I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 721 718 Mistress

Chapter 721 718. Mistress

Xu Xin's words were actually quite choking.

Because this sentence is full of "ordinariness".

The reason for the double quotation marks is that this "ordinariness" can be understood as the practice of "ordinary people".

Ordinary people who get a promotion, get a salary increase, or do a good job on a certain project and receive a generous salary bonus are definitely something to be happy about.

Inviting a few friends to have a meal and celebrate is a normal thing.


For a "rich man" like Zhang Weiping, these words are very harsh.

Have a meal?

What food in this world can I not afford?

You made several hundred million, so you treat me to a meal?

Even if Xu Xin said this in a casual way, such as "cooperate more in the future", he felt comfortable.

On the one hand, Xu Xin can make money, and after cooperation, everyone can make money.

On the other hand, I want to see an attitude.

Multiple friends, multiple paths, and a win-win attitude.

To put it bluntly, for "rich people", unless they have a particularly good relationship with each other and are very good friends. For example, Xu Xin called Wang Sicong:

"Old Wang, my brother made several hundred million today, come out for dinner!"

There is nothing wrong with saying that love is more important than anything else.

But for an ordinary relationship, you have made hundreds of millions, but you just said "treat you to dinner", which is a bit contemptuous.

That's right.

But it shouldn’t be said in this situation.

When he said it, it was as if the other person was just trying to give him a meal.

Did Xu Xin do it on purpose?

The answer is yes.

Who told you to disgust me first? In the final analysis of this movie, it is also the old man's affection.

What does it have to do with you?

And he was sure that Zhang Weiping would not get angry because of this kind of thing.

This is a dumb loss, no matter what, you have to admit it.

No matter what you say, you won't get any advantage.


After he stuttered for a moment, he said:

"So stingy?"

Dry and dry.


Xu Xin acted as if he didn't hear the voice-over. He laughed loudly and added:

"I don't invite ordinary people, right?"

After saying this, Zhang Weiping's face looked "better".

After saying this, Xu Xin also changed the topic directly, as if the conversation just now had never happened, and asked with a smile:

"Are you planning to go back and rest?"

shooting scene.

Under the light and shadow.

Xu Xin still sat in the position he was most familiar with, behind the old man. He put on his headphones and stared at Thirteen Chai and the female students on the screen with him.

There are only two people he pays attention to.

One is Han Xiting, who is said to have a great background.

One is Zhou Ruanyu, who the old man originally wanted to recommend to him as the protagonist of "The Hawthorn Tree".

He had already found out the background of the former.

One of the investors this time is the girlfriend of a real estate company CEO named Zhonghong.

As for the real estate company...it's okay.

The scale is pretty good.

So this Han Xiting can be said to be one of the privileged people in the crew.

This is where the old man is helpless.

At the same time, it is also the place where Xu Xin feels he is the luckiest.

If it weren't for his family's conditions, he might have to follow the investors and call them uncle.

As for Han Xiting... to be honest, he felt that the investor's vision was not very good either.

Anyway, not as good looking as Yang Mi.

And the other one is Zhou Ruanyu among the students.

This girl...

Not too bad.

It just doesn't look particularly outstanding.

It's a bit difficult to gain recognition in the entertainment industry based on your face.

Still have to rely on acting skills.

So far, it seems that the old man has trained her very well, and although her acting skills are immature, she is sensible.


This appearance is indeed too unique.

Just as I was thinking about it, it seemed that this scene didn't meet the old man's requirements, so I was shouted "Ka".

"If you do it again, your expressions are not vivid..."

It seemed that there was something wrong with the students. The old man took off his earphones and went straight to the female students and started to teach the drama.

You see, that's the risk of using amateur actors.

Even after professional training, these people still occasionally fail to meet the director's requirements in terms of acting skills.

You have to explain it bit by bit so that they can understand it.

Zhang Yimou went to tell the drama, while Xu Xin controlled the monitor and looked back at the scene just now.

Over at Shisanchai, a group of makeup artists went over to tidy up clothes, touch up makeup, and the like.

