I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 743 Beauty No. 74071

Chapter 743 Beauty No. 740.71

"OH hey, hello, director. Nice to meet you."

Looking at the bearded bald man who extended his hand, Xu Xin smiled and shook his hand.

Simon Reyes.

This is the filming team leader and director of photography that Volvo hired to work with Xu Xin.

This guy's reputation in the Hollywood advertising industry is at the upper-middle level. He has experience shooting many Super Bowl commercials and is the leader of Xu Xin's recording team this time.

At this moment, everyone is in the filming area of ​​Universal Studios.

To finally select the advertising shooting locations.

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am."

Hearing this, Yang Mi responded with a smile.

Then, after Simon Reyes said hello to the people at Volvo, he took the notebook from his assistant.

Xu Xin is the director. He is the director of photography and the person in charge. He must communicate with Xu Xin about the shooting.

At this moment, Xu Xin and he were standing in front of a road that looked like an ordinary street.

There are still workers working on both sides of the road, hanging one detachable green screen panel on the surrounding buildings.

"Director, let's first confirm the location. It's this street, right?"

At this time, Ai Qing has to come on stage.

Hearing her translation, Xu Xin nodded, glanced at the photos in his notebook, and said directly:

"Our film is divided into three parts. One part is here."

After pointing at the hotel scenery behind him and comparing it with the content in the opponent's information book, Xu Xin pointed at the entrance of the hotel:

"This is part of it, and then there's the exterior. The most important thing about the exterior is the street lights. The street light explosions, and the special effects on the vehicles."

"OK, no problem. The vehicle models will arrive at the scene in the afternoon. Will all the green screens and vehicles be produced with special effects by then?"

Hearing Reyes' words, Xu Xin nodded:

"That's right. This is the first part. The second part is the content inside the car. I need three close-ups, one is from the angle of the back seat to see the central control interior in front, and the other is when the actor gives some close-ups of the vehicle. Close-up shooting, the third part is the normal switching shot in the car..."

"OK, no problem..."

Reyes nodded while quickly writing down something in his notebook.

"The third part is a classic Matrix routine, with the FBI wearing a suit and a single earphone..."

After hearing Ai Qing's translation, Reyes showed a knowing smile:

"Yes, director, ruthless Mr. Smith."

"Oh yes, there is also the girl in the red dress in the movie. I need a perfect back view..."

"Of course, I have prepared the audition in advance according to your information as the director. It will be in the afternoon. Director, do you need to be there in person?"


I have to admit that the work outsourced by Reyes' company is really meticulous.

After Xu Xin sent the information to Volvo in advance, the other party arranged everything in an orderly manner.

From actor auditions to venue construction and other preliminary preparations, Xu Xin didn't have to worry about it.

When the two of them were confirming the project at the entrance of the set hotel, they had already begun to set up camera positions there.

By the time the two of them checked out today's schedule, the plane seats had already been set up.

And an XC90 used for simulated shooting also drove over.

So, Xu Xin started looking for a camera.

From the wiring to the fixed position of the camera, after everything was done, it was almost noon.

Xu Xin continued to chat with Reyes and the two engineers sent by Volvo about the content he needed to shoot.

Because there is a close-up and it is not night time.

What everyone is discussing is the picture of the interior.

Although Volvo has provided more than 17 interior colors and samples, only Xu Xin can see it in person before deciding which color to use.

Faced with this sample board of interior colors, Xu Xin finally chose the mainstream models with four interior colors: Crystal White, Twilight Copper, Birch Silver, and Sea Rock Gray.

At night, these cars will drive over, and cameras will confirm one by one.

All I can say is that although the advertisement is small, it has all the essentials.

The preparation is no less than a huge crew.

The morning has passed as said.

At noon, everyone had dinner at a Japanese restaurant near Universal Studios.

After finishing the meal, the time just came to early 1 o'clock. Xu Xin followed Reyes to the audition hall that had been prepared in advance.

In fact, Xu Xin was not used to this rhythm.

It’s hot in Los Angeles, who doesn’t want to take a lunch break in the middle of the day?

It just so happens that there is no lunch break in Hollywood.

Like a ruthless but extremely precise machine, with the rotation of the gears, world-famous projects have been hatched one after another.

When he arrived at the temporarily rented audition hall office building outside Universal Studios, as the elevator door opened, a smell of... a mixture of various perfumes hit his face.

