I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 734 731 White as fat, moist as jade

Chapter 734 731. White as fat, moist as jade

There are 31 students in the 2007 director class.

Xu Xin couldn't even name 30 of them.

The only one he knows is himself.

There is no way, there is really too little communication, and the number of times he even shows up in school is very few.

But it doesn't matter.

He does not know others, it is enough for others to know him.

When people from the 07-level directing class were preparing to take a group photo at the entrance of the teaching building, the sharp-eyed students immediately saw a figure running this way.

"Holy shit, Xu Xin!"

I don't know who shouted.

At this time, even the photographer who took the picture subconsciously turned his head.

After discovering that it was really Xu Xin, the students suddenly panicked.

This... where should Director Xu stand?

At least it has to be in the middle, right?

Everyone, look at me. I look at your humble starting position, leaving the middle space empty.

At the same time, there were also whispers:

"Why is he here?"

"He is in the same grade as us, why can't he come over?"

"He's already in graduate school."

"That won't stop me from taking graduation photos."

"That's true... eh? Didn't he film Yang Mi the year she graduated?"

"I think should not be……"

"I wonder if Yang Mi will come over today."

"...Brother, your thoughts are a bit dangerous."

"Don't tell me. When I see him on TV, I always think he is in his early thirties... I didn't expect him to be so young in his bachelor's uniform."

"...I am only twenty-five or six this year, what are you talking about?"


A group of people were talking quietly, and the photographer also put down his camera, and said hello politely when Xu Xin trotted over:

"Director Xu."

"Hey, hello, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Xu Xin, who was wearing a bachelor's uniform and exuding a "pink" look, responded politely, and then looked at his classmates.

He looks at them.

They looked at him too.

Xu Xin smiled politely, followed their example, put on his bachelor's hat, and walked directly into the crowd.

"Director Xu, please stand in the middle."

A buddy from the edge of the front row said quickly.

Then he was met with speechless looks from the people around him.

Why, it was you who called Xu Xin just now, and it’s you who called Director Xu now.

It has to be you.

"no, I'm fine."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"I'm tall, just stand on the edge. It doesn't matter."

As he walked, he also said hello to several teaching teachers next to him who were waiting for the students to finish adjusting and come over to take a group photo.

Several teachers looked at him with strange expressions.

Obviously, the combination between Xu Xin, who was wearing a bachelor's uniform at this moment, and the great director who had just hit a box office of nearly 200 million yuan... was not a good combination in their hearts.

It feels weird.

Finally, he stood next to this person and said:

"Has the group photo started?"

"Not yet. I'll be over after taking the class photo in a while."

"Oh okay, luckily I'm not late, haha~"

After adjusting his bachelor's hat a little, Xu Xin let out a sigh of relief.

After the photographer adjusted his position, the teachers came over.

Everyone, including Xu Xin, showed his little white teeth to the camera.

"Crack, click, click."

The group photo is frozen in the camera.

It also kept everyone’s youth in it.

After taking the group photo, logically speaking, it’s time to take the group photo.

But before that...

"Director Xu, can I take a photo with you?"

"Uh... ok, no problem."

As Xu Xin agreed, his classmates immediately became restless.

Xu Xin looked at everyone's scorching eyes and thought to himself that if he hung a "Ten Yuan Photo" photo around his neck right now, he would definitely get his lunch today.

But the first man was already standing next to him.

Seeing this guy holding his phone high, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Remember to help me beautify my face. I've gotten tanned during this time."

"haha ok."

The two laughed at the camera.

One goes down, one comes up.

First, they took photos separately, and then several people surrounded him and squeezed him into the middle.

Anyway, various photos come in turns.




Xu Xin responded subconsciously, turned around and suddenly felt happy.

Nuannuan and Yangyang were running towards them in their somewhat funny but very cute academic uniforms.

Xu Xin quickly took a few steps forward, squatted down, and wanted to hold both babies in his arms.