At this time, Su Meng, who had been staying next to Xu Xin, discovered that an actress in the Thirteen Hairpins was walking this way.

She concentrated subconsciously.

And when she was sure that the actress was here for Brother Xu, she took a step forward and asked politely:

"Hello, what can I do for you?"


The actress glanced at Su Meng and did not respond. Instead, she shouted at Xu Xin:

"Hello, Director Xu."


Xu Xin turned his head and glanced.

He discovered that this person was Han Xiting, who had been thinking about it in his mind just now.

At this moment, she was standing next to Su Meng wearing a cheongsam and smiling at him.

"Oh, Hello."

Xu Xin nodded politely.

At the same time, he glanced at Su Meng.

Only then did Su Meng give up her position.


Hearing this, Han Xitiao smiled politely and shook his head:

"It's okay, I just came to say hello. Some time ago, I met Mr. Xu at a real estate developer exchange meeting. We chatted for a few words, and Mr. Xu also talked about you. When I saw you coming, I thought Come say hello.”

What she said is actually quite interesting.

Although the words are very polite, they can reveal some of their own strength from the side.

For example, "Xu Miao and I have participated in exchange meetings together", "He and I can chat and have a good conversation", "Xu Miao has also mentioned you to me".

These few elements actually make it easy for people to tell that she has a background.


Xu Xin had already figured out where she was coming from.

It was not so much that she and Xu Miao were able to talk, but that it was her rich boyfriend.

So it's useless for her to pull this tiger skin.

What's wrong with Xu Miao?

It's not like he had never fought with Sanshui when he got angry.

Even my own father didn't tolerate him when he was in his rebellious phase.

Sister, you are showing off your feathers to the wrong person.

Why do you really think that Amao and Agou can say a few words to Xu Miao and then I have to ignore him?

"Oh, that's it, okay. You did pretty well in this scene just now, so work harder."

He responded calmly.

Then he continued to pull the rewind button with his hand and looked at the screen, making it clear that he did not intend to continue the conversation.

But Han Xiting obviously didn't give up.

She can act in Director Zhang's plays... When the time comes to work, won't she be able to act in Director Xu's plays?

Especially since he is starting a new work.

How could you let it go?

So, she took out her mobile phone and continued:

"Director Xu, can I add you on WeChat?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at her again and nodded:

"Mengmeng, add her on WeChat."

After saying that, he put the headphones hanging on the back of his head on his ears and continued to watch the screen, ignoring her.


Han Xiting obviously didn't expect that Xu Xin would be... so "not giving face".

What you asked me to add was not a private WeChat message?

For a moment, his face looked a little confused.

But Su Meng had already opened the work phone and showed her the QR code.

Han Xiting looked at Su Meng and then at Xu Xin, who had turned away. She took out her mobile phone and scanned the code, sending it to her friend for verification.

Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Su Meng switch the screen, go to the address book column, and pass her friends through.

However, because there was no note, Su Meng came to the WeChat option again and wanted to change the note for her:

"What's your name?"

"...Han Xiting."

"Which XI and which TING?"

Su Meng said while giving notes on the operation.

Obviously, neither Director Xu nor this assistant even knows her name...

Just a nobody.

With dissatisfaction, she finally said her name. After Su Meng saved it, she nodded at her:

"That's it."

Turn off the phone screen and put it in your pocket.

Stepped aside.

No nostalgia at all.

Although Ke retreated, whether it was Xu Xin who was wearing headphones or Su Meng who was not interested in chatting with her anymore...the attitudes of both of them were clear.

see a visitor out.


Han Xiting left without a very good expression.

After she left, Su Meng took out a small notebook from her pocket and asked Xu Xin:

"Brother Xu, is there anything we should pay attention to about this person?"


Xu Xin said without replying:

"It doesn't matter. When WeChat is full of people, she will be included in the first batch of people to be deleted."

Not giving your assistant face? Then he won't give her face.


Su Meng nodded, put away the small notebook, opened the phone again, and added a small mark to the other party's memo: [To be deleted]

After finishing, she sat back on the chair and continued to stare in the direction of the crew in a daze.

A quick yawn followed.


A little sleepy.

