I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 718 715 Two Directors

Chapter 718 715. Two Directors

There is actually an advantage to accepting Volvo's advertisement, that is, it can be used as a "special medicine" to change the brain.

When I was preparing for "Fierce", I occasionally got tired and took out a few plans to look at, just to divert my attention.

The auditions for "Fierce" have passed the preliminary selection, and the next stage is the final selection.

But we have to wait until "33 Days" is released.

But in fact, Xu Xin already had a preliminary judgment in his mind.

The rest is nothing more than re-verification.

I had a delicious hot pot meal with my wife and continued the "cat winter" at home.

The 17th is the beginning of the promotion period for "33 Days". Xu Xin specially chose Nanjing as the first stop.

On the one hand, he wanted to see what was going on with the old man. Recently, Zhang Mo often communicated with him on the phone.

The situation of "Jinling" is now at a very delicate juncture.

According to Zhang Mo:

"As for the sex scene between Bell and Ni Ni, my dad has never agreed and has been confronting Zhang Weiping. However, the crew must continue filming, so this scene has been delayed. But I guess it will only last a few days. Others The shots were all shot..."

"Jinling" has come to an end.

But the "meat scenes" in the script that are used to sublimate the relationship between Zhao Yumo and John Miller have been delayed.

At this point, Xu Xin's attitude is very simple.

"Let nature take its course."

He believed in the old man's artistic level, and a sex scene was absolutely impossible.

At most, there are a few ambiguous scenes.

Just like what he said to Diao Yinan before, even if you film a sex scene... you won't be able to broadcast it.

What's more, the old man will never take pictures.

However, several ambiguous scenes, as long as they are properly grasped, can actually sublimate emotions.

So, let things take their own course in this regard.

The night of the 16th.

After Yang Mi packed his suitcase, she asked her husband, who was looking at Volvo's advertising creative plans:

"By the way, speaking of... how many years has this Ni Ni been signed?"

"Five years. Just like that Zhou Ruanyu."

Xu Xin said this without raising his head.

Ni Ni, Zhou Ruanyu.

Leaving aside the latter, that is the person the old man "cares about".

The former...

After all, I didn’t fight for it.

The other party signed a new screen.

In fact, it is inevitable that we did not fight for it. Unlike other Mou girls, although other Mou girls were also selected through auditions, the auditions were all from the film and television industry. Although there were many actors who came to participate, these Mou girls themselves had their own characteristics. agency.

Even if I want to sign, I can't.

But Ni Ni and Zhou Ruanyu are different.

These two people came to audition under the guise of "Hawthorn Tree". The old man was also afraid of the all-pervasive media, so he planned to keep it a secret this time.

But with the establishment of the "Jinling" project, Zhang Weiping also began to contact these two people.

In a word, if you sign the contract, you can play "Jinling", but if you don't sign, you can't play it.

How to choose?

Xu Xin didn't bother to give Zhang Weiping this kind of eye drops. First of all, it would be more embarrassing for the old man. If these two girls signed here, the old man would inevitably owe each other a favor.

It's so hard to repay this man's favor.

On the other hand...the female artists in the company are a bit too bloated.

Good resources may not necessarily fall to Ni Nin.

In this case, don't delay other people's future.

So I didn’t say anything about it in the end.

"Five years...tsk."

Yang Mi felt a little emotional, and then added naturally:

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. In early June, Shishi's court will be held."


Xu Xin responded casually.

Then he threw the idea aside again.

No, they're all pretty average.

It felt like every creative idea... couldn't bring him the feeling of light shining in front of his eyes.

What he wanted was something other than "safety."

But at the same time, security cannot be missing.

Safety, control, and the embodiment of XC90's low-key but rich connotation temperament.

These plans...cannot give him these feelings.

And this is also the last one.


Rubbing his eyes, he looked at the plans stacked on the table and felt a little pain in his head.

"What? You're not satisfied?"

"Yeah. They all feel mediocre..."

While talking, Xu Xin turned on his phone and pointed it at his mouth:

"Mr. Liu, I have read all these plans. To be honest, I am not very satisfied with them. Is there anything else?"

The voice was sent and he looked at the time.

It's past 9 o'clock.

"Let's go, take a shower and go to bed."


Yang Mi nodded, followed him into the house, and locked the door behind her back.

He showed up at the airport on time at 6:30 in the morning on the 17th.

This time there was no Si Wei or the others, everyone else was already waiting for him in Nanjing.

She boarded the plane with Su Meng.

Soon, at 9 o'clock, the plane landed at Nanjing Lukou Airport on time.