Others saw Yang Mi, who was also wearing a bachelor's uniform...

"Holy shit, Yang Mi!"




Several people looked at the classmate who made a startling sound and shook their heads speechlessly.

No need to think about it.

At this moment Yang Mi is Mrs. Niu, but as soon as she comes over, she will definitely become Xiao Tiantian.

But unfortunately, they thought too much.

Yang Mi had no intention of coming over, but stood together with Sun Ting and asked Sun Ting to take photos of her husband.

So Xu Xin, with a baby on his left and a baby on his right, said goodbye to the classmates who took photos with him for the time being, and found a place with similar scenery to start taking pictures.

After the two babies finished taking pictures, Yang Mi came over.

The strange painting style of a family of four wearing bachelor's uniforms reminded everyone onlookers of the advice Xu Xin gave everyone during his speech:

"The first piece of advice: Love is not prohibited in college, but please try to get married and have children after graduation."

have to.

People really speak with their life experiences.

Take a look...

I have just graduated, and my children are already doing soy sauce...


Yang Mi is so beautiful...

Suck it~


"It seems that my charm is still the same as before~"

A family of four with Sun Ting walking on the campus road, Yang Mi let out a proud sigh.

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who was holding hands with her, chuckled:

"No. A mixture of girl + senior + young woman + celebrity. It's me, and I have to be confused."

Yang Mi was stunned...

Suddenly his eyes lit up:

"Yeah, for immature boys, the charm of young women and big sisters is unstoppable. For juniors, the gentleness of seniors is the gentle place they indulge in. And for those who have been hurt by their feelings. For older boys, the innocence of girls is like the last purity of their hearts, and stars..."

"Elder, please collect your magical powers quickly."

Xu Xin, who really couldn't stand listening, quickly interrupted her:

"The more you talk, the less you take the right path!"


Yang Mi's eyes have curved into crescent moons.

"It seems that this baby's attributes are extremely good. He can be called the number one man-killer!"

"Yes, yes, that's right. The first step ashore is to kill the person you like!"

"What do you mean?"

"Slowly realize it yourself."


Yang Mi, who didn't care about the strange words in her husband's mouth, shook her head and said:

"After you take the group photo later, remember to come to the playground. I'll take the kids there to take some photos first."

"Aren't you going to join in the fun?"

"I'm not going. There are no opponents in this performance class, so it's boring."

She looked like she was alone and seeking defeat.

The face is full of "master loneliness".

Seeing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay. I'll go over then?"

"Yeah. Go ahead~"

After watching her husband leave in the direction of the main building, Yang Mi looked at the two big babies who were nibbling grass or doing something in the flower garden, and said to Sun Ting:

"Where is Nazha? Are you at school?"

"Here, I came back yesterday. I packed my bags and got ready to join the group. Do you want to call her over?"

"No, it's not appropriate to avoid being photographed. Tell her to come home with me for dinner at noon. Let's go together."


Sun Ting nodded and quickly took out her phone.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, continued to walk forward leisurely along the tree-lined avenue.

In fact, she was in a good mood.

When I returned to school, I suddenly remembered many things. I remembered the time when I first met Xu Xing, and the time I spent day and night with my classmates in school...

Suddenly, she thought of something.

Now that WeChat is so popular, it seems that she and her classmates haven’t organized a group yet.

Thinking of this, she immediately became interested, took out her phone and started browsing.

Soon I found several classmates who had joined WeChat and formed a WeChat group.

[Level 05 Beijing Film Acting Class]

Tang Wan: "?"

Jiao Junyan: "Huh?"

Seeing the two classmates who replied to the message instantly, Yang Mi typed loudly:

"Sisters, guess where I am."

After saying that, she raised her phone high and took a cute version of herself to the camera.

Zhang Xiaofei: "You're not in school, are you? Why are you wearing your bachelor's uniform?"

Yuan Shanshan: "Is this...?"

