I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 722 719 Study Meeting

Chapter 722 719. Study meeting

(In Chapter 718, the world line changed. After 3203 observations and evaluations, human observers reported that Jiaojiao is more suitable than Baozi. Therefore, the world line changed and the ending was successful. - Black Straight Monkey Research Center.)

After smoking and walking into the house, he looked at the time and asked:

"What's for lunch?"

"Our dad went to buy groceries for you."

Yang Mi, who was flipping through Weibo while holding an IPAD in her hand, said this without raising her head.

Xu Xin sat directly next to her, put his hands around her waist, and wanted to grab her ears:

"Shall we go back to the house?"


Yang Mi was still scrolling through Weibo, which was full of gossip about "Yang Ying being a mistress".

Flying all over the sky.

Xu Xinxin asked why you still don’t understand the style.

I've been gone for many days.

So, the head continued to stretch forward.

"Oh, please wait a moment."

Yang Mi pushed his head away speechlessly and said:

"I've been disliked by others lately, and people say we don't love each other anymore. So from now on, we will treat each other as brothers. Don't touch me, I'm busy."

Xu Xin smiled and said nothing.

He just put his head on his wife's shoulder and continued to smell the fragrance coming from her body.

Why don't you care what outsiders think?

They are no longer a young couple who just fell in love.

They are married and have two children. The tacit understanding between husband and wife allows each other to know what the other is thinking with just one look.

This mutual companionship and tenderness, if unfolded in a crude way, would become a sweet novel.

At that time, some people will still say Niwai.

It was just like when he said that his life with his wife Tiantian Niwai was too rough.


This thing... whatever.

The day is your own.

Just know how much I love you.

"Have you changed your skin care products? This time the smell is slightly more pungent than last time."

"No, it's essential oil. I used essential oil."


Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"Who did you learn it from? It's such an old joke."


Yang Mi didn't say anything, she just moved her head towards her husband.

His eyes narrowed slightly, enjoying the tenderness from the rubbing of his ears and temples.

But I was still thinking about things in my heart.

"Li Fei's matter came about strangely."

Suddenly this sentence rang in my ears.


Yang Mi nodded:

"It's a little strange."

When she agreed, her eyes were still narrowed, and she felt the numbness and a little bit of pain caused by the friction of her husband's slightly stubble around her ears.

Very exciting.

You see, this is where people are different.

Maybe for some couples, the ambiguous atmosphere has just begun to rise at this time, and the guy suddenly says something like this, and the girl may become angry.

When has it been?

Are you still thinking about work?



Ignore you.

But that’s where the difference between husband and wife ends.

The two of them are too familiar.

Physically and psychologically, they are all very familiar.

From the firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea in daily life, to the ebb and flow of different stages of life.

The two fell in love when they were in college, and they stayed together all the way.

Since the Olympic Games, we have relied on each other, worked hard together, and supported each other to build this country.

For the two of them, there is no difference at all between life, work, family and love.

What's important is that two people are together.

It's not like you're in love, you desperately want to show the best side of yourself to the other person and hide the unbearable side of yourself.

But after marriage, the lives of the two people were completely integrated, and even some of the rough edges after having children were fully accepted by the other party and smoothed out bit by bit.

Romain Rolland said: There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life!

And for two people, there is only one kind of love in the world.

That is to recognize all the advantages and disadvantages of the other party, but still stick to each other and walk hand in hand.

Does your husband talk to you about work during intimacy?

Let’s chat.

His physical reaction cannot be faked.

What the so-called bullshit words like "you have other things on your mind when you are with me"...

Don't be ridiculous.

We are a sweet couple when we go to bed, and we are close comrades when we go to bed.

How many people can do it?

As goosebumps rose, she murmured:

"Would you like to inquire?"

"Who will tell you?"

Xu Xin's breath hit her cheek.

