I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 742 739 Los Angeles at four in the morning

Chapter 742 739. Los Angeles at four in the morning

The problem was solved, and Xu Xin felt instantly relieved.

What Sister Mo said is right.

If we all want to fight in the future, we will fight on this three-thirds of an acre of land in the film and television industry.

Don't just invite the Buddha to come over from outside the circle...

It is always a shameful thing to fail to call the parents.

After the movie was downloaded, he took his laptop over and planned to watch the movie. Liu Momo picked up Volvo's advertising plan and wanted to see what kind of advertising Xu Xin had done.

The two of them were busy, separated by a pot of tea.

Xu Xin made some choices between the two files, and finally decided to watch the 100-minute version.

The requirement of the Silk Road Film Festival is that feature films must obtain the Dragon Label, which means they must be approved by the review department before they can be selected. According to Qi Lei, the 150-minute version is exciting, but it cannot pass the review.

Never mind how good the shot is, it doesn’t mean much.

Click play.

Soon the dragon mark appeared.

Then there is the name of the production company.

And a subtitle:

"This film is based on the early 1990s, and the story is purely fictitious."

After this subtitle, the dark screen brightened, and a distant outline of mountains and villages appeared.

A childish voice came from the speaker:

"Suppose our village is called Niangniang Temple. It is located in a very big mountain."

"I don't know from which day, AIDS, which is called a fever in the village, came in quietly from the outside world."

"With this fever, human life falls like leaves."



Xu Xin is looking carefully.

I have to admit that Gu Changwei's photography style is still sophisticated.

From the long shot, to the camera movement accompanying the lines, to the shot of a boy wearing a school uniform and holding a magnifying glass, the transition is quite natural.

Perhaps the tone of the line was too innocent, and it really looked like it was read by a non-professional primary school student. Liu Momo, who was originally reading the script, subconsciously focused his attention on the computer.

But because of the light, the screen looked dark to her.

Seeing this, she said:

"Let's watch it on TV. Have you brought a USB flash drive?"


Xu Xin nodded, took out the USB flash drive, and copied the two audio and video files on the laptop to the USB flash drive.

Entered the house with Liu Momo.

The two of them just sat on the sofa.

One head per person.

The TVs in the MR.C Hotel are all ultra-thin LCD black and white plasma large color TVs that have become popular in the past two years.

The kind that people who are not good enough would not dare to use.

Naturally supports U disk input.

Liu Momo knew how to adjust, and quickly found two movies and asked:

"Which one are you looking at?"


With one click, the video started playing.

But this time, after Xu Xin watched the beginning again, listening to the many "what ifs" and "what ifs" in the film, he immediately felt Gu Changwei's full desire to survive.

But not for other people, but for review.

The "what if" in this opening line is exactly the same as the "purely fictional" in the title sequence.


When the two of them saw the brightly colored tomatoes on the screen, they frowned at the same time.

as expected.

The next moment, the little boy who was still walking briskly walked slower and slower, and finally fell to his knees.

When he appeared again, he was already lying in a coffin.


What story does "Favorite" tell?

It's actually very simple.

It can even be summed up in one sentence.

In a village with AIDS, a man with AIDS and another woman with AIDS collided with each other in the last moments of their lives.

The fire is brilliant.

The fire was short-lived.

It's so short that after reading it, you won't be moved at all, only endlessly sad.

Frankly speaking, Xu Xin always knew that Gu Changwei was of a certain level.

But after watching this movie, my impression of it really changed.

This successful script shines most brilliantly in his hands.

It really lives up to that sentence:

"The sweeter it is, the more heartbreaking it is."

In the unsolvable life bomb of AIDS, no matter how sweet and touching it is, it cannot withstand the onset of the disease in the end.

In the first half, Xu Xin didn't feel this way.

But as the spark of love between Aaron Kwok and Zhang Ziyi burst out, the more pure the love between the two of them was photographed by Gu Changwei, the clearer the countdown ticking in Xu Xin's mind.

It was like a death knell tolling for the two of them.

