This girl really needs to lose weight.

"Open your mouth."

A mouthful of orange was fed to his mouth.

Xu Xin said "Ah" and Nuan Nuan was unhappy:


"Didn't you just stop eating?"

Yang Mi looked at her daughter's virtue and stuffed another strawberry into her husband's mouth as a deliberate punishment.


Nuannuan's mouth opened wider.

"Hehe, I won't give it to you!"

"Give her a bite quickly."

Xu Xin, who had an orange and a strawberry in his mouth, rolled his eyes speechlessly when he saw that she was still peeling grapes for him.

"Hmph, no."

This grape is a natural reward for myself.

Nuan Nuan was not happy when her mother refused to give her food when she asked for it again and again.

Especially looking at my mother's happy face.

She continued to stretch her neck and explore forward. Maybe she was too greedy and her saliva was drooling.


Xu Xin quickly caught it.

It's so scary that it just fell on my face.

Then he poked his wife's waist angrily:

"Feed us quickly."

Only then did Yang Mi show mercy and feed her daughter an orange, and then continued to peel grapes for her husband:

"How's it going? Have you decided?"

"The budget needs to be redone. I just realized that the industrial chain facilities in Beijing are really awesome..."

After explaining the cause and effect of the matter, Yang Mi was also a little surprised:

"It's already reached this point?... Then how watery are their movies?"

"Don't be afraid of being too wet. What I'm afraid of is that people will become more and more greedy in the future. Things that can be done with 10 million can be done with 20 million. Everyone's mouth is full of oil, and then everyone takes a look, Yo? Everyone starts to imitate them..."


Yang Mi smacked her lips with some sigh and said:

"This is not the scariest thing. If it takes 20 million to do 10 million's work, then that's okay. What's scary is that even directors and producers will join in. A movie that could have been produced for 10 million, for You spend 5 million to pursue your own selfish desires. Then when the 5 million finished product reaches the audience, they have to pay 20 million for such a different thing."


Xu Xin thought for a moment in silence and said:

"Do you think so?"

Yang Mi shrugged and put another grape into her husband's mouth:

"It's just a matter of time."

"...Then the atmosphere in this circle will be completely over."

"That's why we need you as a savior~ Hurry, Lord savior, finish these grapes quickly, and then go save the world."

His wife's words made him feel bitter.

What he wanted to say just now...

"The grapes are a bit sour."

"I feel sour too. It's been two days since I bought it and I haven't eaten it yet. You should finish it all quickly and don't waste it."

Xu Xin subconsciously wanted to get up and hide far away.

It turned out that lying down was easy, but getting up was really difficult.

Yang Mi effortlessly put her finger on his forehead, and he couldn't move.

Then what……

This sister may also feel guilty about it, so she just lowers her head and lets out a mouthful.

"Is it sweet? Be good and finish it all."

"But it's still sour..."

"No, it's sweet. My kisses are the sweetest~~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin rested his head on the sinister woman's fragrant legs, turned his head and whistled to Zaizai who was sleeping on his stomach:

"Hey~ Zaizai, come here and give you something delicious."


Zaizai tilted his head and walked over curiously.

Smell it.

Then he left with his tail between his legs and his nose licked.

What the hell.

So sour...

This man is such a bitch.

At night, after taking a shower.

"Go and bring the child over."

Leaning against the bed, Xu Xin pushed his wife.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes speechlessly.

It was obviously you who personally delivered the baby to grandma's house just now, but now you turned your back on him?

But considering that her husband hadn't slept with the baby for half a month, she still put on her pajamas.


Soon, the two of them returned to the bed with one in their arms.

Xu Xin pinched his daughter's fleshy little hand and put it in front of his nose, smelling it, when he heard Yang Mi say:

"By the way, you have to go to the company tomorrow morning and sign the Volvo contract."

"Done? Three ads?"

"Yeah. They will come tomorrow with some planning plans. They just have to get it done before July. The new XC90 will be launched in August. Then you will have to take some promotional posters after a while..."

"Okay, as long as it doesn't delay the movie."