Xu Xin stayed in the crew until after 11 o'clock.

After saying hello to Zhang Yimou, he left directly.

Tomorrow Bell will arrive and "Golden Hill" will begin to wrap up.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see it anymore.

It was almost 1 o'clock when he arrived at the hotel. He took a quick shower and slept until 9 o'clock, and then started his promotional work.

After a press conference and a publicity run, in the afternoon, everyone walked to the Magic City together.

While on the plane, news came from Volvo.

They liked the advertising idea and decided to adopt it.

Seeing that they agreed, Xu Xin didn't need to worry about the next thing. Whether it is inviting "Morpheus" to star or copyright matters, Volvo people will naturally take care of it.

Next, we only need people from the advertising department to refine Xu Xin's plan.

He still has half a month before "33 Days" is released, which is quite generous.

Arriving at the Magic City at around 4 p.m., everyone got on the car sent by Shanghai Film Studio without stopping and started a fan meeting in the evening.

While rushing to the event, he also received news from Liu Momo, who had just woken up in the United States:

"My dad said he'd like to meet you for dinner tomorrow at noon and have Sichuan food, okay?"

"Shall I go over with a bottle of good wine?"

"No, it's not right to have a drink during a work meal. Just drink tea and chat. Don't bring anything with you. It's not appropriate."

"Okay. Sister Mo, please send me the address."

"Well, I'll send it to you later, after I finish squatting in the toilet."


"What's wrong?"

"Can we be a little more tactful?"

"What? You don't poop?"



What this girl plays is real.

"Xiao Xu."


“Remember, the power of example is endless.”

"...Yeah! Remember, Uncle Liu, walk slowly."

Xu Xin let out a long sigh of relief after watching the car leave.

Called Su Meng’s phone number:

"Mengmeng, come pick me up at the door of the Sichuan restaurant."

The weather in the Magic City in late May is really not good.

The hot one is called dull.

After he finished the call, he went to the nearby cigarette shop to buy a bottle of mineral water, and then stood in the shade of a tree waiting for Su Meng to drive over.

What needs to be talked about... is all done.

What do you say?

Not bad or good.

The good news is that Uncle Liu gave himself a chance.

As long as you feel the time is right, just mention it to him, whether it is an embedded advertisement or anything else, you can enter the accounting stage.

Xu Xin has the final say when it starts.

But this is the reason why it is said that it is not good or bad.

Regarding industry matters, the other party only had one word:


What are you waiting for, I don’t know.

Just say to wait for the wind to come.

However, at least Xu Xin learned one thing from the other party.

That is...some people attach great importance to the "guesses" they provide.

If you want to do it, it will definitely not be some superficial work that makes big noise and small raindrops.

Although Uncle Liu said it very vaguely, Xu Xin still smelled... a smell of brewing mountain rain.

It's just that we don't know how the wind will blow and how the rain will fall...

No one can tell me clearly about my little Karami.

I'm afraid I won't realize it until it happens.

Of course, there was more to this meal than just that.

The other party also talked with Xu Xin about his career plan.

It was also the first time that Xu Xin talked with Uncle Liu about his future plans.

After hearing the path he wanted to take, the other party's attitude was very appreciative and gave Xu Xin a very clear and reasonable route.

Consolidation lies in Shaanxi, achievement lies in culture, and success lies in China Film.

Fifteen words helped Xu Xin plan the most correct route.

All that's left is for him to run wildly on this road.

Although the time is very long, I am afraid it will take twenty or thirty years.

However, when Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang grow up, or when Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang's children grow up, as long as they walk well, they will definitely reach the height they want.

Of course, this is the best imagination.

Things in the world are not really so smooth sailing.

Some things are time, destiny, and luck.

By then, how many talents and heroes there will be in the country...he, an old man who has passed away, will no longer be seen, so why bother?

Therefore, compared with the future, the real meaning of this meal that made Xu Xin feel worthwhile was that someone helped him to guide him.

In his mind, he had a clue.

The so-called aristocratic family has never been the accumulation of one generation.

You have to take your time.

Oh yes.

And introduce someone to Sister Mo.