Yang Mi then replied with a crackle:

"Today is Xu Xin's graduation day. The three of us are here to accompany him to graduation."


A photo of a family of four posing together was sent again.

Zhang Xiaofei: "Oh, Nuannuan and Yangyang are so cute. They look like little doctors."

Yang Mi: "Hey, when I got back to school, suddenly there were so many memories of our school days in my mind, and they started to surge up all of a sudden. Hey, you guys can cheer for us and bring all our classmates in. If you have time, Let’s have a party together or something.”

Jiao Junyan: "Director Xu graduated?"

Tang Wan: "Okay, then I'll bring a few people in."

Tang Wan: "???Xu Xin graduated?"

Zhang Xiaofei: "Oh, yes, his Olympic Games are two years behind us. Didn't the 2007 graduates graduate this year?"

Yang Mi started chatting with several classmates.

After a while, more than a dozen people came into the group.

There are a total of 22 in the 05-level acting class, and there are currently 18 in the group.

Only 4 people are missing.

The classmates got together and the whole group became lively at once.

Yang Mi also learned a lot about the current status of her classmates during the chat.

For example, Zhang Xiaofei, who lives in the same dormitory, is now signed to a talent agency, but he doesn't have many roles and occasionally plays small roles.

For example, Bao Wenjing, while she was obsessed with marrying Bao Beier, she also found a job hosting a children's program.

Another example is Tang Wan, who has basically no acting roles now, and keeps wandering around in some small theater groups in Yanjing, playing small roles.

It seems that everyone is actually doing a pretty average job.

And they all had a tacit understanding and didn't ask how Yang Mi was doing now...

Obviously, these people feel the same as Ming Jing.

No need to ask at all.

If she wants to act, the resources of the entire northwest circle must be tilted toward her.

At this stage, it's just that Boss Yang is addicted to running a company with his baby and can't come out.

But despite this, in February, they also starred in "Wulin Gaiden" with a box office of over 100 million.

I don’t have to worry about filming at all.

While they were chatting, many classmates from Yang Mi also took the initiative to join her.

But it can be seen that everyone has a better sense of proportion. After adding friends, most of the chats are in the group. There is no intention to chat with Yang Mi privately. At most, they just say hello...except for one accident.

Bao Wenjing:

"Mimi, are you familiar with the crew of "Palace Suo Bead Curtain"?"


Seeing this news, Yang Mi was speechless for a while.



"Hey, sister."

Sun Ting, who was busy taking photos of Nuannuan and Yangyang, turned around and asked:

"What's the matter?"

"What did your brother Xu say two days ago? It's about Bao Beier."


Sun Ting thought for a while and said:

"It was Mengmeng who told me, let me tell you, if you meet this Bao Bei Er, I can do you a favor. Brother Xu saw it on his work WeChat. He had watched "33 Days of Love" several times, and added Since there is no shortage of all kinds of greetings during the New Year and holidays, I probably mean to give you some favors."


Yang Mi understood and replied to Bao Wenjing:

"The relationship is okay, what's wrong?"

"My husband is currently auditioning in Hunan. Do you think... can you help me?"

Yang Mi was speechless again.

Suddenly, she felt that she had made a mistake by joining this group today.

Isn't this just looking for trouble for yourself?

But she still replied:

"What role did he audition for? How many times?"

"Eunuch Su Peisheng."

"...Eunuch of Yongzheng?"

"That's right. He worked really hard for this role. It makes me feel bad. Can you help me?"

Although she had not read the script of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", as the producer of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Yang Mi, who had read the script of Zheng Xiaolong's adaptation of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" many times, naturally knew who this person was.

Heart says good guy.

The eunuchs around Yongzheng probably had a lot of scenes.

You are so open-mouthed as a lion.

After "Palace 1" became popular, I don't know how many people are staring at this second part.


"Okay, let me ask."

"!!!Mimi, you are so good! Wow!!!!"

Seeing the excitement that almost overflowed from the words, Yang Mi showed a somewhat helpless expression.