After Xu Xin exited the small terminal, he saw the white Cayenne and Zhang Mo standing beside the car.

"Sister Mo."

He said hello, and Zhang Mo smiled and raised his hand.

After loading the luggage and sitting in the passenger seat, the Cayenne headed directly to Shiqiu.

Shi Qiu is quite close to here, only about ten kilometers.

It was a little hot in Nanjing today. After feeling the weather, he asked:

"How's the filming going?"

"Still frozen. It's a coincidence that I came here. The last scene will be in the next two days. Shi Sanchai is going to cut her hair and disguise herself as a schoolgirl. Bell will come over tomorrow to wrap up the final scene. Zhang Weiping will come in the afternoon."

"Oh, that's quite a coincidence."

Xu Xin chuckled lightly. Seeing that her car was not driving fast, he lowered the window and lit a cigarette.

"Is the old man holding back his energy? Are you planning to have a big quarrel with him?"

Hearing the joking meaning in his words, Zhang Mo rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"What's there to argue about? If you can't add it, you can't add it. This is non-negotiable."

"Yes. Indeed, adding it is inappropriate, just like flattering foreigners. This is the bottom line, and we must abide by it."

"Then...what do you want to do?"

Zhang Mo couldn't hold it in any longer.


Xu Xin's words were equally straightforward.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I can't tell you. But this time I will do this after I finish my trip to Nanjing and go to the magical city."

In fact, what he said is equivalent to not saying it.

But the actual situation is that Xu Xin estimates that the time is almost up.

He has shown enough patience without being arrogant, but the problem is that this matter cannot be delayed forever.

If it drags on any longer, who knows what else will happen.

In fact, in his mind, the best time should be after the release of "Jinling".

No one knows better than him how much effort the old man put into this movie. If possible, he hopes that this movie will not cause any trouble.

But there are two sides to the story.

The pawn shop incident has already begun, and for the sake of the purity of this movie, he really has to fast forward to the next step.

In this matter, Xiaoli made the old man completely a free man.

But Italy is a circle of ecological environment.

He had to be very careful.

Otherwise... once he exposes himself, it will really be difficult for him to die.

Shiqiu Film and Television Base.

Devastated everywhere.

Under the leadership of Zhang Mo, Xu Xin subconsciously asked as he stepped on these ruins and walked to the set:

"Isn't this place going to recover by then?"

"If we don't restore it, we'll just shoot it as a scene of the devastation of war."


Xu Xin was silent.

But after reaching a relatively wide square, I stopped leaving.

Hearing no movement of footsteps, Zhang Mo turned to look at him and asked:

"What's wrong? We haven't arrived yet."

"I'm thinking……"

Seeing the traces blackened by the flames everywhere, Xu Xin seemed to want to say something.

Finally he shook his head.

"Let's go."

After walking through two streets, we finally arrived at a church.

There were some extras smoking and chatting at the door of the church.

But after seeing Zhang Mo, these people quickly put out their cigarettes.

Zhang Mo took it for granted and took Xu Xin to the church.

When these extras saw Xu Xin, their eyes widened with surprise.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded politely to them, then followed Zhang Mo into the big iron gate.

First of all, my eyes fell on the circular colorful windows of the church.

It was almost 9 o'clock in the morning, and the sun was just hitting the front of the church.

Seeing this, he quickened his pace and walked into the church side by side with Zhang Mo.

Then I saw a beam of colorful light being vaguely hit to the ground, forming a halo... like the texture of water waves.

Extremely Beautiful.

At the same time, the light on the glass seems to have a diffusion effect. The invisible halo passes through the colorful glass and diffuses the light into the entire church.

There were obviously no lights on, but because of the colorful glass above and around the head, the light in the entire church... had a very natural, yet stunning beauty.

The light and shadow seem to be constant here.


Subconsciously, he let out a sigh.


The old man... is really powerful.

Looking around, his eyes were finally attracted by the candles on both sides of the statue.

After thinking for a while, he took out his lighter and walked over directly.

After first making sure that there was nothing around the candle that could easily cause a fire, he started to light the candles one by one.

The busy drama staff around them saw someone lighting candles and wanted to stop them, but when they saw Xu Xin's profile, they pretended not to see them and went about their business.

When Xu Xin finished lighting the two rows of candles, the firelight and the halo of natural light blended softly together.

He wanted to go back to the middle of the church to see the effect, but when he turned around, he saw Zhang Yimou wearing a baseball cap standing with Zhang Mo looking at him.

Seeing him turn around, a smile appeared on Zhang Yimou's face.

