I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 740 737 Evenly matched opponents

Chapter 740 737. Evenly matched opponents

The children struggled for a while and finally became quiet.

One by one, their mother took them back to the bedroom to rest.

As for Xu Xin, he put down the space chair and chatted with Ai Qing about some things in the United States.

Although he has been to Miami, he obviously still lacks knowledge of the United States.

When she heard Xu Xin chatting with her about the news about Kobe visiting the slums late at night, Ai Qing seemed to be afraid that he would also do something "going out to collect information" and said quickly:

"Director Xu, we absolutely! Absolutely cannot go to these dangerous places! The combination of the two words late at night and slums is a huge danger in itself! Even if you have bodyguards, gangs are prevalent there and addiction is everywhere. Gentleman, AIDS patient, mental patient..."

Although Xu Xin listened to the advice, he also knew that the United States was quite chaotic. But he still said:

"It felt pretty good when we were in Miami last year."

"That's because you live in a wealthy area. People in wealthy areas pay more taxes, and the police will protect them because they rely on the taxes of the wealthy for their salary. Maybe something happened to you on the streets of this street, The prisoner was arrested before he reached the end of the street. But if you are in a civilian area or some more dangerous communities, if you are unfortunately shot, you may have turned into a cold corpse by the time the police or ambulance arrive. .”


Xu Xin sighed:

"It's really exaggerated. It seems that the American people are also living in dire straits."

"In dire straits?"

Ai Qing smiled bitterly and shook her head:

"No, Director Xu, for the rich, the United States is paradise. But for the poor, the United States is a hell that is more terrifying than dire straits."

"That's why the United States exaggerates the American Dream..."

"Jingle Bell……"

Before the topic was finished, Xu Xin's phone rang.

He picked it up and looked at it.

The first thing you see is time.

It is already 3 pm in East Eighth District.

The plane had just taken off from Seoul.

The caller was none other than Qi Lei.

"Hey, Brother Qi, what's wrong?"

"Have you set off yet?"

"It has already taken off from Seoul. I estimate that I will arrive in Los Angeles at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. Is it convenient to talk now?"

"Convenient, it must be convenient. Just say it."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Ai Qing wisely got up and went to pour water.

"That's right... Gu Changwei brought back a movie."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Asked subconsciously:

"Bring it back?...What does bringing it back mean?...He took the photo?"


Qi Lei responded:

"The title of the film is "The Favorite". After filming last year, I just finished post-production. I took it back to the factory and plan to run for it."


Xu Xin's first reaction was confusion.

What's there to say about this kind of thing?

Regardless of Gu Changwei's current situation in the factory, as far as the works are concerned, whether it is the factory or the art creation center, the directors, screenwriters, actors, etc. here basically don't have to talk to the factory about what kind of works they will act in. Say hello.

Everyone is cooperating and achieving win-win results, but it is not like signing a contract of betrayal.

Unless it is a project promoted by the factory itself, such as "To Youth", where the factory provides money and scripts, it will get involved in the selection of directors and actors. Usually everyone is busy with their own affairs.

Although Gu Changwei has been squeezed out of the factory in the past two years and went to a TV station as a part-time deputy director, he still has a status in the industry.

Making movies is normal.

And if you stand for election, that's normal.

After all, we need to be united.

Besides, the factory has not yet closed the deadline for submissions.

All works that meet the requirements can be submitted for selection before July 15th.

After July 15, the selection process of the "Silk Road" Film Festival ends, and the promoted films will be handed over to the main unit and the Silk Road unit for final selection and arrangement for the opening of the film festival.

It's too late for him to send it now.

Thinking of this, he asked unconsciously:

"What's wrong with this film?"


Qi Lei seemed to be quite confused. After thinking about it, he said:

"Do you know Gao Yaojie?"

"I haven't heard of it. Who is it? Director? Actor? Investor?"

"No, she is the first person in our country to prevent AIDS among the people. She was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005."

"……so smart?"

