I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 720 717 Let me treat you to dinner

Chapter 720 717. I’ll treat you to dinner

"...Old Wang, are you okay?"

"No...it's okay."

"Is everything okay? Your face is so red."

Xu Xin looked concerned, "Friend, it doesn't matter."

But Wang Sicong didn't say much, he just shook his head and said:

"You will sit in the back later."

"...Why? How could you change your mind so quickly?"

Xu Xin had a sad expression on his face: "Friend, how could you do this?"

Watching this, Wang Sicong's brain started to boil again.

I was really angry now.

Xu Xin was still teasing him:

"Oh, this is really... it's always the newcomers who laugh, no one can see the old people lying on the ground crying..."

Brother, you can do some rhyming.

Wang Sicong was speechless.

Fortunately, Di Wei started to come to the rescue:

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll sit in the back."

"Oh~ sister, you really feel sorry for your brother, unlike me, I can only whine..."

Really unable to listen to Lao Xu's weird words, Wang Sicong covered his mouth and pressed his head forcefully like a prisoner. After Su Meng, who was suppressing laughter, opened the rear door...

"Let's go!"

Xu Xin threw himself on the car seat.

Then, the eldest young man, who had just sat on the driver's seat, heard the cry of a resentful woman behind him:

"I'm so miserable!!! I want to write a big word "miserable" on my face... Mengmeng, if you help the villain, I'll deduct 500 from you! Wow, I'm miserable..."

Su Meng also cried.

I'm miserable too.

I lost five hundred yuan inexplicably.


But fortunately, Big Pharaoh CARRY is here now.

"Mengmeng, don't listen to your brother Xu. He will deduct whatever you want, but I will pay you this month's salary!"

Su Meng was moved for a while.

Brother Cong...what a good man!

But Wang Sicong immediately asked curiously:

"By the way, how much does Brother Xu give you per month?"

"Uh... thirty-five thousand..."


Wang Sicong is okay.

The number between him and Apple is about the same.

Moreover, this high salary was a trick given to him by Uncle Xu.

In the words of Uncle Xu:

"The assistant is your follower. People follow you to get away with you? To make money. If you give me enough money, you won't have any problems getting close to people."

Wang Sicong thinks so.

Apple has been with him for several years, and he has been with him through thick and thin. Sometimes he even feels guilty, thinking that if he works as his assistant, Apple will not be able to find a boyfriend.

So I was given a lot of money, including year-end bonuses, plus more usual bonuses.

Not to mention the things he gives to Apple every year when he goes to luxury stores, the salary alone seems to be 350,000+.

Si Wei was speechless...

She only gave Xu Dafa 8,000...

This started to rise this year.

Artists' assistants generally have very low wages, and they actually rely more on some... invisible income.

For example, some welfare benefits, and like Zhang Jiao's time, rebates on car rentals, hotels, etc.

The more popular the person, the better the treatment.

But equally, if you meet someone who is difficult to take care of, it is easy for you to suffer from mental illness as an assistant.

But now listening to Su Meng's treatment... Di Weixin said that if someone could offer me thirty-five thousand a month, I might also work as an assistant.

All I can say is that people’s situations are very different.

Immediately afterwards, she heard the unreasonable side of Brother Cong:

"It's okay. You let your brother Xu deduct whatever you want this month, and next month I will directly increase it to 40,000 for you!"

The eldest young master was in a good mood, but his brain was already boiling. At this moment, his mentality was purely "I'm waiting in the front, there is no opponent", and he just cared about his own pleasure.

Isn’t it just five thousand yuan? Brother is out!


Xu Xin was speechless.

I thought I would deduct 500, but ended up losing 60,000 a year?

Oh my god.

What kind of humanity is this man?

He doesn't "cry" anymore either.

Instead, he took out his cell phone and started chatting with people at Volvo about advertising.

Mr. Liu meant that they should study it and communicate with Xu Xin on a more detailed plan.

Xu Xin didn't ask them how they felt. If this commercial was really going to be filmed, he estimated that... at least it would take about a minute. Even longer.

Not to mention getting the rights to "The Matrix" and hiring a Hollywood star.

If it affects the whole body, the cost of this advertisement will definitely not be small.

What's more, he also has his own salary.

So he estimated that the total cost would be at least 1.5 million US dollars, so he really had to be cautious.

But it shouldn’t take too long, after all, it’s almost June.

I chatted with Mr. Liu all the way, and finally we all started a WeChat group.

They chatted all the way to the first stop of the day, downstairs of Nanjing Radio Station. Xu Xin politely informed everyone that he was going to start promoting the movie, and then it came to an end for the time being.