Hey, this is so unlucky...

May is gradually coming to an end.

Since "33 Days" began to enter the promotion period, several people have traveled to many places continuously.

Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, etc.

The schedule is quite busy.

After running around for many days, on May 28, Xu Xin finally returned to his long-awaited home with his suitcase.

It was almost noon when he came back.

The next few days were full of activities in Yanjing, so I got on the plane directly after finishing the Chengdu station and didn't stay at all.

He has been very tired these days.

I urgently need a wave of care from my wife.


Before anyone even entered the room, he shouted.

"Woof woof..."

The roar of Zaizai or Niuniu came from inside the house, reminding the male owner of his return.

Yang Mi did appear at the door, but after opening the curtain, Xu Xin saw her talking on the phone.

Nodding as usual, he entered the house, put the box in his hand directly at the door and ignored it.

After putting on slippers, I came to the coffee table and started drinking sour plum soup.

Then I heard Yang Mi’s words:

"Tell me the truth, when you and Huang Xiaoming were together, was he single?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Huang Xiaoming?

...Yang Ying?

He cast a surprised look, and seeing her husband's eyes, Yang Mi turned on the speakerphone directly.

Yang Ying's voice came from the phone:

"Sister... I really don't dare to lie to you. He told me that he and Li Fei had broken up, and I just..."

"Then please explain to me, what happened with that text message? Did you send it?...Baby, if you continue to lie to me, then there is really no point in talking about it. Do you understand? Special Why do people still have the screenshots of the text messages, and now they have been made public? You will soon be accused of being a mistress. You come to me to solve the problem, and you still don’t tell me the truth? You regard me as your sister. What!"


Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned.

Li Fei?


Screenshot of SMS?

What and what?

Has the world line changed?

Looking at her husband's confused eyes, Yang Mi pointed to the IPAD on the coffee table and motioned for him to look at it.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ying's voice rang from the other end of the phone:

"Sister, what I said is true. I really didn't lie to you!"

"Then what's going on with this text message!?"

After Yang Mi asked, Xu Xin also opened the IPAD screen, and then saw a Weibo post:

"Exposed! Huang Xiaoming's SMS exposed, BABY: What I want is not a sex partner!"

"After being interviewed by reporters and keeping silent for many years, 23-year-old Li Fei confessed for the first time about her previous relationship, revealing that her ex-boyfriend was innocent: "I felt that the woman was coercing him, and I left on my own after seeing the text messages on my mobile phone. "The content of the text message is that the woman is showing off to Huang Xiaoming. She is not willing to be a third sex partner, and is forcing the man to make a choice and let him take his rightful place!"

Seeing this text, Xu Xin blinked continuously...

My brain is a bit unresponsive.

But immediately he saw the second picture.

The picture is a screenshot of a text message on an IPHONE. The content shows:

"When will you give me an answer? What I want is a boyfriend, not a sex partner."

Could this be from Yang Ying?

Xu Xin was really stunned now.

At this time, Yang Ying on the other end of the phone also said:

"Sister, at that time... after the celebration party of "The Wind", we both... drank too much. Just... he came to me and said that he liked me and fell in love with me at first sight. Sister, think about it, if a man suddenly treats me like this Tell me, what was your first reaction? Would you ask him if he had a girlfriend?"


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

Xu Xin had a big question mark on his head.

Are you really sick?

Yang Mi first pressed her hand to signal her husband to stop talking, and then asked:

"So, you asked him if he was single after you two slept together? Baby, do you think I'm a fool?"

Her voice grew colder.

Yang Ying quickly replied:

"No, no, no, no, no, sister, he hugged me and said he liked me... I was... I knew him. I said let me go, don't you have a girlfriend?... He said We broke up... I didn't believe it at the time, but he said he swore, and... he and Director Xu... are still friends with you, and they will definitely not lie to me..."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched again.

But Yang Mi got angry:

"Who told him to use my husband as a shield!? You can't ask me? You two just met at that time, right? Can you let someone hug you? Are you so worthless!?"

Obviously, if only other things were okay.