"Yes. It is indeed very powerful...Yan Lianke, do you know?"

Not intending to explain too much about "Gao Yaojie"'s achievements, Qi Lei turned around and asked.

Xu Xin became more and more confused as he listened, but he still said:

"I have seen him. When Director Zhang and I were working on "The Hawthorn Tree", we invited him to come to Director Zhang's house to talk about the book. He is the author of "Shouhuo", right?"

"Yes, yes, have you seen it?"


Xu Xin responded, and then couldn't help but ask:

"Brother Qi, what do you want to say?"

Sometimes it was high, and sometimes it was severe, which made Xu Xin feel confused.

Seeing this, Qi Lei simply said:

"Gu Changwei's movie was produced in Beijing."


Xu Xin was instantly confused.

The first reaction was: Thief Sun, let me seize the opportunity to kick you away.

Of course, this thought lasted only a moment and disappeared.

If this were the case, Qi Lei would never be so hesitant when he called, and would just state the conclusion and be done with it.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"What's going on?"

"Yan Lianke wrote a novel, which was influenced by Gao Yaojie. It was called "Dingzhuang Dream" and it was about the blood selling villages and AIDS in Henan in the 1990s."


"After the book was published in 2006, Jiang Wenli saw the book. On the one hand, she was shocked. On the other hand, she thought the story was very good, so she recommended it to Gu Changwei. After Gu Changwei saw it, he immediately got it to the factory. At that time, Mr. Tian He hadn’t officially taken over the position yet. At that time, there were two acting directors in the factory..."

"I know that one is Mr. Tian and the other is from Gu Changwei's side. He left peacefully after Mr. Tian came up."

"Yes. At that time, Gu Changwei came to the factory and wanted to film this story. He was not from our department, so there was no need to approach us for this kind of thing. He looked for people on the other side, so the factory came forward and produced "Dingzhuang" I bought back the copyright of "Dream"."

"But Mr. Tian didn't buy it, right?"

"Yes. Later, after a series of personnel changes, after Mr. Tian got the most support, once the people there left, Gu Changwei and his team were very embarrassed. But Mr. Tian didn't mean that he was a chicken intestine, let alone the factory at that time The conditions here are such that it’s difficult to protect oneself, and everyone is huddled together to spend the winter, so naturally there is no talk of old or new grudges.”

"Well, then what? Why does this happen in this movie?"

"Because of "The Beginning of Spring." At that time, the factory was selecting scripts. Before you came, one of the scripts was "Dingzhuang Dream." We discussed it together and finally chose "The Beginning of Spring." At that time, Gu Changwei raised objections. He feels that he is more interested in realistic themes such as "Dream of Dingzhuang".

But later everyone, including Jiang Wenli, wanted to film "The Beginning of Spring". As compensation, Mr. Tian personally agreed, which meant that Gu Changwei could invest in the filming of "Dingzhuang Dream" by himself. Directly authorized by the factory. At that time, our relationship with the Beijing circle was that we were begging for help.

So he naturally found investors over there for this play. Jiang Wenli found him for him. The situation at that time was that Jiang Wenli and Gu Changwei found investors and were afraid that the investors would regret it. The investor in this script is An Le, the boss of Xingmei Pictures.

Star Beauty relies on Hong Kong circles, and at that time Gu Changwei fell in love with Aaron Kwok, and the reason why the other party agreed was because of Anle's help. Everyone has agreed on everything, and Gu Changwei has just started filming "The Beginning of Spring". He plans to shoot "Dingzhuang Dream" after finishing "The Beginning of Spring"..."

"Then the secret filming happened?"

"Yes. After the accident, he became the deputy director and began to be marginalized in the factory. But the contract for the script was signed, and the filming must be filmed. The script was not completed until the end of the year before last. It happened to be at the end of the year before that Out of the Pomo Gate. Zhang Ziyi lost her domestic resources and returned to Hong Kong. Somehow she got hooked on the line of Star Beauty. Anle recommended her to be the heroine of this movie."

