I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 741 738 You don’t have to walk alone

Chapter 741 738. You don’t have to walk alone

Xu Xin thought about it and took the initiative to talk to Aunt Zhao.

Or the factory can come forward and find someone to lead everyone to talk about this matter.

But the problem is that the result of this matter is actually not important to Xiying Studio.

First of all, Aunt Zhao is just an "ordinary person" from a theoretical perspective.

But the question is who really treats her as an ordinary person, that is the fool.

In Aunt Zhao's circle of ordinary people, there were very few direct conflicts. In other words, everyone is doing one thing in front of others and another behind the scenes.

On the surface, everyone is in harmony, but what happens behind the scenes depends on who is really the winner.

Xu Xin guessed that there was no need for the factory to come forward about this matter. He went to find Aunt Zhao to talk about this matter, and the response he got must be "Oh, Xiao Xu, you are out of touch now, aren't you? What a big deal it is." ..." and other answers.


Why are you so sure, you ask?

It's very simple, my father taught me.

There were no clear and detailed explanations of what the old man taught him, but some things could be explained clearly by words and deeds in just a few sentences.

This is a set of rules.

After applying this set of rules, Xu Xin knew the consequences of doing so.

Aunt Zhao will definitely agree.

After that, everyone will definitely have no friends anymore.

Regardless of the stumbling block, even Aunt Zhao could understand that this matter had nothing to do with Xiying Film Studio.

After all, there is no explicit rule that Zhang Ziyi is not allowed to act.

But she ended up like this because everyone looked at Aunt Zhao's face and gave her this face.

Xiying Studio can be innocent, but it is still an ironclad situation if they don't give her face.

This is where things get difficult.

There is no optimal solution.

No matter what, everything was settled from the moment Zhang Ziyi was thrust into the crew by the producer of "The Favorite".

Even if Gu Changwei cuts out Feng Xiaogang's cameo, the Beijing circle's faces will be minimized from this movie. But as long as Zhang Ziyi is here, no matter whether the movie is good or bad, Xi Film Studio will lose.

Moreover, what makes Xu Xin most helpless is... he still can't guard against it.

Just like what he said to Qi Lei, no matter Gu Changwei, Jiang Wenli, or even all the directors, screenwriters, and actors, everyone signed a contract of betrayal.

If you have a job at Xiying Film Studio and we can cooperate with you, then let’s cooperate.

But if you simply want to rely on Xiying Studio to support everyone, it is simply unrealistic.

Everyone can only cooperate and come together if they are destined to do so. If not, everyone is busy with their own affairs.

No one can really set up a department like Jinyiwei to stare at these people in the Art Creation Center every day.

Obviously, Beijing Circle has also found the weakness of Xiying Studio.

The entire core class, finding it hard to win when it came to movies, opted for a dirtier...but more effective approach.

Your Xiying Film Studio is not located in the imperial city, so you can't cover the sky with one hand.

There are always people you can't stand.

This has nothing to do with the movie, but another level of effect.

After this incident, Xu Xin seemed a little worried throughout the journey.

He thought of many things.

For example, will the Beijing circle take the initiative to fill the factory with bad artists?

If Xi Film Studio fails to investigate for a while, it will easily become a hiding place for evil and evil in public opinion.

Then...he didn't know why he had these thoughts in his mind.

The first reaction was to ask everyone in the factory to do a hair test...

Then everyone will check out the accounting issues, relationships between men and women, etc...

One dangerous idea after another kept popping out of my mind, as if the floodgates had been opened.

But he didn't know where his crisis-conscious ideas came from.

Not realistic at all.

What the hell... is there a special swearing-in meeting in Humen to eliminate opium, and I am sworn in with gambling and drug addiction?

With these thoughts, he seemed particularly silent for the rest of the journey.

And Yang Mi also knew that he needed to think quietly, and took the initiative to take care of all the trivial matters of raising children.

Xu Xin knows that his wife is working hard.

Both ancestors have caught up with Tom and Jerry.

But unfortunately, he really needs a quiet environment without being disturbed by anyone.

In the end, Yangyang, who cried loudly because of her sister's kick, was held in her arms by her mother, whose hair was all messy.

When she saw her mother only hugging her younger brother but not herself, Nuan Nuan simply started to cry while picking up her mother's pants to climb up.

In the noisy plane, Xu Xin and his wife looked at each other.

Yang Mi immediately expressed her emotion of turning sideways, turning her head, and saying, "Leave everything to me."

When Xu Xin saw this, he stood up and walked over.

"Come on, warm, daddy, give me a hug."

