I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 723 720 One word determines life and death

Chapter 723 720. One word determines life and death

Xu Xin received the news on the plane.

Huang Xiaoming is going to take Yang Ying to meet his parents?

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This was something he really didn't expect.

What to say? Conscience discovery? Or...feel guilty?

Now that you've met your parents, you won't be "sloppy" in the next step, right?

Meet the parents, set a date, get the certificate, get married...

Good guy.

Does Yang Ying have to thank himself in turn?

For no reason, he felt a sense of irony and absurdity.

At this time, the flight attendant came over:

"Director Xu, the plane is ready to land."


Xu Xin nodded and fastened his seat belt again.

At early 2 o'clock in the afternoon, he was already on the bus to Xiying Film Studio.

At 2:40, we arrived at the factory.

Before getting out of the car, Su Meng said:

"Brother Xu, Sister Bingbing!"


Xu Xin raised his head and immediately saw Liang Binning, who was wearing a loose long skirt and a big straw hat on her head, looking like she had just returned from a trip to Sanya, just leaving the range of a commercial vehicle and walking towards the office building.

Seeing this, he lowered the car window:


Liang Binning covered her straw hat and turned her head. When she saw Xu Xin, she stood still and smiled and waved to him.

Soon, the car stopped.

Xu Xin got out of the car alone and walked over.

Seeing him alone, Liang Binning was a little curious:

"Why are Mengmeng going?"

"Go home, change the sheets and quilts, etc. The luggage is also in the car."


Liang Binning suddenly realized.

Xu Xin looked her over and said in confusion:

"Did you just come back from traveling?"

"Huh? Is it so obvious?"

Liang Bingning's first reaction was to cover her face, and her second reaction was to panic:

"Did I get a tan? Where? Is my neck and face still the same color?"


Xu Xin looked at her, who was as white as a piece of mutton-fat jade, and shook his head speechlessly:

"No, don't think too much about it."

"Then how did you find out that I just came back from traveling?"

As she said that, she looked down at her feet again.

Then his face turned bitter:

"Oops! There are traces of it after all."


Xu Xin followed her line of sight and glanced down, and saw two subtle string-like color differences on the instep.

Obviously, it should have been left by wearing slippers.

But that's not obvious either.

I can only say that she is too white, and even a little bit of black will stand out.

Although he knew that "white" was almost equivalent to a "mandatory condition" for women, he still felt that the other party was too exaggerated.

At worst, wouldn't it be enough to apply a layer of cold white when you go somewhere?

So, he asked curiously:

"Where have you been?"

"Scotland. Morar Silver Beach. You and Mimi must go there. It's really so romantic!"

Speaking of this, a bright color flashed in Liang Binning's eyes.

It seemed that he instantly transformed into a tour guide and began to feel strongly about this scenic spot that Xu Xin had never heard of.

"The sea over there is really beautiful. And you must go during this season. This season happens to be at the turn of spring and summer, and the grass in the entire Scottish Highlands does not grow very high. It is always a great scene! I feel a vigorous vitality! You must go with Mimi, it’s really beautiful!”


"You can also taste the super delicious Tirenko whiskey! There are not many people, and there are no foreigners at all... The scenery is great, it's really great!"

Listening to her crazy Amway, Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay, I'll remember it. How about checking online later, and then go there with Yang Mi."

"Well, it's really good..."

"How many days have you been playing?"

"I just stayed for ten days. Living in a country garden, I felt isolated from the world and very comfortable..."

When she said this, her face was full of satisfaction and contentment.

"Haha, it can be seen that I really had a lot of fun when I went out this time... So, it turns out that this study meeting is not the right time?"

He joked while lighting up his cigarette.

"Is that coming? I originally planned to come back in the next two days. Li Yu gave me another script this time, called "Double Exposure". She also asked Laurel to film it, but I stopped her. We two The appointment is to meet in the next two days, and I have to go back to the factory. It just so happens that you are here this time, help me see what the script is like, and ask the factory if they are interested."

"Okay. I just happen to be planning to recommend a script to you."


Liang Bingning's eyes lit up:

"What script? Are you directing it?"

"It's not me, it's another director... Well, are you okay now?"

"It's okay. I plan to go to the group to register, and then go back to rest... Oh, yes, I also got an apartment in Qujiang Garden. Can you come to my place for dinner tonight? I'll cook."


Xu Xin nodded and agreed:

"Then let's do it together. You go and report first, and then come to Brother Qi's office to find me."

