I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 726 723 A late night kiss

Chapter 726 723. A late night kiss

"Why do I see that you're not worried at all?"

"What am I worried about?"

Putting down his chopsticks, Xu Xin said casually and picked up the cup.

Seeing this, several other people picked up their own wine glasses, and everyone touched one together.

The weather is hot today, so all I drink is ice-cold beer, paired with a bowl of fried noodles, which is quite comfortable to eat.

Wang Sicong, who just said this, was speechless:

"Box office! The premiere is in a few hours!"

Seeing his somewhat concerned but confused look, Xu Xin felt helpless:

"You also know it's the premiere? The box office will come out in the early morning of the 3rd at least. What are you in a hurry for?"

"He's not anxious about everyone, he's anxious about Brother Seven."

After Lin Xingxin finished speaking, Di Wei laughed sheepishly.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei, whose cheeks were slightly red, comforted:

"It's okay, don't be anxious. Just relax. The movie has been filmed. Good and bad are just the past. The important thing is to look forward and prepare for the next work."

"Oh yo?"

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Liu Yifei smiled slightly.

The smile was subtle.

Wang Sicong wanted to say something else, but suddenly, the phone on the table rang.

When he saw the caller, he waved his hand to signal everyone to be silent, answered the call, and turned on the speakerphone:

"Hello, Director Wang, how are you?"

Director Wang?

Wang Sicong, who sat opposite Xu Xin with Di Wei, looked puzzled.

I thought I was calling myself.

Lin Xingxin, who was sitting next to Xu Xin, mouthed to him:

"Wang Quan'an."

As Wang Sicong suddenly understood, a kind voice sounded from the loudspeaker:

"Hello, Director Xu. I'm not disturbing you right now, am I?"

"Haha, no, no, Director Wang said that too politely. Do you have anything to do with me? Tell me."

While he was speaking, Liu Yifei had already picked up the beer bag next to her leg.

That's right, everyone is drinking real beer today.

I don’t know what Wang Sicong did during the day. He went for a walk during the day, and when he came back at night, there were two more bags of these in the refrigerator.

Tell me what it is...peach butter flavor.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

It is a sin to ask the fairy sister to pour wine.

Lin Xinxin quickly took it over.

On the phone, Wang Quanan said:

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Yu Qi was a little presumptuous during the day... Director Xu, please forgive me, she has such a carefree temperament. She is outspoken and reckless, and she has no experience in participating in such meetings. Don't mind... "

Hearing this, Xu Xin's expression became subtle.

After thinking for a while, he made a very confused sound:

"Ah?...Ah!...Hey, Director Wang, what did I think was going on? I have to apologize to you, but I am really busy today. After the meeting, I was dealing with the movie. Early in the morning Isn't it the premiere of "33 Days"? I have some things to be busy with. I owe Teacher Zhang this meal first, and I'll treat her later, hahaha~"


After he said this, Lin Xingxin's eyes became strange.

Others cast inquiring glances.

What's going on?

Then I heard Wang Quanan on the other end of the phone say:

"Director Xu said this to compliment her, I know it. She did something wrong this time. I apologize to you on her behalf..."

"Director Wang, what you said is too outrageous. On the contrary, it made me very scared. If I had known better, I would have agreed..."

"No, no, no, Director Xu, she just doesn't know what to expect and has little experience in this area..."

"Ha ha……"

The two of them started to enter into the mode of you haha ​​me, I haha ​​you.

After chatting for a while, Wang Quanan said again:

"Director Xu, please see when you are free recently. I will be the host and take her to you personally to apologize..."

"Director Wang, it's really not the case. What you did made me feel uneasy."

"No, no, no, I must invite you for this meal. Otherwise, I will feel even more uneasy."

"Uh...that's it."

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Okay, let's just take these two days. I'll work on the movie first. After the study meeting is over, can we make an appointment?"

"Ok, Ok."

