I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 735 732 Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while

Chapter 735 732. Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while

"Oh, don't be shy, come on, can you take the last one? It's the last one! Please!"


Xu Xin let out a long sigh.

He looked around, and when he saw a group of people "peeping" at him, his face immediately felt hot.

But I really can't stand my wife's bad ideas.

I could only imitate her movements, and put my crotch on the broom she didn't know where she got it from.

Those who use the bachelor's uniform as the wizard's robe in Harry Potter may be the only one in history.

Finally, after making a flying pose like a wizard from the Celestial Dynasty winning the Quidditch Championship, the photo was finally taken.

You have to run away as soon as you finish shooting.

If you don't slip away, you will really die.

Holding the two children in his arms, he slipped out of the campus and got into the car. He looked at his wife, who was walking leisurely behind him, and felt envious in his heart for no reason.

I'm thinking of reading a book next...

You should not be an actor in your next life.

Shameless and upright...

Not to mention anything else, this Sheniu attribute is simply awesome.

Now that I think about it, the job of being an actor is really not something that ordinary people can do.

It requires too much mental endurance.

Riding a broomstick as Harry Potter in public...how do you think about it?

Nuannuan and Yangyang are not opposed to safety seats.

It may be that they have been deliberately cultivating this aspect of their children since they were young. It is normal for them to sit in safety seats after getting in the car.

After fastening the seat belts for the two little guys, Xu Xin returned to his seat and heard Yang Mi say:

"Oh yes, my sister-in-law went to Shanghai."


Xu Xin was stunned:


"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law and Xu Muchen went to the Magic City, and our dad is here too."

"Oh~ What about winter?"

"Dad will go back to Shenmu to get it done in September or October. I'll go back when your movie starts shooting."


Xu Xin nodded.

He planned to put it in the sacred tree as the filming location for "The Silence".

If "Heart of the Sun" progresses smoothly, the film's own plan is to complete all filming within 3 to 4 months. Otherwise, when autumn comes and there is less rain, we will have to shoot scenes on sunny days.

There is nothing in this film that requires computer CG technology.

Just a few images.

At that time, he can start preparing for "Burst" while taking care of the post-production process.

The wife doesn't have to worry about anything.

It only takes a few months to transform yourself into a "rural person".

Although this job sounds simple, it is quite difficult to do.

The character "Zhao Di" requires a very complex temperament.

First, I worked in the city.

Later, after having a baby with another man, she returned to her hometown.

If you have seen the world, you must have a "fashionable" side that compares with rural people.

At the same time, it should have a rustic atmosphere of rural people.

And there is also a sense of inferiority that comes from years of gossip among neighbors, and a shell like a she-wolf.

This temperament is complex.

Yang Mi asked herself that she would not be able to fully express herself at this stage without a long period of preparation.

At the same time, this story also requires her to do a series of psychological construction for herself.

And these all take time.

After arriving home, everything went according to plan.

By the time Xu Xin came out of the shower, Nazha and Yang Zi had already arrived.

Frankly speaking, Yang Zi was quite cautious after arriving here.

It was this restraint that prevented Xu Xin from chatting with her much.

He could tell that this girl's greatest restraint actually came from herself.

In addition, he is actually not very interested in this girl.

As he has been in this industry for longer and longer, the actors in his eyes have gradually gained some levels.

It's not that there's any superiority or inferiority.

But at least at a glance, it's almost clear whether this person is suitable for acting in TV series or movies.

In his eyes, Yang Zi is very suitable for acting in TV series, but his facial features in movies are similar to those of passers-by.

It has nothing to do with appearance.

But it has nothing to do with the movie.

It just doesn't fit.

But it seems that her daughter-in-law is quite interested in her.

Forget it, it's none of his business anyway.

After eating, he took a comfortable bath and lay down on the bed. He hugged his two children and fell asleep together amid a burst of laughter and playfulness.

June 7th, the second day of the college entrance examination.

Early in the morning.

He received a message from Qi Lei.

On June 6, the box office of "Love Is Not Blind" was 27.97 million.

Although it is already foreseeable that the film will suffer a huge decline.

After all, it is Monday, and I have to catch up with the college entrance examination.

But when Xu Xin saw this number, the corner of his mouth still twitched.

I don’t know if I can get the salary back after the college entrance examination.

Then, on June 7, the box office of "33 Days Later": 22.51 million.

Moreover, on the 7th, "33 Days of Love" unexpectedly made news.

The cause was that a college entrance examination student from Yanjing City was blocked by reporters after leaving the examination room at noon and was interviewed.