"...Zhang Ziyi is also in this drama?"

Xu Xin subconsciously widened his eyes.


Qi Lei smiled bitterly:

"When we were on the set, Gu Changwei even joked that he and Zhang Ziyi had the same problem."


Xu Xin no longer knew what to say.


Although Qi Lei clearly explained the cause and effect of this movie, Xu Xin's doubts became more and more serious:

"Brother Qi...how do you know this matter so clearly?"

"It was because of Jiang Wenli that I left my office. I explained the cause and effect of this movie clearly. I had almost forgotten this script before, and it was authorized by Mr. Tian personally to Gu Changwei at that time. , after Gu Changwei signed the contract, he also said hello to the factory... You had just joined at that time, and "Secret" had not yet been released. These things had already been reported at that time. Who would have thought that our relationship with the Beijing Circle would be so bad now? This is a great virtue..."

"...Does Mr. Tian know about this?"

"Before I called you, I just went to Mr. Tian's place."

"What did Mr. Tian say?"

"Exact words?"


"Xiao Qi, Gu Changwei is also the director of the Art Creation Center, so you will naturally control the work."

"……Then what?"





Xu Xin was speechless.

He said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Mr. Tian, ​​is this giving you a problem?"

"It's for both of us. Who doesn't know that my name as the person in charge of the Art Creation Center is just a cover?"

"Hey~~~Brother Qi, what you said is wrong, you are the one in charge!"


Hearing Xu Xin's blame, Qi Lei actually wanted to curse.

Of course, this means the two of them have a good relationship, so I'm joking.

After the joke, Xu Xin thought for a while and then said:

"Mr. Tian means to let us make a decision?"


"Brother Qi, what do you mean?"



"To be honest, I have watched this movie and the quality is quite good. Moreover, Jiang Wenli also said when she came to see me that only she and Gu Changwei know about the completion of the movie. If the factory needs it, then She participated in the film festival.

If it is not needed, then she and Gu Changwei will hand over the movie to Xingmei, whether it will be put into theaters or other operations. Unless it is an event that Gu Changwei must attend, they will not participate.

I can tell that when she came to me this time, she also understood that the situation of this movie was special and that it really couldn't be delayed, because Gu Changwei promised Xingmei that it would be completed before the end of this month. Once it is handed in, he has no initiative in the film. "


Xu Xin fell silent again.

This matter is actually easy to handle but also difficult to handle.

The problem is that Gu Changwei and Wang Quanan are different.

Gu Changwei knows how to obey, and his wife is Jiang Wenli.

The fact that Jiang Wenli can come to Brother Qi to talk about this proves that Gu Changwei also knows that even if the contract was signed a few years ago, and even promoted by Mr. Tian himself, the sword of the previous dynasty may not be able to cut between the emperor and the courtiers. An official of this dynasty.

At that time, everyone signed up for a group to keep warm, and it was your ability to attract investment and make movies.

But now things are getting better in the factory. Although it would be a bit of a betrayal to say it, but at this stage, the Northwest Circle and the Beijing Circle have begun to dig up each other's ancestral graves. At this juncture, a key member of the West Film Factory "surrendered to the enemy" "...

That's really unreasonable.

Gu Changwei will definitely be kicked away, and Jiang Wenli's fate will probably not be much better.

And when these two people were kicked away, no matter whether they adhered to neutrality or defected to the Beijing circle...it was actually not pleasing to them.

The Beijing Circle and the Northwest Circle are both unpopular.

But unfortunately, these two people are quite innocent.

From the beginning of the movie project called "The Favorite", to the use of a heroine who was basically invisible and blocked, to the completion of the production at the cusp of the current...

From the beginning, these two people had no choice.

When things were bad in the factory, Wang Quanan, Gu Changwei, and Jiang Wenli were the absolute backbone.

The kind that you can't let go of even if you hold her alive.

