I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 725 722 Brain Damage

Chapter 725 722. Brainless

In Xu Xin's eyes...the two of them looked like a couple who had only been together for a few days.

There is a hint of "rawness" everywhere.

But this is actually the best. Now that I think about the little ambiguity between him and his wife back then, even though they are an old couple, I still feel very moved.

But...everyone is facing a problem now.

Liang Bingning thought for a while and said:

"Yingying, you are going out to buy some vegetables. Let's eat together tonight?"

Originally, what she prepared for Xu Xin was a meal of noodles and a plate of cold dishes.

Xu Xin ate the noodles and the cold dishes by himself.

She has a physique that makes her gain weight no matter what she eats, so she needs to control her diet, especially at night.

But when friends come to visit us, we must prepare a big meal.

Fortunately, there is enough fresh soup for the noodles.

Otherwise, you really have to go out to eat.

But Wang Sicong waved his hand:

"No, we won't eat with you. I'll check the renovation of the villa today. By the way, Brother Qi and I want to visit the city that never sleeps. You guys are here to eat."

Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"Not together?"

"No. I just came to say hello... Lao Xu, please drink less. We are leaving."

The tacit understanding between friends allowed Xu Xin to understand Lao Wang's subtext.


Man, you really think too much.

When you and your girlfriend are together, someone must have that pout.

I have a meal with Sister Bingbing, maybe I will have to call her aunt in the future.

Let’s not talk about each other, we both have a bright future.

So, he nodded:

"Okay...where will you stay tonight?"

"Go back to your home."


The two of them left just as quickly as they came.

After saying hello to Liang Binning, she left in a hurry.

After the people left, Liang Binning asked curiously:

"What's going on with him...and Di Wei?"

"You're right."

Xu Xin shrugged:

"Brother Qi is a down-to-earth person, probably because of his upbringing environment. He especially needs a sense of security from his family and his partner. And... I can see that he should be a very family-oriented person in the future. Lao Wang is not a kidney transplant. Not to mention the carefree character... I'm really satisfied with him."

"Growth Environment?"

Liang Binning obviously didn't understand Di Wei.

Xu Xin also roughly said it.

After hearing the story that this girl had lived with her mother, grandma, and grandpa since she was a child, and that her mother had worked so hard to bring her up, a trace of inexplicable distress flashed across Liang Binning's face.

He said something... very surprising to Xu Xin:

"So... the lack of childhood takes a lifetime to heal. Right?"

Xu Xin didn't think much and nodded along with her words:

"That's right. But it is this experience that gives Brother Qi a unique sobriety towards these perceptions."

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly:

"It's good. I can at least have two tables of mahjong together in the future."


Liang Bingning chuckled.

To be honest, this bowl of seafood noodles has been made with a lot of thought.

Xu Xin is actually not too fond of seafood.

Don't look at the fact that when he was working out, he would eat a lobster for a meal.

But if he was asked to choose, he would rather have a bowl of mutton noodles that would really hit his stomach than a hearty seafood dinner.

But this bowl of noodles tastes really good.

The soil and water support a person, and the characteristics of this rich local food make him feel comfortable eating it.

A bowl of noodles and a can of beer.

The two of them talked a lot about the cucumber cold dish.

It's all over the place.

From "Returning the Pearl" to Beijing Circle, and then to the recent movie market.

After the meal was past 8 o'clock, Xu Xin waved his hand and left Liang Binning's home.

When he returned to his villa, Wang Sicong had not returned yet.

He didn't care. After taking a shower and cleaning up, he made a video call to Yang Mi.

Until almost 10 o'clock, Wang Sicong opened the door of the villa.

"Lao Wang is back and I won't talk to you anymore."

"Well, tell me later how he got on base. Baby, say good night to daddy~"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin looked at him and said:

"I don't think you'll be back tonight."


Wang Sicong rolled his eyes:

"We are very innocent, okay?"


Gossip thoughts gradually appeared on Xu Xin's face.

Very stupidly, I poured a glass of water for Boss Wang:

"Boss, please sit down and have some tea... It's time to tell me what's going on?... I still don't understand. When did you start falling in love with her?"


Wang Sicong thought for a while and said:

"Actually, I thought we had a good conversation before...it felt pretty good. But to say...I really fell in love...it should have been the day I went to Paris from Cannes. I met a poor guy who didn't know where he came from on the way, and I opened a The 2005 Ferrari 430 wants to race with me..."

Xu Xin:?

Model 05?



"What color is it?"

"Red, ugly one. He must be a nouveau riche, with shitty taste."

Xu Xin:? ?

You...are you specifically referring to Sang and Huai?

Looking at his friend's expression, Wang Sicong was also stunned.

Then I suddenly remembered...