When asked what he wanted to do most after finishing the college entrance examination, the candidate said bluntly:

"I don't have anything in particular that I want to do. Maybe... let's watch "33 Days of Love" with my girlfriend first. This movie is so popular recently..."

The candidate's words seemed to be a foretelling of fate.

On June 8, the box office of "33 Days" rebounded significantly. Reached 31.2 million.

It also successfully brought the total box office to the range of 250 million.

But it dropped sharply again on June 9, returning to the prefix "1" like a dive.

There are only 17.32 million.

From its premiere on June 2 to June 9, it delivered a perfect box office of 270 million in the first week.

And the score has also been maintained at 7.7.

According to the media, this is Xu Xin's first movie to "fall below" a score of 8 or less.

But judging from the myth it created, this 7.7 rating is reasonable.

"Love Is Not Blind" is a very obvious genre film, and it can't be compared with literary and artistic films.

Even according to the media:

"This is more like Xu Xin's first trial in a commercial film."

From the perspective of a commercial film, the score of 7.7 is already very high.

But the biggest hot keyword about this movie is still "cost."

After the first week's box office of 270 million, "33 Days" successfully surpassed the first week box office record of 240 million set by "Hawthorn Tree".

It once again raised the first-week box office record for domestic films by 30 million.

Although its success is largely due to chance.

Just in time for June.

It also caught up with the positive reviews at the Cannes Film Festival and the reputation Xu Xin accumulated over the years.

Hollywood blockbusters have abandoned the competition, and other domestic films have not been successful, making "33 Days" unique in the entire film market.

In addition, the coupon activities launched by theater chains for profit attracted another group of people.

And the online media began to promote the curiosity of "8 million investment, high return of over 100 million", which created the magic of "33 Days".

As the media said:

""33 Days of Love" is not replicable. It is more like the inevitable product of a series of coincidences."

Indeed, Xu Xin thought so too.

He decided to release it on June 2, in order to perfectly digest the popularity of being nominated for Cannes. At the same time, I also saw that the entire month of June seemed to be a group of soft persimmons.

Very pinchable.

But it was all a coincidence... or he became the first one to try something new.

Come to think of it, June next year may not be like this year again.

There will definitely be some big-budget theater movies eyeing this month that was previously ignored by them.


At least at this moment, he once again created his own myth.

At the same time, Wen Zhang and Di Wei also got the opportunity to skyrocket from this movie.

As the male and female protagonists of this film, their names suddenly became known to everyone in the country.

It’s really not an exaggeration to say that he became famous overnight.

According to Wang Sicong, people who want to film with Brother Seven have already lined up from the company entrance to the bus stop.

Various scripts, advertising invitations, endorsements, etc. flew towards her like snowflakes.

At least she'll be busy in the next few months.

However, when the eldest young master said this, there was an element of showing off in it.

It's like he has a girlfriend.

Highlight a villain's success.

Xu Xin ignored him.

There is no cure for the love brain during the passionate love stage.

It's fine if you stick it out happily.

At present, the media estimates that the box office of "33 Days of Love" during the entire screening period is guaranteed to be around 450 million.

Breaking through the performance of his last film "The Hawthorn Tree" is definitely within reach.

But when it comes to status, "33 Days" is not comparable to "The Hawthorn Tree".

But no matter what, this is Xu Xin's myth.

And this also made his "Heart of the Burning Sun" in preparation begin to attract more and more attention.

The book "Sunspot" once again experienced a sales increase after the news that Xu Xin was going to film it.

It even went out of stock for a while.

Many of his fans can't wait to find out what the story is.

And all the actors who were selected for the second round of auditions were also in high spirits.

The second round of auditions is on the 12th.

Director Xu's behavior now is quite similar to Director Zhang's back then, and every move he made touched the hearts of countless people.

You have to be more serious.

And amidst this heat, on Friday, June 10, another news, neither big nor small, broke out in the entertainment industry.

"Liu Zhishi and Tang Ren successfully terminated their contract!" 》

These days, the entertainment industry is all about Xu Xin.

There was the huge success of "33 Days" before, and the preparations for "Heart of the Sun" later.

This news was actually not very popular when it came out.

But some chicken thieves added a few words to this fact, and it suddenly became popular.

"Xu Xin and Yang Mi's bridesmaid Liu Zhishi had a falling out with her original company and filed a lawsuit in court! 》

I don’t know which little genius came up with the keyword.

Since the words "Xu Xin" and "Yang Mi" were included, the popularity of this news began to increase instantly.