On the other side of the sofa, Liu Momo's brows hadn't relaxed since the beginning of the movie.

After watching a movie, time has passed.

Looking at the credits at the end of the film, Xu Xin took a deep breath.

After lighting a cigarette, he fell into deep thought.

Liu Momo didn't say anything either.

He also looked thoughtful.

After about a minute, she took the initiative to ask:

"How do you feel? On a 100-point scale, how many points would you give?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"I give the entire film 75 points. Aaron Kwok's acting skills are 85, and Zhang Ziyi's is 90."


Liu Momo was shocked:

"Only 75?"

"...Do you feel low?"

"Yeah. This movie suits my taste very much. Especially the mutual love between two people in the last days of AIDS... the kind of relationship that faces life and death at any time, but also transcends life and death... I just endured it. I didn’t let myself shed tears.”

After hearing her comment, Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"Where's your score?"

"95 points! I deducted the 5 points because I think...Pu Cunxin's story line has no beginning and no end. I didn't understand it...but this does not prevent me from being moved by the relationship between Zhao Deyi and Shang Qinqin. As for the two People's acting skills... I think they are all pretty good... Why did you only give it 75 points?"

After speaking, a strange look appeared on Liu Momo's face.

But Xu Xin's understanding of her statement was that this sister really needed to fall in love.

Of course, this is a joke.

Every movie has an audience.

This "Favorite" obviously suits the taste of the audience Liu Momo, who exists as an independent individual.

It’s normal to give high marks.

As for why I gave it 75 points...

Xu Xin did not give a direct answer, but paused the TV broadcast and asked:

"At this moment, what are the most memorable moments and lines in your memory?"


Liu Momo was stunned.

"Don't think about it, answer me directly."


Seeing Liu Momo's reaction, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Did you notice it?"


"Too full."

He shook his head slightly:

"Although the entire script is very complete, Director Gu also produced a good story. But... he gave too much and was too subjective. It's like you think this movie is particularly to your taste... Sister Mo , in my case, although the director is the teller of the story, but... the more private goods are involved, the more the film itself will screen the audience.

Just like this movie, is its love beautiful? Very beautiful. Under the reminder of AIDS, every frame actually has a tension of "there is no tomorrow" and "we only live for today".

But this is also why I gave him a 75 score. His photography was too subjective and his sweetness was too full. Too sweet and it will be bitter. It will be annoying and make people feel bored. This is also the main reason why you can’t find many memorable points at once.

The love between the two is touching, but there are too many touching scenes that will raise your threshold infinitely. You will become more and more exhausted later on, and the originally touching story is like a peak curve. It is indeed very high compared to the average, but it lacks a real sudden peak that gives you a sense of transparency from the root of your soul.

Therefore, I only give him 75 points. "

Although Liu Momo agreed with Xu Xin's words, she asked unconsciously:

"What about you? What's your most profound moment? ...You answer me right away."

Hearing this, Xu Xin shrugged and said:

"The scene where Big Mouth, played by Wang Baoqiang, turns his head and says: "My speaker is about to run out of power, and I am about to run out of power."


Liu Momo was stunned again.

But Xu Xin was holding a cigarette in his mouth, recalling that scene, and said with emotion:

"Wang Baoqiang is really suitable for this kind of role."


At about 12 o'clock, Yang Mi sent Xu Xin a WeChat message and asked him how he arranged the lunch meal.

After Xu Xin replied, "Sister Mo and I are watching "The Favorite", Yang Mi didn't reply.

Therefore, he and Liu Momo were still the only ones who moved from the room to the restaurant to eat.

It was already past 1 o'clock, so the two decided to have something to eat.

After ordering the meal, Liu Momo asked:

"In other words, do you think Zhang Ziyi is the best interpreter of the character in this movie?"


Xu Xin responded.

"Putting aside all factors other than acting, in terms of acting skills, her performance is indeed impeccable."

Speaking of this, he recalled the scene when he and Yang Mi were invited to have dinner together, and said with emotion:

"So, what people fear most is not being able to recognize their own position and giving birth to ambitions that they shouldn't have. Although ambition can be turned into motivation... But once you take the wrong path, you can easily lead yourself into a ditch. go."