There was a hint of joy in Wang Quanan's tone:

"Then Director Xu, please arrange the time. We will be on call."

"I dare not say that..."

After chatting for a while, Xu Xin finally hung up the phone.

"what's going on?"

Wang Sicong asked in confusion.

Before Xu Xin could speak, Lin Xingxin recounted what happened in the afternoon.

Then he said:

"That woman seemed careless. There were so many people who wanted to meet Lao Xu, but no one dared to have too many greetings with Lao Xu on that occasion. When she arrived, she even shouted and stopped her. This is It's equivalent to... well, let's be exaggerated. If the palace maid stops the emperor, it would be considered a mercy of the emperor not to be punished by the nine tribes."

"Well... what Ai Qing said is true."

If others said that, Xu Xin would definitely not agree.

But even if his friends were bragging and joking, he wouldn't mind making a cameo.

While talking, he stroked the forest dog's head.

"Get out of the way!"

"Hahahahaha... be brave! Come here, drag me out and chop him down!"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Liu Yifei said in a dumbfounded voice:

"What are you saying? Are you going to kill him or you?"

"Then what should I say?"


The fairy sister thought for a while:

"Did you drag him out and chop him up?"


Everyone at the table burst into laughter.

Including Lin Xinxin himself.

Di Wei thought about it in her mind and felt that it was not unexpected for her to ask this question, so she asked curiously:

"Does Director Xu have a conflict with this...?"

"Strictly speaking, no. But our camps were fundamentally different from the beginning. His and Gu Changwei's positions in the factory were different from mine. To put it bluntly, we all have our own differences. It's just that we have different positions. ... In the past few years, the situation has been stronger than the people, and they have to bow their heads when they should. Do you understand?"

Di Wei nodded knowingly.

And Liu Yifei asked:

"This Zhang Yuqi is the star girl from Master Xing, right? The one from "Yangtze River No. 7"?"



Liu Yifei thought for a while and said:

"I seem to have... read an interview with her. If I remember correctly, she actually had a hard time. It seems that her parents divorced when she was very young, and her mother took her to live with her. When she was at her poorest, she didn't even have to pay for tuition. If you can't afford it... it's not been easy for her. She... must be unintentional, right?"

Before Xu Xin could answer, Wang Sicong said:

"It's swollen. I feel that I have become a star and a celebrity, which is amazing. If you think about it, her journey has actually been quite smooth. She was a star girl when she debuted. Although she has not been a big hit in the Hong Kong circle for so many years, she has With Wang Quanan here to protect me, my life is not bad. That’s how people are. After living a good life, it’s easy to forget who you belong to.”

"In her eyes, Lao Xu may be a director. Isn't that the case in our industry? Actors work hard to get to know the director and try to leave an impression on the director. Maybe there will be any opportunities in the future, and this impression can be used. "

After Lin Xingxin finished speaking, Xu Xin shrugged:

"Actually, I didn't really take this matter to heart. I thought she was quite reckless at the time, but... I'm not that petty. It's not like her reckless behavior would offend me... So you see, a person's age The bigger you get, the less courage you have. When I first entered the factory, neither Wang Quanan nor Gu Changwei even looked at me."

"It's one moment and the other. To put it bluntly, if it were an ordinary young director, he might have to go back and fawn over her. Isn't that what the so-called big names and hard-to-get actors like domineering actors are like? If the store bullies the customer, the customer will bully the store. The relationship is mutual."

Hearing Wang Sicong's words, Xu Xin nodded in agreement.

Then I suddenly remembered something and said:

"Oh yes...I won't say it anymore, Lao Wang. You guys should pay more attention to it when you return to the factory. Try to do everything you can by yourself...It's the same thing outside. When I came yesterday, I went shopping with Sister Bingbing and met someone. The assistant of that person was holding an umbrella for her in the back, and she was walking in front like an old man...it looked very awkward. Now that online media is becoming more and more developed, some Even if the matter is a face-saving project, everyone should pay more attention. Sometimes an artist's reputation can fundamentally determine his or her future..."