Although the substance of the judgment is very simple, it can be summarized in one sentence:

"Liu Zhishi's own development philosophy differed from that of Tang Ren, and he proposed to terminate the contract. After trial, the court ruled that he should pay 700,000 yuan in compensation and terminate the contract. Tang Ren was dissatisfied and appealed."

But after "Bridesmaids" became so popular, the media began to dig deeper into what happened.

And I have to mention that the media is very powerful.

The news that only came out on the morning of the 10th started to gain popularity in the afternoon when people added it as "Bridesmaid". By the evening, the news had almost been picked up.

Reason: Liu Zhishi did not obey the company's management and dispatch. In 2009, she rejected one of the company's advertisements. Holding a grudge after being punished by the company.

Roughly: After being punished, he refused to work as assigned by the company many times and refused to accept scripts. Even when the crew of "The Stranger Iljimae" started, they couldn't find anyone, which brought the crew to a standstill. He often plays big names.

Breakup: Yu Zhengben, the screenwriter of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", which was a hit in the first half of the year, found Tang Dynasty Company and appointed Liu Zhishi to star. Liu Zhishi refused to obey the company's arrangements and went on strike. After being punished by the company, she filed for termination of the contract out of spite.

Summary: Liu Zhishi became popular, swollen, disobedient, thought her wings were stiff, and wanted to fly solo, but her character was extremely poor.

At around 8pm on the 10th, the entertainment industry became completely lively.

The topic about "Liu Zhishi" suddenly became lively.

At the same time, as the topic about Liu Zhishi gained momentum with these news, many old events were also involved.

The first ones to bear the brunt are Liu Yifei’s fans.

In fact, Liu Yifei's fans and Liu Zhishi's fans have been grudges for a long time... It's actually not appropriate to use the word grudge. It should be said that the two sides have looked down upon each other for a long time.

The reason is also very simple.

Things between Liu Yifei and Tang Ren were not happy back then. As a fan of Liu Yifei, I didn't have a good impression of Tang Ren at first.

This is sometimes called the idol effect.

Don't worry about what's wrong or right about this matter, as long as you offend our fairy sister, we will be very unhappy with you.

Therefore, over the years, fans of Liu Yifei and fans of Tang Dynasty have been notoriously difficult to deal with.

When Liu Zhishi debuted, people in the Tang Dynasty used the so-called "Liu Yifei's cousin" as a gimmick to hype her up and ate up the resources left by Liu Yifei. Many people really thought that Liu Yifei had a cousin named Liu Zhishi.

And all this hype is not groundless. Tang people even openly used the adjective "Liu Yifei's cousin" in the early posters of "Sword and Sword III" and posted it next to Liu Zhishi's photo.

Therefore, it is logical for Liu Yifei's fans to think that Tang and Liu Zhishi are hyping up Liu Yifei's popularity.

But actually...

Not only are the two unrelated.

Even if she really wanted to be serious, Liu Yifei would have to call Liu Zhishi "sister".

But fortunately, after the success of "Sword and Sword III", the market has recognized Liu Zhishi. In addition, Tang people are famous for playing their own games and rarely get involved in external affairs, so fans on both sides dislike each other at best. , but not to the point of "bloody head".

But over the years, as Liu Zhishi's popularity has grown little by little, it's natural that Liu Yifei's fans will start to get angry.

There are endless lies like "Lao Dajie relied on pretending to be young and hyped up to be our Yifei's cousin to make her debut, but now she has become famous and refuses to admit it."

In addition, before Liu Yifei went to Shuangwei, she indeed experienced the lowest point in her life.

It happened that Liu Zhishi was on the rise at that time.

The hatred between fans on both sides is even more difficult to resolve.

And through this incident, I don’t know if someone set the pace, or if it was really a coincidence.

In short, when the news of the lawsuit between Liu Zhishi and Tang Ren came out, some fans of Liu Yifei on the Internet felt as if they had just waited for an opportunity. It was not overwhelming, but they were angry when it was necessary and scolded when it was necessary.

In terms of combat effectiveness, fans of Liu Yifei, who has been accustomed to saying "the fairy sister is the best in the world" for so many years, are really unstoppable.

When Liu Yifei became famous, these fans provoked a lot of people.

After all, in their description, the fairy sister is the real land fairy. Regardless of other people, they can only kneel down and worship in front of the fairy sister.

And their attitude is naturally frowned upon by many fans of other actors.

It can be said that the fighting power and unity of Liu Yifei's fans have been honed through rounds of "struggles" over the years.

The sudden addition of this fighting force can almost be said to have defeated Liu Zhishi's fans.

Even if Yang Mi's fans are trying to stop the fight, it won't work.

Their momentum came too fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two sides started fighting on all major media platforms, whether it was Tieba, Weibo, or forums.