Liu Momo tore a piece of pre-dinner bread. Hearing this, he glanced at him and said:

"Are you afraid that you can't control her?"

"Then it depends on her performance. I think after going through this, she should also understand what things can be touched and what things cannot be touched. Then this matter..."

"Leave it to me. I'll tell you when it's done."


Xu Xin nodded and picked up the lemonade:


Liu Momo smiled slightly.

If you don’t drink, you will eat faster.

Before 2 o'clock, the meal was finished. After eating, the two moved to the bar to chat.

The conversation was all about Hollywood.

Liu Momo said that the film she invested in will be filmed soon, and it will be an action film or something.

Regarding these things, Xu Xin didn't say anything like "please show me the script".

Even if it is money spent against the wind.

No need.

I just chatted with her about how the working model in Hollywood is different from that in China.

The biggest difference, according to Liu Momo, is that "the people here have a ridiculously strong sense of time."

In short: no overtime.

Because overtime pay is expensive.

And if you work too much overtime, the union will also give you trouble.

But although they don't work overtime, they are definitely not diligent when they can fish.

In short...Liu Momo, who is in the midst of it, has a hard time imagining how they can achieve such a status in Hollywood. But on the other hand, when she learned something about stunts, special effects, and Hollywood's business operation model, she had a "that's it" mentality.

Especially when compared with domestic film models, it is more obvious.

Don't mention anything else.

Just talk about the production cost.

10 to 20 million is simply a small budget production in Hollywood.

From this point of view, domestic movies have a long way to go.

The two of them chatted until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Yang Mi woke up and went downstairs.

After seeing Liu Momo, they started chatting very affectionately.

While the two were chatting, Xu Xin felt sleepy...

Seeing Xu Xin yawning non-stop, Liu Momo knew that his jet lag had reached its limit.

So he said:

"Mimi, are you free tonight? Let's go have dinner?"


Turning to look at her yawning husband, Yang Mi said with a bit of regret:

"Forget it, my parents have rested, and he will have to rest soon, and there is no one to take care of the child. Tomorrow?"

"That's okay... Then let him rest tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded, drank the last sip of the Long Island Ice Tea in his cup, and stood up directly:

"That's it, I'm really sleepy. Can we make an appointment tomorrow?"

"Okay. Let's go and rest~"

Following Liu Momo's words, the three-person gathering was finally over.

Farewell to her directly at the door of the bar, Xu Xin yawned and got into the elevator with his wife:

"Where's the child?"

"We are with our parents and we are all sleepy. You can go to bed when you get back soon."

"Yes, how about you?"

"Go to the spa for a spa treatment."


On the first day of coming to the United States, Xu Xin didn't even take a shower.

Taking advantage of this sleepiness, I returned to the room, fell on the bed, and fell asleep completely.

When I wake up from sleep, my genius will be bright.

His wife was sleeping soundly next to him, and the light outside suddenly opened. After taking out his mobile phone and taking a look, Xu Xin realized that it was only 4 in the morning.


4 o'clock?

Coach, I want to play basketball!

It’s 4 o’clock in the morning in Los Angeles, and you have to see everything.

So, he washed his face quietly, felt the temperature on the balcony, and planned to go out.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi was awakened by this movement.

"Ah? Brother, where are you going?...What time is it?"

Looking at his sleepy wife, Xu Xin said softly:

"It's only 4 o'clock in the morning. I'm going to see Los Angeles at 4 o'clock in the morning."


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then threw herself on the bed and rolled her eyes:


Then ignore him.

But the facts proved that Xu Xin thought too much.

Although this is Beverly Hills, Kobe at 4 a.m. obviously wouldn't train himself like this while on vacation.

There wasn't even a pedestrian on the road.

The entire city is in a state of not yet waking up, which is basically the same as in China.

Xu Xin didn't mind either, just like taking a walk.

While walking around, he dialed Qi Lei's phone number.

The time difference between Los Angeles and Yanjing is about 15 hours.