Hao Xuan was stunned.

There must be... at least seventy or eighty girls, all wearing cool clothes, sitting or standing waiting in the hall.

And when they saw that the person who came was not an actor who had auditioned like them, many girls subconsciously raised their chests and raised their heads, showing off their best sides.

"The Lady in the Red Dress", this character is definitely familiar to the audience of "The Matrix".

Although it is just a program that simulates scenes, when it first appeared, the touch of red among all the creatures in the movie was really impressive.

Now that he has obtained the copyright to "The Matrix", Xu Xin will naturally not miss this classic scene.

However, in the movie, the girl in the red dress will appear in a restaurant as an embellishment.

And there is no frontal view, only a close-up of the back.

Therefore, Xu Xin's requirement this time is "actors with beautiful backs."

It's just...he was surprised that so many people came to audition.

And the clothes these girls wore were indeed too cool.

It's not about how revealing it is, but it's about their choice of clothing. They are basically bikini tops.

And most of the choices are uniform.

The front is covered, and the back is connected with a ribbon.

At first glance, I thought she was some kind of beach model.

But if a pervert comes over at this moment, if nothing else, just walk around the backs of these girls, as long as they are not tied with a tight knot, then...

That scene was so shocking.

Therefore, although Xu Xin was well-informed in this scene, he also showed a hint of surprise.

And, you have to admit it.

There are many beauties.

With this hint of surprise, he walked directly into the audition room under the guidance of Reyes.

There was a stack of information on the table in the audition room.

But they are all in English.

So Ai Qing also stayed.

"Director, coffee or tea?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin knew that it was time to practice his English again.

So he said to the secretary:

"Hot water, pour it into the cup, fill it up, thank you."

As he spoke, he handed over his thermos cup.

Then he didn't forget to "overstep his authority" and took the thermos cup in his wife's hand and handed it over:

"Same goes for this cup."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes again.

Soon, the secretary took a tray, including two thermos cups, and served drinks to everyone, and the time was almost up.

Reyes asked Xu Xin:

"Director, can we start?"

"OK, order, from No. 1 to No. 5... During the audition, turn around slowly and finally turn your back to me."

Understanding what Xu Xin meant, the staff nodded:


Then walked out.

Soon, the door was opened by the staff, and starting from 001, a total of five girls came in.

After these five girls came in, there was no feeling of embarrassment. They looked very generous and decent even in bikinis.

After Xu Xin compared the information in front of him and saw from the artistic photos that the faces of these five people were correct, he nodded to the staff.

The staff member said:

"Please turn around in a circle and finally turn your back to the director."

Following his words, the five girls began to turn around slowly, and when they turned around, each of them tried their best to show off all the advantages of their bodies.

That career line is so crowded.

And when the five people finally turned their backs to Xu Xin, the girl No. 4 suddenly reached behind her and pulled on her bikini bra string...



The muscles in the couple's cheeks began to twitch.

But that's not all.

The most important thing is that several other girls noticed No. 4's actions... Although the time was not synchronized, everyone untied their bikini bra strings sooner or later.

Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with this.

Because Xu Xin’s requirement for the girl in the red dress is that when the commercial shoot comes, she must wear a backless red dress, with her back shining brightly in the light as she stands in front of the restaurant window. Finally, the XC90 passes in front of her. Sparks and lightning drove past.

Although the bikini's breast string is very slender, it is definitely not as detailed as the back and you can't observe anything...

But as a reserved and restrained Chinese person, Xu Xin would naturally not think about taking advantage of other actors because this kind of shot has a greater symbolic meaning than thematic meaning.

So there is no requirement for this at all.

But they have already solved it.

What to do?

Just look.

Look, observe.


Tentatively, it overlapped with the back of the "girl in red dress" in my heart.

turn out……

After this batch failed, he said directly:

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

After saying that, he lowered his head.

Then, from the corner of his eye, he noticed that No. 4 turned around the fastest...

If he hadn't lowered his head earlier, this girl would have really been exposed by him.

But Yang Mi didn't have so many taboos.

They are all women, what should I be afraid of?

Yo, this breast shape is good.

Hey, why is this so small?

Oops, this one is so big, it’s drooping...

From being surprised at the "boldness" of these girls at the beginning, to realizing the little thoughts of No. 4's audition, to watching the four girls retying their bikinis as if they were watching the fun.