"Okay, I'll go now."


After watching the other party leave, Xu Xin finished his cigarette at the door and went directly to Qi Lei's office.

"Dong dong dong."


"Hello, Mr. Qi, my name is Xiao Xu."


Qi Lei's expression became brighter.

I said to my ancestors, what kind of wind are you doing?

Angrily, he grabbed the cigarette case on the table and threw it over.

Xu Xin took it, threw it on the coffee table, and sat in front of the tea table minding his own business.

Qi Lei didn't treat him politely. He threw the cigarette away anyway, whether he liked it or not.

He pulled out a document from the drawer, stood up and walked over.

"Here. A quote for "Fireworks in the Day."

Ever since he met Diao Yinan, he had never worried about the script.

After taking the document, he opened it and glanced at it. He turned directly to the last page.

Saw the numerical amount.

6.5 million.

"...So much difference?"

He was really surprised.


Qi Lei, who was boiling water, showed a "sigh" look:

"To be honest, when I first got this quotation, I thought it was a bit outrageous, but I didn't expect... it was so outrageous. Oh, yes, I didn't count the belt trestle. Didn't you say I would go directly to your house last time? I There’s no cost.”

"Well, no problem. We have a lot of mines, so we can have as many mines as we want."

After Xu Xin flipped through it, he threw the information on the coffee table:

"This price is a bit too outrageous... What is his quotation?"

"Seventeen million. He wants 20 million, and the three million is the actor's salary."


Seeing his speechless look, Qi Lei said:

"After I sent the quotation to Diao Yinan, he was confused and kept saying it was impossible. Our budget was too outrageous... In fact, our quotation was indeed impossible even for private companies. First, as for the crew, we ourselves The price is low. Secondly, we provide some of the decoration materials and team. But I also explained to him that even if we quote the price normally, it will only cost about 10 million if we do it."


Xu Xin said nothing and seemed to be deep in thought.

Seeing this, Qi Lei didn't bother him.

Just waiting for the water to boil and make a nice pot of tea.

But when the water went from 35 degrees to 85 degrees, and seeing Xu Xin in a daze, he finally couldn't help but ask:

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking...Brother Qi, should we mention the treatment of the crew?"


Qi Lei was stunned.

"How do you say this?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xin pointed at the script:

"Although this quotation is outrageous, Brother Qi, have you ever thought about it? It is precisely because of this outrageousness that so many people come to Beijing to have a good meal... Of course, I don't encourage this kind of Behavior. But I was thinking just now... If I were an ordinary film and television practitioner, I would not have any lofty ideological ambitions, and secondly, I would not have a clear enough career plan. If I were now facing recruitment from the Beijing and Northwest circles, How would I choose?”


Qi Lei didn't answer.

Because Xu Xin's answer is already obvious.

If there really is a person like he said who doesn't have a clear plan for his future, or doesn't have high demands on himself... When faced with this choice, the Northwest Circle actually has no advantage at all.

Ultimately it comes down to one reason.

Beijing Circle gives you a lot of money.

Just like this film, if it was made in the factory, it would cost more than six million.

But in Beijing, it costs an outrageous 17 million.

Of course, there is a possibility here, that is, Diao Yinan was taken as a victim and wanted to cheat him.

But... looking at it on the other hand, there is a complete industrial chain behind this matter.

The kind that is enough to keep everyone fed and well fed.

And what is the current filming situation of the crew in the factory?

It’s nothing more than basic salary + assignment subsidy + bonus and dividend at the end of the year.

It must be a lot of money.

Especially Xu Xin’s crew.

At the annual meeting of the "Hawthorn Tree" crew at the end of last year, even an intern stage manager received a bonus of 10,000 yuan.

The bonuses for the main directors and workers in each department are generally between 30,000 and 50,000.

But the problem is... there is only one Xu Xin in the factory.

Moreover, even with the money, the money they receive is actually not as high as that of outside crews.

Of course, this is relative.

Their salary is definitely higher than that of the people in the small crew, but compared with the crews of the big directors and big productions, it is far behind.

So, out of habit, Qi Lei frowned.

Looking at Xu Xin, he said:

"Next time...why don't you look for me, okay?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

He saw the other party rolling his eyes at him:

"It's definitely not good for you to come to me. Look, it's only been a few days since I've been quiet? Suddenly I've thrown myself into trouble again."

"Ha ha."

Xu Xin was happy.

But after Qi Lei handed him a cup of tea, he already took a cigarette in his mouth worriedly:

"Then do you have any clues?"