After the factory got better, its status became awkward due to the "composition" issue and the secretly photographed incident.

At that time, in order to gain a foothold in the factory, the script signatory that was allowed to go out was Gu Changwei.

But after the relationship between the factory and the Beijing circle deteriorated, if the movie was not produced, Gu Changwei would still be the one to lose money.

But the problem is that Gu Changwei is not a core direct descendant in the factory, but a peripheral figure.

It’s true that grandma doesn’t love you and uncle doesn’t love you.

And then...it's okay if he has questionable "quality" as a director, and then he gets involved with Zhang Ziyi...

Xu Xin estimated that if no one took care of him, it would be really difficult for him to die in this movie.

Because they took money from Beijing Circle, his and Jiang Wenli's status in the factory would collapse.

If they took the money from the Beijing Circle but failed to work, neither of them would be able to stand firmly in the entire film and television industry. Years of hard work were ruined.

And now is the best outcome.

The quality of the movie is not bad, and it can be said to be an explanation to investors.

But the problem is...the factory can't explain it again.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:


"What are you laughing at?"

"It's so funny when I laugh at him. How did he get away with it? People always kill three people with two peaches, but he is better. A movie will offend people no matter what it is... It's really amazing."


Qi Lei was speechless for a moment.

But Xu Xin's words were also what gave him a headache.

After being speechless for a moment, he continued to ask:

"So, what do you think?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"That movie was very good?"

"Pretty good. But the scale is definitely not good in some places. His 150-point original version has a very high artistic level, but the version that won the dragon mark is 100 minutes, and the 50 minutes deleted are exactly the part with the best dramatic tension. But... it's really too high It's too sensitive. But the overall impression is really not bad. Oh yes, Feng Xiaogang also made a cameo..."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched again.

Heart says good guy.

I don’t know what Gu Changwei is going to do...

But after thinking for a moment, he still said:

"That's it...ask him if he can upload it to the network disk and let me take a look."

"I've finished asking, and it's being uploaded now. You can see it on the network disk tomorrow. It's really good~"

Xu Xin naturally believed in Qi Lei's art appreciation ability.

Seeing that he said it was good several times in a row, Xu Xin thought about it and said directly:

"Then let him go through the normal process, okay?"

"...Huh? You mean..."

"We are not the Beijing Circle. Everything we do is for the movie. We can use rules to fight against the Beijing Circle, but in essence, I think we must be more tolerant than them. Mr. Tian is right, unity is greater than everything. I I feel that it is reasonable to give this face, not to mention... even a salted fish can be used as Shang Fang's sword, so naturally the sword of my previous dynasty can also kill the officials of this dynasty. It's just..."


Qi Lei, who originally heard Xu Xin's words and thought that the other party thought the same as him, asked in confusion.

Then I heard Xu Xin let out a bitter smile:

"Compared to this movie, Brother Qi, don't you think Zhang Ziyi has a bigger problem?"

In his opinion, Zhang Ziyi is the hot coal.

I can still bear the height of a potato, and I can still eat it.

But holding the briquettes will have no other consequences than scalding yourself.


At this time, Qi Lei really couldn't say anything.


There is also Zhang Ziyi.

"not to mention……"

In Qi Lei's silence, Xu Xin asked a question that made both of them feel bad:

"What if Zhang Ziyi was pushed here intentionally?"

"Brother, what are you thinking about?"

Yang Mi, who woke up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, looked at her husband sitting in a daze on the massage chair, and asked curiously.

After Xu Xin came to his senses, he smiled and extended his hand.

Yang Mi held it habitually and let him lead her to the sofa next to her.

Picked up his water glass.

After realizing that it was full, she started to drink in small sips.

Women are made of water, so drink more water to keep your skin moist, elastic and shiny.

While drinking, he asked again:

"Why are you so worried?"

"There is indeed something going on..."

After recounting the content of the call with Qi Lei just now, Yang Mi also frowned.