"I can't tell. The relationship between Huang Xiaoming and Hua Yi is here. If someone is really instigating it, then obviously... his status and the first sister of Yuntu are different in the hearts of these people. To taint a first sister of Yuntu is worse than It’s much more cost-effective to lose Huang Xiaoming’s trust together.”

"Then... wait and see what happens next?"

"No. We have to find a chance to shut up Li Fei. I mean this to Yang Ying sincerely, but it shouldn't work on her side... We have to find a way here. We have to find a suitable bargaining chip... If Li Fei really We have obtained the benefits from the Beijing Circle, and we have to exchange them for the same things."

"But will Li Fei accept it? After accepting what we get, and promising us not to continue to hype it up, will people in the Beijing circle let her go?"

"And Huang Xiaoming, what are you afraid of? If people in Beijing dare to go back on their word, let Li Fei go to Huang Xiaoming to tell the truth. Tell him that someone asked him to do this. When the truth comes out, Huayi will be fine. How can the Beijing circle face Huang Xiaoming? The Beijing circle is powerful, but it also costs money to train actors. The rise of every first-line actor is a miracle born of luck and cannot be replicated. If Huang Xiaoming leads them If we use our resources to defect to the Northwest Circle, then we will have even more fun.”

After listening to her husband's words, she shrank into his arms. The wife, enjoying the charm, made a hum of approval:

"Well...and if a circle breaks their trust even to their own people, promises benefits when they use it, and then finds that the momentum is not right, abandons them mercilessly, and breaks their promises, the blow to them will be even greater. At that time, people's hearts are truly distracted. So... you are right, Li Fei does not have the initiative."

"That's right...why can't I unbutton these jeans?"

"Oh, you are stupid, get up and I will do it myself."

After slapping her husband's hand away, she followed his wishes and continued:

"Then let me make an exchange with Mr. Qian."


"Yes. Apart from this, I can't think of too many things that can make Li Fei's heart beat."

"Then... let's try it. It would even be better if Qian Pengcheng comes forward in this matter. After all, Yang Ying is the person they want to support... He is not stupid. Tell him that we need to suppress Yang Ying's enthusiasm. Hunan TV just happened to be able to help Yang Ying out of trouble at this time, and by the way, it can also save part of the salary... Yang Ying's current salary is not low. How about saving money and getting Yang Ying's favor...?"

"What a good idea. In this way, people from Tianyu will have to accept our favor, and Yang Ying will also have to be grateful to Tianyu. I'm just afraid of Li Fei..."

"Don't worry, she's not stupid either. She can't afford to offend Tianyu."

After working hard together, the two of them reached a unified tactical thinking.

After coming up with another plan that can almost be said to be empty-handed...

"Go back to your room?"

"Stay here, the atmosphere is here..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin raised his head and glanced at the time.

"No, if our parents come back later, it will not only ruin the atmosphere. But goodbye..."

"...the timid Sanjin."

Hearing this, Xu Xinxin said, let you see for a while whether it is the big three gold or the small three gold!

He picked up his wife and went straight to the bedroom.

There is no emotion, no love, no daily life as a couple.

"Hey, Brother Qi."

"Why did you turn off your phone just now? The phone is out of battery?"

"Uh...right. Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, what's going on with Yang Ying? I suddenly got a call."

"...You don't know yet? Where are you?"

"Modu, come and join a film and television production association."

"Good guy, your old man's news has been delayed enough..."

After Xu Xin explained the cause and effect of the matter, Qi Lei was quiet for a while and said:

"This is an opportunity..."

"Yes, I think so too..."

He recounted the content of the phone call he just made to Yang Ying.

This time, Qi Lei was speechless again.

But there was less speechless time this time.

He has become accustomed to Xu Xin's style of doing things, being one step ahead, solving all hidden dangers, and grabbing the biggest piece of profit cake.

Didn't you say anything?

This person shouldn't be in the entertainment industry.

You might fly higher if you take another path.

But he understood what Xu Xin meant:

"In other words, you want to suppress her?"