But there was no such greeting as "Come here", but a wave to him:

"Come and see me."

Xu Xin walked over with a smile and stood with him.

But soon his brows furrowed.

The light was a bit weak, and the candlelight magnified the shadow of the statue's sculpture.

With the flickering of the firelight, the shadow seemed to come alive. It was supposed to be a representation of God's love for the world, but because of this light and shadow, something... weird and weird happened.

"The effect was not good during the day or night, so I stopped ordering it."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"I also thought there would be a kind of holiness...but the effect is indeed not very good. It can express irony. In the face of human butcher's knife, the so-called faith is worthless. Just like what is sung in "The Internationale". It has never been There is no savior, nor do we rely on a fairy emperor..."

"It can be added like this. But I discussed it with Bell. He is a very devout believer. After understanding his thoughts, I canceled it. It is not appropriate. This is like some of us saying that gods are not gods. Things are the same..."

"Who said foreigners are not superstitious?"


Zhang Yimou chuckled lightly and pointed behind:

"How is it? It works well, right?"


Xu Xin nodded sincerely:

"It just feels like a disadvantage. Have you ever considered adding two sets of lights? Let the light shine in like a beam to make the light look more "tangible"..."

"Yes, you didn't see the scaffolding on both sides when you came in just now? Not only daylight, but also cold light is coming in at night. The beam is constant, symbolizing eternity outside the church."

When Zhang Yimou explained to him, his eyes were filled with relief.

The child has grown up again...

He is also becoming more and more mature.

Xu Xin focused his attention on the row of candles again and said:

"If it were me, I would still click on them all. And then give a few close-ups... I am a staunch atheist, and my faith will not work at critical moments... Why should I believe him?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou couldn't laugh or cry:

"What do you think of a god? How can you be so utilitarian?"

Xu Xin chuckled and shrugged:

"That's what I think anyway. In the end, we have to rely on ourselves... To put it bluntly, in this story, even the actors in people's eyes at the time were able to live the most compassionate and righteous lives in the end. The so-called religion, belief, etc. , in the face of national justice, it is simply worthless. If it were me, I would definitely implement this thoroughly..."

"Yeah. That's true."

Zhang Yimou did not refute him.

There is nothing to argue with.

To put it more broadly, this is a matter of director style.

Some people like natural harmony, while others like to go to extremes.

To put it mildly...young people always have to be a little bit aggressive.

This is his movie. In this movie, this church is not so much faith as it is hope in desperate situations.

This is a drama with a big heroine, and the church is endowed with the attribute of big love.

It also symbolizes the last refuge in despair.

It is already a very depressing movie. If it doesn't even have this little bit of spiritual comfort, it would be a bit too despairing to watch.

And if you follow Xiao Xu's thinking, then this drama will be more like a heroic movie.

If you deny all external factors and choose to fight, the final outcome will definitely be more tragic.

This is purely a difference of perspective, nothing to argue with.

So, he nodded:

"Then you can try to make a movie of this style next time."

"Let's wait until we encounter a good script. If the script doesn't match, this too radical style may not match..."

Keeping all the light and shadow elements created by the old man in mind, he changed the topic:

"How is your health lately?...Mengmeng, bring me the things."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng quickly took the fabric bag she was carrying.

"These are the pickles made by Yang Mi for you. They are perfect to drink with porridge in the morning."

"...I've almost finished this movie, so I want to pick it up?"

"Forget it, I don't have enough diced radish for myself."

"Put it down!"


Xu Xin smiled and took out another jar from the cloth bag:

"The pork belly is good for eating with noodles or steamed buns."

"This is good."

If the small jar of pickles was just an "unexpected surprise", the large glass jar of meat dumplings was a complete surprise.

"I bought some sesame seed cakes at noon and made some soup. This will be just right."

Zhang Yimou is obviously very satisfied with this intention.

Then... I saw Xu Xin taking out another jar of spicy food from the bag.

"Yesterday, I made two cans of new fried drops."


This time, he really couldn't hold himself any longer.

Although no one believed it when the news spread, what has an internationally renowned director never seen before? How could he laugh like this just because of a bottle of chili oil?

But, that's really the case.

Taking the can of chili oil, he unscrewed it and smelled the smell:

"Yeah, it smells good!"

"That's for sure, serious Qinjiao noodles."

Following Xu Xin's words, Zhang Yimou quickly screwed on the can bottle, fearing that it would taste the same if it ran away, then turned to his daughter and said:

"We won't have lunch for lunch. Let's buy some steamed buns and let Xiao Sui make some thick porridge. That's what we'll have for lunch."