"The boss of Xingmei is very courageous. He dares to push Zhang Ziyi into the crew? ... On purpose? Deliberately letting Zhang Ziyi trick us? Either he dug up Jiang Wenli's roots, or relied on Zhang Ziyi to make us offend some people?"

"This is what I'm afraid of."

Seeing that Yang Mi had already realized the difficulty of handling this matter, Xu Xin sighed helplessly.

It seems that more than a year and almost two years have passed since the Pomo Sect.

Many people have even forgotten this matter.

But... if you look at Zhang Ziyi's movements in the past two years, you can clearly see what kind of existence she has offended.

Since the Pomo scandal, Zhang Ziyi has not had any film resources.

Except this one.

There isn't any anymore.

As if overnight, she disappeared from this circle.

When a famous international film star is at her most popular, the output of one movie a year is already very low.

Sister Bingbing has 7 film and television works in one year.

Unparalleled in the limelight.

And Zhang Ziyi doesn’t have one.

Even the news media didn’t know how long it had been since she appeared.

When he called Qi Lei just now, he hadn't thought too much.

But after calming down for a while, he kept wondering.

Why did Feng Xiaogang guest star in Gu Changwei's movie?

This is not common sense.

The more I think about it, the weirder it becomes.

Yang Mi looked at his frowning expression and continued to ask:

"Then what should we do?"

"I don't know either. This is where we feel uncomfortable now. If the quality of the film is not good, it will be a big deal and it will not meet the entry requirements of the Silk Road Film Festival..."

"But our image will definitely take a hit. As long as they fan the flames, people will say that the Silk Road Film Festival has no fairness at all, nepotism and so on. Then the original intention of establishing the film festival will be all Collapse!"

Obviously, Yang Mi is very aware of the pros and cons of this matter.

As for her words, although Xu Xin had no choice but to nod:

"Yeah. But there is another opportunity, that is, the movie will be released, and let the audience see whether the movie is good or not... But the problem is, although I haven't seen the movie yet, according to Brother Qi, the completion of the movie will The degree is very high and the look and feel is very good. This is the most troublesome thing.”


Yang Mi was stunned.

Immediately I realized what my husband meant.


This is really the most troublesome.

The film was of high quality and was submitted to the Silk Road Film Festival.

The choice of whether to be shortlisted was given to Xiying Studio.

Not shortlisted? Then...or rather, what I just said will definitely happen. This directly led to the collapse of the entire Silk Road Film Festival.

As long as the reputation falls, as a film festival, it is simply impossible to pick it up.

Over the years, all film festivals have tried their best to show themselves fairly.

Even if it cannot be truly fair, it must at least appear fair on the broad surface.

If this most important point is missing, then there is really no need for this film festival to exist.

This was a fatal blow to the follow-up actions of Xiying Studio.

There is no fairness, impartiality, no platform for the film to be shown, and no credibility.

Then the entire film festival will become a useless place where the director has no interest, the audience thinks there is something shady, and the investors are full of concerns!

And what if you are shortlisted?

If you are shortlisted, you will have an explanation for the audience, director, and investors.

But you offended someone who could make Jiazhang disappear.

Give people eye drops.

Originally, people called you Xiao Xu, but you called me Aunt Zhao.

Once this eye medicine is applied...

Then there would be no friendship at all.

The old friendship is gone, and I have offended an enemy of unknown strength, and I am afraid there will be more troubles in the future.

I don't know where it is, but it will get stuck in your neck.

Thinking of this, she frowned and said:

"Whose bad idea came up with this? It's so vicious! It's really seven inches high."


Xu Xin said nothing.

But I have to admit...

As a descendant of Xu Xian, I play with snakes all day long, but today... I was played by a snake.

Although everyone's interests are different, we have already made preparations for this.

If you provoke someone, there is no reason why they should not fight back.


Only at this moment could he more or less truly feel the feeling of someone having his neck stuck.


I dig your roots, you pinch my neck.

Evenly matched opponents.

Absolutely amazing!

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