But when Yang Mi heard that Huang Xiaoming was referring to her husband, she couldn't bear it anymore:

"Don't you know that when Xu Xin asked him to play Takeda, he and Li Fei had dinner with Xu Xin! ... Where is Huang Xiaoming now!?"

"Sister...sister, please don't be angry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Say! Where is Huang Xiaoming! Husband, call Huang Xiaoming and ask him what he means! How did he promise me in the first place? Damn, this guy..."

"OK OK."

Seeing that his wife was really angry, Xu Xin quickly tried to persuade her.

He stood up and walked quickly to her side:

"Calm down and calm down."

"How can I calm down? He's going to take you..."

"Okay. Be good and don't make any noise."

He quickly calmed down his angry wife, and then took the phone from her hand.

"Hey, baby."

"Xu...Director Xu...I'm sorry..."


Xu Xin sighed:

"I just entered the house. When I came back, I heard you two talking on the phone. I just figured out what was going on... I saw it was on the news on Weibo. Where did this report come from?"

"It's...a reporter from Xiangjiang. FACE magazine did it."

"Did you send that text message?"


"That's it..."

Looking at his wife who was still angry, he held up the phone and thought while taking a cup from the coffee table and pouring her a cup of sour plum soup.

"Calm down, isn't the baby also wronged? I know you feel sorry for her, but now that things have happened, if you want to protect the baby, you have to deal with it quickly instead of losing your temper... Baby, don't take it personally. , She really cares about you. At the beginning, we were worried that Li Fei and senior brother were not divorced, so I called him specifically to ask..."

"...I'm sorry, Director Xu, I'm really sorry..."

Yang Ying's voice was full of guilt.

But Yang Mi's eyes widened.

I looked at my husband with a speechless expression of "What are you talking about?"

But Xu Xin waved his hand, indicating that he could just leave it to him.

Then he sat next to her:

"It's meaningless to say this now. Baby, let me ask you something. You really didn't know the relationship status of Senior Brother and Li Fei at that time, right?"

"I really don't know, Director Xu, he...he really told me that. Moreover, you and Sister Mi have a very good relationship with him. You call him senior brother, and he calls you junior brother. In addition, He is a partner in the film...I do have a good impression of him..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi sneered.


If I hadn't promoted you, you would have been just a young model desperate for fame.

Are you telling me that you like me now?

And Xu Xin...

Everything is peaceful.

He didn't feel anything about this, but he didn't feel angry at all.

On the contrary, it is as slow as a spring breeze:

"I know it's not unreasonable for my senior brother to be liked by so many people. We are happy with each other, and your relationship is so good now, I'm actually happy from the bottom of my heart. But now that this kind of thing has happened, we have no time to discuss this. It makes sense. We have to find a solution."

"I will post on Weibo to clarify..."

"I can't explain this clearly. People have screenshots in their hands, what do you have?"


In Yang Ying's silence, Xu Xin thought for a while and said with a hint of probing in his eyes:

"Actually, as long as you and your senior brother live a good life, no one else can comment on whether your life is good or bad. Only you know this. You really like him, and he really likes you, isn't that enough?...Besides, , Senior brother’s career is so good now, I really don’t recommend you to make this matter a big deal. You have to think about him. "

Yang Mi's eyes straightened again.


Why is my husband glowing?

Is this...a Bodhisattva who saves suffering?

Are you crazy?

How long has it been since you started to be this blue-faced handsome guy?

Used in the wrong place?

But Xu Xin just looked at her and made her quiet again.

Then he continued to say in that unhurried voice:

"So, I don't suggest you clarify. Although I don't think you did anything wrong in this matter, but...if I were you, if Yang Mi encountered this kind of thing, I would choose to fight everything on myself On the shoulders.”


Yang Mi was completely confused.

No, brother, what are you talking about?

Did you make a mistake?

She was confused when she heard Xu Xin say:

"Because lovers are mutual, understand? There are some things... you can suffer some losses, as long as you don't hurt the other party."


This time, Yang Mi understood.

A method of provoking generals?

Let Huang Xiaoming take the blame?

Hey, Xu Sanjin, it has to be you.