"The person you are talking about is not Yang Ying, right?"

Wang Sicong suddenly said something.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"How did you know?...Did you also see it at that time?"


Wang Sicong was stunned again:

"What did I see?"



The two looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Wang Sicong was speechless:

"Is the person holding the umbrella you mentioned Yang Ying?"

Xu Xin did not answer, but asked:

"Then why did you mention her?"

"I'm referring to what you said later. Wasn't this study session, including the change of host of "The Voice", all because of her?... Isn't she the one holding the umbrella?"


Xu Xin was completely speechless.

But he no longer concealed it and responded:

"Yeah. It's her too... After Sister Bingbing and I saw it, I didn't actually extend it too much. I just told her that I have to pay more and more attention to my public image in the future. Then Sister Bingbing gave me an example... Lao Wang, do you know Qin Lan?"

"The one who asked the assistant to kneel down and hold up the microphone?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

My heart says you know so much.

You know everything.

"Kneel down and hold up the microphone?"

Looking at Di Wei's puzzled look, Lao Wang started to spread his wings and flutter his feathers again:

"Yes, back then..."

After giving some information about Qin Lan, he said:

"I don't know whether that thing is true or not. Qin Lan herself said that it was from the brand, and she really didn't care... Anyway, there are different opinions, but in the end the finger must be directed at her. It's a pity, she is quite beautiful... "

"Isn't Brother Qi pretty?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Looking at his cousin, Big Lao Wang, who was full of desire for survival, glared at him fiercely.

This grandson...

Lin Xinxin chuckled.

Just listen to Xu Xin say:

"Anyway, that's what it means. In the future, everyone has a smart phone. If you do something wrong, it may happen one second and be posted online the next second. You must pay attention to your own behavior in public places in the future. words and deeds.

It's like using Yang Ying's incident to scare the monkeys in the study conference. The important thing is not to say what we have learned, but to draw a red line called "fear" in our hearts...

What the factory wants people to see is not how much money we make, or how good the benefits are, how popular the stars are, or how popular the artists are.

It must first be seen by those above that we are a group of film and television practitioners with both political integrity and talent, and what the audience can see is that they are outstanding actors who are dedicated to movies and bringing good works to everyone.

There is no conflict between the two, and once you do it well, your status and popularity will not be worse than any so-called "full of personality" person. "

Everyone is a friend.

Therefore, Xu Xin's words are more realistic than those coming from outside.

I directly stated the true purpose of everything, hoping that they would listen and understand.

After finishing his words, while others were thoughtful, Wang Sicong suddenly said:

"When others don't have enough to eat, it's also wise to be quiet when eating chicken drumsticks. That's what it means, right?"




Seeing everyone's surprised looks, Wang Sicong shrugged:


"Brother Cong... I'm so bored!"

Di Wei said as she raised her cup.


Her boyfriend inadvertently surprised her again.

"Gulu gulu..."

Xu Xin buttoned his ears.

He heard Lao Wang's brain boiling again.

This is...yellow peach soybean oil flavored beer has quite a lot of stamina.

When I first drank it, it tasted very good and quite smooth. But after drinking and chatting for a while, Xu Xin felt slightly tipsy.

Yawning, at early ten o'clock, he waved his hands to the people who were playing a four-player battle of landlords:

"You make your own arrangements, I'm going to bed."

I returned to the room, took a shower, and called my wife to say she was safe.

But when she was not at home, Yang Mi started acting like a monster again.

Today, Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang went out for a walk with their grandma and grandpa. They met a chicken seller in the park. They refused to leave and were hooked.

Finally, I bought four chicks and returned home.

Yang Mi said she was going to get some wood tomorrow to build a chicken coop for her family.

I also got inspiration from brother Qian'er's cross talk and planned to call it "Yang's Big Chicken Coop".

to be honest.