"At the moment... I can't think of it. It's definitely not realistic to just raise wages. We are a state-owned enterprise after all. But... I particularly agree with what my dad said. That is... people follow you to make money. You have to let Only when people make money can they follow you wholeheartedly. In Mr. Tian’s words, the second wave of capital will soon enter the market. At that time...capital will hold up banknotes. They will give you ten thousand, but we will only give one. Thousand...we will have no advantage."

"Who says there isn't? Our biggest advantage is stability. Wages follow the direction of the country, whether it's pensions, medical insurance, etc..."

"Yes, yes, I understand..."

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Qi Lei was stunned and shouted:


Immediately, Liang Binning opened the door and walked in.

"...Ah? Bingbing?"

"Mr. Qi."

Liang Binning walked in with a smile and pointed at Xu Xin:

"He asked me to come here."

"Come on, come on, sit down."

Qi Lei quickly greeted him.

He ironed a cup again and poured her tea.

After Liang Binning sat down next to Xu Xin on the long sofa, she asked with a smile:

"What are you talking about?"

It can actually be seen here that she still lacks administrative experience to a certain extent.

But fortunately, she is the deputy leader, so it's okay to ask.

And Xu Xin didn't intend to hide it from her, after all, this matter had something to do with her.

He handed her the quote on the coffee table.

"That's the quote for that script I was talking about."

Qi Lei also got up directly and went to his desk to get the script.

Liang Binning took it and took a look. She didn't feel much about the name "Fireworks in the Day".

There is no way, I have been in the industry for many years, and I have seen all kinds of weird names.

I opened it and looked at it, and found that the quotation was only around 6 million, so I said directly:

"Does it count as remuneration?"

"I don't think so."

Hearing Xu Xin's answer, she nodded:

"Then if you need me to act, just give me a symbolic one million."

There are no words like "Let me see what the script says" or "I have to find another schedule."

Mu Xiaoguang didn't even need to negotiate the remuneration.

She made the decision immediately.

And the salary of one million cannot be lower.

Don’t forget, you still have to pay taxes.

I estimate that there are at most sixty or seventy of them.

But she picked it up anyway.

Not squeamish at all.

At this time, the script in Qi Lei's hand was useless.

As for her attitude, Xu Xin thought it was normal.

Sister Bingbing is not stupid.

To put it bluntly, the mission in my factory is to give this million to outsiders.

If she really didn't care about her celebrity status, she could do it without getting paid.

So he said directly:

"I'll have to review this story carefully for you later. Don't worry, it's a very good story."


Liang Bing glanced at him and said:

"If you direct it, I'll get zero salary...can I pay the actors' salary to join the cast?"


Xu Xin simply rolled his eyes.

"My film appointments are all scheduled until 2023, so hurry up and put it down. But this film... just to tell you this, I will definitely be your producer, okay? And I will do it myself."

"Hehe, yes."

Only then did she feel satisfied.

And Xu Xin also casually chatted about the story of this script.

When Liang Binning heard the name "Diao Yinan", she had no reaction.

And when I heard about the so-called "intermediary" in the Beijing circle, I was not surprised. Here comes the sentence:

"It's normal for agencies. If nothing else, there are some approval documents for filming locations. If you don't find connections, you won't be able to get them."

Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"Like "The Promise"?"

"Yes, such as the Old Summer Palace."

Looking at Xu Xin's speechless expression, Liang Binning smiled and shrugged:

"Don't forget, behind all industrial chains, there is a group of people who are waiting for food."


My friend, I don’t want to say this.

Xu Xin was speechless for a while, and then started talking about the topic he and Qi Lei had just talked about.

After Liang Binning heard this, she casually said:

"This is easy. Just change it to outsourcing."



The two of them stayed for a while.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Liang Binning suddenly became happy:

"Hehe... If nothing else, Xu Xin, do you know how many people are coveting your crew? On a larger scale, when some directors are looking for investors to invest, people will ask about your crew formation.

A famous director of photography? Add money.

A production team with a box office of over 100 million? Add money.

How many awards has the crew won? More money!

Which of these people in our factory has not made outstanding achievements? Keep the staff in the factory, then set up an outsourcing team and accept the employment. On the one hand, it can generate income for us, and on the other hand, it can also bulge everyone's wallet. It's the same as a brokerage company... won't this solve it? "



Xu Xin looked at Qi Lei unconsciously.

Qi Lei looked at him unconsciously.

Both of them have only one meaning in their eyes:

"Is the plan feasible?"