She patted her husband's arm in a tacit understanding.

Needless to say, Xu Xin raised his head naturally.

Then, looking at the four girls, he smiled and nodded:

"That's it."

And when he inevitably looked at each other with the flaxen-haired girl on No. 4, Xu Xin lowered his head again and began to sort out the information when he saw the excitement in the girl's eyes.

Seeing this, Yang Mi said directly:

"You can leave. We will contact your agent after making a decision."

The five girls nodded and left.

Yang Mi said to the staff again:

"David, wait a minute."

After hearing this, the staff member named David waited for the five girls to leave and then closed the door.

But Yang Mi looked at Xu Xin.

After seeing her husband nod, she said:

"Tell the next group of actors that they don't need to take off their clothes, just show their backs according to the audition requirements."


David nodded and walked out.

Then Yang Mi said:

"I found that their skin was quite rough."


Xu Xin nodded slightly.

"It doesn't have that sense of refinement. Maybe the camera would look better, but it's really unsatisfactory to the naked eye."

"But his style is so bold. Hey, I quite like No. 4's little ideas."


Xu Xin didn't respond.


This is the 12th floor.

A half-step collapse of the fist, and he became "Ah~~~~~Pa".

Soon, the door was pushed open again, and No. 6 to 10 walked in.

After seeing these five people, Xu Xin waved his hand and said:

"Change a batch."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes again.

For this audition, Xu Xin still followed his custom and divided it into two rounds.

According to the information, a total of 107 people came to audition for the role of the girl in red, in groups of 5, which was quite fast.

Around 3:30, all 107 people auditioned.

24 people stayed.

Then start the second round.

There were 24 people in groups of 12, lined up in a row, with their backs to Xu Xin, revealing their own unique figures.

This time, Xu Xin meditated for a little longer.

After about two minutes, Xu Xin said:

"No. 14, No. 71, and No. 103 stay."

Three bikini girls stayed in the house.

Soon, the second group of 12 people walked in together.

Including these three people, a total of fifteen people lined up in a slightly crowded line again.

"No. 71, No. 22, No. 103, No. 56, and No. 82 are staying. Others can leave."

Hearing this, the girls whose names were not called were filled with regret.

And after looking at these people with envy, they filed away.

Finally, these five nervous-looking girls were the only ones left in the room.

Still turning around slowly, he finally turned his back to Xu Xin.

But this time, Xu Xin took longer to think.

After a while, Xu Xin finally said:

"No. 71 and No. 103 are staying. Thank you three ladies for your hard work."

This time, Xu Xin could clearly see a look of disappointment in the eyes of the three people.

But there is no way...

This is the audition.

If someone wins, someone will lose.

But with only two people left, Xu Xin no longer needed to look at their backs.

Directly turned the two girls around.

The two girls could tell...when facing this unfamiliar Asian director, there was already a hint of nervousness in their eyes.

Xu Xin was still sitting on the chair, pursed his lips, and stared at the two of them without saying a word.



Frankly speaking, both girls fit the bill.

It was really hard for him to choose for a while.

Observe carefully and think slowly.

Time passes minute by minute.

In the end, Xu Xin finally decided on the candidate he wanted.

"terribly sorry."



When Xu Xin said "SORRY", the two girls were already nervous and their hearts were in their throats.


"Both of them are very suitable for this role. My choice is very simple..."

As he said that, Xu Xin picked up a piece of information, glanced at the name on it, raised his head and looked in one direction:

"No. 71, Miss Margot Robbie, this role is yours."

It can be said that No. 71, who was selected by Xu Xin all the way from the first round, broke out of the tight encirclement. Margot Robbie, who was born in 1990, was stunned, and then in the disappointed eyes of No. 103, she said generously. He opened his arms to the other party.

Gave the other person a comforting hug.

Then, she generously covered her chest with her hands and bowed to Xu Xin:

"Thank you, director."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

Then he turned to look at Reyes.

Simon Reyes was surprised, but not surprised, and just shrugged when facing Xu Xin's gaze.

You are the director, you have the final say.

Seeing this, Xu Xin turned to look at his wife again.

Yang Mi's reaction was much more straightforward.

"Well, it's indeed sexy and suitable."

Today it’s 10,000. Waist discomfort~

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