Xu Xin was quite moved.

I thought to myself that my daughter-in-law knew how to bend her elbows, so she didn't create a "Xu family's big chicken coop" for this kind of thing.

But while being moved, he couldn't help but ask:

"Are you strong?"

"Ah?... It's strong. Don't worry. I'll make sure to use good wood. If it doesn't work, I'll use steel bars to weld an iron cage to make sure it won't collapse."

Hearing this, Xu Xinxin said, I don't care whether your chicken coop collapses or not.

What I'm worried about is whether you can resist the beating.

He could already imagine how angry his father-in-law would be when he learned that he had a "Yang's Big Chicken Coop" in his house.

With 30% speechless and 97% expecting his wife to be beaten miserably, he yawned:

"I'm sleeping."

"Go to sleep, I'm going to think about the chicken coop."

"Okay, Gong Yang."

After hanging up the phone, he quickly fell asleep thanks to the strength of the drink.

Soon, the time came to 0:00 on June 2nd.

"33 Days Out of Love" is released.

2:30 in the morning.

The score of "33 Days Out of Love" is unlocked.

1204 people participated in the evaluation, rating: 8.1

This rating is actually not high compared to "The Hawthorn Tree".

But the opening score is over 8, which directly proves one thing.

That is……

Even though this is Xu Xin's lowest-rated movie, it has still been classified as a "classic" by netizens.

The opening score of "Secret" was 8.8, "The Wind" was 8.7, and "The Hawthorn Tree" was 9.1.

At first glance, the score of 8.1 seems very low.


It's still over 8 points.

Looking at reviews...

"To be honest, the quality of the film is definitely up to par. But...perhaps it's the previous films directed by Xu Xin that raised my expectations infinitely. After watching "33 Days", I always felt like something was missing."

"The film is very good-looking, but I would like to advise you all literary and artistic figures to please use your rational perception to evaluate it. This film is not a film directed by Xu in the traditional sense, but more like an... attempt. My rating is for the camera feel: 5 points , Plot: 3.5. The various shots in this film are great, but the plot is all superficial. Although it is handled very well, it is... much worse than "The Hawthorn Tree"."

"Si Wei is really a treasured actress! The role of Huang Xiaoxian is really suitable for her! - affirmation from the original party!"

"The look and feel of this film is very strange. Different from Xu Xin's previous cryptic expressions, this time he chose to bring all the core of a story to the surface. We can intuitively see all kinds of things he wanted to do in his film. The content of the expression. "A big and cold city, a small and emotional individual", "No matter what, the world will never stop turning because of you", "Others do not have to accommodate you", "You must learn to be with yourself "Reconciliation" and so on. Xu Xin handled it really well...but the script and story always felt like it didn't have that rich layering. Of course, his camera handling was as good as ever."

"Through Xu Xin's movies, I discovered for the first time that the city of Yanjing in the evening is so beautiful. Beautiful yet so lonely."

"A qualified popcorn movie. There is nothing hidden. Director Xu puts everything he wants to express on the table."

""On the little princess living in her own world finally grows up""

"The world does not care because of weakness. Ordinary people do not sink because of being ordinary."

"After watching this movie, I felt that maybe I was too pretentious. Thank you for tolerating me. I don't want to continue to be "Huang Xiaoxian" anymore."

"The God of Pure Love - Wang Sicong!"

"Swei Wei deserves to be called the Qixin girl. Her performance is so excellent."

2:30 in the morning.

After Wang Sicong read through all the comments on Douban one by one, he finally let out a sigh of relief.


Quit Douban.

He rubbed his sore eyes and opened WeChat unconsciously.

I want to send a message to Brother Qi.

But considering that this may disturb my girlfriend’s rest...

What if I wake up?

forget it.

Let’s talk tomorrow.

He logged out of WeChat again and opened his mobile photo album.

There are screenshots of comments praising Brother Qi.

She will definitely be happy to see it tomorrow.