"Damn it! You have one too!"


If Xu Xin hadn't understood his personality, he might have actually dribbled the ball and dunked on his head.

Are you speaking in human language?

Wang Sicong also had a bit of embarrassment on his face:

"Do the math, a black Ferrari...well, a 488."


Xu Xinxin said you might as well not say anything.

He shook his head helplessly:

"Then what? I took her for a ride, and she said: You are so bad, I like you so much?"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't figure out what the plot was.

But he didn’t care and continued:

"It's not as outrageous as you think, it's just... I ignored him at first, but he still kept hitting the accelerator, and I was unhappy. I thought, how much do you look down on my Aston Martin? But I just wanted to get a promotion. Go up the car window and chat with him... Brother Qi has already turned off the air conditioner for me..."


Seeing Xu Xin's surprised expression, Wang Sicong instantly felt comfortable:


"I understand, Brother Qi... you're awesome."

He couldn't help but sigh:

"The spiritual connection is actually more important than the physical body. Just for this reason... If it were me, I would be moved too. It's amazing..."

"Yes... I actually had a crush on her before, but from that moment on, I knew... this girl... was my type. She didn't run away!"

"……Then what?"

"Then...it's normal. I expressed my good feelings, and she didn't refuse. When we had dinner together the day before yesterday, I said...Brother Qi, why don't we two get together. It's just a normal sentence. . What I was eating was Sichuan food. It was so spicy that I was sweating... I couldn’t help but say something. Her reaction was also very dull. She handed me a piece of paper and nodded: OK."



"No such thing as an oath of eternal love?"

"Do you believe it?"


Looking at Xu Xin's speechless expression, Wang Sicong was happy:

"You and Dami don't have an oath of love. Rhetoric is of no use, it takes time to see people's hearts. Anyway, it just became a matter of course... But we also talked about some things after that. Neither of us wanted to I quickly made the relationship clear. I don’t want to put some unnecessary labels on her because of me. Although she doesn’t care, I always feel it’s inappropriate... We both decided to take it slow.”

"That's good too. Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously."

Wang Sicong nodded. Although his tone was plain, the flavor contained in it was unquestionable and firm:

"very serious."

"But over there at your home..."

"I'm not worried, so what are you worried about?"

"That's right. It's okay. The best thing to do is get the child out first..."


Wang Sicong burst out laughing.

My heart says you can do a lot of damage.

Xu Xin, who had a clue in his mind, said:

"By the way, the host of "The Voice" and "The King of Masked Singer" should be replaced by Jiaojiao."


Wang Sicong nodded indifferently.

Whoever you want to change is just a matter of one sentence.

June 1st. West Film Studio Auditorium.

The stars are shining brightly.

It is actually not an exaggeration to say this at all, although it is not easy to really talk about the "star" status.

But... regardless of whether it was Tian Shuanghe who was delivering a speech at the study meeting or Xu Xin who was sitting below in a suit, looking around at the faces, his heart was filled with pride.

These are all the changes I have brought to Xiying Studio in the past few years.

What was once a huge tree that could be described as terminally ill is now beginning to glow with life again.

It's impossible to say you're in a bad mood.

After Tian Shuanghe's speech, the teachers of this class also arrived.

They are all full-time staff, starting from the spirit of various conferences in the past year to the analysis of some important speeches, etc., starting from the beginning.

Everyone listened very carefully.

In other words, under the camera, you have to be serious.

And just when this study meeting was held, Xiying Studio once again set off a small "storm" on the Internet.

Two things.

The first thing: the first "Silk Road Film Festival" officially started the process of submitting works for review.

Any film that is over 60 minutes long and meets the entry requirements can be selected. (Can be screened normally during the election period)

The second thing: announce the list of the "Silk Road Film Festival" jury.

Main competition unit:

Jury Chairman: Zhang Yimou

Jury members: Gong Li, Wu Tianxuan, Zhao Benshan, Li Pingdong, Gao Ming, Jiang Wenli, Yu Hua, Jin Peida.

Nine people in total.

Silk Road Unit:

Jury Chairman: Qi Lei

Jury members: Gu Changwei, Wang Quanan, Xu Xin, Wang Lei, Xue Haifeng, Li Mingjun, Huang Renjie, Lei Jie.

The same nine people.

Frankly speaking, when the official website of Xiying Studio announced this news, many people had different reactions.

When seeing the judges of the main competition unit, many people’s first reaction was:

"What kind of magical lineup is this?"

Zhang Yimou? Gong Li?

And Zhao Benshan?

Ouch! And that writer Yu Hua?

As for the other people, they are all familiar people.

There are some you don’t recognize, like this Jin Peida. Directly one hundred degrees... Oh, the soundtrack master from Xiangjiang, "October Siege" and "Di Renjie" were actually composed by him?