In fact, it is really nothing for classmates to help each other.

Not to mention a small role.

Just a little effort.

Not to mention her husband saying hello, just not saying hello. My classmates, especially those who played well with me when I was in school, come to me. As long as it is not a big deal, she will help say a word or something, it is so simple. Simple things.


Doesn't Wen Jing really understand...that her favors are very valuable?

Everyone only has one chance at most.

If you don’t think about yourself first…

Even if you get the certificate first, that’s fine.

Is it not uncommon in this industry for a person to abandon his wife and children after becoming popular?



Hopelessly stupid.

At this time.



"Nazha asked if she could bring Yang Zi with her."


Yang Mi was stunned when she heard Sun Ting's words.

"Yang Zi?"

Sun Ting nodded:

"Yes. When Nazha was chatting with me recently, she would occasionally mention that the agency contract between Yang Zi and China Entertainment Century was about to expire. During this period, I also started chatting with her about some of the big names in the entertainment industry. I I guess...she wants to push Yang Zi over."


Yang Mi looked thoughtful.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"What is the origin of Huayu Century?"

"In a small company, Yang Zi's parents took her to work on the set. Later, after she acted in "Family with Children", the company signed a contract with her. Unexpectedly, after sending her to the set, "Family with Children" The fire suddenly became a cash cow for this small company.

But they don't have much talent, otherwise "Xia Xue" wouldn't have been robbed of "Xia Xue" in "Family with Children 3". However, they were indeed very kind to Yang Zi, and they had carefully helped her find resources for so many years.

But a small company is a small company after all, and Yang Zi has grown up slowly. What she hopes most now is to get rid of the shadow of a child star. So I will definitely not sign it after it expires this year. "


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows, eyes full of surprise:

"Tingting, it's okay."

Sun Ting laughed when she heard Sister Mi's praise of her work.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Mi said:

"She has a good relationship with Nazha?"

"The two of us share a dormitory, and our relationship is really good."

"Well... let's get together. Let's see how she is doing. If it works, if she has this desire, then she can come over then... Oh, no... Brother Xu won't you accuse me of stuffing my harem into my family again? Alright?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Ting shrugged helplessly and said:

"There are so many packed in on both sides, and this one is not missing."

"Well, that's true. I have been looking at the faces of these concubines every day for several years, and I am really tired. It seems not bad to bring a new noble into the palace for a change. Sanjin is the queen, and the mother is In Yitianxia, ​​I just want to keep him in the throne, and I think he won't mind having another pair of wings on my back."

"Ah sneeze!"

Xu Xin sneezed hard, and Jing Tian, ​​who had just walked in front of him, was speechless for a moment.

The first reaction was to smell my clothes.

Here comes the sentence:

"Brother Xu, are you allergic to jasmine-scented perfume?"

"No... ah? Jasmine smell? That smells pretty good."

He rubbed his nose and thought to himself, what kind of dad would scold him behind his back?

It was midday, there was no cold, and it was not the pollen season, so the sneeze was unexpected.

He tried hard to expand his nostrils and took a deep breath before asking:

"What have you been doing recently?"

"Filming in Shenzhen."

"Shenzhen... modern drama?"

"Hmm... not really. There are two lines, one is modern and one is set during World War II. I think the plot is quite retarded, but with Guan Jinpeng as the producer, it should be pretty good."

Hearing Jing Tian's words, Xu Xin nodded slightly.

After "The Wind", this girl listened to herself and refused the "strong support" from her family, but planned to slowly settle down on her own.

The path we are taking is pretty straight forward.

But sometimes, the situation is stronger than the person.

She wanted to settle down, but she couldn't resist the kindness of her family.

Others were either in small roles or dramas, but what happened to her?

"If you don't play the leading role, you will settle down."

All I can say is that the values ​​​​are great.

But it was not convenient for Xu Xin to say anything, after all, they were not a family.

It's not easy to tell others what to do.