The publicity campaign of "33 Days" is still the same as before.

Take the initiative to participate in various programs and promotional meetings, answer questions from reporters, write promotional materials, and then do some necessary things such as trailers for major theaters and some publicity on the Internet.

This time, Xiying Studio also started thinking about the Internet, contacted some media people with relatively high fans, held a lottery, distributed some movie ticket prizes for free, and asked everyone to forward it on Weibo.

Not to mention, the effect is quite good.

The retweets, comments and likes are very high.

It also proves from the side that Xu Xin’s plan to “build word of mouth” has begun to bear fruit.

In fact, the biggest breaking point in this interview is not Xu Xin.

In the eyes of the media, Xu Xin actually has no "hot spots" anymore.

What can there be?

Yang Mi’s husband.

The youngest Venice best director?

Olympic Games……

That's it for tossing and turning.

His works have already formed a certain fixed impression on the audience.

It’s well shot, as it should be.

If it doesn't work well, it's probably the fault of thousands of people.

But now people are spending money to promote it, so naturally it’s out of the question.

Therefore, the main breaking point this time is actually placed on Di Wei, along with half of Wang Sicong.

Wen Zhang and Tang Yan had to stand back.

"Actually, I want to ask Miss Wei Wei about something off-topic."

"Well, you say."

Everyone was sitting in the studio of Traffic Radio. Di Wei, wearing headphones, responded politely to host Tang Long's curiosity.

"Just...about "Miss Xin", Miss Wei Wei should have heard about it, right?"


"What do you think of this title?"


Si Wei glanced at Xu Xin, and then glanced at Wang Sicong unconsciously.

After thinking for a while, she said into the microphone:

"Actually... at that time, when the title "Miss Xin" first came out, I didn't feel strongly about it. Because it was just an audition at that time. Director Xu thought I was pretty good at the audition, and he went through rounds of screenings, and finally After identifying me and announcing the news... In those few days, the Internet was full of news about me. At the beginning, I felt: Ah, Director Xu is really amazing. I was obviously an unknown person before this, but suddenly he was so famous. Many people know me. I seem to be famous all of a sudden."

"Will it expand?"

Tang Long asked curiously.

"definitely will."


He was stunned.

Obviously, Di Wei's frankness made him a little shocked.

"Suddenly, many people asked me, including my former friends and relatives at home. They all knew that I had become the heroine of a major director. Many people were congratulating me, which felt really good. But... to be honest, after After the initial stage,... now I feel that the title "Miss Xin" is a kind of pressure. Or in other words, fear."

When Si Wei answered, she kept looking at Tang Long, showing the sincerity of her words with serious eyes:

"It's like it's chasing me from behind, keeping me moving forward and unable to retreat. After taking on this title, as time goes by, this pressure actually increases day by day."

"As Director Xu's wife Yang Mi said, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight?"

"Haha, that's too exaggerated, but it means the same thing. I can't wear the crown yet. I can only say... I will try my best to gain everyone's recognition. This is what I am thinking now."

While her words were watertight, they also represented the most sincere thoughts in her heart.

How can you pass up an expert and miss him?

This sentence seems particularly appropriate when put here.

She saw how amazing and talented the top people in the entire film and television industry were. Even if she thought she might not be able to reach that level in her lifetime... But at least she knew she had to work hard.

Otherwise, we can only pull further and further away.

Work hard, make some good works, earn enough 100 million, and then retire...

All right!

"So... what about Director Xu? What do you think of Miss Xin? Actually, I'm curious about one thing. Wei Wei... is the third generation of Miss Xin, right?"

"It should be the first generation."

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head:

"My wife is a girl, so it doesn't matter to me. Liu Yifei...she is a god, so naturally she can't be counted.

Although I can be recognized by everyone, I feel that the heroine I selected has the same potential as "Mou Girl", and I am very happy.

But... as Di Wei said, "Miss Xin" is not just a title. For Di Wei, it is a driving force to move forward. For me, it is also a kind of rights given by everyone in the pursuit of art. Benchmark.

Everyone has given me this honor, so naturally I have to be more cautious. "

He was telling the truth, but he had to admit that there was a bit of flattery in his words.

In fact, he really didn't care about the so-called Miss Xin.

He believes that he does not have the ability to give a female star a smooth career with just any movie heroine.

At least not yet.

However, given his character, it would be impossible for him to say something to stir up trouble in public, or be particularly ostentatious.

Okay, he will say it with sincerity.

Even if it's bad, he will mention it with sincerity.

As for what you think in your heart and what you actually do, that’s what happens behind the scenes.