That’s all for now!

But when she was "suddenly enlightened", she heard her husband suddenly change the subject:

"But...you have to be prepared to pay the price."


Yang Ying, who had been listening quietly, finally had some reaction.

"I'm not afraid, Director Xu, as you said, as long as Brother Xiao Ming is not harmed... I... I will protect him!"

Let’s just say this…

It's really disgusting to say.

But Xu Xin seemed to have finally determined something, and a smile appeared on his face.

But his tone remained as calm as a mountain:

"Whether you protect or not, I won't mention it. The price I'm talking about doesn't mean this aspect."

"what is that?"

"Your career...sigh."

Xu Xin suddenly sighed:

"Girl, you just joined Yuntu, why did something like this happen?"


It was obvious that Yang Ying was confused.

"Have you forgotten our factory's requirements for artists? The most important one is to have both moral character and moral integrity. You are now the first sister of Yun Tu, and your great career has just begun. As a result, whether you are protecting your senior brother or not, you have to issue a clarification Forget it, don’t forget, Li Fei has the text message in her hand. That is evidence...the evidence is conclusive, tell me, what should the company and the factory do? "

"...Huh??? No...Director Xu, but I really haven't done it..."

Yang Ying was a little anxious.

"I know, I believe in you, and actually I believe in senior brother. But, what about your positive image? You are the first sister of Yuntu, and you are from the northwest circle. When you first joined Yuntu, something like this happened. Your moral character has always been The most important talent in our factory, the emergence of this news is destined to... Yuntu's investment in you has been wasted... Have you ever thought about it? "


Yang Ying could no longer answer.

After she was silent for a while, Xu Xin whispered:

"Has anyone in the factory called you to ask about this?"

"Not yet...not yet."

"...Sigh. You should quickly communicate with the factory about this matter and see how it can be done. I guess they are also waiting for your explanation now. As for what to do next, let's wait until the company's opinion comes out. How? ?”

Under Yang Mi's increasingly doubtful eyes, he gave his own suggestions.

But in Yang Mi's opinion... isn't this unnecessary?

You are the one who talks about everything. Ale~

"You want to punish her?"

When Xu Xin hung up the phone, Yang Mi, who felt something was not right, asked:

"Punishment? Or...do you have a deeper purpose?"

"You said, for her, which career is more important? Or is Huang Xiaoming more important?"


Her husband's rhetorical question made Yang Mi unable to answer for a while.

After thinking for a while, she said:

"I feel that her own career is more important. She is quite scheming and doesn't seem to have a personality that would risk everything for a man."

"The enemy."

Xu Xin nodded:

"So this is why I told her to protect Huang Xiaoming first. Because I am 100%... ninety-nine. One hundred percent is too high. There is a 99% probability that Huang Xiaoming was by her side just now. "


"Because I just asked her to protect Huang Xiaoming, she basically didn't hesitate at all. She just said that as long as Huang Xiaoming is not harmed, she will protect him. Just this sentence... From what we have to understand, she cares about her career so much. She is more important than anything else, if Huang Xiaoming was not present, I really don’t believe she would say such a thing.”

"But why do I feel that you put her on a shelf and forced her to say such things?"

"That's right. Otherwise, I can't figure out why she would call you to discuss this kind of thing. She has her own business, and there are people in the studio who are responsible for public relations. Why should she discuss this matter with you? She didn't have any money back then. When the time comes, she dares to take risks and promote herself. Now that she is relying on Yun Tu and establishing her own business, she can definitely solve this matter on her own, right?"

"...How did you know she took the initiative to call me?"

"Nonsense, I saw the call record."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"I'm not blind."


After Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, she asked:

"So...what do you mean? I'm a little confused by you."

"I forced her to say something to protect Huang Xiaoming, whether it was true or false, and Huang Xiaoming heard it. Then I told her that the artists required by Yuntu must have artistic ethics. If something like this happens to her, as the first sister, she will give the company It will bring a lot of losses. She deserves to be punished... Don’t forget why you threw her out in the first place."

"In order to take resources from the Beijing area from Huang Xiaoming, the water was muddied."