So he smiled and said:

"Whether the story is good or not is one thing, but whether you can play your role well is another. If the film is not good, that is the fault of the director. But if the role is not performed vividly, it means that the actor is not capable enough."

"Yes, I think so too. Plus... the people around me also need to eat. People follow me just to make money, so I can't say anything..."

It sounded like he was much more mature than before.

It’s no longer the time of “Is it okay if I don’t act?” back then.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Xu Xin's face.

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, a voice came from next to him:

"Director Xu, can I take a photo with you?"

Xu Xin and Jing Tian turned their heads at the same time.

After seeing this person, Jing Tian smiled politely and then stepped aside.

The visitor was another school beauty from grade 07.

Zheng Yan became famous overnight with the movie "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower".


Xu Xin nodded and stood there. When the two girls who were not wearing bachelor's uniforms following Zheng Yan heard this, one of them quickly raised the camera.

Zheng Yan stood next to Xu Xin and struck a pose.

Xu Xin stood as neatly as a piece of wood.

Following a "click", Zheng Yan said to Xu Xin with a smile:

"Director Xu, can you add me on WeChat?"

"Well, okay."

Xu Xin responded:

"Mengmeng, bring me my phone."

After adding the other party's WeChat account on his work phone, Zheng Yan glanced at Jing Tian and said politely to Xu Xin:

"Thank you, Director Xu. You are busy then. Goodbye."

"See you."

Xu Xin nodded, and after the other party left, he said to Jing Tian:

"How's your relationship like?"

After hearing this, Jing Tian thought for a while and suddenly asked:

"Brother Xu, which one of us do you think is pretty?"

"You must be beautiful. Do you still need to ask?"


Jing Tianmei smiled happily.

But he didn't answer Xu Xin's question directly.

But this is enough.

Xu Xin, who heard the foreign voice, didn't ask.

But with Zheng Yan taking the lead, he was soon surrounded by a group of classmates.

Take photos and group photos.

After working for a while, he got away and said to Jing Tian, ​​who had been waiting beside him:

"Your sister Mi is right over at the playground. Let's go home for lunch together?"

While Jing Tian was waiting, perhaps because of the hot weather, she had already taken off her bachelor's uniform.

Only then did Xu Xin realize that she had three layers of traps.

The first layer is a bachelor's uniform, the second layer is sun protection clothing, and the third layer is a white T-shirt underneath.

"No, I have a flight at 1 o'clock and have to go back to Shenzhen for filming."

"That's it...that's okay, then next time."

"Well...Brother Xu."


"When will I be able to be in your show?"

After hearing this, Xu Xin finally found in this girl more or less the shadow of the "Can I stop acting?"

And looking at the girl in front of him who could really be said to be "beautiful and beautiful", Xu Xin suddenly felt...

This girl is very beautiful and traditional.

White as fat.

As moist as jade.

Plus...maybe it's due to subjective impression.

She is from Shaanxi.

Just because of this, unconsciously, the characters in the fantasy began to nest in this girl.

Nested into the feeling of "Aunt Mizhi".

Surprisingly, it feels very suitable.

So he asked:

""White Deer Plain", have you seen it?"


Jing Tian was stunned for a moment, then shook her head sincerely:


"Go and have a look. You are quite suitable for Tian Xiao'e."


Hearing Xu Xin's words, she first nodded in agreement, and then asked:

"Brother Xu wants to film?"

"I won't be filming, but I may participate. But this cycle may take a little longer...it will probably take two or three years."

"That's it..."

Jing Tian thought for a while and nodded vigorously:

"That's okay. I'll buy a copy soon. Are you waiting for news from Brother Xu?"


Xu Xin laughed:

"Save the schedule for me."


She smiled and nodded.

And this smile...Xu Xin felt it was more appropriate.

I haven't finished writing the second chapter yet. Due to back pain, my coding speed has plummeted. If you can't wait, you can just read it tomorrow morning. Sorry.

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