You ask why not let her see it by herself tomorrow?

Just kidding?

What if there are too many comments tomorrow and Brother Qi can’t access them anymore?

What if someone scolds her?

Therefore, he prepared in advance, and what he would show Brother Qi when the time came was content that would make her happy.

How wonderful.

While I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly vibrated.

7Lover: "Brother Cong, are you asleep?"


Wang Sicong replied directly:

"Why are you not sleeping yet?"

"I... couldn't sleep. I lay down and tossed... I fell asleep for a while and then woke up. Brother Cong, I'm a little scared."

Seeing this news, Wang Sicong, who understood the news well, didn't need her to say anything.




More than ten or twenty comments, large and small, were sent.



"Jingle Bell……"


"...Brother Cong."

Di Wei's voice sounded like a patient recovering from a serious illness.

Revealing a sense of weakness...

"I was so scared just now...have you finished reading it?"


Wang Sicong sat up from the bed, came to the window, opened the window and lit a cigarette.

"I've finished reading them all. There are more than 120 comments in total. I read them and no one scolded you. They all praised you. You can read them as you like. They all said that your acting was excellent... They said that you are Huang Xiaoxian. Even the original novelists can't pick it. Something is wrong.”


There was no movement from Si Wei's side.

Wang Sicong didn't say a word and waited quietly.

He... is actually very aware of the pressure on Brother Seven.

Although he himself has full confidence in Lao Xu.

But Lao Xu also personally told him the shortcomings of the "33 Days" story script.

As a director, this script is "ordinary" and lacks depth.

This was Lao Xu’s initial point of view.

But... Lao Xu later changed his statement:

"There is nothing wrong with the script. Although it is not a very mature commercial film and lacks some necessary commercial elements. But as a two-hour movie dedicated to entertainment on Saturdays and Sundays, it is qualified. The logic of the script and the character's psychological journey have been carefully studied. It’s good to be tested.”

In Wang Sicong's view, Lao Xu's transformation was from the perspective of a literary film director. And the second thing is... He seems to think there is nothing wrong with movies being used for entertainment.

When he said this, Wang Sicong felt convinced.

The pressure faced by Seventh Brother is that he is afraid that his performance will not be good... even though Xu Xin has repeatedly said that her performance is fine.

But this thing is just like an exam.

Feeling good about yourself is useless.

You only know one, two, and three after you get the score.

The problem facing Brother Seven now is that she is in the process of "the scores haven't come out yet".

Box office does not count.

It has nothing to do with her.

Her score is the evaluation from the audience.

And now these screenshots I gave are like...the unimportant subjects in the seven-subject exam.


I haven’t learned Chinese yet.

So...he wanted to comfort him, but considering Brother Qi's character, she cared more about the truth.

So he remained silent.

Accompany silently.

But at this moment...

Di Wei, who was silent for a moment, suddenly asked:

"Brother Cong, are you sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy. If you stay with me, I won't be sleepy."

"...Then let's go for a walk, okay?"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

"You...you want to come out?"

"Well... I want you to stay with me. I... I feel quite panicked."

"Okay, I'll go over right away. I'll wait for you at the door of the guest house?"


Wang Sicong quickly hung up the phone, put on shorts and a T-shirt, took the car keys and walked out of the room.

We walked all the way out of the villa and drove the car out of Qujiang Garden as quickly as possible.

There are almost no cars on the road at night.

He drove the Bentley very fast and arrived at the door of Xiying's guest house in less than 5 minutes.

Then I saw Brother Qi, who was also wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts, with two big white legs exposed, squatting at the door like a kitten.

After seeing herself, her eyes sparkled and she ran all the way over.

"Are you driving?"

Wang Sicong asked.

Di Wei shook her head and took his arm directly:

"We can just walk around casually... I feel panicked. I still don't dare to read the comments... Just talk to me..."


Wang Sicong locked the car and took her hand in one direction.