And at early 9 o'clock, Liu Yifei, who was the first to react, quickly posted on Weibo.

The content on Weibo is a photo of her and Liu Zhishi.

The two beauties smiled brightly at the camera.

"The Qing Zhi Qing just arrived in the Magic City. After seeing the news in the car, I called Shishi. She told me that she would not respond to anything, as long as she had a clear conscience. And my answer was: I Just got off the plane, wait for me, I will accompany you. @Liu Zhishi, "cousin" is waiting for me."

As soon as she posted this on Weibo, her fans were embarrassed.

What does it mean?

We take advantage of someone's illness to kill someone...

Did he stab one of his own people?


There is still blood on the tips of our knives.

What to do?

Which administrator has the authority? Please help us delete the comments...



If my own people didn't tell me earlier...

Sorry for hurting you.

Um...are you okay?

Does it matter?

Do you want me to call a doctor for you?

I have to admit that Liu Yifei appeared very timely this time.

As soon as there were signs of this happening, she quickly posted on Weibo to stop her fans. But the content in her Weibo is also somewhat intriguing.

What does it mean?

Liu Zhishi doesn’t clarify?

No response?

Those who purify themselves will purify themselves?

This...couldn't this be a guilty conscience?

Are these news true?

Are they all facts?

"No, what do you think? What do you mean by not responding? Are you crazy? This is pouring dirty water on your head, but you still don't respond?!"

In the middle of the night, Xu Xin listened to his wife's movements outside the bedroom and sighed helplessly.

Xin said, wouldn’t you please keep your voice down?


Listening to Nuan Nuan's voice, Xu Xin quickly patted her daughter:

"Well, mom is on the phone, Nuannuan, be good, let's go to bed quickly~ You see, my brother is already asleep..."

He began to coax the child.

Yang Mi's voice also disappeared after a moment of closing the door.

Apparently, she went outside to make a phone call.

After about ten minutes, after Nuan Nuan fell asleep, he put on his clothes and walked out quietly.

Yang Mi was sitting on the sofa, typing on her phone.

He carefully closed the door and asked:

"How's it going?"

Yang Mi said without raising her head:

"...Shishi said she didn't want to respond. Liu Yifei went to accompany her, and I was chatting with Yu Zheng."

"Yu Zheng?"

Xu Xin was stunned:

"What are you looking for him for?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw his wife raising her head with a hint of sullenness still on her face:

"Shishi doesn't want to clarify, she is noble, she is amazing! But I can't do nothing, right?... Damn it, people in the Tang Dynasty are poisonous enough, we have to tear each other apart, right? Okay. You do the first year of junior high school, and I Do fifteen! I want to see if they can bear the price of this public opinion war!"

"...can you help me?"

"No, I can handle it myself."

Looking at Yu Zheng's reply on the phone, Yang Mi sneered.

June 10, 10:26 pm.

Yu Zheng posted on Weibo:

"To clarify, "Gong Lock Heart Jade" did not appoint any actor to star. I did find Tang Ren because I felt that Liu Zhishi was very suitable for the role of Luo Qingchuan. Unfortunately, no cooperation was reached. But Liu Zhishi was not appointed to star. In fact, at that time My goals include not only her, but also baby, Yuan Shanshan and other candidates. Even Mimi is also under consideration. What is said on the Internet about "Palace" targeting Shishi is untrue."

"Ding dong."

Yang Mi, who was sitting in front of the computer wearing anti-blue light rimless glasses, heard her phone ringing and picked it up to take a look.

From the certificate:

"Mimi, I have already posted a clarification on Weibo, please take a look."


"It's all according to your wishes. If you need me to do anything else, just tell me/cute"

After seeing his message, Yang Mi replied:

"OK, thanks."

"You're welcome/呑ya"

After closing the phone again, Yang Mi continued typing on the WORD document.

It wasn't until almost 12 o'clock that she finally finished writing.

Although it was tiring to stay up late coding, she still carefully reviewed what she had written. After confirming that the expression was correct, she copied it directly into the email and sent it to several email addresses.

After sending it, she picked up her phone and edited a message:

"That's probably what happened. Look, we are communicating where necessary."

After sending the message to several people, she stretched.

Then he sighed helplessly.



What kind of Buddhism are you playing at this time...


Don't you still have to protect you?


As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to use it.

We have gotten along so harmoniously over the past few years, now it's time for you to make some moves.

Sorry, my hand speed has plummeted since my backache, so this update took more time than usual.

I posted it as soon as I finished writing it. I'll correct the typos after I take a shower. Please forgive me.

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