He has no idea of ​​being original and showing off his personality.

Because of this kind of unconventionality, to some people, it represents "immaturity and difficulty in entrusting important responsibilities".

It was different from the path he wanted to take.

If his wife is gifted with clever words and wit when facing the media, then he is like a peacemaker who never disputes anything.

For better or for worse, he doesn't show it in public.

After he answered this question, Tang Long aimed at Wang Sicong:

"What about Mr. Wang?"

"Just call me Wang Sicong."

Lao Wang smiled equally politely.

However, Tang Long couldn't call him by his first name, so he nicknamed him "Si Cong".

"Si Cong, this is your first time logging on to the screen... I'm actually quite curious. We all know that you and Director Xu are good friends. How does it feel to act in a friend's movie?"

"Pretty good……"

Wang Sicong's attitude is exactly the same as Xu Xin's.

Obviously, he is also growing after the last time he suffered a loss for speaking out.

Throughout the show, the attitudes of Xu Xin and Wang Sicong were like microcosms.

It ended calmly with hello and me.

The event in Nanjing lasts for two days, and there will be a fan meeting and Q\u0026A with reporters tomorrow.

After the program hosted by the radio station ended, Xu Xin said:

"Old Wang, give me your car, and I won't have dinner with everyone. I'll go back to Shiqiu."


Wang Sicong handed over the keys to the Land Rover.

Xu Xin waved his hand at the big guys, said thank you for your hard work, and walked directly to the film and television base through Nanjing's evening rush hour.

It was nearly sixty kilometers from the city to Shiqiu, and it was already early 7 o'clock when he arrived.

But this time, the security guard took him in personally.

There were no lights in this place at night, so this guy took a flashlight to illuminate Xu Xin and walked all the way to the crew.

Soon he arrived near the church. From a distance, Xu Xin saw the bright lights inside and the moving figures of many more people than during the day.

"Brother Xu, do you want to find something to eat first?"

"You are hungry?"

"I'm not hungry, but you haven't eaten yet."

"We'll talk about it later."

Xu Xin had already seen several familiar figures at the door of the church.

"Thank you."

He politely thanked the security guard and quickened his pace:

"Director Chen, Director Zhao...Hey, Old Chen, long time no see."

Hearing his words, Chen Qigang, Zhao Xiaoding, and Chen Qigang's son, Chen Yulang, who also met several times during the Olympics, all turned their heads and looked over.

Zhao Xiaoding, who was holding a cigarette, showed a smile that was not surprising when he saw it was Xu Xin.

Apparently the news of his arrival had been heard.


While talking, Zhao Xiaoding took out a cigarette.

Fireworks are strictly prohibited within the church. This is a rule set by the old man himself. Even if Zhao Xiaoding is the director of photography, he must abide by it.

Xu Xin took the cigarette and took out the lighter at the same time. He refused Zhao Xiaoding's offer to light the cigarette for him, looked at Chen Qigang and asked:

"Why is Director Chen here too?"

"Tomorrow there will be the last scene where the Japanese soldiers ask the female students to be protected by the military police. There is a Japanese folk song. I have to come over."

Chen Qigang smiled and explained before asking:

"What about you? Why are you here?"

""33 Days", isn't this the promotion period? I just finished an event, come over and have a look..."

Saying that, Xu Xin turned to look at Zhao Xiaoding:

"Director Zhao, it hasn't started yet?"

"No. It's ready inside."

Zhao Xiaoding pointed inside:

"Yimou has very high requirements for this film. All aspects of preparations, including weather conditions, were adjusted based on the conditions of the day."


Xu Xin responded and turned to look at Chen Yu:

"What have you been doing lately? Why do you make yourself look older and older?"

Chen Yucheng was born in 1983, three years older than Xu Xin.

But now my hair is long and my beard is unkempt, especially when I wear a short-sleeved T-shirt with loopholes and threads on my top that looks very avant-garde. Although my legs are in shorts, my feet are I wore high-top CAT shoes.

How does he look like a slovenly middle-aged man?

Some people believe that he is ten years older than Xu Xin.

Chen Yuxi happily made an action to show off his clothes:

"I just came back from a circle around Yellowstone."



"...The clothing of the Huangshi people is really questionable. I haven't heard of any Indians not shaving."

Listening to Xu Xin's joke, Chen Yu smiled even happier.

"Haha, you don't understand this. Dude, this is called freedom!"

Obviously, this is a style that Chen Yucheng pursues.

But Chen Qigang showed a somewhat troubled expression and said:

"Can't you learn from Xiao Xu? Look at me, clothes are clothes and pants are pants. When I go out, my hair and beard are all neatly taken care of. If you look at you again, people who don't know think you are... There are those who are fleeing!”