Xu Xin responded and moved close to his daughter's face.

Perhaps it was the discomfort caused by the stubble, Nuannuan pushed her father's cheek and turned over.

A whip kick hit his brother.


The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched. Seeing his son skillfully pulling his sister's legs away, and then pushing them towards his mother, he finally couldn't help but laugh softly.

At this time, Yang Mi came over and kissed his cheek:



After turning off the desk lamp, the family of four huddled on the bed and closed their eyes.

This time, Xu Xin slept soundly because of the jet lag.

Especially in the morning, after being woken up by two little guys pulling his eyelids, he held the two naughty things in his arms, scratched his armpits, and listened to their giggles, as if the whole world had brightened up.

If you are in a good mood, things will go smoothly.

After arriving at the company, he soon met people from Volvo.

After signing this contract for 11 million, he became the spokesperson of Volvo SUV series within two years.

However, it is not yet time for the official announcement. The effective date of the contract is August 1 this year.

It will be announced together with the advertisement at that time.

After signing the contract, Xu Xin and Mr. Liu, the head of Volvo’s marketing, took a photo together, and the other party handed over a thick stack of information:

"Director Xu, this is our selected advertising plan. Please go back and choose... Our Tianchao District advertising is completely independent. We strive to give everyone a brand new Volvo image. Everything is left to you."

"Okay, Mr. Liu."

Xu Xin nodded with a smile and took the information.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the people from Volvo stood up and left.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, went to find someone to have a meeting with, and she hadn't left the table yet.

He sat on the boss's chair, put his legs up on the table, and opened the information box like the uncle.

Frankly, it's thick.

This stack of advertising plans is about half the thickness of a finger, and they are all numbered.

Xu Xin looked at the last number.

No. 83.

In other words, Volvo people screened out 83 plans for him to choose from.

He opened the first advertising plan directly.

At a glance, the creative content of the advertisement is from the first car a man buys in his life to the last car he buys when he is older than 80 years old.

The choice is all Volvo.

Advertising slogan: Companionship is more than just safety. But a lifetime commitment.

After reading the general content, Xu Xin threw the plan aside.

Too mediocre.

No sparkle visible.

Especially when the other party’s estimated ad length was still 45 seconds.

For this commercial... 15 seconds is too much for him.

Then I picked up the second copy...

At 11 o'clock, Yang Mi finished handling the company's affairs and the meeting ended.

After returning to the office, I saw my husband looking at the information and said:

"Eat here or go home?"

"Let's find a place to eat hot pot. I haven't eaten for a long time."

"Okay, let's go...how about these advertising plans?"

"To be honest, it doesn't look good at the moment."

He sorted out the plans he had already read and piled them on his wife's desk. He took the remaining plans he had not read and walked out with her.

As he walked, he said:

"There is a lack of... the feeling of wanting to understand and ask questions after just one glance. The story lines are also very pale..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry:

"Brother, do you think you are making a movie? This is just an advertisement. It will be over in 15 seconds or 30 seconds. How rich do you want?"

"You don't understand this. Isn't the role of advertising to stimulate others' desire to buy? Think about it, what is the most impressive advertisement for you?"

Yang Mi blurted out almost without thinking:

"I won't accept gifts during the holidays this year~ I won't accept gifts, I won't accept gifts~ I will accept gifts again~ Melatonin~~~"

"Look, isn't this a classic marketing case?"

"There's also the Hengyuanxiang one, the rat rat rat one, the ox ox ox one..."

"Well... I want to shoot. It must be this impressive one. Everyone knows that Volvo is safe, but the problem is that if we continue to highlight the concept of safety without any surprises, the entire advertisement will look very mediocre. Don't forget, I came from the Olympic Games, so I am professional only if the plan I handle can surprise people and how to do it."

She raised her head and glanced at her husband's confident look, and nodded with a smile:

"Yes, yes, my husband is the most powerful~...Well, it's decided. I'll treat you to a treat at noon, and I'll give you my condolences, and then you can shoot a super~~~~invincible and beautiful advertisement for everyone to see, okay?" "


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Let's go~"

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