After understanding each other's eyes, the meaning in their eyes changed to:

"Why did you ask me?"

Then there are messages such as "It doesn't matter who you ask", "It's useless to ask me, you have to ask Mr. Tian".

Finally, we flirted with each other for a while...

Qi Lei couldn't bear it anymore.

"This matter needs to be discussed with Mr. Tian. But...it does make sense."


Xu Xin nodded and said:

"It is never wrong to let everyone have enough to eat at any time. Everyone should have the right to pursue a happy life with quality. We have the ability to let everyone eat while pursuing their ideals. I think we can do it. "


This time it was Liang Binning's turn to be speechless.


It's obviously just a matter of setting up an outsourcing company.

Why did these two people suddenly become so tall?

Then I heard Qi Lei sigh:

"Why do I have so many troubles every time I meet you?"

"Haha, you can't blame me this time. Sister Bingbing came up with the idea. If this thing can be done, she will take credit."


Qi Lei was even more speechless.

Just then, his phone rang.

After taking a look, he said:

"Yang Ying."

He said and answered the phone.


"Mr. Qi, I am baby."

"Well, you say."

Don't look at Qi Lei and Xu Xin talking and laughing here.

But in the eyes of others, he is still the second-in-command of Xiying Film Studio and his future successor.

The pressure is not generally strong.

"It's like this. I've already gotten off the plane and am heading to our place...Mr. Qi, do you have time in the evening?...I would like to treat you to a meal."

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei glanced at Xu Xin and said:

"Contact me after you get to the factory."

"Mmm Good."


The phone hangs up.

Before Xu Xin spoke, Liang Binning said:

"Is what she said true or false?"

"...You also know?"

Seeing Xu Xin's surprised look, Liang Binning rolled her eyes:

"How fresh. It's true that I went abroad for vacation, but I'm not a primitive person."

"……Ha ha."

Xu Xin was a little embarrassed and then said:

"There is no point in discussing whether it is true or not...Brother Qi, I was just about to tell you that Zhang Tianai should be the host of "The Voice"."


Qi Lei was still fine, but Liang Binning looked surprised:

"You want to replace her?...That's not a big deal, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't hide it from her and asked with a smile:

"Sister, why do you think you called everyone over to attend the study meeting in such a hurry this time?"


Under Liang Binning's somewhat surprised and frowning expression, Xu Xin explained his intention and added at the same time:

"To put it bluntly, we must establish a positive image of ourselves. This is true for both superiors and subordinates.

When I chatted with Brother Qi at that time, we decided that we should have this kind of activity to strengthen ideological construction every year. But at that time, I had no excuse to force everyone to come and participate.

But this time, Yang Ying's matter is a God-given opportunity, and he must thoroughly implement this matter. To put it bluntly, even if it is just pretending, everyone must keep pretending.

The road knows the horse power, and the passage of time can see the people's hearts. Let everyone wear the mask, and wear it until the end, making them feel a sense of awe that the alarm bells are ringing.

The second wave of capital is about to enter the market. Under the impact of money, if there is no faith, then you will see a corrupt entertainment industry.

Others can be rotten, but we cannot be rotten. And as long as you do this well, when the big waves are gone and the truth comes out, you will be able to tell who is running naked and who is wearing clothes.

So... whether Yang Ying is true or false this time, she must play the role of the "mistress" in this matter. Kill the chicken to scare the monkey! "

As he spoke, he pointed to Qi Lei’s phone:

"She's a chicken."

Then he pointed at himself and Liang Binning:

"We are monkeys. And the attitude of the factory this time is a tightrope. A large part of Yang Ying's resources must be cut off, but it will not be blocked directly, but a way to survive will be given to her. Yindu's resources should be given to I will still give it to..."

"What about Hunan TV? "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is so popular, I heard there is a second one coming."

Hearing this, Xu Xin said in a very casual manner:

"Of course it's impossible to give it to her. If this didn't happen, it would be fine. Since this happened, I definitely hope that she can use the resources in the Beijing circle. The meat of Hunan TV... try to be digested by the people inside Shuangwei Bar."

"...like Jiaojiao?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Like Jiaojiao, like steamed buns. In short...she can't eat them anymore."

The understatement of words fell.

It is like an imperial edict that determines the life and death of an artist.

He said it calmly.

After hearing this, Liang Binning thought of two words in her heart:


Exactly the same.

It’s the beginning of the month, please give me a monthly ticket.

Love you guys!

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