"Yes. But communication must be done in a gentle way. Tell her that the impact of this incident is not only on herself, but also on the image of the factory... By the way, Brother Qi, the model of advanced learning we mentioned before Do you remember what happened?"

"Remember...what do you mean?"

"Isn't this just right? I haven't found a suitable excuse before... but now I have it. Strengthen spiritual education... conduct an intensive study for about a week, and let Yang Ying see what she is up to. How about "how much" trouble it is?"

He especially emphasized the word "how old" he was.

Qi Lei also had Linglong's thoughts, and after hearing Xu Xin's words, his eyes completely lit up.

"Don't mention it yet... This is really a suitable excuse. Yang Ying also wants to participate. On the one hand, it will let her understand how much the factory attaches importance to her matter this time... But it can't be said too seriously, and it's not suitable to carry her around. Come out and be a model..."

"Well, that's not all. It hurts people's self-esteem a bit too much. It would be inappropriate to have a rebellious mentality. But it is a perfect excuse, right? And... this matter must be done quickly and urgently, and it must be given to people. Create a feeling that...the factory takes it very seriously, so it wants to sound the alarm to everyone.”

"That's right. Haha... It just so happens that a few days ago, some people from our factory just returned from studying in Yan'an."

"Going to the academy?"

"Yes. I just came back...it just so happens that it's an opportunity."

"Then just hurry up, okay?"

"What's the date? What's the date?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"How about June 1st and 2nd? The 2nd is the premiere of "33 Days", so there won't be any promotional activities on the 1st. There's no premiere, it's scheduled for the 1st, and I'll go there and call everyone. How about this, let them see that I didn’t even go out to promote the movie, but was forcibly recruited by the factory to strengthen my studies..."

"No problem! Then I am making preparations. This matter needs to be done quickly... Will you communicate with Yun Tu?"

"Yeah. No problem."

After the conversation ended, he called Xu Zhi directly.

The communication between the two brothers is more direct.

Xu Zhi saw the news early in the morning, so he responded quickly after Yang Ying called.

He knew better than anyone else the nature of Yuntu's establishment, so his response to Yang Ying's apology was also very reserved.

Nothing was promised, but there was no punishment either.

After Xu Xin communicated with him, Xu Zhi felt enlightened.

To put it bluntly, it no longer matters what role Yang Ying plays in this matter.

Regardless of whether she really became a mistress or not.

No one cares anymore.

Even a little absurd...

It would be better if she was fooled.

And if not...

She also had to be a part of it.

Otherwise, Yuntu will be dissatisfied, Shuangwei will be dissatisfied, and neither Xi Film Studio nor Beijing Circle will be dissatisfied.

This name...or attribute must be added to her stardom in order for everyone to achieve satisfactory results.


This is how it really works in this circle.

There is nothing wrong or right.

Only the fittest survive.

And is this kind of atmosphere good?

not good.

Xu Xin asked himself whether he had a conscience. If this matter involved an innocent person, he would definitely not do this.


Who told her to be Yang Ying?

Ever since she had thoughts that she shouldn't have...

It was destined that Xu Xin, a dog that didn't like barking, would bite her hard at some point.

There is no enmity, nor grudge.

But that doesn't mean he has no temper.

In other words, he was a chess player from the beginning.

He has always controlled the fate of when and how the chess pieces will die.

He has always had the right to choose his own way of dying.


On the 28th, the vigorous and resolute Xiying Studio received calls from all the actors, directors, and screenwriters of the studio.

In accordance with the instructions, the factory strengthened the construction of ideological civilization and forced everyone to return to the factory on June 1st to participate in a one-week (five working days) "Study Meeting on the Construction of Spiritual Civilization for Film and Television Practitioners".

Many people were stunned when they received this news.

Especially when you hear about “mandatory requirements.”

Check with the factory repeatedly.

The available answers are:

"Yes, everyone must participate."

No matter what you are doing, no matter how important you are.

Except for personal matters such as weddings and funerals, etc., otherwise, you must come back to participate.