It was only around 7pm at Qi Lei's place.

When I answered the phone, my voice was still grunting.

Obviously, he should be eating.

"It must be early morning over there, right? Are you up so early?"

Looking at the soft light in the sky, Xu Xin was in a good mood and said:

"Just finished playing with Kobe."


Qi Lei obviously understands this trick.

But precisely because I understand, I feel speechless.

In order not to let Xu Xin affect his mood for dinner, he said:

"Can we just talk about business?"


Xu Xin laughed and then said:

"I plan to let Zhang Ziyi sign Cloud Atlas."


Qi Lei lowered his head and glanced at his freshly mixed, rosy oily noodles...

Helplessly, he pointed to the phone to his wife, got up and walked out.

As he walked, he said:

"Are you sure you just finished playing basketball with Kobe and not just finished drinking with Kobe and are still awake?"


Xu Xin smiled and lit a cigarette.

It's 4 o'clock in the morning, so if you smoke a cigarette, you shouldn't be fined.

In a burst of rising smoke, he recounted what he had talked with Liu Momo yesterday.

After Qi Lei listened, he still asked with some uneasiness:

"Although I know that the shareholder of Niefeng has a lot of background...but do you have to explain it to me? Just let her come forward? Why do I feel unreliable?"

"Don't worry, the thing is definitely reliable. And it is the optimal solution. But similarly, we still can't give too much in the short term for Zhang Ziyi to sign Yuntu. To put it bluntly, no matter whether there is someone behind the scenes or not, this matter is handled this way. It’s the best. It doesn’t matter where Zhang Ziyi signs, what’s important is that others won’t come to us because of her and get in trouble. Let’s avoid this unnecessary disaster.”

After saying this, Qi Lei fell silent again.

Xu Xin also heard the "click" sound.

Apparently, he was also smoking.

After being silent for about ten seconds, Xu Xin heard him say:

"Okay. Then there is no need to talk to Gu Changwei about this matter. Just let "The Favorite" be selected through the normal process, and whatever the result will be when it is evaluated, that will be the result. As for Zhang Ziyi's signing of Cloud Atlas, we will pretend that we don't know about it. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better. It’s best to keep it secretive so that others will take action. But... someone has to talk to Zhang Ziyi.”

"……Let me do it."

After Xu Xin thought for a while, he gave the answer:

"I'm returning to China after filming the commercial. The quality of the film "The Favorite" will definitely make it shortlisted for the main competition. I will have a chat with her when the film festival starts."

"It's definitely best for you to talk, and we'll be together then."

"That's not necessary. You have to find out about this matter. As you said, the fewer people who know about it, the better... So is this settled?"

After hearing this, Qi Lei seemed to be uneasy and couldn't help but ask:

"Are you sure the person you are looking for is reliable? This Ms. Zhao is..."

"Don't worry, Brother Qi. Don't worry, leave it to me."

Putting a reassuring pill directly into Qi Lei's mouth, Xu Xin gave a positive answer and said:

"There's nothing else to do. You can just eat. We'll talk about everything after I return to China."


The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin raised his head, looked at the increasingly brighter sky, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know what kind of effect Zhang Ziyi would have after joining Yuntu... This matter was really difficult to control.

But he knows...

After this matter is resolved, the Silk Road Film Festival will definitely have a broader future.

When those businessmen outside who put "profit" first saw Zhang Ziyi's appearance at the Silk Road Film Festival, they would be able to analyze a lot of things.

And for a period of time, they will definitely choose to wait and see.

But as long as the Silk Road Film Festival is okay and smooth sailing, then starting from the second edition, as long as there are no major problems in the entire Silk Road Film Festival, it will definitely become more and more brilliant.

Its success is inevitable.

And every time I think about it... maybe in five or ten years' time, the Silk Road Film Festival will become the most valuable film festival in the minds of the audience, and the high-quality films produced every year can drive the development of the entire industry...


Xu Xin took a long puff of cigarette.

Long streams of smoke were exhaled.

Thousands of mountains see each other off, so don’t you have to walk alone?

I really hope that such scenery comes soon.

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