Throughout the whole process, Di Wei, who had not applied makeup, said little.

I just held my lover's hand, walked to the traffic light, and crossed the road.

Then walk back.

After arriving at the opposite side of the road from the guest house, continue forward towards the intersection at the other end.

Wang Sicong didn't know why Brother Seven didn't speak.

But he still didn't ask.

Just accompany me silently.

It wasn't until the two of them crossed the zebra crossing from the intersection in the other direction that Di Wei finally spoke:

"Brother Cong...are there really not many people who scold me?"

Wang Sicong was stunned.

Then he took out his phone and opened the Douban APP.

"See for yourself, there are really many people praising you."


Hearing this, Di Wei stared at his phone for a while...and finally picked it up.

After clicking on the comments of "33 Days", she started reading one after another.

Occasionally, a taxi passes by on the roadside.

Thinking that these two people are customers, they will slow down some speed.

Seeing this, Wang Sicong turned his back to the road and blocked himself in front of Di Wei.

She said she didn't want to be exposed for the time being.

Then he has to protect his girlfriend.

Si Wei watched for ten full minutes.

After finally reading all the comments, she returned the phone to Wang Sicong.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you?"

Hearing this, Ji Wei remained silent.

Just hold Wang Sicong's hand tightly.

At this moment, Wang Sicong was actually very curious about what kind of psychological activities his lover had gone through.

Although he knows...her heart must not be as "strong" as she appears now.

But he still didn't ask.

When she leaves, he leaves.

When she stops, he stops too.

"Why don't you ask me what I'm thinking?"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong shook his head slightly:

"It's not necessary. If you want to say something, I will listen. If you don't want to say it, I will stay with you. You said that you are not a person who particularly likes to listen to each other's vows and sweet words."


Si Wei was silent again.

After a moment, she pulled Wang Sicong towards the guest house again.

Then he said:

"Now I feel like...a big stone has fallen in my heart. I'm really happy to be...recognized by everyone!...Actually, I'm really happy. Don't look at me like this. I...don't know what to do." How can I express my joy to you... No one really scolded me... Of course, a few people did say that Huang Xiaoxian was too artificial and deserved it... But what they said was actually a compliment to me, right?"


"So I'm very happy... but... this feeling of happiness is very false. I'm thinking, what if people don't approve of my next movie? What if I'm out of touch with Huang Xiaoxian and my true colors are revealed again? What to do? What if..."

"Then try your best not to let them down. We will all help you!"

What he said was decisive.

But Si Wei shook her head again:

"That's not what I want to say...These things ultimately have to be up to me...I...I just don't know how to share my joy with you...I called you out in the middle of the night...I... oops!!!"

She suddenly looked irritable.

When scratching his head, his nails rubbed against his scalp, making a rustling sound.


Before Wang Sicong could react, she suddenly pulled his arm.

Being pushed like this, Wang Sicong turned his body towards her.


Di Wei used a rather unreasonable and domineering gesture to hook his neck and kissed him directly.


Wang Sicong subconsciously widened his eyes...

You stretched out first...

But soon, he was overwhelmed by the sweet taste.

Forget it, it doesn't matter who comes first.


Intersection of Xiying Road and Furong West Road.

It's not just a taste of it.

For the first time, he and she kissed each other passionately.

Today is just one chapter.

I want to apologize to everyone. I can’t help it, my waist is really uncomfortable. After going for a check-up today, it was confirmed that it was a lumbar muscle strain, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Then the doctor was shocked when he heard that I was 34 years old and spent about 12 hours sitting in front of the computer every day.

The treatment plan is to sit less and move more, and relax the lumbar spine every once in a while.

I was prescribed painkillers, but after taking them, my waist was numb.

It feels numb and a bit hot. It's just weird.

Today, I wrote these 7,000 words for nearly 6 hours, not counting the breaks in between.

I'm sorry if I can't sit still.

I'll try to resume normal updates tomorrow.

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