"I'm fine, just coax me and I'll be fine. You can go and rest."

Hearing this, Xu Xin just picked up his daughter, then lowered his head and kissed his wife on the cheek:

"It's okay. I don't want to think about it anymore~... Let's go, daddy is bringing the electronic keyboard. How about our eldest baby playing the piano for daddy to listen to..."

"I'm sorry, my English is not good. I am the director. I came here to shoot a commercial, "The Matrix". Volvo invited me to come here."

"MR.XU, I understand, this is my job, please don't mind."

"Excuse me? No, I'm learning English and would be happy to chat with you."

The prosecutor who came in was a young black man.

After hearing Xu Xin's words, his already dark face turned a little darker.

This Asian director came by private plane, and no one dared to make things difficult for such a rich man. But who knew this person was a talkative person...

He was trying to express his intentions in English that was as childish as his cousin's son...

The black guy said in his heart, big brother, I have returned my passport to you, can’t we leave quickly...

Are you treating me as an English tutor or something?

Finally, the black guy nodded politely to Xu Xin:

"Wish you a great time in America."

"Of course, America loves Dirty Dancing."

Yang Mi, who had already left the customs and was waiting for her husband to come over, looked at his mouth and rolled her eyes.

Learning a little English is not enough for you to be arrogant.

If you want to practice, you can't find anyone... You have to grab a black guy to chat with.

After a while, they lock you in a dark room and let you stick your head out. I'll see what you do.

Xu Xin, who had regained her composure, said happily:

"How about it, Ai Qing, are that guy and I good at rapping? It's said that black people speak fast and have so many slang words. I understand everything this guy said."

"...Director Xu is really amazing."

Ai Qing said something innocently.

I muttered in my heart that people obviously treat you like a three-year-old child, and the speed of my speech slowed down countless times...

But whatever.

Xu Xin, who boasted that he could communicate with the Americans without any problems, left the airport happily, and then saw the people from the Volvo US branch who came to receive him.

The battle was not small, and here came Big Paris, the head of Volvo's largest dealer in the western region, and a team responsible for the couple's trip.

Clearly, Volvo has high standards for entertaining a couple.

Xu Xin didn't ask which hotel he was staying in.

But after getting in the car and looking at the unfamiliar city of Los Angeles, I suddenly realized that... everything in my mind was actually about the NBA.


Although it was just the day before yesterday...oh no, the day before yesterday, the 13th, the finals between the Mavericks and the Heat also ended.

4-2, the Mavericks won the championship.

Winning the single-core championship, which is known as the most valuable in recent years.

The Lakers were eliminated by the Mavericks as early as May.

I'm afraid I won't be able to see Kobe Bryant playing ball this time...

Just as she was thinking about it, Yang Mi suddenly said:

"When should I make an appointment with Sister Mo?"

"It doesn't matter at noon or in the evening. Just ask her when she is free."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded and asked Marianne, the person in charge of their trip, in English:

"Miss Marianne, where is the hotel we are staying at?"

"Beverly Hills, Ms. Yang. We know that Director Xu Xin likes Italy very much, and among the luxury hotels in Los Angeles, the most Italian-style hotel is the MR.C Hotel in Beverly Hills. I believe Director Xu will definitely like it. Traditional Italian taste at The Belvedere.”

Marian spoke so quickly that Xu Xin couldn't react.

But after Yang Mi heard this, the corners of her mouth began to twitch.

Okay... okay.

As a friend of Italy, my husband has an aura of shouldering the responsibility of friendship between Italy and China that I cannot shake off.

But who would have thought that... everything is just because of a piece of pizza?

"I don't understand what Marianne is saying."

"Yo? Don't you get along with black guys?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, but still translated this sentence to her husband.

But Xu Xin doesn't mind that others think he loves Italian culture.

The Italian people were indeed very enthusiastic about him.

Even if our meeting was just a horse-hooves clattering mistake at the beginning, it is difficult to reject the kindness of others, and he is happy to enjoy this beautiful mistake.


"Beverly Hills...Beverly Hills? Does Kobe live there too?"


Yang Mi ignored him.

She thinks her husband is embarrassed.

Along the way, Marianne introduced the city of Los Angeles.

After getting off the bus, the family gathered together, and Ai Qing recommended that Yang Mi go to the spa at MR.C Hotel to experience it.

It is said that the spa in this hotel is very famous.

Suddenly, Yang Mi became interested and planned to experience the SPA in the spa.

Xu Xin's old father-in-law was more curious about the scenery of the evil capitalist country called the United States. In addition, the two children had been on the plane for more than ten hours and wanted to go for a walk.