"Hey hey hey..."

Facing his father's paintings, Chen Yuluo just smiled, but did not answer any questions at all. He just winked at Xu Xin:

"Hey, look at my bracelet. It's genuine volcanic obsidian. I picked it up myself and found people from the Indian tribe to wear it as a bracelet to increase my luck. Do you want it? I still have a few more. , get one for you?”

"... Foreign gods don't care about local affairs."

Xu Xin was really embarrassed to say that his decoration was not in line with his aesthetic taste.

What decoration can compare with a Patek Philippe or a Richard Mille owned by Wang?

"Okay, pretend I didn't say..."

A few people just chatted while smoking.

Chen Qigang was obviously very happy for his son to have contact with Xiao Xu. After listening to the two children chatting for a few words, he suddenly said:

"Xiao Xu, he came back this time for a documentary co-produced by China and France called "When the Louvre Meets the Forbidden City". He is responsible for the creative and music work. When do you plan to start the film?"

Xu Xin immediately understood what Chen Qigang meant.

He still owed the other party a favor regarding the original vote.

So he said:

"Starting in July and August, in Xiamen."

"That's just right. He should be finished around July. I'll send him directly to you, and you can keep an eye on him. Don't let him act like a savage every day, running around without even a trace of a person. Can’t find it.”


Chen Yucheng's expression turned bitter.

But Xu Xin agreed very readily:

"No problem. When Old Chen comes, I welcome him with both hands...not to mention you are here. If I tie up Old Chen, I can tie you up. If there is something that Old Chen can't handle by then...you can't push it away. .This is a good hostage."

Chen Qigang, who understood what Xu Xin meant, narrowed his eyes completely when he smiled:

"Okay. No problem. Then you have to keep an eye on this hostage. Don't let him escape again, and I will have a headache..."

When the three of them were talking, Zhao Xiaoding listened with a smile.

But soon, his ears twitched.

Not only him, Xu Xin also heard it. There was a loud voice inside the iron door of the church:

"Crooked?... Did you find out clearly? How long will the delay be? Everyone on this crew is waiting for him. Oh, what a crappy plane, it can be delayed even if it rains, but we can catch it up..."

The sound moves from far to near.

When this voice sounded, Chen Qigang also closed his mouth in time.

Then, inside the half-open iron door, Zhang Weiping walked out holding a phone.

After he walked out, the phone was hung up.

And because several people were right next to the iron gate, he subconsciously turned his head and saw Xu Xin at a glance.

"Hey, Xiao Xu is here. Hahahaha~"

A burst of heroic laughter sounded.

In fact, I have to admit that if you are a stranger and meet this person for the first time, it is really easy to be attracted by his bold temperament.


Don't have deep friendship.

But face work still has to be given.

Xu Xin:

"Ah ha ha ha~ Mr. Zhang, long time no see, long time no see..."

He took a step forward.

Including Chen Yulong, the other three people did not move.

Zhao Xiaoding is even more "extreme".

After seeing him come out, I took a puff of cigarette and took out the walkie-talkie from my pocket:

"How are the flight preparations going?"

As he said that, he left.

He passed by Zhang Weiping, but didn't say hello.

Chen Qigang's reaction was also more subtle.


He greeted politely first, then turned to Chen Yucheng and said:

"Come on, let's go take a look too. Xiao Xu, let's talk."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin responded.

After Chen Qigang and Chen Yu left, Zhang Weiping asked:

"Where did it come from?"

"Yanjing, hasn't the promotion of "33 Days" begun? The first stop is Nanjing."

It didn't matter whether he asked knowingly or not, Xu Xin still explained it to him.

Just chatting, what comes and goes comes and goes.

Then I heard something:

"Hey, how many copies of "The Hawthorn Tree" have been sold?"

"In terms of profit... including DVDs, it should be two to three hundred million?"

Xu Xin did not hide anything, but did not give specific figures.

After he finished speaking, he saw the other party's eyes widening.

as well as……

"Hey! That's enough! Xiao Xu is really promising!"

There was no jealousy on his face, and his words were full of relief.


"Why don't you thank me and Yimou? Tell me, how do you express your gratitude?"


Xu Xin was happy when he heard this.

Looking at him he said:

"Then...shall I treat you to dinner?"


The smile on Zhang Weiping's face stopped.

Obviously, these words made him unhappy.

But for a business of hundreds of millions, the thank you in exchange is just "a meal".

The words are pleasing to the ear.

That's just what I mean...

But Xu Xin still looked "simple".

Thank u?

Who are you?

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