Then I started a big WeChat group.

The person who was pulled in was unable to speak at first.

After everyone was pulled in, the ban was lifted.

The first person to speak after the ban was lifted was the person noted as "Xu Xin".

Xu Xin: "Boss, should we start on June 1st? Or should we report on the 1st? I need to adjust my schedule for movie promotion."

The person who answered him was Sun Yongxue, the absolute largest shareholder in the Xiying Group's share structure, and the boss of the Shaanxi Propaganda Department who was specifically responsible for the meeting.

Sun Yongxue: "The study meeting will officially start at 9 o'clock on June 1."

Xu Xin: "Okay, leader. We will definitely be there."

Sun Yongxue did not respond.

Very cold attitude.

But his profile picture with a blue background and his real name have no hidden meaning...

Anyone with a little bit of care can easily find his information and position by searching online.

After finding out, no one in this group dared to speak freely.

But in fact Xu Xin had a good chat with him in private.

They talked and laughed, and even arranged to drink together.

It's just that no one knows.

In the next few days, Xu Xin continued to promote step by step.

As June approaches, the popularity of "33 Days" gradually begins to rise.

But to be honest, it is still a bit different from the hustle and bustle of "Hawthorn Tree" at that time.

After all, June is the domestic film protection month. This month every year is considered the "off season" for the film market.

Although many people recognize Xu Xin, there are also some people who will basically not choose to go to the cinema without Hollywood blockbusters.

For Yang Ying, these days have been particularly difficult.

Although Li Fei seems to have disappeared these days.

Regarding that interview and the concern of countless netizens, she neither continued to respond online, nor did she clarify the truth or falsehood.

It's quite... laissez-faire.

But Yang Ying knew that the reason why Li Fei didn't respond was because of Sister Mi.

Sister Mi called her again the day after the incident:

"Baby, I've already found someone to calm things down with Li Fei and shut her up. That's all I can do. There's really nothing I can do about the rest."

Sister Mi told Li Fei to shut up.

Li Fei shut up.

Although she still doesn't know exactly what the price was.

But... indeed, Li Fei remained silent.

But... the factory suddenly formed a group and asked her to go back to attend a spiritual civilization study meeting, and the attitudes of other people these days made her truly feel that there was no real meaning to this matter. Finish.

At least... for her.

And on May 31st, she was planning to leave for Xi'an.

She received a message from Qian Pengcheng:

"Baby, Li Fei's matter has been settled. She will not respond to anything about you in the future."

"She will come to our station to participate in the recording of the third season of "Strictly Come Dancing" next month."

"But don't worry, just sign a one-season contract with her."

"In addition, in the "Celadon" we collaborated with Radio and Television Media, your role was temporarily given to her. Other cooperation... we have to wait and see. I will try my best to help you win."


Yang Ying looked at the messages sent by Qian Pengcheng and didn't know what to say for a moment.

I just feel a little blocked in my heart, very blocked.

I can't breathe.

For the first time, she felt that the people in this circle could be so evil.

No one said that Li Fei was prying into privacy.

No one criticized Brother Xiao Ming for handling this matter improperly.

Everyone's spearheads are directed at themselves.

She doesn't blame Tianyu, because she knows that this is Sister Mi's operation.

In order to protect her and prevent Li Fei from labeling her a "mistress", Sister Mi chose to exchange resources with Li Fei.

In the play "Celadon", she will play the daughter of a leader.

The role is actually not that important.

What she cares more about is what Mr. Qian said next!

"How about other collaborations?"

Does that mean that he may not win the lead role in the second part of "Gong Suo Heart Jade", "Gong Suo Bead Curtain"?

This drama is a follow-up to the first one. In the drama, Luo Qingchuan and Ba Age, who returned to modern times, became film and television screenwriters and wrote a new story. Based on "Luo Qingchuan's imaginary story", he continues to play the leading role in a new drama.

It is also Tianyu’s masterpiece.