So, we just put it aside for a while and decided to take advantage of the morning to take a walk around. Anyway, as an actor, she doesn't have to worry about how the director shoots, she only needs to know what she is acting.

But Xu Xin didn’t go.

He needs to hurry up and watch the movie "The Favorite".

So, after putting their luggage in their respective rooms, a group of people, including Su Meng, went shopping.

Xu Xin connected the computer to the Internet, looked at the file that had been uploaded for less than 25 minutes, and clicked download.

The Internet speed in the United States is not bad, but even if the total 250-minute movie is not high-definition, it still takes less than half an hour to download.

When he was planning to go downstairs to have a drink, his cell phone rang.

It's Liu Momo calling.

And the first sentence after being connected is:

"Which floor is it? I'll go up to find you."

So, within 5 minutes, Xu Xin opened the door and saw Liu Momo, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Sister Mo."

He smiled and said hello.

Liu Momo took off his sunglasses, nodded with a smile, looked around and said:

"Where's Mimi?"

"They went for a walk. It's their first time in Los Angeles."

"Why don't you go?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin pointed at the laptop:

"There's a movie to watch."

"...Good guy, you are very dedicated."

As Liu Momo spoke, he picked up the drink list in the room, glanced at it, and said:

"Should you go down and find a place to sit, or should you rest for a while?"

"Can I smoke downstairs?"

"No, smoking is prohibited in Los Angeles within six meters of the door. If you want to smoke, you can only smoke indoors."

"...Then let's stay here. Is it okay if I smoke on the balcony?"

"That's okay."

Liu Momo said, seeing a tea set in the suitcase Xu Xin opened, and asked:

"Is there tea?"


"Then I won't order anything to drink. I haven't drunk domestic tea for a long time, and the tea I buy in Chinatown is not very good... Oh, yes, don't drink raw water here."


"Hard water causes hair loss."

"That's okay, I have a lot of hair."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Liu Momo had a "we'll see" expression on his face.

But he still took out the tea set that Xu Xin packed from the refrigerator and started to boil water.

Xu Xin lit a cigarette on the balcony, adjusted his position comfortably and waited for her to take a seat.

Not to mention, facing the sea, the spring flowers were blooming, and his mood suddenly improved.

Soon, Liu Momo sat on the chair next to him and asked curiously:

"What is the creative idea of ​​your advertising this time? Why did Volvo suddenly get involved with you?"

"look by youself."

Xu Xin pointed to his computer bag.

Liu Momo stood up again to get it, and then saw the name of the downloaded file on Xu Xin's laptop:

"ZA released + (unabridged) both versions."

"ZA is the abbreviation for what movie?"


"...Romance movie?"

"To be honest, I don't know yet, but the story is based on Yan Lianke's "Dream of Dingzhuang". Have you read it?"

"No. What are you talking about?"

As she said that, she had already sat back down next to Xu Xin.

"There used to be a blood-selling village in Henan, did you know?"


Liu Momo was stunned.

"It seems... I've heard of selling blood for money, right? I remember that the weird arguments about drinking beer to dilute the blood came out from that time."


This time it was Xu Xin's turn to wonder.

Does drinking beer thin your blood?

what is this?


The two stared at each other for a moment, then Xu Xin shrugged:

"You'll find out after you watch it...but I'm also worried about this movie now."


"This movie was funded by Beijing, but it was shot by Gu Changwei."


Liu Momo was stunned.

Then I came up with the sentence in hindsight:

"Oh, yes, I remembered that the Northwest Circle is competing with the Beijing Circle for the market, right?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Now we are no longer competing for the market, but rather trying to dig out each other's foundations."

The moment he heard this, Liu Momo's reaction was to frown:

"Is it such a big fuss?"

"Of course it's not big. It can only be said that everyone limits the fight to this circle. In fact, outsiders don't know the pros and cons of everything, but in fact, if you are not careful, you will lose everything."

After hearing this, Liu Momo finally became interested and asked:

"You approached my dad about the tax matter, and you went to them too?"

"that is not."

Xu Xin subconsciously shook his head from side to side.

Then I remembered that I was in the United States.

So he said:

"In doing this, I hope that the entire industry will become better. Without such a large profit industry chain, it will not be mentioned for the country. For practitioners, without these industry chains, the film will still return in the end. To the point where quality wins. Then my goal is achieved.”

"Ha, do you know what my dad said about you?"

"What did you say?"

"No matter how hot-headed you are about this matter, even if one general succeeds, thousands of bones will die. But most likely you won't end up with a good ending... You can hold this standard, it's just right."

Hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't help but smile:

"That's okay, then I'll have confidence in my heart."

"Well... where are you now?"

Because she is not often in the country, she doesn't care much about these things.

Xu Xin held a cigarette in his mouth and pointed behind him, and began to tell about Yuntu.

Liu Momo knew the properties of Cloud Atlas, so Xu Xin didn't explain it in detail. After just talking about the reaction of people in the Beijing circle who were jumping and scolding, he continued:

"Then they also came up with a trick. The Beijing Film Industry paid for it, people from the West Film Studio filmed it, and then they gave me Zhang Ziyi as the heroine in the crew. It was a trick to kill the whole family, it was so poisonous."

"Zhang Ziyi?"

Liu Momo was stunned again.

After blinking, he said:

"I really haven't heard from her for a long time. Didn't she offend that woman Zhao Xinyu and disappear after a bucket of ink was poured on her? You said you could just stop after you got rid of the person, but you still have to publicize it everywhere I did it myself. So what are you doing in such a high-profile manner? And then this year, there was a concert to make a comeback, which made everyone’s faces look bad.”


At this time, Xu Xin was stunned.

Subconsciously asked:

"You know her?"

"We know each other."


Looking at Xu Xin's confused look, Liu Momo shrugged:

"I actually think she's not that good, but on the surface everyone is quite close to her."

"Very close?"

"...What are you going to do?"

she asked.

But Xu Xin didn't answer, but started thinking quickly in his mind.

After a while, he suddenly asked:

"Sister Mo, would it be okay if you talked to her?"

"Then it depends on what you want me to say. The question is...what do you like about her? That crappy club? That's all she has, right? Others don't get her turn. You may not know why she is Being able to hold this club is, on the one hand, the mother is more valuable than the son, and on the other hand, she cannot get other things. The name is not justified..."

"Stop first."

Xu Xin waved his hand to stop her from talking.

Then he said:

"I'm having a problem right now. If you're good at speaking, it would be best if you could help me with a word. That's like this..."

After describing Zhang Ziyi’s pros and cons in detail, he finally concluded:

"Whether this matter is man-made or coincidental, I can only say that it makes me very passive. If you are good at talking, tell her for me? Zhang Ziyi is Zhang Ziyi, and Xiying Studio is Xiying Studio .This matter has been a problem since 2007..."

"no problem."

Before Xu Xin finished speaking, Liu Momo nodded and agreed:

"But not in your name. I have to say this. She will definitely give me this face. After all, people of our generation still have to get along with each other. But no one will feel comfortable. There is no need for you to make things worse. If you take it upon yourself, you won't do anything wrong. Well..."

Speaking of this, she fell into thinking.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Her incident is actually quite ugly. In the past, only people who had contact with her would know her name, but since Zhang Ziyi's incident came out, it has become known to everyone... On the contrary, no one dares to have too much contact with her. I contacted her because she was "unstable", you understand? There is a problem with the philosophy of life. People like us can either accept the arrangement of the family and hide away, or be like me and simply not cause trouble to the family and go as far away as possible . It’s really inappropriate for her to be like this... I’ll just say hello to her and let her go to Cloud Atlas.”

"No, doesn't this mean fighting against each other..."

Xu Xin quickly refused.

But Liu Momo just shrugged:

"That's why I need to come forward. If it's just a simple mediation, Zhang Ziyi doesn't have such a big face. I don't want to go to her to settle things without getting any benefits. What's more, you and the Beijing circle are so troubled that they dig each other's ancestral graves. What? Are you going to let people bully you like this all the time?

Once this thing starts, it can't be stopped. You just asked her to sign Cloud Atlas, just like you said. If everyone wants to play in the future, just stay in this three-acre land of the film and television industry. Don't engage in tricks like calling parents if you can't beat them. No one wants to let her The thing happened again. "

Intuitively, I told myself that the "her" Sister Mo said before and the "her" behind her were not the same person.


Xu Xin had to admit that this was the best way to break the situation.

Thinking of this, he laughed out loud:


"What are you laughing at?"

"I am laughing at the end of the road, but there is no way out, and there is still a bright future. It would be great to have your help, Sister Mo."

But Liu Momo shook his head slightly and said in a serious tone:

"No, it's just that you are doing the right thing. Not everyone has the courage to do such a right thing. So, rather than saying that I am helping, it is better to say..."


Under Xu Xin's curious eyes, Liu Momo said word by word:

“Thousands of mountains send you there, you don’t have to walk alone.”


There was a notification sound from Xunlei that the download was completed.

The movie is downloaded.

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