"My opponent. I originally thought it was Xu Xu Tuzhi...but now this matter has just come to my lips. It is a God-given opportunity.

She has moral problems and became a mistress... Regardless of whether it is true or not, the company has a perfect excuse to cut off some of her resources.

Of course, it's not permanent, but it will have to wait at least a few months, and she won't be allowed to move this year. Wait until the storm subsides before coming out.

If she doesn't get Yuntu's resources, who can she rely on?

In other words, his girlfriend took the initiative to take the blame for him, so if Huang Xiaoming, as a shareholder of Huayi, does not stand up to make amends at this time, then he will really be unjustifiable.

While Yang Ying can take advantage of the resources of the Beijing Circle, Huang Xiaoming also owes a favor to the Northwest Circle. At the same time, Yuntu stopped giving her resources...

But don’t forget, the silver capital still needs to be paid. She eats Hong Kong and Beijing, and when people look at it... yo? Can you get along with this? It's like setting another example for everyone on how to take advantage of Beijing's loopholes. By then, my goal will be achieved. right? "


After her husband explained everything to her clearly, Yang Mi... was even more confused than before.

What is this?

Yang Ying was at a loss.

Huang Xiaoming lost the money.

Another brick was taken away from the foundation of Beijing Circle.

Even Li Fei ended up in a situation where "she can't even look down on her own man".

Everyone lost money.


Only the northwest circle... wins?

The purpose was achieved.

Resources are saved.

Even justice stood still.

Everyone was hurt, but I was the only one who reached a happy ending?


"If Huang Xiaoming doesn't give it..."

"Isn't that good? She can definitely see that she is trusting someone. She can also help me prove that I made a wrong move... Then I will think of other ways."

Xu Xin shrugged and spoke in a relaxed tone.

But Yang Yangmi was completely shocked:

"It's...it has to be you, Xu Sanjin! I've made all this work difficult for you! I made you understand every step!"

Facing his wife's ridiculous expression, Xu Xin shrugged calmly:

"Then you see... every risk is an opportunity. Wealth can be found in danger. If you have the ability, why not take it? What's more, maybe Yang Ying is a blessing in disguise. Our senior brother saw that his girlfriend turned out to be For such a loyal minister and good general, this relationship... must not take a big leap? Yang Ying may have lost her career, but I helped her win love... Well, why is it not a win-win situation? "


Yang Mi was completely speechless.

Is this okay?


How can you say this... you have clearly sold someone else, but you still have to ask others to kowtow to you and express gratitude to you?

Full of absurdity, she asked:

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"Both sides."

Xu Xin, who was holding a cigarette and planning to go to the door to smoke one, shrugged indifferently:

"On the one hand, stop Li Fei's mouth. This matter is over here. Let's see if it's the people in the Beijing circle who are causing trouble, or if she really has no brains. No matter what, we must let this matter end here. We can't Let’s continue. Gradually calm down the public opinion storm.”

"...Well, that makes sense. What about the other side?"

"On the other hand?... Select someone from your harem to take Yang Ying's place. "The Voice", "The Masked Singer", business, etc... and then introduce a girl to take over."

After saying that, he opened the door curtain and walked out.

Standing at the door, he lit a cigarette.


Once again seizing a God-given opportunity, he began to examine whether there were any flaws in his plan.

And just then...

"I thank the Emperor for Jiaojiao~"

Hearing the words in the room, Xu Xin chuckled.


Well, this girl is pretty good.

Let me tell you, this is the chapter for today, a big chapter of 9,000 words. The reason is... I deleted three thousand words of content. It’s the plot of the conversation with Liu Momo’s father... You may also find it a bit abrupt when reading it. After all, there is no time to make a natural transition after deletion.

At first I thought it was nothing. But after writing these two chapters, I thought about it and decided that I might as well not write this plot. A little too sensitive. So I deleted it directly and combined the two chapters into one. It's 11:50 now, it's too late to make up the three thousand, sorry.

It is estimated that there will not be too much content in this area in the future. The last revision actually caused a lot of trouble for the editor. I still have to pay attention to the scale.

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