Oh, it turns out this person’s name is Gao Huang. I always see him on TV... Oops, he's still the leader of the Xiying Actors Troupe?

Are the judges of the main competition unit so luxurious?

This lineup... looks awesome!

As for this Silk Road unit, except for Xu Xin, everyone else is relatively unfamiliar.

But after insiders saw the list of judges for this Silk Road unit, they felt like a mirror.

Regardless of how Gu Changwei and Wang Quanan were selected, looking at the other people...whether it is Qi Lei, Huang Renjie, or Xue Haifeng, they are all controlled by the distribution departments of Yindu, West Film, and Shanghai Film. Producer with real power.

These are the kind of people who can decide the life or death of a movie with just one word.

So...the attributes of this Silk Road unit are simply too obvious.

In a word, it’s a unit that is comparable to Cannes?

Designed for directors, works, and actors with potential, their unit values ​​the potential of new works more than the brilliance of the main competition unit.

If the winning work is awarded, can't it be handed over directly to these three parties for distribution?

With these three companies here, is it still a problem to go directly to theaters?

Good guy...this lineup is really not much worse than the main competition unit.

As soon as the names of the two judging teams were announced, a wave of reactions quickly emerged on the Internet and in the film and television circles.

Some people who were not very interested in this film festival have become excited.


Xiying, Yindu, Shanghai Film...

So, the three companies have built a platform together?

Then our movies...are not much easier to sell?

As long as you stand for election and are selected, then there is no need to beg grandpa and grandma to treat the publisher to a meal?

Isn't this also an opportunity?

As a result, the number of visits to Xiying Studio’s website began to surge.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

In this regard, Xiying Studio has already had countermeasures, and the selected film selection team of 150 people is ready to go.

The 120-person professional film selection team of Xi Film Studio and the 30 jury club members specially selected to understand the audience's tastes have even arranged their schedules.

Although the "Silk Road Film Festival" did not have the same momentum as other film festivals right away, it was so big that it was often called an "International Film Festival" or something like that...

But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

Soon, on June 1st, many media issued news interpreting the "Silk Road Film Festival".

Although the content of the news is different in writing styles, the ideas are unified.

"This film festival organized by Xiyingchang is definitely not an accessory to cater to Shaanxi Province's tourism and cultural resources, but a real ambition to benchmark international film festivals! And, unlike other film festivals, every step they take, Walking very solidly!

From the list of judges, to the establishment of professional film promotion channels, to the "audience judges" who seemed to be unparalleled last month. Everything proves their determination to actively cater to the audience market while taking into account their artistic attributes! "Silk Road Film Festival" can be expected by everyone! "

This news hit the Internet directly on Children's Day on June 1st, so much so that many people had forgotten... Just in the early hours of tonight, another work by Xu Xin was shortlisted for the Cannes Midnight Screening Unit. "33 Days Out of Love" is about to be released.

The study group's courses are relatively easy.

One and a half hours in the morning and one and a half hours in the afternoon.

Lasts 5 days.

At 4 p.m., the class ends.

Although this course is mandatory, from the side, it is more like a "business bureau".

You can expand your network here.

After all, there are not only actors but also directors and screenwriters.

As soon as the course ended, people in twos and threes gathered together to chat with each other.

Everyone can also see that although this meeting is really about talking about things, it can also be said to be a face-saving thing.

There are no rigid assessment standards, and it doesn’t matter whether you listen or not.

Xu Xin naturally knew that many people had this idea in their hearts.

But it doesn’t matter, this is a long-term process.

There are no major events in the circle, and many people feel that what he talks about has nothing to do with them... But after a long period of time, a wall of vigilance will be erected in the heart sooner or later.

The important thing is not what they realized.

Instead, plant a seed of awe in your heart.

And understand one thing... that is, the factory has zero tolerance in terms of principle.

Before you do something, it's best to consider whether you can afford the price.

"Lao Xu, what's going on with Gu Changwei and Wang Quanan?"

Lin Xinxin and Xu Xin, who also rushed back, walked out side by side and asked in a low voice in confusion.

He knew the "composition" of these two people.

So when I saw the news at noon, I was confused.

One of these two people has a "criminal record" and the other is not very good... How can they get together with Lao Xu?

Xu Xin shrugged:


Those two words left Lin Xingxin speechless.

Apparently, he didn't quite understand.

But Xu Xin didn’t have much explanation.

There are quite a lot of people at the moment, which is inconvenient.

The actual situation is that Gu Changwei bowed his head to Jiang Wenli.

I took Wang Quan'an with me.

Ever since Zhuo Wei photographed his affairs, Gu Changwei basically lost his tactical status in the factory and took a job as deputy director of Xiying Channel.