"Hey, okay."

Zhang Mo responded, and then said rather jealously:

"I will do the same for you next time. If you are not as happy as today, I will have to talk about you."

"Hahaha~ Hurry up and let Xiao Sui soak the millet first. Remember, it must be thick. Dig out some of the jar of glutinous rice and put the rest in the refrigerator."

"Know it."

After taking the bag from Xu Xin, Zhang Mo walked out quickly.

At this time, Xu Xin's phone also rang.

Glancing down, he answered the phone and turned on the speakerphone:


"Hello? Lao Xu, we've arrived at Shiqiu. You won't let me in."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yimou asked:


"Wang Sicong."


Zhang Yimou took out the walkie-talkie directly from his pocket:

"At the door, Xiao Wang, is Wang Sicong at the door? Let them come in."

"Copy that, Director Zhang."

"Well, bring them directly to the church."

"Okay Director Zhang."

Xu Xin then hung up the phone.

"You know the heroine of my movie, right?"

"The maid of honor at your wedding?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm looking for you to give me some advice."

Zhang Yimou rolled his eyes directly:

"I'm just telling you that it's definitely not good for you to come to me."

"Hahaha~ Let me take a look."

"Who do you think I am? A fortune teller?"

Although he couldn't laugh or cry, he still agreed, and then ordered Xu Xin to blow out the candles one by one.

Don’t worry about reading the candles...if there are too many candles, blowing them out will really kill you.

After both rows of candles were extinguished, Xu Xin's head was buzzing.

When he turned around, he saw the old man smiling evilly at him.

Xu Xinxin said that you are quite wicked...

Reluctantly, she walked out of the church with him. Just then, Wang Sicong and Di Wei also arrived.

But I didn’t see Guo Ping and Xu Dafa this time.

"Director Zhang, hello, hello."

Wang Sicong quickly said hello.

Si Wei also followed suit.

But it was obvious that she was nervous.

Zhang Yimou smiled and nodded:

"You're not in a hurry to leave at noon, are you? If you're not in a hurry, let's have dinner together. ... When will your afternoon activities start?"

The latter words were said to Xu Xin.

"It's three o'clock, there's enough time. How do you feel about Di Wei?"


Zhang Yimou stared at Di Wei who put on light makeup.

It doesn't really take long.

It only took about ten seconds, and then he said:

"You have to grow your hair quickly. Short hair is combed too much, and the characteristics are too distinct. If you have long hair, the audience will not adapt. In the future, you should keep your hair as long as possible. It will be better to cope with the needs of different roles. .”

"Uh, okay, Director Zhang, I understand."

Di Wei nodded quickly.

Indeed, after she had her hair styled short in "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family", she has maintained this length.

"33 Days" also mostly features tied up buns and wigs.

Then in the past few months, due to the popularity of "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family", in order to deepen the impression on the audience, the length of her hair has not changed much, and it was even cut shorter in the middle to look capable and strong.


Short hair is really easy to take care of.

It's not like having long hair. It takes less than half an hour to wash and blow dry it.

But after hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Di Wei understood that she had to grow her hair quickly.

You see, this is the role of a great director.

In one sentence, it is like a golden rule for actors.

There can be no carelessness.

Zhang Yimou stared at her for a while and then said:

"Do you have the foundation for acting?"

"Uh... no..."

"You can learn it. The ancient style is not suitable for ladies, but for heroines. Once you have polished your acting skills, you can follow Brigitte Lin's acting path. The more neutral the role, the easier it is for you to shine. In the future The character should go in this direction as much as possible. Other types of characters... there is no point in trying. It has nothing to do with acting skills, but the unique characteristics are here. There is no need to use short attacks to achieve long results."


Wang Sicong's mouth twitched.

Subconsciously he looked at Xu Xin.

These words are exactly the same as those of Lao Xu... except that the concept given by Lao Xu is relatively vague, but Director Zhang's words are more detailed and specific.

But their views are actually the same...


Tell the truth.

He was a little dissatisfied.

Seventh Brother...how beautiful.

The more I watch, the more I like it.

He is also gentle, smart, and considerate...

It simply embodies the saying "women in Sichuan and Chongqing are made of water".

Why is it neutral?

I really didn't see it...

Hey, Brother Qi is so beautiful.


Xu Xin, who had been paying attention to his friend's mental state, rolled his eyes vaguely.

You see, I said so.

Once he was with Seventh Brother, Lao Wang's brain couldn't hold it together anymore.

Pure love brain.


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