After all... the popularity of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" has pushed him down from his current height.

Originally, the second part was already on the schedule, and I wanted to continue the popularity.

It also helps you get to the next level!

But! ! ! ! !

That bitch not only gave up "Celadon" and the variety show she was supposed to participate in... she even had to start fighting for this TV series again! !

Although I'm not sure if I can act yet, there is still a chance.

But...what if?

If it can stay the same, that's fine.

Whether it's "Celadon" or a variety show.

Li Fei could only pick up what was left.

But... that was originally my own!

Just because of her hype, her things were taken away from her!

But if "Palace Lock Bead Curtain" flew out of your mouth...

Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly burst with blood.

That bitch! ! ! ! ! !

And that's not all.

How Yun Tu and the factory will deal with this matter is still unknown.

Only after arriving in Xi'an can we know clearly.

And the initiator of all this...

Thinking of this, she clenched her fists.

Because of the exertion, the phone was shaking slightly.

But in the end, she still replied calmly to Qian Pengcheng with trembling hands:

"Thank you, Mr. Qian, for letting you worry."

"It's okay. You should keep a low profile for the next period of time. Don't worry, I will protect you."

"thank you!"

Looking at the three words I sent...

She thought for a while, took a screenshot of the chat, and sent it to Yang Mi.

"Sister, this is what Mr. Qian told me."

Yang Mi’s reply was quick:

"Your brother Xu will go to Xi'an after finishing his work in the afternoon and will try his best to calm this matter down for you. He will protect you, but I guess you should keep a low profile for a while and calm down. You and him have a good relationship. That’s fine, don’t quarrel over this matter. Everyone in this circle will be wronged sometimes, and that’s called growing up. Don’t let such a villain affect your relationship.”

When this voice message came over, Huang Xiaoming also opened the car door and got in the car.

He wants to send his girlfriend to Xi'an in person.

He didn't hear all of this, but heard the last note.

He said:

"What are you talking about Mimi?"


Yang Ying glanced at him and handed the phone over.

After Huang Xiaoming read and listened, he returned the phone to her.

Soon, the driver and Orange got in the car and started walking to the airport.

Along the way, neither of them spoke much.

Huang Xiaoming was thinking about something, his eyes sometimes tangled, sometimes guilty, sometimes determined. Yang Ying, on the other hand, looked out the window without saying a word.

I waited until I got to the airport...

Huang Xiaoming got out of the car without wearing sunglasses and helped Yang Ying take down the suitcase.

Then he stretched out his hand:


"No, it's not good for you."

Yang Ying lowered his head and walked directly to the airport.

But the moment he heard her words, Huang Xiaoming suddenly grabbed her arm.

He pulled her back hard and gave her a full hug directly in front of everyone in a domineering manner.

Holding his girlfriend in his arms, he suddenly said:

"After you come back from studying this time... let's go back to Qingdao. I'll take you to meet my mother..."


Yang Ying in his arms was stunned for an instant.

On the other hand, Orange's ears moved and she remained silent.

I saw Yang Ying raised his head and looked straight at him, his eyes above the mask full of disbelief.

But Huang Xiaoming smiled:

"come back earlier."




"Juzi said that when baby sister comes back this time, Brother Xiao Ming will take her to meet her parents."


Yang Mi, who was leaning on a plank, raised her eyebrows.

A drop of sweat dripped down the tip of my nose and onto the yoga mat below.

Looking at Sun Ting, a smile appeared on her face.

"Let's talk to your brother Xu."


Sun Ting nodded and quickly sent a message to Xu Xin.

After sending it, she thought about it and asked:

"Sister, does Brother Xiao Ming pass the test?"

"Who knows."

Yang Mi, whose body had begun to tremble slightly, tried to hold on, feeling the soreness in her muscles, and said:

"Some things... A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise, isn't it? But what Huang Xiaoming did this time... is more like what a man should do."


Sun Ting was speechless.

Indeed, quite manly.

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