As for Wang Quanan, after Xu Xin gained momentum, his status in the factory was not as good as before.

After watching the movie "Reunion", he was obsessed with praising his girlfriend and took Zhang Yuqi out for a walk.

It's a pity that after floating around, no reason can be found out.

Zhang Yuqi is from the Hong Kong circle, and her resources are all in the Hong Kong circle. But in the past two years, what the Hong Kong industry can offer her has almost become extinct. Originally, after getting together with Wang Quanan, he planned to expand the mainland market... but Wang Quanan was on the wrong team in the factory, and he was about to be squeezed out.

There is no one in the Hong Kong circle. Looking for a boyfriend is from the northwest circle, and it is even more difficult to get into the Beijing circle.

After messing around, I didn't make a name for myself.

At this time, Wang Quanan took out something from the bottom of the box.


He wanted to shoot this, but firstly he was not the director of the Art Creation Center, and secondly, he was on the wrong team, and he couldn't get out of the Northwest Circle.

I asked for investment, but no one paid any attention.

have to.

Situations are stronger than people.

What to do?

Keep your head down.

I don't know whether it was him who instigated Gu Changwei, or Gu Changwei who instigated him.

In short, the two "old birds" can be regarded as "recovering from their lost ways".

I also brought along Zhang Yuqi.

After much consideration, the factory decided...

The prodigal son turns back.


First of all, Jiang Wenli’s face must be taken into consideration.

Secondly...these two people still have some value in being exploited.

What's more, what happened to Gu Changwei happened a long time ago, and everyone who should forget has forgotten it.

This face is given.

Wang Quanan and Gu Changwei joined the Art Creation Center but did not hold positions.

Zhang Yuqi joins the cast.

Then... the factory was very considerate and gave two judges positions at the film festival.

Even under Xu Xin's instruction, they were ranked according to seniority. On the list, the names of these two people were in front of Xu Xin.

It can be said that I have given enough face and done enough superficial work.

As for whether it's true unity or fake unity...that's something we have to wait and see.

It's that simple.

And he and Lin Xingxin were walking out, calling Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was here.

"Director Xu, Director Xu~"

Xu Xin suddenly heard someone calling him from behind.

Turning around subconsciously...

Zhang Yuqi, wearing a decent dress, is walking this way.

To be honest, this is the first person besides Lin Gou who dares to "greet" him directly here.

You know, it's not outside.

It is an internal study meeting in the factory.

Xu Xin was sitting in the first row.

That means that he is the absolute leader among this group of people.

Lin Gou didn't care about this, and neither did Xu Xin, so it was okay for the two of them to come here.

But Zhang Yuqi's actions were not quite right.

It's like...an institutional meeting. The people in the front row are all leaders. When the meeting is over and the leaders leave, you, a junior staff member, shouts the name of the leader. It doesn’t matter whether he is trying to prevent him from leaving or whether he wants to go with the leader. This is all A very outrageous performance.

Many people in this study meeting understand this truth.

But Zhang Yuqi doesn’t seem to understand...

As a result, many people's eyes became playful.

And Xu Xin...

He also stood firm.

After she came over, she asked:

"Is something wrong?"

"Hey, Director Xu, are you free tonight? I'd like to treat you to a meal."




The expressions of the people near Xu Xin suddenly became subtle.

Even Lin Gou was a little stunned.


Xu Xin looked her over and over, and suddenly smiled:

"Sorry, I have something else to do. Sorry, goodbye."

With that said, he nodded politely to Zhang Yuqi and walked out of the auditorium first.

Lin Xingxin, who was one step behind Xu Xin, glanced at Zhang Yuqi with a... very strange look, and then followed her.


Zhang Yuqi seemed to have not yet realized what was going on. With a touch of regret on her face, she said:

"Director Xu, can we add WeChat?"

This time, Xu Xin didn't look back at all.

As if he didn't hear anything, he walked straight out of the auditorium.

Zhang Yuqi was a little confused...

At the same time, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

This person... is too disrespectful, right?

For a moment, she felt a little unable to step down.

But looking around... she felt that there was something... wrong with the eyes of this group of people.

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.


That night, when she told Wang Quan'an about the incident, Wang Quan'an was instantly stunned:

"What...are you talking about? Just after class, you stopped Xu Xin and wanted to treat him to dinner and ask him for WeChat?"

"That's right. He didn't give me any face. After I stopped him, at first..."


Wang Quanan was confused again.

Zhang Yuqi was stunned, as if she didn't understand why her boyfriend's expression was so strange.

But he still nodded:

"Yes, I called him. Then..."

"Are you a fucking idiot?"

Wang Quanan's eyes widened, he looked at her and asked word by word.

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